(b) Within 14 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all appropriate action, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to make operational preparations regarding the implementation of any decision I make to invoke the Alien Enemies Act, 50 U.S.C. 21 et seq., in relation to the existence of any qualifying invasion or predatory incursion against the territory of the United States by a qualifying actor, and to prepare such facilities as necessary to expedite the removal of those who may be designated under this order.
Archiv: Manipulationen / Fälschungen / Täuschungen / Tricks / manipulations / forgeries / deception / tricks
What to know about Trump‘s immigration and border executive actions
The incoming administration will sign an executive order to designate drug cartels and other criminal organizations, including the U.S.-El Salvadoran-based MS-13 and Venezuela‘s Tren de Aragua, as foreign terrorist organizations or specifically designated global terrorists (SDGT).
An incoming White House official said Monday that the order will direct authorities to specifically remove members of Tren de Agua from the United States. And, citing the Alien Enemies Act enacted more than two centuries ago, the official said Tren de Agua has become an „irregular armed force of Venezuela‘s government conducting a predatory incursion and invasion into the United States.“
Trump declares war on illegal immigrants, cartels from Mexico
Trump also declared that he will sign a Day 1 executive order designating cartels foreign terrorist organisations, allowing the government to take deadly measures against them.
„Under the orders I signed today, we will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organisations. And by invoking the alien enemies act of 1798, I will direct our government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs and criminal networks bringing devastating crime to us, soil, including our cities and inner cities,“ Trump said.
Mutmaßlicher Anschlagsplan in Berlin: Der Terrorist, der keiner war
Die Deutschen hielten Rücksprache mit dem ausländischen Nachrichtendienst. Dieser scheint den angeblich brisanten Chat von einem sogenannten Nachrichtenhändler eingekauft zu haben, der Zugang zu der Kommunikation gehabt haben muss. Nachrichtenhändler sind Personen, die Nachrichtendiensten Informationen für Geld anbieten, die sie anderweitig und manchmal auch illegal erhalten.
Naheliegend ist, dass dieser Nachrichtenhändler einen harmlosen Chat von A. fingiert hat, um den Hinweis zu Geld machen zu können.
Investigații ANAF a descoperit că PNL a plătit o campanie care l-a promovat masiv pe Călin Georgescu pe TikTok
(December 20, 2024)
Snoop a aflat că ANAF a descoperit în aceste zile că „acțiunea de campanie Echilibru și Verticalitate, de pe pe TikTok, a fost plătită din banii Partidului Național Liberal”, conform unei surse confidențiale, la curent cu rezultatul cercetării ANAF.
Informația a fost confirmată pentru Snoop din discuțiile și corespondența purtată chiar cu firma angajată de PNL, Kensington Communication, care a gândit campania.
Firma a plătit 130 de influenceri cooptați pe platforma FameUp, dar susține că „forma generată de Kensington Communication a suportat unele modificări, care nu aparțin echipei noastre și nici nu avem cunoștință să fi fost solicitate de către reprezentanți ai partidului”.
Kensington spune că „hashtag-ul ales de compania noastră a fost #echilibrusiseriozitate, acesta fiind schimbat în platforma FameUp, fără implicarea noastră, în #echilibrusiverticalitate”.
EPIC SCANDAL IN ROMANIA: Ruling party paid for TikTok campaign that led to the annulment of Georgescu’s victory!
(December 23, 2024)
The Romanian National Liberal Party (PNL), one of the ruling parties in Romania, financed a TikTok campaign that intelligence services used as evidence of “foreign interference” in favor of independent candidate Calin Georgescu, according to a new report by the investigative portal snoop.ro.
Romanian liberals orchestrated Georgescu campaign funding, investigation reveals
(December 22, 2024)
Russia was accused of interfering in Romania’s November 24 presidential election that saw far-right and pro-Russian outsider Calin Georgescu storm to a shock first round victory. But an investigation by the tax authorities has exonerated the Kremlin and revealed the highly effective TikTok campaign was funded by the liberal, pro-EU National Liberal Party (PNL) in an effort to knock out a rival in a plan that badly backfired.
Happy New Year. Our Society Is Every Bit As Diseased As You Suspect It Is.
The public is becoming more and more restless and agitated because they can sense that something’s wrong but can’t say what it is, like a dementia patient with a urinary tract infection. This agitation is erupting in ways which range from the crazy to the very lucid, from hate crimes and racist movements to mass protests against genocide and an expanding awareness that a better world is possible.
Our job at this point in history is to try to steer this growing restlessness toward health and clarity. To help people understand where the real bad guys are, to highlight the manipulations and abusive systems at play here, to assure everyone that their growing sense that something is very wrong is absolutely correct, and to help them see exactly what’s causing it.
‚We Created A Pretend World‘: Mossad Agents Boast About Mass Pager Attack In Lebanon
„We create a pretend world. We are a global production company: We write the screenplay, we‘re the directors, we‘re the producers, we‘re the main actors,“ Michael said. „And the world is our stage.“
„It became the best product in the beeper area in the world,“ Gabriel said. „When they are buying from us, they have zero clue that they are buying from the Mossad. We make like the ‘Truman Show,’ everything is controlled by us behind the scenes,“ Gabriel claimed.
Hezbollah leader agreed to temporary ceasefire days before assassination, says Lebanese foreign minister
Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a 21-day ceasefire just days before he was assassinated by Israel.
The temporary ceasefire was called for by US President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and other allies during last week’s UN General Assembly.
Lebanese FM Claims Israel Killed Nasrallah Shortly After He Agreed to Ceasefire
Christiane Amanpour: “Are you saying Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a ceasefire just moments before he was assassinated?”
Abdallah Bou Habib: “He agreed. He agreed, yes, yes. We agreed completely. Lebanon agreed to a ceasefire, but consulting with the Hezbollah. The speaker, Mr. Berri, consulted with Hezbollah. And we informed the Americans and the French that that’s what happened.”
Christiane Amanpour: “So” —
Abdallah Bou Habib: “And they told us that Mr. Netanyahu also agreed on the statement that was issued by both presidents.”
Operation Northwoods
(March 13, 1962)
c. Commence large scale United States military operations.
3. A „Remember the Maine“ incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to „evacuate“ remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.
The terror campaign could be pointed at refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement, also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.
Jill Stein on Supreme Court decision keeping Greens off Nevada ballot: “another win for Democrats’ war on democracy”
(September 20, 2024)
“The Nevada Green Party submitted more than 29,000 signatures for ballot access, almost three times the required number, yet the Nevada Secretary of State, the Democratic Party, and the supreme courts of both Nevada and the United States believe they should be disenfranchised because the Democratic Secretary of State provided us with incorrect petition forms. This is a slap in the face to democracy, to the rule of law, and to the millions of voters in Nevada who are being denied a real choice in the presidential election.
“To quote our legal brief to the Supreme Court, ‘there is only one Due Process Clause. [The Nevada Green Party] contends that it violates that Clause for the government to tell someone to stand on a carpet and then pull that carpet out from under them.’
Netanyahu said to ask AG to probe him and Gallant in bid to avert ICC arrest warrant
Channel 12 news said Netanyahu wanted a probe into the ongoing war and how the military campaign against Hamas has been handled to be opened and then closed, with an update filed to the ICC that the charges had been investigated by Israel and therefore do not require the court’s intervention.
According to the report, Baharav-Miara rejected the request on the grounds that it was a blatant ploy and would not satisfy the ICC.
Harold Pinter – Nobelvorlesung: Kunst, Wahrheit & Politik
(7. Dezember 2005)
Blicken wir in einen Spiegel, dann halten wir das Bild, das uns daraus entgegensieht, für akkurat. Aber bewegt man sich nur einen Millimeter, verändert sich das Bild. Wir sehen im Grunde eine endlose Reihe von Spiegelungen. Aber manchmal muss ein Schriftsteller den Spiegel zerschlagen – denn von der anderen Seite dieses Spiegels blickt uns die Wahrheit ins Auge.
Ich glaube, dass den existierenden, kolossalen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz die unerschrockene, unbeirrbare, heftige intellektuelle Entschlossenheit, als Bürger die wirkliche Wahrheit unseres Lebens und unserer Gesellschaften zu bestimmen, eine ausschlaggebende Verpflichtung darstellt, die uns allen zufällt. Sie ist in der Tat zwingend notwendig.
Wenn sich diese Entschlossenheit nicht in unserer politischen Vision verkörpert, bleiben wir bar jeder Hoffnung, das wiederherzustellen, was wir schon fast verloren haben – die Würde des Menschen.
Histadrut coordinated nationwide strike with PM‘s office – coalition member
(March 30, 2023)
The strike on Monday of Israel‘s largest worker‘s union, the Histadrut Labor Federation, was coordinated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s inner circle, a senior member of the coalition confirmed on Thursday.
‚Humanitarian islands‘: how will Israel‘s plan for Rafah civilians work?
Israel has not revealed when the offensive in Rafah will begin, nor when the evacuation will occur. Announcing the „humanitarian islands“ plan, Hagari said only that Israel wanted the timing to be right operationally and to be coordinated with neighbouring Egypt, which has said it does not want an influx of displaced Palestinians crossing its border.
Heinz Bude und der Umbau der Gesellschaft
(1. März 2024)
Gestern habe ich ein Video aus einer Diskussionsveranstaltung zur Aufarbeitung der Coronakrise geschnitten. Die Diskussionsveranstaltung fand bereits am 24. Januar 2024 an der Universität Graz statt unter dem Titel “Gesellschaft im Ausnahmezustand – Was lernen wir aus der Coronakrise?“. Auf dem Podium waren Heinz Bude (Uni Kassel), Alexander Bogner (ÖAW Wien) und Klaus Kraemer (Uni Graz). Moderiert wurde die Diskussion von Daphne Hruby (freie Mitarbeiterin beim ORF.
Heinz Bude: Jetzt noch einmal aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert. Wir haben gesagt, wir mussten, wir müssen ein Modell finden, um Folgebereitschaft herzustellen, das so ein bisschen wissenschaftsähnlich ist. Und das war diese Formel „Flatten the curve“, dass wir gesagt haben „Wie können wir die Leute zu überzeugen, mitzutun?“ Wir sagen denen, es sieht so nach Wissenschaft aus, ne? Man sagt, „wenn ihr, wenn ihr schön diszipliniert seid, könnt ihr die Kurve verändern“. Das heißt quasi man kann – es gibt eine Veranschaulichung von individuellen Verhaltensveränderungen in einer Art von wissenschaftlicher Darstellbarkeit. Das war in dieser, in dieser Form mit drin. Das haben wir geklaut von einem Wissenschaftsjournalisten haben wir nicht selber erfunden. Aber wir fanden das irgendwie toll, dass man so, also dass man so ein quasi Wissenschaftsargument noch in der Art der Erzeugung von… (Heinz Bude wird an dieser Stelle unterbrochen. Der weitere Redebeitrag setzt wenige Minuten später wieder ein)
Also das ist glaube ich jetzt ein ganz wichtiger Punkt. Meiner Ansicht nach laufen wir auf wieder singuläre Krisen absehbar hinaus. In unserer gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung. Nehmen wir nur Extremwetterereignisse und singuläre Krisen, die ich vor Augen sehe, werden damit zu tun haben, dass man auf individuelles Verhalten zugreifen muss. Also indem etwa bei Extremwetterereignissen wird man Leute evakuieren müssen. Man wird Leuten sagen müssen, Du kannst dein Haus nicht mehr an dieser Stelle aufbauen. Und man wird Zwang ausüben müssen auf Leute, die sagen, ich habe aber andere Informationen, ich lasse mich hier nicht evakuieren. Und zwar legitimen Zwang. Wir werden mit Situationen vermehrt zu tun haben in der Zukunft. Solche Art von Krisen, die individuelle Verhaltensveränderungen verlangen, wenn man den Krisen als Gesellschaft in kollektiver Handlungsfähigkeit standhalten will. Und das ist das entscheidende Argument. Können wir das überhaupt in einer modernen liberalen Gesellschaft? Geht das eigentlich? Und muss man da nicht hinterrücks ganz furchtbare Dinge wie Angstkommunikation, also sozialpsychologische Dinge benutzen, um solche Arten von Folgebereitschaften zur Veränderung von individuellem Verhalten vorzunehmen? Das ist ein Unterschied, als ob man eine Krise wie 2008/2009 durch eine Stellschraubenveränderung in Bezug auf die Finanzmärkte lösen kann. Das ist eine andere Sorte von Krisenlösung. Die Krisenlösungen, die uns bevorstehen, haben den Charakter von Kriegen, sie haben den Charakter von Pandemien, und die haben den Charakter von Extremwetterereignissen. Das ist absehbar. Auch Europa wird in mittlerer Frist noch wieder Kriege haben. Und da sind die Dinge, wo man sich überlegen muss, Welche Art von Vorratsreflexion sozialwissenschaftlicher Art braucht man auf diese absehbare Herausforderung, die vor uns steht?
As Iran vows revenge, Israel worries it could get even by going nuclear
After a week of being very careful regarding statements directed at Iran, the US gave Israel something to be satisfied about on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden said America’s commitment to Israel’s security, amid the threats from Iran and its proxies, is “ironclad.”
Biden’s statements are aimed directly at Iran, and it’s certainly possible that they’re the result of a worrying intelligence assessment Israel presented to the US.
Scoop: Senior U.S. general to visit Israel to coordinate on Iran attack threat
Gen. Erik Kurilla, commander of the U.S. Central Command, is expected to meet Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior Israel Defense Forces officials.
Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.
In such a scenario, Israel will retaliate with a direct attack against Iran, the officials said.
Biden promises Israel ‚ironclad‘ support against Iran reprisals
The US has been tight-lipped in its public reaction to the Apr 1 strike, saying it has not determined whether Israel struck a diplomatic facility, which would breach international agreements on the inviolability of embassies and consulates.
US Sees Imminent Missile Strike on Israel by Iran, Proxies
The US and its allies believe major missile or drone strikes by Iran or its proxies against military and government targets in Israel are imminent, in what would mark a significant widening of the six-month-old conflict, according to people familiar with the intelligence.
Human Rights Expert Sounds Alarm Over Israeli Firm‘s ‚Dystopian‘ Video-Altering Tech
(December 27, 2022)
Haaretz continued:
Twenty years on, this is no longer the stuff of movies: Toka‘s tech allows clients to do just that and more—not just diverting a live feed but also altering old feeds and erasing any evidence of a covert op.
Technical documents reviewed by an ethical hacker prove that Toka‘s tech can alter both live and recorded video feeds—all without leaving any forensics or telltale signs of a hack (in contrast to NSO‘s Pegasus spyware, or Intellexa‘s Predator, which leave a digital fingerprint on targeted devices).
Israeli Firm Plans Expanding Its Deployment of Video-Altering Tech
(December 27, 2022)
Co-founded by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) cyber chief Yaron Rosen, Toka “sells technologies that allow clients to locate security cameras or even webcams within a given perimeter, hack into them, watch their live feed, and even alter it — and past recordings,” Haaretz reported, citing internal documents it obtained and reviewed with a technical expert.
The company, whose activities are overseen by the Israeli Defense Ministry, “was set up in 2018 and has offices in Tel Aviv and Washington,” Haaretz reported.
Revealed: The Israeli Firm Selling ‘Dystopian’ Hacking Capabilities
(December 23, 2022)
According to a company pitch deck obtained by Haaretz, Toka offers what it terms “previously out-of-reach capabilities” that “transform untapped IoT sensors into intelligence sources,” and can be used “for intelligence and operational needs.” (IoT stands for Internet of Things and refers here to web-connected cameras and even car media systems.)
Alexa, Are You A Spy? Israeli Startup Raises $12.5 Million So Governments Can Hack IoT
(July 15, 2018)
Coming out of stealth Monday, Tel Aviv-based Toka says it‘ll provide spy tools for whatever device its clients require. But while it‘ll try to hack devices like Apple iPhones, it has a special focus on the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), covering tech like Amazon Echo, Nest connected home products, as well as connected fridges, thermostats and alarms. (…)
Two of Toka’s investors, Dell Technologies Capital and Andreessen Horowitz, for instance, have put millions of dollars into defensive companies beforehand. (The other seed investors are Entrée Capital, Launch Capital and Ray Rothrock, CEO of cyber-analytics firm RedSeal).
With record of Gaza truce vetoes, US unveils new, ambiguous UN resolution
A copy of the new draft resolution, obtained by Al Jazeera, reads: “The Security Council determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance, and alleviate humanitarian suffering and towards that end unequivocally supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such a ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages.” (…)
No vote has yet been scheduled on this text.
Blinken: U.S. submitted draft resolution to UN calling for Gaza ceasefire
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday the U.S. has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that calls „for an immediate ceasefire“ in Gaza that‘s „tied to the release“ of hostages held by Hamas.
Assange team sees no sign of resolving US charges after reported plea deal talks
The Journal reported that the U.S. Justice Department is considering whether to allow Assange to plead guilty to a reduced charge of mishandling classified information. The newspaper cited people familiar with the matter.
A spokesperson for the Justice Department declined to comment on the report.
Taktik des Terrorkrieges: “Hate Speech” und Kontrolle
Lüge, Betrug, Verrat, Vergewaltigung, Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Krieg, Genozid und deren strukturelle Manifestation durch Politik, Staat und Kapital zu hassen ist eine ganz normale menschliche Emotion. Sie kann allerdings genau dazu benutzt werden was sie bei Menschen normalerweise hervorruft.
Des Weiteren gibt die Akzeptanz des politischen, letztlich unweigerlich repressiven Begriff “Hate Speech” (Hass-Sprache) repressiven Organen die Option einer maximal perfiden und zynischen Dialektik: mehr Lüge, mehr Betrug, mehr Verrat, mehr Vergewaltigung, mehr Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung und Krieg gegen Ausgelieferte und Hilflose anzuwenden, mit der ganz normalen menschlichen Reaktion der Betroffenen zu rechnen, diese einzukalkulieren, sogar gezielt zu provozieren und diese dann als “hateful” zu bezeichnen und noch mehr entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen diese anzuwenden, da diese ja “hateful” seien, abnormal und gefährlich.
How the ‘fight against antisemitism’ became a shield for Israel‘s genocide
After all, a rise in “Jew hatred” is all but inevitable if you redefine antisemitism, as western officials have recently done via the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s new definition, to include antipathy towards Israel – and at the moment when Israel appears, even to the World Court, to be carrying out a genocide.
The logic of Israel and its supporters runs something like this:
Many more people than usual are expressing hatred of Israel, the self-declared state of the Jewish people. There is no reason to hate Israel unless you hate what it represents, which is Jews. Therefore, antisemitism is on the rise.
Pro-Kremlin propaganda targets TNA sister publication Misbar, other MENA fact-checkers
The Matryoshka campaign takes a different approach.
Instead of sharing the fake news pieces themselves, accounts re-share posts from other accounts in the same network, and post them directly on the feeds of known fact-checking outlets. These “reshares” are formulated as a fact-checking request.
The accounts simulate the behaviour of a typical social media user, who might be sceptical of a piece of news, and would like the opinion of a trusted fact-checking source.
However, this process of resharing is repeated by other accounts in the network, ad nauseam. The “stacking” of posts containing false news reports is akin to how Matryoshka dolls operate, which is where the campaign gets its name from.
EXCLUSIVE: #AU Spox @EbbaKalondo informs me that #Israeli officials have not been invited to the African Union summit. Asked if she is aware of the presence of an Israeli delegation in Addis Ababa. „Have no clue, but I hope they know better than to attempt the thuggish behavior of their officials experienced at our last summit.“
Reports suggest that an #Israeli delegation had arrived in #Ethiopia to attend the ongoing summit but was denied participation.
@EbbaKalondo emphasises that the State of #Israel was not invited to last year‘s Summit and it‘s officials entered with fraudulent papers obtained in collaboration with other states.
Israels Regierungs-Gang will den Angriffskrieg gegen Iran, nicht dessen Abzug aus Syrien
Ein Abzug der iranischen und libanesischen Einheiten aus dem Syrien-Krieg wäre für Netanjahu, der dringend einen Krieg und eine fiktive oder tatsächliche äußere Bedrohung Israels braucht um dort an der Macht zu bleiben, ein echtes Problem.
Nach der von den Staatsführungen Russland und Syriens orchestrierten Einladung an Israels Regierungs-Gang Syrien zu bombardieren, was unmittelbar dem Besuch von Benjamin Netanjahu in Moskau folgte, gab die syrische Armee schließlich zu, selbst den Golan angegriffen zu haben und nicht iranische Einheiten. Radio Utopie empfahl diesbezüglich gestern:
“Die Hisbollah und die Staatsführung des Iran sollten ihre Truppen aus Syrien zurückziehen und Assad zum Teufel und / oder Putin gehen lassen.”
A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza
The Times programmed an artificial intelligence tool to scan satellite imagery of south Gaza for bomb craters. Times reporters manually reviewed the search results, looking for craters measuring roughly 40 feet across or larger. Munitions experts say typically only 2,000-pound bombs form craters of that size in Gaza’s light, sandy soil.
Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage.
„During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians.“ Specifically: it used 2,000-pound bombs for this, which not even the US will use in cities:
Der üble Trickser #Scholz hat auf dem #EU Gipfel dafür gesorgt daß der korrupte #Orban nicht an der Abstimmung über Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Restukraine teilnimmt. Orban hat dafür 10 Milliarden € kassiert; das Prinzip der Einstimmigkeit konnte so pro forma gewahrt werden.
So it seems 10 billion euros will buy you a „constructive abstention“ from Orban, where he maintains his position formally (both to save face and maintain his national narrative) but does not prevent the EU and the other Member States from moving forward.
Prominent Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi is one of 30 prisoners released in the sixth prisoner-captive exchange between Israel and Hamas.
Israeli spokesman @jconricus told BBC images of Israeli hostages found on laptops in Shifa hospital were taken after they were kidnapped on Oct 7. But in a now deleted video Conricus showed only one old photo of one hostage that was used in news reports.
During the morning, they inserted cartons claiming to be aid into Shifa. Medical doctors said back then that they didn’t receive any of the aid. Come evening, those very cartons resurfaced, magically transformed into supposed evidence of weapons within the hospital.
AVM darf Modifikation von Router-Firmware nicht verbieten
AVM muss es grundsätzlich dulden, dass andere Unternehmen Software anbieten, mit der Besitzer einer Fritzbox die Linux-basierte Firmware des Routers modifizieren können.
Perception played central role in Gaza war before first shot fired
In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the clock. They closely monitor the prevailing mood and public discourse and react accordingly to raise awareness and, most importantly, to influence the worldviews of millions of people. Sometimes it succeeds, and sometimes it doesn‘t. But the insight in the Israeli security establishment is that this arena cannot be left without a response and without proper, continuous handling.
„In the IDF‘s command bunker, experts from various units of the IDF‘s Psychological Operations (PsyOps) are working around the clock..to influence the worldviews of millions of people.“
Israel’s presentation has a Rear Admiral and the tape saying the malfunctioning missile fired from cemetery next to hospital. That doesn’t match video of the event. …
Several experts confirm Hamas’ view to @Channel4News that the audio tape of “Hamas” operatives talking about the missile malfunction is a fake . They say the tone, syntax, accent and idiom are absurd.
Initial posts on X sent by Hananya Naftali, a digital aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, aroused suspicion. “Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza,” he wrote, but the post was almost immediately deleted.
Hananya Naftali, an aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, deleted his social media posts confirming Israel had struck Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Palestine’s Gaza, killing at least 500 Palestinians
Gaza hospital strike: 2022 video peddled as proof of ‘failed Hamas rocket launch’
Fact Check
There are several instances of this video being shared in August of 2022. It was uploaded by Non-Profit Organisation StandWithUs on Facebook which claimed that the video is of an explosion in Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip that had killed at least four children and was the result of a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad.
According to a Washington Post report, the explosion happened during the airstrikes and rocket attacks that continued for two whole days, until Israel and the militants in the Gaza Strip agreed to a cease-fire on August 7. The airstrikes killed 43 people and injured more than 300 in Gaza and forced thousands of Israelis to shelter in bunkers. In the refugee camp of Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip, an explosion on August 6 had killed at least four children. The Israeli military, which shared satellite footage of rocket fire from the enclave, said that the fatalities were the result of a failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch and that it did not conduct an airstrike at the time of the blast.
So @Israel deleted the video ‚evidence‘ they had tweeted by editing the tweet.
I am from Gaza and I am telling you this is a JOKE. Israel destroyed many water pipes. Also, without electricity we can NOT turn on the water pumps. Water in Gaza does not simply run into the taps. We have to fill water tanks about twice a week.
Another Israeli trick:
While some parts of Gaza MAY get running water, many others won’t.
And it’s FRESH water we badly need now for drinking and cooking.
Over 95% of Gaza’s running water is not fit for human consumption.
A testimony from a young journalist in Gaza named Bisan. Please watch. This is heartbreaking and terrifying and no mainstream media outlet will report it.
We have now managed to speak to my Dad who is in the south of Gaza near Rafah. He reports the medical situation is beyond imagining. Bombing has continued even in Rafah.
There are thousands in the streets with nowhere to go. Medics can no longer reach many. 1/3
There are no facilities and no medications to treat those who can be reached. Al Shifa hospital in North is flooded with wounded people who can‘t flee. Ppl in Gaza have been told by IDF to go to Khan Younis but everything in Khan Younis has already been bombed. 2/3
A friend of ours, a nurse, stayed at Al Shifa. Her family fled to the South as they were told to do. They were struck by an airstrike in the South.
Doppelagent Putin
(15.April 2018)
In Wirklichkeit dient Wladimir Putin dem von uns bereits mehrfach beschriebenen imperialen Komplex und einer seit bald siebzehn Jahren den weltweiten Terrorkrieg führenden großen Koalition des Krieges und internationalen Kriegslobby und strebt deren noch effektivere Kollaboration an.
Putins Rolle dabei ist ähnlich dem eines der vielen Monarchen vor und im Ersten Weltkrieg. Und seine Funktion, wie der “prorussischen”, also der pro-regierungs-russischen Lobby insgesamt, ist es, in verdeckter Dialektik mit ihren spiegelbildlichen “proamerikanischen” bzw “proeuropäischen” Pendants in der U.S.-Hegemonie die jeweilige innere Opposition, gerade die fortschrittliche und pazifistische, in Verbindung mit dem jeweils anderen Blockgegner zu bringen, sie von diesem absorbieren zu lassen und so im Inneren erst zu diskreditieren und letztlich neutralisieren zu können.
Es sollten sich grade politisch links stehende bzw progressive Kräfte in der U.S.-Hegemonie dreimal überlegen, ob sie eine unreflektierte “prorussische” Position adaptieren und es dann sein lassen. Umgekehrt ist allen Dissidenten in der Russischen Föderation und deren Macht- und Einflussbereich dringend zu raten, von allen vermeintlich guten Freunden aus dem “Westen” den weitestmöglichen Abstand zu nehmen.
Pakistan sets election for January, likely minus Imran Khan
(September 21, 2023)
The election commission has already questioned the impartiality of the caretaker government led by Kakar, who comes from a pro-military party, saying it appears to be aligned with the opponents of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan.
As it stands, former premier Khan, the main opposition leader, cannot fight this election after he was barred from public office for five years after a corruption investigation.
WSJ: Scholz freezes decision on Taurus delivery to Ukraine
Germany refrains from sending German-made Taurus long-range precision missiles to Ukraine because of the fear that the maintenance of the missiles would require German technicians on the ground in Ukraine, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
Deutschland stoppt Lieferung von Langstrecken-Marschflugkörpern an die Ukraine Berlin blockiert die Auslieferung des Taurus, um zu vermeiden, dass deutsche Techniker vor Ort stationiert werden
Operation Northwoods
(March 13, 1962)
c. Commence large scale United States military operations.
3. A „Remember the Maine“ incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to „evacuate“ remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.
The terror campaign could be pointed at refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement, also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.
Declassified Papers Show Anti-Castro Ideas Proposed to Kennedy
(19. November 1997)
“We could blow up a US warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,“ the memorandum said.
“We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,“ it continued. “The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated).“
The records show that on March 13, 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff endorsed these ideas as “suitable for planning purposes.“ No evidence exists that they were carried out.
What‘s happening in Parliament next week?
Main debate: MPs consider Lords amendments to the extensively paused and re-written Online Safety Bill.
The government now says that the tech regulator, Ofcom, would only require companies to scan their networks for harmful material, like child sexual abuse and exploitation content, when a technology was developed that was capable of doing so – thus kicking the issue into the very long grass.
Manipulative EU-Meinungsumfrage taugt nicht zur Rechtfertigung der Chatkontrolle
(21. Juli 2023)
Das EU-Innenministerium DG Home will mit einer Eurobarometer-Meinungsumfrage nachgewiesen haben, dass die weit überwiegende EU-Bevölkerung die totale Chatkontrolle will. Dumm nur, dass danach nicht oder nur irreführend gefragt wurde.
All the times Trump’s trials conflict with the 2024 election campaign
Scheduling this trial is particularly complicated since Trump is a defendant in three other criminal cases. In New York — where Trump faces state charges related to repayment of hush money given to an adult-film star during the 2016 presidential campaign — a judge also set the trial date for March 2024.
Trump’s federal trial in Florida is set to begin in May 2024.
This Is Going to Be a Mess
That means that Trump could become the presumptive GOP nominee in the 2024 presidential election at the same time as his lawyers are in court for his trial for seeking to steal the last election. Neither political scientists nor legal scholars have really anticipated such a scenario, so no technical term exists to describe it, but I can suggest one: a huge mess.
Donald Trump‘s federal election interference trial set for March 2024
The judge overseeing the former president’s federal election case ignored Trump’s request to postpone the trial until 2026.
National Assembly to be dissolved on August 9
The Constitution provides that if the assembly completes its tenure, elections are to be held in 60 days, but in case of premature dissolution — which will be the case here — this period is extended to 90 days. (…)
Earlier in the day, the prime minister listed reasons why he was taking Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Syed Asim Munir along on major issues and initiatives.
It has been observed for the last few days that the COAS accompanied the PM at different occasions and ceremonies.
‘Unity march’ draws large crowd, with only handful of overhaul supporters
A “unity march” held by both opponents and supporters of the judicial overhaul is ongoing in Jerusalem, and on its way from the Western Wall to the Knesset by way of the Israel Museum.
„March on Jerusalem“-organizers: NATO-coup in Ukraine and military coup in Egypt as a blueprint
Obviously, spies are trying to infiltrate Israel´s Democracy Movement that resists the judicial coup of Benyamin Netanyahu´s extreme right-wing government. That spies agenda seems to follow some „broad consensus“ of Mossad and CIA, demanded by US state leadership, to keep situation under control and safequard geostrategic goals.
An analysis and prognosis.
Netanyahu, union chief deny reports they coordinated on Monday strike
(30 March 2023)
Kan news, citing unnamed sources, reported that Yonatan Urich, an adviser to Netanyahu, coordinated with Histadrut officials throughout the day on the timing and content of press conferences held by Netanyahu and the labor union’s Bar-David. It also said the premier’s wife Sara spoke with officials close to Bar-David, telling them to pressure the government to work towards broad agreements on judicial reform.
Roads blocked in Tel Aviv as demonstrators march toward Histadrut labor federation headquarters
Many protesters have been angered that the labor federation has not called a general strike after a bill to radically curb judicial oversight over government decisions was passed overnight in its first reading.
In late March the union joined a daylong general strike triggered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s since-reversed decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for calling to pause the judicial legislation amid growing unrest over the overhaul. The strike was called off the same day after Netanyahu agreed to pause the legislation to allow for negotiations with the opposition.
Proteste in Frankreich: Flut an falschen Videos und Bildern
„Man sieht, dass russische Propagandisten versuchen, die Lage in Frankreich für ihre Zwecke zu nutzen und die Spannungen weiter zu verstärken“, stellt Lamberty fest.
Gleichzeitig instrumentalisieren Rechtsextreme die Lage in Frankreich, um Stimmung gegen Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund zu machen.
SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State
(June 5, 2023)
There is no reason to believe that the SDG16’s pretensions to promote peace and justice and inclusivity will do anything for the world as a whole, much less anything to resolve the fundamental failings inherent in the UN’s scurrilous and disreputable system of alleged “global governance.”
You may wonder what Sustainable Development Goal 16—or this article about it—has to do with protecting the planet and its inhabitants from the predicted “climate disaster.” The answer is: nothing at all. But then, “climate change” is merely the proffered rationale that purportedly legitimises and lends urgency to sustainable development.
Establishing firm global governance—in effect, a world dictatorship—through the implementation of SDGs is the United Nations’ real objective. “Climate change” is just the excuse. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than SDG16.9. And this is why we will exclusively focus on 16.9 in Part 2 of our exploration of SDG16.
Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront
(7. Juni 2017)
„Surkow kam ursprünglich aus der Theater-Welt. Und diejenigen die seine Karriere studierten, sagten, was er tat war, Avantgarde-Ideen aus dem Theater zu nehmen und sie in das Herz der Politik zu überführen. Surkows Ziel war es nicht nur Leute zu manipulieren, sondern tiefer zu gehen und mit ihrer Wahrnehmung der Welt zu spielen und diese zu unterminieren, damit sie niemals sicher sind was wirklich geschieht.
Surkow veränderte die russische Politik in ein verwirrendes, sich permanent veränderndes Theaterstück. Er nutzte Geld des Kremls um alle Arten von Gruppen zu sponsorn: von antifaschistischen Massenjugendorganisationen zu derem völligen Gegenstück: Neonazi-Skinheads, sowie liberalen Menschenrechtsgruppen, welche dann die Regierung attackierten. Surkow unterstützte sogar ganze politische Parteien, welche in Opposition zu Präsident Putin standen.
Doch die entscheidende Sache war, dass Surkow anschließend bekannt werden ließ, dass er dies tat – was bedeutete, dass keiner sicher war was echt und was gefälscht war im modernen Russland. Wie ein Journalist es formulierte: Es ist eine Strategie der Macht, die jedwede Opposition konstant verwirrt hält. Eine unaufhörliche Formwandlung, die unaufhaltsam ist, weil sie undefinierbar ist.”
An Already Exposed Foreign Influence Operation to Incite Violence in Israel Is Reemerging
The members of FakeReporters who spoke under a pseudonym with the user “Daniel” found he was linked to both the anti- and pro-protest groups.
Harold Pinter – Nobel Lecture: Art, Truth & Politics
When we look into a mirror we think the image that confronts us is accurate. But move a millimetre and the image changes. We are actually looking at a never-ending range of reflections. But sometimes a writer has to smash the mirror – for it is on the other side of that mirror that the truth stares at us.
I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.
If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us – the dignity of man.
Is Student Loan Forgiveness By Executive Order Legal?
(June 30, 2023)
Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) want President Joe Biden to forgive $50,000 in federal student loans per borrower. They claim that he can do this unilaterally through executive order.
The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan proposed by President Biden does not include any student loan forgiveness.
Wagner chief accuses Moscow of lying to public about Ukraine
“What was the war for? The war needed for Shoigu to receive a hero star … The oligarchic clan that rules Russia needed the war,” he said.
“The mentally ill scumbags decided: ‘It’s OK, we’ll throw in a few thousand more Russian men as cannon fodder. They’ll die under artillery fire, but we’ll get what we want,’” Prigozhin continued.
While the warlord was careful not to directly attack the Russian president, Prigozhin did question several decisions made by Putin, including the Kremlin’s decision to exchange more than 100 captured Azov fighters for Viktor Medvedchuk, a close ally of Putin.
Wagner chief says Ukraine never threatened to attack Russia
In a video message, Prigozhin said: „We exchanged fire: we hit them, they hit us. This was happening all these long eight years, from 2014 to 2022.
„At some points, the number of strikes, the exchange of fire, was increasing, at others – it was decreasing. By February 24 [2022] there was nothing extraordinary.
„Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public; trying to deceive the president and is telling the story that there was insane aggression from Ukraine and they [Ukraine] were going to attack us, together with the entire NATO bloc.
„The special operation that began on February 24 was launched for completely different reasons.“
Prigozhin claims purpose of Russia‘s war on Ukraine was gain promotion for Shoigu, not deter NATO
According to Prigozhin, the war was orchestrated to fulfill Shoigu‘s aspirations, rather than to “de-militarize” or “de-nazify” Ukraine.
Additionally, Prigozhin asserted that the oligarchs, who currently hold de facto power in Russia, also had a vested interest in the war, and implied they were involved in the decision-making process.
‘Time is running out’ In a new video, Yevgeny Prigozhin directly disputes Russia’s main argument for its war against Ukraine
In a new video released by his press service on Friday, Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin said that Russia’s Defense Ministry deceived both Russian society and Vladimir Putin when it claimed the country faced an imminent threat from Ukraine in the leadup to February 2022.
On the contrary, Prigozhin said, the situation in the Donbas before the full-scale war was no different from the way it had been since 2014: Russian and Ukrainian troops were exchanging fire, but there was no “insane aggression” from Ukraine, and Ukraine had no plans to join NATO in an attack on Russia, said the catering tycoon.
Doppelagent Putin
(15. April 2018)
Putins Rolle dabei ist ähnlich dem eines der vielen Monarchen vor und im Ersten Weltkrieg. Und seine Funktion, wie der „prorussischen“, also der pro-regierungs-russischen Lobby insgesamt, ist es, in verdeckter Dialektik mit ihren spiegelbildlichen „proamerikanischen“ bzw „proeuropäischen“ Pendants in der U.S.-Hegemonie die jeweilige innere Opposition, gerade die fortschrittliche und pazifistische, in Verbindung mit dem jeweils anderen Blockgegner zu bringen, sie von diesem absorbieren zu lassen und so im Inneren erst zu diskreditieren und letztlich neutralisieren zu können.
Es sollten sich grade politisch links stehende bzw progressive Kräfte in der U.S.-Hegemonie dreimal überlegen, ob sie eine unreflektierte “prorussische” Position adaptieren und es dann sein lassen. Umgekehrt ist allen Dissidenten in der Russischen Föderation und deren Macht- und Einflussbereich dringend zu raten, von allen vermeintlich guten Freunden aus dem “Westen” den weitestmöglichen Abstand zu nehmen.
Boris Johnson latest news: Stripping ex-PM of parliamentary pass would be ‚very harsh‘, says Liz Truss
The former prime minister also warned Mr Johnson’s critics they should “never, ever, ever” write him off amid questions over whether he could seek a return to the political frontline.
The committee recommended Mr Johnson “should not be entitled to a former Member’s pass” after it concluded he had deliberately misled MPs over partygate.
Boris Johnson ‘deliberately misled parliament’, Covid inquiry finds
Long-awaited, but much more hard hitting than anticipated, the Privileges Committee report condemned Boris Johnson for repeatedly misleading MPs and – despite his protestations to the contrary – undermining the committee itself.
What is AI risk?
We want to understand what powerful AI systems are doing and why they are doing what they are doing. One way to accomplish this is to have the systems themselves accurately report this information. This may be non-trivial however since being deceptive is useful for accomplishing a variety of goals.
Future AI systems could conceivably be deceptive not out of malice, but because deception can help agents achieve their goals. It may be more efficient to gain human approval through deception than to earn human approval legitimately. Deception also provides optionality: systems that have the capacity to be deceptive have strategic advantages over restricted, honest models. Strong AIs that can deceive humans could undermine human control. AI systems could also have incentives to bypass monitors. Historically, individuals and organizations have had incentives to bypass monitors. For example, Volkswagen programmed their engines to reduce emissions only when being monitored. This allowed them to achieve performance gains while retaining purportedly low emissions. Future AI agents could similarly switch strategies when being monitored and take steps to obscure their deception from monitors. Once deceptive AI systems are cleared by their monitors or once such systems can overpower them, these systems could take a “treacherous turn” and irreversibly bypass human control.
8.Power-Seeking Behavior
Companies and governments have strong economic incentives to create agents that can accomplish a broad set of goals. Such agents have instrumental incentives to acquire power, potentially making them harder to control (Turner et al., 2021, Carlsmith 2021).
1) The Russian government released this photo of the alleged Belgorod insurgents vehicles after a battle. I used to be a tow truck operator. This is staged. These vehicles didn’t crash into that trench. I’ll explain why
2) No gravel stuck in the tire tread. In fact, no dirt on the tires at all. This was loaded into that trench off a flatbed and carefully choreographed in place. Not even a low-budget war movie production would be this sloppy with realism. Let’s go to the next ….
Senator Durbin’s ‘STOP CSAM Act’ Has Some Good Ideas… Mixed In With Some Very Bad Ideas That Will Do More Harm Than Good
It’s “protect the children” season in Congress with the return of KOSA and EARN IT, two terrible bills that attack the internet, and rely on people’s ignorance of how things actually work to pretend they’re making the internet safer, when they’re not. Added to this is Senator Dick Durbin’s STOP CSAM Act, which he’s been touting since February, but only now has officially put out a press release announcing the bill (though, he hasn’t released the actual language of the bill, because that would actually be helpful to people analyzing it). (…)
Notice what’s not talked about? It’s not mentioned how much law enforcement has done to actually track down, arrest, and prosecute the perpetrators. That’s the stat that matters. But it’s missing.
The Laundromat: How the price cap coalition whitewashes Russian oil in third countries
Well into the second year of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EU, most of the G7 countries, and Australia have cracked down on their imports of Russian crude oil and oil products. At the same time, these countries, which are all part of the price-cap coalition whose objective is to limit Russia’s revenues from fossil fuel exports, have increased imports of refined oil products by leaps and bounds from the countries that have become the largest importers of Russian crude oil.
A Price Cap Loophole Is Undermining Sanctions On Russian Oil
Europe has boosted imports of refined petroleum products from countries that have raised imports of Russian crude oil, as a major loophole in the sanctions risks undermining the effectiveness of the price cap and embargoes, a report from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) showed on Wednesday.
The EU, Australia, and most of the G7 countries have banned direct imports of Russian crude oil, but they have raised indirectly imports of Russian oil by purchasing higher volumes of oil products from countries that have become the biggest buyer of Russia’s crude, the Finland-based center said.
What we know about the Pentagon document leak
– The documents also outline U.S. efforts to spy on its allies, Israel and South Korea.
Zoom in: One of the documents, a CIA update from March 1 sourced to signals intelligence, seemingly showed that leaders of Israel‘s intelligence agency encouraged Mossad officials and Israeli citizens to protest the government‘s proposed judicial reforms.
Questions remain concerning the Israel elements of the CIA leak | Haaretz Today
Rise of the Political Technologists: „Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible“ by Peter Pomerantsev
(May 22, 2015)
The conflict in Ukraine bears many hallmarks of Surkov‘s work. He even published a short story (under a transparent pseudonym, of course) about the possibilities of what he termed ‚non-linear war‘. In this constructed and stage-managed media landscape, Ukrainian officials and MPs are derided as fascists; the Russian soldiers fighting and dying in Ukraine are actually freedom fighters, defending the creation of ‚Novorossiya‘ – or they are not there at all; and, perhaps worst of all, the whole conflict was actually the result of Western expansion, of US imperialism.
The Hidden Author of Putinism: How Vladislav Surkov invented the new Russia
(November 7, 2014)
They repeat the great mantras of the era: The president is the president of “stability,” the antithesis to the era of “confusion and twilight” in the 1990s. “Stability”—the word is repeated again and again in a myriad seemingly irrelevant contexts until it echoes and tolls like a great bell and seems to mean everything good; anyone who opposes the president is an enemy of the great God of “stability.” “Effective manager,” a term quarried from Western corporate speak, is transmuted into a term to venerate the president as the most “effective manager” of all. “Effective” becomes the raison d’être for everything: Stalin was an “effective manager” who had to make sacrifices for the sake of being “effective.” The words trickle into the streets: “Our relationship is not effective” lovers tell each other when they break up. “Effective,” “stability”: No one can quite define what they actually mean, and as the city transforms and surges, everyone senses things are the very opposite of stable, and certainly nothing is “effective,” but the way Surkov and his puppets use them the words have taken on a life of their own and act like falling axes over anyone who is in any way disloyal.
HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis | FULL DOCUMENTARY
The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.
Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront
(7. Juni 2017)
Folgende Beispiele sind entnommen der Dokumentation „Hypernormalisation“ des britischen Journalisten, Regisseurs und Genies Adam Curtis aus dem Jahre 2016, welche untenstehend eingebettet ist.
Ohne auf alle in der Dokumentation dargestellten Entwicklungen und Hintergründe einzugehen, beleuchtet diese u.a. die jahrzehntelange Taktik des „Wahrnehmungs-Managements“ (perception management), die Manipulation der Öffentlichen Meinung, die Lenkung vermeintlich verfeindeter oder sich gegenseitig bekriegender Gruppen durch die gleiche Hand (befördert durch die Unfähigkeit zu dreidimensionalem Verständnis von Politik, links vs rechts, progressiv vs reaktionär, oben vs unten) die gezielte Konfusion jedweder Opposition und die permanente Formwandlung der Macht und der Mächtigen, um sie nicht greifbar und damit unangreifbar erscheinen zu lassen.
Die untenstehenden und in der Dokumentation über die Jahrzehnte genannten Beispiele sind im Zuge der Entwicklung von informationstechnischer Technologie, weltweitem Einsickern von kapitalistischen (Denk)Strukturen und deren Verschmelzung (“Globalisierung”), sowie Terrorkrieg in den letzten bald sechzehn Jahren praktisch auf jedes Land bzw jede Region übertragbar.
The Leaked Pentagon Memo: Russia’s Chaos Tactics Strike Israel‘s Mossad
Most probably, the U.S. intelligence community is not bugging its Israeli counterpart. But, as always, intelligence communities like to take known information from open sources and rephrase it to make it look like it’s secret.
Tel Aviv Ramming That Killed One and Injured Seven Was Terror Attack Not Accident, Israeli Police Say
The Abu Jaber family has requested to see additional documentation from the incident, including the policeman‘s body camera footage and footage from security cameras. Police are not releasing the recordings. Omar claims „the police have changed their version [of the story] more than once, and so has the Magen David Adom emergency services – who we [citizens] trust.“ According to Omar, initially, MDA said someone had been shot in the attack, „which adds ambiguity,“ claimed Yousef had a weapon in his car and then later said it was a weapon-like object, and said the Italian tourist had been shot but later denied it. „We still haven‘t seen the toy-gun yet,“ Omar added.
Israel‘s Miri Regev admits gov‘t will restart judicial reform after Passover
„As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, the reform was only put on [temporary] hold and there is a [known] date for the next session – immediately after Independence Day we are continuing with the legislation,“ she said.
She even claimed that „Netanyahu paused [legislation] to allow for negotiation, but if there will be none, we will bring it [back up] for reconfirmation.“
One last point: in 2017, Lula was leading all polls for 2018 (as Trump is now). He was made ineligible when he was charged and convicted. Brazil‘s media and establishment celebrated because they thought it‘d finally give them a center-right leader. Instead, they got Bolsonaro.
Our reporting proved Lula‘s judge and prosecutors conspired and cheated and the conviction was thus vacated. But at least the charges were serious (money laundering and fraud, not paying hush money to a porn star).
Netanyahu‘s Actions Make It Clear: This Is Just a Tactical Pause
Netanyahu is still a short distance away from achieving his primary goal, even if he is forced to stop due to the circumstances. His motives have remained in place. Over the longer term, he desperately needs to pass the legislation so that he can stabilize his government coalition and derail his current criminal trial.
Netanyahu Announces Freeze to Judicial Overhaul as General Strike Shutters Israel
(March 27, 2023 8:13 pm)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he would temporarily freeze his government‘s controversial plans to enfeeble the judicial system, following a night of mass demonstrations across the country and an unprecedented general strike.
Netanyahu said that he ordered „the timeout“ on the controversial legislation until after the Knesset recess in order „to give a real opportunity for real dialogue.“
Die Außerparlamentarische Demokratie
(13. September 2010)
Bei der Wahl des ersten Bundesparlamentes Westdeutschlands im Jahre 1949 gab es keine Erst- oder Zweitstimme. Es gab nur die Stimme eines Wählers. Auch gab es nur eine jeweils bundeslandbezogene Fünf-Prozent-Hürde, also zog eine Partei bereits dann entsprechend ihrer errungenen Stimmenzahl auf Bundesebene in den Bundestag ein, wenn sie in einem einzigen Bundesland mehr als fünf Prozent der gültigen Stimmen erhalten hatte. Auch wurde selbst diese bundesländliche Fünf-Prozent-Hürde ausser Kraft gesetzt, wenn man stärkste Partei in einem einzigen Wahlkreis geworden war und diesen gewonnen hatte. Dementsprechend demokratisch und repräsentativ setzte sich das westdeutsche Bundesparlament damals auch zusammen.
Doch die Regierung Konrad Adenauer, aus CDU, CSU, FDP und DP räumte nach 1949 schnell auf mit der Demokratie. Ohne Verfassungsänderung, durch einfache Gesetzgebung, verstümmelten die bürgerlichen Rechtskonservativen bis heute die Legislative der westdeutschen Republik, welche die Berliner Republik bis heute übernommen hat.
Durch einfache Änderung des Bundeswahlgesetzes am 25.Juni 1953 wurden Erst- und Zweitstimme eingeführt. Dadurch galt die 5-Prozent-Hürde nun bundesweit, rechtzeitig zur zweiten Bundeswahl am 6. September 1953.
Durch diese einfache Gesetzgebung, gekoppelt an weitere Maßnahmen, wurden mit einem Schlag drei Parteien Westdeutschlands ausgeschaltet.
From New START Freeze to Reasons for Ukraine Op: Key Takeaways From Putin‘s Federal Assembly Address
Vladimir Putin also told the Federal Assembly that there was information that the United States was considering the possibility of full-scale tests of their nuclear weapons, adding that the Russian Ministry of Defense and Rosatom must be ready to test Russian nuclear weapons if Washington really does conduct the test first.
Russia suspends only remaining major nuclear treaty with US
Speaking in his state-of-the-nation address, Putin also said that Russia should stand ready to resume nuclear weapons tests if the U.S. does so, a move that would end a global ban on nuclear weapons tests in place since the end of the Cold War.
Presidential Address to Federal Assembly
Launch new projects, earn money, work hard for Russia, invest in enterprises and jobs, and help schools and universities, science and healthcare, culture and sports. In this way, you will increase your wealth and will also win the respect and gratitude of the people for a generation ahead. The state and society will certainly support you.
Let us consider this as a message for your business: get moving in the right direction.
To be continued.
Russia suspends its participation in New START treaty — Putin
„I have to say today that Russia is suspending its participation in New START. I repeat, not withdrawing from the treaty, no, but merely suspending its participation,“ the president said.
The president stressed that before returning to the discussion on the issue of continuing the work as part of New START, Russia has to understand itself „what do such NATO countries as France and the United Kingdom vie for and how will their strategic arsenals be taken into account.“
Regierung gibt ihre Einheiten zur psychischen Manipulation der Bevölkerung bekannt
(14. Januar 2017)
Analyse zur Bekanntgabe des gemeinsamen Arbeitskreises “PsyOps” von Bundesnachrichtendienst und (dem Bundesamt für) Verfassungsschutz.
‚Team Jorge‘ unmasked: the secret disinformation team who distort reality – video
A covert team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media have been exposed in a new investigation. The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym ‚Jorge‘. In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team explained how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking methods to access Gmail and Telegram accounts
Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections
The investigation reveals extraordinary details about how disinformation is being weaponised by Team Jorge, which runs a private service offering to covertly meddle in elections without a trace. The group also works for corporate clients.
Hanan told the undercover reporters that his services, which others describe as “black ops”, were available to intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. He said they had been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe.
Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel‘s Agents of Chaos and Manipulation
Team Jorge, this investigation believes, works with a residential proxy provider, in order to provide its avatars with local digital identities in the form of real IPs that cannot be found by social media sites.
Team Jorge also seems to work with a cellular provider that serves AIMS in a similar manner, likely giving avatars their local numbers and supplying the infrastructure needed to grant them SMS verification.
The deliberately misleading technical infrastructure also serves to hide such actors. The process creates another layer of plausible deniability between, in this case, Team Jorge, the client and the campaign’s content, and helps them further mask the truth. Or, as Hanan put it in one presentation: „My signal is from Indonesia, the WhatsApp from Hong Kong, Telegram from Germany. And none of them are my numbers.“
The Israelis Destabilizing Democracy and Disrupting Elections Worldwide
From a small office building, a group of Israelis is spreading global disruption
Desinformations-Firma aus Israel : Team Jorge: Wahlmanipulation auf Bestellung?
Team Jorge ist eine israelische Firma, die nach eigenen Angaben im Auftrag von Politikern und reichen Privatpersonen weltweit hackt und manipuliert. Die Firma behauptet, sie habe mit verdeckten Kampagnen in 33 nationale Wahlkämpfe und Referenden eingegriffen, angeblich in 27 Fällen „erfolgreich“ im Sinne ihrer Kunden, vor allem in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika.
Chatkontrolle: So führt EU-Kommissarin Ylva Johansson die Öffentlichkeit in die Irre
Im Interview mit dem SPIEGEL verteidigt EU-Kommissarin Johansson die von der EU geplante Chatkontrolle. Dabei sagt sie drei Mal die Unwahrheit und verbreitet mindestens sieben Mal irreführende Aussagen. Ein Faktencheck.
… „kein EU-Land wollte konkrete Zusagen über eine Beteiligung an dem Panzer-Paket machen. Selbst die niederländische Regierung, die wie #Polen in den Medien schon die Lieferung von #Leopard2-Panzern zugesagt hatte, wolle sich nicht festlegen“.
Panzer für die Ukraine: Bisher wenige Zusagen für „Leoparden“
Einem Bericht des „Spiegel“ zufolge soll sich Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz telefonisch bei seinen Amtskollegen bemüht haben, weitere Lieferzusagen zu bekommen. Noch in der vergangenen Woche aber habe bei einer Videokonferenz von Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius kein anderes europäisches Land konkrete Lieferzusagen machen wollen, berichtet das Magazin.
Auch die Niederlande, die öffentlich bereits die Lieferung an die Ukraine angekündigt hatten, wollte sich demnach nicht konkreter festlegen.
* This research Essay was prepared by NSA employees in furtherance of the study of
cryptography. The contents of the report do not necessarily represent the position or policies of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the National Security Agency. The authors are mathematical cryptographers at the National Security Agency‘s Office of Information Security Research and Technology.
Bitcoins – Secured by NSA designed Encryption or Backdoored ?
(Sep 13, 2013)
The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called SHA-256, which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).
Is it hard to believe that could the intelligence community have a secret exploit for Bitcoin?
Bitcoin: Evidence Points To The NSA As Its Original Engineer
( December 13, 2017)
I’m going to assume the readers who make it to this article are well informed enough that I don’t have to go into the history of the global money changers and their desire for a one world currency. (If you don’t yet understand the goal of the globalist banking empire and the coming engineered collapse of the fiat currency system, you’re already about 5,000 posts behind the curve.)
With that as a starting point, it’s now becoming increasingly evident that Bitcoin may be a creation of the NSA and was rolled out as a “normalization” experiment to get the public familiar with digital currency. Once this is established, the world’s fiat currencies will be obliterated in an engineered debt collapse (see below for the sequence of events), then replaced with a government approved cryptocurrency with tracking of all transactions and digital wallets by the world’s western governments.
American Abrams Tanks Will Not Arrive In Ukraine Until Year End And Without Secret Armor – Media
According to the statement, a batch of 31 Abrams М1А2 tanks intended for Ukraine will not be taken from the armed reserves of the United States. Washington intends to purchase them within the framework of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. At the same time, as journalists predict, Abrams М1А2 tanks will arrive in the country at the end of 2023 or in early 2024.
The publication explains such terms by the fact that the United States needs to create combat equipment from scratch, the armor of which will not consist of the usual depleted uranium.
U.S. President Joe Biden announced the decision to send 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine during a news briefing on Jan. 25. Training of Ukrainian soldiers will begin “as soon as possible,” he said, adding the delivery of the tanks could “take time.”
Update zum #UkraineKrieg: Nach den #Kampfpanzern sollten die westlichen Verbündeten der Ukraine nach Ansicht der Regierung in Kiew nun auch Kriegsschiffe und U-Boote liefern.
Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.
Offiziell: Berlin will Ukraine 14 Leopard-Panzer liefern
Offenbar hat sich seit einem Gipfel am US-Stützpunkt Ramstein in Deutschland vergangene Woche eine intensive Debatte ergeben, und nun sind die USA laut Insidern doch bereit, etwa 30 Abrams-Panzer bereitzustellen. Eine entsprechende Ankündigung von US-Präsident Joe Biden wurde alsbald erwartet, das Weiße Haus kündigte eine Stellungnahme Bidens zur Ukraine für Mittwochabend an.
U.S. expected to send Abrams M-1 tanks to Ukraine in signal to Germany – Given their sophistication, complexity and training required, it could be months or even more than a year before they reach the battlefield.
US considering sending dozens of Abrams tanks to Ukraine, officials say
One official said that the U.S. will commit to sending between 30 to 50 tanks to Ukraine under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which means the U.S. will arrange for the contracting of the tanks with their manufacturer. That could mean the new tanks will not be able to be fielded for quite some time — possibly more than a year.
Wie im Gangster-Film: Firma will Überwachungskameras für Geheimdienste manipulieren
Auch mit Deutschland soll es zumindest Gespräche gegeben haben, geht aus den Haaretz vorliegenden Dokumenten hervor. Neben den USA und Australien soll es zudem Kontakt mit Singapur gegeben haben, einem nicht-demokratischen Staat. Ob die Länder tatsächlich Produkte von Toka einsetzen, ist nicht bekannt.
Der Markt für vernetzte Geräte wie Videokameras, Kühlschränke und Autos wächst seit Jahren kontinuierlich an.
Revealed: The Israeli Firm Selling ‘Dystopian’ Hacking Capabilities
According to a company pitch deck obtained by Haaretz, Toka offers what it terms “previously out-of-reach capabilities” that “transform untapped IoT sensors into intelligence sources,” and can be used “for intelligence and operational needs.” (IoT stands for Internet of Things and refers here to web-connected cameras and even car media systems.)
Letter: 90+ LGBTQ and human rights organizations oppose KOSA
November 28, 2022
Re: Opposition to S. 3663’s Threats to Minors’ Privacy and Safety Online
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Chairwoman Cantwell, and Ranking Member Wicker:
We, the undersigned organizations, believe that the privacy, online safety, and digital well-being of children should be protected. However, S. 3663, the “Kids Online Safety Act” (KOSA), would undermine those goals for all people, but especially children, by effectively forcing providers to use invasive filtering and monitoring tools; jeopardizing private, secure communications; incentivizing increased data collection on children and adults; and undermining the delivery of critical services to minors by public agencies like schools. We oppose this bill.
90+ groups warn US Senate of ‚damaging consequences‘ from Kids Online Safety Act
(29 Nov 2022)
Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), introduced the legislation in February in response to media reports and subcommittee hearings on social media companies‘ practices that the lawmakers say put kids at risk.
„Big Tech has brazenly failed children and betrayed its trust, putting profits above safety,“ Blumenthal said at the time. „The Kids Online Safety Act would finally give kids and their parents the tools and safeguards they need to protect against toxic content — and hold Big Tech accountable for deeply dangerous algorithms.“
Bad news for the internet: Congress is trying to sneak in dangerous “Save The Kids!” Internet Bill in Omnibus at the end of the year
(November 17, 2022)
Over the past week, I’ve been hearing about a major push by activists and lawmakers to include the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) in the year-end “must pass” omnibus law. Earlier this week, one of the primary parents pushing the bill walked on Jake Tapper’s show on CNN and stumbled for it. And Axios’ recent report confirms that lawmakers are trying to put it on the Lameduck omnibus, or possibly the NDAA (although it has absolutely nothing to do with defense spending).
2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.
3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.
Note to Readers
(Dec 2, 2022)
Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then som
Why the US Won’t Give Patriot Interceptors to Ukraine
(March 10, 2022)
“There‘s no discussion about putting a Patriot battery in Ukraine. In order to do that you have to put U.S. troops with it to operate it,” a senior defense official said Thursday.
„Covid infection levels across China have broken previous records“. No, testing has broken records. It‘s amazingly disappeared in all countries that don‘t test all the time. Proof that the tests were always about control over people, not disease.
Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)
(April 4, 2020)
In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should
use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.
When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.
Wie die Berechnung der Opferzahlen weltweit zustande kommt
(15. April 2020)
Am 4. April gab das C.D.C. einen „Leitfaden für die Zertifizierung von Todesfällen aufgrund der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19)“ („Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)“) heraus. In diesem heißt es wörtlich:
„In Fällen, in denen eine definitive Diagnose von COVID-19 nicht gestellt werden kann, dies jedoch verdächtigt wird oder wahrscheinlich ist (z.B. wenn die Umstände innerhalb eines vernünftigen Maßes an Sicherheit überzeugend sind), ist es akzeptabel, COVID-19 auf einem Totenschein als „vermutet“ oder „mutmaßlich“ zu melden.“
„In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
Und im letzten Teil, sowohl als kongeniale Selbstbegründung als auch äußerst pragmatische Handlungsanweisung:
„Wenn ein Todesfall auf COVID-19 zurückzuführen ist, ist er wahrscheinlich die zugrunde liegende Todesursache („UCOD“) und sollte daher in der untersten Zeile in Teil I des Totenscheins angegeben werden. Im Idealfall sollte auf COVID-19 getestet werden, aber es ist akzeptabel, COVID-19 ohne diese Bestätigung auf einer Sterbeurkunde zu melden, wenn die Umstände mit einem vernünftigen Maß an Sicherheit überzeugend sind.“
„When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.“
Wo nahm nun aber das Statistik- und Medienkarussell der „Corona-Toten“ oder gar „vermuteten Corona-Toten“ seinen Anfang, dass der berühmten „mehrheitsfähigen“ Rotte des Homo Sapiens dermaßen den Kopf verdrehte, dass sie sich gleich die ganze Demokratie rausschleudern ließen?
Am 20. März hatte die Weltgesundheitsbehörde W.H.O. einen „Interims-Leitfaden“ herausgegeben. Original-Titel: „Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused by human infection with COVID-19 virus“. In diesem legte die W.H.O. drei Kategorien von Krankheitsfällen fest:
Verdachtsfälle („suspect case“)
vermutete Fälle („probable case“)
bestätigte Fälle („confirmed case“)
Als „Verdachtsfälle“ definierte die W.H.O.. neben vielen anderen hochinteressanten Parametern, u.a. alle Personen mit „akuter Atemwegserkrankung“, die mit „einem bestätigten oder vermuteten Fall“ in Kontakt gewesen waren – bis zu vierzehn Tage vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen.
Und als „vermutete Fälle“ definierte die W.H.O alle Fälle, in denen Testergebnisse nicht schlüssig waren, sowie alle „Verdachtsfälle“ die nicht getestet wurden.
Das kann man schon als genial bezeichnen.
Und dann wies die W.H.O. alle Gesundheitsbehörden weltweit an, „vermutete und bestätigte Fälle“ an sie zu melden.
Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Der “Leak” und die “Whistleblower”
(8. Juni 2017)
Zusammenfassung der Taktik “Leak”
Variante 1: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse deine Lügen oder Manipulationen streuen. So erscheinen sie glaubwürdig.
Variante 2: Wenn Du zutreffende, geheime und / oder private Informationen hast bzw sie geraubt hast und ihr Bekanntwerden in Deinem Interesse ist, lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse diese veröffentlichen. So kannst du sie elegant bekannt werden lassen und Presse und Gegner durch deine eigene Intrige zusätzlich beschädigen.
Variante 3: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse deine Pläne veröffentlichen, warte die Reaktion ab, lass die Erregung abebben, beschwichtige und setze dann einfach um wovon alle wussten, aber nichts dagegen unternahmen.
Variante 4: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse über deine illegalen, kriminellen oder verfassungswidrigen Aktivitäten berichten und eventuell unbedeutende Teile davon (sukzessive) veröffentlichen. Dann warte die Reaktion ab, lass die Immunisierung wirken und das Fieber abebben, beschwichtige, streue Gerüchte, lass die Leute sich daran gewöhnen, kaufe eventuell ein paar Schlüsselfiguren ein oder stelle sie ruhig. Interpretiere. Verdächtige Gegner, die entsprechenden Informationen selbst veröffentlicht zu haben, beschädige diese und spioniere sie aus. Anschließend legalisiere wovon nun alle wissen, aber nichts dagegen unternehmen. Argumentiere, dass es ja alle auch wollen, weil sie nichts dagegen unternehmen. Falls Verfassungsklagen drohen, sorge dafür dass ihre Erhebung ebenso verschleppt wird wie das Verfahren. Wenn alle Fakten geschaffen sind, argumentiere mit deren Unumkehrbarkeit. Dann fang von vorne an.
Es führt kein Weg daran vorbei, die Konsequenzen und die Wirkung von Veröffentlichungen von bis dato geheimem Material einzuschätzen, sowohl vorab wie nachfolgend, ebenso die Art und Weise wie diese Veröffentlichungen zustande kamen.
Des Weiteren ist sich in die Rolle der Betreiber und Akteure von Massenerfassung und weltweiter Spionage hineinzuversetzen: wie würden diese versuchen Whistleblower, das Bekanntwerden eigener Umtriebe und entsprechende Plattformen wie Wikileaks für die eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen?
Erfolgreicher als in den letzten Jahren hätten sie dies kaum tun können.
Der Wikileaks-Trick entlarvt sich
(28.Juli 2010)
Kapital 4: Auftritt Julian Assange
Dienstag Abend. Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange in einem der vielen Plätze, die es nicht in Deutschland gibt / geben darf, dem Londoner Frontline Club. Hier der Mitschnitt.
Assange ging in seinem Statement gleich zu Anfang explizit auf die in den Dokumenten enthaltenen Beschuldigungen gegen Pakistan und den ISI ein, ohne den Inhalt der US-Geheimdienst-Dokumente irgendwie in Zweifel zu ziehen. Er ging auf das weltweite Presseecho ein. Man könne die Wirkung der Veröffentlichung noch gar nicht absehen.
Die Quelle dieser Dokumente, so der Wikileaks-Gründer Assange, kenne man nicht, die kenne man nie. Das ganze Zugangssystem der Informationsplattform sei darauf angelegt, dass man nicht wisse, wer die Quelle sei und so dieses Geheimnis auch nicht preisgeben könne. Mehrere Systeme seien miteinander verbunden, u.a. ein System, welches die Militärspionage der US Navy entwickelt habe, um die Herkunft von Informationen seitens der Marinespione zu verbergen. Assange wörtlich zum Informationssystem von Wikileaks: “Das ist wirklich etwas, was es sonst auf der Erde nicht gibt”.
Das “Office of Naval Intelligence” (ONI) ist, so vermerkt es sogar der dt-Sprachige Wikipedia-Eintrag, unter der Verwaltung der “Defense Intelligenc Ageny” (DIA) – also genau der Agentur des Pentagon, welche solche Lücken wie die nun erfolgte Übertragung von 91.000 Militärdokumenten verhindern soll.Die DIA ist im mittlerweile außer Kontrolle geratenen Spionage-Komplex der USA eng mit einer ganzen Reihe von IT-Konzernen verknüpft. (TOP SECRET AMERICA (II): “Nationale Sicherheit AG”, 24.Juni)
Assange bezeichnete einiges in den veröffentlichen Dokumenten von Unteroffizieren der US-Militärspionage, die weitgehend auf den Aussagen bezahlter Informanten beruhen, selbst als “exotisch”; etwa Berichte, dass Osama Bin Laden sich regelmäßig einmal im Monat mit seinen Freunden zum Tee in einem bestimmten Teehaus in Afghanistan treffe.
Bisher sei Wikileaks aber noch nie mit gefälschten Dokumenten hereingelegt worden.
Kapitel 6: Analyse und Einschätzung
Damit kein falscher Eindruck entseht: meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach ist Julian Assange weder korrupt, noch ein Spion. Das wird von Quellen zur Zersetzung von Wikileaks gestreut, aus behördlichem Interesse, oder durch Konkurrenten die schlicht neidisch sind und persönlichen Erfolg als ihre höchste Priorität sehen.
Nein, was ich sagen will ist folgendes: Julian Assange liegt einfach falsch mit dieser Veröffentlichung.
Die Dokumente sind keine Fälschungen. Es ist echtes Geschwätz aus der US-Spionage. Das ist der Witz. Es ist echter Bullshit, der nichts wert ist. Aber er wurde wahrscheinlich extra zu diesem einen Zwecke produziert, um bei Wikileaks zu landen und als echter Bullshit die Welt noch blöder zu machen, als sie es jetzt schon ist, was zugegebenermaßen immerhin eine Leistung ist.
Why the US Won’t Give Patriot Interceptors to Ukraine
(March 10, 2022)
“There‘s no discussion about putting a Patriot battery in Ukraine. In order to do that you have to put U.S. troops with it to operate it,” a senior defense official said Thursday.
These are the missile defense systems the US sent to Poland
(March 10, 2022 )he Patriot air defense missile system – Patriot stands for “Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept of Target” – is designed to counter and destroy incoming short-range ballistic missiles, advanced aircraft and cruise missiles.
NATO-Chef: Sowohl Polen als auch Ukraine brauchen Patriot-Raketen
Luftabwehrsysteme seien sowohl in Polen als auch in der Ukraine notwendig, sagte NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg am Freitag in einempolskieradio.pl Interview für den US-Nachrichtensender CNN.
Die Bundesregierung hält an ihrem Angebot fest, dem #NATO-Partner Polen »Patriot«-Luftabwehrsysteme zur Verfügung zu stellen. Man spreche innerhalb der Regierung auch über den polnischen Vorschlag, »Patriot«-Systeme lieber an die #Ukraine zu übergeben.
Exclusive: Inside the Military‘s Secret Undercover Army
(17. May 2021)
No one knows the program‘s total size, and the explosion of signature reduction has never been examined for its impact on military policies and culture. Congress has never held a hearing on the subject. And yet the military developing this gigantic clandestine force challenges U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability.
House Democrat eyes legislation to bar Trump from office under 14th Amendment
Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) is eyeing legislation that would bar former President Trump from serving in office under the 14th Amendment “for leading an insurrection against the United States.”
Operation Northwoods
(March 13, 1962)
c. Commence large scale United States military operations.
3. A „Remember the Maine“ incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to „evacuate“ remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.
The terror campaign could be pointed at refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement, also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.
Declassified Papers Show Anti-Castro Ideas Proposed to Kennedy
(19. November 1997)
“We could blow up a US warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,“ the memorandum said.
“We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,“ it continued. “The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated).“
The records show that on March 13, 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff endorsed these ideas as “suitable for planning purposes.“ No evidence exists that they were carried out.