Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Archiv: Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) – inspect your dns resolvers
(…) – inspect your dns resolvers
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Public DNS Servers by country
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Public DNS Servers by country
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Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
DNS sobre TLS: privacidad en el DNS
NIC Chile dispone de un „servidor de prueba“ puesto a disposición de los desarrolladores y primeros usuarios en adoptar y probar esta tecnología. Este servidor es completamente funcional, y se invita a la comunidad de .CL a utilizarlo consiguiendo tiempos de respuesta nacionales, sin necesidad de utilizar
servicios en el extranjero. Este servicio se entrega en forma gratuita pero en modo experimental, sin promesas de uptime ni su continuidad en el futuro. Existe registro de las queries con fines de investigación y control de abuso.
Para utilizarlo, los datos son:
IPv6: 2001:1398:1:0:200:1:123:46
Ports: 853 y 443
Hostname: (con „strict name TLS authentication“)
SPKI: pUd9cZpbm9H8ws0tB55m9BXW4TrD4GZfBAB0ppCziBg= (pin sha256)
Se agradecen los reportes de fallas y feedback técnico a través del correo dnsotls(at)
DNS servers in South Africa
This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. Read how to change your DNS server settings .
DNS servers in Cuba
This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. Read how to change your DNS server settings .
DNS servers in Brazil
This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. Read how to change your DNS server settings .
Public DNS Servers by country
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Download all nameservers as CSV | Plaintext – inspect your dns resolvers
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Public DNS Servers by country
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DNS Server Settings: What are they & which is the best DNS server?
(25th August 2023)
While DoH uses the HTTPS infrastructure to encapsulate DNS queries, DNS-over-TLS focuses on utilising the secure TLS protocol directly.
Attackers target the Domain Name System, the internet’s phone book. Here’s how to fight back
(July 14 2023)
DNS over HTTPS, or DoH, and DNS over TLS send these requests over the UDP transport layer, again using encryption. This prevents man-in-the-middle tampering that could be done with unprotected DNS conversations. The TLS version skips the application-layer protocols, which helps hide this traffic even further and offers a slight performance boost as a result. – inspect your dns resolvers
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
DNS Server Settings: What are they & which is the best DNS server?
(25th August 2023)
While DoH uses the HTTPS infrastructure to encapsulate DNS queries, DNS-over-TLS focuses on utilising the secure TLS protocol directly.
Attackers target the Domain Name System, the internet’s phone book. Here’s how to fight back
(July 14 2023)
DNS over HTTPS, or DoH, and DNS over TLS send these requests over the UDP transport layer, again using encryption. This prevents man-in-the-middle tampering that could be done with unprotected DNS conversations. The TLS version skips the application-layer protocols, which helps hide this traffic even further and offers a slight performance boost as a result.
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers. – inspect your dns resolvers
List of World Wide Free DNS Servers
ISPs on every country in the world have a pair, two pair or more DNS servers, which are used and assigned at your home or office router when you connect to the Internet…
DNS servers in Brazil
This Brazil DNS server list was last updated in July, 20
Five Eyes, Six Eyes, Europe’s Eyes? Europe-Five Eyes Cooperation in the Face of China
(Mar 27, 2021)
In the short term, Europe may be able to shrug off the illegality of its data-sharing practices under the GDPR, and please privacy advocates with adequacy reviews, but in the long term the violation of Europe’s own data privacy crownpiece is sure to harm its international credibility.
OpenNIC Public Servers
Anonymized logs
No logs kept
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers. – inspect your dns resolvers
Tiarap! – Privacy-First DNS Resolver
Block over 300K: ads, ad-tracking, malware and phising domains!
No Logging, dns0x20, No ECS, DNSSEC Validation, Free!
Privacy-First DNS
DNS, IPv4 (…)
Verschlüsseltes DNS (DoT) mit der FritzBox nutzen
(1. November 2020)
Unverschlüsselte DNS-Anfragen sind eine potentielle Gefahr für die Privatsphäre und bieten einen einfachen Angriffspunkt für Manipulation.
Derzeit kämpfen zwei konkurrierende Standards darum, diese Probleme zu beheben. DoT (DNS-over-TLS) und DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS). AVM hat sich entschieden mit den FritzBox-Routern DoT zu unterstützen. Seit Firmware 7.20 ist diese Option verfügbar.
Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.