Archiv: Hong Kong / Hongkong

12.08.2023 - 15:52 [ Haaretz ]

Pakistan’s Spy Agency Buys Israeli Cellphone Hacking Tech

As Haaretz has reported on numerous occasions, Cellebrite’s clients have included oppressive regimes that were or still are subject to sanctions, including Belarus, China (including Hong Kong), Uganda, Venezuela, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia and Ethiopia, as well as Bangladesh’s notorious Rapid Action Battalion.

The security forces in Pakistan are known to commit serious violations of human rights and freedom of expression.

26.12.2022 - 06:11 [ ]

Cold Wave Grips East Asia, Felling All-Time Snowfall Records Across Japan; Historic Snow In Moscow; + Christmas Freeze: Extreme Cold/Snow To Blast North America Over The Holidays

(December 19, 2022)

The COLD TIMES are returning, North America, in line with historically low solar activity.

07.10.2020 - 04:04 [ Xinhuanet ]

Pakistan makes joint statement at UN on behalf of 55 countries over Hong Kong issue

The joint statement pointed out that non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states is an important principle enshrined in the UN Charter and a basic norm of international relations.

24.09.2020 - 11:30 [ ]

Cellebrite Sold Phone Hacking Tech to Repressive Regimes, Data Suggests

A Motherboard investigation found that US state police agencies had collectively spent millions of dollars on Cellebrite products. US federal agencies, such as the FBI and Secret Service, are also Cellebrite customers.

24.09.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Putin Investigators Targeting LGBTQs, Navalny, Use Israeli Phone-hacking Tech

Carmil resents a comparison with the NSO Group. “I know the people at NSO and appreciate their know-how, but Cellebrite works in the legitimate world of the police force, whose abilities are closely controlled, unlike the world of NSO customers and others who engage in illegal and concealed activity. Cellebrite is totally on the good side, where court orders are used. We do not make tools for breaking into private entities or espionage organizations.”

10.08.2020 - 04:50 [ Max Blumenthal / the Grayzone ]

Western media’s favorite Hong Kong ‘freedom struggle writer’ is American ex-Amnesty staffer in yellowface

Since bursting onto the Hong Kong Twitter scene, Kong Tsung-gan has been quoted by a who’s who of Western corporate media outlets. He has been described as an “author” (CNN, Globe and Mail, Time), “writer and activist” (New York Times, Washington Post), “activist and author” (LA Times),“activist” (AFP, Al Jazeera), “writer, educator and activist” (Guardian), “political writer” (Foreign Policy), “writer” (Vice), and “Hong Kong writer and activist” in an op-ed posted by the Nikkei Asian Review.

Kong has also been cited as a “Hong Kong journalist and rights activist” by Radio Free Asia and as a “rights activist and author” by Voice of America, two subsidiaries of the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Tasked with a mission to “be consistent with the broad foreign policy objectives of the United States,” the USAGM budgeted around $2 million to support protests in Hong Kong in 2020.

10.08.2020 - 04:36 [ Mark Ames / Twitter ]

Remember “Gay Girl In Damascus” the fake Syrian lesbian aka Tom MacMaster, who rallied gullible western liberal support for Syria regime change? Turns out one of the most popular US-backed Hong Kong protest “voices” is another hoax

21.07.2020 - 12:15 [ ]

After Pompeo visit, British MPs to ask Boris Johnson to get even tougher on China

Johnson’s government has pleased President Donald Trump’s administration in recent weeks as it blocked telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co. and took action over Hong Kong, but has stopped short of the kind of sanctions imposed on individuals and companies by Washington. While Pompeo’s goal is not to ask for more, according to people familiar with his plans, the MPs will try to get him to carry their demands to his meeting with Johnson.

10.06.2020 - 05:52 [ ]

Hong Kong’s ‘pro-democracy’ movement allies with far-right US politicians that seek to crush Black Lives Matter

As Dan Cohen reported for The Grayzone, Lai is a billionaire media tycoon widely referred to as the Rupert Murdoch of Asia who is a major financial and media backer of Hong Kong’s protest movement. In addition to pouring millions of dollars into Hong Kong’s opposition in recent years, the self-described “head of opposition media” and founder of the anti-government Apple Daily tabloid, has provided protesters with “unswervingly favorable coverage” according to The New York Times. Lai has received glowing coverage in US and Western media, with the oligarch often being praised as a “‘troublemaker’ with a clean conscience” who is “standing up to China.”

On June 2, Lai shared a video by Avi Yemini, a far-right YouTube personality and former Israeli army soldier, declaring that it was “bloody disgraceful” to liken the “riots in America” with Hong Kong’s protest movement.

29.05.2020 - 20:34 [ ]

Brüssel: Keine Sanktionen gegen China erwogen

Die EU will auf das umstrittene Sicherheitsgesetz zu Hongkong nicht mit Sanktionen gegen China reagieren. Er denke nicht, dass Sanktionen der richtige Weg seien, um Probleme mit Peking zu lösen, sagte der EU-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell heute nach einer Videokonferenz der EU-Außenministerinnen und -Außenminister.

24.03.2020 - 09:44 [ Forbes ]

Coronavirus, Surveillance And The Redefinition Of The Social Contract

We should listen to somebody who grew up in a society where there were no civil rights, Angela Merkel, talk about how the current situation justifies restricting our movements. And matters will not stop there: people might have been shocked when they saw China use apps and geolocation to control the movements of its population during the spread of the infection, but we now see Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan following suit: their success is being used to justify population control measures that would be completely unacceptable under normal circumstances.

28.11.2019 - 17:05 [ Wall Street Journal ]

China Protests New U.S. Law Supporting Hong Kong but Signals Hope for Trade Deal

Despite harsh language criticizing what Beijing calls U.S. interference in China’s domestic affairs, and a second summoning of the U.S. ambassador in a week, China’s leadership still wants a deal to help alleviate pressure on its fast-weakening economy.

28.11.2019 - 06:04 [ ]

Trump unterzeichnet Hongkong-Gesetze

Scharfe Kritik übte die chinesische Regierung bereits an dem Entwurf für das Gesetz zu Menschenrechten und Demokratie in Hongkong. Fakten und Wahrheiten würden vernachlässigt, erklärte Außenamtssprecher Geng Shuang. Es handle sich um eine Einmischung in die Angelegenheiten Chinas und Hongkongs und einen ernsthaften Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht.

26.11.2019 - 10:52 [ ]

Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’


While claiming to fight for “self-determination,” Hong Kong opposition leaders are collaborating with regime-change neoconservatives in Washington to “preserve the US’s own political and economic interests.” A new DC lobbying front has become their base of operations.

18.11.2019 - 20:54 [ ]

Hong Kong protesters stage dramatic escape from police siege of Polytechnic University, but hundreds remain trapped

Dozens of Hong Kong protesters staged a dramatic escape from a university campus sealed off by police on Monday night by shimmying down plastic hosing from a bridge and fleeing on waiting motorbikes as the police fired projectiles.

18.11.2019 - 12:22 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Activist Joshua Wong urges Germany to halt Chinese army training, as Hong Kong protests spiral

Speaking to the top-selling Bild newspaper, Wong said: “It makes me furious that the German Bundeswehr is apparently helping to train Chinese soldiers. Given the riots in Hong Kong, the defence ministry should have ended this programme long ago.”

18.11.2019 - 12:17 [ South China Morning Post ]

Why are Hongkongers so angry? Because their baby boomer leaders are living in a parallel universe

Hong Kong as a dispute resolution centre and Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung’s shocking confession that he did not know why people are so angry are typical of the arrogance, self-entitlement and ignorance of the baby boomer leaders

18.11.2019 - 12:10 [ South China Morning Post ]

PLA ‘committed to protecting’ Hong Kong as stand-off intensifies

Stopping violence and restoring order ‘most urgent task’ for the city, China’s defence ministry says

Chinese and US defence ministers discuss Hong Kong at Bangkok Asean meeting while clashes continue between police and radicals

18.11.2019 - 12:06 [ Xinhua ]

Roundup: Experten in Übersee sprechen sich für Chinas Haltung zur HK-Frage aus und fordern ein Ende des Chaos

Anlässlich des 11. BRICS-Gipfels am Donnerstag in der brasilianischen Hauptstadt Brasilia äußerte sich der chinesische Präsident Xi Jinping zur Haltung der chinesischen Regierung zur Situation Hongkongs und erklärte, dass die dringendste Aufgabe für Hongkong derzeit darin bestehe, Gewalt und Chaos zu beenden und die Ordnung wiederherzustellen.

13.11.2019 - 15:31 [ ]

Proteste in Hongkong: „Am Rande des totalen Zusammenbruchs“

Am Montag hatten Aktivisten zu einem Generalstreik aufgerufen, seitdem herrscht in der ehemaligen britischen Kolonie teilweise Chaos. Die Hongkonger Polizei geht hart gegen die Demonstranten vor, bekommt die Lage aber nicht in den Griff.

Ein Polizeisprecher verurteilte das gewaltsame Vorgehen der Demonstranten scharf. Die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der chinesischen Sonderverwaltungsregion befinde sich „am Rande des totalen Zusammenbruchs“, sagte Kong Wing-Cheung von der Hongkonger Polizei.

08.10.2019 - 14:53 [ ]

Was will die Protestbewegung in Hongkong erreichen?

Um die Antwort gleich vorwegzunehmen: Ich weiß es nicht, aber, noch schlimmer: die Protestler, die täglich auf die Straße gehen, wissen es selber nicht. Im dem Übergabevertrag von 1997 wurde zwischen der ehemaligen Kolonialmacht Großbritannien und der Volksrepublik China unter der Formel „Ein Land, zwei Systeme“, vereinbart, dass China die Hoheit über Hongkong zwar zurückerhalten sollte, das kapitalistische System aber wie gehabt noch weitere 50 Jahre, bis 2047, bestehen bleibt. Beide Seiten hatten wohl ihre eigenen Vorstellungen davon, wie die Zeit bis 2047 genutzt werden sollte.

01.10.2019 - 16:58 [ South China Morning Post ]

Protester shot in chest by police during Hong Kong National Day clashes as more than 100 arrested

– Widespread day of chaos results in clashes across multiple districts as China marks 70th anniversary of People‘s Republic
– Teenager hit by live bullet in Tsuen Wan in critical but non-life-threatening condition in hospital, after undergoing surgery

31.08.2019 - 18:19 [ ]

Reuters fake report on Hong Kong is a stain on global journalism

According to a so-called „exclusive“ Reuters report released Friday, Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), submitted a proposal to Beijing earlier this summer that asked for „5 key demands“ from the Hong Kong protesters to be taken seriously but was rejected.

The Global Times has since learned the Reuters story is fake. In fact, it intends to create an illusion by interweaving rumors with public events in an attempt to misguide public opinion.

31.08.2019 - 18:13 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Enacting emergency laws to block websites would signal an end to Hong Kong’s ‘open internet’, warns industry body

The Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association (HKISPA) issued a statement on Thursday expressing opposition to reports of a possible blocking of selected internet services in response to recent unrest. The organisation warned that any such measures could cripple the local economy and urged the government to consult the community before imposing any restrictions.

31.08.2019 - 18:11 [ Xinhua ]

Polizei: Leiter der für „Unabhängigkeit“ plädierenden Hongkonger Gruppen inhaftiert

Chan sagte auf seinem Account des sozialen Netzwerks, dass er am Donnerstagabend auf dem Internationalen Flughafen Hongkong festgenommen wurde, als er sich auf den Abflug vorbereitete.

Chan war Leiter der Hong Kong National Party, einer politischen Gruppe, die von der Regierung der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong (HKSAR) für illegal erklärt wurde.

31.08.2019 - 18:02 [ Radio China ]

Chinesischer Professor: „Farbrevolution“ wird in Hongkong bestimmt scheitern

Weiter sagte Professor Zhang, einige US-Organisationen wie die US-Nationalstiftung für Demokratie (NED) und der Zentralnachrichtendienst (CIA) hätten durch verschiedene Methoden gewaltlose Bewegungen unter dem Vorwand der Demokratie ermutigt und die Machtübergabe in der arabischen Welt verursacht. Die westlichen Kräfte versuchten zurzeit, die so genannte „Farbrevolution“ in Hongkong durchzuführen und die Wut der Jugendlichen auf die Regierung der Sonderverwaltungszone zu lenken. Dies schade der Wirtschaft Hongkongs und werde noch eine lange Zeit andauern.

31.08.2019 - 18:00 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Hong Kong police water cannon truck fires blue-coloured water as protesters besiege gov’t HQ

Hong Kong police have deployed water cannon trucks against protesters in Admiralty, firing water with blue dye.

Officers on the scene said over loudspeakers that the dyed water will be used for identifying protesters for later arrest.

23.08.2019 - 19:46 [ Taiwan News ]

Hong Kong millionaires eye Australia as haven amid unrest

A notable rise in applications for the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program, which grants direct residency to applicants, has been filed with the New South Wales state migration department over the past months, reported Reuters. Interested individuals have to invest at least A$5 million (US$3.4 million) to be eligible for the program.

23.08.2019 - 19:43 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

Trudeau says Canada will push back in China row, urges de-escalation in Hong Kong

“We must recognize that China is a growing power and increasingly assertive towards its place in the international order. But make no mistake: we will always defend Canadians and Canadian interests,” Trudeau said in a speech to the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations.

23.08.2019 - 19:42 [ Hong Kong Free Press ]

‘Real and painful costs’ to any crackdown in Hong Kong, US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell warns Beijing

Mitch McConnell, the US Senate majority leader, wrote a strongly-worded op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, titled “We Stand With Hong Kong.” It comes as the city enters its 11th week of protest against the ill-fated extradition law, amid wider calls for democracy.