Archiv: (epic) failures / success / episches Scheitern / Erfolge

27.01.2025 - 17:17 [ Middle East Eye ]

General‘s plan architect: ‚We are at the mercy of Hamas‘

In an interview with Israeli Army Radio, Eiland said that Israel‘s opening of the Netzarim corridor meant it has lost leverage over Hamas.

22.01.2025 - 20:02 [ Cato Institute ]

The Imperial Presidency and the War on Terror

(March/​April 2006)

Since the start of the war on terror, the Bush administration has singlemindedly advanced the view that, in time of war, the president is the law, and no statute, no constitutional barrier, no coordinate branch of the U.S. government can stand in the president’s way when, by his lights, he is acting to preserve national security. Bush administration officials have argued

– that the president has the inherent constitutional authority to designate American citizens suspected of terrorist activity as “enemy combatants,” strip them of any constitutional protection, and hold them for the duration of the war on terror;
– that the president has the power to ignore validly enacted statutes prohibiting war crimes if he believes those statutes impede his prosecution of the war on terror; and
– that the president has the power to launch invasions of other countries at his discretion, without so much as a by-yourleave to Congress.

In a 1977 interview with David Frost, Richard Nixon described his view of the president’s national security authority: “Well, when the President does it, that means it is not illegal.” In the arguments it has advanced, both publicly and privately, for untrammeled executive power, the Bush administration comes perilously close to that view.

18.01.2025 - 15:32 [ Gallup ]

Support for a Third Political Party in the U.S. Dips to 58%

(October 1, 2024)

Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that a third major party is needed in the U.S. because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people, marking the 12th consecutive majority-level reading in Gallup’s trend that stretches back more than two decades. While down five percentage points from last year’s record high, it is still on par with the average 56% support level over the course of the trend since 2003.

11.01.2025 - 16:08 [ ]

Nach Scheitern der Dreier-Koalition: Karl Nehammer legt auch Nationalratsmandat zurück

Nach dem Kanzleramt und dem ÖVP-Vorsitz gibt Karl Nehammer auch seinen Sitz im Nationalrat auf.

11.01.2025 - 15:30 [ ]

Sullivan calls Yoon‘s martial law bid ‚shocking,‘ ‚wrong,‘ says alliance still set for success despite turmoil

(January 10,2025)

North Korea has so far been largely silent on the domestic turmoil that took hold of South Korea after President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law last year. However, the US is of the view that Pyongyang could exploit this internal chaos

11.01.2025 - 15:17 [ Korea Times ]

South Korea’s political crisis and Uncle Sam’s silence

(January 7, 2025)

Secretary of State Antony Blinken — who was in Seoul this week for meetings as though nothing unusual had happened — released a readout that made no mention of South Korea’s political situation. His response to a direct question about the U.S. position on Yoon’s actions vaguely referenced private intergovernmental discussions before pivoting to boilerplate about democratic resilience. Despite a shocking breach of liberal democracy, Seoul has faced the bare minimum of consequences from its supposed “democratic values-based partner.” Why?

11.01.2025 - 15:08 [ New York Times ]

Impeachment in South Korea Has Cost Washington a Staunch Ally

(December 16, 2024)

President Yoon Suk Yeol has changed the course of South Korea’s diplomacy like no leader before him. He put his country in lock step with the United States by countering North Korea with sanctions and joint military drills. He won Washington’s plaudits when he overcame a century of historical grievances Koreans held against Japan​ and helped lay the ground for trilateral cooperation to deter China.

He sang the praises of Western values such as freedom.

07.01.2025 - 17:56 [ Gallup ]

Support for a Third Political Party in the U.S. Dips to 58%

(October 1, 2024)

Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that a third major party is needed in the U.S. because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people, marking the 12th consecutive majority-level reading in Gallup’s trend that stretches back more than two decades. While down five percentage points from last year’s record high, it is still on par with the average 56% support level over the course of the trend since 2003.

03.01.2025 - 12:27 [ ]

Lead prosecutor in Netanyahu‘s corruption trial, frequent target of rightist attacks, to leave post

Liat Ben Ari complained she hadn‘t received sufficient backing from the State Prosecutor and his deputy, according to a source in the prosecutor‘s office told Haaretz

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Washington Times ]

Turkey, Israel seize the moment as region reels from Syria’s implosion

(December 11, 2024)

Erdogan, Netanyahu aren‘t letting the crisis on their borders go to waste

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Responsible Statecraft ]

Turkey and Israel are reaping rewards from the chaos in Syria

(December 5, 2024)

How the incoming Trump administration intends to deal with the situation in Syria is anyone’s guess. Given that the president-elect has chosen staunch Israeli supporters to occupy senior posts in his cabinet, there appears to be strong reason to believe that Trump 2.0 policy towards Damascus will be determined to a large degree by Israeli preferences. If so, Washington’s approach may be to weaken and possibly oust Assad from power given the latter’s longstanding alliance with Iran, which remains Public Enemy Number One for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

13.12.2024 - 17:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Kurdish-led administration in northeastern Syria urges ‚unity‘ as Turkey presses assault

The Kurdish-led administration says it is willing to „unite“ with the new administration in Damascus, as it raises the flag of the opposition in the territories it controls in northeastern Syria.

Northeastern Syria, which is controlled by the People‘s Protection Units (YPG) and their US-backed affiliate the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has been under attack by Turkish forces since the ousting of Bashar al-Assad on Sunday.

08.12.2024 - 22:10 [ C-SPAN / Youtube ]

President Biden on Situation in Syria: „At long last the Assad regime has fallen.“

President Biden: „After 13 years of civil war in Syria, more than half a century of brutal authoritarian rule by Bashar al-Assad and his father before him, rebel forces have forced Assad to resign his office, flee the country.“

08.12.2024 - 20:31 [ ]

Netanyahu Says „Central Link In Iran‘s Axis Of Evil“ Has Fallen In Syria

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria was a „historic day in the… Middle East“ and the fall of a „central link in Iran‘s axis of evil“.

Netanyahu said the events are „a direct result of the blows we have inflicted on Iran and Hezbollah, Assad‘s main supporters. It has triggered a chain reaction across the Middle East, empowering those seeking to break free from this oppressive regime.“

He spoke on a visit to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

30.11.2024 - 08:00 [ Tehran Times ]

Decisive, coordinated action needed to combat terrorism in Syria: Iran foreign ministry

Baqaei emphasized that the regions around Aleppo and Idlib, designated as de-escalation zones under the Astana Process agreements between Iran, Russia, and Turkey, are at the center of the renewed violence.

He condemned the recent attacks by terrorist groups in these areas, calling them a flagrant violation of the agreements.

23.11.2024 - 20:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

ICC arrest warrants: The Palestinians have prevailed in the ‚legitimacy war‘

We should remember that Palestine is a party to the ICC treaty.

Thus, if either Netanyahu or Gallant were to set foot in the occupied Palestinian territories of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, the governmental authority in Ramallah would be legally obliged to make arrests.

Yet it would test the bravery of the Palestinian Authority far beyond its past behaviour if it dared to arrest an Israeli leader, however strong the evidence against him.

23.11.2024 - 20:02 [ Middle East Eye ]

The PLO’s patient strategy of turning to ICC paying off with arrest warrants

Three days after the war ended, on 21 January 2009, the PA filed a declaration with the ICC seeking to allow the court jurisdiction over the occupied Palestinian territories.

Under Article 12(3) of the Rome Statute – the treaty that established the ICC – non-members of the ICC can file a declaration granting the court jurisdiction to investigate crimes committed within their territory after a specified date. Ukraine has adopted this approach to address alleged Russian crimes.

After much deliberation, the ICC rejected Palestine’s declaration on the grounds that Article 12(3) of the Rome Statute only applied to “states”.

However, when Palestine was recognised as a non-member observer state at the UN following a General Assembly vote in late 2012, it opened up the possibility not only of filing a declaration with the ICC but also of attaining full membership.

23.11.2024 - 17:11 [ ]

Biden calls ICC arrest warrant against Netanyahu ‚outrageous‘ as Italy, Netherlands vow to follow court‘s ruling

“Whatever the ICC might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas,” the POTUS said shortly after the international tribunal issued the arrest warrants against the Israeli leaders on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security,” he added. Earlier today, the White House released a separate statement over the matter in which they outrightly rejected that court’s ruling.

23.11.2024 - 17:04 [ White House ]

Statement from President Joe Biden on Warrants Issued by the International Criminal Court

(November 21, 2024)

The ICC issuance of arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. Let me be clear once again: whatever the ICC might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.

16.11.2024 - 12:30 [ ]

Suspend political dialogue with Israel: Borrell’s proposal comes to the table of EU countries

(November 14, 2024)

A political legacy on the part of the EU diplomacy chief, who has come to the end of his term, but one that is unlikely to be seized upon by the 27: for any amendment to the Association Agreement that governs EU-Israel relations, the rule of unanimity is required.

15.11.2024 - 15:30 [ Gallup ]

Support for a Third Political Party in the U.S. Dips to 58%

Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that a third major party is needed in the U.S. because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people, marking the 12th consecutive majority-level reading in Gallup’s trend that stretches back more than two decades. While down five percentage points from last year’s record high, it is still on par with the average 56% support level over the course of the trend since 2003.

13.11.2024 - 18:41 [ United Nations ]

Sudan: Allies of warring generals ‘enabling the slaughter,’ Security Council hears

Ms. DiCarlo condemned not only the RSF attacks but also the indiscriminate airstrikes by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in civilian-populated areas such as the capital Khartoum and El Fasher, a major city in North Darfur hosting thousands of internally displaced which has been besieged for months by the RSF.

“Both warring parties bear responsibility for this violence,” she stressed.

She added that as the rainy season nears its end, both sides continue to escalate their military operations, recruit new fighters and intensify their attacks, fuelled by “considerable” external support and a steady flow of arms.

“To put it bluntly, certain purported allies of the parties are enabling the slaughter in Sudan. This is unconscionable, it is illegal, and it must end.”


The situation in Sudan has been in a freefall since the war erupted last April.

It is now the world’s worst displacement crisis, with more than 11 million people driven from their homes – nearly three million among them into neighbouring countries as refugees, according to the UN relief coordinating office, OCHA.

The war has also unleashed a severe hunger crisis, affecting millions.

10.11.2024 - 12:14 [ Fox News ]

Fox News Voter Analysis: How Trump regained the White House

(November 6, 2024)

Overall, Trump’s strongest support came from White evangelicals, rural voters, Whites without a college degree, conservatives, and men.

10.11.2024 - 12:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Instead of looking inwards, white liberals are blaming Arab Americans for Trump‘s victory

(November 8, 2024)

Democrats actually benefitted from Trump‘s rise, which presented an opportunity for them to win votes freely by positioning themselves as the only alternative to outright fascism.

Yet, instead of looking inwards for answers on why Harris lost to a candidate as problematic as Trump, these liberal Democrats chose to reprimand minorities. Signalling a sense of superiority, they could not hide their racism, implying that it was incumbent upon these minority communities to vote within the guidelines provided by their liberal saviours.

By this logic, Arabs, Muslims and Latinos must vote for a Democrat no matter what.

07.11.2024 - 09:53 [ ]

This Time We Have to Hold the Democratic Party Elite Responsible for This Catastrophe

With Trump winning his second term, it is worth noting that there was no absolutely accountability by the Democratic Party when he won in 2016. Losing an election to so dangerous and corrupt a figure as Donald Trump should cause a political party to do some major inward reflection on their own failures of policy and political strategy. Instead, all the Democrats who bore responsibility for the 2016 failure—starting with Hillary Clinton—found a way to blame anyone else but them.

07.11.2024 - 09:41 [ New York Times ]

A Party of Prigs and Pontificators Suffers a Humiliating Defeat

There was also the larger error of anointing Harris without political competition — an insult to the democratic process that handed the nomination to a candidate who, as some of us warned at the time, was exceptionally weak. That, in turn, came about because Democrats failed to take Biden’s obvious mental decline seriously until June’s debate debacle (and then allowed him to cling to the nomination for a few weeks more), making it difficult to hold even a truncated mini-primary.

29.10.2024 - 23:10 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

23.10.2024 - 07:42 [ Middle East Eye ]

US intended to inform UK about Israeli stealth drone use over Iran

However, another piece of intelligence is marked as being for the eyes of US and British intelligence only: that Israel has been using a long-range unmanned surveillance drone which is capable of flying covertly over Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East.

The drone, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is a “covert” drone named RA-01. It was not publicly known about.

07.10.2024 - 22:31 [ ]

Netanyahu changes name of Gaza genocide war from „Iron Swords“ to „Resurrection War“

According to the Zionist news website „Ynet“: „Netanyahu said in a special session of the government on the first anniversary of the October 7 attack that he wants to rename the „Iron Swords“ war to the „Resurrection War“.

07.10.2024 - 22:30 [ ]

Hamas armed wing vows ‚long war of attrition‘ against Israel

„We choose to keep up the fight in a long war of attrition, one that is painful and costly for the enemy,“ said Abu Obeida, spokesman of the militant group‘s armed wing.

He also warned that scores of people taken captive into Gaza on October 7 last year were enduring a „very difficult“ situation.

His statement, broadcast on Al Jazeera, came on the one-year anniversary of the Aqsa Flood operation.

07.10.2024 - 19:04 [ Axios ]

One year after Oct. 7 attacks, Netanyahu is on a winning streak

He now has the political capital for negotiations that could set the country‘s next budget and allow him to continue to call the shots for at least another year in the multi-front regional war Israel is fighting.

„He feels he is winning,“ one of Netanyahu‘s aides told Axios.

The six-time prime minister will outlast President Biden, who has largely failed in his attempts to contain the conflict in the Middle East and rein in Netanyahu.

07.10.2024 - 18:56 [ Middle East Eye ]

Netanyahu seeks continuous war as Israeli centre left favours state power

Even more surprising is the Israeli public’s near-total embrace over the last three weeks of Netanyahu’s declared desire to prosecute a war for “total victory”. Prior to this, hundreds of thousands of people were out on the streets, demanding a “deal now” and accusing the prime minister of prolonging the war for his own ends.

Now, it seems the majority of Israel’s Jewish public, from Ben Gvir supporters to fans of the centre-left Zionist Yair Golan, wants a never-ending war. Even the first casualties from the ground invasion of Lebanon are not shifting this support – at least so far.

01.10.2024 - 11:31 [ ]

UN peacekeepers in Lebanon not able to patrol

United Nations peacekeepers in Lebanon have been unable to conduct patrols because of the intensity of Israeli strikes and Hezbollah’s rockets targeting Israel, a UN spokesman said Monday.

With more than 10,000 personnel, the peacekeeping force has been stationed in Lebanon since 1978, with its role strengthened after a 33-day conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006.

01.10.2024 - 11:21 [ ]

Three civilians martyred, nine others injured in Israeli aggression on Damascus

“At about 2:05 am on Tuesday morning the Israeli enemy carried out an air aggression with military aircraft and drones from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of points in the city of Damascus. “A military source said in a statement.

The air defense forces responded to the aggression’s missiles and downed some of them “the military source added.

23.09.2024 - 23:24 [ United Nations ]

Dramatic uptick in violence as Guterres voices grave alarm at Lebanon-Israel escalation

The UN mission which patrols the Blue Line separting Lebanon and Israel, UNIFIL, expressed „grave concern for the safety of civilians“, amid what has been the deadliest day of violence and bombing by Israel since the October terror attacks sparked the regional crisis.

Lt. Gen. Aroldo Lázaro, Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL, has contacted both Lebanese and Israeli parties, emphasizing the urgent need for de-escalation. „Efforts are ongoing to reduce tensions and halt the shelling“, the mission added.

Any further escalation of this dangerous situation could have far-reaching and devastating consequences, not only for those living on both sides of the Blue Line but also for the broader region.

Attacks on civilians are not only violations of international law but could amount to war crimes, UNIFIL reminded.

23.09.2024 - 21:55 [ New York Times ]

Pentagon to Send More U.S. Troops to Middle East as Tensions Rise

The troops will number in the dozens, one official said, and will head to the region to help protect the thousands of Americans who are stationed there.


About 40,000 American troops are stationed in the region on bases in Iraq, in Syria and in the Persian Gulf countries. The U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln is in the Gulf of Oman, and a second aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman, left Norfolk, Va., on Monday for the Mediterranean as part of a regularly scheduled deployment.

22.09.2024 - 18:45 [ Washington Free Bacon ]

WATCH: Biden-Harris Worked ‚Around the Clock‘ for Months on Gaza Ceasefire Deal That‘s Never Going to Happen

(September 20, 2024)

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have claimed for months to be working „around the clock“ on a Gaza ceasefire deal that is „close“ to happening. Spoiler alert: It‘s not going to happen because Hamas, the terrorist organization that massacred Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, doesn‘t want to release their hostages.

Despite their reportedly tireless efforts to negotiate with the terrorists, the Biden-Harris administration has privately conceded that a ceasefire deal won‘t happen before the end of Biden‘s term in January 2025. „No deal is imminent,“ a Biden-Harris official told the Wall Street Journal. „I‘m not sure it ever gets done.“

21.09.2024 - 22:00 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

19.09.2024 - 18:51 [ CNN ]

See the moment Israeli jets fly over Beirut while CNN reporter is on air

CNN Senior International Correspondent Ben Wedeman reacts to Israeli jets flying over Beirut, Lebanon, as Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah delivered an address in response to a wave of explosions across the country.

19.09.2024 - 18:40 [ ]

What to know about the two waves of deadly explosions that hit Lebanon and Syria

Just one day after pagers used by hundreds of members of the militant group Hezbollah exploded, more electronic devices detonated in Lebanon Wednesday in what appeared to be a second wave of sophisticated, deadly attacks that targeted an extraordinary number of people.

Both attacks, which are widely believed to be carried out by Israel, have hiked fears that the two sides’ simmering conflict could escalate into all-out war.

18.09.2024 - 17:40 [ Reuters ]

Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon, sources say

Hand-held radios used by Hezbollah detonated on Wednesday across Lebanon‘s south and in Beirut‘s southern suburbs, a security source and a witness said, further stoking tensions with Israel a day after similar explosions launched via the group‘s pagers.

18.09.2024 - 16:16 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

18.09.2024 - 13:10 [ New York Times ]

Israel’s Pager Attack Has No Clear Strategic Goal, Analysts Say

Israel’s attack on pagers belonging to Hezbollah on Tuesday was a tactical success that had no clear strategic impact, analysts say.

While it embarrassed Hezbollah and appeared to incapacitate many of its members, the attack has not so far altered the military balance along the Israel-Lebanon border, where more than 100,000 civilians on either side have been displaced by a low-intensity battle.

07.09.2024 - 17:51 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

04.09.2024 - 15:06 [ Times of Israel ]

Biden, Harris to huddle with US negotiators for Gaza deal push after hostage killings

(2 September 2024)

US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were scheduled to hold a meeting Monday with hostage negotiators, …

02.09.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

02.09.2024 - 16:56 [ El Pais ]

Israel’s anti-Netanyahu strike ends early and fails to bring the country to a standstill

The strike began at 05:00 local time and was expected to last 24 hours but at midday a court ordered it to end, considering it “political” and “unrelated” to the issue for which it had been called. Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David announced to the labor court that he was considering a petition to suspend it that would end the action at 18.00. However, the court ordered the strike to end at 2:30 p.m. and Bar-David responded by urging workers to return to their posts.

During its short duration, the strike failed to paralyze Israel.

29.04.2024 - 07:07 [ Ran Bar-Zik / Twitter ]

> וודאו שיש לכם TLS 1.3 או TLS 1.2 תחת הסעיף Protocols. עדיף שלא יהיה לכם TLS 1.0\1.1 בכלל. מספר השרתים הפגיעים בישראל: 100,000+ לא פשוט לכתוב אייטם כזה לאנשים לא מקצועיים, אבל הוא חשוב והתפרסם ב @Haaretz

(10 Dec 2019)

אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review

26.04.2024 - 00:00 [ Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth / ]

Possible Eoarchean Records of the Geomagnetic Field Preserved in the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Southern West Greenland

(24 April 2024)

The preservation of a temperate climate and liquid water on early Earth depends critically upon the strength of the magnetosphere (Sterenborg et al., 2011; Tarduno et al., 2014). Recent atmospheric escape models have suggested that both weak (<10 μT) and strong (>1 mT) magnetic fields could substantially enhance atmospheric escape under present-day solar wind conditions via the polar wind or cusp escape, respectively (Gronoff et al., 2020; Gunell et al., 2018; Lundin et al., 2007). During the Archean, the Sun was rotating faster, generating a stronger stellar dynamo and therefore the solar wind was more intense than today (Vidotto, 2021). An increased solar wind strength causes greater interaction with the upper atmosphere and greater escape of ions assuming a constant level of protection from Earth‘s magnetosphere. Previous magnetohydrodynamic simulations have suggested that if Earth‘s magnetic field was half its present day strength 3.5 Ga ago, the area of the polar cap (the area containing open dipolar magnetic field lines, allowing atmospheric escape via the polar wind) could increase by up to 50% (Sterenborg et al., 2011).

25.04.2024 - 23:52 [ ]

The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is At Least 3.7-Billion-Years Old, New Evidence Shows

The age of the Earth’s magnetic field remains under question in part because we don’t fully understand what causes it today. We know it is a product of movements in the molten outer core, whose high iron content turns convection currents into a dynamo, and these currents in turn are produced by the solidification of the inner core.

25.04.2024 - 23:45 [ ]

Earth‘s magnetic field formed before the planet‘s core, study suggests

(24 April 2024)

Today, the magnetic field is driven by the churning of the liquid part of the core and the transfer of heat from the solid inner core to the convective outer core as the former cools. But researchers think the core didn‘t solidify until about a billion years ago.

21.04.2024 - 09:20 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Verfassungswidriger Ausnahmezustand, Gewaltenteilung außer Kraft, Staat will Repression noch eskalieren

(24. August 2020)

Da der Staat, sein auf die Bevölkerung losgelassener geheimdienstlicher Komplex und dessen eingebettete Contralinke auf der Suche nach Ketzern alias “Verschwörungstheoretiker”, nur noch daran interessiert erscheinen alle einzukassieren und zu kriminalisieren, die sich diesen Staatsstreich nicht gefallen lassen, hier für die bereits Geblitzdingsten in der Republik eine Gegenmaßnahme – zur Erinnerung an die fundamentalsten Dinge, die sie gerade versuchen zu verdrängen.

1. Ist der vor fünf Monaten vom Staat unter Anglizismen-Blödelei (“Lockdown”, “Social Distancing”) ausgerufene Ausnahmezustand verfassungsgemäß?



2. Ist die Gewaltenteilung, wie vom Grundgesetz dem Staat diktiert, in Deutschland derzeit in Kraft?


Abgesehen von der bereits erwähnten Kollaboration des Bundesverfassungsgerichts mit dem Ausnahmezustand durch Verschleppung der Verfassungsklagen – redet noch irgendjemand außer Radio Utopie vom Parlament? Wo ist dieser Sauhaufen überhaupt, in der “Krise”, die die gesamte Gesellschaft lähmt und ihrer Verfassungsrechte beraubt?

Er ist im Urlaub!


Das Parlament kontrolliert die Regierung. Das nennt man parlamentarische Demokratie.

Die Regierung hat lediglich die Kompetenz Gesetze umzusetzen, nicht mit Verordnungen um sich zu schmeissen und gleich die ganze Demokratie außer Kraft zu setzen.

Das “Robert Koch Institut” ist eine Regierungsbehörde. Eine Re-gier-ungs-be-hör-de.

Hat der Bundestag oder dessen “Ausschuss für Gesundheit”, von dem Sie nie gehört haben, zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt die Angaben der Regierungsbehörde “Robert Koch Institut” kontrolliert?

Sind innerhalb des gesamten fünfmonatigen Ausnahmezustands, oder gar vorher, die gewählten Abgeordneten des Parlaments auch nur ein einziges Mal bei dieser zu drei heiligen Buchstaben aus dem Morgenlande geronnenen Behörde aufgetaucht und haben irgendetwas, auch nur eine der auserwählten Zahlen denen sich diese Bananenrepublik zu Füßen geworfen hat, tatsächlich überprüft? Haben sie kontrolliert, woher dieses ganze neue Zahlentestament überhaupt stammt, wer es zusammengezählt oder einfach erzählt hat? Haben sie Akten studiert, Datenbanken durchforstet, vor Ort, so als ginge es für sie um einen Steuernachlass von 500 Euro wegen eines neuen, potentiell absetzbaren Smart Devices in ihrer 7-Zimmer-Villa, also praktisch um ihr Leben?


21.04.2024 - 09:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Coronavirus: Einen kleinen Staatsstreich spielen

(21. März 2020)

Man darf nun spekulieren, dass morgen explizit Kretschmann alles daran setzen wird, der vom üblichen Verdächtigen Schäuble (Rückblick: “Einmal einkaufen, schon ´ne Grundgesetzänderung“) betriebenen Verfassungsänderung zuzuarbeiten. Wenn das, zumindest vorläufig, wieder nicht gelingt, wie beim Versuch Schäubles im Bundestag, wird versucht werden das Infektionsschutzgesetz so zu verändern, dass es zumindest die bisherigen staatlichen Maßnahmen im Nachhinein legalisiert und, aus staatlicher Sicht, “bestenfalls” der Bundesregierung erlaubt, demnächst nach eigenem Ermessen zu bestimmen wann sie Bevölkerung und Parlament gnädig gestattet sich zu versammeln, zu arbeiten, oder aus dem Haus zu gehen.

Und das nennt man dann einen Putsch.

18.04.2024 - 19:04 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Libyen-Krieg: Neue Sitzung der Schwachmächte im UNO-Sicherheitsrat

(22. März 2011)

Am 19.März, dem Tag des Angriffs von Frankreich, Großbritannien, Kanada, Italien und den USA auf Libyen, wurde in Moskau eine der erbärmlichsten Erklärungen in der russischen Geschichte veröffentlicht (Angriffskrieg gegen Libyen beginnt: Ticker). Das russische Außenministerium von Sergei Lawrow:

“In Moskau bedauern wir diese bewaffnete Intervention im Rahmen der UN Resolution 1973, die hastig beschlossen wurde.”

Die Weltöffentlichkeit konstatiert: Russlands Staatsführung ist ein Haufen Tölpel, dem – wenn er schon nicht lesen kann und deshalb nicht weiss was vor sich geht – selbst das Wort „Veto“ mit einem einfachen Armhochhalten schon zu viel ist. Das Gleiche gilt für die Atomschwachmacht China, deren leseunkundige kommunistische Staatspartei immerhin 1.3 Milliarden Menschen herumkommandiert. In der Parteizeitung „People´s Daily“ redete man sich heute nun selbst in ein Gewissen, was man nicht hat (1):

„Die blutgetränkten Gewitter, denen Irak seit acht Jahren unterzogen wurde und das unaussprechliche Leiden seines Volkes sind ein Spiegel und eine Warnung. Die militärischen Attacken auf Libyen, folgend den Kriegen in Afghanisten und Irak, sind das das dritte Mal, dass einige Länder bewaffnete Aktionen gegen souveräne Staaten gestartet haben. Es sollte augenscheinlich sein, dass jedes Mal, wenn militärische Mittel benutzt werden um Krisen zu begegnen, dies ein Schlag gegen die Charta der Vereinten Nationen und die Regeln der internationalen Beziehungen sind.“

Die Weltöffentlichkeit versteht: früher hiess es in China „Bombardiert das Hauptquartier“, letzten Freitag hiess es „Bombardiert Libyen“ und heute wieder anders herum. Mal sehen, zu was sich Chinas Staatsführung am Donnerstag entscheidet. Vielleicht der Einfachheit halber zu „Bombardiert irgendwas“.

18.04.2024 - 18:50 [ United Nations ]

Security Council Approves ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya, Authorizing ‘All Necessary Measures’ to Protect Civilians, by Vote of 10 in Favour with 5 Abstentions

(17 March 2011)

Adopting resolution 1973 (2011) by a vote of 10 in favour to none against, with 5 abstentions (Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation), the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory — requesting them to immediately inform the Secretary-General of such measures.

10.04.2024 - 17:06 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Gantz: ‚We will enter Rafah and go back to Khan Yunis‘

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz said during a press conference in Sderot on Wednesday that Hamas was militarily defeated following the IDF‘s operation in Gaza.

„From a military point of view – Hamas is defeated. Its fighters are eliminated or in hiding. Its abilities are cut off, and we will continue to strike what remains.

10.04.2024 - 17:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Gantz: Hamas has been defeated militarily but we’ll fight against remnants for years to come

However, “from a military point of view – Hamas is defeated. Its fighters are eliminated or in hiding” and its capabilities “crippled,” he continues, stating that “victory will come step by step” and that Israel “will not stop. We will enter Rafah. We will return to Khan Younis. And we will operate in Gaza. Wherever there are terrorist targets – the IDF will be there.”

09.04.2024 - 16:42 [ New York Times ]

A Way to Rejoin The World Court


The imprudence of this acceptance was demonstrated by the Nicaraguan case, in which the Court ruled that the United States is using force illegally in Central America. That case should not – and need not – have gone to the Court. To make sure the United States retains sovereign discretion to defend itself and its allies, any new American acceptance of the Court‘s compulsory jurisdiction should emulate the good sense of others like India and Kenya by excluding disputes involving armed conflict. America -acting alone or with its allies – still needs the freedom to protect freedom. The finger on the trigger cannot be that of the global judiciary.

09.04.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare

A copy of the „90-page psychological warfare manual“ produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for Nicaraguan rebels in the late 1970s or early 1980s

09.04.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

The Psyops Manual The CIA Gave To Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers


During the U.S. government‘s decade-long support of the Contra rebels who waged an armed campaign against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, the CIA funneled all manner of assistance to the anti-socialist “freedom fighters,” from training and financial assistance to covert operations. The original “advise and assist” mission was a disaster in retrospect, spurring all manner of human rights violations as well as the modern crack cocaine scourge. But the CIA aid program’s most fascinating product might be the batshit crazy psychological warfare manual cooked up for the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.

09.04.2024 - 10:35 [ Wikipedia ]

Nicaragua v. United States

The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986)[2] was a case where the International Court of Justice (ICJ) held that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Sandinistas and by mining Nicaragua‘s harbors. The case was decided in favor of Nicaragua and against the United States with the awarding of reparations to Nicaragua.

09.04.2024 - 10:24 [ History News Network - ]

Isn‘t It Time We Rejoin the World Court? (We Left in 1986)

(no date / presumably 2004)

The protest at U.S. exemption of individuals from criminal jurisdiction has been widely reported. The continued refusal of the United States to subject its own actions, especially the use of force against others, to judgment by the ICJ has been treated as a non-event.

The president who turned America‘s back on judgment under international law was Ronald Reagan. His action resulted from fear (especially after prominent condemnation by Senators Barry Goldwater and Daniel Patrick Moynihan) of an adverse Court ruling in Nicaragua‘s case against the U.S.

31.03.2024 - 21:20 [ USA Today ]

Gaza protesters dim the glitz and glamour of Biden‘s Obama-Clinton fundraiser in NYC

A leading New York pro-Palestinian group, Within Our Lifetime, was among those organizing protestors, billed as the “Flood Manhattan For Gaza” rally.

The group issued a call to supporters ahead of the fundraiser, writing on X: “GENOCIDE JOE HAS GOT TO GO! Protesting genocide Joe, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton outside their democratic fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall!“

31.03.2024 - 21:15 [ Bloomberg ]

Biden Says Arab States Ready to Recognize Israel in Future Deal

Biden’s comments came during a discussion with his fellow presidents at a star-studded fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York intended to display Democratic party unity ahead of a general-election rematch with Republican Donald Trump. The presidents, though, were interrupted at least four times by pro-Palestinian protesters, highlighting the tensions within the party over Biden’s handling of Israel’s war with Hamas and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

24.03.2024 - 21:20 [ SearXNG ]

The World must ask: where is its Court? #ICJ #genocide #Palestine #totalitarism #arbitrariness #accountability

24.03.2024 - 21:00 [ International Court of Justice ]

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – The Republic of South Africa submits an urgent request for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s prior provisional measures Order and decision

THE HAGUE, 6 March 2024. South Africa today filed an urgent request with the Court for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s Order of 26 January 2024 and decision of 16 February 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel).

In its new request, South Africa states that it is “compelled to return to the Court in light of the new facts and changes in the situation in Gaza — particularly the situation of widespread starvation — brought about by the continuing egregious breaches of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide . . . by the State of Israel . . . and its ongoing manifest violations of the provisional measures indicated by this Court on 26 January 2024”. It requests the Court to indicate further provisional measures and/or to modify the provisional measures indicated it its Order of 26 January 2024, pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 3, and Article 76, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, respectively, “in order urgently to ensure the safety and security of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, including over a million children”. It urges the Court to do so without holding a hearing, in light of the “extreme urgency of the situation”.

24.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

(February 26, 2024)

“The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

Other countries should use all forms of leverage, including sanctions and embargoes, to press the Israeli government to comply with the court’s binding orders in the genocide case, Human Rights Watch said.

24.03.2024 - 20:06 [ Associated Press ]

Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

(February 16, 2024)

An estimated 1.4 million Palestinians, more than half of Gaza’s population, has crammed into the city, most of them displaced people who fled fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

Israel has said it will evacuate the civilians before attacking, though international aid officials have said there is nowhere to go due to the vast devastation left behind by the offensive.

24.03.2024 - 19:55 [ Reuters ]

World Court stops short of Gaza ceasefire order for Israel

(January 27, 2024)

It asked the court to grant emergency measures to halt the fighting, which Palestinian officials say has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians and displaced the majority of the population in a more than three-month campaign of intensive bombardment.

16.03.2024 - 20:52 [ Youtube ]

Yitzhak Rabin – The Last Speech (English Subtitles)

The last speech of prime minister and minister of defense Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical on November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv.

15.03.2024 - 20:20 [ ]

Canada‘s UN ambassador says gangs now control Haiti. What will the international community do?


Haiti is gripped by chaos and disorder, as criminal gangs increasingly assert control over the country. Haiti‘s acting leader, Ariel Henry, is outside the country and attempting to negotiate a way home, even as the United States calls for him to resign and plan elections for a new government.

On Sunday, the U.S. said it had deployed additional security to its embassy in Port-au-Prince and airlifted some non-essential diplomatic staff out of the country.

15.03.2024 - 20:16 [ ]

Haiti: Gangs, Violence and a State in Total Chaos


A few days ago, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made an official visit to Haiti, trying to shed light on the situation for the world to see. Tweeting from Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, Guterres expressed his solidarity with the Haitian people and called for an international response against the lawlessness and violence that has swallowed the country. It is not the time to forget Haiti, he said, but have his words fallen on deaf ears?

15.03.2024 - 20:10 [ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ]

Haiti: Nearly half of the population is facing acute hunger


According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis (March 2023), 4.9 million people in Haiti – nearly half of the country‘s population – are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity. This figure represents an increase of 200 000 people in just five months. And of the total number of people affected, 1.8 million are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) – up from the analyses in the last three years.

12.03.2024 - 15:42 [ SSLLabs,com ]

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10.03.2024 - 18:45 [ International Committee of Red Cross ]

A statement on Gaza and Israel from the president of the ICRC

Five months into the escalation of hostilities, which began with the horrific events in Israel on 7 October, the situation in the Gaza Strip degenerates by the hour. There is nowhere safe for people to go. The civilian death toll and the ongoing captivity of hostages are shocking and unacceptable.

This brutal war has ruptured any sense of a shared humanity.

10.03.2024 - 18:40 [ ]

Gaza war has ‚ruptured any sense of a shared humanity‘ amid Israeli atrocities: ICRC

„As an occupying power, Israel must provide for the basic needs of the population or facilitate the safe and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian relief,“ Spoljaric said.

The war had „ruptured any sense of a shared humanity“, she said.

„The situation in the Gaza Strip degenerates by the hour. There is nowhere safe for people to go. The civilian death toll and the ongoing captivity of hostages are shocking and unacceptable,“ Spoljaric said.

01.03.2024 - 22:03 [ ]

‘Little Rishi Sunak’: George Galloway Fires Back After Prime Minister Calls Win ‘Alarming’

Galloway turned the question around: “We had this conversation last night. Why are you reheating it?”

Coates repeated: “Because in the light of the Prime Minister’s…”

“Don’t keep telling me about the Prime Minister as if he was Moses!” the MP interrupted.

“Do you not respect the Prime Minister?” Coates asked.

“Do I respect the Prime Minister? I despise the Prime Minister,” Galloway said.

01.03.2024 - 21:24 [ ]

Rishi Sunak calls George Galloway win ‚very alarming‘ in Downing Street statement

“What started as protests on our streets have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence.

“Jewish children fearful to wear their school uniform lest it reveals their identity. Muslim women abused in the street for the actions of a terrorist group they have no connection with.

“Now our democracy itself is a target. Council meetings and local events have been stormed. MPs do not feel safe in their homes. Long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns.

“And it’s beyond alarming that last night, the Rochdale by-election

01.03.2024 - 21:15 [ New York Times ]

‘This Is for Gaza’: George Galloway, Leftist Firebrand, Wins U.K. Seat

As he celebrated victory early Friday after winning a parliamentary election, George Galloway, a veteran left-wing firebrand, directed his attack squarely at the leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party.

“Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza,” Mr. Galloway said, wearing the fedora hat that has become his trademark. “You have paid, and you will pay, a high price for the role you have played in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on.”

01.03.2024 - 21:00 [ Associated Press ]

Veteran British left-wing disruptor George Galloway wins a special election dominated by war in Gaza

George Galloway’s victory was described as “beyond alarming” by Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who used a Friday evening address to the nation to warn that British democracy was being targeted by extremists.

Galloway, 69, swept to victory in Thursday’s contest, winning almost 40% of the vote in the parliamentary seat of Rochdale.

01.03.2024 - 20:46 [ Consortium News ]

Galloway Back in Parliament, Declaring Duopoly Defeated

“We crushed Labour by ten thousand votes,” he told supporters back at headquarters. “The second place candidate was not the Conservatives,” but an independent. “This is the first time in British political history that in a by-election both of the major parties were completely crushed,” he said.

“We changed politics in Britain for good,” James Giles, Galloway’s campaign manager, told supporters back at campaign headquarters. “Maybe we have changed politics in the world for good.

21.02.2024 - 20:45 [ ] (

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19.02.2024 - 09:42 [ ]

Enquete-Kommission zu Afghanistan: „Strategisch gescheitert“

Ebenso deutlich wie in der Gesamtbewertung wird die Enquete-Kommission des Bundestags bei der Auflistung der einzelnen Verfehlungen und Versäumnisse:

„Eine fortlaufende, selbstkritische Bestandsaufnahme hinsichtlich der sehr hoch gesetzten Ziele hat nicht ausreichend stattgefunden“, kritisiert das Gremium und nimmt damit sämtliche mit dem Einsatz befasste Bundesregierungen in den Jahren 2001 bis 2021 aufs Korn.

18.02.2024 - 11:30 [ ]

Threads, Bluesky und Mastodon: Die Chance ist jetzt

Von sozialen Netzwerken und einer digitalen Öffentlichkeit erhoffe ich mir aktuelle Informationen aller Art, nicht nur als Journalist. Ich möchte wissen, was Politiker:innen schreiben, was Regierungen verlautbaren, was NGOs veröffentlichen und was spannende Menschen zu sagen haben. Ich möchte mir selbst ein weitverteiltes Informationsnetzwerk zusammenstellen, (…)

Wenn ich diesen Wunsch nach einem globalen Netzwerk im Mastodon-Umfeld äußere, sind die Reaktionen oft ablehnend bis aggressiv. Ich bekomme Dinge wie „Geh doch zu Twitter“ an den Kopf geworfen. Oder: „Ihr mit euren kurzfristigen, journalistischen Bedürfnissen!“, „Ihr wollt doch nur Aufmerksamkeit“, „Ihr mit Eurer Twitter-Kultur“, „Wir machen das hier aber anders und ihr müsst euch anpassen“.

Das macht mich wütend.

17.02.2024 - 08:44 [ CNN ]

Russia has captured soldiers, Ukrainian commander says, as Kyiv’s forces withdraw from key town of Avdiivka

Withdrawal was “the only correct solution,” Ukraine’s commander of southern forces Oleksandr Tarnavskyi said in a Telegram post Friday, adding that some Ukrainian troops had been captured during the process.

“In a situation where the enemy is advancing on the corpses of their own soldiers with a ten-to-one shell advantage, under constant bombardment, this is the only correct solution,” he said. Russian troops are “numerically superior in terms of personnel, artillery and aviation,” Tarnavskyi added.

16.02.2024 - 18:35 [ Mwangi / Twitter ]

EXCLUSIVE: #AU Spox @EbbaKalondo informs me that #Israeli officials have not been invited to the African Union summit. Asked if she is aware of the presence of an Israeli delegation in Addis Ababa. „Have no clue, but I hope they know better than to attempt the thuggish behavior of their officials experienced at our last summit.“

Reports suggest that an #Israeli delegation had arrived in #Ethiopia to attend the ongoing summit but was denied participation.

@EbbaKalondo emphasises that the State of #Israel was not invited to last year‘s Summit and it‘s officials entered with fraudulent papers obtained in collaboration with other states.

16.02.2024 - 18:10 [ Washington Post ]

U.S., Arab nations plan for postwar Gaza, timeline for Palestinian state


The key is the hostage deal,” said one U.S. official among several American and Arab diplomats who discussed the subject on the condition of anonymity to avoid derailing the plan before it is completed.

12.02.2024 - 16:42 [ The Rights Forum ]

Rechter: Nederland moet uitvoer F-35-onderdelen naar Israël stoppen

De Nederlandse regering moet de export van onderdelen van F-35-gevechtsvliegtuigen naar Israël binnen zeven dagen stoppen. Dat bepaalt het Gerechtshof Den Haag. De uitspraak is conform de eis van Oxfam Novib, PAX en The Rights Forum.

12.02.2024 - 16:30 [ Associated Press ]

Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop exports of F-35 parts to Israel, citing war in Gaza

The exports must cease within seven days.

The decision came as Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte traveled to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the conflict.

11.02.2024 - 18:30 [ ]

Europäische Arzneimittel Agentur zerstört Märchen vom Infektionsschutz


Die Covid-19 Impfstoffe wurden nie auf Infektionschutz getestet. Fast drei Jahre nach Impfstart fällt der EMA auf, dass die Covid-19 modRNA Impfstoffe nie auf Fremdschutz hin überprüft wurden.

Dies geht aus einem Schreiben der EMA auf eine Anfrage von Europaparlamentarier vom 18.11.2023 hervor. Die EMA Behörde gibt zum ersten Mal zu, dass die Covid-19 Impfstoffe keine Impfstoffe im eigentlichen Sinne sind und nicht vor Ansteckung und Weitergabe schützen.

Die Frage stellt sich nun: Was wussten die Regierungen? Seit wann? Wie konnten (Teil-)Impfpflicht und 2/3-G-Maßnahmen gefordert und durchgesetzt werden?

10.02.2024 - 11:03 [ CNN ]

Biden’s allies can’t agree on how to combat questions about his age and memory

One Democratic member of the House responded to being told of the questions about age and memory raised in the report with a morbid laugh and sullen shake of the head. Another started anxiously asking for a sense of how others were responding, palpably feeling at wit’s end.

10.02.2024 - 10:44 [ Washington Post ]

‘Hair on fire’: Democratic worries grow over claims about Biden’s memory lapses

The spectacle — at times chaotic, at times emotional — echoed around the country among the networks of Democratic donors and strategists who have been struggling for weeks to contain their concern about the state and direction of Biden’s campaign.

The broad conclusion, both inside and outside Biden’s inner circle, is that a dangerous and misleading caricature of the president’s performance is at risk of setting in, pushed by the biting prose of a special prosecutor they suspected of seeking political revenge.

10.02.2024 - 10:36 [ Sü ]

Biden verwechselt Kohl mit Merkel, Ägypten mit Mexiko


Anfang der Woche hatte Biden bereits in einer Rede den französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron mit seinem verstorbenen Vorgänger Francois Mitterrand verwechselt.

10.02.2024 - 10:30 [ ]

Biden’s attempt to defend his memory backfires as he confuses the leaders of Mexico and Egypt


The president summoned reporters at the White House to insist that his memory was “fine” and emphasize he was insulted by the portrait of an “elderly man with a poor memory” painted by a former US attorney appointed by Donald Trump — his likely 2024 opponent — in an investigation into his handling of classified documents.

Yet a press conference that saw the president express righteous anger over the invoking of his son’s death and offer a comprehensive overlook at the conflict in the Middle East was undercut by another high-profile gaffe involving a foreign leader.

10.02.2024 - 10:24 [ New York Post ]

Ex-Clinton adviser jokes he ‘wet the bed’ over special counsel report on Biden classified docs: ‘Terrible for Democrats’


Hur’s bombshell report asserts that Biden, 81, “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” but should not face criminal charges, in part because a jury may view the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”