Archiv: Wasserstoff / Energie / Produktion / Kraftwerke / Infrastrukturen / Technologien / Hydrogen / energy / production / power plants / infrastructures / technologies

11.01.2025 - 22:20 [ ]

The technology: A solar panel that produces hydrogen

Air contains moisture. The water molecules in the air are captured by the panel when the airstream enters the device.

Solhyd technology can be applied in many locations around the globe. Only the most arid places on Earth are expected to be too dry for hydrogen panels to work efficiently.

03.09.2024 - 14:17 [ Wärtsilä ]

Wärtsilä launches world’s first large-scale 100% hydrogen-ready engine power plant

(18 June 2024)

Wärtsilä is addressing this need through its new hydrogen-ready engine power plant, which can be converted to run on 100% hydrogen. The new engine power plant is a significant step beyond existing technology, which can run on natural gas and 25 vol% hydrogen blends.

03.09.2024 - 14:02 [ MDR ]

Analyse: Wo wir beim Wasserstoff-Import stehen

(31. August 2024)

In den vergangenen Tagen ist viel über Wasserstoff geredet worden – sowohl auf Bundesebene als auch auf regionaler Ebene. Die Planung der für den Einsatz notwendigen Infrastruktur ist ein kleines Stück weiter vorangeschritten: Die Fernnetzbetreiber haben der Bundesnetzagentur ihre Ausbaupläne für ein sogenanntes Wasserstoffkernnetz von 9.666 Kilometern Länge vorgelegt.

Die Investitionskosten beziffert die Behörde mit knapp 20 Milliarden Euro. Geld, das sowohl über Netzentgelte als auch über eine staatliche Zwischenförderung aufgebracht

03.09.2024 - 13:50 [ ]

Successful production of hydrogen panels

(November 15, 2024)

Solhyd not only develops technology to produce hydrogen from air and sunlight. We also develop methods to produce that technology in a cost-effective and reliable manner. Efficient production, with cost reductions driven by scale benefits, will eventually lead to the lowest cost approach to make hydrogen from solar energy.

We took the first step in that process this year.

03.09.2024 - 13:31 [ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ]

Green energy breakthrough thanks to KU Leuven scientists

(02 October 2019)

For over a decade, Professor Johan Martens and Drs. Tom Bosserez, Jan Rongé and Christos Trompoukis have been developing a ‘solar hydrogen panel’, i.e. a solar panel that can create hydrogen from the water vapour in the air. Using sunlight, moisture taken from the air – i.e. no liquid water – is split into hydrogen on the one hand, and oxygen molecules on the other.

The panel is able to directly convert no less than 15 per cent of sunlight into hydrogen gas, Which is a world record