Archiv: Kriegsverbrechen / Staatsverbrechen / war crimes / state crimes

04.02.2025 - 19:42 [ ]

Ilham Ahmed condemns international inaction on Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria

She criticised the hypocrisy of Western powers such as France and Germany, highlighting the gap between their official statements and actions on the ground. In particular, she condemned their inaction regarding ongoing Turkish military attacks on civilians and infrastructure in northern Syria, stressing that these assaults continue without any clear response or preventive measures from Western nations.

Ahmed was also questioned about her foreign policy efforts, specifically whether she had raised human rights concerns, including Turkey’s occupation of large parts of northern Syria and its alliance with Islamist militias. She confirmed that she had addressed these issues with international actors such as the United Nations, the United States, and European states, urging them to act as guarantors to facilitate the return of refugees to their homes.

09.01.2025 - 12:00 [ Lee Mordechai / ]

ת חרבות ברזלמלחמ לע עדות

לי מרדכי, היסטוריון ואזרח ישראלי

09.01.2025 - 12:00 [ Lee Mordechai / ]

Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War

Last updated:1 November 29, 2024

I, Lee Mordechai, a historian by profession and an Israeli citizen, bear witness in this document to the situation in Gaza as events are unfolding. The enormous amount of evidence I have seen, much of it referenced later in this document, has been enough for me to believe that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza. I explain why I chose to use the term below. Israel’s campaign is ostensibly its reaction to the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7, 2023, in which war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed within the context of the longstanding conflict between Israelis and Palestinians that can be dated back to 1917 or 1948 (or other dates). In all cases, historical grievances and atrocities do not justify additional atrocities in the present. Therefore, I consider Israel’s response to Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 utterly disproportionate and criminal.


Cases in which the IDF kills civilians almost never make the news in Israel and the United States. An exception happened in early April, when the IDF killed 7 workers of the international NGO World Central Kitchen (all foreign citizens) within their clearly marked vehicles operating in full coordination with the IDF. A source from the IDF stated that a drone attacked the convoy of three vehicles because a Hamas person was thought to be in it (later investigation stated this was uncertain and the person simply appeared armed). After the first vehicle was bombed, some NGO workers left their vehicle and evacuated to a second vehicle, immediately notifying the IDF. Despite this, the second vehicle was bombed as well, and the survivors evacuated it to a third vehicle that was also bombed, killing them all.

09.01.2025 - 12:00 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Dokumentation der Hölle, des Genozids an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung in Gaza

Selbst wenn Gaza jetzt in deutschen Medien so gut wie keine Rolle mehr spielt … Der israelische Historiker Lee Mordechai hat die Abgründe dieser Hölle in einer ausführlichen Dokumentation bis inkl. Ende 2024 zusammengestellt. Dieses Grauen ist nicht zu ertragen. Aber es ist notwendig, dies zu dokumentieren. Siehe hier. Zu Ihrer Information unter Teil A. die Zusammenfassung des Textes, übersetzt von Susanne Hofmann, und unter Teil B. eine Dokumentation von Haaretz.


“Ich garantiere nicht, dass jede einzelne Zeugenaussage absolut zuverlässig ist. In der Tat weiß niemand genau, was in Gaza passiert – nicht die internationalen Medien, sicherlich nicht die Israelis und nicht einmal die IDF. In ‘Bearing Witness’ behaupte ich, dass das Verstummen der Stimmen aus dem Gazastreifen – die Einschränkung der Informationen, die von dort kommen – Teil der Arbeitsmethode ist, die den Krieg möglich macht. Ich stehe hinter der Synthese, die ich verwende, und ich wünschte, ich läge falsch. Aber von israelischer Seite gibt es nichts. Ich spreche von Beweisen – bringt mir Beweise!”

Ein Fall, der in dem Dokument beschrieben wird, auch wenn es vielen Israelis schwer fallen wird, dies zu glauben, bezieht sich auf den Einsatz einer Drohne durch die IDF, die Geräusche eines weinenden Säuglings abgab, um festzustellen, wo sich Zivilisten aufhielten und sie vielleicht aus ihrem Schutzraum herauszulocken. In dem Video, auf das Mordechai verweist, ist ein Weinen zu hören und die Lichter einer Drohne zu sehen.

“Wir wissen, dass es Drohnen mit Lautsprechern gibt, vielleicht macht sich ein gelangweilter Soldat einen Spaß daraus und die Palästinenser empfinden es als schrecklich”, sagt er. “Aber ist es wirklich so weit hergeholt, dass ein Soldat, anstatt sich mit Höschen und BHs filmen zu lassen oder die Sprengung einer Straße seiner Frau zu widmen, so etwas tut? Es mag erfunden sein, aber es passt zu dem, was ich sehe.” Diese Woche strahlte Al Jazeera einen investigativen Bericht über die so genannten weinenden Drohnen aus und behauptete, ihr Einsatz sei von einer Reihe von Augenzeugen bestätigt worden, die alle die gleiche Geschichte erzählten.

“Wir können immer noch über solche anekdotischen Berichte streiten, aber es ist schwieriger, dies zu tun, wenn wir mit Bergen von fundierteren Berichten konfrontiert werden”, bemerkt Mordechai. “Dutzende amerikanischer Ärzte, die als Freiwillige in Gaza arbeiteten, berichteten zum Beispiel, dass sie fast jeden Tag Kinder sahen, denen in den Kopf geschossen worden war – wie ist das zu erklären? Versuchen wir überhaupt, das zu erklären oder zu verkraften?”

17.12.2024 - 22:49 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Syria: Mass Grave in Damascus Should be Protected, Investigated

Residents in Tadamon said that executions in the area were common. In interviews in 2022, they described at least 10 other incidents of summary killings between August 2012 and January 2014 in Tadamon, Daraya, Moadamiya, and surrounding areas. This evidence suggests that other bodies were buried in and around the area. The area was also the site of armed clashes between Syrian government forces and opposition fighters affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at numerous points between 2012 and 2013.

Human Rights Watch began investigating the massacre in October 2021, after receiving a leaked video discovered by a member of a Syrian militia on a laptop and handed to Annsar Shahhoud and Uğur Ümit Üngör, researchers at the University of Amsterdam and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam, and ARD, a German Public Broadcaster.

“This video, filmed by the perpetrators themselves who laughed as they killed their victims, shows the Syrian government’s callous disregard for people’s lives,” Zayadin said. “This massacre is just one horrific incident in a pattern of state violence and apparent war crimes.”

13.11.2024 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

Trump Picks Pete Hegseth, a Veteran and Fox News Host, for Defense Secretary

The choice of Mr. Hegseth was outside the norm of the traditional defense secretary. But he was a dedicated supporter of Mr. Trump during his first term, defending his interactions with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, embracing his “America First” agenda of trying to withdraw U.S. troops from abroad and energetically taking up the cause of combat veterans accused of war crimes.
He served in the Army in Afghanistan and Iraq and at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

A Minnesota native, Mr. Hegseth graduated from Princeton University, where he was the publisher of The Princeton Tory, a conservative magazine, for which he wrote about seeing the statue of Saddam Hussein toppled in Baghdad in 2003.

14.10.2024 - 05:52 [ ]

Guterres nennt Angriff auf UNO-Basis «mögliche Kriegsverbrechen»

Das Aussendepartement hat den israelischen Vorstoss in einen UN-Stützpunkt verurteilt.
Zuvor hatten israelische Panzer das Tor zu einer Unifil-Einrichtung durchbrochen, über ein Dutzend Blauhelme wurden verletzt.
Auch der Papst hat dazu aufgerufen, die «Friedenstruppen zu respektieren».

14.10.2024 - 05:35 [ ]

UN chief says attacks on UNIFIL ‚may constitute a war crime‘

(Issued on: 13/10/2024 – 22:57)

„In a deeply worrying incident that occurred today, the entrance door of a UN position was deliberately breached by IDF armored vehicles,“ he added in a statement.

At least five peacekeepers have been wounded in recent days as Israel targets Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

11.10.2024 - 01:14 [ ]

Israel attack on UNIFIL could be war crime – Crosetto

„These are extremely serious violations of the norms of international law, not justified by any military reason.
„There is no justification in saying that the Israeli armed forces had warned UNIFIL that some bases had to be vacated.
„I told the ambassador to tell the Israeli government that the United Nations and Italy cannot take orders from the Israeli government“.

10.09.2024 - 18:10 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

(September 5, 2024)

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:20 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine

(20 May 2024)

On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Yahya SINWAR (Head of the Islamic Resistance Movement (“Hamas”) in the Gaza Strip), Mohammed Diab Ibrahim AL-MASRI, more commonly known as DEIF (Commander-in-Chief of the military wing of Hamas, known as the Al-Qassam Brigades), and Ismail HANIYEH (Head of Hamas Political Bureau) bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Israel and the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 7 October 2023:


05.09.2024 - 22:12 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

ICC prosecutor says world leaders ‚threatened‘ him over Israel arrest warrants

Though several months have passed since Khan‘s application, ICC judges have not issued any arrest warrants.

Speaking to the BBC, Khan said it was important to show the court would hold all nations to the same standard in relation to alleged war crimes. He also welcomed the new UK government‘s recent decision to drop its opposition to the arrest warrants.

05.09.2024 - 21:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

‘We need to apply the law‘: ICC prosecutor defends Netanyahu arrest warrant

Khan pointed out that the same political leaders who had applauded the court’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin had condemned the same being done for the Israeli leadership.

“We need to apply the law in a way that is equal, because if we don’t, and importantly if we’re not seen to, we’re going to lose all the architecture, not just the ICC, that has been built on human suffering since Nuremberg.”

05.09.2024 - 21:41 [ ]

IStGH-Chefankläger verteidigt Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu

Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) hat die beantragten Haftbefehle gegen Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Joav Galant verteidigt. Ihm sei von mehreren führenden Politikern und anderen von dem Schritt abgeraten worden, sagte Karim Khan in einem BBC-Interview. Es sei aber wichtig zu zeigen, dass für alle Länder die gleichen Maßstäbe gälten, wenn es um mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen gehe.

03.09.2024 - 15:32 [ ]

Zelenskyy: 41 dead, more than 180 wounded as Russia hits Poltava with missiles

„I have received preliminary reports on the Russian strike against Poltava. According to the information currently available, there were two ballistic missiles. A hit on the territory of an educational institution and a neighboring hospital. One of the buildings of the Institute of Communications was partially destroyed. People were trapped under the rubble. Many were saved. More than 180 people were injured. Unfortunately, many people died. As of now, 41 people are known to have been killed. My condolences to all the families and friends,“ he said in a video message.

06.04.2024 - 19:10 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Gaza: Israeli Strike Killing 106 Civilians an Apparent War Crime

– Israeli forces unlawfully attacked a residential building in Gaza on October 31, 2023, absent any apparent military target, killing at least 106 civilians, including 54 children.
– Scores of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since October 7 have caused thousands of civilian casualties, underscoring the greater risk of unlawful attacks from explosive weapons in populated areas.
Governments should suspend arms transfers to Israel, support the International Criminal Court investigation in Palestine, and impose targeted sanctions on officials responsible for laws-of-war violations.

06.04.2024 - 18:55 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israel strike that killed 106 people in Gaza ‘apparent war crime’: Probe


The inquiry was based on testimonies from 16 people the group spoke to between January and March, satellite images, dozens of photographs and videos from the site, as well as those shared on social media, the international rights group said on Thursday as it released the findings of its investigation.

It called on governments to suspend weapons transfers to Israel and support the International Criminal Court’s (ICC’s) investigation in Palestine, saying the attack was among the “deadliest single incidents for civilians” since Israel’s war on Gaza started in October.

30.03.2024 - 19:11 [ Atlantic Council ]

Could the US and other states be implicated in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel?


In the case of South Africa v. Israel, two violations in particular have been raised: complicity in genocide and failure to prevent genocide. For complicity, the ICJ has explained that it includes “the provision of means to enable or facilitate the commission of the crime,” such as furnishing “aid or assistance.” The state needs at least to have acted knowing that the perpetrator of the genocide had a special intent, or dolus specialis, “to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The ICJ left open the possibility that the complicit state would also need to share this special intent. However, courts have not required complicit parties to share the special intent in international criminal cases, suggesting that the ICJ might not require it.

30.03.2024 - 19:08 [ Telesur ]

South Africa to Sue US and UK as Complicit in Gaza Genocide

(January 15, 2024)

The United States must now be held accountable for the crimes it committed,‘ says Van Rensburg, who is leading the 47-lawyers team.

“We intend to bring legal proceedings against the U.S. Government based on overwhelming evidence that the U.S. Government has, and is, aiding, abetting and supporting, encouraging or providing material assistance and means to Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces. This conduct by the U.S. Government has enabled and continues to enable Israel to engage in international crimes against the Palestinian people,” the South African lawyers said in a letter sent to US President Joe Biden on January 2.

20.03.2024 - 22:55 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

20.03.2024 - 22:48 [ ]

Regierungserklärung von Scholz: „Russland ist nicht so stark, wie man denkt“

Dem SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich warf Merz wegen seiner These vom Einfrieren des Krieges indirekt Feigheit vor: „Friedfertigkeit kann das Gegenteil von Frieden bewirken.“ Mit Blick auf Kremlchef Wladimir Putin ergänzte er: „Einem solchen skrupellosen Kriegsverbrecher kann man nicht mit Feigheit begegnen, sondern nur mit Klarheit und Entschlossenheit.“

19.03.2024 - 20:45 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel-Palestine live: Israeli forces kill 50 Palestinians in al-Shifa hospital raid

Israeli forces killed 50 Palestinians and detained 180 people during a raid on Gaza‘s al-Shifa hospital on Monday, according to Israel‘s military.

The military said that those killed were fighters, and those arrested were suspected members of Hamas. It did not provide any evidence of those claims. Israel has repeatedly accused Hamas of operating inside hospitals – a charge which the Palestinian group has consistently denied.

18.03.2024 - 16:26 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

Hospitals should never be battlegrounds. We are terribly worried about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital in northern #Gaza, which is endangering health workers, patients and civilians. The hospital has only recently restored minimal health services. Any hostilities or militarization of the facility jeopardize health services, access for ambulances, and delivery of life-saving supplies. Hospitals must be protected. Ceasefire!

18.03.2024 - 16:02 [ Al Jazeera / Youtube ]

Israeli forces launch new attack on Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

The Israeli army has launched a new attack on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, raiding and opening fire on the facility where thousands are taking shelter.

18.03.2024 - 15:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli forces shooting anyone moving inside al-Shifa hospital, eyewitness says

Mohammed Eliwa, a journalist reporting from al-Shifa hospital, told Al Jazeera Arabic that Israeli forces are shooting anyone moving in the courtyards.

Hamadah Abdel Hadi, an activist also inside the hospital, said Israeli forces broke into the hospital and immediately targeted Al Jazeera staff.

18.03.2024 - 15:41 [ Reuters ]

Israeli troops raid Gaza‘s Al Shifa Hospital

The Israeli military said soldiers had conducted a „precise operation“ based on intelligence that the hospital was being used by senior Hamas leaders, and were fired upon when they entered the compound.

10.03.2024 - 19:09 [ CNBC-TV18 / Youtube ]

Netherlands Protest LIVE: Protest In Amsterdam Against Israeli President Herzog | Gaza War | IN18L

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is to attend the opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam on Sunday amid a planned protest against Israel‘s killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.

10.03.2024 - 19:00 [ Diem25 ]

Never again is now: protest against Israeli president Herzog!

From Erev Rav:


We express our deep concern regarding the upcoming opening of the Dutch National Holocaust Museum, where Israeli president Yitzhak Herzog is scheduled to attend alongside Dutch king Willem-Alexander.

While we honor the memory of our ancestors who perished in the Holocaust and recognize the importance of preserving their memory, we cannot stand by silently while the genocide in Gaza continues to unfold.

We are organizing a peaceful protest moment during the opening ceremony of the National Holocaust Museum.

We as Jews deserve better than the instrumentalisation of our pain in order to justify an ongoing genocide!

10.03.2024 - 18:55 [ ]

Dutch pro-Palestinian group demands arrest of Isaac Herzog for ‚war crimes and genocide‘ in Gaza


Ahead of president Isaac Herzog‘s scheduled visit to the Netherlands on Sunday, a local pro-Palestinian organization submitted a request to arrest him for war crimes in Gaza. The Foreign Affairs and Justice ministries are preparing to prevent embarrassment and to ensure that there will be no harm during the visit.

07.03.2024 - 19:59 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: “Hate Speech” und Kontrolle


Lüge, Betrug, Verrat, Vergewaltigung, Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Krieg, Genozid und deren strukturelle Manifestation durch Politik, Staat und Kapital zu hassen ist eine ganz normale menschliche Emotion. Sie kann allerdings genau dazu benutzt werden was sie bei Menschen normalerweise hervorruft.


Des Weiteren gibt die Akzeptanz des politischen, letztlich unweigerlich repressiven Begriff “Hate Speech” (Hass-Sprache) repressiven Organen die Option einer maximal perfiden und zynischen Dialektik: mehr Lüge, mehr Betrug, mehr Verrat, mehr Vergewaltigung, mehr Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung und Krieg gegen Ausgelieferte und Hilflose anzuwenden, mit der ganz normalen menschlichen Reaktion der Betroffenen zu rechnen, diese einzukalkulieren, sogar gezielt zu provozieren und diese dann als “hateful” zu bezeichnen und noch mehr entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen diese anzuwenden, da diese ja “hateful” seien, abnormal und gefährlich.

01.03.2024 - 19:33 [ ]

Washington blocks UNSC statement condemning Israel for ‚Flour Massacre‘

“We don’t have all the facts on the ground – that’s the problem,” US deputy ambassador to the UN Robert Wood told reporters on Thursday.

He then claimed there are “contradictory reports” about the Israeli army‘s latest massacre and highlighted that Washington was focused on finding “some language that everyone can agree on.”

01.03.2024 - 19:28 [ Times of Israel ]

US blocks UN Security Council statement blaming Israel for deadly Gaza aid stampede

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian UN ambassador, tells reporters after an emergency closed council meeting on the deaths, that 14 of the 15 council members supported the statement put forward by Algeria, the Arab representative on the body.

The United States did not support the statement and US deputy ambassador Robert Wood tells a reporter who questions why, “We don’t have all the facts on the ground – that’s the problem.”

01.03.2024 - 04:45 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Israeli ‚massacre‘ kills over 100 Palestinians seeking food in Gaza City

At least 104 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded when Israeli forces fired on people at an aid convoy in Gaza City’s al-Rasheed Street on Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry said, calling the incident a „massacre“.

Residents of Gaza City had gathered seeking food, with the area completely cut off from aid by Israeli forces. NGOs and UN experts have voiced fears of famine in northern Gaza and there have been reports of people, including babies, dying of hunger.

25.02.2024 - 07:10 [ Law for Palestine ]

Accountability Now: Palestinians Sue German Government officials for Enabling the Genocide in Gaza

Berlin – 23 February 2024

Today, a group of German lawyers – representing families of two Gazans – is filing a criminal complaint against German Government officials[1], for the crime of aiding and abetting genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by providing Israel with weapons and issuing related export permissions. They are supported by civil society organisations ELSC (European Legal Support Center), PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy) and Law for Palestine under the Justice and Accountability for Palestine Initiative. The charges are being filed at the Office of the Federal Prosecutor in Karlsruhe (‘Generalbundesanwaltschaft’).

In a historic ruling on 26 January 2024 in the case filed by South Africa against Israel for the crime of Genocide, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures against the “serious risk” of genocide and stated that the latter is “plausibly taking place”.

25.02.2024 - 07:00 [ ]

German lawyers file genocide complicity case against German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

German lawyers representing Gaza Palestinian families have filed a criminal complaint against German officials – including Chancellor Olaf Scholz – for supplying Israel with weapons that they say aid and abet Israel‘s ongoing genocide in their homeland.

Prosecutors from the Federal Prosecutor‘s office in Karlsruhe will examine the case, and if it goes ahead will open an investigation and question government officials including Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Finance Christian Lindner, and members of the Bundessicherheitsrat, the government body that authorizes Germany‘s arms export licenses.

22.02.2024 - 18:50 [ ]

Identifying Imperial Venality: Day One of Julian Assange’s High Court Appeal

On February 20, it was clear that things were not going to be made easy for Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who infuriated the US imperium, the national security establishment, and a stable of journalists upset that he had cut their ill-tended lawns. He was too ill to attend what may well be the final appeal against his extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States. Were he to be sent to the US, he faces a possible sentence amounting to 175 years arising from 18 venally cobbled charges, 17 spliced from that archaic horror, the Espionage Act of 1917….

21.02.2024 - 16:18 [ jmb James M Branum - יעקב מתתיהו / / Mastodon ]

It is hard to take seriously the claims that the state of #Israel is taking all necessary steps to prevent civilian casualties, when they end up attacking a known food convoy.

Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN


17.02.2024 - 20:24 [ ]

Pro-Palestinian groups file legal action against German politician over Gaza war

The charges, filed at five prosecutor offices across Germany, cite Beck‘s statements on social media, in opinion pieces and media interviews in which he expressed support for Israel‘s military operation in Gaza, calling for making humanitarian aid conditional on Hamas freeing Israeli hostages.

17.02.2024 - 20:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Pro-Palestine groups file criminal charges of hate and war crime denial against German politician

Palestine Speaks and Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East filed the charges against Volker Beck, a former member of parliament and head of the German-Israeli Society.

„This is the first step in holding public figures who publicly make genocidal statements legally accountable,“ the groups posted on Instagram.

04.02.2024 - 08:10 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

01.02.2024 - 07:40 [ Tony Fumano / Twitter ]

NEVER AGAIN, TO ANYONE So simple, yet so difficult for some.

01.02.2024 - 07:30 [ Jewish Voice for Peace / Twitter ]

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, a JVP member and Holocaust survivor calls on President Biden to stop subsidizing the Israeli war machine that perpetuates these massacres in Gaza and asks for an immediate ceasefire.


01.02.2024 - 07:00 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Marcel Reif bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

hochverehrte Frau Szepesi,

auch ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken dafür, dass Sie hierhergekommen sind und gesprochen haben zu uns – nicht um Sühne oder gar Rache einzuklagen, sondern: um zu erinnern, um zu wecken, wo nötig. Damit geben Sie diesem neuen, anderen Deutschland mit unfassbar großem Herzen eine zweite Chance – eine zweite Chance, es anders zu machen, besser zu machen und es richtig zu machen! Dafür kann Ihnen dieses Deutschland und können Ihnen diese Deutschen nicht genug danken.


Aber diese zweite Chance darf nicht – darf niemals und nirgends – vertan werden! Und deshalb: Ich mag das Wort „Mahnung“ in diesem Zusammenhang nicht, es lässt mir zu viel vermeintlichen Spielraum. „Nie wieder!“ ist mitnichten ein Appell. „Nie wieder!“ kann nur sein, darf nur sein, „Nie wieder!“ muss sein: gelebte, unverrückbare Wirklichkeit!

01.02.2024 - 06:55 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Eva Szepesi bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus


Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich nur noch die Nummer A-26877

Zu den stundenlangen Appellen draußen im eiskalten Schnee, wo mir die Finger und Zehen erfroren, kamen noch die Misshandlungen dazu….
Ich wurde immer schwächer, lag auf der Pritsche und nahm kaum noch wahr, was um mich herum geschah.

Eines Tages bekam ich mit, dass die Deutschen alle Häftlinge zusammentrieben.


Ich blieb liegen, hatte keine Kraft mehr zu reagieren.
Dann war es auf einmal still in der Baracke.
Neben mir lagen noch einige Frauen regungslos. Sie waren tot.

Ich weiß nicht wie lange ich so da lag, doch irgendwann spürten meine vom Fieber brennenden Lippen, eine Hand die mich mit kaltem Schnee fütterte.

Der Schnee tat gut, er stillte meine Schmerzen.
Dann versank alles wieder im Dunkeln.

Als ich das nächste Mal das Bewusstsein wieder erlangte, leuchtete ein feuerroter Stern über mir.

Als mein Blick langsam klarer wurde, erkannte ich einen russischen Soldaten der sich lächelnd über mich beugte.
Die menschliche Wärme in seinem Blick tat mir gut.

Es war der 27. Januar 1945 und ich lebte.


Und dann kam der 7. Oktober.

Der Tag an dem der tödlichste Angriff gegen Juden seit der Shoah stattfand.

Der Tag an dem die Terrororganisation Hamas Babys, Kinder, Eltern und Großeltern, in Israel bestialisch ermordete – nur weil sie Juden waren.

Der Tag an dem die Hamas glücklich tanzende Jugendliche auf dem Nova Friedensfestival vergewaltigten ermordeten und verschleppten……
Meine Enkelin die in Israel lebt, hätte auch dort sein können…
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren es hätten auch IHRE Kinder sein können….

Immer noch sind über 100 Geiseln in den Händen der Hamas,.
Ich hatte so gehofft, dass ich das heute nicht mehr sagen müsste.

Der 7. Oktober, der Tag, der für uns Juden auf der Welt ALLES veränderte….

Mein Alltag hier in Deutschland, ist seitdem geprägt von erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
Von vermehrten antisemitischen Vorfällen.
Von Ängsten.
Von Gesprächen die mit „Ja Aber..“ beginnen….
Oder dem so lauten Schweigen aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft….

Mir selbst wurden Lesungen kurz nach dem 7. Oktober in Schulen abgesagt… da nicht für meine Sicherheit gesorgt werden könnte.
Die letzten Male sprach ich in Schulen unter Polizeischutz.

Ich weiß, dass ich das Trauma der Shoah an meine Kinder, Enkel und Urenkel weitergegeben habe.
Aber, dass sie jetzt diese Existenzängste auch REAL erleben müssen,
schmerzt mich sehr.

Die Shoah begann nicht mit Auschwitz. Sie begann mit Worten…
Sie begann mit dem Schweigen und dem Wegschauen der Gesellschaft.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn Schüler jetzt wieder Angst haben in die Schule zu gehen – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn meine Urenkelkinder immer noch von Polizisten mit Maschinengewehren beschützt werden müssen, – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass nicht nur an den Gedenktagen an die toten Juden erinnert wird,
sondern auch im Alltag an die Lebenden.
S i e brauchen jetzt Schutz.

Es erschreckt mich,
das rechtsextreme Parteien wieder gewählt werden.
Sie dürfen nicht so stark werden, dass unsere Demokratie gefährdet wird.
Wir sind kurz davor.

Ich wünsche mir das die Gesellschaft nicht schweigt, wenn am Nebentisch antisemitische Äußerungen fallen.

Wer schweigt macht sich mitschuldig.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass Studenten ihre jüdischen Kommilitonen unterstützen, wenn sie angefeindet werden.

Ich bin dankbar, dass unsere Regierung sich gleich nach dem 7. Oktober, mit Israel solidarisiert und sich hinter die Jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland gestellt hat.

Ich fühle mich durch unsere Demokratie beschützt…Noch…
Aber es macht mir große Sorgen und ich bin traurig zu Sehen, was sich auf den Straßen abspielt,
die Bereitschaft zur Gewalt…
der Judenhass…der Menschenhass..

Warum verteidigen nicht alle Menschen dieses wunderbare Grundgesetz und unsere Demokratie in der wir leben ?

25.01.2024 - 22:43 [ Middle East Eye ]

Death toll from Israeli attack on Khan Younis Training Centre reaches 13

The UN said on Thursday that the death toll from the Israeli attack on the Training Centre in Khan Younis on Wednesday has reached 13.

25.01.2024 - 22:10 [ United Nations ]

Nine killed in direct hit on UNRWA shelter in Gaza

While in Gaza, Mr. McGoldrick visited the southern city of Rafah, located on the border with Egypt, and a crossing point for aid into the enclave.

Rafah normally has a population of around 280,000, which has swelled to an estimated 1.2 to 1.4 million as people fleeing fighting elsewhere pack into the city, setting up makeshift shelters and tents in the streets.

The squalid and unsanitary conditions have led to outbreaks of respiratory infections and hepatitis A, both of which had been eradicated in Gaza. Meningitis and other illnesses are also emerging.

The conflict in Gaza has displaced over 75 per cent of the population, with nearly 1.7 million people now living in UNRWA and public emergency shelters as well as informal sites.

20.01.2024 - 05:54 [ Gearóid Ó Cuinn, Global Legal Action Network @glan_law ]

Mark my words. A legal tipping point is coming for those countries arming Israel in the midst of indiscriminate bombing and famine inflicted on the trapped civilians of #Gaza.

19.01.2024 - 12:55 [ Democracy Now! / Twitter ]

Palestinian artist Emily Jacir recently had a talk canceled in Berlin. She says the climate of repression in Germany is especially bad for Palestinians and allies, who face rampant harassment, smear campaigns and cancellations. „It‘s very much part of a coordinated movement.“

18.01.2024 - 07:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

Civil rights groups in Israel file petition demanding authorisation for anti-war protests

The petition was filed after the police refused on Tuesday to approve the protest, for the third time.

The petition states that the police‘s refusal to approve the protest „joins the systematic oppression of protests, even small demonstrations, that criticise the combat, its results, and demand a diplomatic solution“.

18.01.2024 - 06:20 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) / Twitter ]

Last night‘s events in Tel Aviv paint a disturbing picture: the Tel Aviv police are becoming highly influenced by Ben Gvir‘s sentiments regarding protestors. From the accounts of demonstrators, including videos and testimonies, it is evident that severe violence, dismantling of signs, political persecution, and incitement against protesters are becoming disturbingly routine.

We urge the Attorney General not to remain silent when the police transform into a political tool, targeting those who dissent from the government‘s stance.

Particularly in times of war, it is crucial to safeguard freedom of expression and the right to protest.

18.01.2024 - 03:45 [ ]

The fight in Gaza will be hell, military experts in urban combat say


Yahalom Unit: a specialized Israeli Defense Forces combat engineering corps commando unit trained to find, clear and destroy tunnels. The unit is one of the largest in the world focused on underground warfare.

The Yahalom carries a toolkit of specialized gear for such operations, including ground and aerial sensors, ground-penetrating radar, drilling equipment, radios and navigation equipment designed for use underground, thermal equipment and a suite of flying and ground robots for mapping tunnels. Once discovered, the unit has ground-penetrating munitions such as the GBU-28, which can penetrate 100 feet of soil or 20 feet of concrete.

18.01.2024 - 00:13 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

17.01.2024 - 22:44 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash MK Cassif: ‘They Want to Silence Us’

MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) is being threatened with expulsion from Israel’s parliament after he signed a petition supporting South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, accusing it of acts of genocide. Cassif says the impeachment is based on an antidemocratic law that suppresses free speech. “They want me and my friends to shut up,” he says of the far-right government’s persecution of dissenting legislators in an interview to Amy Goodman broadcasted by Democracy Now! “We’ve been against the war from the beginning because we are against bloodshed.”

17.01.2024 - 22:37 [ nd.Aktuell / Twitter ]

Israelische Truppen rücken zum Al-Nasser-Krankenhaus in Khan Junis vor. Für diese Panzer will die Bundesregierung nun Munition liefern und wird dadurch mitverantwortlich für alle Verbrechen, die Israel im #Gazakrieg begeht, meint @matthimon.


17.01.2024 - 22:31 [ Sulaiman Ahmed, Investigative Journalist, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics / Twitter ]


17.01.2024 - 22:24 [ ]

Halten Sie das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen nach den Terroranschlägen der Hamas im Oktober 2023 für gerechtfertigt?


Nach einer Umfrage aus dem Januar 2024 hielten rund 25 Prozent der Befragten das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen für gerechtfertigt. Im Herbst 2023 hielten noch rund 50 Prozent der Befragten das militärische Vorgehen Israels im Gaza-Streifen für gerechtfertigt.

17.01.2024 - 22:20 [ ]

Regierung prüft Lieferung von Munition an Israel

Da die Industrie die gewünschte Munition nicht sofort liefern kann, werde die Option erwogen, dass die Bundeswehr zunächst Munition aus den Beständen abgibt, heißt es in dem Bericht. So könnte man der Bitte Israels zeitnah nachkommen.

Einige Details seien aber noch unklar. Israel wolle die Lieferungen der Munition bezahlen, derzeit laufen aber offenbar noch Gespräche über die Vertragsdetails und den Preis

17.01.2024 - 21:53 [ ]

Even accusing ‚Israel‘ of genocide crosses ‚moral red line‘: French FM

France has opted not to endorse South Africa‘s genocide case against „Israel“ at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), AFP reported citing the recently inaugurated French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne: who claimed that accusing „Israel“ of genocide is „immoral“.

15.01.2024 - 00:00 [ Axios ]

Biden „running out“ of patience with Bibi as Gaza war hits 100 days

„At every juncture, Netanyahu has given Biden the finger,“ Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who has been in close contact with U.S. officials about the war, told Axios. „They are pleading with the Netanyahu coalition, but getting slapped in the face over and over again.“

Behind the scenes: Biden hasn‘t spoken to Netanyahu in the 20 days since a tense Dec. 23 call, which a frustrated Biden ended with the words: „This conversation is over.“

14.01.2024 - 23:43 [ @amii_ra2 / Twitter ]

_اطلاق النار من قبل قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي على مواطنين في غزة يحاولون الحصول على المساعدات من خلال مرورها على شاطئ بحر غزة يمكنكم سمع صوت اطلاق النار. _ Occupation forces open fire on citizens as they try to obtain aid as they pass by the Gaza seashore


14.01.2024 - 23:40 [ Eye on Palestine / Twitter ]

Five people were killed whilst trying to get flour that entered in the north of Gaza for hundreds of thousands of people there.

14.01.2024 - 22:49 [ Mohammed al-Hajjar / Middle East Eye ]

In Gaza, you don’t only see death. You smell it. You breathe it

I first went to check on the mother, who was still buried under the rubble. I called her name and crawled beneath the concrete walls, but there was only silence.

We dug further only to find that she had passed away with her arms wrapped around the tiny bodies of her children.

Some days after returning to our neighbourhood, we noticed that a pack of stray dogs had come and taken shelter in one of the bombed-out houses next to us. Throughout the night, we heard them barking and howling loudly, as though they were fighting over something….

14.01.2024 - 21:57 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Internal anger with Biden and Congress reaches boiling point

So far, two people from the administration have tendered their resignations – Josh Paul, who oversaw arms transfers at State, and Tariq Habash, who worked on education policy at the White House.

The morale of staff in the White House is so low that the chief of staff planned a party in the hopes of cheering up the employees, according to a report from Axios.

However, it‘s not clear if the senior staff members of the administration understand why morale is so low. After the report of the party for White House staff, another report stated that hundreds of federal employees across 22 government agencies are planning a walk-out to protest against Biden‘s handling of the war.

14.01.2024 - 21:52 [ ]

White House: Second Biden official resigns over Israel-Hamas war concerns


A senior Biden education adviser on Wednesday became the second administration official to resign from his post over the White House’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, the latest instance of internal turmoil over the war.

12.01.2024 - 12:56 [ Oxfam Australia ]

Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict – Oxfam

Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which massively exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years, Oxfam said today, as the escalation of hostilities nears its 100th day.

In addition, over 1,200 people were killed in the horrific attacks by Hamas and other armed groups in Israel on 7 October and 330 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since then.

Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East Director, said: “The scale and atrocities that Israel is visiting upon Gaza are truly shocking. For 100 days the people of Gaza have endured a living hell. Nowhere is safe and the entire population is at risk of famine.

“It is unimaginable that the international community is watching the deadliest rate of conflict of the 21st century unfold, while continuously blocking calls for a ceasefire.”

11.01.2024 - 16:51 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

Blinne Ni Ghralaigh „I share with you 2 photos. The first is of a whiteboard.. with a handwritten message by a MSF doctor ‚We did what we could. Remember us‘. The second photo is of the same whiteboard after an Israeli strike on the hospital that killed the author of the message“

10.01.2024 - 10:48 [ Times of Israel ]

UK’s foreign minister worried Israel may have breached international law in Gaza

Britain’s Foreign Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday he was worried that Israel might have breached international law in its war on terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that though the advice he had received so far was that Israel was compliant, there were still questions to answer.

06.01.2024 - 00:10 [ New York Times ]

America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism

Pro-Israel Democrats want to back a war to remove Hamas from Gaza. But increasingly, it looks as if America is underwriting a war to remove Gazans from Gaza. Experts in international law can debate whether the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza can be classified as genocidal, as South Africa is claiming at the International Court of Justice, or as some lesser type of war crime. But whatever you want to call attempts to “thin out” Gaza’s population — as the Hebrew newspaper Israel Hayom described an alleged Netanyahu proposal — the United States is implicated in them.

05.01.2024 - 18:52 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Survivors recount harrowing Israeli field executions

For three days, Moemen Raed al-Khaldi lay wounded and motionless between the corpses of his killed family members, pretending to be dead to protect himself from being shot by Israeli soldiers.

On 21 December, Israeli soldiers broke into the house where the Khaldi family had taken refuge in northern Gaza and, in mere minutes, they shot everyone present.

The soldiers left the house thinking they had killed them all, only Moemen remained alive, bleeding for days before the neighbours found him and took him to hospital.

05.01.2024 - 18:47 [ Afzal Khan MP, @UKLabour MP for Manchester Gorton / Twitter ]

The Israeli Ambassador, Tzipi Hotovely, has encouraged the full destruction of Gaza. This is a clear call for the genocide of Palestinians. I‘ve written to the Foreign Secretary, calling on him to condemn this and to take the strongest possible action against the Ambassador

05.01.2024 - 18:31 [ ]

Demands for Israeli Ambassador to UK‘s Expulsion After ‚Clear Call for Genocide‘

Hotovely told Dale that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have found that „every school, every mosque, every second house, has an access to tunnel,“ referring to the tunnels used by Hamas—which were first built when Gaza was under Israeli control in 1980.

„That‘s an argument for destroying the whole of Gaza, every single building,“ Dale said, prompting Hotovely to ask, „Do you have another solution, how to destroy the underground tunnel city?“

Journalist Hamza Ali Shah said the ambassador‘s statement amounted to „a clear call for genocide.“

05.01.2024 - 17:36 [ MSF International / Twitter ]

Our project coordinator, Jacob Burns, arrived in southern Gaza on 17 December 2023 & describes the horrific situation for Palestinians on the ground. “Gaza is gone, basically, and there is nothing left.

It’s difficult for Palestinians to see a life here again, which is very sad.”

03.01.2024 - 14:00 [ ]

What We Want

1. An Immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

We demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Over 21,000+ Palestinians have been killed, 70% were women and children since October 7th. With 54,000+ injured, and approximately 1.8 million displaced in the last 3 months, the indiscriminate targeting of civilians by Israel must stop.

2. Stop the unconditional US funding of Israel’s genocide against Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.

It is abundantly clear that Israel’s genocide in Gaza is funded and supported by the United States. The hundreds of millions of dollars in ammunition transfers since October 7th, the back-and-forth shuttling of top-level US officials to Israel, the positioning of American aircraft carriers and the use of mercenaries has all been facilitated by the United States to bolster Israel’s murderous rampage in Gaza. We also firmly oppose current proposals in Congress to send an additional 14.3 billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel while it massacres Palestinian children daily. We demand an immediate and complete end to all US weapons transfers to Israel.

3. Hold Israel accountable for war crimes committed against the Palestinian people and their continuous violations of international law.

Israeli leaders have been very explicit in their intent to commit genocide in Gaza. Top ranked officials such as Netanyahu to lower rank government officials such as Galit Atbaryan have all called for the erasure of Gaza and the elimination of the Palestinian people. We call on the International Criminal Court to investigate and charge Israeli leaders with crimes against humanity for their intent and committal of well-documented atrocities against the people of Gaza and Gaza’s civilian infrastructure such as homes, schools, hospitals, mosques/churches, universities, roads, water and power infrastructure.

We also call on the US government to end their participation and complicity in Israel’s crimes against humanity and demand full and swift accountability for US and Israeli officials involved in this genocide.

03.01.2024 - 11:55 [ ]


African People’s Socialist Party
African People’s Solidarity Committee
Al-Awda: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda, Palestine Right of Return Movement
Al-Nahda Center
Alpha Lambda Mu Fraternity
American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition
American Human Rights Council
American Muslim Public Affairs Committee & #AbandonBiden
American Student Union
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Arab American Association of New York
Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL)
Arab Chicago
Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Veterans For Peace
Bianca For San Francisco
BiH United
Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations
Borderlands for Equity
Bronx Anti War Coalition
Capoeira Angola DC
Carolina Peace Center
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy
Christians United for Palestine
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
Communist Party USA
Community Not Cages
Community Peacemaker Teams
CT Palestine Solidarity Coalition
DAG- Doctors Against Genocide
Dar Al-Hijrah
DC Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression (DCAARPR)
DC Communist Party
DC Young Communist League
Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights (DelPHR)
Diáspora Pa’lante Collective
Direct Action for Rights and Equality
Drew’s Students for Justice in Palestine
Emerald Project
Empowered Minds Psychological Center, LLC
Environmentalists Against War
Equality Labs
Foundation for Economic and Social Justice
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Friends of Sabeel North America( FOSNA)
Friends of the Bowen Branch Library
Front Royal for Palestine
Georgetown Law Students for Justice in Palestine
Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition
Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Counteroffensive Campaign
Honor the Earth
Hood Black & Educated Consulting Group
Howard County for a Free Palestine
Indonesian Muslim Society in America
International Action Center
International Museum of Muslim Cultures
International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement
Islamic Center of Morris County
Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
J4P Actions Enablement Network
Jewish Voice for Peace – DC Metro Chapter
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Labor for Palestine (U.S.)
Labor Today International (WFTU)
Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Making Mensches
Masjid Al Falaah
Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque (MMNM)
Michigan Task Force for Palestine
Michigan Women for Democracy
Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC)
MPower Change
Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC)
Muslim Civic Coalition
Muslim Delegates & Allies Coalition
Muslim Journal
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Muslim Women’s Giving Circle
Muslims for Just Futures
Muslims for Social Justice
National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA)
National Students for Justice in Palestine
North Carolina Green Party
Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
One BiH
P4DA Florida
Pakistan United Parade Committee
Palestine Advocacy Project
Palestinian American Community Center
Palestinian American Community Center in Greater Memphis
Palestinian community of metropolitan DC
Palestinian Feminist Collective
Palestinian Youth Movement
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Party of Communists USA
Peace Action Network of Lancaster
Peoples Power Assembly
Progressive Democrats of America – Arizona
Project Hajra
Queer Muslim Solidarity Network
Queer Shia Collective
ReThinking Foreign Policy
Rising Together
Rockland for Palestine
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
Savage Daughters
Seeding Sovereignty
Socialist Unity Party
Socialist Viewpoint
Solidarity w/Cuban Revolution
South Florida Coalition for Palestine
Southwest Coalition For Palestine
Springfield Eugene Anti-Imperialist Coalition (SEAIC)
Struggle for Socialism/Struggle la Lucha Newspaper
Students for Justice in Palestine at Denison University
The Freedom BLOC
The Key Palestine
The Mosque Foundation, Bridgeview IL
The Peace & Justice Coalition of Prince Georges County Maryland
The People’s Forum
The Red Nation
UAW Labor for Palestine
Uhuru Solidarity Movement
United American Indians of New England
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Vermonters for Justice in Palestine
Veterans For Peace
Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR)
Virginia Muslim Political Action Committee
Visualizing Palestine
Voices for Justice in Palestine
WBAI 99.5 FM Equal Rights & Justice productions
WESPAC Foundation, Inc.
West Suburban Peace Coalition
Westchester for Palestine
Women in Struggle
Workers World Party
World BEYOND War

Click here to endorse

03.01.2024 - 10:45 [ ]

Let’s start 2024 on the right track, Marching on Washington for Gaza

On January 13th, 2024, the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine in partnership with the ANSWER Coalition, will host the March On Washington for Gaza. We call on all our supporters to join us for this monumental event and make sure their demands for justice are met.

Date: Saturday, January 13th, 2024 | 1:00 PM

Location: The National Mall | 1600 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004

02.01.2024 - 21:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Israel bombs Palestine Red Crescent building, as genocide probe looms

(2 January 2024 17:19 GMT)

Israeli forces killed 207 Palestinians and wounded 338 people over 24 hours in Gaza, the Palestinian health ministry said.

That brought the total number of Palestinians killed in Gaza since 7 October to 22,185, and the wounded to at least 57,00o.

30.12.2023 - 21:55 [ CBS News ]

Tens of thousands flee central Gaza as Israel‘s offensive expands

Israel‘s unprecedented air and ground offensive against Hamas has displaced some 85% of the Gaza Strip‘s 2.3 million residents, sending swells of people seeking shelter in Israeli-designated safe areas that the military has nevertheless also bombed. That has left Palestinians with a harrowing sense that nowhere is safe in the tiny enclave.

30.12.2023 - 21:26 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Expulsion is a war crime, not ‘the solution’ – opinion

The “day after” conversation is a hard one, not least due to radicalization in Palestinian society. But the way to de-radicalize Gaza is not to radicalize ourselves. And while a free society is obliged to hear out even extremist points of view, it is under no obligation to take those views seriously– especially when they are presented in such a fatuous, flippant, and feckless manner as the one proposed here.

30.12.2023 - 19:14 [ ]

International Villain of the Year: Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed Deif

Israel‘s Prime Minister and the commander of the military arm of Hamas stand out in the rogues‘ gallery for their blood-soaked acts of inhumanity.

30.12.2023 - 16:16 [ New York Times ]

South Africa accuses Israel of genocide in a U.N. court.

Allegations of war crimes by both Israel and by Palestinian militant groups in territories occupied by Israel in 1967 are already under investigation at the International Criminal Court, which is independent of the U.N. But the impact of that investigation is unclear because Israel is not a member nation of the I.C.C. and does not recognize its jurisdiction.

Israel is, however, a signatory of the Genocide Convention, along with South Africa, which paved the way for the case at the International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court.

29.12.2023 - 19:10 [ UN News / Twitter ]

#UNGA Special Session: “Any life lost is a tragedy, there is no hierarchy of death” – Bob Rae, Canada Representative to the United Nations

(Oct 27, 2023)

29.12.2023 - 18:42 [ Howard Beckett, Socialist. Trade Unionist. Activist. / Twitter ]

21,507 Palestinians have now been murdered by Israel. Almost 9,000 children. Another 55,915 injured. In the past 24 hours alone 187 people murdered and 312 more injured. Not a single mention on the BBC website. Disgraceful. Don’t stop speaking about the genocide in Palestine.

29.12.2023 - 18:39 [ ]

Death toll as result of missile attack in Kyiv increases to eight people – administration

Death toll as result of missile attack in Kyiv increases to eight people – administration

In Kyiv, the death toll as a result of a morning missile strike has risen to eight people, the search and rescue operation continues, Head of Kyiv City Military Administration Serhiy Popko said.

25.12.2023 - 20:10 [ Aurora Borealis / Twitter ]

Iron Cross with Star of David .. Video of the Luftwaffe Eurofighter Typhoon „Eagle Star 2.0“

(April 7, 2023)

25.12.2023 - 17:58 [ Honestly Concerned / Twitter ]

Blue Flag 2021 – die Luftwaffe übt in Israel – Bundeswehr Eurofighter in der Negev Wüste עובדה | YouTube –


25.12.2023 - 17:50 [ Mohammad Alsaafin / Twitter ]

An Israeli airstrike on the cemetery in the Maghazi Refugee Camp just killed five people helping bury some of the 70+ killed by yesterdays Israeli airstrikes on the Maghazi Refugee Camp

25.12.2023 - 17:32 [ Historia Fotografią Pisana / Twitter ]

25.12.2023 r. – Palestyna: Dziś w nocy, w 50 nalotach, żydowska armia dokonała masakr w obozach dla dla uchodźców Al Nuseirat, Al Bureij i Al Maghazi w środkowej Gazie.

25.12.2023 - 17:26 [ Thomas Portes / Twitter ]

L’horreur continue. Dans le camp de réfugiés Al Maghazi à Gaza l’armée israélienne vient de commettre un nouveau massacre. Des dizaines de civils, dont de nombreuses femmes et enfants, sont mortes. Le nettoyage ethnique se poursuit dans un silence assourdissant de la communauté internationale. Il faut arrêter ces criminels de guerre.

25.12.2023 - 17:19 [ mikel ayestaran / Twitter ]

Hilo del día 80 de guerra en #Gaza 1- #Israel castiga los campos de refugiados en #gaza y el último objetivo ha sido Maghazi. El ataque deja decenas de muertos y destrucción

Foto @Reuters

25.12.2023 - 17:10 [ Potere al Popolo / Twitter ]

Per #Israele i Palestinesi non hanno diritto neanche alla tregua di #Natale. Stanotte il campo profughi Al Maghazi, centro della Striscia di #Gaza, è stato bombardato. Si contano almeno 70 morti, decine ancora sotto le macerie, moltissimi i bambini. #FreePalestine #CeasefireNOW

25.12.2023 - 16:50 [ AFP News Agency / Youtube ]

AERIAL SHOTS: Destruction in Gaza‘s Al-Maghazi camp following Israeli bombardment | AFP

Aerial shots show the extensive destruction in Al-Maghazi refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, following deadly Israeli air strikes. The Gaza health ministry said an Israeli air strike killed at least 70 people on Christmas Eve at the Al-Maghazi refugee camp. The army said it was „reviewing the incident“, adding it was „committed to international law including taking feasible steps to minimise harm to civilians“.

25.12.2023 - 16:39 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza | Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!

Up to 70 Palestinians slaughtered. Many women and children after a triple Israeli airstrike a while ago on Mosallem, Sesalem and Nawajreh families’ houses.

The death tolls is expected to increase!

25.12.2023 - 15:03 [ Reuters ]

Israeli airstrikes kill 100 in one of war‘s deadliest nights, Gaza officials say

Health ministry spokesperson Ashraf Al-Qidra said many of those killed at Maghazi were women and children. Eight others were killed as Israeli planes and tanks carried out dozens of airstrikes on houses and roads in nearby al-Bureij and al-Nusseirat, health officials said.

Medics said an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis in southern Gaza killed 23, bringing total Palestinian fatalities overnight to more than 100.

24.12.2023 - 12:00 [ Washington Post ]

Israel has waged one of this century’s most destructive wars in Gaza

The Washington Post analyzed satellite imagery, airstrike data and U.N. damage assessments, and interviewed more than 20 aid workers, health-care providers, and experts in munitions and aerial warfare. The evidence shows that Israel has carried out its war in Gaza at a pace and level of devastation that likely exceeds any recent conflict, destroying more buildings, in far less time, than were destroyed during the Syrian regime’s battle for Aleppo from 2013 to 2016 and the U.S.-led campaign to defeat the Islamic State in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in 2017.

23.12.2023 - 23:08 [ @OHCHR_Palestine / Twitter ]

Disturbing information on summary killings of at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of their family members in Al Remal neighbourhood. #Gaza #opt #IHL #humanrights

23.12.2023 - 22:56 [ India Today ]

Israel killed 11 Gazans in front of families, could lead to war crimes probe: UN

“While in control of the building and the civilians sheltering there, the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20s and early 30s, in front of their family members,” said the UN body.

The women and children were then confined to a room where they were subjected to violence, with some sustaining serious injuries, the OHCHR said.

“The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child,” it said.

23.12.2023 - 08:01 [ T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights / Twitter ]

Starvation, mass displacement, rampant disease. That is Gaza right now. During the Vietnam War, R‘ Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote: „Our own integrity as human beings is decaying in the agony & merciless killing done in our name.“ If we turn away, we risk losing our own humanity.

23.12.2023 - 04:41 [ ]

Israel’s military campaign in Gaza seen as among the most destructive in recent history, experts say

In just over two months, the offensive has wreaked more destruction than the razing of Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol or, proportionally, the Allied bombing of Germany in World War II. It has killed more civilians than the U.S.-led coalition did in its three-year campaign against the Islamic State group.

22.12.2023 - 22:22 [ Wall Street Journal ]

How Three Babies Were Left Behind at an Evacuated Gaza Hospital

The intensive-care unit at Gaza City’s Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital was on the brink of collapse on Nov. 10, as the staff tried to keep oxygen flowing to three fragile babies, according to staff who were there that day. Then Israel’s military called on everyone in the medical center to leave….

22.12.2023 - 22:12 [ jeremy scahill / Twitter ]

This was a pernicious lie that was promoted by Biden and his administration to justify Israel’s attacking of hospitals. Those of us who warned that this was a lie at the time were accused of being Hamas propagandists.

22.12.2023 - 21:58 [ Washington Post ]

The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital

The Post’s analysis shows:

– The rooms connected to the tunnel network discovered by IDF troops showed no immediate evidence of military use by Hamas.
– None of the five hospital buildings identified by Hagari appeared to be connected to the tunnel network.
– There is no evidence that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards.

Hours before IDF troops entered the complex, the Biden administration declassified U.S. intelligence assessments that it said bolstered Israel’s claims. In the aftermath of the raid, Israeli and U.S. officials have stood firm behind their initial statements.

22.12.2023 - 21:52 [ Rolling Stone / Twitter ]

A Washington Post investigation has found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex

22.12.2023 - 21:44 [ Huffington Post ]

Evidence Doesn‘t Support Israeli Claims That Hospital Was Hamas Command Center: Report

The Israeli raid on al-Shifa Hospital last month, which was preceded by an evacuation order aimed at thousands of people sheltering at the hospital and hundreds of sick patients, produced one of the grisliest scenes in the country’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip: a “death zone” that included a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and dozens of desperate patients inside, according to the World Health Organization, whose aid workers arrived at the facility on Nov. 18 as part of a humanitarian mission.

Forty patients, including four premature babies, died in the hospital due to a lack of electricity in the days surrounding the raid, hospital administrators told the United Nations.

22.12.2023 - 21:19 [ New York Times ]

A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza

The Times programmed an artificial intelligence tool to scan satellite imagery of south Gaza for bomb craters. Times reporters manually reviewed the search results, looking for craters measuring roughly 40 feet across or larger. Munitions experts say typically only 2,000-pound bombs form craters of that size in Gaza’s light, sandy soil.

Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage.

22.12.2023 - 21:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

„During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians.“ Specifically: it used 2,000-pound bombs for this, which not even the US will use in cities:

22.12.2023 - 18:48 [ ]

US abstains on UN vote, allowing Gaza aid resolution to pass

The resolution, sponsored by Arab states, called for a major increase in aid to desperate civilians in the Gaza Strip, dropping calls from an earlier version for a suspension of hostilities.

The U.S. did not vote in favor of the resolution, but rather abstained, allowing it to pass. As a permanent member of the council, the U.S. has veto power, and a “no” vote would have killed the measure.

22.12.2023 - 18:43 [ ]

UN to vote on watered-down resolution on aid to Gaza without call for suspension of hostilities

Council members met behind closed doors on Thursday to discuss a revised draft resolution, then delayed the vote so they could consult their capitals on the significant changes, aimed at avoiding a U.S. veto. A new text with a few minor revisions was circulated Friday morning.

22.12.2023 - 18:39 [ ]

As the death toll passes 20,000, the UN again delays a vote on aid to Gaza

The United Nations says more than half a million people are starving in Gaza because not enough food has entered the besieged territory as Israel keeps up its blistering campaign of airstrikes and ground operations.

Palestinian officials said Friday that the death toll has now exceeded 20,000 — around 1% of the territory‘s prewar population.

22.12.2023 - 18:26 [ Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) ]

GAZA STRIP: Hostilities leave the entire population highly food insecure and at risk of Famine

Between 24 November and 7 December, over 90 percent of the population in the Gaza Strip (about 2.08 million people) was estimated to face high levels of acute food insecurity, classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse). Among these, over 40 percent of the population (939,000 people) were in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and over 15 percent (378,000 people) were in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5).

Between 8 December 2023 and 7 February 2024, the entire population in the Gaza Strip (about 2.2 million people) is classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse). This is the highest share of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity that the IPC initiative has ever classified for any given area or country

22.12.2023 - 18:13 [ Associated Press ]

The UN says more than 1 in 4 people in Gaza are starving because of war

“It doesn’t get any worse,’’ said Arif Husain, chief economist for the U.N.’s World Food Program. “I have never seen something at the scale that is happening in Gaza. And at this speed.”

Israel says it is in the final stages of clearing out Hamas militants from northern Gaza, but that months of fighting lie ahead in the south.

21.12.2023 - 00:05 [ Quds News Network / Twitter ]

US presidential hopeful Cornel West calls for invoking the Genocide Convention and bringing the case of Israel‘s genocide in Gaza before the International Court of Justice.

20.12.2023 - 23:10 [ Pakistani Index / Twitter ]

UN Security Council vote on UAE-drafted resolution to enhance Gaza aid postponed again due to US request.

Ongoing negotiations focus on language regarding hostilities cessation. Resolution aims to reduce Israel‘s control over Gaza aid delivery. #UNSC #Gaza

20.12.2023 - 22:50 [ United Nations ]

INTERVIEW: Destruction, displacement, and grief. Senior UNRWA official reflects on ‘unprecedented’ conflict in Gaza

Our teachers are trained to provide education in a way that helps the children follow the values of the United Nations, including peace and tolerance, and no hatred and no racism.

Other accusations concern the involvement of our staff in the fighting, and their political affiliation with certain armed groups in Gaza.

These misinformation campaigns weaken the efforts of what is currently the largest humanitarian organization in the Gaza Strip, catering to the needs of at least 1.4 million people who are in our shelters.

UN News: Although your agency has come under much more scrutiny since 7 October, it has existed since the early days of the UN.

Juliette Touma: Yes, we‘re one of the oldest United Nations agencies, and the biggest in Gaza, where we’ve been operating for seven decades.

Our largest programme involves providing education but sadly, since 7 October, we have had to close all of our schools, and turn many of them into shelters.

20.12.2023 - 21:13 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

Over 60% of the infrastructure in #Gaza has been destroyed or damaged. More than 90% of the Gazan population have been displaced. This is a staggering and unprecedented level of destruction and forced displacement, taking place in front of our eyes.

20.12.2023 - 16:44 [ Human RIghts Watch ]

Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza

International humanitarian law, or the laws of war, prohibits the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides that intentionally starving civilians by “depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies” is a war crime. Criminal intent does not require the attacker’s admission but can also be inferred from the totality of the circumstances of the military campaign.

In addition, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza, as well as its more than 16-year closure, amounts to collective punishment of the civilian population, a war crime. As the occupying power in Gaza under the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel has the duty to ensure that the civilian population gets food and medical supplies.

20.12.2023 - 16:38 [ New York Times ]

Human Rights Watch says Israel is using starvation as a weapon in Gaza.

The group said Israel’s actions could constitute a war crime.

It cited statements by senior Israeli leaders to support its claim that depriving Gazans of necessities was a policy implemented by the country’s armed forces.

20.12.2023 - 16:31 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Human Rights Watch: Israel Starving Gaza Civilians as a Method of Warfare

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday accused Israel of intentionally starving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, citing comments from high-ranking officials and interviews with displaced Palestinian people. According HRW using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, goes against international humanitarian law and constitutes collective punishment. The group charged that as the occupying power in Gaza, Israel is responsible for the population getting food and medical supplies.

20.12.2023 - 14:42 [ Newsweek ]

Donald Trump Gets Some of the Best News of His Year

Young voters who have shifted away from Biden are not necessarily voting for Trump, who is also staunchly pro-Israel and opposes student loan relief. A November New York Times/Siena College poll found that 34 percent of young voters plan to back Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an independent. That poll surveyed 3,662 registered voters across six battleground states from October 22 to November 3.

20.12.2023 - 14:32 [ New York Times ]

How Much Is Biden’s Support of Israel Hurting Him With Young Voters?

As recently as this summer, a poll with Donald J. Trump leading among young voters would have been eye-popping.

Now, it’s increasingly familiar — and our new New York Times/Siena College national survey released Tuesday morning is no exception.

For the first time, Mr. Trump leads President Biden among young voters in a Times/Siena national survey, 49 percent to 43 percent. It’s enough to give him a narrow 46-44 lead among registered voters overall.

20.12.2023 - 14:15 [ Cornel West, Running as an Independent candidate for President / Twitter ]

The humanity of the Palestinian people must never be invisible! Today I called for the International Criminal Court to investigate likely war crimes and violations of Articles 6, 7, and 8 of the ICC’s Rome Statutes committed by PM Netanyahu and the Israel Defense Force.


The indiscriminate killings and genocidal acts against my Palestinian brothers, sisters, and siblings must cease and those guilty of war crimes must be brought to justice. Our full press release is in the comments below.

#Ceasefire #FreePalestine #CornelWest2024

20.12.2023 - 13:57 [ ]

Dr. Cornel West Calls on International Criminal Court to Investigate Likely War Crimes and Other Violations Committed by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israel Defense Force

Independent candidate for President of the United States, Dr. Cornel West today called on the International Criminal Court to launch an immediate investigation into likely war crimes committed by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israel Defense Force (IDF).

As more details and evidence emerge, Brother West believes the global community must intervene and administer comeuppance for clear violations of Articles 6 (Genocide), 7 (Crimes Against Humanity), and 8 (War Crimes) of the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court as part of a larger set of immediate actions to protect Palestinian civilians including, but not limited to, an immediate and enforced ceasefire.

20.12.2023 - 13:12 [ USA Today ]

UN Security Council vote on Gaza resolution delayed; most US voters disapprove of Biden‘s handling of war: Updates

The survey showed 44% of all those surveyed said Israel should stop its military campaign to protect against civilian casualties, while 39% said Israel should continue to fight despite the rising death toll of Palestinian civilians. But 48% of all voters surveyed said they believed Israel was not taking enough precautions to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza.

20.12.2023 - 12:25 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Präsident Biden und der Nahostkrieg – wofür steht der US-Präsident wirklich?

Olivia Dalton, eine Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses, fasste die Position der US-Regierung im Nahostkrieg am 5. Dezember 2023 auf einem Flug in der Präsidentenmaschine Air Force One nach Boston wie folgt zusammen: „Israel hat laut und klar unsere Erwartungen gehört, internationales Recht und die Regeln des Kriegsrechts zu beachten und alle möglichen Vorkehrungen zu treffen, um die Zahl der zivilen Opfer in ihrem Krieg gegen die Hamas zu minimieren.“

Es stellt sich die Frage, ob der US-Präsident wirklich einen Beitrag dazu leistet, dass Israel diese Position der US-Regierung tatsächlich umsetzt, oder ob es sich seinerseits letztlich nur um „stramme Sprüche“ handelt, die Israel ungestraft ignorieren kann, wie Sarah Leah Whitson von der Gruppe „Democracy for the Arab World now“ es auf den Punkt bringt: „Letztlich wird Israel sich nur darum kümmern, was die Biden-Administration aktuell tut, nicht das, was sie nur sagt.“

20.12.2023 - 00:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

Red Cross chief accuses international community of ‘moral failure’

Mirjana Spoljaric, the Red Cross president, has accused the international community of moral failure over the humanitarian crisis and ongoing bombardment of Gaza.

“I have been speaking of moral failure because every day this continues is a day more where the international community hasn‘t proven capable of ending such high levels of suffering, and this will have an impact on generations, not only in Gaza,” she said.

19.12.2023 - 23:50 [ Palestine Now / Twitter ]

This is not a scene from “The Walking Dead” , this is an Israeli massacre today in Jabalia.

19.12.2023 - 23:50 [ Palestine Now / Twitter ]

This is not a scene from “The Walking Dead” , this is an Israeli massacre today in Jabalia.

19.12.2023 - 23:46 [ Sarah Wilkinson / Twitter ]

Another massacre and distressing footage after the israelis target a residential square in the centre of Jabalia refugee camp


19.12.2023 - 23:36 [ Dr. Mads Gilbert / Twitter ]

Yesterday, my good friend and dear colleague, Dr. Hani Al-Haitham, head of Shifa emergency department, was brutally murdered by Israel, along with his beloved wife, Dr. Sameera Ghifari and their five children Shireen, Tia, Sameer, Wafa & Sara. In cold blood, coward Israeli soldiers killed seven more unarmed civilians.


Another attack on all of us, on all humankind. You will never be forgotten, we pledge: we will rebuild Shifa, Gaza, Palestine!
Dr. Mads
Shifa 2019, Dr. Hani to the right

19.12.2023 - 23:24 [ Middle East Eye ]

At least 50 killed in Gaza residential neighbourhood

The reporter said that 12 others were wounded in the attack and at least 50 others are missing.