Archiv: Wahrnehmungs-Management / perception management

10.11.2024 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

When Did Liberals Become So Comfortable With War?

First, history has shown that governments and bureaucracies tend to become addicted to a war footing, with failure sucking them in further — think of America’s war on terror, or Vietnam. War encourages a perverse cycle of escalation in which huge financial and political gains accrue for governments and the military-industrial complex while the costs tend to be borne by weaker parties — before they start to come home in some shape or form.

We’ve called this bipartisan pattern “wreckonomics” and have found it especially present in wars or conflicts with costs that Western politicians can largely outsource — from fighting terrorism, drugs and smugglers to quasi-colonial interventions during the Cold War.

06.10.2024 - 22:00 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Never Let Your Government Tell You Who Your Enemies Are

Our real enemies are in Washington and London and Tel Aviv. In Berlin and Paris and Canberra. In secretive government agencies in the state of Virginia, and in imperial propaganda institutions in New York and Hollywood.

21.09.2024 - 12:20 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Bürgerrat“ fordert: „Desinformation“ soll strafbar werden

Ein „Bürgerrat“ für „Maßnahmen gegen Desinformation“ hat die „Prüfung einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung und/oder Sanktionierung der Verbreitung von Desinformation“ empfohlen, außerdem solle ein freiwilliges Gütesiegel für „qualitativen Journalismus“ eingeführt werden, wie Medien berichten. Eine „unabhängige Stelle“ solle für das Siegel Kriterien entwickeln und es an Verlage und Medienhäuser vergeben, heißt es im „Bürgergutachten zum Umgang mit Desinformation“, das am Donnerstag Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser übergeben wurde, wie Bertelsmann in einer Mitteilung erklärte.

Weitere Vorschläge des Rates sind unter anderem eine Überprüfung von Beiträgen durch Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), bevor diese veröffentlicht werden; verpflichtende Lektionen zu „Medienkompetenz“ bei Elternabenden; ein („beispielsweise von Correctiv“) erstelltes „Desinformationsranking“ und viele andere

14.09.2024 - 22:38 [ Reuters ]

New Israeli poll shows Netanyahu‘s party advancing

Netanyahu‘s right-wing coalition with a clutch of nationalist-religious and ultra-Orthodox parties would lose any election held now, with 53 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 58 for the main opposition bloc, according to the poll.

31.08.2024 - 19:15 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Do Something Every Day To Help De-Normalize The Abuses Of The Empire

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize.


Denormalize poverty.

Denormalize injustice and inequality.

Denormalize the ruined buildings and ruined bodies in Gaza.

Denormalize the nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.

Denormalize the destruction of our biosphere in the ravages of ecocidal capitalism.

Denormalize the surging authoritarianism we’re experiencing as the empire works frantically to stomp out dissent.

Denormalize the war machinery rolling out around the world, and the increasingly militarized police forces in our streets.

Denormalize the psychopathy of the politicians and government officials who cheerfully serve the empire in facilitation of these horrors.

Denormalize the way media and government institutions controlled by the powerful work to manipulate the way we think and perceive every day of our fucking lives for the benefit of the powerful.

01.05.2024 - 18:10 [ Associated Press ]

The Latest | Blinken says Israel will open a major aid crossing into hard-hit northern Gaza

Here’s the latest:

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, told The Associated Press late Tuesday that the vote will take place on May 10.

09.04.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare

A copy of the „90-page psychological warfare manual“ produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for Nicaraguan rebels in the late 1970s or early 1980s

09.04.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

The Psyops Manual The CIA Gave To Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers


During the U.S. government‘s decade-long support of the Contra rebels who waged an armed campaign against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, the CIA funneled all manner of assistance to the anti-socialist “freedom fighters,” from training and financial assistance to covert operations. The original “advise and assist” mission was a disaster in retrospect, spurring all manner of human rights violations as well as the modern crack cocaine scourge. But the CIA aid program’s most fascinating product might be the batshit crazy psychological warfare manual cooked up for the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.

19.03.2024 - 20:26 [ White House ]

Readout of President Biden’s Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel

The President affirmed the need to defeat Hamas in Gaza while also protecting the civilian population and facilitating the safe and unhindered delivery of assistance throughout Gaza. The President and Prime Minster agreed to have their teams meet soon in Washington to exchange views and discuss alternative approaches that would target key elements of Hamas and secure the Egypt-Gaza border without a major ground operation in Rafah.

19.03.2024 - 20:05 [ Axios ]

Scoop: Biden privately told Bibi he‘s not trying to push him out

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in a briefing with reporters on Monday that Netanyahu „did raise his concerns about a variety of things that have come out in the American press.“

Sullivan added that from Biden‘s perspective „this is not a question of politics. It‘s not a question of public statements. It‘s a question of policy and strategy.“

One source said the fact that Netanyahu aired his grievances with Biden helped to somewhat clear the atmosphere.

21.02.2024 - 15:15 [ ]

Privacy-oriented X front-end Nitter is shutting down following changes to guest accounts


Although some Nitter instances are currently still operational, it is anticipated they will cease functioning shortly as they expire. This development leaves those who were using Nitter to monitor or follow X/Twitter users without an account with fewer options.

06.01.2024 - 05:12 [ CNN ]

Supreme Court agrees to decide whether Trump can be barred from holding office

The high court’s decision to hear the case puts the nine justices squarely in the middle of the 2024 election as voting starts in the early primary contests and represents the court’s most significant involvement in a presidential race since its highly consequential decision 23 years ago in Bush v. Gore.

28.12.2023 - 15:20 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

In Hebrew @naftalibennett acknowledges Israeli General Barak Hiram Hannibal’d 13 hostages, burning to death 12-year-old Liel Hatsroni, but in English he still claims “She was murdered just because she’s Jewish” by “Hamas monsters” so “Nobody should ask us to stop” genociding Gaza

11.11.2023 - 11:17 [ Edward Dowd / Twitter ]

If you haven’t been aware of the totalitarian tip toe & full spectrum deception these last few years…you are likely still in the grasps of normalcy bias. Good luck to you.

06.11.2023 - 02:42 [ Fox News ]

CNN panelists sound alarm on ‚really scary‘ poll showing Biden trailing Trump in key states

„It’s really scary for me,“ she said. „Because here is deal. Perception is reality. And so when you look at the data provided in this poll, it takes about how people feel. And when people decide whether their going to the poll or not going to the poll, it is all about how you feel in that moment. And so while the facts may not align with their feelings, they’re feelings are dictating their reality, their reality is that they feel better or felt better when Trump was in office.“

She said Democrats were trying to push back and argued that it was an issue of „perception.“ Crockett also said people didn‘t understand civics in this country.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett

19.10.2023 - 08:41 [ ]

Perception played central role in Gaza war before first shot fired


In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the clock. They closely monitor the prevailing mood and public discourse and react accordingly to raise awareness and, most importantly, to influence the worldviews of millions of people. Sometimes it succeeds, and sometimes it doesn‘t. But the insight in the Israeli security establishment is that this arena cannot be left without a response and without proper, continuous handling.

19.10.2023 - 08:32 [ Yousef Munayyer / Twitter ]

„In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the influence the worldviews of millions of people.“

13.10.2023 - 18:07 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Patrik Baab: „Der Journalismus taugt nicht mehr als Informationsquelle“

Der Journalismus ist im postfaktischen Zeitalter angekommen, er taugt nicht mehr als Informationsquelle, wohl aber als Mittel zur Mobilisierung und Monetarisierung von Ressentiments. Personalisieren, skandalisieren, denunzieren – das ersetzt Recherche und bedient die niedersten Instinkte der Nutzer. Wir sind angekommen in der Öffentlichkeit bedingter Reflexe, in der Ressentiments zu Geld gemacht werden. (…)

Wie kann man als kritischer Journalist diese Herausforderungen bewältigen? Es scheint ja immer eine Art „Grenzgang“ zu sein: sich einerseits „einzulassen“ und dann aber andererseits eben doch genügend Distanz zu halten und der Öffentlichkeit Informationen zu präsentieren, die die jeweilige Seite nicht präsentiert sehen möchte.

Das habe ich gerade beschrieben. Sie reden mit beiden Seiten, lassen sich mit beiden Seiten ein und verstehen als Erstes einmal, das unsere Lebenserfahrungen unseren Blick auf die Welt prägen und deshalb Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen die Welt verschieden deuten. Ich kenne das aus dem deutsch-französischen Grenzraum, wo ich herkomme. Wenn beide Seiten Tote in der Familie haben, dann wird es mehrere Generationen dauern, bis man sich wieder über den Weg traut. Erst die übernächste oder die dritte Generation danach kommt mit den Traumata zurecht. Es hat keinen Sinn, Menschen mit traumatischen Erfahrungen mit Besserwisserei oder politischer Parteinahme, schon gar nicht mit identitärem Geschwafel zu kommen. Sie müssen akzeptieren, dass dieser Krieg auch dazu führt, dass man hüben und drüben in unterschiedlichen Welten lebt. Denn man neigt dazu, nur die eigenen Toten zu sehen.

29.09.2023 - 04:28 [ Associated Press ]

Burkina Faso’s junta says its intelligence and security services have foiled a coup attempt

(September 28, 2023)

Since the country’s first coup in January 2022, the number of people killed by Islamic extremists has nearly tripled compared with the 18 months before, according to a recent report by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

24.09.2023 - 00:58 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu says Israel nears normalization deal with Saudi Arabia but refuses to outline concessions to Palestinians

In an interview with Fox News, bin Salman added that he hopes the deal will “reach a place that will ease the life of the Palestinians” – but stopped short of calling for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, which has been Riyadh’s official stance for two decades.

Netanyahu has made tightening relations with Saudi Arabia a linchpin of his premiership, although it is unclear what kind of concessions toward Palestinians would be allowed by his right-wing coalition.

21.09.2023 - 22:12 [ ]

Saudi crown prince says in rare interview ‚every day we get closer‘ to normalization with Israel

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters before the interview was shown that it was best for the leaders of Israel and Saudi Arabia „to speak to how close they think they are, and where they think they are“ in the process.

„Obviously, we encourage normalization. We think it‘s good not just for Israel and Saudi Arabia, we think it‘s good for the whole region,“ Kirby said.

11.09.2023 - 18:43 [ LA Times ]

Previously classified documents released by U.S. show knowledge of 1973 Chile coup

(Aug. 29, 2023)

Every once in a while, the voices of ghosts emerge to reveal dark chapters in U.S. political history.

The State Department with the CIA last week declassified two 50-year-old documents that had been withheld from public view that shed new light on the military coup in Chile that overthrew the country’s elected president.


The full extent of the role of the CIA and other U.S. players in the Chile coup has long been debated. While the Nixon administration was not thought to have had a direct hand in executing the coup, it appeared to fit the pattern of numerous so-called regime changes the U.S. clandestinely engineered over the decades in Latin America, Iran and beyond.

07.09.2023 - 21:13 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Krieg ohne Krieger – oder: Das phantomhafte Töten und Sterben an der Front

Nicht nur die USA, auch die manifest kriegführenden Akteure in der Ukraine haben aus dem seinerzeitigen ‚Informationsdesaster‘ der US-Army und ihrer GIs im Vietnamkrieg gelernt: Damals lieferten mutige Kriegsberichterstatter noch weitestgehend unzensierte Bilder vom Morden, vom Töten und vom Sterben direkt von der Front frei Haus, die weltweit über die Bildschirme flimmerten und auf den Titelseiten der tonangebenden Zeitungen erschienen – und vor allem die junge Generation in den Ländern des Westens zu Protest- und Verweigerungsaktionen auf die Straße trieben. Spätestens seit dem Golfkrieg 1991 werden wir, wenn überhaupt, nur noch mit – den Militärs und Machthabern genehmen – klinisch-reinen Bildern und Filmen von „Embedded Journalists“ beliefert.

03.07.2023 - 11:47 [ Daniel Neun / Tadio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront

(7. Juni 2017)

„Surkow kam ursprünglich aus der Theater-Welt. Und diejenigen die seine Karriere studierten, sagten, was er tat war, Avantgarde-Ideen aus dem Theater zu nehmen und sie in das Herz der Politik zu überführen. Surkows Ziel war es nicht nur Leute zu manipulieren, sondern tiefer zu gehen und mit ihrer Wahrnehmung der Welt zu spielen und diese zu unterminieren, damit sie niemals sicher sind was wirklich geschieht.

Surkow veränderte die russische Politik in ein verwirrendes, sich permanent veränderndes Theaterstück. Er nutzte Geld des Kremls um alle Arten von Gruppen zu sponsorn: von antifaschistischen Massenjugendorganisationen zu derem völligen Gegenstück: Neonazi-Skinheads, sowie liberalen Menschenrechtsgruppen, welche dann die Regierung attackierten. Surkow unterstützte sogar ganze politische Parteien, welche in Opposition zu Präsident Putin standen.

Doch die entscheidende Sache war, dass Surkow anschließend bekannt werden ließ, dass er dies tat – was bedeutete, dass keiner sicher war was echt und was gefälscht war im modernen Russland. Wie ein Journalist es formulierte: Es ist eine Strategie der Macht, die jedwede Opposition konstant verwirrt hält. Eine unaufhörliche Formwandlung, die unaufhaltsam ist, weil sie undefinierbar ist.”

30.06.2023 - 20:25 [ ]

Sprachmodelle: KI schreibt überzeugende Falschmeldungen

Im Mittelpunkt der Debatte über künstliche Intelligenz (KI) steht auch die Sorge vor automatisch generierter Falschinformation. Wie berechtigt diese ist, untermauert eine aktuelle Studie, wonach KI-generierte Texte in sozialen Netzwerken oft glaubwürdiger erscheinen als jene von Menschen.

25.06.2023 - 17:55 [ ]

Part 2: The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA

Part 2 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

25.06.2023 - 16:41 [ ]

Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

08.06.2023 - 03:37 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Bundesregierung erklärt Zahlungen an Journalisten von ARD, ZDF und Deutsche Welle zur geheimen „Verschlusssache“

Anfang März 2023 war zunächst bekannt geworden, dass die Bundesregierung in den letzten Jahren rund 1,5 Millionen Euro an circa 200 Journalisten, mehrheitlich bei ARD und ZDF beschäftigt, für diverse Aufträge wie beispielsweise „Moderation“ oder „Konzepterstellung“ gezahlt hatte. Kanzleramt und Ministerien räumten zwar die Zahlungen ein, hielten aber bisher die Namen der Journalisten mit Verweis auf „Datenschutz“ anonymisiert. Diese Namen liegen jetzt den NachDenkSeiten vor.

08.06.2023 - 03:02 [ Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft ]

Defense Contractor Funded Think Tanks Dominate Ukraine Debate

Few Americans know what a think tank is or does, although they play a pivotal role in the U.S. political process.2 Think tanks operate as something of a conduit between academia and the policymaking community, conducting research and opining on pressing policy issues, including everything from healthcare to climate change to U.S. foreign policy. Think tanks also work directly with policymakers in the executive branch and Congress. Their experts regularly testify before Congress and go on to serve in key positions in the executive branch. Former government officials in turn often go on to work for think tanks, earning them the nickname of “holding tank” where former government officials await a change in party affiliation of Congress or the Presidency.

Of most direct relevance to this brief is the fact that think tanks are a go–to source for media outlets seeking opinions on pressing policy issues. Think tank experts provide the comments and articles you read in prominent national media outlets . They’re the voices you hear providing commentary on NPR, podcasts, and even local radio stations. They’re the faces you see on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC opining on the most pressing U.S. policy issues of the day. In short, think tanks are a key component of public debates about U.S. politics and policy.

28.05.2023 - 11:07 [ Tablet Magazine ]

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century

The first phase of the information war was marked by distinctively human displays of incompetence and brute-force intimidation. But the next stage, already underway, is being carried out through both scalable processes of artificial intelligence and algorithmic pre-censorship that are invisibly encoded into the infrastructure of the internet, where they can alter the perceptions of billions of people.

Something monstrous is taking shape in America. Formally, it exhibits the synergy of state and corporate power in service of a tribal zeal that is the hallmark of fascism. Yet anyone who spends time in America and is not a brainwashed zealot can tell that it is not a fascist country. What is coming into being is a new form of government and social organization that is as different from mid-twentieth century liberal democracy as the early American republic was from the British monarchism that it grew out of and eventually supplanted. A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals, is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms.

01.05.2023 - 11:45 [ Chris Hedges / ]

The Lords of Chaos

(Mar 19, 2023)

A national reckoning with the military fiascos in the Middle East would expose the self-delusion of the ruling class. But this reckoning is not taking place. We are trying to wish the nightmares we perpetuated in the Middle East away, burying them in a collective amnesia. “World War III Begins With Forgetting,” warns Stephen Wertheim.

The celebration of our national “virtue” by pumping weapons into Ukraine, by sustaining at least 750 military bases in more than 70 countries and by expanding our naval presence in the South China Sea, is meant to fuel this dream of global dominance.

26.04.2023 - 13:43 [ Techdirt ]

Senator Durbin’s ‘STOP CSAM Act’ Has Some Good Ideas… Mixed In With Some Very Bad Ideas That Will Do More Harm Than Good


It’s “protect the children” season in Congress with the return of KOSA and EARN IT, two terrible bills that attack the internet, and rely on people’s ignorance of how things actually work to pretend they’re making the internet safer, when they’re not. Added to this is Senator Dick Durbin’s STOP CSAM Act, which he’s been touting since February, but only now has officially put out a press release announcing the bill (though, he hasn’t released the actual language of the bill, because that would actually be helpful to people analyzing it). (…)

Notice what’s not talked about? It’s not mentioned how much law enforcement has done to actually track down, arrest, and prosecute the perpetrators. That’s the stat that matters. But it’s missing.

10.04.2023 - 09:41 [ ]

Rise of the Political Technologists: „Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible“ by Peter Pomerantsev

(May 22, 2015)

The conflict in Ukraine bears many hallmarks of Surkov‘s work. He even published a short story (under a transparent pseudonym, of course) about the possibilities of what he termed ‚non-linear war‘. In this constructed and stage-managed media landscape, Ukrainian officials and MPs are derided as fascists; the Russian soldiers fighting and dying in Ukraine are actually freedom fighters, defending the creation of ‚Novorossiya‘ – or they are not there at all; and, perhaps worst of all, the whole conflict was actually the result of Western expansion, of US imperialism.

10.04.2023 - 09:26 [ ]

The Hidden Author of Putinism: How Vladislav Surkov invented the new Russia

(November 7, 2014)

They repeat the great mantras of the era: The president is the president of “stability,” the antithesis to the era of “confusion and twilight” in the 1990s. “Stability”—the word is repeated again and again in a myriad seemingly irrelevant contexts until it echoes and tolls like a great bell and seems to mean everything good; anyone who opposes the president is an enemy of the great God of “stability.” “Effective manager,” a term quarried from Western corporate speak, is transmuted into a term to venerate the president as the most “effective manager” of all. “Effective” becomes the raison d’être for everything: Stalin was an “effective manager” who had to make sacrifices for the sake of being “effective.” The words trickle into the streets: “Our relationship is not effective” lovers tell each other when they break up. “Effective,” “stability”: No one can quite define what they actually mean, and as the city transforms and surges, everyone senses things are the very opposite of stable, and certainly nothing is “effective,” but the way Surkov and his puppets use them the words have taken on a life of their own and act like falling axes over anyone who is in any way disloyal.

10.04.2023 - 07:03 [ Sam Johnson / Youtube ]

HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis | FULL DOCUMENTARY

The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.

10.04.2023 - 06:50 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront

(7. Juni 2017)

Folgende Beispiele sind entnommen der Dokumentation „Hypernormalisation“ des britischen Journalisten, Regisseurs und Genies Adam Curtis aus dem Jahre 2016, welche untenstehend eingebettet ist.

Ohne auf alle in der Dokumentation dargestellten Entwicklungen und Hintergründe einzugehen, beleuchtet diese u.a. die jahrzehntelange Taktik des „Wahrnehmungs-Managements“ (perception management), die Manipulation der Öffentlichen Meinung, die Lenkung vermeintlich verfeindeter oder sich gegenseitig bekriegender Gruppen durch die gleiche Hand (befördert durch die Unfähigkeit zu dreidimensionalem Verständnis von Politik, links vs rechts, progressiv vs reaktionär, oben vs unten) die gezielte Konfusion jedweder Opposition und die permanente Formwandlung der Macht und der Mächtigen, um sie nicht greifbar und damit unangreifbar erscheinen zu lassen.

Die untenstehenden und in der Dokumentation über die Jahrzehnte genannten Beispiele sind im Zuge der Entwicklung von informationstechnischer Technologie, weltweitem Einsickern von kapitalistischen (Denk)Strukturen und deren Verschmelzung (“Globalisierung”), sowie Terrorkrieg in den letzten bald sechzehn Jahren praktisch auf jedes Land bzw jede Region übertragbar.

10.04.2023 - 06:39 [ Haaretz ]

The Leaked Pentagon Memo: Russia’s Chaos Tactics Strike Israel‘s Mossad

Most probably, the U.S. intelligence community is not bugging its Israeli counterpart. But, as always, intelligence communities like to take known information from open sources and rephrase it to make it look like it’s secret.

22.03.2023 - 18:52 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Army Conducted Online Psy-op Against Israeli Public During Gaza War

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit also intended to use social media influencers in order to sway Israeli public opinion.

It is unclear if the IDF paid the Instagram account holders for their services. According to a source familiar with the inner workings of the unit, this is not the only time such cooperation has taken place.

02.03.2023 - 14:00 [ ABC News ]

Moldova: Anti-government protest stirs fears of more unrest

It is the second anti-government rally held in Chisinau in two weeks and comes amid growing concerns of attempts to destabilize Moldova, Ukraine’s neighbor.

On Feb. 13, President Sandu outlined what she claimed was an alleged plot by Moscow to overthrow the government in order to put the nation “at the disposal of Russia,” and to derail it from its course to one day join the 27-nation E.U. Russia strongly rejected her claims.