Archiv: Naivität / Mehrheitler / naivety / majoritians

02.01.2025 - 19:32 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Awakening From Empire Propaganda Starts With One Small Act Of Heresy

And it just takes one. One well-placed spotlight on one obvious plot hole is all it takes to get someone pulling on a thread that will eventually unravel the whole matrix of delusion for them. And once they’re awake, they can join us in helping to wake up the others.

So make a vocation of being a serial blasphemer. Get people asking the inconvenient questions, and spark as many small acts of heresy as you can. People are only going to awaken from the imperial narrative matrix one pair of eyelids at a time, and we each have the opportunity to spend some time every day trying to help open them.

01.01.2025 - 20:29 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Happy New Year. Our Society Is Every Bit As Diseased As You Suspect It Is.

The public is becoming more and more restless and agitated because they can sense that something’s wrong but can’t say what it is, like a dementia patient with a urinary tract infection. This agitation is erupting in ways which range from the crazy to the very lucid, from hate crimes and racist movements to mass protests against genocide and an expanding awareness that a better world is possible.

Our job at this point in history is to try to steer this growing restlessness toward health and clarity. To help people understand where the real bad guys are, to highlight the manipulations and abusive systems at play here, to assure everyone that their growing sense that something is very wrong is absolutely correct, and to help them see exactly what’s causing it.

31.12.2024 - 14:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s attacks on Syria threaten regional stability and will ultimately backfire

The military operation’s scale and focus raise pressing questions about Israel’s intentions and its long-term impact on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Analysts have drawn comparisons to the chaos seen in Iraq after the US-led invasion and Libya’s fragmented post-Gaddafi reality.

Israel’s occupation of additional Syrian territories near the Golan Heights compounds this uncertainty.

10.12.2024 - 21:38 [ ]

“We were screwed over”: Russian propagandists fume over downfall of Assad regime in Syria

„I would ask myself the same question: do we even have intelligence services, do they work? And if they do, who’s ‘processing’ the results of their work? If this is some ‘masterstroke,’ a planned maneuver, then what’s happening with our troops in fallen Damascus, and what about the embassy?”

30.11.2024 - 08:00 [ Tehran Times ]

Decisive, coordinated action needed to combat terrorism in Syria: Iran foreign ministry

Baqaei emphasized that the regions around Aleppo and Idlib, designated as de-escalation zones under the Astana Process agreements between Iran, Russia, and Turkey, are at the center of the renewed violence.

He condemned the recent attacks by terrorist groups in these areas, calling them a flagrant violation of the agreements.

04.11.2024 - 07:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Iranian press review: China and Russia criticised over response to Israeli strikes

(November 2, 2024)

The daily continued to criticise the stances of these two countries, comparing them to some European nations that have tense relations with Iran.

As western sanctions against Iran have increased in recent years, Tehran has strengthened economic ties with Moscow and Beijing, with one key outcome being the sale of cheap oil to China.

17.04.2024 - 19:42 [ ]

Hilfe für die Ukraine – Selenski fordert, was Israel bekam

Israel parierte den iranischen Grossangriff aus der Luft – und zwar mithilfe der USA, Grossbritanniens, Frankreichs, Jordaniens und möglicherweise Saudi-Arabiens. Genau solche Hilfe fordert nun der ukrainische Präsident Wolodimir Selenski für sein Land gegen die russischen Luftangriffe. Das ist legitim. Doch passieren wird es nicht.

15.04.2024 - 15:44 [ ]

Media In Tehran Accuse Russia, Syria Of Betraying IRGC


In an editorial on April 8, Masih Mohajeri, the influential managing editor of Jomhouri Eslami daily, a newspaper that was founded by Ali Khamenei in 1979, asked: „Why Russia, which controls the Syrian airspace does not prevent air strikes on Iranian targets in Syria?“ Also implicating Syria and possibly Iranian infiltrators in tipping off the Israelis, Mohajeri wrote: „We have had too many losses in Syria during the past months and this is certainly because of the treason by infiltrators.“

Since December, Israel has eliminated 18 high ranking IRGC officers in Syria, in what appears to be a systematic campaign to limit the danger of Iranian proxies on its borders.

12.04.2024 - 00:10 [ Times of Israel ]

As Iran vows revenge, Israel worries it could get even by going nuclear

After a week of being very careful regarding statements directed at Iran, the US gave Israel something to be satisfied about on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden said America’s commitment to Israel’s security, amid the threats from Iran and its proxies, is “ironclad.”

Biden’s statements are aimed directly at Iran, and it’s certainly possible that they’re the result of a worrying intelligence assessment Israel presented to the US.

22.02.2024 - 21:22 [ United Nations ]

Humanitarian leaders unite in urgent plea for Gaza

For that, they stressed the need for 10 indispensable elements: an immediate ceasefire; protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure; immediate release of hostages; reliable entry points for aid; security assurances and unimpeded access; a functioning humanitarian notification system; roads cleared of explosive ordnance; and a stable communication network.

In addition, they called for the UN agency assisting Palestine refugees (UNRWA) to receive the resources it needs to provide life-saving assistance as well as a halt to campaigns seeking to discredit the UN and NGOs doing their best to save lives.

29.01.2024 - 05:55 [ ]

Friend or foe? Russia’s West Jerusalem consulate is very worrying


It is also possible, in fact, true, that Russia‘s foreign policy towards Israel and Palestine at the present time is entirely motivated by Russian priorities.

This means that Moscow cannot be taken for granted as a Palestinian ally, and an outright recognition by Moscow of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is not entirely off the table.

12.11.2023 - 01:44 [ ]

Hundreds of former Biden campaign staffers call for Gaza cease-fire


The letter from a group called Biden Alumni for Peace and Justice includes the names of people who worked for Biden for President/Victory 2020 HQ, the Democratic National Committee and state organizations.

“We implore you, President Biden, to live that moral courage right now by stepping up to be a leader we can be proud of in the face of injustice,” the group wrote. “As President of the United States, you have significant influence in this perilous moment — you must call for a ceasefire, hostage exchange, and de-escalation and take concrete steps to address the conditions of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the root of the horrific violence we are witnessing now.”

18.09.2023 - 18:22 [ ]

Ministers deny concessions as Online Safety Bill returns to Commons


Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan insisted that nothing had changed in the long-awaited legislation, after privacy campaigners earlier this month claimed a victory following widespread reports of a shift in the Government stance on encryption.

10.09.2023 - 19:16 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

We now expect the CIA, Pentagon, NSA, etc, to have all their communications screened. We are looking for:


– child porn
– animal porn
– spy shit
– illegally and arbitrarily stolen communications, secrets, private information and other intellectual, creative, spiritual and personal property (formely called thoughts, identity, mind and soul, and stuff)
– deceitful law drafts, that potentially could be talked into parliamentarian dummies, in order to sell those laws on the other hand to a bunch of idiots as some kind of aid, protection or rescue for anybody, so that everybody´s applauding when they are subjected to an electronic colony, police state and feudalism.

And remember: if they are progessives, they let you do it!

04.09.2023 - 20:23 [ ]

EU chat control law will ban open source operating systems

(1 February 2023)

The proposed Chat control EU law will not only seize totalitarian control of all private communication. It will also ban open source operating systems as an unintended consequence.

23.02.2023 - 07:17 [ United Nations ]

No Time to Lose, Secretary-General Tells Emergency Session on Ukraine, Urging Action for Ending Russian Federation Invasion, Fully Supporting $5.6 Billion Humanitarian Appeal

The war is also fanning regional instability and fuelling global tensions and divisions, while diverting attention and resources from other crises and pressing global issues. Meanwhile, we have heard implicit threats to use nuclear weapons. The so-called tactical use of nuclear weapons is utterly unacceptable.

20.01.2023 - 03:16 [ Hermann Ploppa / ]

Ein neuer Mantel für die PDS

(Juli 2005)

Es gibt eine Reihe von Indizien, daß die PDS, zusammen mit Kollaborateuren bei der WASG, die Übernahme schon lange geplant hatte. Vordenker der PDS hatten das Konzept einer westdeutschen Sozialpartei links von der SPD schon ab 2002 in der Schublade. Die PDS-Vordenker taten dieses aus nackter Überlebensnotwendigkeit. Denn die PDS ist hoffnungslos überaltert. Ihre traditionellen Infrastrukturen brechen im Raketentempo weg. Die PDS-Führung leidet unter Relitätsverlust und zieht sich in parlamentarisch-administrative Sphären zurück. Die Strukturkrisen der PDS werden nach der Wahlniederlage bei der Bundestagswahl 2002 offensichtlich. Dies ist der Wendepunkt, wo bei der PDS-eigenen Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung laut nachgedacht wird über Rettungswege.

Eine RLS-Studie von Ende 2002 von André Brie/Michael Brie/Michael Chrapa geht noch von einer inneren Reformfähigkeit der PDS aus, und macht eine Reihe vernünftiger Vorschläge. Jedoch bringt der nachfolgende Geraer Parteitag bei der PDS keine Reformansätze. Der alte Schlendrian geht weiter. Daraufhin verfaßt Michael Brie im Mai 2003 eine Studie mit einem ganz neuen Konzept: PDSPlus. Die PDS soll sich wenigstens als Volkspartei in Ostdeutschland konsolidieren. Das Überleben der PDS ist aber nur denkbar, wenn in Westdeutschland eine neue Sozialpartei gegründet wird, die dem Anschein nach selbständig ist. Ein „personeller Kern“ soll aber tatsächlich die Anbindung an die PDS gewährleisten. Die neue Westpartei soll jene Wähler erreichen, die nicht mehr die Altparteien wählen, aber auch die PDS nicht wählen wollen.

Im Februar verfaßt PDS- und RLS-Mitglied Ralf Krämer auf westdeutscher Seite das Gründungsmanifest dieser neuen Sozialpartei West. Durch eine geschickte Heimlichtuerei wird die Mainstreampresse angelockt, und das Wort von der linkspopulistischen Partei macht die Runde. Gesprächskreise gründen sich in Westdeutschland. Sie bilden den Kern der neuen Sozialpartei. PDS-Strategen wie Joachim Bischoff leiten die spontanen Inititiativen in die richtigen – PDS-kompatiblen – Kanäle.

Diesen Kreisen ist schon lange klar, daß im Falle eines angestrebten gemeinsamen Wahlkampfauftrittes der neuen WASG und der alten PDS nur eine der beiden Parteien ihre Liste beim Wahlleiter anmelden kann…

09.01.2023 - 21:08 [ ]

Why did Facebook reject The Spectator’s Joe Biden cover?

Why was The Spectator being hauled up under a technical FB rule applying to political adverts? As a news organisation, we thought we were exempt from such rules.

07.11.2022 - 06:46 [ ]

Russia obstructs Iran nuclear deal as the Kremlin frets over its oil income

(March 5, 2022)

Hopes had been high that international negotiators from the permanent five members of the U.N. Security Council, Germany and the EU would be able to secure a deal with Tehran on Saturday to put strict limits on Iran’s atomic work in exchange for sanctions relief for the Islamic Republic.

Such a deal would bring significant volumes of Iranian crude oil back to global energy markets in the months ahead, and that could spell trouble for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

07.11.2022 - 06:35 [ ]

Iran admits to drone delivery to Russia ‘before the war’


The minister added that Tehran’s ties with Putin are based on neighborliness and common interests, the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

The Iranian diplomat maintained that during a conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, they agreed that Kyiv would hand over evidence of the use of those Iranian drones in the conflict. “If it is confirmed that Russia used Iranian drones in the war against Ukraine, we will not be indifferent to this issue,” Abdollahian stressed.

04.11.2022 - 09:56 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: Our Public Will Stand Firm Against Fascism and Racism.

While the pro-Netanyahu bloc is slated to expand to 65 seats in the Knesset following yesterday’s election, Channel 12 reports that it only received 8,189 more votes than the anti-Netanyahu bloc. However, because Arab Balad party and possibly Zionist Meretz failed to cross the threshold, their votes were scattered to other parties rather than being redistributed to the anti-Netanyahu bloc, which is slated to end with just 55 seats in the Knesset. Both blocs won roughly 50% of the vote, though the final tallies are not yet available.

02.11.2022 - 10:01 [ James J. Marlow / Twitter ]

We are beginning to see a picture of results although there is still some distance to go. But at this stage, Meretz and Balad are OUT and Labor colleagues have turned against their leader, Merav Michaeli. #IsraelElections2022 #Israelex5

27.10.2022 - 02:35 [ ]

This Election Poll Made the Israeli Left Panic, as It Should

In the early stages of the campaign, when parties could still merge with others, Lapid begged Merav Michaeli, the leader of Labor, to join forces with Meretz. Even the James Webb telescope would fail to find ideological differences between the two parties. Michaeli, whatever her reasons may have truly been, shot down the idea. Now she could enter history books as the first Labor leader to remain beneath the threshold, and outside the Knesset.

18.10.2022 - 19:33 [ Islamic Republic of Iran - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - ]

Islamic Republic of Iran – Ministry of Foreign Affairs


18.10.2022 - 19:25 [ Reuters ]

Iran says it has not provided Russia with drones for use in Ukraine


„The published news about Iran providing Russia with drones has political ambitions and it‘s circulated by western sources. We have not provided weaponry to any side of the countries at war,“ said Iran‘s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani during a weekly press conference.

31.07.2022 - 08:06 [ ]

Overhaul campaign before it’s too late, Rishi Sunak told

To make an impression on the race, Sunak announced last night plans to charge patients £10 for a missed medical appointment to help clear the Covid backlog. He said he would revive high streets, slash the number of empty shops and backed tougher punishment for graffiti and littering, as well as additional powers for police to tackle anti-social behaviour.

31.07.2022 - 06:38 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Is Expecting Lapid to Bow Out Gracefully Once Again

Gantz is expecting Lapid to be the silver platter on which his government will rest. He’s expecting Lapid to bow out gracefully a fourth time.

First, Lapid gave up on leading Kahol Lavan (back when it was a joint ticket). Then he gave up on a rotation as prime minister should it win. Then he let Naftali Bennett be the first prime minister in the outgoing rotation government. As far as Gantz and his supporters are concerned, that’s Lapid’s purpose – to be an indefatigable capitulator, the person who provides springboards and makes governments for others.

11.06.2022 - 12:18 [ ]

Vučić with Scholz: „Scholz brought new energy and new hope“

„Scholz has brought new energy and new hope. He wants to hear everyone in the Western Balkans and wants real prospects for EU expansion which is an important, excellent message for everyone in the Western Balkans. We also talked about the fact that Serbia must progress much faster in terms of the rule of law, democracy…“, he said.

22.04.2022 - 09:41 [ Hermann Ploppa / ]

Ein neuer Mantel für die PDS

(Juli 2005)

Es gibt eine Reihe von Indizien, daß die PDS, zusammen mit Kollaborateuren bei der WASG, die Übernahme schon lange geplant hatte. Vordenker der PDS hatten das Konzept einer westdeutschen Sozialpartei links von der SPD schon ab 2002 in der Schublade. Die PDS-Vordenker taten dieses aus nackter Überlebensnotwendigkeit. Denn die PDS ist hoffnungslos überaltert. Ihre traditionellen Infrastrukturen brechen im Raketentempo weg. Die PDS-Führung leidet unter Relitätsverlust und zieht sich in parlamentarisch-administrative Sphären zurück. Die Strukturkrisen der PDS werden nach der Wahlniederlage bei der Bundestagswahl 2002 offensichtlich. Dies ist der
Wendepunkt, wo bei der PDS-eigenen Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung laut nachgedacht wird über Rettungswege.

Eine RLS-Studie von Ende 2002 von André Brie/Michael Brie/Michael Chrapa geht noch von einer inneren Reformfähigkeit der PDS aus, und macht eine Reihe vernünftiger Vorschläge. Jedoch bringt der nachfolgende Geraer Parteitag bei der PDS keine Reformansätze. Der alte Schlendrian geht weiter. Daraufhin verfaßt Michael Brie im Mai 2003 eine Studie mit einem ganz neuen Konzept: PDSPlus. Die PDS soll sich wenigstens als Volkspartei in Ostdeutschland konsolidieren. Das Überleben der PDS ist aber nur denkbar, wenn in Westdeutschland eine neue Sozialpartei gegründet wird, die dem Anschein nach selbständig ist. Ein „personeller Kern“ soll aber
tatsächlich die Anbindung an die PDS gewährleisten. Die neue Westpartei soll jene Wähler erreichen, die nicht mehr die Altparteien wählen, aber auch die PDS nicht wählen wollen.

Im Februar verfaßt PDS- und RLS-Mitglied Ralf Krämer auf westdeutscher Seite das Gründungsmanifest dieser neuen Sozialpartei West. Durch eine geschickte Heimlichtuerei wird die Mainstreampresse angelockt, und das Wort von der linkspopulistischen Partei macht die Runde. Gesprächskreise gründen sich in Westdeutschland. Sie bilden den Kern der neuen Sozialpartei. PDS-Strategen wie Joachim Bischoff leiten die spontanen Inititiativen in
die richtigen – PDS-kompatiblen – Kanäle.

Diesen Kreisen ist schon lange klar, daß im Falle eines angestrebten gemeinsamen Wahlkampfauftrittes der neuen WASG und der alten PDS nur eine der beiden Parteien ihre Liste beim Wahlleiter anmelden kann…

22.04.2022 - 09:34 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Wie sich eine Partei den Namen „Die Linke“ gab

(17. Dezember 2016)

Zwei Essays von Hermann Ploppa aus 2005 mit dem Titel „Ein neuer Mantel für die PDS“ beleuchten, wie die ehemalige DDR-Staatspartei (ab 1990 „PDS“) im Jahre 2004 mithalf die „Wahlalternative für Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit“ (WASG) zu gründen, auf deren Rücken anschließend wieder in den Bundestag einzog, sie anschließend schluckte und sich selbst in „die Linke“ umbenannte.

Zu Hermann Ploppa: Autor („Die Macher hinter den Kulissen: Wie transatlantische Netzwerke heimlich die Demokratie unterwandern“, Übersetzer von Tim Andersons „Der Schmutzige Krieg gegen Syrien: Washington, Regime Change, Widerstand“.

Die Essays sind hier zu finden (Teil 1, Teil 2) und hier gespiegelt (Teil 1, Teil 2). Teil 1 wurde veröffentlicht im Juni 2005, Teil 2 im August 2005, also noch vor der vom damaligen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder so plötzlich vorgezogenen Bundestagswahl im September 2005.

Dass Schröder damals die Wahl über eine selbst organisierte „gescheiterte“ Vertrauensfrage im Bundestag so plötzlich vorzog – eine vom Grundgesetz nicht vorgesehene faktische Auflösung des Parlaments nach dem Gusto eines Kanzlers! – erschließt sich nur vor dem Hintergrund eben dieser Entwicklungen.

22.04.2022 - 09:25 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Auf zum letzten Gefecht

Es war ein Signal des politischen Aufbruchs. Am 16. Juni 2007 vereinigten sich die vorwiegend ostdeutsche PDS und die vor allem von westdeutschen Gewerkschaftern und Sozialdemokraten, die von Gerhard Schröders „Agenda 2010“ enttäuscht waren, getragene WASG zur gesamtdeutschen Partei „Die LINKE“. Die damals noch ungegenderte Führung übernahmen mit Gregor Gysi und Oskar Lafontaine zwei charismatische politische Schlachtrösser. Getragen wurde die neue Partei auch von realen sozialen Bewegungen, die sich vor allem gegen die Hartz-Reformen formiert hatten.

12.04.2022 - 17:48 [ ]

PM vows will not seek coalition with Joint Arab List, Netanyahu

Asked about the immediate aftermath of Silman‘s resignation, he said that „the first order of business was to stabilize the faction. I‘ve spoken with the party heads and this government is moving forward. The alternative is to return to the dark days of more election campaigns. Instead of fighting terrorism, fighting each other.“

Bennett further rejected the assertion that the current 60-60 situation in the Knesset has left his government paralyzed, saying that political paralysis „is measured in actions. Controversial laws are hard to pass, but we have no issue with regular legislation.“

13.03.2022 - 11:30 [ / ]

Khatibzadeh: The Vienna talks are temporarily suspended

(March 11, 2022)

In a tweet on Twitter today, Khatibzadeh said that success in the dialogue will be the main focus for all parties, and that any external factor will not affect the common will to move towards a collective agreement.

14.01.2022 - 09:55 [ ]

“Wir haben versagt”: Größte dänische Zeitung entschuldigt sich für die unkritische Veröffentlichung des offiziellen Covid-Narrativs

§“Es ist natürlich in erster Linie Aufgabe der Behörden, die Öffentlichkeit korrekt, genau und ehrlich zu informieren. Die Zahlen darüber, wie viele Menschen an Corona erkrankt sind und sterben, hätten aus offensichtlichen Gründen schon vor langer Zeit veröffentlicht werden müssen, damit wir uns ein möglichst klares Bild von dem Monster unter dem Bett machen können.

Insgesamt lassen die Botschaften der Behörden und Politiker an die Öffentlichkeit in dieser historischen Krise viel zu wünschen übrig. Und so lügen sie, wie sie es getan haben, wenn Teile der Bevölkerung das Vertrauen in sie verlieren.“

06.07.2021 - 09:44 [ ]

Emotionale KI: Berechnete Gefühle

Seit Jahren wird an Emotionserkennungs-KI geforscht, aber erst jetzt komme sie „in ein Stadium robuster Anwendbarkeit“, sagt Björn Schuller. Der Informatiker beschäftigt sich in seinen Projekten an der Universität Augsburg mit akustischer Emotionserkennung. „Deutschland ist und war hier stets führend in der internationalen Forschung“, sagt er. Angewendet würde die Technologie jedoch weder hierzulande noch anderswo – mit wenigen Ausnahmen.

04.07.2021 - 12:51 [ Radio Utopie ]

Totalüberwachung, und damit ermöglichte politische Verfolgung, wird nun „gezielt“ erlaubt

(2. Juli 2016)

Die Vorgänge repräsentieren nicht nur den Totalausfall einer weiteren Generation von Deutschen und die Legasthenie ihrer Fachidioten. Sie werfen auch ein Schlaglicht auf weltweite Datenbanken von Geheimdiensten, Anwaltsfirmen und Banken und deren politische Verfolgung von „politischen Individuen“.

04.07.2021 - 12:39 [ Junge Welt ]

Was vom GG noch übrig ist

Pünktlich zum 203. Geburtstag von Karl Marx, also mit Schreiben vom 5. Mai 2021, erklärte die deutsche Bundesregierung: Die Tageszeitung junge Welt sei marxistisch, was nicht sein dürfe, behaupte die Existenz von Klassen als Grundstruktur der Gesellschaft, was ebenfalls nicht sein dürfe. Deshalb soll die Zeitung ökonomisch klein gehalten und medial in Verruf gebracht werden, um bestehende und zukünftige Geschäftspartner und Leser zumindest zu verunsichern.

07.06.2021 - 13:17 [ Jerusalem Post ]

PM Netanyahu shares article calling him an ‚icon of the global right‘


„The overthrowing of Netanyahu will cause a collapse of the global right-wing – from the United States to The Hague,“ read the tweet shared by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s official Twitter account.

05.05.2021 - 11:55 [ ]

„NSU 2.0“-Drohschreiben: Wissler glaubt nicht an Einzeltäter

„Und gerade in diesem Fall frage ich mich, wie kommt ein 53-jähriger Mann aus Berlin an Daten, die, kurz bevor diese Drohbriefe geschrieben wurden, nachweislich abgefragt wurden an mehreren Polizeicomputern, an mehreren Revieren, in verschiedenen Bundesländern?“ Das gelte es jetzt aufzuklären.

07.03.2021 - 10:37 [ Times of Israel ]

Tel Aviv hosts its first ‘Green Pass’ concert for the vaccinated

500 people allowed into 30,000-seat capacity Bloomfield Stadium to attend a performance by Israeli pop star Ivri Lider

06.03.2021 - 08:19 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Netanjahu ist tot.

(11. März 2012)

Die israelische Zeitung „Maariv“, im auch in Israel mittlerweile ortsüblichen Standard irgendwo im Sumpf rechts neben der Leitplanke befindlich, veröffentlichte gestern eine neue Umfrage. Nach dieser beträgt der „Vorsprung“ vom immer noch krieg-, ergo erfolglosen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu und seiner faschistisch-klerikalen Koalition gegenüber der größtenteils ebenso rechtsradikalen, bellizistischen und antidemokratischen „Opposition“ in Israel, ganze vier Knesset-Sitze – bei einer Fehlerquote von zwei Sitzen.

Das aber für Netanjahu und seine vom seit Jahrzehnten andauernden faktischen Ausnahmezustand profitierende Nomenklatura so Beunruhigende, so Verheerende, ja gar schröcklich Schmöckliche ist, daß es überhaupt wieder eine relevante Oppositionspartei gibt. Und zwar eine Oppositionspartei, welche die Netanjahu-Regierung bereits versucht hat mit zwei Sondergesetzen zu verhindern.

Laut der „Maariv“-Umfrage führt Netanjahus Likud-Block, zusammen mit der faschistischen „Israel Beiteinu“ von Avigdor Lieberman, der bellizistischen rechtsreaktionären „Atzmaut“ von Militärminister Ehud Barak (ex-Vorsitzender der ortsüblichen Fantomsozialdemokratie in der „Arbeitspartei“) und der klerikal-biologistischen „Shas“ zusammen mit 62 Sitzen gegenüber zusammengerechnet 58 Sitzen für die anderen Parteien. Diese sind:

– die „Meretz“-Partei, die „Feigling“, „Faschist“ und „Stümper“ aus Überzeugung mit „Zionist“ übersetzt,

– die „Avoda“-Partei („Arbeitspartei“). Diese stand 2011 nach dem Abgang ihres großen Führers und „Verteidigungsministers“ Ehud Barak (zu dem sie immer in Treue fest gestanden hatte, auch während der gescheiterten Bodeninvasion im Gazastreifen 2008/2009 mit über 1000 toten palästinensischen Zivilisten) vor dem Nichts. Was sollte sie bloß tun, was sie noch nicht getan hatte? Oh unser Ehud, warum hast Du uns verlassen? Und nahmest auch gleich noch ein paar andere Minister mit?

In der Verzweiflung über ihren jahrelangen Selbstmord nach Vorbild pro-amerikanisch-europäischer Verrätermaschinen nominierte sie vor kurzem den politisch unerfahrenen Vater des jahrelang unter äußerst obskuren Umständen entführten Soldaten Gilad Shalit, Noam Shalit, für einen führenden Posten und wartet derzeit nun etwas erfolgreicher darauf, wieder für nichts gewählt zu werden.

– die Parteien „Balad“, „Ra´am“ und „Ta´al“, deren Verbrechen vor allem darin besteht sich die falschen Eltern am falschen Ort (dem heutigen Israel) ausgesucht zu haben, welche zudem die falsche Religion besitzen und diese Ursünde der falschen Geburt durch magisch-transzendetale / politisch-biologische Fähigkeiten auf ihre Sprösslinge vererbt haben,

– eine Reihe weiterer Parteien hochrangiger Geistesgrößen, wie die einst von Ariel Sharon zwecks ungestörter Durchführung heiliger Massenmorde gegründete „Kadima“, der heute die ehemalige Außenministerin Netanjahus vorsitzt, Tzipi Livni,

– und die bislang noch nicht gegründete Partei eines ehemaligen TV-Moderators.


Sagte ich, „die die bislang noch nicht gegründete Partei eines ehemaligen TV-Moderators“?

Ja. Ich sagte, „die bislang noch nicht gegründete Partei eines ehemaligen TV-Moderators“.

Genau diese bislang noch nicht gegründete Partei eines ehemaligen TV-Moderators bekam gestern in der Umfrage von „Maariv“ 10 Sitze in einem großen Haufen in Israel zugesprochen, in den man mit Anlauf reintreten möchte wie in den Bundestag und sich zugleich genauso davor ekelt: der Knesset.

Über Yair Lapid schrieb bereits Uri Avnery. Lapid ist ein ganz normaler Garderobenständer aus der Unterhaltungsbranche, Teil der israelischen Oberschicht und des alten Parteiadels, sowie alter Duzfreund Netanjahus, der es aber immerhin fertiggebracht hat, ein, zwei normale Ideen zu haben und sich für diese nicht gleich in heiligen Grund und Boden zu schämen. Dazu zählt ein Rückzug aus den Besatzungszonen, soziale Mindeststandards für die gesamte Bevölkerung und eine Verfassung, die Israel nicht hat. Allein das reicht heutzutage aus, um eine ganze Bande Schurken (auch in Israel die „politische Klasse“ genannt) hochgradig nervös zu machen und um die qua Protege und Gnade der heilig-wohlständigen Übergeburt (gern auch im Ausland) versprochenen Privilegien zur Ausbeutung der eigenen Gesellschaft bangen zu lassen.

24.02.2021 - 12:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Hanau: Der Staat bin ich


Gestern gab Ali Toprak, Vorsitzender der kurdischen Gemeinde in Deutschland, im ZDF eine historische Weltneuheit bekannt: den zufälligen Massenmord an Kurden. Und das gleich zweimal, bei zwei kurdischen Vereinslokalen (Shisha-Bars).

Ali Toprak befand sich in guter, oder sagen wir, in echt deutscher Gesellschaft. Alle Anderen sahen das nämlich auch so. Keiner stellte diesbezüglich irgendeine Frage. Hätte ja auch eine dumme sein können. Aber nein, nein. Alles parierte.

Und die „Alternative für Deutschland“… was ärgerte sich dieses Symptom! Wo sie doch nur dazu gehören wollen! Und daher irgendetwas in Frage stellen, was die Behörden in einem nur allzu bekannten Deja Vu aus ihrer populären Tasche zogen? Das fiel den Kameraden doch im Traum nicht ein. Von den real populär-existenzberechtigten Linken ganz zu schweigen. Die waren, ähm, natürlich schwer erschüttert. Es waren tatsächlich viele, die allermeisten Menschen in Deutschland, wirklich tief getroffen und empfanden tatsächliche Anteilnahme.

Aber auch bei ihnen reichte es nicht, wieder einmal, für eine einzige gottverdammte Frage.

15.02.2021 - 00:22 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Democrats WANT To Lose The Midterms: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

I’m seeing US progressive/DSA types getting more and more agitated about the sudden increase in hostility toward the Democrats from the left. What did they think was going to happen when the Dems took control of the entire government? You’re the power now, buttercup.

The problem with warning that the $2000 check scandal will lead to losses in the midterms is that Democrats are fine with losing in the midterms. You think they like having to own all their right wing bullshit for themselves? Democrats hate being exposed and vulnerable like this. They much prefer to blame their corporate cronyism, austerity policies and warmongering on an obstructionist Republican congress. They’re happy to lose the midterms. They prefer to lose the midterms.

05.02.2021 - 11:33 [ Haaretz ]

Lapid Finally Has His Moment in the Election Ring With Netanyahu. He’ll Have Just One Chance

In 2019, he agreed to merge his Yesh Atid party into Benny Gantz’s Kahol Lavan and accepted Gantz’s leadership.

25.11.2020 - 18:23 [ Fox News ]

Biden hints Sanders, Warren won‘t join his Cabinet despite push from progressives

Speaking with NBC News‘ Lester Holt in his first interview since the Nov. 3 election, Biden said the two progressive senators – who ran their own unsuccessful campaigns for president – were key to helping pass his „very ambitious, very progressive agenda.“

31.10.2020 - 10:35 [ Daniel Neun / Twitter ]

Und jetzt nochmal, Schwachsinnige: Wann kommt die neue USPD?

(25.April 2014)

31.10.2020 - 10:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

So wird alles Fortschrittliche ruiniert. Überall. Wie so oft mit dem Vorwurf des Antisemitismus.

Dieser Vorgang ist Teil eines grandiosen und weltweiten Spiels: Zum einen werden die sozialdemokratischen und sozialistischen, also die linken Parteien, in den meisten Ländern systematisch umgedreht und ruiniert. Zum andern gibt man sich mithilfe eines „streitbaren“ Kampfes gegen Rechts ein linkes Image. Siehe Merkel, siehe Macron und all ihre Unterstützer in den großen Unternehmen, Finanzkonzernen, den Milliardären und Geheimdiensten dieser Welt.

14.09.2020 - 11:09 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Lands in D.C for UAE, Bahrain Deal as Israel Braces for 3-week Lockdown

Netanyahu‘s main coalition partners, Defense Minister Benny and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, were shunned from the trip

27.08.2020 - 22:43 [ The Humanist Report / Twitter ]

Imagine if these imbeciles directed this energy at someone with actual political power rather than some random lady. Like… what the fuck are they thinking?

16.07.2020 - 17:44 [ ]

Polizei Hessen: Bereits 2017 illegale Datenabfragen

Bereits 2018 war es zu solchen Abfragen im Fall der Frankfurter Anwältin Seda Basay-Yildiz gekommen. Sie hatte ebenfalls Drohmails bekommen, die mit „NSU 2.0“ unterzeichnet waren. „Diese Drohmails sind seit nunmehr zwei Jahren bekannt, und es ist in keinem einzigen Fall ermittelt worden, wer bei der Polizei die Daten abgefragt hat“, beklagt Schaus gegenüber dem SWR.

10.07.2020 - 16:59 [ Felix Huesmann, freelance journalist | far right, conspiracy theories and the lunatic fringe / Twitter ]

Die Linke fordert, dass die Bundesanwaltschaft die Ermittlungen um die rechtsextremen Drohmails von „#Staatsstreichorchester“/“NSU 2.0“ an sich zieht.

Die sieht jedoch keinen Anlass dazu, wie @raeuberhose und @Georg_Heil berichten.

10.07.2020 - 15:19 [ ]

Drohungen gegen Politiker: Ein Fall für den Generalbundesanwalt?

Das erklärt der Parteivorsitzende Bernd Riexinger gegenüber dem ARD-Politikmagazin Kontraste:

„Der Generalbundesanwalt muss übernehmen. Der Sachverhalt betrifft längst nicht mehr nur Hessen. Die Morddrohungen sind ein direkter Angriff auf die Demokratie und staatliche Institutionen. Darüber hinaus gibt es erhebliches berechtigtes Misstrauen gegen die Federführung der LKA In Hessen und Berlin, die bisher keine Erfolge bei der Verfolgung und Zerschlagung rechter Netzwerke in der Polizei zu verzeichnen haben.“

16.06.2020 - 13:27 [ Haaretz ]

It’s Only a Matter of Time Until a Journalist Is Jailed

Opponents of the lockdown were systematically silenced on establishment media, and silenced on social media by social censorship, as opposed to technological censorship: The lynch. The lynch isn’t an algorithm; it’s a common tool of social punishment the purpose of which is to shame, persecute, make miserable and blacken the names of those who express opinions that oppose what one’s homogenous newsfeed is willing to stand for.

16.06.2020 - 13:24 [ Haaretz ]

Health Officials Are Terrifying the Israeli Public Over Coronavirus for Nothing

That’s what happens when senior Health Ministry officials stir up a public panic without rhyme or reason: Grown men weep.

30.04.2020 - 17:20 [ Haaretz ]

Israelis Visiting Malls, Markets Will Have to Download Mandatory Coronavirus Tracking App


Shopping malls and markets across Israel, shut due to the coronavirus outbreak, will only be allowed to reopen after the development of a tracking system that would monitor all visitors, Health Ministry Director General Moshe Bar Siman Tov said at a Monday meeting.

All customers will be required to install a tracking app on their phone to enter shopping malls and markets, once these reopen.

30.04.2020 - 17:17 [ ]

1.5 million Israelis using voluntary coronavirus monitoring app


Around 1.5 million Israelis have downloaded a mobile app in the past week that alerts users who have crossed paths with a coronavirus patient, according to the Health Ministry, helping to improve tracking of the pandemic.T he app “HaMagen” – Hebrew for The Shield – is sparking interest from abroad with approaches from Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia and Chile so far, ministry deputy director general Morris Dorfman said Wednesday.

12.04.2020 - 19:00 [ Tagesschau ]

Regierungsverhandlung in Israel: Gantz bekommt nicht mehr Zeit

Ausschlaggebend für die Weigerung des Staatspräsidenten war offenbar ein Gespräch mit Premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu. Dieser habe nicht bestätigt, dass er kurz davor sei, sich mit Gantz auf eine Koalition zu verständigen, teilte das Büro des Staatspräsidenten in einer Erklärung mit.

Gantz hatte seine Bitte um Fristverlängerung damit begründet, dass sein Bündnis Blau-Weiß und Netanyahus Likud-Partei sich bald einigen würden.

12.04.2020 - 18:57 [ ]

President Rivlin refuses Gantz request to extend mandate

If there is indeed no deal by the end of Gantz‘s mandate period, there will follow a 21-day window during which any Member of Knesset (MK) could form a government.

12.04.2020 - 18:53 [ ]

Netanyahu invites Gantz for gov‘t talks, 2 days prior to mandate expiration


The move was “[a] gesture of national responsibility to form a unity government as soon as possible,” Netanyahu’s Likud party claimed in a statement.

The former military chief’s Blue and White party replied, “We will continue our efforts to create an emergency and unity government that will manage the coronavirus crisis… will guard the rule of law and prevent fourth elections.”

28.03.2020 - 09:20 [ ]

Trump Axed Congressionally-Mandated Pandemic Recovery Oversight with Stimulus Bill Signing Statement

Trump, by way of a signing statement, noted that his administration would quite simply override a provision in the nearly 900-page stimulus bill that would require the country’s newest inspector general–just created and tasked with overseeing the disbursement of the stimulus funds–to report to Congress any time the administration stonewalled about where or how those funds were being spent.

28.03.2020 - 08:30 [ Huffington Post ]

Trump Claims Power To Gag Watchdog Overseeing New $500 Billion Bailout

President Donald Trump has issued a signing statement declaring that he can block a watchdog from telling Congress when information is withheld about payouts to businesses in the massive new $2 trillion economic relief law.

Democrats fought hard for provisions in the measure to ensure …

12.03.2020 - 05:20 [ NDR ]

Flug unter Huntebrücke – erlaubt oder nicht?

Bei einem waghalsigen Manöver hat ein Marinehubschrauber die Huntebrücke bei Oldenburg unterflogen. Die Übung wird regelmäßig durchgeführt. Ist das erlaubt?

07.03.2020 - 21:07 [ The Bernie Zone / Twitter ]

UPDATE #5 California Delegate Allocation Change IS ANYONE WATCHING THIS??? Biden +12 Bernie 0



28.02.2020 - 12:53 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Fires Campaign Strategist After He Was Caught Calling Him a ‘Danger to Israel’

In the recordings, published by Israel‘s Channel 12 News on Thursday — less than a week before Israelis head to the polls — the strategist was heard telling an anonymous source that his boss might „endanger the people of Israel,“ and that he „doesn‘t have the guts to strike in Iran.“

The adviser to the former army chief was also heard saying that a Kahol Lavan lawmaker had harshly criticized the leader of her party. „She [Knesset member Omer Yankelevich of Kahol Lavan] says that he‘s stupid and a total loser and that he shouldn‘t be prime minister.“

23.02.2020 - 16:57 [ solidus / Twitter ]

Germany prepares for reprisal attacks after Muslim massacre in Hanau. Security being stepped up, authorities monitoring far-left and Islamic groups

31.01.2020 - 14:59 [ ]

Why Many Progressives Say They‘ve Come Back To Bernie Sanders

„I wasn‘t sure it was a good idea, to be perfectly honest,“ the former New Hampshire state senator-turned-podcast host said recently. „What held me back a little bit was as Bernie says, ‚It‘s not me, it‘s us,‘ and that so many other candidates were picking up what he was talking about.“

Many progressives said similar things at the beginning of this campaign cycle. They felt that issues that Sanders has championed, such as Medicare for All, were now part of the party‘s mainstream debate.

But as the campaign dragged on …

30.12.2019 - 19:25 [ Rasha Al Aqeedi / Twitter ]

The video circulating on social media of Abu Mahdi al Muhandis threatening U.S. forces in Iraq is an old one from 2015. Thanks to @Akba1r for verifying.

18.12.2019 - 06:18 [ ]

Judge blasts FBI over misleading info for surveillance of Trump campaign adviser

„The FBI‘s handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above,“ Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge with the FISC, wrote in the order released by the court.

The judge gave the FBI until Jan. 10 to provide the court a sworn statement detailing how it plans to overhaul its approach to future surveillance applications.

28.11.2019 - 20:32 [ Washington Post ]

Democrats’ impeachment obsession is backfiring

This Thanksgiving, Trump supporters should give thanks that Democrats’ impeachment obsession is backfiring. Indeed, it could prove to be the biggest political blunder in modern times.

After two weeks of hearings, Democrats have utterly failed to make their case to the American people.

11.10.2019 - 14:40 [ ]

Iran says Chinese state oil firm withdraws from $5B deal


Officials in Beijing didn’t immediately acknowledge their decision. Phone calls to the CNPC rang unanswered on Sunday and its website bore no mention of the withdrawal.

However, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif separately complained Sunday about the U.S. campaign against Tehran and its impact on foreign investments.

23.09.2019 - 14:44 [ ]

Jeremy Corbyn relies on union block vote to crush members who want party to back Remain, writes Robert Peston

A source close to Corbyn tells me he expects the block vote of the unions to defeat that motion on Monday when put to conference, although another source told me the two giant unions, Unison and Unite, are no longer as one and Unison may peel away from Unite and abstain.

18.09.2019 - 11:45 [ Central Election Committee for the 22nd Knesset ]

תוצאות האמת של הבחירות לכנסת ה-22 תוצאות ארציות

תוצאות נכונות ל‏- 18/09/2019 12:31 לחתך הארצי

16.09.2019 - 11:22 [ Haaretz ]

Two Days to Election: Netanyahu Goes to DEFCON 1, Guns Blazing, in Last-ditch Effort to Sway Voters

In the process, Netanyahu has successfully relegated what was supposed to be the central issue of this election – his alleged corruption and prospects of indictment – to the sidelines. He has deftly shifted the focus of the campaign to his fortes in national security and foreign affairs. Come what may, he has proven once again that he is the undisputed heavyweight champion of Israeli election campaigns, making his rivals look like clueless amateurs in comparison.

14.09.2019 - 19:52 [ Haaretz ]

The Israeli Left Is Talking About Palestinians Only in English

Many of the burning issues that are facing Israel barely got a look-in during the election campaign that’s mercifully drawing to a close: the ballooning deficit, the rising housing prices, the climbing cost of living, the burning need to integrate the ultra-Orthodox and Arab communities into the job market, to name just a few. And then of course, the lack of any prospect for a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and an end to the occupation got nary a mention, but you knew that already because you’ve been paying attention and that has become a cliché.

01.09.2019 - 10:32 [ ]

Iran to speed up legal process for seized British oil tanker Stena Impero – Zarif


His comments come one week after meeting with Erik Hanell, the chief of Swedish shipping firm Stena Bulk, which owns the seized vessel. Hanell asked Tehran to release the ship and its crew of 23.

31.08.2019 - 15:30 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Democratic Union Fails to Take Off

Hunting gender-segregated events robs time and energy from the left’s two fundamental raisons d’etre. The first is the struggle against the occupation and racism and the second – safeguarding citizens’ welfare and survival with dignity. As long as the Democratic Union is preoccupied with smoking out religious coercion and fires in the Amazon, it will remain solely within the esoteric borders of its current sector.

13.08.2019 - 16:57 [ Spiked ]

The war on democracy must be diverse!

Lucas, the ostensibly leftish leader of the Green Party, proposed forming an entirely undemocratic ‘emergency cabinet’ made up of her and her exclusively female chums. Its job would be to trash the thing that 17.4million of us voted for – leaving the EU. And how did the woke left respond to Lucas’s lunacy? By pointing out that her proposed cabinet consisted entirely of white women! Yes, it wasn’t the fact that Lucas was essentially proposing a coup against democracy that got the woke lobby’s back up – it was that there were no black faces in her clique against the masses.

03.08.2019 - 17:32 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu continues push for Russian vote


Likud has invested an estimated NIS 5 million in pursuing Russian-speaking voters after spending zero ahead of the April 9 election. The party has estimated that Russian-speaking immigrants could be worth as many as 15 seats.

26.07.2019 - 09:55 [ ]

Analysis: Bold re-structuring could save Arab, left-wing parties from eroding power. But is it possible?


The results of Israel‘s April elections were a wake-up call for both Jewish-Israeli left-wingers and Arab citizens of Israel. More than ever before, they have come to depend on each other. The equation is simple: both want to regain power; and neither can do it alone.

All political strategists say that in order to survive, both the left and Arabs need to create some political structure that can empower both.

25.07.2019 - 19:11 [ Al-Monitor ]

Iraq plans to launch pipelines to export oil through Jordan, Syria


Assem Jihad, a spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, told Al-Monitor, “The ministry is considering the extension of an Iraqi oil pipeline through Syrian territory to the Mediterranean Sea, and is in the process of studying the economic feasibility of the project and the appropriate geographical and security conditions.”

He said the idea had been proposed in 2004 but delayed due to unstable security conditions in both countries.

25.07.2019 - 19:10 [ Letter to Britain ]

How a Pipeline From Iran to Syria Could Bring Peace

(16.02.2018) There was at one time, a completely plausible plan for the region that has gone off the rails — not because any side opposed it — but because there was no oversight to bring the plan to fruition.

In between President Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’, the Arab Spring, and the U.S. elections that brought Donald Trump to the White House, the Syrian situation was left unguided and (no surprise!) it therefore deteriorated.

Major powers are now bombing each other’s troops and shooting down each other’s aircraft (and who knows what else is going on that isn’t reported) which makes escalation a foregone conclusion in the absence of leadership and implementation of the original plan.

22.07.2019 - 14:02 [ Alona Dolinsky ‏/ Twitter ]

Interesting developments within the Arab parties. No progress towards a joint list to contest the September elections;

internal elections in the Islamic Party placed a woman in 4th. Thank you @emankassem

17.07.2019 - 21:20 [ Haaretz ]

Reconstruct the Joint List Now

The formation of the joint ticket has been delayed by disagreements over who should occupy the 11th through 14th slots on the slate (Jack Khoury, Monday). But if they can’t bridge these gaps and reunite as the Joint List, those slots are likely to be irrelevant in any case.

Strengthening Arab representation in the legislature and toppling the government are necessary conditions for fighting the Netanyahu-led coalition that passed the nation-state law. This isn’t the time for unnecessary quarrels or disputes that can be resolved after the election. The Israeli voter rewards political mergers. The Joint List must be promptly reconstituted.

16.07.2019 - 14:44 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Do-over Election Gives Arab Parties an Opportunity – One They‘re Refusing to Seize

There is only one reason behind all of this: A lack of agreement over who will get the 11th through 14th places on the Knesset slate

10.07.2019 - 22:48 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Arab Parties Irking Their Voters by Slowing Up Formation of Latest Joint Ticket

The dispute is over how to divide spots 11 through 14 on the joint ticket, the same problem that scotched the four-party framework in the election this past April.

Jurist Raif Zreik, who is holding talks with the parties, has warned in recent days about a massive hemorrhaging of the Arab community’s confidence in the parties.

21.06.2019 - 21:44 [ Washington Post ]

Pelosi says White House did not tell her about Iran strike plan

At a congressional event, Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, was asked if she had been notified by the White House, and she replied, “No.”

21.06.2019 - 15:47 [ Haaretz ]

Former Mossad Chief Calls Netanyahu Voters ‚Mindless‘

A former chief of the Israeli espionage agency Mossad, Shabtai Shavit, called Israeli voters who support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu „mindless people who understand nothing.“

Shavit made the remark in an interview with Israeli daily Maariv, which was published Thursday. He also said that the premier‘s political base is made up of people „whose threshold for normality is at the level of grass.“

10.06.2019 - 02:35 [ Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture ]

Iran to ‘soon’ sign MoUs with INSTEX stakeholders to start first trade exchanges

Iran also established a counterparty to INSTEX, called Special Trade and Financing Instrument between Iran and Europe (STFI) in April in a bid to speed up the work.

07.06.2019 - 09:21 [ ]

Meretz facing internal pressure to become Jewish-Arab party


The demand, put forth by an internal Meretz group known as the Forum for Jewish-Arab Cooperation, calls on the party leadership to either formally join with Hadash-Ta’al — a union of the Arab-Jewish Hadash party and Ahmad Tibi’s Ta’al party — or transition into a fully-fledged Jewish-Arab party with an Arab party chairperson alongside a Jewish one.

31.05.2019 - 10:15 [ Haaretz ]

New Election in Israel Are the Golden Opportunity for Arab Parties

In the April 9 election, voter turnout in the Arab community fell to less than 50 percent, and United Arab List-Balad received only 3.3 percent of all the votes cast, just 0.05 percent above the minimum vote threshold to enter the Knesset. The Arab parties won 10 seats in the present Knesset, compared to 13 in the previous one when they ran together as the Joint List. Moreover, 27 percent of the voters opted for Zionist parties, and Meretz in particular.

30.05.2019 - 09:19 [ b92 ]

KFOR reacts: We don‘t interfere

According to him, it is a police action of the kind that also took place on in the past, so KFOR „only monitors the situation.“

He also commented on the stance of Serbian officials that KFOR should do something about the action of Kosovo special forces. „This has been discussed earlier, we do not interfere with police actions, until we are asked to intervene,“ Grasso said.

29.04.2019 - 12:48 [ ]

Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why

(9. Januar 2019)

The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it has forced the world’s geomagnetism experts into a rare move.

On 15 January, they are set to update the World Magnetic Model, which describes the planet’s magnetic field and underlies all modern navigation, from the systems that steer ships at sea to Google Maps on smartphones.

29.04.2019 - 12:35 [ British Geological Survey ]

World Magnetic Model (WMM)

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is a standard model of the core and large-scale crustal magnetic field. It is used extensively for navigation and in attitude and heading referencing systems by the UK Ministry of Defence, the US Department of Defense, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the International Hydrographic Organization.


The WMM is a model of the core and large-scale crustal fields only. However the satellite data contain unwanted signals such as small-scale crustal, external ionospheric and magnetospheric and their induced counterparts. These fields would have added noise to the WMM2015 SV model and could have biased its estimates.

BGS employed two techniques to avoid the contamination caused by external magnetic fields. Firstly we rejected those data most contaminated by these sources, as identified by a combination of local time, geomagnetic indices and solar wind data. ……..

29.04.2019 - 09:56 [ Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen ]

Untersuchungsausschuss Breitscheidplatz: Bundesgerichtshof stärkt Opposition im Fall Amri

… mit Mitgliedern des IS in Lybien in Kontakt. So unterhielt er nicht nur enge Verbindungen zu dem Netzwerk rund um den damaligen „Statthalter des IS in Deutschland“ Abu Walaa und zum „Islamisten Hot-Spot in Berlin, der Fussilet Moschee“, sondern unterhielt auch regelmäßigen Kontakt zu Clement B. und Magomed Ali Ch., mit denen er einen Sprengstoffanschlag mittels TATP in Deutschland – vermutlich auf das Gesundbrunnen-Center in Berlin/Wedding – plante. Besonders pikant an der Beziehung zu Clement B. war, dass Amri mit diesem nicht nur einen Sprengstoffanschlag in Deutschland plante sondern, dass als eine weitere Option auch erwogen wurde …

14.02.2019 - 09:11 [ Wikipedia ]


Eine Obduktion (lateinisch obductio, von obducere: ‚bedecken‘, nachträglich ‚hinzuziehen‘ bzw. ‚vorführen‘)[1] ist eine innere Leichenschau (Leichenöffnung) zur Feststellung der Todesursache und zur Rekonstruktion des Sterbevorgangs.