Archiv: Ignoranz / ignorance

16.11.2024 - 12:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese calls David Lammy a ‚genocide denier‘

)November 14, 2024)

The United Nations special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories has accused British Foreign Secretary David Lammy of being a „genocide denier“ and said the UK has done „nothing“ to prevent atrocities in Gaza.

In an interview with Middle East Eye in London on Wednesday, Francesca Albanese took aim at Lammy in response to comments he made in late October denying that Israel is committing genocide.

„I hadn‘t realised that Mr Lammy was a lawyer,“ she said, referring to Lammy‘s legal background.

„As a politician, you might say that for political convenience,“ she suggested, adding that would still make someone „a genocide denier“.

15.11.2024 - 14:05 [ Palestine Chronicle ]

‘Unacceptable’ – British PM, Foreign Secretary Claim Israel Not Committing Genocide

Lammy recently alleged that the term genocide referred to “when millions of people lost their lives in crises like Rwanda, the Second World War in the Holocaust” and that using it to describe Gaza “now undermines (its) seriousness”.


“Will the Prime Minister share (Lammy’s) definition of genocide with this House?” the lawmaker asked Starmer.

The prime minister answered by saying that “it would be wise to start a question like that by reference to what happened in October of last year”.

“I’m well aware of the definition of genocide, and that is why I’ve never described this as and referred to it as genocide,” he added.

07.11.2024 - 09:53 [ ]

This Time We Have to Hold the Democratic Party Elite Responsible for This Catastrophe

With Trump winning his second term, it is worth noting that there was no absolutely accountability by the Democratic Party when he won in 2016. Losing an election to so dangerous and corrupt a figure as Donald Trump should cause a political party to do some major inward reflection on their own failures of policy and political strategy. Instead, all the Democrats who bore responsibility for the 2016 failure—starting with Hillary Clinton—found a way to blame anyone else but them.

07.11.2024 - 09:41 [ New York Times ]

A Party of Prigs and Pontificators Suffers a Humiliating Defeat

There was also the larger error of anointing Harris without political competition — an insult to the democratic process that handed the nomination to a candidate who, as some of us warned at the time, was exceptionally weak. That, in turn, came about because Democrats failed to take Biden’s obvious mental decline seriously until June’s debate debacle (and then allowed him to cling to the nomination for a few weeks more), making it difficult to hold even a truncated mini-primary.

15.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The West Is A Dystopian Wasteland Of Moral Degeneracy

The moral degeneracy of this civilization looks like living lives of relative comfort built on the backs of workers in the global south whose labor and resources are extracted from their nations at profoundly exploitative rates, while raining military explosives on impoverished populations who dare to disobey the dictates of our government, day after day, year after year, decade after decade, and acting like this is all fine and normal.

Being born into western civilization is like waking up in the middle of a massive lynch mob.

03.09.2024 - 14:02 [ MDR ]

Analyse: Wo wir beim Wasserstoff-Import stehen

(31. August 2024)

In den vergangenen Tagen ist viel über Wasserstoff geredet worden – sowohl auf Bundesebene als auch auf regionaler Ebene. Die Planung der für den Einsatz notwendigen Infrastruktur ist ein kleines Stück weiter vorangeschritten: Die Fernnetzbetreiber haben der Bundesnetzagentur ihre Ausbaupläne für ein sogenanntes Wasserstoffkernnetz von 9.666 Kilometern Länge vorgelegt.

Die Investitionskosten beziffert die Behörde mit knapp 20 Milliarden Euro. Geld, das sowohl über Netzentgelte als auch über eine staatliche Zwischenförderung aufgebracht

02.09.2024 - 22:26 [ ]

Why are American Jewish institutions ignoring the hostage families?

(July 7, 2024)

There are exceptions of course. The Reform Movement issued a statement supporting President Joe Biden’s announcement of a potential ceasefire and hostage release plan, and calling on Netanyahu to accept it. T’ruah, the organization I lead, has been clear in our calls for a bilateral ceasefire that brings home the hostages and ends the war. Ditto our partners in the Progressive Israel Network, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now, New York Jewish Agenda and New Israel Fund.

But many of the largest Jewish organizations, including legacy groups such as Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have decoupled calls to “Bring them Home” from any talk of ending the war, and have refrained from placing any blame on the Israeli government.

27.04.2024 - 11:30 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden campaign refuses invitation to address US Muslim voter advocacy groups

In addition to Biden‘s campaign, the coalition said that the campaign for former US President Donald Trump also refused the invitation.

28.03.2024 - 20:25 [ Gallup ]

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza


Although Americans rate Biden‘s handling of the conflict poorly, his overall job approval rating is no lower now than before the conflict began. The issue does not register highly when Americans are asked to name the most important problem facing the U.S. Nor does it rank highly when Americans rate each of several international issues as critical threats to U.S. vital interests.

19.01.2024 - 09:50 [ Middle East Eye ]

Thanks to Gaza, European philosophy has been exposed as ethically bankrupt

magine if Iran, Syria, Lebanon, or Turkey – fully backed, armed and diplomatically protected by Russia and China – had the will and the wherewithal to bomb Tel Aviv for three months, day and night, murder tens of thousands of Israelis, maim countless more and make millions homeless, and turn the city into a heap of uninhabitable rubble, like Gaza today.

Just imagine it for a few seconds: Iran and its allies deliberately targeting populated parts of Tel Aviv, hospitals, synagogues, schools, universities, libraries – or indeed any populated place – to ensure maximum civilian casualties. They would tell the world they were just looking for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet.

Ask yourself what the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia and Germany in particular would do within 24 hours of the onslaught of this fictional scenario.

28.11.2023 - 19:44 [ New Yorker ]

The Gaza-ification of the West Bank

(November 1, 2023)

And also just to be very clear, everything that I’ve been describing, all of these various mechanisms that the state has been using, are backed by Israeli courts, and backed by the Israeli legal system. This is not some random phenomena that is happening uniquely to a single unlucky community far from the eyes of the state. On the contrary, this is part of an ongoing Israeli state project of trying to push, to cleanse, as many Palestinians out of Area C, using all available state mechanisms in order to accomplish this goal. (…)

There are checkpoints. There are threats. And all this goes on for years. And yet somehow you managed to stay on the land and make a living and try to raise a family under these conditions. And that in and of itself is horrific and criminal and appalling, and also happens in broad daylight. Everything I’ve been talking about now and describing has been documented for years already by Palestinian, Israeli, and international human-rights organizations. But Israel never relented and never stopped because, as I said, it’s part of the state’s goal to accomplish that. What has escalated in recent weeks is that you have repeated reports of masked men showing up in the middle of the night. Armed, masked men.

Maybe they are settlers, maybe they’re soldiers, maybe they’re a mix. And they openly threaten the people in the community and tell them that they have twenty-four hours to leave, and if you say otherwise we would wipe you out.

24.10.2023 - 22:04 [ United Nations / Secretary General ]

Secretary-General‘s remarks to the Security Council – on the Middle East [as delivered]

I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel.

Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.

All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families.


It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.

The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.

But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

24.10.2023 - 21:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel livid after UN chief says Hamas attacks ‘did not occur in vacuum’

Israeli officials railed at UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Tuesday after he appeared to suggest the impetus for the Hamas terror group’s devastating October 7 attack on Israel was the Jewish state’s continued control of Palestinian territories.

09.07.2023 - 11:50 [ New York Times ]

To Foreign Policy Veteran, the Real Danger Is at Home

Mr. Haass recently published a book called “The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens,” outlining ways Americans can help heal their own society, like “Be Informed,” “Remain Civil,” “Put Country First” — all admittedly bromides and yet somehow often elusive these days. (…)

Putting his foreign policy hat aside for now, he said he wants to expand the message from his book and help refocus the country on the core values embodied in the Declaration of Independence as the 250th anniversary of the document approaches three years from now.

24.05.2023 - 22:16 [ Rosa Luxemburg / Leipziger Volkszeitung / ]


(6./8. Mai 1911)

Nur wenn man plötzlich all diese Vorgänge und Verschiebungen aus den Augen verliert und sich in die seligen Zeiten des europäischen Konzerts zurückversetzt, kann man z. B. davon reden, das wir seit 40 Jahren einen ununterbrochenen Frieden haben. Dieser Standpunkt, für den nur die Vorgänge auf dem europäischen Kontinent existieren, bemerkt gar nicht, das wir gerade deshalb seit Jahrzehnten keinen Krieg in Europa haben, weil die internationalen Gegensätze über die engen Schranken des europäischen Kontinents ins ungemessene hinausgewachsen sind, weil europäische Fragen und Interessen jetzt auf dem Weltmeer und nicht in dem europäischen Krähwinkel ausgefochten werden. Die „Vereinigten Staaten Europas“ sind also eine Idee, die sowohl wirtschaftlich wie politisch dem Gang der Entwicklung direkt zuwiderläuft, von den Vorgängen des letzten Vierteljahrhunderts gar keine Notiz nimmt. (..)

Und jedes Mal, wo bürgerliche Politiker die Idee des Europäertums, des Zusammenschlusses europäischer Staaten auf den Schild erhoben, da war es mit einer offenen oder stillschweigenden Spitze gegen die „gelbe Gefahr“, gegen den „schwarzen Weltteil“, gegen die „minderwertigen Rassen“, kurz, es war stets eine imperialistische Mißgeburt. (…)

Die Idee der europäischen Kulturgemeinschaft ist der Gedankenwelt des klassenbewußten Proletariats völlig fremd. Nicht die europäische Solidarität, sondern die internationale Solidarität, die sämtliche Weltteile, Rassen und Völker umfaßt, ist der Grundpfeiler des Sozialismus im Marxschen Sinne. Jede Teilsolidarität aber ist nicht eine Stufe zur Verwirklichung der echten Internationalität, sondern ihr Gegensatz, ihr Feind, eine Zweideutigkeit, unter der der Pferdefuß des nationalen Antagonismus hervorguckt.

Ebenso wie wir stets den Pangermanismus, den Panslawismus, den Panamerikanismus als reaktionäre Ideen bekämpfen, ebenso haben wir mit der Idee des Paneuropäertums nicht das geringste zu schaffen.

17.01.2023 - 11:23 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

BBC-Filmreihe “The Trap”: Wie Psychologie und Menschenbild des heutigen Kapitalismus erfunden wurden

(27. Oktober 2012)

Die BBC-Filmreihe “The Trap – What happened to our Dream of Freedom” (“Die Falle – Was mit unserem Traum von Freiheit geschah”) aus dem Jahre 2007 umschreibt Ursprung und Aufstieg von Psychologie und Menschenbild des heutigen Kapitalismus. Die Dokumentation beleuchtet akribisch, wie zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges von Mathematikern und Psychologen aus deren zutiefst düsteren Menschenbild heraus entwickelte Theorien Jahrzehnte später benutzt wurden um ganze Staaten und Gesellschaften nach diesem Menschenbild zu transformieren. In der für Regisseur und Dokumentarfilmer Adam Curtis typischen, hochinformativen und nüchternen Weise recherchiert die BBC-Serie, “wie das simple Modell der Menschen als selbstsüchtige, fast roboterhafte Kreaturen zu der heutigen Vorstellung von Freiheit führte” und aus der Paranoia der Blockkonfrontation durch die Anhänger des vermeintlich bestätigten, siegreichen kapitalistischen Menschenbildes jene “seltsame, paradoxe Welt geschaffen wurde”, in der wir heute leben.

16.12.2022 - 23:00 [ Haaretz ]

‚Existential Threat‘: Hi-tech Execs Warn Netanyahu Against Undermining Israel‘s Justice System

„However, harming the court‘s status, as well as harming the rights of minorities based on religion, race, gender or sexual orientation, will constitute a real existential threat to the glorious high-tech industry that has been built in Israel with great effort over the past three decades.“

The authors later noted the large amounts of money coming to the industry from the U.S. and Europe: „These investors are of course looking for financial returns on their investment, but they also share significant fundamental values with the countries and industries in which they invest.

26.09.2022 - 18:33 [ Rosa Luxemburg / Leipziger Volkszeitung / ]

Peace Utopias

(May, 6/8 1911)

During these fifteen years we had this: in 1895 the war between Japan and China, which is the prelude to the East Asiatic period of imperialism; in 1898 the war between Spain and the United States; in 1899-1902 the British Boer War in South Africa; in 1900 the campaign of the European powers in China; in 1904 the Russo-Japanese War; in 1904-07 the German Herero War in Africa; and then there was also the military intervention of Russia in 1908 in Persia, at the present moment the military intervention of France in Morocco, without mentioning the incessant colonial skirmishes in Asia and in Africa. Hence the bare facts alone show that for fifteen years hardly a year has gone by without some war activity. (…)

Only were one suddenly to lose sight of all these happenings and manoeuvres, and to transfer oneself back to the blissful times of the European concert of powers, could one say, for instance, that for forty years we have had uninterrupted peace. This conception, which considers only events on the European continent, does not notice that the very reason why we have had no war in Europe for decades is the fact that international antagonisms have grown infinitely beyond the narrow confines of the European continent, and that European problems and interests are now fought out on the world seas and in the by-corners of Europe.

Hence the “United States of Europe” is an idea which runs directly counter both economically and politically to the course of development, and which takes absolutely no account of the events of the last quarter of a century.

That an idea so little in accord with the tendency of development can fundamentally offer no progressive solution in spite of all radical disguises is confirmed also by the fate of the slogan of the “United States of Europe.” Every time that bourgeois politicians have championed the idea of Europeanism, of the union of European States, it has been with an open or concealed point directed against the “yellow peril,” the “dark continent,” against the “inferior races,” in short, it has always been an imperialist abortion.

And now if we, as Social Democrats, were to try to fill this old skin with fresh and apparently revolutionary wine, then it must be said that the advantages would not be on our side but on that of the bourgeoisie. Things have their own objective logic. And the solution of the European union within the capitalist social order can objectively, in the economic sense, mean only a tariff war with America, and in the political sense only a colonial race war. The Chinese campaign of the united European regiments, with the World Field Marshal Waldersee at the head, and the gospel of the Hun as our standard – that is the actual and not the fantastic, the only possible expression of the “European State Federation” in the present social order.

26.09.2022 - 17:57 [ Rosa Luxemburg / Leipziger Volkszeitung / ]


(6./8. Mai 1911)

Nur wenn man plötzlich all diese Vorgänge und Verschiebungen aus den Augen verliert und sich in die seligen Zeiten des europäischen Konzerts zurückversetzt, kann man z. B. davon reden, das wir seit 40 Jahren einen ununterbrochenen Frieden haben. Dieser Standpunkt, für den nur die Vorgänge auf dem europäischen Kontinent existieren, bemerkt gar nicht, das wir gerade deshalb seit Jahrzehnten keinen Krieg in Europa haben, weil die internationalen Gegensätze über die engen Schranken des europäischen Kontinents ins ungemessene hinausgewachsen sind, weil europäische Fragen und Interessen jetzt auf dem Weltmeer und nicht in dem europäischen Krähwinkel ausgefochten werden. Die „Vereinigten Staaten Europas“ sind also eine Idee, die sowohl wirtschaftlich wie politisch dem Gang der Entwicklung direkt zuwiderläuft, von den Vorgängen des letzten Vierteljahrhunderts gar keine Notiz nimmt. (..)

Und jedes Mal, wo bürgerliche Politiker die Idee des Europäertums, des Zusammenschlusses europäischer Staaten auf den Schild erhoben, da war es mit einer offenen oder stillschweigenden Spitze gegen die „gelbe Gefahr“, gegen den „schwarzen Weltteil“, gegen die „minderwertigen Rassen“, kurz, es war stets eine imperialistische Mißgeburt. (…)

Die Idee der europäischen Kulturgemeinschaft ist der Gedankenwelt des klassenbewußten Proletariats völlig fremd. Nicht die europäische Solidarität, sondern die internationale Solidarität, die sämtliche Weltteile, Rassen und Völker umfaßt, ist der Grundpfeiler des Sozialismus im Marxschen Sinne. Jede Teilsolidarität aber ist nicht eine Stufe zur Verwirklichung der echten Internationalität, sondern ihr Gegensatz, ihr Feind, eine Zweideutigkeit, unter der der Pferdefuß des nationalen Antagonismus hervorguckt.

Ebenso wie wir stets den Pangermanismus, den Panslawismus, den Panamerikanismus als reaktionäre Ideen bekämpfen, ebenso haben wir mit der Idee des Paneuropäertums nicht das geringste zu schaffen.

10.09.2022 - 17:20 [ ]

An Especially Cold Winter: How Trump Helped Cause the European Natural Gas Crisis

These claims that Iran could rapidly step in to solve Europe’s woes are somewhat overstated. Although Iran does have massive natural gas reserves, the necessary pipeline and shipping infrastructure simply does not exist at present for exporting gas to Europe. To put it simply, there is no flip of a switch that can rapidly turn on supplies to Europe and help them cope with the winter ahead.

01.09.2022 - 16:53 [ ]

Iran Says Europe Needs A Nuclear Deal ‚Not To Freeze‘ This Winter

Once the deal is restored the United States will lift oil export sanctions imposed by former President Donald Trump when he withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018. It will also remove international banking restrictions also imposed as part of Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ on Tehran.

But what Iranian media presents as ‘Europe’s freezing winter” has almost nothing to do with Tehran’s crude oil exports, except generally helping to bring down oil prices. Europe’s need to replace Russian gas is a specific issue on its own that Iran cannot help with at all.

01.09.2022 - 16:23 [ ]

Putin has pulled off a shock win that could destroy the free world

We risk ending up with calamitous poverty, civil disobedience, a new socialist government by next year, a break-up of the UK, nationalisations, price and incomes policies, punitive wealth taxes and eventually a complete economic and financial meltdown and IMF bailout. The situation in the EU is, if anything, worse.

This is not a plea for pacifism, for looking away when Ukraine is being illegally invaded by a savage regime. Britain was – and remains – morally right to back Ukraine in a carefully calibrated way. Instead, this is a plea for an economic counter-offensive, for Liz Truss, the next PM, to tackle Putin’s economic and energy war head-on.

29.08.2022 - 14:17 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran, a major oil and natural gas supplier, can help stabilize volatile market: Atlantic Council

As fuel prices skyrocket following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Iran as another major supplier of oil and natural gas is poised to play an important role, the Atlantic Council said in a commentary on March 3.

08.02.2022 - 05:32 [ le Bohemien ]

10 Strategien der Manipulation

(16. Juni 2011)

1. Kehre die Aufmerksamkeit um..
2. Erzeuge Probleme und liefere die Lösung..
3. Stufe Änderungen ab..
4. Aufschub von Änderungen..
5. Sprich zur Masse, wie zu kleinen Kindern..
6. Konzentriere dich auf Emotionen und nicht auf Reflexion..
7. Versuche die Ignoranz der Gesellschaft aufrechtzuerhalten..
8. Entfache in der Bevölkerung den Gedanken, dass sie durchschnittlich sei..
9. Wandle Widerstand in das Gefühl schlechten Gewissens um..
10. Lerne Menschen besser kennen, als sie sich selbst es tun..

17.08.2021 - 09:51 [ ]

Machtwechsel in Afghanistan: „Totalversagen der Bundesregierung“

Ruttig: Man hat von Anfang an auf einen verengten und falschen Kreis von Leuten gesetzt, und damit meine ich nicht in erster Linie die Präsidenten und ihre Kabinette und Berater. Sondern ich meine die Warlords, auf die man als Hauptkraft im Kampf gegen die Taliban gesetzt hat. Man hat ihnen dafür große Teile des politischen Systems überlassen und die Augen vor ihrer Korruption, Verwicklung in den Drogenhandel, Kriegsverbrechen und schlimmsten Menschenrechtsverletzungen verschlossen. Das hat das untergraben, was eine entstehende afghanische Demokratie hätte sein können.

07.06.2021 - 12:45 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Sachsen-Anhalt und die Fehler von SPD und Linken

Am Ende lässt das Wahlergebnis den kritischen Beobachter deprimiert und ratlos zurück. Es gibt zwar den Wunsch nach Alternativen und einer progressiven Politik, die sich gegen ein Auseinanderdriften der Gesellschaft, für eine fairere Reichtums- und Vermögensverteilung, für gerechte Renten und für eine Entspannungs- und Friedenspolitik stellt. Es gibt jedoch keine größere Partei, der die Wähler diese inhaltliche Ausrichtung abnehmen und in diesem Punkt haben die Wähler ja leider auch recht.

21.05.2021 - 15:20 [ ]

Opposition pocht auf Entwurf zu Urheberrechtsrichtlinie

„Die Richtlinie zum Urheber*innenrecht muss in wenigen Wochen umgesetzt werden und bis heute haben wir im Parlament noch nichts gesehen und nichts gehört dazu von der Bundesregierung“, kritisiert die netzpolitische Sprecherin der SPÖ, Katharina Kucharowits, in einer gemeinsamen Aussendung.

06.03.2021 - 09:52 [ RT / Youtube ]

Uncut Chronicles: Blood & Tears. Gaza August 2014


Israel and Gaza‘s ruling Hamas agreed to an open-ended ceasefire on August 26 after seven weeks of fighting – an uneasy deal that halted the Protective Edge operation, with more than 2,200 killed.

06.03.2021 - 09:48 [ RT / Youtube ]

Uncut Chronicles: Gaza-Israel War. Deadly July 2014


The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza.

18.01.2021 - 13:32 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Journalisten: Und sie zensieren doch!

Ohne an dieser Stelle in die Details zu gehen: Durch ein Zusammenspiel aus

sozialisationsbedingten Einflüssen bei den einzelnen Journalisten
der sozialen Zusammensetzung der Medien
der vorherrschenden Rekrutierungspraxis
der beruflichen Sozialisation und den Kräfteverhältnissen und Dynamiken innerhalb der Medien

formt sich Tag für Tag aufs Neue eine Zensur, die für jeden, der mit offenen Augen die Berichterstattung verfolgt, erkennbar ist.

05.12.2020 - 14:32 [ ]

Food For London Now: Scenes of young queueing for food have moved us, say volunteers

Daisy Affum and Errol Johnson spoke about how Londoners should come together to tackle the hunger crisis as they posed for portraits by artist Henry Hudson which can be bought by readers to support Food for London Now.

Ms Affum, who works as a catering manager at a school but helps feed vulnerable Londoners in her spare time, said: “This issue of people going hungry was here long before Covid-19 but the virus has made it worse.”

19.11.2020 - 18:20 [ ]

12 Million To Lose Jobless Benefits The Day After Christmas Unless Congress Acts

The day after Christmas, millions of Americans will lose their jobless benefits, according to a new study. And that could spell financial ruin for many people, like 44-year-old Todd Anderson in the small town of Mackinaw City, Mich.

15.10.2020 - 05:20 [ RealTimBlack / Twitter ]

Nancy Pelosi slams Wolf for the high crime of asking the most basic question Americans want to know: Why not take the 1.8 Trillion Dollars? You‘d think she‘d be prepared to answer this fair and obvious question without damn near having an aneurysm on live tv. #StimulusNow

15.10.2020 - 05:16 [ CNN ]

Nancy Pelosi‘s ridiculously over-the-top response to questions about the coronavirus stimulus

Asked if she had spoken to President Donald Trump about the possibility of a coronavirus stimulus deal, Pelosi said she doesn‘t „speak to the President.“ Pressed on why not — given the suffering of people in desperate need of a stimulus deal to keep their business open or pay their bills — Pelosi responded this way: „What makes me amused if it weren‘t so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.“
Uh, OK.

24.09.2020 - 19:48 [ ]

Richterwechsel in den USA: Was in Deutschland anders läuft

Extrem polarisierende Kandidaten haben in Deutschland also keine Chance.

CDU/CSU und SPD wechseln sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Vorschlagsrecht ab. Inzwischen haben auch die Grünen und die FDP Richterinnen und Richter vorgeschlagen. Trotz des Vorschlagsrechts einer Partei muss für die Wahl die nötige Zweidrittelmehrheit gefunden werden.

04.09.2020 - 15:32 [ Kyung Lah, Rob Kuznia / CNN ]

Laid off and now evicted amid Covid-19, a Houston father contemplates homelessness in a pandemic

Late Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a temporary halt in residential evictions until the end of the year, starting Friday. When it goes into effect, it will delay mass evictions but not solve the rental crisis, said Emily Benfer, a housing expert and co-creator of a Covid-19 housing policy scorecard with Princeton University‘s Eviction Lab.
„The CDC order provides crucial temporary relief for renters, but it doesn‘t end the eviction crisis,“ says Benfer. „Congress must bolster it with significant rental assistance for its purpose to be realized,“ she said.

04.09.2020 - 15:20 [ New York Times ]

America at Hunger’s Edge

Beginning in May, Brenda Ann Kenneally set out across the country, from New York to California, to capture the routines of Americans who struggle to feed their families, piecing together various forms of food assistance, community support and ingenuity to make it from one month to the next.

01.05.2020 - 09:49 [ CBS News ]

30 million people have lost their jobs in just 6 weeks

Another 3.8 million U.S. workers filed for unemployment insurance benefits last week, bringing the total number of Americans who have sought jobless aid since March to at least 30 million. All told, the layoffs amount to the fastest loss of jobs on record.

15.02.2020 - 17:39 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Der Zerfall des kritischen Potenzials

Leider ist schon seit längerem zu beobachten, dass kritische Geister und kritische Medien, die eigentlich zur Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitigen Förderung verdammt wären, gegeneinander arbeiten, oder in der milderen Form, keine Notiz voneinander nehmen. Diese Fehlentwicklung hat damit zu tun, dass die etablierten Medien und damit verbundene Personen eine angeborene Abneigung gegen die kritischen Medien im Internet haben oder sich sogar ökonomisch bedroht fühlen. Oder es gilt, wie wir schon des Öfteren notiert haben, dass diese ehedem kritischen Geister zur mächtigen allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit gehören wollen, dass sie dazugehören wollen, statt kritisch aufzuklären.

20.01.2020 - 13:02 [ Quentin Lichtblau / Sueddeutsche,de ]

„Anne Will“ zur Libyen-Konferenz: Alle gegen Maas

Maas mahnt an, dass deutsche Soldaten in Afrika in vielen Ländern des Kontinents als eine Art koloniale Geste verstanden würden, er erinnert an die Afrikanische Union, die ebenfalls an der Konferenz teilnahm und eher die Legitimität für eine Präsenz in Libyen besäße.

Marschall ist das etwas zu lasch, er wünscht sich mehr „Zähne“ zur Durchsetzung eines Waffenstillstands und fragt, wie Maas denn mit „den Afrikanern“ reden wolle, um sie von einem konsequenten Vorgehen gegen die zahlreichen Bürgerkriegsparteien und deren Unterstützerstaaten zu überzeugen.

15.12.2019 - 10:21 [ John Mann / ]

The arrogance and detachment of Corbyn’s middle class fan club was a factor in every seat Labour lost

The arrogance and detachment of Corbyn’s middle class fan club was a factor in every seat that Labour lost. And they were so away with the fairies that in a Bassetlaw they predicted a 1200 Labour majority on the eve of the election.

It is 95 years since Bassetlaw last elected a Conservative…

18.11.2019 - 12:17 [ South China Morning Post ]

Why are Hongkongers so angry? Because their baby boomer leaders are living in a parallel universe

Hong Kong as a dispute resolution centre and Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung’s shocking confession that he did not know why people are so angry are typical of the arrogance, self-entitlement and ignorance of the baby boomer leaders

26.07.2019 - 09:55 [ ]

Analysis: Bold re-structuring could save Arab, left-wing parties from eroding power. But is it possible?


The results of Israel‘s April elections were a wake-up call for both Jewish-Israeli left-wingers and Arab citizens of Israel. More than ever before, they have come to depend on each other. The equation is simple: both want to regain power; and neither can do it alone.

All political strategists say that in order to survive, both the left and Arabs need to create some political structure that can empower both.

19.07.2019 - 11:28 [ ]

Donald Trump Is Deliberately Distorting What Ilhan Omar Says About America

A Fox headline read: “Ilhan Omar on Trump voters: ‘Ignorance really is pervasive in many parts of this country.’” The Blaze announced, “Ilhan Omar insults Republican voters: ‘Ignorance really is pervasive in many parts of this country.’”

But what Omar was actually talking about was the way in which politicians, in this case Republican politicians, manipulate information to achieve political ends.

05.06.2019 - 05:25 [ BBC Newsnight ‏/ Twitter ]

Philip Hammond: „I reject the idea that there are vast numbers of people facing dire poverty in this country“ Emily Maitlis: „14 million according to the UN rapporteur“ Philip Hammond: „I don’t accept the UN rapporteur’s report at all“ MORE 22:30 #newsnight | @maitlis

16.04.2019 - 15:56 [ David Nicholson-Cole ‏/ Twitter ]

#NotreDameCathedral please please can we have a SPRINKLER systems in the roof of Westminster abbey and Salisbury cathedral and more!

16.04.2019 - 15:54 [ Sam Harris / Twitter ]

The Palace of Westminster is a world heritage site and water literally poured through the roof of the Commons the other week. Buildings like this & Notre Dame are part of our human story – we have a duty to save them.

09.04.2019 - 09:35 [ ]

Don‘t be surprised if Brexit is stopped – the EU has developed a talent for riding roughshod over voters‘ wishes


A golden rule of politics is always to listen to my friend Daniel. The night of the referendum, as the results came in, my old comrade was both upbeat and realistic. “It’s a great victory,” he said, “but you realise they’ll never let it happen.”

08.12.2018 - 15:40 [ USA Today ]

1 in 4 Americans doesn‘t know Earth circles sun

(15.2.2014) To put the brightest possible spin on this story is to say that three-quarters of Americans are fully aware that the Earth revolves around the sun.

The downside, of course, is that means 1 in 4 are in the dark about what Discovery calls „probably the most basic question in science.“

08.12.2018 - 15:39 [ Science in School - The European Journal for science teachers ]

What Europeans really think (and know) about science and technology

(2006) Another part of the survey concerns people’s knowledge of scientific facts. Thirteen statements were made, and the participants were asked to determine whether they were true or false. The chart below shows the overall results.

Quiz statements
1. The Sun goes around the Earth.
true: 29%
false: 66%
don‘t know: 4%

21.10.2018 - 14:18 [ ]

People‘s Vote march: ‚More than 700,000 protesters‘ call for second referendum on Brexit in ‚largest demonstration since Iraq War‘

At least 670,000 people gathered for the event on Saturday, organisers have claimed – making it the biggest anti-Brexit demonstration since the referendum in 2016.

If true, it would be the biggest demonstration since 2003 when some one million people protested against the Iraq War in the streets of London.

04.10.2018 - 05:38 [ Haaretz ]

Bulldozers Idling in Israel, but Only Until Merkel Leaves

In view of the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which began Wednesday, the government decided to put off the demolition and evacuation of the Jahalin Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar for a few days, so as not to embarrass her.

01.05.2018 - 11:26 [ Washington Post ]

Netanyahu is playing to Trump’s abject ignorance — and it might work

Naturally, you’d think the results of an espionage operation that lifted a treasure trove of Iranian documents would show some new evidence Iran is violating the deal. Nope. And despite genuine admiration for another Israeli intelligence coup, the entire presentation left observers wondering what all of this was about.