Switching back to time zone MEZ
Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie is switching back to time zone MEZ resp. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) +1 (Berlin time).
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie is switching back to time zone MEZ resp. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) +1 (Berlin time).
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
For technical reasons, we are switching to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Standard resp. the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone. Best wishes from the bridge.
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Aus technischen Gründen wechseln wir zum Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Standard bzw der Zeitzone Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Beste Grüße von der Brücke.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Democracy first, technics last. Whatever. Best wishes from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie is active again. Catching up with current events…
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Due to the litte usual stuff (german tech) there was some kind of stop in our news update system. The problem is fixed and the news agency is working. Best wished from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
– all single feeds for our 10.000+ tags are now deactivated. – of course, the main news feed stays operational (RSS / Atom). – you can embed our news feed on your website or into a desktop widget (embed code here). Best wishes from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
We are still enhancing our technical capabilities. Best wishes from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
One of the most important UN resolutions – we mentioned it yesterday – is to be voted on today or tomorrow (unclear). But it is still hidden by those who bring it into the UN General Assembly and by the United Nations Organization itself. That is bonkers. Mildly spoken. Currently, on the UN website: „The General Assembly has resumed its 10th emergency special session on the issue of Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Palestine has introduced a draft resolution that demands an end to the occupation within one year. Member States are debating now and will vote on it later in the session. UN News app users can follow live here.“ Followed by – news from May. And again – more nothing on Wafa.ps. Bonkers. Completely bonkers. So – no news today. update 23.30 MEZ: We found it. In the UN Library with six years outdated encryption.
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
Anadolu has seen it. Reuters has seen it. A resolution, the so-called „Palestine Authority“ would „likely“ bring into the United Nations General Assembly. Alleged content: the Israeli occupation force has to leave Palestine within a year (and therefor 58 years too late). Now – where is the resolution? Nothing on the website of the „Palestinian Authority“. Nothing at the UN. Simply nowhere to be found. And the only public available source that is reporting the timeline of voting in the United Nations Assembly is Israeli media, namely Israel Hayom. So, either the „Palestinian Authority“ is keeping its norm as a bunch of either complete subjects and failures – there is no reason to keep your own resolution hidden before the public, if there is nothing to hide – or there is no such resolution; there will be no corresponding vote in the UN General Assembly. That would be another sadist fascist trickery against the Palestinian People, justice, world order and humanity as a whole. So, we wait. You keep on chatting about the FBI‘s new assassin clothes, floods, VIPs and stuff. See you in public opinion.
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
– as you can see, we are still updating and configuring. – stay tuned. Best wishes from the bridge,
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
To cut a long story short: – our hoster lost a server somewhere on a farm, shortly before an update. – hoster‘s daily backups of a week didn‘t work. – it was all coincidence. – this news agency been has been restored with a backup of May 2024. And we are supposed to be lucky. If you have the opportunity: do not use German tech or infrastructure. Just don´t do that. note: „Going south“ was yesterday. „Going west“ is the adequate formula.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Unfortunately, this agency was offline in these decisive days. Technical issues, mildly spoken, are the price everyone has to pay in the free press. To everyone of us: Bonne Chance!
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
– due to technical issues, Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie has been inactive for about a week. Ask no more.
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– main RSS and atom feed of this news agency were malfunctional for some time – problem has been fixed, feeds are operational again. Best regard from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
On September 19, 2023, the UK House of Commons passed the so-called „online safety bill“. This law puts everyone in reach, not just in Britain, under arbitary espionage by maximum cynic dialectic excuses (abuse of power because of abuse of power).
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Obviously, spies are trying to infiltrate Israel´s Democracy Movement that resists the judicial coup of Benyamin Netanyahu´s extreme right-wing government. That spies agenda seems to follow some „broad consensus“ of Mossad and CIA, demanded by US state leadership, to keep situation under control and safequard geostrategic goals. An analysis and prognosis.
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
check this out, dumbass.
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
– child porn – animal porn – spy shit – illegally and arbitrarily stolen communications, secrets, private information and other intellectual, creative, spiritual and personal property (formely called thoughts, identity, mind and soul, and stuff) – deceitful law drafts, that potentially could be talked into parliamentarian dummies, in order to sell those laws on the other hand to a bunch of idiots as some kind of aid, protection or rescue for anybody, so that everybody´s applauding when they are subjected to an electronic colony, police state and feudalism. And remember: if they are progessives, they let you do it!
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
Due to third party technical failure, Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie has been inactive for two days. What a hackshow. Work has been resumed. For now.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
– hacking attempts – provider malfunctions – operational work resumed. Best regards from the bridge.
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Aufgrund technischer Schwierigkeiten seitens des Providers war die Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie in den letzten Tagen mehrfach inaktiv. Wie Radio Utopie mitgeteilt wurde, handelte es sich nicht von außen verursachte Probleme, welche mittlerweile behoben wurden.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
– technical glitch – backup delay – no hack. Technics happens.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
„Hä?“, „Wie?“, „Was?“, „Wo?“: Archiv des 5. September 2021.
Categorized as: Uncategorized
Hinweis von Daniel Neun, Gründer und Betreiber der Medienstation Radio Utopie. – falls Ihr über einzelne Meldungen verwirrt oder im Unklaren seid, schaut direkt auf die Nachrichtenseite und achtet auf Datum der Meldung und auf die Schlagworte. Diese sind oft informativ und stellen den Kontext her. Zudem können die Schlagworte geklickt und die letzten 200 Meldungen dazu eingesehen werden. – stellt Eure Leseprogramme („Feed Reader“), wenn Ihr diese denn nutzen wollt, so ein, dass auch die Textauszüge („snippets“) des Nachrichtenfeeds angezeigt werden. – so Ihr Eure Daten nicht an die Monopole (Google / Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple, etc) abliefern wollt, setzt unsere Seite und den Nachrichtenfeed direkt in die Lesezeichen Eurer Internetprogramme („Browser“). – schaut Euch um in der Welt und sagt uns dann, dass unsere Arbeit sowieso sinnlos ist. Wir hören das seit 20 Jahren Krieg und bald anderthalb Jahren Ausnahmezustand. Aber dann lest gefälligst woanders. Wenn Ihr unsere Arbeit wertschätzt, dann unterstützt uns, auch indem Ihr auf uns positiv hinweist und uns verlinkt. Beste Grüße von der Brücke!
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
We fixed a truly unnecessary mistake and finally switched to a new TLS certificate (for HTTPS connections). Though from now on we „only“ encrypt with a common „Let´s Encryot“ RSA 2048 bits key, your data (and ours) should be safe by additional measures.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Our malfuntion has been fixed. We resume work. Best regards from the bridge.
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This is Houston. We have a problem. We are working on fixing it. Until then, we stop. We keep you updated.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Die Fehlfunktion bei den Schlagwörtern (tags) ist behoben. Leser/innen können nun unter den entsprechenden Schlagwörtern die letzten 200 eingestellten Nachrichten sehen, zum Beispiel zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl (en / de). Grundsätzlich könnt Ihr uns jederzeit Probleme melden oder Fragen stellen. Schickt uns dazu eine Mail an info(at)radio-utopie.de
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
The keyword / tag malfunction is fixed. Our readers can now find the last 200 entries under the corresponding tags, for example to the run-up of the US Presidential Elections in 2020, to the September / October period or the ongoing endgame. Generally, you can report any problem to us or simply ask questions by sending us a mail to info(at)radio-utopie.de
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Leider gibt es bei den Schlagwörtern eine Fehlfunktion. Zur Zeit ist es für unsere Leser / Leserinnen nicht möglich die unter den entsprechenden Schlagwörtern (tags) eingestellten Nachrichten auf der Webseite aufgelistet zu sehen (wir können es intern). Wir arbeiten daran das Problem zu lösen.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Unfortunately, our keyword / tag system is malfunctioning on the frontend of our website. Therefore our readers cannot see the news listet under the corresponding keywords (we can in the backend.) We are working out the problem.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Note: there is a new navigation settings on NARU (Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie / News Agency Radio Utopie). The homepage has changed to our status reports (like this one). To read the daily news from external sources, just choose Nachrichten / News or the plain ticker in our website navigation.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
NARU (Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie) just published a FAQ and / or some kind of an „About“. Read it.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
In some main feed readers RSS and Atom Feed subscription is only possible if feed URLS appear in the website‘s source code. Accordingly, we have adjusted this. Subscribing should now be possible for all feed reader users. https://nachrichtenagentur.radio-utopie.de/newsagency/feed https://nachrichtenagentur.radio-utopie.de/newsagency/feed/atom
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
After the Iowa fraud and Bernie Sanders‘ Al Gore style capitulation (no recount / „recalculation“ of an in broad daylight rigged caucus) and the deafening silence of each and every progressive lawmaker, even from the Squad, we do not support any candidate in this election and furthermore question its authenticity and legitimacy. From this day on, we will rarely post any news to this election-without-a-choice.
Categorized as: Unvermeidbare Kommentare / inevitable comments
Status Nachrichtenagentur (news agency) Radio Utopie 11.11.2019: – downtime of some two days – technical update implemented – no archive of days Nov 5-10 – work resumed. Best wishes from the bridge.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
About 40 percent of traffic in the public World Wide Web (which is by far the biggest part of the internet) is created by automated programs (bots, spiders, algorithms, etc). Meanwhile – and unfortunaly – also many real users in the World Wide Web use bot-based programs, e.g. special feed readers.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Radio Utopie Nachrichtenagentur (News Agency) Status report 07.06.2019: – plain ticker established. No tags, no (text) snippets, no categories. Embed code display only. Simple overview. Best wishes from the bridge.
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Since the status report on 25.03.2019 we experienced multiple downtimes. We are working on the problem. For now, operations have been resumed.
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– updates implemented
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We experienced a downtime today from around 07.00 to 13.00 MEZ. Work has been resumed.
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Den tatsächlichen und Nutzerinnen und Nutzern unserer Nachrichtenagentur, mit gutem Willen und guten Absichten, wünschen wir frohe Weihnachten. Merry Christmas to our good-willing real users.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Sichten der Nachrichten auf Agenturseite und in eingebettetem Feed temporär unvollständig. Derzeit ist aus technischen Gründen das Sichten der innerhalb der letzten 24 h auf der Nachrichtenagentur eingestellten Nachrichten auf der Agenturseite, sowie im eingebetteten Feed (z.B. auf der Hauptseite radio-utopie.de), unvollständig. Es werden nur die ab dem heutigen 8. September 2018, 08.00 Uhr eingestellten Meldungen angezeigt. Im Archiv des 7. Septembers, sowie im RSS Feed, können die in den letzten 24 h eingestellten Meldungen gesichtet werden.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
After an unannounced 24 h break regular operation procedures have been resumed.
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Nach einer unangekündigten 24 h Pause ist der Normalbetrieb wieder aufgenommen.
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We launched a new version of our news agency (not yet of our Android App NARU).
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Nach der Verbesserung auf Version 2.0 ist das datumsbasierte Archiv der am 29.11.2010 gestarteten Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie (NARU) nun vollständig ins neue Modulsystem geladen. Es umfasst 167.642 Einträge (Stand: 30.03.2018, 18.00 Uhr), die unsere Redaktion seit dem Start per Hand eingestellt hat.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports
Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie (NARU) neu gestartet – neuer Feed – alter Feed wird weitergeleitet, Android App NARU weiterhin angedockt – Seite responsiv / nutzerfreundlich – Postkasten beendet – Archiv bis 2010 oben in der Navigation (wird derzeit nach und nach geladen) – bessere Suchfunktion für die über 167.000 (Zahl korrigiert) per Hand eingestellten Meldungen. Beste Grüße von der Brücke.
Categorized as: Statusmeldungen / Status Reports