Archiv: old school / alte Schule

19.11.2024 - 00:00 [ ]

Yes, Antony Blinken Should Resign. But He’s Not the Only One.

(September 27, 2024)

The day is dark, the forces arrayed are tenacious, but as the late Nation editorial board member Toni Morrison wrote “No! This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.”

I urge you to stand with The Nation and donate today.


Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editorial Director and Publisher, The Nation

14.10.2024 - 17:35 [ Democracy Now! ]

Atomic Bomb Survivors Win Nobel Peace Prize, Say Gaza Today Is Like Japan 80 Years Ago

(October 11, 2024)

AMY GOODMAN: After the Nobel Peace Prize was announced, the co-chair of Nihon Hidankyo, Toshiyuki Mimaki, spoke to reporters in Tokyo.

TOSHIYUKI MIMAKI: [translated] What? Nihon Hidankyo? How did Nihon Hidankyo? It can’t be real. It can’t be real. … We will appeal to the world, as we always have done, for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the achievement of an everlasting peace. … Why Nihon Hidankyo? I thought for sure it would be the people working so hard in Gaza, as we’ve seen.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Toshiyuki Mimaki, the co-chair of Nihon Hidankyo, which won the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize today. He wept as he spoke. He went on to say, quote, “In Gaza, bleeding children are being held [by their parents]. It’s like in Japan 80 years ago.”

29.08.2024 - 22:00 [ Rolling Stone ]

Francis Ford Coppola: ‘I Have Nothing Left to Lose’

At Cannes, where it premiered in May, Megalopolis managed to be the single most divisive film of the festival; love it or hate it, Coppola’s huge swing for the philosophical fences is a truly singular work — and is exactly the movie that he wanted to make. (It’s set to hit theaters on Sept. 27.) That Coppola somehow managed in his eighties to will this long-gestating pet project into being and self-finance it against his winery for $120 million is borderline unbelievable, even given his legacy as someone willing to bet a fortune and/or a film studio to follow a dream. “I have everything to lose here,” he says, referring to this portrait of the decline, fall, and Phoenix-like rise of a civilization. “And, in a way, I have nothing left to lose anymore.”

05.05.2024 - 05:59 [ New York Times ]

From Free Speech to Free Palestine: Six Decades of Student Protest

“You’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop,” he said. Soon the students would flood into a campus administration building.

That scene played out 60 years ago at the University of California, Berkeley. The words were directed at the university leadership, and referring to its restrictions on campus political activity. But the speech, from the student leader Mario Savio, and the sit-in that followed could have happened yesterday.

25.04.2024 - 06:43 [ Washington Post ]

How Americans felt about campus protests against the Vietnam War

There is no guarantee that history will eventually vindicate the positions of protesters. But it does seem safe to assume that the positions, not the protests, are what will be remembered.

24.04.2024 - 04:40 [ New York Post ]

12 suspended Columbia students reinstated just days after anti-Israel protest, as lawyer vows to take ‘fascist’ school to NY Supreme Court

“Speech, no matter how unpopular it may be, is the essence of academia. Protest against Zionism in Israel is pure protected speech. … If Jewish students are made uncomfortable by it, f— them!” Cohen, who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, told the Village Sun.

“Speech is supposed to make you uncomfortable. This is not lighting candles and kumbaya. … All speech is protected unless the imminent intent is to commit violence — like shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded movie theater,” he added. (…)

“I got f—ing suspended from Columbia 50 years ago. I got thrown out of Columbia after a week for anti-war protesting,” he lamented.

“Columbia is fascist,” he said.

30.01.2024 - 06:45 [ Ray McGovern, Former Intelligence Analyst/Activist/Justice person / Twitter ]

Do we now have ISRAELI FALSE FLAG ATTACK killing US troops? It’s “Iran-backed” MSM says. Biden: we already “know” that; “while we are still gathering the facts.” Neocons/Israel lust to get US atk on Iran. CENTCOM lied threw its teeth under then Gen. Austin


22.01.2024 - 16:50 [ Wortmelder / Universität Erfurt ]

„Das Verfahren drückt eine Art der internationalen Solidarität aus, die seit dem Kalten Krieg völlig in Vergessenheit geraten ist“

Was sind die konkreten Vorwürfe Südafrikas an Israel, können Sie das einmal näher ausführen?

Zunächst muss ich auf die ungeheure Symbolkraft und emotionale Wucht dieses Verfahrens eingehen, das Menschen auf der ganzen Welt elektrisiert. Diese Wucht hat vor allem mit vier Dingen zu tun: Erstens drückt das Verfahren eine internationale Solidarität aus, die seit dem Kalten Krieg völlig in Vergessenheit geraten ist. In der dunkelsten Stunde der Not, um es einmal pathetisch auszudrücken, erscheint einer völlig am Boden liegenden und ‚von allen guten Geistern verlassenen‘ palästinensischen Nation ein ‚Retter‘, ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels – jemand, der ohne offensichtlichen Eigennutz plötzlich für palästinensische Rechte eintritt…

23.12.2023 - 08:01 [ T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights / Twitter ]

Starvation, mass displacement, rampant disease. That is Gaza right now. During the Vietnam War, R‘ Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote: „Our own integrity as human beings is decaying in the agony & merciless killing done in our name.“ If we turn away, we risk losing our own humanity.

23.07.2023 - 18:30 [ Wikipedia ]


Mapai (Hebrew: מַפָּא“י, an acronym for מִפְלֶגֶת פּוֹעֲלֵי אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael, lit. „Workers‘ Party of the Land of Israel“) was a democratic socialist political party in Israel, and was the dominant force in Israeli politics until its merger into the modern-day Israeli Labor Party in 1968.

23.07.2023 - 18:23 [ Times of Israel ]

Likud, protest leaders reject labor union’s compromise overhaul bill

Likud minister David Amsalem launched a public attack on Bar-David, anticipating that the latter could end up launching a nationwide strike.

“I remind you that you represent workers who are mostly Likud people who are struggling to make a living,” Amsalem tweeted. “The issue of the judicial reform should be decided in the Knesset, not in the corridors of the Mapai-like Histadrut,” he argued, citing the workers’ party that was a precursor to left-wing Labor and was the ruling party for Israel’s first three decades.

01.07.2023 - 17:30 [ ]

FBI spied on Albert Einstein for 22 years until his death

The FBI started spying on renowned German-born scientist Albert Einstein when he moved to America in 1933, shortly before Adolf Hitler rose to power. Agents listened to the physicist‘s phone calls and searched his mail and trash, suspecting he was a Soviet spy. The surveillance, totalling 1,800 pages, ended with Einstein‘s death on April 18, 1955, with no supporting evidence.

22.06.2023 - 20:45 [ New York Times ]

Nuclear Secrets, a Compost Heap and the Lost Documents Daniel Ellsberg Never Leaked

(April 20, 2023)

Daniel Ellsberg — who died Friday at 92 — fully expected to spend the rest of his life in prison after he leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1971. The documents revealed decades of government lies and mistakes about the war in Vietnam, and eventually, they helped end it.

The charges against Ellsberg were ultimately dismissed, but he had a secret: The Pentagon Papers were only supposed to be the beginning. Alongside the documents about Vietnam, he’d copied thousands of pages of other documents about America’s nuclear war planning that he believed would shock the public conscience. But a series of mishaps kept those documents from ever coming to light.

22.06.2023 - 20:30 [ Mehdi Hasan, Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC / Nitter ]

„We are at this moment on a road to Hell.“ I discussed the Espionage Act, Julian Assange, and his own experiences with the Pentagon Papers, with the one and only @DanielEllsberg on my @MSNBC show tonight:

(May 8, 2023)

20.06.2023 - 18:38 [ C-SPAN / Youtube ]

President John F. Kennedy‘s „Peace Speech“


20.06.2023 - 18:33 [ NBC News / Youtube ]

Remembering RFK’s Final Speech 50 Years Later | NBC News

Jun 6, 2018
Shortly after he finished his California primary victory speech on June 5, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was shot. He died the next day. Here are some key moments from his final speech

19.06.2023 - 12:24 [ Glenn Greenwald / Nitter ]

It‘s bizarre to watch establishment venues celebrate Daniel Ellsberg while spewing contempt for every cause and value he stood for — from defending Assange and Snowden as heroes to warning Americans that the US Security State always lies us into wars:

19.06.2023 - 11:59 [ New York Times ]

Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End

Citing the chilling effect that the creeping expansion of the law has on what information the public gets in a democracy, he expressed disappointment that the Biden administration had not dropped the Espionage Act charges against Mr. Assange.

“It’s clearly overly broad and does not just apply to people like me who had a security clearance. Assange is now feeling the weight of that,” he said, adding: “For 50 years I’ve been saying to journalists, ‘This thing was a loaded weapon looking at you.’”

14.06.2023 - 10:26 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


14.05.2023 - 05:25 [ ]


4. Einsenden an: Neutralitätsinitiative, Postfach, 3822 Lauterbrunnen

13.05.2023 - 21:23 [ ]

«Neutral», «neutrum» = weder noch: Das kostet halt Kraft

(4. Mai 2023)

Auch in Deutschland gibt es weiterhin noch einzelne Medienplattformen, die das Selberdenken anregen. Eine ist Kontrafunk Radio, zu empfangen online. Kontrafunk Radio hat sich mit SVP-Nationalrat Franz Grüter unterhalten. Grüter ist u.a. IT-Unternehmer, Nationalrat und dort Präsident der Aussenpolitischen Kommission.

Grütter spricht über das Wort «Neutralität» (neutrum = weder noch, das setzt viel Kraft voraus), über internationalen Druck (vor dem die Schweiz zu schnell einknickt) — über Sanktionen (ein mildes Wort, es bedeutet aber: Kriegsmassnahmen) — über Glaubwürdigkeit (Voraussetzung für Gute Dienste, Gesprächs-Plattformen, und Schutzmachtmandate).

25.04.2023 - 15:25 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Regimetreue in Israel: “Eine Nation, ein Land, ein Führer”

(10. August 2014)

Wie erwähnt, erließ das Heimatfrontkommando das Verbot von Menschenansammlungen über 1000 Personen bereits am 18. Juli. Trotzdem demonstrierten am 26. Juli 5000 Menschen auf dem Tel Aviver Rabin Platz gegen den Gaza-Krieg. Doch ausgerechnet am gestrigen weltweiten Aktionstag, wo die Chance bestanden hätte sich mit zahlreichen Demonstrationen und Gegnern des Gaza-Krieges international zu solidarisieren und organisieren, kniffen Meretz und Hadash, die seit Jahren durch das gewisse Nichts glänzen, und sagten die Demonstration ab.

Nicht so radikale Aktivisten, Sozialisten, Dissidenten, Intellektuelle: sie kündigten an, trotz Verbots des Regimes zu demonstrieren. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Nachdem sich Boulevardreporter zunächst höhnisch über die ausbleibenden Linken geäußert hatten, versammelten sich diese, vorsichtig umher schauend, langsam auf dem Rabin Platz, viele von ihnen Senioren. Letztlich wurden es rund 500 Leute. Schnell tauchten die üblichen Regimetreuen, Faschisten und Zionisten als Contras auf, darunter Hooligans. Aus deren Parolen seien die oben in Aufnahmen dokumentierten Plakate zitiert (1, 2): “Eine Nation, ein Land, ein Führer”. Manch einer fragte sich, wo er das wohl schon mal gehört hatte.


Genau die Aufgeregten, Befleissigten und Empörten, die den Massenmord in Gaza decken und dabei im selben Atemzug nur noch “jüdisch”, “Israel”, “Linke-Linke-Linke” und “Antisemitismus” rufen, wollen mit linken Israelis überhaupt nichts zu tun haben. Stattdessen verstecken sie sich hinter Apologeten die sie angenehm an der Schamdrüse kitzeln, während sie gleichzeitig um diejenigen Israelis einen großen Bogen machen, die ihnen irgendwie die Mehrheitsfähigkeit und damit das Mitschwimmen auf der Welle in der vermeintliche Masse von Deutschland versauen könnten.

Im Hintergrund steht eine weitere Klientel, die durchaus von der obenstehend beschriebenen zu unterscheiden ist, ebenso von den einfachen Sadisten: die Klientel der Soziopathen, kaltschnäuzigen Zyniker und politischen Kampfdrohnen mit Roboterideal. Soll heißen: explizit der Berliner Regierung und ihren Angestellten und Höflingen, auch in der etablierten Presse.

Die von uns am 2. August prognostizierte Strategie einer Verwicklung Deutschlands in den Gaza-Krieg, wahrscheinlich an irgendeiner Spieltheorie-Schiessbude von Think Tank Schlagdichtot ausgeheckt, ist gegen die Wand gefahren. Und das mit Schwung.

Wer es noch nicht mitbekommen hat: laut der Infratest Dimap Umfrage für die ARD (“Deutschlandtrend”), erhoben am 4. und 5. August, sind 69 Prozent dafür sich aus dem “Gaza-Konflikt” heraus zu halten, sind also gegen die Entsendung von Bundeswehr, Bundespolizei oder irgendwelcher “Inspektoren” in die aufständische israelische Kolonie Gaza.

Wir haben zwar nur ein paar Tausend Leserinnen und Leser am Tag. Aber tausend, sagte man zu meiner Zeit, sind auch kein Pappenstil. *winke, winke*

06.04.2023 - 07:14 [ ]

Freedom First – Join Bobby‘s movement for a free and fair America for all

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has spent his life fighting for American democracy and the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. He has battled against corporate greed and government corruption to protect our children, our health, our livelihoods, our environment, and above all, our freedom.

With integrity, courage, and self-sacrifice, he has led Americans in an ennobling fight to restore our country as the exemplary nation, and to end the toxic polarization that divides us and enriches the elites.

His steely character and unique history fighting crooked bureaucracies make Bobby the only person who can bridge the divide and fix our country.

Let Bobby know you want to see his leadership in the White House.

06.04.2023 - 06:40 [ CNN ]

2009 BackStory: 2nd gun in RFK shooting?


CNN‘s Brad Johnson on how he uncovered possible second gun evidence in the only known tape of the RFK assassination.

06.04.2023 - 05:02 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Nitter ]

The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power.


China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world. The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon‘s short-lived “American Century.” The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence.

06.04.2023 - 04:17 [ Yana Way / Nitter ]

I dont think the pic came thru on last tweet. Bobby Kennedy Jr is gonna run for president. Found this pic of him with, Dad, Robert Kennedy. Things Are getting fun now.

06.04.2023 - 04:03 [ CNN ]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. files paperwork to run for president as a Democrat

he 69-year-old is the son of former New York senator, US attorney general and assassinated 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy Jr. is a longtime vaccine skeptic. He has promoted discredited claims linking vaccines and autism and founded the anti-vaccine organization Children’s Health Defense. He has also railed against the coronavirus vaccine and has criticized the federal government’s handling of the pandemic.

15.03.2023 - 17:30 [ @BenCaspit / Nitter ]

פורצי אנטבה (המקוריים), במחאת נתב“ג היום.

15.03.2023 - 17:25 [ Haaretz ]

Entebbe Veterans With ‘Idi Amin Car’ Join Airport Protest as Netanyahu Flies to Berlin

A convoy of Israeli army veterans and former hostages who were involved in the 1976 Entebbe Operation in Uganda arrived on Wednesday to protest at Ben-Gurion Airport ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s departure to Germany for a state visit.

The convoy is part of the protest movement aimed at disrupting Netanyahu’s departure over his constitutional coup.

08.03.2023 - 16:04 [ New York Daily News / Nitter ]

„Pentagon Papers“ leaker Daniel Ellsberg, 91, is dying from cancer. Doctors have given him three to six months to live.


08.03.2023 - 16:02 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


01.03.2023 - 20:31 [ Americans for Peace Now / Nitter ]

Today is the birthday of the late PM Yitzhak Rabin. We‘re proud to spend every day working towards a peaceful, just resolution to the conflict as he did during his lifetime.

28.02.2023 - 11:38 [ Barbara Lee / LA Times ]

Op-Ed: Three days after 9/11, I was the lone vote in Congress against war

(Sept. 13, 2021)

My vote against the 2001 military force authorization remains the most difficult vote I’ve cast in my career in Congress. But I knew the last thing the country needed was to rush into war after 9/11, or ever, without proper deliberation by the people — represented by Congress — as the Constitution intended.

My father was a retired Army lieutenant colonel who fought in World War II and Korea. He was the first person who called me after that lonely vote. He reminded me that we should never send our troops into harm’s way without a clear plan, objective and exit strategy. Instead, we were asked to approve an authorization that gave the executive branch a blank check to carry out global war in perpetuity.

03.02.2023 - 20:49 [ ]

FBI spied on Albert Einstein for 22 years until his death

The FBI started spying on renowned German-born scientist Albert Einstein when he moved to America in 1933, shortly before Adolf Hitler rose to power. Agents listened to the physicist‘s phone calls and searched his mail and trash, suspecting he was a Soviet spy. The surveillance, totalling 1,800 pages, ended with Einstein‘s death on April 18, 1955, with no supporting evidence.

18.01.2023 - 16:04 [ Daily Mirror ]

Tearful nurse due to leave job today for £8,000 pay rise U-turned to join strike

Jade McCauley was due to start a completely new job tomorrow which would have bumped her yearly salary up by £8,000.

However, the community nurse at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield had a change of due to her passion for helping patients.

The 34-year-old spoke to the Mirror on the picket line outside the hospital today.

She also raised concerns about patient safety and called on Rishi Sunak to „spend a day in our shoes“.

19.12.2022 - 18:31 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


18.12.2022 - 05:35 [ Defend Assange Campaign / Nitter ]

Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg: „Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court“ #FreeAssangeNOW

13.12.2022 - 18:59 [ ]

Biden faces growing pressure to drop charges against Julian Assange

The charges against Assange for obtaining and publishing classified information, without any active role in actually stealing it mark “the crossing of a legal rubicon”, said Jaffer at Columbia University. That’s an ominous legal threshold, he said, for Assange and all journalists.

It’s the first time the US government has used the Espionage Act to go after a publisher and the implications are huge,” Jaffer said. Assange “has been indicted for activity that reporters are engaged in every day and that reporters have to engage in every day to inform the public. This would have dramatic implications for national security journalism.”

13.12.2022 - 18:54 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


12.12.2022 - 08:28 [ Wikipedia ]

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE; French: Conseil de l‘Europe, CdE) is an international organisation founded in the wake of World War II to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe.[2] Founded in 1949, it has 46 member states, with a population of approximately 675 million; it operates with an annual budget of approximately 500 million euros.[3]

The organisation is distinct from the European Union (EU), although it is sometimes confused with it, partly because the EU has adopted the original European flag, created for the Council of Europe in 1955,[4] as well as the European anthem.

06.12.2022 - 03:35 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter ]

New: The Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg reveals he received a „backup“ of the „Chelsea Manning information“ prior to publication: „I am as indictable as Julian Assange.. I‘d be happy to take that one to the Supreme Court“ [18:00]

10.11.2022 - 17:17 [ Change,org ]

Für eine Erneuerung des Journalismus in Österreich

10-Punkte-Programm für eine Erneuerung des Journalismus in Österreich

Als Medienschaffende beobachten wir mit zunehmender Sorge autoritäre Tendenzen in der Medienlandschaft, in Österreich und darüber hinaus. Unabhängiger, kritischer und ausgewogener Journalismus gerät zunehmend unter Druck. Die sogenannten Leit- und Qualitätsmedien werden ihrer Kernaufgabe nicht mehr gerecht, ihrem Lesepublikum, ihren Zuschauerinnen und Hörern objektive, umfassende und neutrale Informationen anzubieten und eine klare, nichttendenziöse Orientierung in der Informationsflut zu gewährleisten.

Stattdessen verschwimmen Meinungsmache und Berichterstattung zusehends auf eine Art und Weise, die den Prinzipien eines seriösen Journalismus widersprechen. Stimmen, die einen als gegeben angenommenen gesellschaftlichen Konsens hinterfragen, werden entweder bewusst ignoriert oder lächerlich gemacht oder diffamiert. Überdies müssen Andersdenkende damit rechnen, automatisch als dem „Rechtsextremismus“ nahestehend bezeichnet zu werden. Dies ist nicht nur unredlich, sondern auch gefährlich, weil der inflationäre Gebrauch solcher Zuschreibungen dazu führt, dass tatsächliche Radikalismen nicht mehr einwandfrei identifiziert werden können.

Die Aufgabe von seriöser journalistischer Arbeit sollte es sein, eine Vielzahl von Standpunkten, Argumenten und Sichtweisen nüchtern zur Diskussion zu stellen. Stattdessen wird der in den Medien geführte Diskurs mit Schimpfwörtern, Kampfbegriffen und Worthülsen emotional aufgeladen und die Atmosphäre vergiftet, wodurch die Spaltung der Gesellschaft vorangetrieben wird. Dabei schrecken Medien auch vor Denunziation nicht zurück.

Wir erkennen eine Tendenz zu gezieltem Framing, Schwarzweißmalerei und der Dämonisierung Andersdenkender. Begründete Positionen, die unserer Einschätzung nach von einem von bestimmten Interessen gesteuerten Konsens abweichen, werden diffamiert oder als „wissenschaftsfeindlich“ hingestellt. Wir vermissen sachliche, differenzierte, besonnene und schlüssige Argumentation. Wenn Berichterstatter zu Richtern werden, ist der Auftrag von Medien verfehlt.

In einer funktionierenden Demokratie ist die Rolle der Medien eine der „vierten Gewalt“: Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die gewählten Regierenden zu kontrollieren. Stattdessen werden kritische Bürgerinnen und Bürger zunehmend überwacht, an den Pranger gestellt oder gar kriminalisiert. Uns missfällt diese Tendenz zu einem Erziehungsjournalismus, der nicht mehr von der Idee von mündigen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ausgeht. Medien entwickeln sich dadurch zu Instrumenten der Repression statt der Aufklärung.

Wir stellen leider fest, dass Journalistinnen und Journalisten, die sich gegen solche Tendenzen sträuben und ihr Handwerk weiterhin so ausüben, wie sie es gelernt haben, massiv unter Druck gesetzt oder gar aus Redaktionen entfernt werden. Viele von uns erleben, dass in Medien zensurähnliche Beschränkungen in verschiedenen Spielarten um sich greifen.

Wir sehen diese Entwicklung als gefährlich für das gesellschaftliche Miteinander und die Demokratie an. Daher wollen wir diesen bedenklichen Entwicklungen, die letztlich in den Totalitarismus führen, nicht länger tatenlos zusehen. Das Mediensystem hat in der vorherrschenden Form an Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen beim Publikum verloren. Qualitätsmedien, die diese Bezeichnung verdienen, sind jedoch weiterhin von zentraler Bedeutung für die Demokratie und die Bevölkerung.

Wir plädieren daher für eine Rückbesinnung auf die Prinzipien einer Ethik unseres Berufsstands.

03.11.2022 - 03:18 [ Prof Emeritus C Omowale Simmons / Nitter ]

US Troops are on the ground in Ukraine „as trainers“. That‘s exactly how we began in Vietnam. The force that stopped the war was continuous protest by US & global citizens, including protest by US soldiers against the war; but not Congress.