Archiv: Wünsche / Fantasien / Wahnvorstellungen / wishful thinking / fantasies / delusions

07.01.2025 - 14:18 [ ]

Österreichischer Sharknado

Die Gefahr des linksextremen Österreichs, von beiden obengenannten Parteien kräftig an die Wand gemalt, ist glücklicherweise nun abgewendet. Leistbares Wohnen und freie Presse waren zu extreme Forderungen, wirklich wahr. Diese Gefahr des oft heraufbeschworenen linksextremen Österreichs ist zwar in etwa so groß wie jene, auf dem Dachstein von einem Hai getötet zu werden. Aber: Austrian Sharknados sind eine Möglichkeit, die man wirklich nie aus den Augen verlieren sollte!

18.12.2024 - 06:01 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Nein zu deutschen Bodentruppen in der Ukraine

(Dezember 5, 2024)

Und ein Wort zur AfD: Wer hier sagt – wie der Redner der AfD -:

(Stephan Brandner (AfD): Das ist aber schon viel mehr als ein Wort jetzt! Ein Wort wollten Sie sagen!)

„Die Bundeswehr ist da, um zu kämpfen und zu siegen“, ist so wenig Friedenspartei wie die Olivgrünen in diesem Haus.

(Beifall beim BSW)

Diese Resteampel erweckt zunehmend den Eindruck, als wolle sie Deutschland vor Moskau verteidigen,

(Britta Haßelmann (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Hören Sie doch auf mit Ihren Fake News! Verschonen Sie uns damit!)

und das ist auch vor dem Hintergrund unserer Geschichte einfach grundfalsch.

(Merle Spellerberg (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Ich glaube, da braucht jemand Geschichtsnachhilfe!)

Nach dem gebrochenen Versprechen, die NATO nicht nach Osten zu erweitern, schicken Sie jetzt auch noch für 11 Milliarden Euro die deutschen Soldaten nach Litauen, an die russische Grenze. Sie verlieren so jede Glaubwürdigkeit.

18.12.2024 - 05:41 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Merz-Union im Geist von Putschpräsident Yoon

(Dezember 8, 2024)

Die Union möchte ja, dass die Bundeswehr rund um die koreanische Halbinsel wie im gesamten Indopazifikraum stärker zum Einsatz kommt. „Aber ist das wirklich die Aufgabe der Bundeswehr?“, frage ich mich. Wollen Sie bei den Konflikten dort jetzt auch noch mitmischen? Und haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob die Koreaner aus Nord und Süd jetzt auf die Bundesmarine gewartet haben, um ihr strahlend vom Ufer zuwinken zu können? Was haben Sie sich dabei nur gedacht?

(Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Es gibt Menschen, die denken sich tatsächlich noch was dabei!)

08.11.2024 - 16:20 [ Neue Zürcher Zeitung ]

Weiblich, lesbisch, AfD: Alice Weidel soll Kanzlerkandidatin werden

(September 27, 2024)

Die 45-jährige Weidel erreicht damit den Zenit ihrer politischen Laufbahn. Weidel zog es erst deutlich nach ihrem dreissigsten Geburtstag in die Politik. Zuvor war sie unter anderem bei einer Vermögensverwaltung tätig. Sie ist lesbisch und mit einer Frau liiert, die aus Sri Lanka stammt. Das Paar hat zwei Kinder und lebt in der Schweiz.

08.11.2024 - 15:56 [ ]

Amtierender Vizekanzler: Habeck will heute Kanzlerkandidatur bekannt geben

Nach dem Bruch der Ampelkoalition wollen die Grünen den amtierenden Vizekanzler und Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck als Kanzlerkandidaten aufstellen. Laut Informationen des ARD-Hauptstadtstudios will der 55-Jährige dies heute erklären.

20.10.2024 - 00:00 [ CNN ]

Is this Iran’s ‘Chernobyl moment’?

(January 14, 2020)

This reckoning is already being billed as Iran’s “Chernobyl” moment, an analogy to the way the 1986 nuclear disaster in the Soviet Ukraine “exposed all the incompetence, state deception and rot in that regime,” according to IranWire, a site for Iranian citizen journalists in the diaspora.”

But whether Iran’s grief and fury could lead to revolution is hard to tell.

02.10.2024 - 03:44 [ ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

21.09.2024 - 12:20 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Bürgerrat“ fordert: „Desinformation“ soll strafbar werden

Ein „Bürgerrat“ für „Maßnahmen gegen Desinformation“ hat die „Prüfung einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung und/oder Sanktionierung der Verbreitung von Desinformation“ empfohlen, außerdem solle ein freiwilliges Gütesiegel für „qualitativen Journalismus“ eingeführt werden, wie Medien berichten. Eine „unabhängige Stelle“ solle für das Siegel Kriterien entwickeln und es an Verlage und Medienhäuser vergeben, heißt es im „Bürgergutachten zum Umgang mit Desinformation“, das am Donnerstag Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser übergeben wurde, wie Bertelsmann in einer Mitteilung erklärte.

Weitere Vorschläge des Rates sind unter anderem eine Überprüfung von Beiträgen durch Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), bevor diese veröffentlicht werden; verpflichtende Lektionen zu „Medienkompetenz“ bei Elternabenden; ein („beispielsweise von Correctiv“) erstelltes „Desinformationsranking“ und viele andere

14.09.2024 - 17:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Nordkorea wird ferngesteuert

(September 22, 2017)

Es gibt tatsächlich Personen, die sich nach der überirdischen – ich sage das ganz bewusst so – Explosion einer Nuklearwaffe, einer Atom- oder Wasserstoffbombe, förmlich sehnen. Einfach um mal ein großes “KUSCH!” auf dem Planeten loszuwerden. Damit die Herde sich mal wieder um ihre Hirten schart, sich nicht so viel im Internet herumtreibt und aufhört an ihren gottgesandten Autoritäten herum zu meckern. Wäre das nicht mal eine echte Win-Win-Situation, für alle echten, waschechten und wahlechten Autoritäten? Einfach mal bumm machen. Und alle “Player” profitieren. Wie an der Konsole.

14.09.2024 - 16:48 [ Reuters ]

Putin‘s options for Ukraine missiles response include nuclear test, experts say

As East-West tensions over Ukraine enter a new and dangerous phase, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and U.S. President Joe Biden are holding talks in Washington on Friday on whether to allow Kyiv to use long-range U.S. ATACMS or British Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia.

12.04.2024 - 00:33 [ ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

12.04.2024 - 00:10 [ Times of Israel ]

As Iran vows revenge, Israel worries it could get even by going nuclear

After a week of being very careful regarding statements directed at Iran, the US gave Israel something to be satisfied about on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden said America’s commitment to Israel’s security, amid the threats from Iran and its proxies, is “ironclad.”

Biden’s statements are aimed directly at Iran, and it’s certainly possible that they’re the result of a worrying intelligence assessment Israel presented to the US.

11.04.2024 - 22:55 [ Forbes ]

To Win, The Ukrainians Must Kill Or Maim 100,000 Russians in 2024


It’s apparent neither Ukraine nor Russia possesses the excess combat power it would need to achieve a major breakthrough that swiftly and radically could alter the course of Russia’s 22-month wider war on Ukraine.

Instead, the ultimate winner might be the country that attrits enough of the enemy’s forces to cause a military-wide collapse.

09.04.2024 - 16:42 [ New York Times ]

A Way to Rejoin The World Court


The imprudence of this acceptance was demonstrated by the Nicaraguan case, in which the Court ruled that the United States is using force illegally in Central America. That case should not – and need not – have gone to the Court. To make sure the United States retains sovereign discretion to defend itself and its allies, any new American acceptance of the Court‘s compulsory jurisdiction should emulate the good sense of others like India and Kenya by excluding disputes involving armed conflict. America -acting alone or with its allies – still needs the freedom to protect freedom. The finger on the trigger cannot be that of the global judiciary.

31.03.2024 - 21:15 [ Bloomberg ]

Biden Says Arab States Ready to Recognize Israel in Future Deal

Biden’s comments came during a discussion with his fellow presidents at a star-studded fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York intended to display Democratic party unity ahead of a general-election rematch with Republican Donald Trump. The presidents, though, were interrupted at least four times by pro-Palestinian protesters, highlighting the tensions within the party over Biden’s handling of Israel’s war with Hamas and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

20.03.2024 - 22:48 [ ]

Regierungserklärung von Scholz: „Russland ist nicht so stark, wie man denkt“

Dem SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich warf Merz wegen seiner These vom Einfrieren des Krieges indirekt Feigheit vor: „Friedfertigkeit kann das Gegenteil von Frieden bewirken.“ Mit Blick auf Kremlchef Wladimir Putin ergänzte er: „Einem solchen skrupellosen Kriegsverbrecher kann man nicht mit Feigheit begegnen, sondern nur mit Klarheit und Entschlossenheit.“

28.02.2024 - 05:03 [ ]

‚Not at war with Russia‘: European, US allies taken aback by Macron‘s comments on troops in Ukraine

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, accused by critics of being too cosy with Moscow, said after the meeting that there was disunity on the issue among European leaders.

There are countries that are ready to send their own soldiers to Ukraine, there are countries that say never – Slovakia is among them – and there are countries that say that this proposal should be considered,“ he said.

28.02.2024 - 04:51 [ CNN ]

Macron says ‘nothing ruled out,’ including using Western troops, to stop Russia winning Ukraine war

rench President Emmanuel Macron has openly discussed the possibility of sending European troops to Ukraine to help Kyiv win the war against Russia, a potential major escalation to the largest ground war Europe has seen since World War II.

15.02.2024 - 17:03 [ WMP EuroCom AG / Twitter ]

Die Debatte um eine EU-#Atombombe sorgt für Unruhe, aber ist sie wirklich notwendig? Deutschland ist uneins über Frankreichs Vorschlag für eine europäische nukleare Abschreckung.

Die Debatte um eine EU-Atombombe wirft komplexe Fragen auf, die sorgfältig abgewogen werden müssen, bevor eine endgültige Entscheidung getroffen wird.

15.02.2024 - 16:55 [ ]

As Trump looms, top EU politician calls for European nuclear deterrent


Facing the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the head of the EU‘s biggest political grouping is calling for Europeans to prepare for war without support from the United States and to build its own nuclear umbrella.

Manfred Weber, leader of the center-right European People‘s Party (EPP) — currently tipped to come first in the European Parliament election in June — described Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as „the two who set the framework“ for 2024.

15.02.2024 - 16:49 [ ]

An offer postponed: Berlin’s silence on Macron’s deterrence thinking

(25 August 2020)

Neither the offer to discuss the option of a dissuasion élargie (extended deterrence) that had been floating since 1976 nor the idea of a dissuasion concertée (concerted deterrence), which was brought forward by then-foreign minister Alain Juppé in 1995 and renewed by president Chirac in 2006, were able to capture Berlin’s outspoken interest.

President Macron, however, knows that he must act carefully when reaching out to the Germans, especially if he were to recall how Nicolas Sarkozy carelessly raised nuclear issues in his 2007 visit.

13.02.2024 - 17:10 [ Wikipedia ]

The Parachute Paradox

In the newspaper Al Khaleej, the novelist, poet, and critic Mohammed Al-Assad wrote of The Parachute Paradox:

What is identity? Is it assigned through words? Are they the labels we are born into and continue on living under in their shadows? The current Palestinian answer was proposed by the experiences of Edward Said who said that identity has a fluid nature––it does not settle, or rather it should not settle. He described it as whatever the person wants it to be, subject to constant change. But Steve adds new meaning in his book, derived from his life in exiled Jerusalem, and then in exile in London and Berlin, where he now lives. His multiplicitous identity arose from where he was born amongst standardized labels, from family, to community and the wider homeland. Steve doesn‘t state that he is with the case of his nation, exposed to all kinds of uprooting from the self and the land. This is a given, unarguable. But, and this is more important, he is for justice—in any time and any place. Here, the artist rises to an identity that he starts to embroider with threads of what he sees, knows and learns

28.12.2023 - 14:10 [ hossam bahgat حسام بهجت / Twitter ]

Germany is beyond saving. This Left Party MP (& vice chair of ⁦@rosaluxglobal⁩ ) is lambasting the German foreign minister over her failure to pressure *EGYPT* into facilitating the mass displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza

28.12.2023 - 13:49 [ Electronic Intifada / Twitter ]

„The woman there is an enemy, the baby there is an enemy and the first grader is an enemy,“ says Eliyahu Yossian, Israeli analyst and veteran of Unit 8200, a high-tech spy branch of the Israeli military.

28.12.2023 - 13:33 [ The Grayzone / Twitter ]

What is wrong with Israelis? @MaxBlumenthal takes a searing look at the societal sickness that exploded into the open after October 7, as Israelis of all walks of life took to social media to mock the suffering of Palestinians, flaunted war crimes and clamored for genocide

16.12.2023 - 16:45 [ Gerrit Kurtz, Researcher @swpberlin / Twitter ]

The #RedSea may see a naval operation after more and more ships are attacked by Iran-backed Houthi forces, including one belonging to a German company. German government already looking into US request for a potential mission.

16.12.2023 - 16:07 [ ]

Einsatz der deutschen Marine gefordert

Am Freitag war der Containerfrachter „Al Jasrah“ in der Meerenge zwischen dem Jemen und Dschibuti beschossen und beschädigt worden. Die Besatzungsmitglieder blieben laut Hapag Lloyd unverletzt. Die Bundesregierung verurteilte den Angriff und prüft eine Bitte aus den USA um eine Beteiligung der deutschen Marine an einem Einsatz

20.11.2023 - 04:20 [ ]

Watch: Israeli children sing, “We will annihilate everyone” in Gaza

The sweet faces of children make an incongruous accompaniment to the genocidal lyrics of the so-called Friendship Song 2023.

“Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction,” the children sing in angelic voices. “Within a year we will annihilate everyone, and then we will return to plow our fields.”

The lyrics were translated for The Electronic Intifada by independent writer and filmmaker David Sheen and you can watch a subtitled video of the song above, or in the tweet below:

20.11.2023 - 04:12 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Israeli children sing to “annihilate everyone” in Gaza in genocidal war anthem This Nazi-esque ethnosupremacist propaganda was published by Israel’s national broadcaster, @kann_news, and subsequently deleted

15.11.2023 - 06:29 [ ]

Suella Braverman is the most hated woman in British politics — and far nicer than you think

(November 9, 2023)

Some speculate the ambitious Braverman’s sole aim was to upset left-wing opinion and so enhance her standing with the grassroots Tory members — a famously right-wing cohort — who will decide a future Tory leadership contest.

If so, she likely succeeded.

07.11.2023 - 15:59 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

“I’ll return to Be’eri only when the last Palestinian is annihilated. I don’t care if it’s children, elderly, people on crutches that came to pillage, I don’t care. At this moment I have mercy for no 1… it’s just us, just us. That’s what I have to say. I want my cry to be heard”

06.11.2023 - 20:46 [ Times of Israel ]

Hamas official in Lebanon vows terror group will continue to rule Gaza

“To those who think that Hamas will disappear, Hamas will remain entrenched in the conscience of our people, and no force on Earth can annihilate or marginalize it,” Osama Hamdan tells a news conference.

23.10.2023 - 14:20 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Unser Gründungsmanifest: Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht

Unser Land ist in keiner guten Verfassung. Seit Jahren wird an den Wünschen der Mehrheit vorbei regiert. Statt Leistung zu belohnen, wurde von den Fleißigen zu den oberen Zehntausend umverteilt. Statt in einen kompetenten Staat und gute öffentliche Dienste zu investieren, haben Politiker die Wünsche einflussreicher Lobbys bedient und dadurch die öffentlichen Kassen geleert. Statt Freiheit und Meinungsvielfalt zu achten, macht sich ein autoritärer Politikstil breit, der den Bürgern vorschreiben will, wie sie zu leben, zu heizen, zu denken und zu sprechen haben. Die Regierung wirkt planlos, kurzsichtig und in vielen Fragen schlicht inkompetent. Ohne einen politischen Neuanfang stehen unsere Industrie und unser Mittelstand auf dem Spiel.

29.09.2023 - 06:30 [ RND ]

Die #Bundeswehr ist im Norden Malis mit dem Abzug ihrer Truppen bis Jahresende beschäftigt. Danach sollte Niger als stabiler Partner in der Schlüsselregion Sahel dienen. Doch nach dem Militärputsch hängt die Strategie der Bundesregierung in der Schwebe.

24.09.2023 - 01:21 [ Times of Israel ]

PM: Saudi deal likely but time is short; MBS a ‘visionary’; coalition would back accord

He noted that there were “major issues” with a proposal that uranium enrichment be permitted on Saudi soil, but told CNN that if the various core components of an accord were resolved, the agreement would garner “a groundswell of support, on the right, on the left and from the international community.”

If the obstacles can be overcome, he added, “I’ll carry my coalition, and the country with it.”

09.09.2023 - 18:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Government tells High Court nullifying ‘reasonableness’ law will result in ‘anarchy’

In its brief, the government argues that the court lacks statutory authority to annul Israel’s quasi-constitutional Basic Laws, and therefore any such verdict would be based on unlegislated and unclear “basic principles.”

“All government institutions may argue that they have the right to determine what these principles mean. It is a short path from here to anarchy,” the brief said

02.09.2023 - 23:40 [ Jerusalem Post ]

IDF, Shin Bet work for Palestinian terrorists, MK from Netanyahu‘s Likud says

Gotliv, speaking about a dispute between the Prime Minister’s Office and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir regarding visits allowed for Palestinian security prisoners, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that “it’s good to know the IDF and Shin Bet work for terrorists and security prisoners.

“The entire deep state is against Ben-Gvir,” she alleged. “Bravo, Ben-Gvir, on displaying right-wing authority,” the MK wrote after it was reported by media that Ben-Gvir had blocked visits for prisoners, despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu releasing a statement denying that was so.

28.08.2023 - 14:58 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Die Grünen und die Landesverräter

Der Vorsitzende des Europaausschusses im Bundestag, Hofreiter, etwa warnt aktuell eindringlich vor der AfD und hat ihr Landesverrat vorgeworfen. Dabei schloss er auch ein Verbot der Partei nicht aus, wie Medien berichten. Aufmerken lassen vor allem zwei Sätze Hofreiters. Zum einen:

„Man muss sich bewusst sein, welch unglaubliche Gefahr für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat sowie den Wohlstand vieler Menschen die AfD darstellt; das ist noch nicht in allen Teilen der Gesellschaft angekommen.“

Und zum anderen:

„Es ist auch kein ausreichendes Bewusstsein dafür vorhanden, welche Gefahr die AfD in dieser schwierigen Lage mit immer aggressiveren Diktaturen wie Russland und China für die äußere Sicherheit unseres Landes darstellt. Die AfD ist überwiegend eine Truppe von Landesverrätern, die nicht im Interesse unseres Landes, sondern im Interesse gegnerischer Mächte agieren.“

21.08.2023 - 22:00 [ ]

Joe Biden aims for a Middle East hat-trick. He’s delusional and out of time

(Sun 20 Aug 2023)

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s domestically besieged prime minister, badly needs a Saudi deal. The Saudis want one, too, but insist, on paper at least, on tangible progress towards a Palestinian state. Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners oppose any concessions, he’s barely on speaking terms with Biden – and in October, just to spite him, he plans to visit China.

Even so, Biden seems to think he can win Israeli agreement for increased Palestinian autonomy, a halt to West Bank annexation plans and maybe a revived two-state peace process in return for delivering the Saudis, defanging Iran and providing security guarantees all round.

Biden’s hat-trick hopes look slightly delusional.

31.07.2023 - 07:36 [ Haaretz ]

Post-judicial Coup Talk of a Unity Government Is Foolish, Netanyahu Isn‘t Even Interested

Attempting to imagine an escape route which also includes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s acquittal of criminal charges, is a result of the painful realization that the hawkish factions on both sides – even though one can‘t compare the governmental sadism led by Justice Minister Yariv Levin and the most rigid and militant anti-overhaul protesters – ignore the will of the majority and charge onward, almost with lust, to the very dangerous disagreement known as a constitutional crisis.

This hope, however, whether you want to surrender to it or to resist it in disgust, is in no way realistic. For now. According to knowledgeable sources, Netanyahu is simply not interested: not in stopping the judicial overhaul nor in a unity government.

31.07.2023 - 04:21 [ ]

Ukraine‘s victory must be such that enemy attempts to return don‘t go beyond sick fantasies – Zelenskyy

We do not believe that Russia will not want to return with aggression even after we drive out the occupiers from all our land. But the victory of Ukraine can and should be such that any attempts by the enemy to return would not go beyond the sick fantasy of those madmen who bear such plans,“ Zelenskyy said, speaking in Kyiv on Friday on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Statehood.

31.07.2023 - 03:57 [ ]

Ukraine-Russia war: Ukrainian soldiers will reach Crimea ‚soon‘


The head of Ukraine’s intelligence directorate has said that their forces could begin attempts to de-occupy Crimea “soon”.

In comments to Ukrainian news site TSN, Kyrylo Budanov said that forces could enter Russian-occupied Crimea shortly but did not specify a timeframe.

29.07.2023 - 07:25 [ Washington Post ]

Biden faces renewed pressure to embrace Supreme Court overhaul


As Democrats reel from another painful set of defeats at the Supreme Court in recent weeks, President Biden is facing renewed pressure from a range of elements in his party, from liberal lawmakers to abortion rights activists, to more forcefully embrace far-reaching changes to the high court.

29.07.2023 - 06:45 [ ]

Netanyahu: Supreme Court striking down Reasonableness bill ‚uncharted territory‘

„We had to put Israeli democracy back on an equal footing with other democracies. The essence of democracy is the balance between the will of the majority and the rights of the minority. This balance has been violated over the last 20 years, because we have the most activist court on the planet,“ Netanyahu declared.

He also referred to the „internal debate going on right now in the United States about the powers of the Supreme Court, about whether it‘s abusing its powers, whether they should be curtailed.“

22.07.2023 - 13:34 [ ]

Moscow lists seven conditions for grain deal resumption

Listing Russia’s conditions, Polyansky insisted that sanctions on the country’s grain and fertilizer exports to global markets should be lifted “in practical terms rather than just in words” while all obstacles to Russian financial institutions involved in the sector must also be removed, including their reconnection to the SWIFT payment system.

05.07.2023 - 12:20 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu in weekend interview: Overhaul necessary as Supreme Court ‘too powerful’

(27 March 2023)

In an interview recorded Saturday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted his government’s planned judicial overhaul was necessary as the Supreme Court is “too powerful,” claiming the controversial attempts to neuter the court would result in a “stronger democracy.”

While the interview was expected to air Monday evening, it was released online hours earlier amid concerns it was fast becoming outdated as the country was roiled by mass protests and Netanyahu was expected to announce a freeze to the controversial overhaul.

05.07.2023 - 12:12 [ Washington Post ]

Biden faces renewed pressure to embrace Supreme Court overhaul

As Democrats reel from another painful set of defeats at the Supreme Court in recent weeks, President Biden is facing renewed pressure from a range of elements in his party, from liberal lawmakers to abortion rights activists, to more forcefully embrace far-reaching changes to the high court.

01.07.2023 - 15:14 [ ]

Is Student Loan Forgiveness By Executive Order Legal?

(June 30, 2023)

Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) want President Joe Biden to forgive $50,000 in federal student loans per borrower. They claim that he can do this unilaterally through executive order.


The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan proposed by President Biden does not include any student loan forgiveness.

21.06.2023 - 14:20 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Hendrik Wüst (CDU) startet Projekt „AfD 40 Prozent“: Die Abwege der Christdemokraten

Wüst ist Merkelianer durch und durch. Er ist bekannt für seine Aussage, die CDU sei nicht konservativ. Und er zeigte wie sein Idol in Corona-Zeiten totalitäre Züge. Zitat: „Es geht darum, den Geimpften zu zeigen: Wir lassen das nicht länger zu, dass Menschen ihre individuelle Freiheit über die Freiheit der gesamten Gesellschaft stellen. Jetzt kümmern wir uns um die Nichtgeimpften und führen eine Impfpflicht ein.“ (Januar 2022 bei Anne Will).

21.06.2023 - 14:11 [ Kölner Stadtanzeiger ]

Machtkampf mit CDU-Chef Merz: Was Hendrik Wüst bei der Kanzlerkandidatur wirklich vorhat

Laumann, Chef des Arbeitnehmerflügels in der CDU, konnte mit Wüsts raubeinigen Auftreten in der Zeit als Generalsekretär von Jürgen Rüttgers (regierte zwischen 2005 und 2010) wenig anfangen. Wüst kam vom anderen Pol der NRW-CDU. Gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe um den damaligen CSU-General Markus Söder hatte er ein von den Medien viel beachtetes Thesenpapier für einen „modernen Konservatismus“ vorgelegt. Die Gruppe nannte sich selbst scherzhaft „Schwarze Jedi-Ritter“.

17.06.2023 - 14:40 [ ]

Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa: I think in a year we will see completely different architecture of support among African countries in UN

“A lot depends on our activity in the region, on dialogues and contacts at different levels, on Minister Kuleba‘s direct tour and on the upcoming visit of the presidents of African countries. But, I emphasize: we should not expect that a change in the positions of countries will occur in the short term. This is a ‘long game.’ And it requires strength, enthusiasm and faith. I believe that in the end it will become absolutely clear to African countries that Ukraine is fighting for the same values, freedoms, and rights for which these countries have been fighting and shedding blood for many years,” the ambassador said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

17.06.2023 - 13:15 [ New York Times ]

Allies Pressure Biden to Hasten NATO Membership for Ukraine

(June 14, 2023)

The hope in the push is that once Ukraine is a full member of the alliance, Russia would not dare to try to topple the government in Kyiv because an attack on one NATO country is considered an attack on them all. Ukrainian membership has become a “consuming debate,” both in Europe and inside the Biden administration, according to one senior U.S. official who is deeply involved in the discussions.

Only Germany has sided fully with Mr. Biden, though some of the other 29 allies have their own quiet doubts about Ukraine’s readiness to fully join the alliance — and the risks that NATO nations could get sucked directly into a conflict with Russia in the future.

27.05.2023 - 22:11 [ ]

Medvedev proposes to divide Ukraine to end the conflict

(May 26, 2023)

On the contrary, if the rest of an independent Ukraine joins the European Union or NATO, the conflict is likely to erupt again with the risk that it may turn into a full-scale third world war. . He added that a final scenario, temporarily acceptable to Russia, would witness the complete division of Ukraine between Russia and the European Union, with the formation of a Ukrainian government in exile in Europe.

27.05.2023 - 22:03 [ ]

Russia‘s Medvedev Believes Ukraine May Disappear After Special Military Operation

(May 26, 2023)

In his Telegram channel, Medvedev wrote about different scenarios of how the ongoing conflict may end.

„Ukraine disappears after the completion of the special military operation in the process of its division between Russia and a number of EU states. A government of Ukraine is being formed in exile in one of the European countries,“ Medvedev said, adding that the conflict in this case will end with „reasonable guarantees of its non-renewal in the short term.

27.05.2023 - 08:20 [ Stefania Falone / Nitter ]

Anfrage ans Verteidigungsministerium: Ukraine will Taurus-Marschflugkörper von Deutschland

24.05.2023 - 20:50 [ ]

Borrell: We don‘t agree with those who say Ukraine cannot win this war

European Union Defense Ministers disagree with those who say that Ukraine cannot win this war, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell said.

23.05.2023 - 13:31 [ Unlimited Hangout ]

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

(June 28, 2022)

Davos-man Yuval Harari has echoed these sentiments, arguing that the levers of evolution will now be moved from the randomness of nature into the new gods running Google, Facebook and the WEF.

In a 2018 WEF sermon, Harari acted as a neo-Darwinian prophet of a new transhumanist age, saying:

“We are probably among the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.”

18.05.2023 - 04:33 [ ]

Kyiv says insisted on territorial integrity talks with China envoy

In the meeting with Li, Kuleba “emphasized that Ukraine does not accept any proposals that would involve the loss of its territories or the freezing of the conflict.”

He praised the “importance” of China’s mediating role, including in the Black Sea Initiative that allowed for the resumption of grain exports through the Black Sea, and in nuclear safety.

The two sides also agreed to “intensify dialogue on key issues.”

18.05.2023 - 04:05 [ ]

American Patriots nailed Putin’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile. The world has changed

Today the US National Missile Defence effort is explicitly limited to defence against the sort of attack that might be mounted by a rogue state such as North Korea: it is specifically forbidden to work on things which might be able to stop Russia’s vast ICBM force, to avoid panicking Vladimir Putin.

16.05.2023 - 17:24 [ ]

Intelligence Committee members weigh in on preventing Iranian breakout after Middle East trip

(May 15, 2023)

Waltz added that the U.S. should also make clear that “we won’t stand in the way of Israel” and demonstrate to Iran “through a variety of means that our military capabilities are such that we could indeed severely damage their program.”

Administration officials have said that the U.S. will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon and that the administration has taken “no option off the table” to prevent that.

25.04.2023 - 14:20 [ ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

25.04.2023 - 14:14 [ ]

U.S. delegation meets with Israel‘s PM during tense Memorial Day week

The group discussed “the need to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, the Abraham Accords, and the opportunities for expanding the circle of peace with additional countries.”

Netanyahu then thanked Jeffries and members of the delegation for their support for the State of Israel, emphasizing the important relationship between Israel and the United States.

Later this week, Netanyahu will meet with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

01.04.2023 - 21:28 [ ]

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Scholz

Wir teilen das Urteil über die russische Aggression als Bruch der Grundnorm des Völkerrechts. Wir teilen auch die Überzeugung, dass es eine prinzipielle politisch-moralische Pflicht gibt, vor aggressiver Gewalt nicht ohne Gegenwehr zurückzuweichen. Doch alles, was sich daraus ableiten lässt, hat Grenzen in anderen Geboten der politischen Ethik.

Zwei solche Grenzlinien sind nach unserer Überzeugung jetzt erreicht: Erstens das kategorische Verbot, ein manifestes Risiko der Eskalation dieses Krieges zu einem atomaren Konflikt in Kauf zu nehmen. Die Lieferung großer Mengen schwerer Waffen allerdings könnte Deutschland selbst zur Kriegspartei machen. Und ein russischer Gegenschlag könnte so dann den Beistandsfall nach dem NATO-Vertrag und damit die unmittelbare Gefahr eines Weltkriegs auslösen. Die zweite Grenzlinie ist das Maß an Zerstörung und menschlichem Leid unter der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung. Selbst der berechtigte Widerstand gegen einen Aggressor steht dazu irgendwann in einem unerträglichen Missverhältnis.

01.04.2023 - 21:25 [ ]

Appell an Scholz: „Die Welt braucht Frieden“

Zahlreiche Sozialdemokraten und Gewerkschafter haben Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz aufgerufen, sich stärker für die Vermittlung eines Waffenstillstandes im Ukraine-Krieg einzusetzen. Aus dem Krieg sei „ein blutiger Stellungskrieg geworden, bei dem es nur Verlierer gibt“, heißt es in einem in der „Frankfurter Rundschau“ und der „Berliner Zeitung“ veröffentlichten Aufruf. Darin steht: „Mit jedem Tag wächst die Gefahr der Ausweitung der Kampfhandlungen. Der Schatten eines Atomkrieges liegt über Europa. Aber die Welt darf nicht in einen neuen großen Krieg hineinschlittern.“

01.04.2023 - 06:15 [ Haaretz ]

Republicans Rally Behind Netanyahu, Taking Advantage of Growing U.S.-Israel Tensions to Batter Biden

In a tweet, the Texas senator described Biden’s rebuke as “Utterly disgraceful. Biden gleefully hosts anti-American radicals like Lula, while shunning close American allies like Netanyahu. It’s clear that Biden and his officials are high from funding what they believe to be successful anti-government protests in Israel.”

“These accusations are completely false,” a State Department spokesperson said about the theories, which first emerged on right-wing U.S. media outlets but were propagated by Netanyahu’s inner circle in briefings to journalists on trips abroad.

“[Israel‘s Movement for Quality Government] received a modest grant from the State Department that was initiated during the previous administration,” the spokesperson noted, adding that “the last disbursal of funds came in September of 2022, well before the last Israeli election.”

16.03.2023 - 13:24 [ ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

28.02.2023 - 09:06 [ ]

Geheimdienstchef: Keine Waffen aus China für Moskau

US-Geheimdienstchef William Burns hatte am Wochenende gesagt, dass Washington „überzeugt“ davon sei, dass die Führung in Peking Waffenlieferungen an Russland in Betracht ziehe. Laut einem Bericht des „Wall Street Journal“ erwägt China, Drohnen und Munition zu liefern.

28.02.2023 - 08:55 [ ]

Live: Ukraine intelligence chief sees no sign China plans to arm Russia

But when asked about the possibility in a lengthy interview with Voice of America published on Monday, Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said: „I do not share this opinion.“

„As of now, I do not think that China will agree to the transfer of weapons to Russia,“ he said. „I do not see any signs that such things are even being discussed.“

28.02.2023 - 08:50 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Video: CIA chief says US ‘confident’ China is mulling arms for Russia’s war on Ukraine

(27 February 2023)

The United States is “confident” that China is considering providing lethal equipment to support the Russian forces invading Ukraine, according to CIA director William Burns.

Such a step by China would be “a very risky and unwise bet,” the intelligence chief said in an interview aired Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

18.02.2023 - 12:19 [ ]

‘Ukraine is not going to militarily retake Crimea,’ top Democrat says

Pentagon officials told the House Armed Services Committee in a classified briefing last month that Ukrainian forces are unlikely to be able to recapture Crimea from Russian troops in the near future, an assessment that was surely unwelcome news in Kyiv, where retaking the peninsula is one of the government’s core goals for the war.

A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would also be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a Zoom call with a group of experts Wednesday.

10.02.2023 - 04:57 [ ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

10.02.2023 - 04:51 [ ]

Israeli Mossad is striking Iranian military centers and leaders, anywhere in the world

Aside from the biblical stories of persecution, Jews in Russia, Portugal and even Brooklyn, New York, have been the victims of anti-Jewish hate killings. Then, of course, there’s Nazi Germany.

Iran is just the latest to threaten the annihilation of the Jewish people, but this time, the Jewish people have a state of their own, a military that rivals anything in the region, and an intelligence service that is notoriously willing and able to do whatever it takes to protect the world’s Jews, especially those inside Israel.

10.02.2023 - 04:18 [ Haaretz ]

German Envoy ‚Disappointed‘ With Israeli Minister‘s Claim That Iran, Germany Fund Anti-government Protests

In an interview with Army Radio this past Tuesday, the minister claimed that the left relies on foreign funding to carry out its political activity. “Let’s not even talk about foreign funding, where the left can take the right to school,” Distal Atbaryan said.

She added: “Funding from foreign nations and actors, most [of whom are] antisemites, taking people out into the streets without them knowing that the money [bankrolling them] to protest ultimately comes from countries like Germany or Iran – that’s what’s on the left.”

10.02.2023 - 04:12 [ ישראל פריי / Twitter ]

Minister of Propaganda in the Netanyahu government Distal to media: The Israelis protesting against the judiciary coup are funded by anti-Semitic countries like Germany and Iran


27.01.2023 - 19:07 [ ]

Germany forced to apologise to the African Union

GERMANY was forced to apologise on Thursday for using a leopard emoji in a childish jibe at Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Twitter that ended up offending some Africans.

The German foreign ministry poked fun at Russia’s top diplomat during his tour of Africa when it tweeted that he wasn’t there looking for leopards, but using the trip to try and justify Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

27.01.2023 - 18:59 [ Ebba Kalondo, Porte-parole du Président de la Commission de l'Union africaine / Twitter ]

Hi @GermanyDiplo .Your boss @ABaerbock visited the @_AfricanUnion based in one of the more than 20 African countries that Germany enjoys reciprocal diplomatic relations with. Did she come to see animals? Or is the Continent of Africa, its people & wildlife just a joke to you?


27.01.2023 - 18:46 [ AllNews / Youtube ]

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic: Maybe Germany is at war with Russia again? Well, we are not

„We are at war with Russia.“ I did not know that. Maybe Germany is at war with Russia again, then good luck to them, maybe it will turn out better than 70 years ago. Well, we are not at war with anyone. And I don‘t know how tanks will help Ukraine. Maybe they will help, or maybe they will burn down just like in Iraq. We will not consider this, and please take it seriously. I myself will insist on this for as long as I can.“

27.01.2023 - 18:35 [ Michael Tracey / Nitter ]

German foreign minister declares war on Russia


18.12.2022 - 04:28 [ Dieter Steffmann / Nitter ]

General: „Ich brauche 300 Panzer und 500 Haubitzen“

08.12.2022 - 01:56 [ ]

Verfassungsschutzchef über Reichsbürger: „Sie wollen diesen Staat überwinden“

Die nun hochgenommene Gruppe sei schon seit Monaten im Visier gewesen, zuerst nur von den Verfassungsschutzämtern von Bund und Ländern. „Als sich immer stärker herausstellte, dass es konkrete Planungen gab für einen gewaltsamen Umsturz mit Waffengewalt, war es Zeit, Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft und Generalbundesanwalt einzuschalten“, so Haldenwang.

05.12.2022 - 05:25 [ ]

The Twenty-Seven Most Embarrassing Reactions to Taibbi Thread About Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Tweets


Beep boop beep.

05.12.2022 - 04:46 [ New York Post ]

Sorry, Donald: Here are the real takeaways from The Twitter Files

(December 4, 2022)

Hand it to ex-President Donald Trump to present exactly the wrong takeaway to The Twitter Files: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he posted Friday night.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, the Constitution was written with full awareness of humanity’s imperfections, including election cheating (which is as old as democracy itself). The Electoral College count is the final word, no matter how messy the process that leads to it.

05.12.2022 - 04:31 [ ]

Trump Reacts To Hunter Biden ‘Twitter Files’: This ‘Allows For The Termination Of All Rules, Regulations, And Articles, Even … In The Constitution’

(Dec 3, 2022)

Former President Donald Trump reacted to the release of “The Twitter Files” on Saturday by saying, “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

28.11.2022 - 05:35 [ World Socialist Website ]

The disastrous implications of lifting Zero-COVID in China


Despite the immense significance of China’s Zero-COVID policy, which for over two years has saved millions of lives and proven that elimination is possible, the nationalist basis of this policy has always rendered it unviable in the long term. Just as “socialism with Chinese characteristics” is a nationalist delusion, maintaining Zero-COVID in a single country is impossible. By lifting this policy, Chinese society now directly confronts “COVID with imperialist characteristics.”

For more than two years, US imperialism has exerted unrelenting pressure on China to lift its Zero-COVID policy, as part of its broader efforts to militarily encircle and subjugate the country. Countless columns have been published denouncing China’s public health policies for their impact on corporate profits, demanding they be scrapped no matter what the cost in human lives.

24.11.2022 - 12:05 [ @Hromadske / Nitter ]

The Biden administration is concerned that Russia may use chemical weapons in Ukraine if its troops continue to lose ground. They are trying to prepare allies for such an event. However, the US has no intelligence data to suggest that the use of chemical weapons is imminent.

24.11.2022 - 11:57 [ ]

U.S. concerned Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine

The U.S. does not have any intelligence to suggest such an attack in Ukraine is imminent, the people said. In fact, many DoD officials believe the fighting will stall during the winter months, with neither side able to take much ground.

But in the case of continued battlefield losses, or a complete collapse of the Russian army, some top officials working on the issue have determined that Moscow might resort to employing chemical weapons — including those the country has been associated with using in the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.

12.11.2022 - 07:51 [ APnews ]

Zelenskyy open to talks with Russia — on Ukraine’s terms

Zelenskyy reiterated that his conditions for dialogue were the return of all of Ukraine’s occupied lands, compensation for war damage and the prosecution of war crimes. He didn’t specify how world leaders should coerce Russia into talks.

12.11.2022 - 07:28 [ ]

Kherson remains part of Russia – Kremlin

The withdrawal of Russian forces from Kherson doesn‘t effect the legal status of the region, Moscow insisted on Friday, as it was officially incorporated into Russia last month after a public referendum.

Speaking to journalists, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that “Kherson Region remains part of the Russian Federation, and this status is legally fixed and defined, and there can be no changes to this status.”

07.11.2022 - 07:42 [ ]

Riyadh crosses the Rubicon toward Russia

(October 11, 2022)

This decision stands in stark contrast to the careful, muted responses of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian President Narendra Modi to Putin’s accelerating aggression in Eastern Europe and mounting threats to unleash nuclear war on the continent. Apart from buying Russian oil (at major discounts, most recently about $25 below Brent prices), neither the Chinese nor the Indians have offered Putin much in the way of diplomatic cover, military materiel or other direct substantive support since the earliest weeks of the illegal Russian invasion.

14.10.2022 - 05:26 [ Radio Romania International / Nitter ]

2/3 For the European Sky Shield. First 15 NATO states will buy medium-range defence systems such as US-manufactured Patriot already used by some @NATO countries (even #Romania). Then they may buy Israeli-American Arrow 3 system able to intercept & destroy longer-range threats

14.10.2022 - 05:08 [ @OlliLuksic / Nitter ]

Sky Shield: Wie die europäische Luftabwehr funktionieren soll. Starke deutsche Initiative für mehr Sicherheit in Europa.

24.09.2022 - 12:30 [ Florian Neuhann / Nitter ]

Am Sonntag wählt #Italien: was, wenn in einem Gründungsmitglied von EU und NATO bald Rechtsextreme (mit-) regieren? Warum halb Europa mit Sorge auf den möglichen Wahlsieg von #Meloni, #Salvini und #Berlusconi schaut – mein Ausblick für @ZDFheute

10.09.2022 - 11:00 [ ]

Gegen drohende Energiekrise – Bundesrat befindet sich bei Sparkampagne im Blindflug


Damit sind wir bei einem weiteren Déjà-vu aus der Pandemie-Zeit. Der Einsicht, dass die Schweiz in Sachen Digitalisierung enormen Aufholbedarf hat. In der Pandemie waren es die Faxgeräte, über welche die Fallzahlen an das Bundesamt für Gesundheit gemeldet wurden, die für grosses Kopfschütteln sorgten. Heute wurde klar, dass die meisten Haushalte noch mit den alten Stromzählern ausgerüstet sind, die einmal pro Jahr abgelesen werden. Entsprechend ist ein Sparziel heute obsolet, weil es weder gemessen noch überprüft werden kann.

06.09.2022 - 06:51 [ Jeremy Corbyn / Nitter ]

The first act of Liz Truss’ premiership should be taking immediate action to tackle the cost of living crisis that is pushing millions into poverty — this must be a wealth tax and bringing energy companies, water, mail and rail into public ownership.

She must also commit to giving workers a pay rise, ending the creeping privatisation of our NHS and the appalling treatment of refugees fleeing war.

26.07.2022 - 21:42 [ ]

Tony Blair drängt auf digitale ID in Großbritannien

Ein Bericht des „Tony Blair Instituts for Global Change“ empfiehlt die Implementierung der digitalen ID, um die Probleme rund um illegale Einwanderung in Großbritannien „zu lösen“. Damit solle das „Asylproblem“ gelöst werden, wie es im Bericht heißt.

25.07.2022 - 16:45 [ Hans-Werner Sinn / ]

Wie man die Schuldensünder zügeln muss

(Apr 23, 2010)

Die Lektion der Krise lautet, dass eine Währungsunion eiserne Haushaltsdisziplin erfordert, um einen Boom-Bust-Zyklus von vornherein zu verhindern. Wieder kommen drei Systemalternativen für die EU in Betracht, um eine solche Disziplin herzustellen:

· Das amerikanische System. In den Vereinigten Staaten gibt es keinen Rettungsmechanismus und keine zwischenstaatlichen Kredite, um bedrängten Staaten zu helfen. Verschwenderische Staaten machen gegebenenfalls Pleite. Die Märkte unterstützen die erforderliche Schuldendisziplin rechtzeitig, indem sie höhere Zinssätze für Staatsschulden fordern, wenn es gefährlich wird. Dieses System funktioniert seit dem 19. Jahrhundert recht gut, obwohl (oder weil) es zu einer beträchtlichen Anzahl an Staatsbankrotten geführt hat. Zuletzt ist New York in den 1970ger Jahren von den Märkten mit harter Hand zur Disziplin gezwungen worden.

19.07.2022 - 18:25 [ Nexta / Nitter ]

Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense Gavrilov said that AFU is building up its potential and waiting for long-range weapons before launching an assault. The deputy minister added that Russia must give up #Crimea if it wants to continue existing as a state.