Archiv: Aman (Agaf ha-Modi´in) / military spy agency Israel

03.11.2024 - 13:47 [ Anadolu ]

Netanyahu arrest warrant delayed in ICC for 5 months

(October 29, 2024)

Delays in the Palestine investigation trace back to 2015 when former ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda initiated a preliminary examination. Although the investigation met the necessary criteria in 2019, it was postponed due to jurisdiction debates over Palestinian territories. The formal investigation began in March 2021, yet no meaningful progress has been made, further delaying requests against Netanyahu and Gallant.

03.11.2024 - 13:10 [ Guardian ]

Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed

(May 28, 2024)

Thanks to their comprehensive access to Palestinian telecoms infrastructure, the sources said, intelligence operatives could capture the calls without installing spyware on the ICC official’s devices.

“If Fatou Bensouda spoke to any person in the West Bank or Gaza, then that phone call would enter [intercept] systems,” one source said. Another said there was no hesitation internally over spying on the prosecutor, adding: “With Bensouda, she’s black and African, so who cares?”

The surveillance system did not capture calls between ICC officials and anyone outside Palestine. However, multiple sources said the system required the active selection of the overseas phone numbers of ICC officials whose calls Israeli intelligence agencies decided to listen to.

According to one Israeli source, a large whiteboard in an Israeli intelligence department contained the names of about 60 people under surveillance – half of them Palestinians and half from other countries, including UN officials and ICC personnel.

In The Hague, Bensouda and her senior staff were alerted by security advisers and via diplomatic channels that Israel was monitoring their work.

04.09.2024 - 11:16 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

(November 30, 2023)

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

29.03.2024 - 21:00 [ micchiato / ]

“#Israel’s apartheid army detained, interrogated and beat Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha, a graduate of Syracuse University, with the assistance of Corsight’s facial recognition technology ….

Giora Eiland, a retired Israeli major general, serves on the board of directors of Corsight …. He wrote: ‘The entire population of #Gaza will either move to #Egypt or move to the Gulf.’

The retired general also recommended targeting civilian vehicles in Gaza.” #writingcommunity

29.03.2024 - 20:51 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

“Wir können, also lasst es uns tun”: Über die Mentalität im elektronischen Polizeistaat

(12. November 2016)

Aus Interviews mit AussteigerInnen der mutmaßlich eng mit den Mitgliedern und Mitgliedern der “Technischen Aufklärung” des Bundesnachrichtendienstes eingebetteten israelischen Einheit 8200, veröffentlicht im “Guardian” im September 2014:

“Ich nahm eine Funktion an, in der Leute ´Ziele´ genannt wurden, und diese Leute die uns wirklich interessieren sind in keinem Sinne Terroristen, sondern eher generell normale Menschen – die uns interessieren wegen ihrer Funktionen, so dass wir mehr Geheimdienstinformationen über sie bekommen können und mehr Zugang erzielen. Wir nutzen unsere Möglichkeiten über diese Menschen zu unserem Vorteil, um es uns leicht zu machen. Wir nutzen die Einwirkung / die Wucht (“impact) die wir auf deren Leben haben. Manchmal beinhaltet dies das Leben, oder die Seele einer Person wirklich zu verletzen. Ich meine Erpressung, bei Dingen die sie vor Leuten um sich herum verbergen müssen. Ich kann Menschen wirklich das Leben zerstören. Es gab mir das Gefühl omnipotent zu sein.

Als ich diesen Job begann, war ich überrascht von dem Ausmaß meiner Verantwortung. Ich hatte das Gefühl über wichtige Dinge ein Mitspracherecht zu haben. Ich konnte Dinge in Gang setzen, die das Leben (Anm.: es folgt die Bezeichnung der ausspionierten Ortsansässigen) betrafen – ich konnte meine Einheit dazu bringen alle möglichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Die Einstellung war ´Warum nicht? Wir können, also lasst es uns tun.´ Ich dachte, dass das, was ich tun konnte verrückt war. Wir waren die Chefs.”

Ein ex-Spion von 8200 berichtet, wie Soldaten unter seiner Ausbildung systematisch moralisch korrumpiert wurden, um sie zu “vergiften” und die Skrupellosigkeit im Apparat weiter auf Standard zu halten. Bei Razzien “beschlagnahmte” persönliche Gegenstände von Individuen – “Photos von Kindern, Uhren, Familienfotos, Fussballtrophäen, Bücher”, bis hin zu Juwelen – wurden nicht nur zur Mitnahme angeboten, sondern in den Ausbildungsräumen zur Schau gestellt.

“Die Idee war die Auszubildenden (“students”) zu vergiften.“


Die einzige Schlussfolgerung die gezogen wurde, dass es in dieser Einheit so etwas wie einen illegalen Befehl nicht gibt. Es sind nicht wir, die entscheiden was moralisch ist und was nicht. Heute erkenne ich, dass dies das ist, was auch der Bomberpilot sagt: `Es ist nicht an mir zu sagen was moralisch ist und was nicht.` Jeder reicht die Verantwortung an Andere weiter.”

29.03.2024 - 20:34 [ The Guardian / Twitter ]

‘Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother’

(Sep 12, 2014)

29.03.2024 - 20:29 [ New York Times ]

Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza

(March 27, 2024)

The expansive and experimental effort is being used to conduct mass surveillance there, collecting and cataloging the faces of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, according to Israeli intelligence officers, military officials and soldiers.

The technology was initially used in Gaza to search for Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas during the Oct. 7 cross-border raids, the intelligence officials said.

29.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Firm helping Israel spy on Gaza includes genocide advocate


There is little complaint from western politicians. Corsight’s complicity isn’t seen as an urgent matter.

Nor, for that matter, do most of these politicians give sufficient attention to Israel’s genocidal policies in Gaza.

Unmentioned by the Times is that Giora Eiland, a retired Israeli major general, serves on the board of directors of Corsight.

When Eiland joined the board in January 2021, Igal Raichelgauz, chairman and founder of the Cortica Group, stated, “We are excited to add Giora to the company board, we believe that due to his extensive experience in the national security field, Corsight will continue growing into new markets and territories and lead the face recognition market in Israel and in the world.” Corsight is a subsidiary of Cortica, a firm focused on artificial intelligence.

Eiland is a proponent of the ethnic cleansing of the occupied territory of Gaza.

14.03.2024 - 16:45 [ ]

UK will continue UNRWA funding suspension despite Gaza famine

The UK government will continue to suspend funding to Palestinian relief works agency UNRWA, the Minister for Development and Africa Andrew Mitchell has said, despite famine gripping Gaza and crippling food shortages.

The US, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Finland, Australia and the Netherlands will also continue their freeze to critical life saving aid to the UN aid agency for Palestinians until an interim report about Israel allegations that UNRWA aid workers were involved in Hamas‘s 7 October attacks is released, the minister said.

08.03.2024 - 22:41 [ ]

Canada confirms it will resume funding United Nations relief agency for Palestinians

anada suspended funding to UNRWA in January after Israel alleged 12 employees of the aid agency were involved in some capacity in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

CBC News first reported on Tuesday that the government intended to resume funding after receiving an interim report from the United Nations investigation of Israel‘s allegations.

25.02.2024 - 02:44 [ ]

Ignoring ICJ, Israel accelerates genocide by targeting UNRWA and Gaza‘s healthcare

It ruled on several provisional measures, including that Israel must abstain from genocidal acts, bring accountability for the normalised genocidal rhetoric from state level to civil society, and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But just hours after the verdict, not only did Israel resume its indiscriminate attacks, it took it even further by going after UNRWA, the UN agency that serves as a lifeline for millions of people in Gaza.

22.02.2024 - 20:04 [ ]

US says it cannot independently verify Israel‘s UNRWA claims

The intelligence report‘s findings are in stark contrast to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken‘s remarks in January, in which he said that the accusations against UNRWA were “highly, highly credible”.

The Journal also reported that Israel has not “shared the raw intelligence behind its assessments with the US” despite the strong security relationship between the two countries.

Israel has shared a dossier of sorts outlining its accusations, alongside details of where their evidence stems from, with the US and several western news organisations.

22.02.2024 - 19:46 [ DrALJONES / ]

A US intelligence report has said that Israel‘s claims that UNRWA staff took part in Oct 7 „cannot be independently verified“, & that it had “low confidence” in the allegation.

Major UNRWA donors, incl the US, have frozen vital funds bcz of Israel‘s allegations.

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini says „the UN has never, never, ever received any written dossier, despite our repeated call.“

14.02.2024 - 12:58 [ BBC News (World) / Twitter ]

They were Israel‘s eyes on the border – but their Hamas warnings went unheard


14.02.2024 - 12:40 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago


The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

06.02.2024 - 11:45 [ UN Spokesperson / Twitter ]

@antonioguterres, in consultation @UNLazzarini, has appointed an independent review group to assess whether @UNRWA is doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality & respond to allegations of serious breaches:

06.02.2024 - 11:29 [ Tory Fibs / Twitter ]

Breaking .. Channel 4 have finally been shown the dossier for Israel’s claims that UNRWA staff were behind Oct. 7th. Channel 4 concludes that “Israel provides NO evidence to support this claim”.

06.02.2024 - 11:21 [ ]

As donors suspend critical funding to UNRWA, allegations against staff remain murky

But Israel refuses to share either its evidence or the intelligence dossier – a summary of which was seen by FRANCE 24 – with UNRWA, posing a challenge for the UN agency to complete its inquiry.

06.02.2024 - 11:14 [ New York Times ]

UNRWA Set to Lose $65 Million, Documents Show

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the main aid agency in Gaza, is set to lose $65 million by the end of February as donors’ funding cuts begin to kick in, according to internal accounting documents reviewed by The New York Times.

30.01.2024 - 07:42 [ ]

Israel says UNRWA intel now ‚based on surveillance‘, after earlier ‚confessions‘ claim

„The dossier said that Israeli intelligence officers had established the movements of six of the men inside Israel on Oct. 7 based on their phones; others had been monitored while making phone calls inside Gaza during which, the Israelis say, they discussed their involvement in the Hamas attack,“ the NYT report says, referring to a dossier reportedly handed to US officials in recent days.


The NYT report on Sunday, based on the dossier seen by its reports, made no mention of confessions.

29.01.2024 - 06:40 [ New York Times ]

Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel.

But recent intelligence has shown the extent to which Hamas has been able to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weaponry out of the thousands of munitions that failed to detonate when Israel lobbed them into Gaza, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence officials. Hamas is also arming its fighters with weapons stolen from Israeli military bases.

Intelligence gathered during months of fighting revealed that, just as the Israeli authorities misjudged Hamas’s intentions before Oct. 7, they also underestimated its ability to obtain arms.

27.01.2024 - 22:10 [ @12_31_84 / Twitter ]

Germany announced the freezing of funds to UNRWA following the report that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 massacre. In doing so, it joins the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, Finland and the Netherlands.

27.01.2024 - 21:40 [ Sulaiman Ahmed / Twitter ]


– Canada
– UK
– Finland
– Australia
– Italy

27.01.2024 - 20:35 [ Axios,com ]

Canada, U.K., Australia, others join U.S. in pausing funding to UNRWA

Driving the news: A senior Israeli official said the Shin Bet and Israeli military intelligence provided information that pointed to the active participation of UNRWA staffers and the use of the agency‘s vehicles and facilities during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

„This was strong and corroborated intelligence,“ the official said. „A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.“

18.01.2024 - 03:45 [ ]

The fight in Gaza will be hell, military experts in urban combat say


Yahalom Unit: a specialized Israeli Defense Forces combat engineering corps commando unit trained to find, clear and destroy tunnels. The unit is one of the largest in the world focused on underground warfare.

The Yahalom carries a toolkit of specialized gear for such operations, including ground and aerial sensors, ground-penetrating radar, drilling equipment, radios and navigation equipment designed for use underground, thermal equipment and a suite of flying and ground robots for mapping tunnels. Once discovered, the unit has ground-penetrating munitions such as the GBU-28, which can penetrate 100 feet of soil or 20 feet of concrete.

18.01.2024 - 02:21 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

“Wir können, also lasst es uns tun”: Über die Mentalität im elektronischen Polizeistaat

(12. November 2016)

Aus Interviews mit AussteigerInnen der mutmaßlich eng mit den Mitgliedern und Mitgliedern der “Technischen Aufklärung” des Bundesnachrichtendienstes eingebetteten israelischen Einheit 8200, veröffentlicht im “Guardian” im September 2014:

“Ich nahm eine Funktion an, in der Leute ´Ziele´ genannt wurden, und diese Leute die uns wirklich interessieren sind in keinem Sinne Terroristen, sondern eher generell normale Menschen – die uns interessieren wegen ihrer Funktionen, so dass wir mehr Geheimdienstinformationen über sie bekommen können und mehr Zugang erzielen. Wir nutzen unsere Möglichkeiten über diese Menschen zu unserem Vorteil, um es uns leicht zu machen. Wir nutzen die Einwirkung / die Wucht (“impact) die wir auf deren Leben haben. Manchmal beinhaltet dies das Leben, oder die Seele einer Person wirklich zu verletzen. Ich meine Erpressung, bei Dingen die sie vor Leuten um sich herum verbergen müssen. Ich kann Menschen wirklich das Leben zerstören. Es gab mir das Gefühl omnipotent zu sein.

Als ich diesen Job begann, war ich überrascht von dem Ausmaß meiner Verantwortung. Ich hatte das Gefühl über wichtige Dinge ein Mitspracherecht zu haben. Ich konnte Dinge in Gang setzen, die das Leben (Anm.: es folgt die Bezeichnung der ausspionierten Ortsansässigen) betrafen – ich konnte meine Einheit dazu bringen alle möglichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Die Einstellung war ´Warum nicht? Wir können, also lasst es uns tun.´ Ich dachte, dass das, was ich tun konnte verrückt war. Wir waren die Chefs.”

Ein ex-Spion von 8200 berichtet, wie Soldaten unter seiner Ausbildung systematisch moralisch korrumpiert wurden, um sie zu “vergiften” und die Skrupellosigkeit im Apparat weiter auf Standard zu halten. Bei Razzien “beschlagnahmte” persönliche Gegenstände von Individuen – “Photos von Kindern, Uhren, Familienfotos, Fussballtrophäen, Bücher”, bis hin zu Juwelen – wurden nicht nur zur Mitnahme angeboten, sondern in den Ausbildungsräumen zur Schau gestellt.

“Die Idee war die Auszubildenden (“students”) zu vergiften.“


Die einzige Schlussfolgerung die gezogen wurde, dass es in dieser Einheit so etwas wie einen illegalen Befehl nicht gibt. Es sind nicht wir, die entscheiden was moralisch ist und was nicht. Heute erkenne ich, dass dies das ist, was auch der Bomberpilot sagt: `Es ist nicht an mir zu sagen was moralisch ist und was nicht.` Jeder reicht die Verantwortung an Andere weiter.”

18.01.2024 - 01:17 [ The Guardian / Twitter ]

‘Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother’

(Sep 12, 2014)

18.01.2024 - 00:13 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

16.01.2024 - 02:00 [ BBC News (World) / Twitter ]

They were Israel‘s eyes on the border – but their Hamas warnings went unheard

06.01.2024 - 23:53 [ ]

Combative security cabinet meeting on post-war Gaza uncovers coalition‘s crisis

Israel‘s War Cabinet gathered overnight on Friday to discuss the future of the Gaza Strip after the nation‘s war against Hamas ends. The meeting was reportedly cut off after lawmakers clashed with the defense establishment over the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) investigation of the mistakes leading to the October 7 tragedy that had previously been promised to start after the Israel-Hamas war.

Miri Regev, Minister of Transport and Road Safety, pointed out that the decision over the probe had been made without lawmakers‘ knowledge and argued that the army should be fully focused on the combat in the moment.

06.01.2024 - 23:40 [ OSINTwarAlerts / Twitter ]

Breaking: The IDF has begun investigating the 7.10 incident. Investigation teams have been established, including former Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz, former head of Military Intelligence Zeevi Farkash, and former Southern Command chief Sami Turgeman.


28.12.2023 - 12:40 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago


The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

10.12.2023 - 02:10 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

“Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

10.12.2023 - 02:02 [ Arnaud Bertrand / Twitter ]

WOW, this might be THE most important piece of journalism on the war on Gaza since it began, by Israeli newspaper @972mag Essentially they confirm, with unimpeachable sourcing, that the killing of civilians was all calculated and intentional.


Their investigation is „based on conversations with seven current and former members of Israel’s intelligence community — including military intelligence and air force personnel who were involved in Israeli operations in the besieged Strip — in addition to Palestinian testimonies, data, and documentation from the Gaza Strip, and official statements by the IDF Spokesperson and other Israeli state institutions.“

03.12.2023 - 06:59 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

03.12.2023 - 06:14 [ ]

New York Times zitiert Sicherheitspapier: Wusste Israel von Hamas-Angriffsplan?

(01.12.2023 16:29 Uhr)

Laut New York Times war der Bericht weiten Kreisen der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte zugänglich – neben den Angriffsplänen habe er auch geheime Informationen über die israelische Armee und deren Kommunikation enthalten. Wie die Hamas an solch sicherheitsrelevante Informationen kommen konnte, sei unklar.

30.11.2023 - 12:05 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

Prominent Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi is one of 30 prisoners released in the sixth prisoner-captive exchange between Israel and Hamas.

14.11.2023 - 10:10 [ @BaigsonAuction / Twitter ]

Presenting you Hannah Abutbul, former Israel TV actress and digital content creator aka the girl who performed in the viral doctor video discouraging people from going to hospitals and asking them to run away from Palestine. She didn‘t bother to change her glasses. Pathetic!! Israel is digging its own grave by fake propaganda it still think world is pre 2010 #IsraelLies #IsraelPropaganda

14.11.2023 - 09:39 [ Robert Mackey, Open-source, visual investigation and explanatory journalism / Twitter ]

1. I can report that 3 Doctors Without Borders/MSF staff currently at Shifa Hospital said today they‘ve never seen the woman in this apparently fake video which was viewed +12 million times before being deleted from an Israeli gov‘t account. This closely echoes a 2011 hoax …

2. In 2011, the Israeli gov‘t shared a YouTube video by a man who claimed to be an Israeli gay rights activist who said he was discriminated against by Gaza flotilla organizers. The video was exposed as a hoax and @jonronson set out to find the actor in

3. 3. The actor refused to say who made the video but as I reported at the time it was boosted by @DavidSaranga an Israeli diplomat who taught students to promote Israel online with guerrilla marketing. Saranga is now director of digital diplomacy @IsraelMFA.

4. As @marcowenjones reports, the anti-Hamas video supposedly recorded in a Gaza hospital this week was shared by an official Israeli government account for communicating with Arabic speakers — before being deleted amid widespread suspicion that it was fake.

30.10.2023 - 04:25 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu slammed for post blaming intelligence chiefs for Oct. 7 failure; apologizes

“Contrary to the false claims: Under no circumstances and at no stage was Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of Hamas’s war intentions,” read the original tweet, posted shortly after 1 a.m. local time, hours after Netanyahu held a joint press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz.

The tweet elaborated: “On the contrary, all the security officials, including the head of military intelligence and the head of the Shin Bet, assessed that Hamas had been deterred and was looking for a settlement. This assessment was submitted again and again to the prime minister and the cabinet by all the security forces and intelligence community, up until the outbreak of the war.”

25.10.2023 - 00:13 [ CNN ]

US officials raise concerns over Israeli intelligence after Hamas attacks

(October 7, 2023)

Other US officials familiar with the matter said if the US did have intelligence suggesting an upcoming attack, it would have undoubtedly shared that information with Israel.

The Israelis historically have had dominant capabilities to monitor communications in Gaza. The Israelis also have some of the best capabilities to break into encrypted communications, US officials say.

That’s partly the reason why US officials were shocked that preparation for Saturday’s attacks weren’t detected.

24.10.2023 - 23:25 [ Times of Israel ]

Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’

(9 October 2023)

However, Israel was not only reportedly ignoring clear warnings from its allies.

For Palestinians in Gaza, Israel’s eyes are never very far away. Surveillance drones buzz constantly in the skies. The highly secured border is awash with security cameras and soldiers on guard. Intelligence agencies work sources and cyber capabilities to draw out information.

But Israel’s eyes appeared to have been closed in the lead-up to the surprise onslaught by the Hamas terror group, which broke through Israeli border barriers and sent hundreds of terrorists into Israel to carry out a brazen attack that killed over 700 people and wounded over 2,000.

19.10.2023 - 08:41 [ ]

Perception played central role in Gaza war before first shot fired


In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the clock. They closely monitor the prevailing mood and public discourse and react accordingly to raise awareness and, most importantly, to influence the worldviews of millions of people. Sometimes it succeeds, and sometimes it doesn‘t. But the insight in the Israeli security establishment is that this arena cannot be left without a response and without proper, continuous handling.

19.10.2023 - 08:32 [ Yousef Munayyer / Twitter ]

„In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the influence the worldviews of millions of people.“

18.10.2023 - 19:59 [ alex thomson, Chief Correspondent and Presenter, Channel 4 News / Twitter ]

Israel’s presentation has a Rear Admiral and the tape saying the malfunctioning missile fired from cemetery next to hospital. That doesn’t match video of the event. …

18.10.2023 - 19:54 [ alex thomson, Chief Correspondent and Presenter, Channel 4 News / Twitter ]

Several experts confirm Hamas’ view to @Channel4News that the audio tape of “Hamas” operatives talking about the missile malfunction is a fake . They say the tone, syntax, accent and idiom are absurd.

18.10.2023 - 10:51 [ Nuance Bro / Twitter ]

No recordings for a year allegedly of the training and planning of the biggest attack on Jews since the Holocaust but they got a recording discussing the Israeli reports of a failed rocket that hit a Christian hospital in Gaza in a few hours? Interesting how their intel works again all of a sudden

17.10.2023 - 19:40 [ Amnesty International ]

Massive data leak reveals Israeli NSO Group’s spyware used to target activists, journalists, and political leaders globally

(July 19, 2021)

NSO Group’s spyware has been used to facilitate human rights violations around the world on a massive scale, according to a major investigation into the leak of 50,000 phone numbers of potential surveillance targets. These include heads of state, activists and journalists, including Jamal Khashoggi’s family.

17.10.2023 - 19:25 [ ]

Armeegeheimdienstchef: „Krieg begann mit Versagen“

Er kündigte eine tiefgreifende Untersuchung der Vorfälle an. Dann werde man die Konsequenzen ziehen. „Aber im Moment haben wir nur eine Aufgabe vor Augen – zurückschlagen und im Krieg siegen!“ Er stößt damit ins gleiche Horn wie der Chef des Inlandsgeheimdienstes Shin Bet, Ronen Bar. Der hatte bereits am Montag Verantwortung für den Fehlschlag übernommen und für die Zeit nach dem Krieg eine Untersuchung angekündigt.

17.10.2023 - 19:10 [ ]

Israel: Chef von Militärgeheimdienst räumte Versagen ein

Der Chef des israelischen Militärgeheimdienstes, Aharon Chaliva, hat nach dem verheerenden Hamas-Terroranschlag in Israel eine persönliche Verantwortung eingeräumt. (…)

Auch der Chef des Inlandsgeheimdienstes Schin Bet, Ronen Bar, hatte gestern Versäumnisse eingeräumt.

15.10.2023 - 22:16 [ WikiLeaks ]


2007 June 13, 16:38

Yadlin said the IDI has been predicting armed confrontation in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah since Hamas won the January 2006 legislative council elections. Yadlin felt that the Hamas military wing had initiated the current escalation with the tacit consent of external Hamas leader Khalid Mishal, adding that he did not believe there had been a premeditated political-level decision by Hamas to wipe out Fatah in Gaza. Yadlin dismissed Fatah‘s capabilities in Gaza, saying Hamas could have taken over there any time it wanted for the past year, but he agreed that Fatah remained strong in the West Bank. Although not necessarily reflecting a GOI consensus view, Yadlin said Israel would be „happy“ if Hamas took over Gaza
because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state. He dismissed the significance of an Iranian role in a Hamas-controlled Gaza „as long as they don‘t have a port.“

15.10.2023 - 22:09 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Yadlin: Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas takes over Gaza

(December 21, 2010)

In the cable, Yadlin is quoted as contradicting the consensus in the Israeli government by stating that “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state.”

He also dismissed the significance of an Iranian role in a Hamas-controlled Gaza “as long as they don’t have a port.” He is quoted as saying that it would be something Israel could deal with.

15.10.2023 - 22:04 [ ]

Wikileaks 2010: Israels Geheimdienst wollte Hamas-Kontrolle über Gaza

Konkret geht es um eine diplomatische Depesche (also eine nicht-öffentliche Kommunikation zwischen Diplomaten, Regierungschefs usw.) zwischen dem damaligen israelischen Geheimdienstchef Amos Yadlin und dem US-Botschafter in Israel Richard Jones. So geht daraus hervor, dass Israel einen von der Hamas regierten Gazastreifen unterstützt und den Gazastreifen dann zu einer “feindlichen Einheit” erklären könnte.

12.10.2023 - 17:46 [ Times of Israel ]

IDF chief Halevi admits military failed to prevent Hamas attack, vows to investigate

Halevi says a time will come to investigate how Hamas managed to carry out the attack.

11.10.2023 - 17:50 [ New York Times ]

How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack

Hamas took advantage of that weakness by sending aerial drones to attack the cellular towers that transmitted signals to and from the surveillance system, according to the officials and also drone footage circulated by Hamas on Saturday and analyzed by The New York Times. (…)

The second operational failure was the clustering of leaders from the army’s Gaza division in a single location along the border. Once the base was overrun, most of the senior officers were killed, injured or taken hostage, according to two of the Israeli officials.

10.10.2023 - 21:36 [ @EdanYago / Twitter ]

Factor 1: Israel has built a formidable set of fortifications on the border with Gaza. However, fortifications are useless without people to man them. A political decision was taken to deploy almost the entire combat force to the West Bank. In particular…

the Gaza division, responsible for safeguarding the Gaza region had been redeployed. This left the border almost unguarded.

10.10.2023 - 21:32 [ @MaajidNawaz / Twitter ]

BBC Security Correspondent @FrankRGardner: “With the combined efforts of Shin Bet, Israeli domestic intelligence, Mossad, its external spy agency & all the assets of the Israel Defense Forces, it is FRANKLY ASTOUNDING that nobody saw this coming.”


08.10.2023 - 10:02 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War

The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister, who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom in security matters, completely failed to identify the dangers he was consciously leading Israel into when establishing a government of annexation and dispossession, when appointing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, while embracing a foreign policy that openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians.

08.10.2023 - 09:13 [ ]

Ministers demand answers from IDF after cabinet decides to destroy Hamas, PIJ capabilities

Ministers criticized the Chief of Staff claiming he did not find the time to brief them on Saturday. Some wondered if he had wanted to avoid their difficult questions about the failure of the military intelligence to detect the Hamas plan.“

„Every Israeli citizen wants to know how this failure was possible?“ Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said. „Why are the Chief of Staff and Intelligence chief not here now? We need more information.“

07.10.2023 - 13:30 [ Marc Polymeropoulos, Retired from three letter agency. @msnbc contributor / Twitter ]

A staggering intelligence failure. Hard to comprehend how this was missed. Expect a massive military response in Gaza, including possible ground invasion, and potential for further escalation. All eyes on Iran as well. Thoughts with friends in Israel.

07.10.2023 - 12:54 [ Times of Israel ]

‘A colossal failure’ as Gaza’s Hamas terrorists infiltrate, catch Israel unprepared

“All of Israel is asking itself: Where is the IDF, where is the police, where is the security?” agreed Eli Maron, the former head of the Israeli Navy, alongside him in the studio. “It’s a colossal failure; the hierarchies have simply failed, with vast consequences.”

Amos Yadlin, a former IDF intelligence chief, invoked echoes of the Yom Kippur War — another attack marked by “intelligence failure,” with the enemy initiating conflict.

17.08.2023 - 18:46 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-intel Head Warns Netanyahu Will Replace IDF Chief With ‘Yes-man’ if He Resigns

„I have heard suggestions that Herzl Halevi should resign – he should not do that, or the government would appoint an ally or ‚yes-man,’” Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, the former head of Aman, Israel’s military intelligence directorate, told Army Radio.

„The citizens of Israel should be praying that he stays at the helm, and he must hold on as long as his conscience is in place,” he continued.

06.08.2023 - 09:23 [ Times of Israel ]

Masses protest overhaul, with toned-down Tel Aviv rally in shadow of terror attack

Tel Aviv municipal security officer Chen Amir, 42, was shot and killed by a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group after the terrorist raised officers’ suspicion in the bustling Nachalat Binyamin neighborhood. The terrorist was shot dead by Amir’s colleague, and a senior police source was later quoted by the Ynet news site as saying the gunman had possibly planned to target the anti-overhaul protesters at Kaplan.

06.08.2023 - 09:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Terrorist kills patrolman in Tel Aviv, is shot dead by 2nd officer

Abu Bakr did not have an entry permit to Israel due to his affiliation with Islamic Jihad and the previous shooting attack.

The agency was investigating how he entered Israel.

The police commissioner told media at the scene that the suspect had a “martyrdom” letter on him, adding that “he came to be a martyr.”

22.07.2023 - 13:55 [ Haaretz ]

Hundreds of Reserve Officers From Elite IDF Intel Unit 8200 to Netanyahu: Overhaul ‚Enhances Security Risks‘

„As elected public representatives and commanders, you have a duty to demonstrate leadership and spirit in this critical hour, to stop the hastiness, and to foster a broad social and public consensus on fundamental issues related to the nature of the State of Israel,“ the officers stated. „This is our warning, do not ignore it.“

Gallant is trying to delay the Knesset vote on a crucial piece of the judicial overhaul legislation planned for next week, out of concern that proceeding with the plan to weaken the judiciary will harm military readiness.

04.04.2023 - 21:06 [ Middle East Eye ]

Abu Dhabi announces launch of Israeli-installed mass surveillance system

(15 July 2016)

The Internet of Things applies unique identifiers to objects, or in the case of Abu Dhabi, people to be followed, and provides large amounts of data on all aspects of an individual’s movements and activities based on the surveillance equipment used. Tools for the collection of data include all manner of devices, from cameras on the street to smart devices connected to the internet.

“Every person is monitored from the moment they leave their doorstep to the moment they return to it. Their work, social and behavioural patterns are recorded, analysed and archived,” a source close to the project told MEE at the time.

22.03.2023 - 18:52 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Army Conducted Online Psy-op Against Israeli Public During Gaza War

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit also intended to use social media influencers in order to sway Israeli public opinion.

It is unclear if the IDF paid the Instagram account holders for their services. According to a source familiar with the inner workings of the unit, this is not the only time such cooperation has taken place.

19.02.2023 - 08:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

In rare move, Netanyahu to bring army chiefs to meet Putin in Moscow

(September 21, 2015)

IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi will accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a lightning trip to Moscow on Monday, in a clear signal that regional arms transfers and Russia’s troop deployments in Syria will be the main focus of the discussions.

24.10.2022 - 07:24 [ Haaretz ]

There Is a Place for Ben-Gvir in Netanyahu‘s Cabinet, Former PM Says

The extreme-right MK Itamar Ben-Gvir would be a minister in a government formed by opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister said on Sunday evening.

When asked in a Channel 14 interview whether the Religious Zionism party member has a place in the cabinet if the right-wing-religious bloc receives 61 Knesset seats, Netanyahu responded „Yes, certainly.“

13.09.2022 - 09:28 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli-made Spyware Was Used to Hack Phone of Greek Ex-minister


Intellexa is run by a former Israeli military intelligence official Tal Dilian. The company was based in Cyprus until a year and a half ago, when it moved to Greece.

Predator is very similar to the infamous Pegasus spyware made by the competing and more famous cyber firm NSO Group. Like Pegasus, it allows the operator to access the entire contents of the target’s phone, as well as secretly activating its camera and phone and recording.

06.08.2022 - 20:25 [ Haaretz ]

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

(Jul. 9, 2018)

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

27.07.2022 - 19:10 [ Haaretz ]

Missing Intel, Unprepared Police Failed to Stop 2021 Violence, Israel‘s State Watchdog Finds

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman stressed in his report major shortcomings in the force‘s work to gather intelligence and anticipate the violence, specifically in mixed Jewish-Arab cities like Lod, Acre, and Jaffa.

Planned evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and tensions surrounding the city‘s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound spilled into violence across the country. On May 10, 2021, Hamas fired rockets at Jerusalem, prompting an Israeli response, and the fighting lasted for 11 days. During that time, violence between Arabs and Jews in Israel intensified.

26.07.2022 - 14:26 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

„Wir können, also lasst es uns tun“: Über die Mentalität im elektronischen Polizeistaat

(12. November 2016)

Kontext B.N.D.-Gesetz: Die Allermeisten haben weder eine Ahnung was Totalüberwachung aka Massenüberwachung tatsächlich bedeutet, noch welcher Gefahr auch sie dabei ausgesetzt sind, selbst wenn sie sich noch so sehr anpassen und die technischen Möglichkeiten im 21. Jahrhundert über den privaten Konsum hinaus ignorieren. Welche Skrupellosigkeit und geistig-moralischen Verfall die Apparatschiks des elektronischen Polizeistaats bei ihrem Tun an den Tag legen, während gleichzeitig seit Jahren reguläre Polizei, Justiz und Rechtsstaat systemisch verschwinden, zeigen Berichte von Aussteigern, allerdings nicht aus Deutschland.

03.07.2022 - 08:07 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Downs Unarmed Hezbollah Drones Believed to Be Heading for Gas Rig

Israeli military sources say …

03.07.2022 - 08:05 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Netanyahu‘s Party Is Counting on Gantz

(Jul 1, 2022)

The second consensus – which is both more important and more interesting – is that absolutely no one in Likud, from the most junior member to the most senior, failed to cite Kahol Lavan Chairman Benny Gantz, the current defense minister, as the person they are counting on to complete the tally of 61 Knesset seats that Netanyahu needs to form a government.

30.06.2022 - 03:12 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Lawmakers to Vote to Dissolve Knesset; Lapid to Become PM

The wording of the approved bill sets November 1 as the date elections will be held.

If the vote passes, Lapid will assume the position of prime minister on Thursday at midnight, replacing his coalition partner Naftali Bennett, who on Wednesday evening announced that he would not run in the upcoming election.

26.03.2022 - 20:03 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Intelligence ‚Cooperating Very Closely‘ With Ukraine, Top Zelenskyy Aide Says


“I have very big respect for the leaders of your intelligence services,” he said. “I know many of them personally. These are very big professionals and patriots of Israel and patriots of the whole free world. So I do know that our intelligence is satisfied with this cooperation, but of course there is always more that can be done,“ he said, describing Israel‘s intelligence community as „one of the best of the world.“

10.03.2022 - 12:43 [ Haaretz ]

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

(Jul. 9, 2018)

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

21.07.2021 - 19:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset fights Bennett’s proposal to let IDF and NSO Group track virus patients

(31 March 2020)

Earlier in the day, in a series of tweets, Bennett had floated the idea of giving the Israel Defense Forces’ elite Unit 8200, along with NSO, access to highly personal data of Israeli citizens that had been collected by the Shin Bet security service and Health Ministry as part of an already contentious mass surveillance program.

21.07.2021 - 05:15 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. and E.U. security officials wary of NSO links to Israeli intelligence

In interviews, several current and former officials said they presumed that the company, which was founded by former Israeli intelligence officers, provides at least some information to the government in Jerusalem about who is using its spying products and what information they’re collecting.

“It’s crazy to think that NSO wouldn’t share sensitive national security information with the government of Israel,” said one former senior U.S. national security official who has worked closely with the Israeli security services and, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe intelligence operations

26.06.2021 - 13:08 [ Haaretz ]

Another Mysterious Iran Strike. Totally Different Circumstances


Did the drone strike on the Iranian site – conducted while Israel‘s army chief is in Washington – surprise the Americans?

26.06.2021 - 13:04 [ News_Executive / Twitter ]

Breaking: Iranian officials say, a Sabotage attempt on a building of atomic energy organization of Iran has been foiled, it was reportedly a drone strike that targeted the building in the city of Karaj to the west of Tehran.


20.06.2021 - 19:14 [ ]

Netanyahu will Amtssitz in Jerusalem erst in drei Wochen räumen

Die israelische Zeitung „Haaretz“ schrieb, Bennett wolle dem 71-jährigen Netanyahu und dessen Familie eine „Anpassungsphase“ ermöglichen. Sie hatten zwölf Jahre lang in dem Gebäude gewohnt, das auch für offizielle Empfänge dient. Nach seiner Niederlage bei der Wahl im Jahre 1999 habe Netanyahu sechs Wochen gebraucht, um den Amtssitz zu räumen. Sein Nachfolger Ehud Olmert habe ihn dagegen vier Tage nach seiner Amtsniederlegung verlassen.

18.06.2021 - 19:04 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Ordered Illegal Shredding of Docs at His Office Before Bennett Took Over, Sources Say

The material was kept in safes in the so-called ‘aquarium,’ where prime ministers and their most senior aides sit. It’s unclear which, or how many, documents were destroyed at Netanyahu’s orders

18.06.2021 - 11:10 [ Haaretz ]

‚Severe Shock‘: Netanyahu Left Scorched Earth for Bennett at Prime Minister‘s Office

Dozens of private diplomatic conversations with world leaders, agreements and understandings that go unmentioned in meeting minutes, the Iranian nuclear issues or strategic ties with the American government about which private conversations were held with Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump: All of these remain in Netanyahu’s notebooks and his memory, as if they were his private possession. The heads of the intelligence community who briefed Bennett know only some of these issues – what they were told.

15.06.2021 - 17:21 [ Haaretz ]

The Mossad’s International Brigade in Iran

The Mossad uses foreign citizens for its operations in Iran and elsewhere. Israeli and international media outlets have reported this in the past. We can presume these people are well paid. Iranian spokespeople call them “mercenaries.” But when the head of the Mossad himself reveals this, he reinforces the false impression that Israel’s intelligence service, which has a global reputation as one of the best and most professional, is just a gang that acts like an outsourced crime organization.

10.06.2021 - 10:14 [ ]

„Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother“: Testimonies from people who worked in the Israeli Intelligence Corps tell of a system where there were no boundaries

(12 Sep 2014)

„From a political standpoint, information is collected that can serve to manipulate Israeli, Palestinian and international politics.

Although ours is not actual field work, it has serious impact on the lives of many people, and this is something that I think soldiers in the unit forget when everyone just does their part. Since we’re so focused on not missing any important developments, we always prefer to assume the worst. For example, if anyone is suspected, even very faintly, it is possible that the stain will never fade, and that person will suffer sanctions as a result.

Our daily service dulls everyone’s sensitivity and this is reflected, for example, in running jokes about very personal things that come up in our intelligence material. Or, for instance, in the expression “blood on the headset”, or X’s marked on our headsets after assassinations.

After my discharge from the Intelligence Corps, I had a moment of shock while watching the film The Lives of Others, about the secret police in East Germany.

On the one hand, I felt solidarity with the victims, with the oppressed people who were denied such basic rights as I take for granted to be mine. On the other hand, I realised that the job I had done during my military service was that of the oppressor.

My first reaction as a discharged soldier was that we do the same things, only much more efficiently.“

10.06.2021 - 09:58 [ Richard Silverstein ]

IDF Lies About Espionage Charges Against Tomer Eiges, Cyber-intelligence Officer Who Died in Military Prison


We do not know for certain how Eiges, who a separate source told me committed suicide (though this fact is disputed by his family), managed to die. Though an autopsy was performed by a pathologist hired by the family, according to a family friend he was not able to determine a cause of death.

The IDF refuses to release any medical account of its own. It has performed its own secret investigation of the circumstances of Eiges death and refuses to release any accounting.

10.06.2021 - 09:41 [ Haaretz ]

Intel Officer Who Died in Jail Was About to Compromise ‚Big Secret,‘ Says Israeli Army Chief

According to Kochavi, the secrecy, with which the affair was handled, was important „in order to safeguard his privacy and the privacy of his family … while guarding a big secret.“

Kochavi added that the IDF managed to stop „him at the last minute,“ before he caused harm.

10.06.2021 - 09:35 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Wir können, also lasst es uns tun“: Über die Mentalität im elektronischen Polizeistaat

(12. November 2016)

Kontext B.N.D.-Gesetz: Die Allermeisten haben weder eine Ahnung was Totalüberwachung aka Massenüberwachung tatsächlich bedeutet, noch welcher Gefahr auch sie dabei ausgesetzt sind, selbst wenn sie sich noch so sehr anpassen und die technischen Möglichkeiten im 21. Jahrhundert über den privaten Konsum hinaus ignorieren. Welche Skrupellosigkeit und geistig-moralischen Verfall die Apparatschiks des elektronischen Polizeistaats bei ihrem Tun an den Tag legen, während gleichzeitig seit Jahren reguläre Polizei, Justiz und Rechtsstaat systemisch verschwinden, zeigen Berichte von Aussteigern, allerdings nicht aus Deutschland.

10.06.2021 - 09:23 [ Haaretz ]

Everything That Can Be Said About the Mysterious Death of an Israeli Intel Officer

Those who knew the officer say he was regarded as a prodigy in the field of computers, which he studied in high school. At age 16, he participated in a program to encourage high-tech entrepreneurship for young people and completed a bachelor’s degree in computer science. He joined the Israel Defense Forces in March 2016 and served in an intelligence branch tech unit.

His friends told Haaretz he was an idealistic and brilliant individual who succeeded in all the assignments he was given. “He was a man of values and ideals, and they guided him in his work and in his philosophy of life,” said one.

03.06.2021 - 16:43 [ Times of Israel ]

IDF general warns further Gaza fighting could break out

The head of the Israel Defense Forces’ Southern Command indicates he anticipates fighting to again break out in the Gaza Strip, saying that the conflict last month was only the “first stage” of a wider campaign.

“The operation ended, or at least its first stage did. The next stage will happen if we see that the security situation has changed,” Maj. Gen. Eliezer Toledano says in an on-stage interview at a conference held by Israel’s Channel 13 news.

03.06.2021 - 16:26 [ Al Jazeera ]

Egypt’s intelligence chief holds talks with Hamas in Gaza Strip


Khalil al-Haya spoke after meeting Abbas Kamel, who visited Gaza after meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a trip aimed at shoring up an informal ceasefire brokered by Cairo.

11.05.2021 - 07:43 [ ]

Israel handed Soleimani‘s phone numbers to US ahead of Baghdad drone strike: report

The phones were used to trace Soleimani on his journey from Damascus to the Iraqi capital, the report clarifies.

The outlet cited a US source as saying that Soleimani swapped his phone three times in the six hours before he got on the plane bound for Baghdad.

However, with Israeli assistance, Washington‘s operators were still able to trace Soleimani‘s movements, with three drones shadowing his jet.

01.03.2021 - 08:59 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Cyber Czar Wants Access to Private Firms‘ Computers, Content

Igal Una, who heads the cyber directorate, is promoting the legislation and has the support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The background to the legislative push is the string of cyberattacks against Israeli companies during the past year.

03.01.2021 - 09:45 [ Haaretz ]

A Shady Israeli Intel Genius, His Cyber-spy Van and Million-dollar Deals


Aliada, according to the suit, is a group of cyberweapon companies whose products are branded under the name Intellexa. In May 2019, it added, the group recruited Eran Beck, a former head of the Military Intelligence’s cyber department, as its director of development.

03.07.2020 - 13:06 [ Haaretz ]

How Netanyahu Silenced Israel’s Spies and Soldiers From Dissenting on Annexation

In the coming months no less than five senior members of the security establishment face replacement.

They are: Yossi Cohen, head of Mossad (Israel’s foreign espionage agency); Nadav Argaman, head of the Shin Bet, (domestic security service); Major-General Tamir Hayman, chief of Military Intelligence, and its Research Directorate director, Brigadier-General Dror Shalom; and finally, Meir Ben Shabat, head of the National Security Council.