Archiv: War of Aggression by Russian Government against Ukraine / Angriffskrieg der russischen Regierung gegen Ukraine / 2022 / 2023 / 2024 / deployment of North Korean troops to Russian frontline

07.02.2025 - 13:22 [ Amnesty International ]

USA: Sanctions against International Criminal Court betray international justice system

“At an historic moment when we are witnessing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and the global rule of law coming under threat from multiple fronts, institutions like the Court are needed more than ever to advance human rights protections, prevent future atrocities and secure justice for victims. (…)

“Governments around the world and regional organizations must do everything in their power to mitigate and block the effect of President Trump’s sanctions. Through collective and concerted actions, ICC member states can protect the Court and its staff. Urgent action is needed, like never before.”

25.01.2025 - 05:40 [ ]

Putin says he’s ready to meet Trump to ‘talk calmly’

“It would be better for us to meet, based on the realities of today, to talk calmly on all those areas that are of interest to both the United States and Russia,” Putin said during an interview on domestic TV channel Russia 24.

25.01.2025 - 05:37 [ ]

In an interview, Putin echoes Trump’s claim that conflict in Ukraine could have been avoided had he been in office

In an interview with Russian state television, Putin praised Trump as a “clever and pragmatic man” who is focused on U.S. interests.

“We always had a business-like, pragmatic but also trusting relationship with the current U.S. president,” Putin said. “I couldn’t disagree with him that if he had been president, if they hadn’t stolen victory from him in 2020, the crisis that emerged in Ukraine in 2022 could have been avoided.”

23.01.2025 - 23:40 [ Donald J. Trump / Social Truth ]

I’m not looking to hurt Russia. I love the Russian people, and always had a very good relationship with President Putin – and this despite the Radical Left’s Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. We must never forget that Russia helped us win the Second World War, losing almost 60,000,000 lives in the process.

All of that being said, I’m going to do Russia, whose Economy is failing, and President Putin, a very big FAVOR. Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a “deal,” and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries. Let’s get this war, which never would have started if I were President, over with! We can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better. It’s time to “MAKE A DEAL.” NO MORE LIVES SHOULD BE LOST!!!

23.01.2025 - 23:35 [ ]

Trump urges Putin to ‘make a deal’ to end the war in Ukraine

He also said he hoped China can help end the war, and Trump reiterated later on Thursday that he thinks China has power over Russia.

“It’s a very big trading partner. But, Russia supplies a lot of energy to China and China pays them a lot of money for that, and I think they have a lot of power over Russia. So. I think Russia should want to make a deal. Maybe they want to make a deal. I think, from what I hear, Putin would like to see me meet as soon as we can. I’d meet immediately,” he said in the Oval Office.

13.01.2025 - 14:32 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Es ist an der Zeit: Ami go home!

Deshalb wollen wir einen Schlussstrich ziehen – gegen die Stationierung von US-Angriffswaffen auf deutschem Boden.

Wir wollen keinen Krieg gegen Russland vom deutschen Boden aus. Wir wollen Frieden mit Russland!

Und wir wollen auch nicht an der Seite der USA Waffen in alle Kriegsgebiete dieser Welt liefern. Deshalb sagen wir: Keinen Cent, keine Waffen und erst recht keine Soldaten für die Ukraine.

Und wir sagen auch: Keine deutschen Waffen für den Tod von Palästinensern und die Zerstörung im Gazastreifen. Stoppt die Waffenlieferungen an Israel.

Und lasst mich eines noch sagen – gerade jetzt, wo der designierte US-Präsident Donald Trump droht, wenn nötig auch mit Waffengewalt Grönland und den Panama-Kanal zu übernehmen: Wir können uns die 37.000 US-Soldaten in Deutschland schlicht nicht mehr leisten.

Wir sagen: „Ami go home.“ Es ist Zeit.

Und wenn wir sagen „Ami go home“, dann meinen wir natürlich auch, dass der US-Präsident natürlich nicht nur seine Soldaten, sondern auch die US-Atomwaffen endlich aus Deutschland mitnehmen kann, so wie der Bundestag schon 2010 mehrheitlich den Abzug der Waffen beschlossen hat.

Die Vasallentreue deutscher Regierungen gegenüber den USA muss endlich ein Ende finden in der deutschen Politik.

Deshalb sagen wir auch: Es ist an der Zeit, Deutschland, unser Land, verdient Souveränität.

In diesem Sinne, für ein soziales, ein demokratisches und ein souveränes Deutschland.

Glück auf.

12.01.2025 - 18:07 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Wahlprogramm des BSW zur Bundestagswahl 2025

Die Stationierung von US-Mittelstreckenraketen auf deutschem Boden, die Bundeskanzler Scholz ohne irgendeine Debatte am Rande eines NATO-Gipfels abgesegnet hat und die das nukleare Risiko für uns enorm erhöhen, lehnen wir entschieden ab.

Die aktuellen Probleme der Bundeswehr rühren nicht zuletzt daher, dass sie von einer Verteidigungsarmee immer mehr zur Interventionsarmee umgestaltet wurde. Die Ergebnisse waren desaströs, etwa in Afghanistan und Mali. Wir wollen die Bundeswehr wieder und ausschließlich zu einer Verteidigungsarmee machen.

Die Bundeswehr hat nach dem Grundgesetz den Auftrag, unser Land zu verteidigen. Für diese Aufgabe muss sie angemessen ausgerüstet sein. Den Einsatz deutscher Soldaten in internationalen Kriegen lehnen wir ebenso ab wie ihre Stationierung an der russischen Grenze oder im Südchinesischen Meer.


Wir lehnen die Wiedereinführung einer Wehrpflicht ab.
Verteidigungsminister Pistorius will Deutschland „kriegstüchtig“ machen. Wir wollen unser Land friedenstüchtig machen.


In der Ukraine tobt ein Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Russland und den Vereinigten Staaten, der sich jederzeit zu einem Weltkrieg ausweiten kann. Wir verurteilen den russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine aufs Schärfste. Zugleich sind wir überzeugt, dass dieser schreckliche Krieg vermeidbar war und längst auf dem Verhandlungsweg hätte beendet werden können.
Wie die Mehrheit der Bundesbürger lehnen wir die Lieferung von Taurus-Marschflugkörpern ab. Nur ein starkes BSW im nächsten Bundestag kann und wird verhindern, dass die Kriegsfalken und Taurus-Befürworter in der SPD nach der Wahl die Oberhand gewinnen. Wir müssen verhindern, dass deutsche Soldaten wieder Raketen auf den Weg bringen, die nach Russland zielen.

11.01.2025 - 17:44 [ Institute for the Study of War (ISW) ]

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 8, 2025

– Ukrainian forces struck Russia‘s state-owned Kombinat Kristal oil storage facility near Engels, Saratov Oblast on the night of January 7 to 8.
– Ukrainian forces struck a command post of the Russian 8th Combined Arms Army (CAA) (Southern Military District [SMD]) on January 8 in occupied Khartsyzk, Donetsk Oblast.
– Russian forces advanced in Kursk Oblast, in Toretsk, and near Kurakhove.
– Russian forces are increasingly using drones attached to fiber optic cables in Ukraine.

11.01.2025 - 17:32 [ Newsweek ]

Kursk Map Shows Russia‘s Rapid Advances in Ukraine-Held Territory

(January 9, 2025)

According to the D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russian forces have advanced in Toretsk and near Kurakhove, cities located in Ukraine‘s eastern Donetsk Oblast, while also continuing to push back Kyiv‘s forces in the Kursk region.

11.01.2025 - 15:08 [ New York Times ]

Impeachment in South Korea Has Cost Washington a Staunch Ally

(December 16, 2024)

President Yoon Suk Yeol has changed the course of South Korea’s diplomacy like no leader before him. He put his country in lock step with the United States by countering North Korea with sanctions and joint military drills. He won Washington’s plaudits when he overcame a century of historical grievances Koreans held against Japan​ and helped lay the ground for trilateral cooperation to deter China.

He sang the praises of Western values such as freedom.

10.01.2025 - 17:00 [ Vatikan ]


A diplomacy of hope is also a diplomacy of forgiveness, capable, at a time full of open or latent conflicts, of mending relationships torn by hatred and violence, and thus caring for the broken hearts of their all too numerous victims. My wish for the year 2025 is that the entire international community will work above all to end the conflict that, for almost three years now, has caused so much bloodshed in war-torn Ukraine and has taken an enormous toll of lives, including those of many civilians. Some encouraging signs have appeared on the horizon, but much work must still be done to create the conditions for a just and lasting peace and to heal the wounds inflicted by the aggression.

Similarly, I renew my appeal for a ceasefire and the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, where there is a very serious and shameful humanitarian situation, and I ask that the Palestinian population receive all the aid it needs. My prayerful hope is that Israelis and Palestinians can rebuild the bridges of dialogue and mutual trust, starting with the smallest, so that future generations can live side by side in the two States, in peace and security, and that Jerusalem can be the “city of encounter”, where Christians, Jews and Muslims live together in harmony and respect. Just last June, in the Vatican gardens, we joined in commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Invocation for Peace in the Holy Land that, on 8 June 2014, saw the presence of the then President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, and the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, along with Patriarch Bartholomew I. That meeting bore witness to the fact that dialogue is always possible and that we cannot give in to the idea that enmity and hatred between peoples will have the upper hand.

At the same time, it must also be pointed out that war is fuelled by the continued proliferation of ever more sophisticated and destructive weapons. This morning, I reiterate my appeal that “with the money spent on weapons and other military expenditures, let us establish a global fund that can finally put an end to hunger and favour development in the most impoverished countries, so that their citizens will not resort to violent or illusory solutions, or have to leave their countries in order to seek a more dignified life”. [3]

War is always a failure! The involvement of civilians, especially children, and the destruction of infrastructures is not only a disaster, but essentially means that between the two sides only evil emerges the winner. We cannot in any way accept the bombing of civilians or the attacking of infrastructures necessary for their survival. We cannot accept that children are freezing to death because hospitals have been destroyed or a country’s energy network has been hit.

The entire international community seems to agree on the need to respect international humanitarian law, yet its failure to implement that law fully and concretely raises questions. If we have forgotten what lies at the very foundation of our existence, the sacredness of life, the principles that move the world, how can we think that this right is effectively respected? We need to recover these values and to embody them in precepts of the public conscience, so that the principle of humanity will truly be the basis of our activity. I trust, then, that this Jubilee year will be a favourable moment in which the international community will take active steps to ensure that inviolable human rights are not sacrificed to military needs.

29.12.2024 - 17:10 [ Atlantic Council ]

Vladimir Putin does not want a peace deal. He wants to destroy Ukraine.

(December 3, 2024)

For many years, Putin has publicly questioned the Ukrainian nation’s right to exist. He has repeatedly stated that he sees today’s independent Ukraine as an artificial state, and regards all those who disagree with this verdict as anti-Russian forces or outright Nazis. For more than a decade, he has sought to turn this toxic vision into reality via an escalating campaign of military aggression.

29.12.2024 - 16:55 [ Institute for the Study of War ]

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, December 26, 2024

Putin responded on December 26 to a journalist‘s request to comment on the Trump team’s reported early November suggestion to delay Ukraine‘s membership in NATO for 10 to 20 years.[1] Putin stated that it does not matter if Ukraine joins NATO „today, tomorrow, or in 10 years.“ Putin‘s December 26 statement is part of a series of comments he has made recently reiterating his refusal to consider compromises on his late 2021 and early 2022 demands.[2] These demands include forcing Ukraine to become a permanently neutral state that will never join NATO, imposing severe limitations on the size of the Ukrainian military, and removing the Ukrainian government.

29.12.2024 - 16:51 [ ]

Putin rejects Trump team‘s peace plan proposal — ISW

His demands continue to include Ukraine’s permanent neutral status, renouncement of NATO ambitions, restrictions on its military size, and regime change in Kyiv.

29.12.2024 - 16:44 [ Axios ]

Trump‘s new Ukraine adviser urged peace deal without NATO membership or restored borders

(November 27, 2024)

To convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to join peace talks, „President Biden and other NATO leaders should offer to put off NATO membership for Ukraine for an extended period in exchange for a comprehensive and verifiable peace deal with security guarantees,“ the pair wrote.

Meanwhile, Ukraine „would not be asked to relinquish the goal of regaining all its territory,“ but would agree to try to do so through diplomacy, with the recognition it probably won‘t happen until after Putin leaves office.

29.12.2024 - 16:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

Record high deaths in the Russia-Ukraine war: What you should know

(October 16, 2024)

According to Ukraine’s General Staff, as of October 1, more than 654,000 Russian personnel have died.

As for Ukrainian troops, the Russian Ministry of Defence estimates that Kyiv has lost almost half a million men, according to a report published last month by the RT news website.

29.12.2024 - 16:14 [ Bloomberg ]

Ukraine Risks Losing All the Russian Land It Seized Within Months, US Officials Say

(December 27, 2024)

Ukraine’s military is already grappling with a lack of manpower and uncertainty about the future flow of supplies from the US and other allies, even as it struggles to fend off Russian advances in its east. In Kursk, the region in western Russia where Ukrainian forces seized a swath of land, Ukrainian troops are also facing off against about 12,000 North Korean troops reinforcing the Russians.

29.12.2024 - 15:57 [ Associated Press ]

Bloodied Ukrainian troops risk losing more hard-won land in Kursk to Russia

Battles are so intense that some Ukrainian commanders can’t evacuate the dead. Communication lags and poorly timed tactics have cost lives, and troops have little way to counterattack, seven front-line soldiers and commanders told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity so they could discuss sensitive operations.

29.12.2024 - 15:39 [ Radio Free Asia ]

Does a video show a funeral for a North Korean general killed in Ukraine war?

(December 27, 2024)

A video has been shared in Chinese-language social media posts that claim it shows a state funeral for North Korean general Kim Yong Bok who died while supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine.

But the claim is false. The video shows a funeral of Ri Ul Sol, a close aide of the North Korean founder, who died in 2015 due to illness.

29.12.2024 - 15:10 [ Radio Free Asia ]

Kim Jong Un’s close aide in Russia overseeing North Korean troops: report

(October 28, 2024)

The North Korean troops, who according to the latest reports are mobilizing near the front lines in Ukraine, will be overseen by Kim Yong Bok, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army, Japan’s Kyodo News reported on Saturday, citing a Ukrainian military source.

29.12.2024 - 15:05 [ ]

Ukraine: Nordkoreanische Truppen haben Schwierigkeiten beim Nachschub

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hatte am Montag gesagt, dass bereits über 3.000 nordkoreanische Soldaten in Kämpfen in Kursk getötet oder verwundet worden seien.

Nordkorea hatte schätzungsweise 10.000 bis 12.000 Soldaten in die Region Kursk geschickt, um Russland in dessen Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu helfen.

25.12.2024 - 17:00 [ Vatikan ]


May the sound of arms be silenced in war-torn Ukraine! May there be the boldness needed to open the door to negotiation and to gestures of dialogue and encounter, in order to achieve a just and lasting peace.

May the sound of arms be silenced in the Middle East! In contemplating the Crib of Bethlehem, I think of the Christian communities in Palestine and in Israel, particularly the dear community in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is extremely grave. May there be a ceasefire, may the hostages be released and aid be given to the people worn out by hunger and by war. I express my closeness to the Christian community in Lebanon, especially in the south, and to that of Syria, at this most delicate time. May the doors of dialogue and peace be flung open throughout the region, devastated by conflict. Here I also think of the Libyan people and encourage them to seek solutions that enable national reconciliation.

20.12.2024 - 20:18 [ Holger Münch, Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts / ]

Diese Gefahren sind in Deutschland real

20.12.2024, 10.30 Uhr

Der Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts warnt: Internationale Krisen und Konflikte verschärfen die Lage im Inland. Deutschland braucht eine Zeitenwende der inneren Sicherheit.

18.12.2024 - 06:01 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Nein zu deutschen Bodentruppen in der Ukraine

(Dezember 5, 2024)

Und ein Wort zur AfD: Wer hier sagt – wie der Redner der AfD -:

(Stephan Brandner (AfD): Das ist aber schon viel mehr als ein Wort jetzt! Ein Wort wollten Sie sagen!)

„Die Bundeswehr ist da, um zu kämpfen und zu siegen“, ist so wenig Friedenspartei wie die Olivgrünen in diesem Haus.

(Beifall beim BSW)

Diese Resteampel erweckt zunehmend den Eindruck, als wolle sie Deutschland vor Moskau verteidigen,

(Britta Haßelmann (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Hören Sie doch auf mit Ihren Fake News! Verschonen Sie uns damit!)

und das ist auch vor dem Hintergrund unserer Geschichte einfach grundfalsch.

(Merle Spellerberg (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Ich glaube, da braucht jemand Geschichtsnachhilfe!)

Nach dem gebrochenen Versprechen, die NATO nicht nach Osten zu erweitern, schicken Sie jetzt auch noch für 11 Milliarden Euro die deutschen Soldaten nach Litauen, an die russische Grenze. Sie verlieren so jede Glaubwürdigkeit.

18.12.2024 - 05:41 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Merz-Union im Geist von Putschpräsident Yoon

(Dezember 8, 2024)

Die Union möchte ja, dass die Bundeswehr rund um die koreanische Halbinsel wie im gesamten Indopazifikraum stärker zum Einsatz kommt. „Aber ist das wirklich die Aufgabe der Bundeswehr?“, frage ich mich. Wollen Sie bei den Konflikten dort jetzt auch noch mitmischen? Und haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob die Koreaner aus Nord und Süd jetzt auf die Bundesmarine gewartet haben, um ihr strahlend vom Ufer zuwinken zu können? Was haben Sie sich dabei nur gedacht?

(Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Es gibt Menschen, die denken sich tatsächlich noch was dabei!)

15.12.2024 - 09:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Russia draws down forces in Syria, removes S-300 system that troubled Israel

(Ooctober 20, 2022)

Though it has on several occasions harshly criticized Russia’s actions in Ukraine, Jerusalem has so far avoided providing direct military aid to Kyiv — neither offensive arms nor advanced defensive technology — in an attempt to avoid sparking a crisis with Moscow.
An encrypted phone connection was installed in 2017 between a Russian air base in western Syria and the Israeli Air Force command center in Tel Aviv.

The S-300 system was moved to Syria is 2018. Control of the batteries was never handed over to Syrian government.
Russia still maintains its more advanced S-400 air defense system in Syria, but the missiles are reportedly tasked only with defending Russian assets.

01.12.2024 - 23:21 [ ]

Selenskyj: Einladung zum NATO-Beitritt „überlebenswichtig“

Er erklärte laut Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass jede Einladung, dem Bündnis beizutreten, für das gesamte ukrainische Territorium gelten müsse. Selenskyj räumte allerdings ein, dass das wegen der besetzten Gebiete im Krieg aktuell noch nicht möglich sei.

01.12.2024 - 23:14 [ ]

EU-Spitzen in Kiew: Costa für baldige EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Ukraine

Der neue EU-Ratspräsident Costa hat der Ukraine für 2025 den Beginn von Beitrittsverhandlungen versprochen. Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Kallas regte bei dem gemeinsamen Besuch in Kiew die Diskussion über eine NATO-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine an.

30.11.2024 - 03:56 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

Will Washington Destroy the World?

(November 25, 2024)

Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.

Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.

28.11.2024 - 12:25 [ Associated Press ]

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia

(November 28, 2024)

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilization age to 18 from the current age of 25 to expand the pool of fighting-age men available to help a badly outnumbered Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.

The official said “the pure math” of Ukraine’s situation now is that it needs more troops in the fight

28.11.2024 - 12:21 [ ]

White House Pressing Ukraine To Draft 18-Year-Olds for War

(November 27, 2024)

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan recently hinted that the US was pressuring Ukraine to expand conscription, saying Ukraine’s biggest problem in the war was the lack of manpower.

“Our view has been that there’s not one weapon system that makes a difference in this battle. It’s about manpower, and Ukraine needs to do more, in our view, to firm up its lines in terms of the number of forces it has on the front lines,” Sullivan said on PBS News Hour last week.

28.11.2024 - 11:41 [ Gallup ]

Half of Ukrainians Want Quick, Negotiated End to War

(November 19, 2024)

In Gallup’s latest surveys of Ukraine, conducted in August and October 2024, an average of 52% of Ukrainians would like to see their country negotiate an end to the war as soon as possible. Nearly four in 10 Ukrainians (38%) believe their country should keep fighting until victory.

Ukrainians’ current attitudes toward the war represent a decisive shift from where they stood after it began in late February 2022. Surveyed in the months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion, Ukrainians were defiant, with 73% preferring fighting until victory.

28.11.2024 - 11:33 [ ]

Poll: Majority of Ukrainians Want Peace Talks To End War With Russia

(November 19, 2024)

A poll released by Gallup on Tuesday found that the majority of Ukrainians want peace talks to end the war with Russia.

The poll, conducted in August and October, found that 52% of respondents wanted talks with Russia to end the conflict as soon as possible, while 38% believed Ukraine should keep fighting, and 9% said they didn’t know or refused to answer.

28.11.2024 - 09:40 [ ]

Habeck (Grüne): „Wenn ich zum Bundeskanzler gewählt werde, werde ich die Taurus-Raketen nach Kiew liefern“

(November 18, 2024)

Der Kanzlerkandidat der Grünen und derzeitige Wirtschaftsminister, Robert Habeck, würde Taurus-Marschflugkörper an die Streitkräfte der Ukraine liefern, wenn er zum deutschen Bundeskanzler gewählt würde. Dies erklärte Habeck selbst in seiner Rede auf dem Bundesparteitag in Wiesbaden.

28.11.2024 - 09:31 [ Forbes ]

50,000 Russians Are Poised To Attack 20,000 Ukrainians In Kursk. Ukrainian Brigades Are Bracing For A ‘Massive’ Fight.

(November 24, 2024)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given his general until early February to eject the Ukrainians from western Russia. But the real deadline, it seems, is the Jan. 20 inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to end Russia’s wider war on Ukraine but whose offhand proposals hinge on an unenforceable ceasefire that would freeze the front line in place.

28.11.2024 - 08:34 [ CNN ]

Ukraine is relying on drones to hold back Russian advances. Troops on the frontline are fearing the worst

Ukraine cannot match Moscow’s numbers, or a tolerance for casualties that Western officials claim is resulting in up to 1,200 dead or injured daily across the frontlines. Kyiv’s manpower crisis has been palpable in Pokrovsk for weeks, soldiers around the eastern front told CNN, and Moscow’s savage tactics are seeing persistent success.

“The situation is very critical,” said East, the callsign of a commander of a drone unit with Ukraine’s 15th National Guard working around Pokrovsk. “We lack infantry to fight and hold out for some time while the drones do their work. That’s why we often see situations where the enemy uncontrollably penetrates vulnerable areas.”

25.11.2024 - 22:17 [ Consortium News ]

WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Escalation’

Tension is soaring in the two insanely dangerous wars in Ukraine and the Mideast. We picked the brains of Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter and Ted Postol. Watch the replay.

25.11.2024 - 21:04 [ ]

Selling War: How Raytheon and Boeing Fund the Push for NATO’s Nuclear Expansion

(September 18, 2024)

To “counter Russia’s nuclear blackmail,” the Atlantic Council confidently asserted, “NATO must adapt its nuclear sharing program.” This includes moving B-61 atomic bombs to Eastern Europe and building a network of medium-range missile bases across the continent. The think tank praised Washington’s recent decision to send Tomahawk and SM-6 missiles to Germany as a “good start” but insisted that it “does not impose a high enough price” on Russia.

What the Atlantic Council does not divulge at any time is that not only would this drastically increase the likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear war, but that the weapons they specifically recommend come directly from manufacturers that fund them in the first place.

25.11.2024 - 20:44 [ ]

Europe at Risk! Germany’s Defense Minister Urges Action Against Putin

To address these challenges, Germany plans to ramp up its defense capabilities:

– Accelerating Arms Production: The German government will unveil a new strategy to streamline bureaucracy and expedite the production of weapons by the end of the year.

– Leadership Role: Pistorius reiterated Germany’s commitment to becoming the central pillar of European defense, as he stated in September.

25.11.2024 - 17:50 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Russland warnt Südkorea vor Lieferung tödlicher Waffen an Ukraine

Südkoreas Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hatte auf einer Pressekonferenz am 7. November gesagt, dass er abhängig vom Ausmaß der Beteiligung der nordkoreanischen Streitkräfte an dem Krieg Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nicht ausschließen wolle.

25.11.2024 - 17:34 [ Institute for the Study of War ]

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 24, 2024

Russian forces’ recent confirmed battlefield gains near Vuhledar and Velyka Novosilka demonstrate that the war in Ukraine is not stalemated. The frontline in Donetsk Oblast is becoming increasingly fluid as Russian forces recently have been advancing at a significantly quicker rate than they did in the entirety of 2023.

25.11.2024 - 17:22 [ Newsweek ]

Ukraine War Map Reveals Russia‘s Rapid Front Line Advances

Russian forces have been advancing far more quickly in Donetsk region in recent weeks than they did for the whole of last year, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), whose map shows the state of play on the front line.

The Washington, D.C., think tank said on Sunday that recent Russian gains near Vuhledar and Velyka Novosilka showed that the war „is not stalemated“ and the Donetsk region is „becoming increasingly fluid“ with the latest Russian advances. Newsweek has emailed the Russian and Ukrainian defense ministries for comment.

25.11.2024 - 16:44 [ ]

UK army chief: We’re ready to fight Putin in Eastern Europe

„If the British Army was asked to fight tonight, it would fight tonight,“ Rob Magowan, the deputy chief of the British defense staff, told the House of Commons defense committee. „I don‘t think anybody in this room should be under any illusion that if the Russians invaded Eastern Europe tonight, then we would meet them in that fight.“

The striking comments came as MPs asked Magowan Thursday how many British brigades could get to NATO‘s eastern flank in the event of a major escalation by Russia.

25.11.2024 - 16:31 [ ]

France Says Ukraine Can Fire French Long-Range Missiles Into Russia

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said in an interview published Saturday that Ukraine could fire French-provided long-range missiles into Russian territory following US and British authorization of such strikes.

France has provided Ukraine with its version of the British Storm Shadow missiles, known as SCALP missiles, which have a range of about 155 miles. Barrot told BBC that there are no “red lines” when it comes to France’s support of Ukraine and that Ukrainian forces could fire the missiles into Russia “in the logics of self-defense.”

25.11.2024 - 13:50 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]


(November 19, 2024)

Joe Biden genehmigt der Ukraine, mit amerikanischen Raketen Ziele in Russland zu beschießen. Damit riskiert er einen Weltkrieg.

Kurz vor der Amtsübergabe eskalieren die US-Demokraten nochmal. Ihnen scheint völlig egal zu sein, dass Kamala Harris auch wegen der Ukraine-Politik die Wahl verloren hat.

25.11.2024 - 13:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ach, das bisschen Atomkriegsrisiko …

(November 21, 2024)

Bereits Ende August hatte der Spiegel unter dem Titel „Wladimir Putin und seine Schauermärchen von den roten Linien“ Verniedlichung betrieben. Die Autorin Ann-Dorit Boy, die laut Spiegel auch „Public Information Officer bei UN OCHA in Kiew“ war, schreibt:

„Die Erkenntnis, dass Putins Drohungen leer sind, ist nicht neu. Der Kreml hat in seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine schon viele angeblich rote Linien gezogen. Militärhilfe von Drittstaaten sollte tabu sein, später Angriffe auf die Brücke zur Halbinsel Krim, die Lieferung von weitreichenden Raketen und Marschflugkörpern und F-16-Kampfjets. Alle diese Linien sind überschritten worden. Passiert ist nichts.“

25.11.2024 - 02:15 [ ]

Report: US and European Officials Discussed Giving Ukraine Nuclear Weapons

(November 22, 2024)

Desperate to bolster Ukraine’s standing in the war before the transition of power on January 20, the Biden administration is looking at a range of serious escalations. “US and European officials are discussing deterrence as a possible security guarantee for Ukraine, such as stockpiling a conventional arsenal sufficient to strike a punishing blow if Russia violates a cease-fire.” The article continues, “Several officials even suggested that Mr. Biden could return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the fall of the Soviet Union.”

According to some officials who spoke with the Times, the administration believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t significantly escalate the war until Trump returns to the Oval Office.

25.11.2024 - 02:14 [ ]

Trump’s Vow to End the War Could Leave Ukraine With Few Options

(November 24, 2024)

„Trump’s Vow to End the War Could Leave Ukraine With Few Options​

Several officials even suggested that Mr. Biden could return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the fall of the Soviet Union. That would be an instant and enormous deterrent. But such a step would be complicated and have serious implications.“

24.11.2024 - 23:30 [ Newsweek ]

Russian and North Korean Troops Shrink Ukraine‘s Gains in Kursk

Geolocated footage shows Russia has advanced to the southeast of Korenevo in recent days, the ISW said.

An unnamed senior military source in Kyiv‘s General Staff told Reuters in an article published on Saturday that Ukraine had lost more than 40 percent of the territory it controlled in Kursk. At its peak, Ukrainian forces controlled roughly 531 square miles of territory, the source said, adding that this has now dropped to approximately 309 square miles.

23.11.2024 - 15:26 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Ukraine claims Russia launched ICBM at eastern city of Dnipro

(November 21, 2024)

Ukraine’s military has accused Russia of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile in an attack on the city of Dnipro. The air force did not say what kind of ICBM was deployed and CNN has not been able to verify the claim.

23.11.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

NATO and Ukraine to hold emergency talks after Russia‘s hypersonic missile attack

NATO and Ukraine are to hold emergency talks on Tuesday next week, after an attack with intermediate-range Oreshnik missile hit a military facility in central Ukraine. The event was an escalation of the war, which Poland‘s Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said is „entering a decisive phase“ and „taking on very dramatic dimensions“ as it nears 33 months in duration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on Friday that the missile attack was in response to Ukraine using longer-range missiles capable of striking further into Russian territory, which had been provided by the US and Britain.

20.11.2024 - 01:23 [ ]

Seoul: Nordkorea empfindet offizielle Bestätigung seiner Truppenentsendung offenbar als Belastung

Obwohl es Tausende junge Soldaten in einen grundlosen Krieg geschickt habe und sie somit in Lebensgefahr bringe, habe Nordkorea dies bislang nicht einmal der eigenen Bevölkerung mitgeteilt, sagte der Beamte.

Die Behörden Südkoreas und der USA haben mittlerweile offiziell bestätigt, dass sich nach Russland entsandte nordkoreanische Soldaten bereits an Gefechten gegen die Ukraine beteiligen. Bis zum Donnerstagvormittag war in Nordkoreas Staatsmedien jedoch noch nicht davon berichtet worden.

20.11.2024 - 00:55 [ ]

Experts react to Russia‘s new nuclear doctrine

The new doctrine states that Moscow will have the right to consider the nuclear option if Russia or Belarus come under attackby conventional arms and if such aggression creates a „critical threat“ to their sovereignty or territorial integrity.

Additionally, any act of aggression by a non-nuclear state with the participation of a nuclear state against Russia will now be regarded as a joint attack and could also trigger the new doctrine.

20.11.2024 - 00:31 [ CNBC ]

Russia says Ukraine attacked it using U.S. long-range missiles, signals it’s ready for nuclear response

Moscow signaled to the West that it’s ready for a nuclear confrontation.
Ukrainian news outlets reported early Tuesday that missiles had been used to attack a Russian military facility in the Bryansk border region.
Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed the attack.
Mobile bomb shelters are going into mass production in Russia, a government ministry said.

19.11.2024 - 00:41 [ Pentagon ]

North Korean Troops Enter Kursk Where Ukrainians Are Fighting

(2 hours ago)

It is likely that about 11,000 North Korean troops have moved into Russia‘s Kursk region, said Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, who spoke to the media today.

19.11.2024 - 00:39 [ Fox News ]

Trump allies warn Biden risking ‚World War III‘ by authorizing long-range missiles for Ukraine

„​​No one anticipated that Joe Biden would ESCALATE the war in Ukraine during the transition period. This is as if he is launching a whole new war,“ Ric Grenell, Trump’s former acting director of national intelligence, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

„Everything has changed now – all previous calculations are null and void. And all for politics.“

„The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives. Gotta lock in those $Trillions. Life be damned!!! Imbeciles!“ Donald Trump Jr., the president-elect’s son, wrote on X.

19.11.2024 - 00:31 [ New York Times ]

Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With Long-Range U.S. Missiles

(November 17, 2024)

With two months left in office, the president for the first time authorized the Ukrainian military to use the system known as ATACMS to help defend its forces in the Kursk region of Russia.

10.11.2024 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

When Did Liberals Become So Comfortable With War?

First, history has shown that governments and bureaucracies tend to become addicted to a war footing, with failure sucking them in further — think of America’s war on terror, or Vietnam. War encourages a perverse cycle of escalation in which huge financial and political gains accrue for governments and the military-industrial complex while the costs tend to be borne by weaker parties — before they start to come home in some shape or form.

We’ve called this bipartisan pattern “wreckonomics” and have found it especially present in wars or conflicts with costs that Western politicians can largely outsource — from fighting terrorism, drugs and smugglers to quasi-colonial interventions during the Cold War.

09.11.2024 - 15:49 [ CNN ]

Biden administration to allow American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine for first time since Russia’s invasion

(November 8, 2024)

The Biden administration has lifted a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems, particularly F16 fighter jets and Patriot air defense systems, an official with direct knowledge of the plan told CNN.
It is not clear whether Donald Trump will keep the policy in place when he takes office in January. Trump has said he hopes to end the war between Ukraine and Russia “within 24 hours” of returning to power.

09.11.2024 - 15:37 [ Fox News ]

Elon Musk joins Donald Trump in ‚very good call‘ with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

(November 8, 2024)

A senior Ukrainian official confirmed to Fox News that Elon Musk joined a Trump-Zelenskyy call on Wednesday in which President Zelenskyy congratulated the president-elect on his win.

„It was a very good call. Our work continues,“ said the Ukrainian official to Fox News.

09.11.2024 - 15:28 [ ]

Zelenskyy congratulates Trump on “historic landslide” US presidential victory in “excellent” phone call

(November 7, 2024)

The Ukrainian President wrote:

“I had an excellent call with President [Donald Trump] and congratulated him on his historic landslide victory—his tremendous campaign made this result possible. I praised his family and team for their great work.“

Zelenskyy noted that both leaders “agreed to maintain close dialogue and advance our cooperation,” emphasizing that “strong and unwavering US leadership is vital for the world and for a just peace.”

31.10.2024 - 08:28 [ ]

Nordkorea feuert im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahl mutmaßliche Interkontinentalrakete ab

Dies ist der erste ICBM-Start Nordkoreas in diesem Jahr und der erste seit zehn Monaten. Zuletzt hatte das Land am 18. Dezember letzten Jahres eine Interkontinentalrakete mit Feststoffantrieb vom Typ Hwasong-18 abgefeuert.

Hinter dem Raketenstart wird die Absicht Nordkoreas vermutet, im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen am 5. November mit einer Interkontinentalrakete Präsenz zu demonstrieren. Denn eine solche Rakete könnte auch das US-Festland erreichen.

31.10.2024 - 08:23 [ New York Times ]

North Korea, in the Spotlight Over Ukraine, Launches a Long-Range Missile

The missile landed in waters between North Korea and Japan.

The military said it was analyzing data to learn more about the missile, but that it believed it was an ICBM. North Korea last tested a long-range missile​ in December, when it test-fired its solid-fueled Hwasong-18 ICBM.

North Korea confirmed later Thursday that its military had launched an ICBM, saying that its leader, Kim Jong-un, had been present.

29.10.2024 - 11:55 [ ]

Präsident Yoon telefoniert mit Chefin der EU-Kommission und NATO-Generalsekretär

Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hat mit EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen und NATO-Generalsekretär Mark Rutte am Telefon über Nordkoreas Unterstützung für Russland im Ukraine-Krieg gesprochen.

29.10.2024 - 11:44 [ ]

Biden spricht erstmals über Nordkoreas Truppenentsendung nach Russland

Wie die stellvertretende Sprecherin des US-Verteidigungsministeriums, Sabrina Singh, erklärte, sei ein Teil dieser Truppen bereits in die Nähe der Ukraine verlegt worden. Sie äußerte die Sorge, dass Russland die nordkoreanischen Soldaten an der Front oder zur Unterstützung von Operationen nahe der ukrainischen Grenze einsetzen könnte.

Die Sprecherin betonte, dass es für die Ukraine keine Einschränkungen beim Einsatz amerikanischer Waffen gegen nordkoreanische Truppen geben werde.

29.10.2024 - 10:10 [ Pentagon ]

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh Holds an Off-Camera, On-The-Record Press Briefing

Q: So, just to follow up on that, let‘s say US weapons are used to kill North Korean soldiers and that could have far reaching implications. I mean, how do you handle that, or you have — will you have limits on what US weapons can be used if it‘s a bunch of North Korean soldiers?

MS. SINGH: No. I think I mentioned this on Thursday and the secretary has said this as well — If North Korea — if we see DPRK troops moving in and towards the front lines, I mean, they are co-belligerents in the war. And so, they are fighting on these front lines and the Ukrainians are defending their sovereign territory and pushing the Russians back.


MS. SINGH: I don‘t have more details on the type of troops or equipment capabilities that they have. In terms of the numbers, what I have is that, you know, we estimate

approximately 10,000 are moving to train in eastern Russia. That is going to help augment Russian forces.

Again, don‘t have more fidelity to share right now on kind of what their makeup looks like, capabilities, etc. But, you know, we‘ll of course keep you updated on that.

29.10.2024 - 09:55 [ ]

North Korea has sent about 10,000 troops to Russia to likely fight against Ukraine, Pentagon says

Adding thousands of North Korean soldiers to Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II will pile more pressure on Ukraine’s weary and overstretched army. It will also stoke geopolitical tensions in the Korean Peninsula and the wider Indo-Pacific region, including Japan and Australia, Western officials say.

28.10.2024 - 20:00 [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]

Doorstep statement by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte following the North Atlantic Council briefing on the DPRK’s troop deployment to Russia

Good morning. This morning, a delegation from the Republic of Korea, a close NATO partner, briefed the North Atlantic Council and our other Indo-Pacific partners – Australia, Japan and New Zealand – on North Korea‘s growing involvement in Russia‘s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine.

The delegation included senior representatives from the Republic of Korea‘s National Intelligence Service and Ministry of National Defence. Allies also shared their intelligence assessments. Today, I can confirm that North Korean troops have been sent to Russia, and that North Korean military units have been deployed to the Kursk region.

25.10.2024 - 12:12 [ USA Today ]

North Korean troops in Russia, US defense secretary says

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday that there is evidence North Korean troops are in Russia, branding their presence a „very serious“ escalation in the war that started with Russia‘s unprovoked invasion in 2022 and has left tens of thousands dead.

21.10.2024 - 19:15 [ ]

NATO Secretary General on reports of possible deployment of North Korean troops to Ukraine

Source: Rutter on X (Twitter)

Rutte discussed with President Yoon the information regarding the possible deployment of North Korean troops to fight in the war against Ukraine.

Quote: „North Korea sending troops to fight alongside Russia in Ukraine would mark a significant escalation,“ Rutte said.

They also talked about Seoul‘s partnership with NATO, defence cooperation, and interconnected security in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.

21.10.2024 - 18:21 [ ]

Nordkorea schweigt zu Seouls Angaben über Truppenentsendung

Nordkorea hat sich zur Bekanntgabe der südkoreanischen Regierung über eine Entsendung nordkoreanischer Soldaten nach Russland bislang nicht geäußert.

Der südkoreanische Geheimdienst (NIS) hatte am Freitag mitgeteilt, dass 1.500 nordkoreanische Soldaten ins russische Wladiwostok verlegt worden seien.

21.10.2024 - 18:13 [ ]

What we know about North Korean troops joining Russia’s war in Ukraine

On Friday, South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) said the North had shipped 1,500 special forces troops to Russia’s Far East for training and acclimatizing at military bases there, probably to be deployed for combat in the war.

14.10.2024 - 06:20 [ Newsweek ]

New NATO Member Joins First Nuclear Weapons Drill

(October 7,2024)

Finland became a member of NATO, an alliance led by the United States, in April last year. The Nordic country, which borders Russia to the east, changed its policy of military non-alignment following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022.

After the completion of accession to NATO, Finland‘s Defense Ministry said it would take part in the nuclear planning and support operations of the alliance. However, the country has also decided it would not permit the deployment of nuclear weapons on its territory.

05.10.2024 - 19:00 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Vorwürfe wie Putin-Versteher ziehen immer weniger“ – Impressionen von der Friedensdemonstration am 3. Oktober

Von einer „Revitalisierung der Friedensbewegung“ spricht Reiner Braun vom zehnköpfigen Organisationsteam der Demonstration an der Siegessäule in seiner Rede. Der Blick über die dichtgedrängten Menschenmassen, darunter viele junge Leute, lassen diese Aussage realistisch erscheinen. Eine Reportage von Ramon Schack.

04.10.2024 - 06:13 [ rbb24 / Youtube ]

Großdemo in Berlin: Bündnis „Nie wieder Krieg“ protestiert gegen Waffenlieferungen

Mehrere Tausend Menschen haben am Tag der Deutschen Einheit in #Berlin an einem #Sternmarsch für den #Frieden teilgenommen. Sie demonstrierten u.a. gegen die militärische Unterstützung von Israel und der Ukraine und gegen die Stationierung von US-Mittelstreckenraketen in Deutschland. Außerdem forderten sie das Ende des Gaza-Kriegs. Die Initiatoren sprachen von rund 42.000 Teilnehmenden, die Polizei von einer „unteren fünfstelligen Teilnehmerzahl“.

02.10.2024 - 21:42 [ Washington Post ]

Ukraine’s east buckling under improved Russian tactics, superior firepower

That confluence of factors, combined with Ukraine’s perennial challenge to replenish its combat units and its focus on a large operation inside Russia, has allowed Moscow’s forces to claim territory in the Donetsk region with speed and aggression not seen since the full invasion in 2022. Ukrainian forces have been retreating along dozens of miles of a front line being pushed to its breaking point.

02.10.2024 - 21:28 [ ]

Defense forces confirm withdrawal from Vuhledar

„Officially on the eastern direction. Having suffered numerous losses as a result of prolonged fighting, the enemy did not abandon attempts to capture Vuhledar. In an attempt to take control of the city at any cost, it managed to send reserves to carry out flank attacks, which exhausted the defense of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,“ it said on the Telegram channel on Wednesday.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that as a result of the enemy‘s actions, there was a threat of encirclement of the city.

02.10.2024 - 15:10 [ Reuters ]

Iran‘s Pezeshkian says Tehran ready to work with world powers to resolve nuclear standoff

(September 25, 2024)

Iran is ready to end its nuclear standoff with the West, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, while calling for an end to Russia‘s war in Ukraine through dialogue.

02.10.2024 - 15:05 [ United Nations ]

Gaza crisis reveals ‘true nature’ of Israeli regime, Iranian President says

(September 24, 2024)

Recalling the “historic” 2015 nuclear deal, he noted that Iran, under the Joint Comprehensive Programme of Action (JCPOA), had agreed to the highest level of nuclear oversight in return for the recognition of its rights and the lifting of sanctions.

However, former US President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA represented a “threat-ridden approach” to politics, Mr. Pezeshkian added, stressing that unilateral sanctions targeted innocent people and weakened the Iranian economy.

“We are ready to engage with JCPOA participants. If JCPOA commitments are implemented fully and in good faith, dialogue on other issues can follow,” he said.

“We have the opportunity to transcend limitations and enter a new era, commencing with the acknowledgment of Iran‘s security concerns and cooperation on mutual challenges,” he said.

Reiterating the destructive impact of sanctions, he emphasized that Iran is ready to foster meaningful economic, social, political and security partnerships with its neighbours and global partners, “based on equal footing.”

27.09.2024 - 18:02 [ UN Web TV ]

UNGA79 – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer‘s address to the UN General Assembly

UNGA79 – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer addresses world leaders at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly

27.09.2024 - 17:52 [ United Nations ]

‘This is the moment for peace, progress, equality’: UK Prime Minister

While the Universal Declaration of Human Rights inspires him, from his student days to being a prime minister, because it speaks of equal rights and peace, he said that notion “could seem like a distant hope today” amid a landscape of war, poverty, climate change or pandemics.

“My message today is this: We are returning the UK to responsible global leadership because I think the international system can be better,” he said. “This is the moment to reassert fundamental principles…to recommit to the UN…to work together for peace, progress and equality.”

Outlining a path towards those goals, he first pointed to ongoing wars, expressing London’s support for Ukraine. Calling on Israel to “step back from the brink” to provide space for a diplomat settlement, he said an immediate ceasefire is needed in Gaza, where the suffering continues to grow. Diplomacy is the only way to break the cycle of violence, he said.

24.09.2024 - 10:30 [ ]

UN-Generaldebatte: Treffen im Alarmzustand

Eröffnet wird die Generaldebatte – bei der alle 193 Mitglieder sprechen – traditionell vom UN-Generalsekretär. Angesichts von Kriegen und Völkerrechtsbrüchen betont Amtsinhaber Antonio Guterres dieser Tage: Die Welt habe es immerhin noch in der Hand, einen dritten Weltkrieg zu verhindern.

24.09.2024 - 10:25 [ United Nations ]

General Debate of the 79th Session

The general debate of the 79th session of the General Assembly will open on Tuesday, 24 September, continue through Saturday, 28 September, and conclude on Monday, 30 September 2024.

14.09.2024 - 23:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

Senior Saudi royal urges US to cut financial and military support to Israel

“There are many tools that are available to the United States, not simply harsh talk, which seems to have gotten us nowhere. But is America ready to do that?”

“I’m not too optimistic,” he said, answering his own question.

On Britain, Prince Turki said the country had “a special responsibility for what is happening in Palestine” due to its role in the “ill-begotten Balfour Declaration in 1917”.

14.09.2024 - 18:35 [ ]

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Don‘t know

14.09.2024 - 18:20 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. concerned about Ukraine strikes on Russian nuclear radar stations

(May 29, 2024)

The drone that targeted the radar station near Orsk, in Russia’s Orenburg region along Kazakhstan’s northern border, traveled more than 1,100 miles, making it one of the deepest attempted strikes into Russian territory. The Ukrainian official declined to say whether the strike, on May 26, caused any damage.

14.09.2024 - 18:11 [ Newsweek ]

Map Shows Ukraine‘s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites

(May 28, 2024)

Ukraine began its nascent campaign against Russia‘s early warning radar network in April, with successive drone strikes on the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovylkino, in the Mordovia Republic around 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

14.09.2024 - 17:34 [ ]

Keir Starmer in Washington: Should the UK back Ukrainian strikes into Russia?

However, supporters of Ukraine argue the nation needs the ability to hit targets inside Russia to be able to stage an effective resistance – and point to Russia’s use of foreign-sourced munitions against cities in Ukraine.

14.09.2024 - 17:07 [ ]

Pentagon: No signs of North Korean troops in Ukraine despite media reports

(July 2, 2024)

During a press briefing on 1 July 2024, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh addressed the issue. When asked about indications of North Korea sending troops to Ukraine to support Russia, Singh replied,

“I don’t have anything for you on that. We certainly know that North Korea is supporting Russia’s efforts in Ukraine with supplying them different military support, but I don’t have anything for you on any specific troops going into Russia at this time.”

14.09.2024 - 16:48 [ Reuters ]

Putin‘s options for Ukraine missiles response include nuclear test, experts say

As East-West tensions over Ukraine enter a new and dangerous phase, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and U.S. President Joe Biden are holding talks in Washington on Friday on whether to allow Kyiv to use long-range U.S. ATACMS or British Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia.

10.09.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

Umfragen Brandenburg (#ltwbb)

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …

10.09.2024 - 14:44 [ Love Music / Youtube ]

Roderick Kiesewetter (CDU) fordert Angriff auf Moskau – Maximale Eskalation

10,712 views Feb 12, 2024
In einem Interview mit der Deutschen Welle fordert CDU-Kriegsexperte Roderick Kiesewetter: „Der Krieg muss nach Russland getragen werden. Russische Militäreinrichtungen und Hauptquartiere müssen zerstört werden. Wir müssen alles tun, dass die Ukraine in die Lage versetzt wird, nicht nur Ölraffinerien in Russland zu zerstören, sondern Ministerien, Kommandoposten, Gefechtsstände.“
Das ganze Interview kann man hier finden:

10.09.2024 - 14:25 [ ]

FACTBOX: Drone attack on Moscow and other Russian regions

MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. At least 14 drones were shot down by air defense forces during an attempt to attack Moscow and the Moscow Region. A 46-year-old woman died in Ramenskoye, while earlier information about the death of a 9-year-old child was not confirmed. Several people were injured.

The effects of the fall of UAV fragments in the area of Zhukovsky airport are being eliminated.

10.09.2024 - 14:15 [ Reuters ]

Ukraine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack to date

Moscow and Kyiv have both sought to buy and develop new drones, deploy them in innovative ways, and seek new ways to destroy them – from using shotguns to advanced electronic jamming systems.
Both sides have turned cheap commercial drones into deadly weapons while ramping up their own production and assembly to attack targets including tanks and energy infrastructure such as refineries and airfields.

09.09.2024 - 22:08 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

US-Diplomatin Nuland räumt offen ein: Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Kiew und Moskau auf „Empfehlung“ von Washington abgebrochen

„Relativ spät im Spiel begannen die Ukrainer, um Rat zu fragen, wohin diese Sache führen würde, und es wurde uns, den Briten und anderen klar, dass Putins Hauptbedingung in einem Anhang zu diesem Dokument, an dem sie arbeiteten, versteckt war. Sie enthielt Beschränkungen für die genauen Arten von Waffensystemen, über die die Ukraine nach der Vereinbarung verfügen durfte, so dass die Ukraine als militärische Macht im Grunde kastriert wäre. Für Russland gab es keine ähnlichen Beschränkungen. Russland wurde nicht verpflichtet, sich zurückzuziehen. Russland wurde nicht verpflichtet, eine Pufferzone an der ukrainischen Grenze einzurichten, und es wurde nicht verlangt, dass seinem Militär, welches der Ukraine gegenüberstand, dieselben Beschränkungen auferlegt werden. Und so begannen die Menschen innerhalb und außerhalb der Ukraine zu fragen, ob dies ein guter Deal sei, und das war der Punkt, an dem er auseinanderfiel.“

09.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal

“Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin‘s main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on,” she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye’s largest city.

The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine “would basically be neutered as a military force,” while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.

“People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland said.

09.09.2024 - 21:43 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Wie das russische Establishment das Ende des Krieges wirklich sieht

In einem wichtigen Punkt war man sich einig: Dass es keinerlei Chance auf eine internationale formale und rechtliche Anerkennung der russischen Annexionen ukrainischen Territoriums gibt und dass Russland nicht darauf drängen wird. Es wurde eingräumt, dass dies nicht nur von der Ukraine und dem Westen abgelehnt würde, sondern auch von China, Indien und Südafrika, die die russische Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 nicht anerkannt haben.

Es besteht daher die Hoffnung, dass im Rahmen einer Friedensregelung die Frage des Status dieser Gebiete auf endlose zukünftige Verhandlungen verschoben wird (wie die ukrainische Regierung im März 2022 in Bezug auf die Krim vorschlug), bis sie schließlich von allen vergessen wird. Das Beispiel der (nicht anerkannten, aber praktisch unangefochtenen) Türkischen Republik Nordzypern wurde erwähnt. Das bedeutet, dass die Ukraine nicht öffentlich aufgefordert würde, diese Gebiete „aufzugeben“, sondern lediglich anzuerkennen, dass es unmöglich ist, sie mit Gewalt zurückzuerobern.