Archiv: Technologie / technology

04.07.2023 - 09:31 [ ]

Bluesky – Building a Social Internet

The web. Email. RSS feeds. XMPP chats. What all these technologies had in common is they allowed people to freely interact and create content, without a single intermediary.

We‘re building the AT Protocol, a new foundation for public conversation and social networking which gives creators independence from platforms, developers the freedom to build, and users a choice in their experience.

Sign up for the Bluesky private beta.

04.07.2023 - 09:22 [ ]

What is Bluesky?

The underlying protocol for Bluesky is ATP, much like the underlying protocol for the web is HTTP. Our goal was to make social media work more like the open systems that defined the early web, like blogs and email.

11.03.2023 - 15:20 [ ]

China’s newest weapon to nab Western technology – its courts

(February 20, 2023)

AS&E devised a product to complement the machines it made for airports and seaports. It placed a low-powered X-ray machine on the back of a Ford Motor Co. chassis. The U.S. military used the mobile scanner to detect improvised explosive devices during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the company said. Domestic law enforcement could disguise the vehicle as a delivery van and use it to scan cars in, say, a stadium parking lot.

The X-ray van, called the ZBV, made its debut in 2003. Michael Tropeano, general manager of AS&E’s cargo-scanning division, said he thought the product would be a winner from day one.

11.03.2023 - 14:42 [ ]

U.S. And EU Look To Launch Trade Talks On Critical Minerals

The United States and the European Union could launch talks on critical materials trade when U.S. President Joe Biden welcomes European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the White House on Friday.

11.03.2023 - 14:05 [ Scharfenstein / Nitter ]

Von der Leyens Krisenbesuch bei Joe Biden: Scheitert sie, scheitert Europa

09.09.2022 - 11:45 [ Fox News ]

Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan admits double life as Israeli spy

(April 6, 2016)

In a far-reaching interview aired Monday with Israel‘s Channel 2 TV‘s flagship investigative program „Uvda,“ Milchan detailed a series of clandestine affairs in which he was involved and particularly how he helped purchase technologies Israel allegedly needed to operate nuclear bombs.

„I did it for my country and I‘m proud of it,“ said Milchan, who ran a successful fertilizer company in Israel before making it big in Hollywood.

09.09.2022 - 11:26 [ ,Times of Israel ]

At Netanyahu trial, defense asserts assistance to billionaire Milchan was legitimate


In a 2013 interview with the Hebrew media, Milchan acknowledged that he had worked for the Israel Bureau of Scientific Relations, which worked to secure scientific and technical know-how for secret defense programs.

That interview led US authorities to grant him merely a one-year visa extension instead of the 10-year visas he had previously received. Milchan sought Netanyahu’s help in obtaining a new 10-year visa, and the former prime minister arranged for the Hollywood mogul to speak directly to then-US secretary of state John Kerry on the issue.

25.05.2022 - 20:07 [ ]

Quanteninternet: Erstmals Teleportation in Netzwerk gelungen

Bei diesem von Albert Einstein als „spukhafte Fernwirkung“ abgetanen quantenphysikalischen Phänomen bleiben zwei verschränkte Teilchen wie von Zauberhand miteinander verbunden und teilen ihre physikalischen Eigenschaften. Die Messung an einem legt unmittelbar den Zustand des anderen fest, auch wenn sie beliebig weit voneinander entfernt sind.

Die Teleportation ermöglicht damit die zuverlässige Übertragung von Quanteninformationen zwischen weit entfernten Knoten.

23.02.2022 - 06:15 [ ]

Vladimir Putin controls the supply chain of western technology, so who is bluffing?

Putin has the means to cut off critical minerals and gases needed to sustain the West’s supply chain for semiconductor chips, upping the ante in the middle of a worldwide chip crunch.

Furthermore, he could hobble the aerospace and armaments industry in the US and Europe by restricting supply of titanium, palladium, and other metals.

If he controlled Ukraine, his control over key strategic minerals would be even more dominant, giving him leverage akin to Opec’s energy stranglehold in 1973.

27.10.2021 - 13:45 [ ]

What has the US-China trade ‘war’ achieved?


On July 6, 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally imposed a 25 per cent tariff on Chinese imports of around $34 billion, and further tariffs in 2018 and 2019 — claiming that trade between US and China had been unfairly skewed in China’s favour and needed to be rebalanced. The ostensible reason put forward was the persistence of what were called “unfair trade practices” and “technology theft” by China.

Thereafter, the trade war has continued into the administration of President Joe Biden, and morphed into a technology war, which is probably what it was always about.

20.09.2021 - 23:32 [ Christiane Amanpour, @CNN Chief International Anchor / Twitter ]

Exclusive: @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen reacts to the AUKUS fallout. “One of our member states has been treated in a way that is not acceptable,” she tells me. “We want to know what happened and why.”

Full interview airs at 7pCET @CNNi
and tonight @PBS
(listings vary).

20.09.2021 - 23:27 [ ]

U-Boot-Streit: Biden um Beschwichtigung bemüht

EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat das Vorgehen der USA, Australiens und Großbritanniens gegenüber Frankreich im Streit um einen geplatzten U-Boot-Deal als „nicht akzeptabel“ bezeichnet. „Es gibt viele offene Fragen, die beantwortet werden müssen“, sagte von der Leyen in einem Interview mit dem US-Sender CNN, von dem heute Ausschnitte beim Onlinedienst Twitter veröffentlicht wurden.

20.09.2021 - 17:31 [ Institution of Engineering and Technology - ]

View from Washington: Aukus looms over AI and quantum

Then, some of the more notable consequences may be for the global research infrastructure, one that had become increasingly freewheeling since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Some familiar voices are already proclaiming Aukus as evidence of the ‘Brexit dividend’. Never mind the facts that technological collaboration between the three members is already taking place through the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (with New Zealand and Canada, both not part of this agreement);

27.07.2021 - 02:02 [ ]

Technology – China Crackdown Rocks Investors: ‘Everybody’s in the Crosshairs’

The crash in tutoring stocks that began late last week spread Monday across the tech sector and beyond, after authorities confirmed reports they would ban a swathe of the education industry from making profits. It’s the government’s most extreme step yet to rein in private businesses that regulators blame for exacerbating inequality, increasing financial risk and — in the case of some tech titans –- challenging Beijing’s authority.

22.10.2020 - 10:19 [ Stanislaw Lem / ]

Kreuzwege der Information

(08. Juni 1998)

So haben wir also ein Bild vor uns, das in seinen Extremen eher paradox erscheint. Entweder kommt es einer „kommunikationsdichten“ und gleichzeitig stark individualistischen Gesellschaft, in der eine umfassende „Befriedung“ eintritt, weil keiner jemandem „physisch“ etwas Schlechtes antun kann und der Preis dafür eine tatsächliche Einsamkeit in einem elektronischen Kokon ist. Das Leben wird „virtuell“, „phantomisiert“, sein. Man kann im Louvre, im Himalaja, überall sein; man kann sogar „jeder“ sein (es gibt „Computer- und Netzsüchtige“, die über das Netz ihre eigenen fiktiven Persönlichkeiten – als Tarzan, Mädchen, Kaninchen … – versenden), aber „tatsächlich“ ist man ständig am gleichen Ort. Meines Erachtens ist das eine eher schlechte Science Fiction. Oder aber das Netz verbindet die Menschen nicht, sondern ist in der Macht irgendeines Monopolisten, steht über den Menschen und kann sie von allen Seiten steuern.

26.09.2020 - 16:48 [ Wilde Saaten ]

So war das einmal gedacht mit dem Biogas …


So war das mal gedacht mit dem Biogas in den 80er-Jahren. Verwertung des auf dem Hof anfallenden Mists bzw. der Gülle in einer kleinen Biogasanlage, und dann erst den so verbesserten Dünger raus auf das Feld. Wie so oft wurde auch dieses so wunderbare Konzept ins Gegenteil verkehrt, um nicht zu sagen pervertiert.

11.06.2020 - 12:41 [ ]

Amazon puts one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology

Amazon on Wednesday announced that it is placing a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology, Rekognition.

„We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology, and in recent days, Congress appears ready to take on this challenge,“ the company wrote in a blog post.

13.04.2020 - 13:13 [ ]

DeepL Translator

Translate from any language

16.02.2020 - 16:14 [ ]

Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Propagandaschlacht um Huawei-Technik

Im Kern gehe es nicht um ökonomische und technologische Entscheidungen, erklärte Juliane Smith vom German Marshall Fund der USA auch in einem Gastkommentar der Süddeutschen Zeitung zum Auftakttag der MSC. Es gehe darum, „wie demokratische Staaten ihre Gesellschaften vor dem Einfluss autoritärer Staaten schützten und vor Erpressung, die weit in der Zukunft liegen mag“, schreibt Smith. Angesichts der massiven Propaganda sprachen in München manche Beobachter von einem neuen Kalten Krieg, dieses Mal im Bereich der Technologie.

08.01.2020 - 12:52 [ Haaretz ]

How Israel Covers Up Corruption by Its Spies, Soldiers and Arms Dealers

Israel‘s security apparatus and its over-collaborative judiciary would do well to look up, then commit to memory, the words of U.S. Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis: „Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.“

23.12.2019 - 11:21 [ CNN ]

Internet shutdowns used to be rare. They‘re increasingly becoming the norm in much of the world

Hong Kong (CNN) At the start of this year, as Zimbabwe cut off internet access across the country following anti-government protests, the internet pressure group Keep It On warned that such „shutdowns must never be allowed to become the new normal.“
Twelve months later, however, that‘s exactly where we are.

24.11.2019 - 17:07 [ Bloomberg ]

EU Plans $3.9 Billion Fund for Startups in ‘Valley of Death’

The fund will seek to close that investment gap by providing equity and grant funding to early stage firms in so-called deep tech, such as manufacturing, biotechnology, health-tech and artificial intelligence, he said. It’s set to formally launch in 2021 and will be run by the European Innovation Council, though the final size could change depending on the outcome of budget talks with the bloc’s member states.

21.09.2019 - 18:41 [ ]

Chronik des Überwachungsstaates

Seit Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erlassen Regierungskoalitionen vielfach Gesetze, die Überwachung ausbauen und Freiheiten einschränken. Die Chronik des Überwachungsstaates dokumentiert diese Entwicklung.
20.09.2017 um 10:44 Uhr – Lennart Mühlenmeier – 33 Ergänzungen

20.08.2019 - 18:22 [ Haaretz ]

Mysterious Israeli Businessman Behind Mega-deal to Supply Spy Planes to UAE

The fact that there are no diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE and other Persian Gulf countries has not prevented the shared interests of the countries in the region to forge an extensive unofficial relationship, including in business, military and political spheres. In the case of Israel and the Gulf states, one main shared interest is their mutual enemy: Iran.

20.08.2019 - 18:18 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israel businessman behind UAE spy plane deal

However, as Haaretz points out, “it is interesting to discover that Israel’s name is totally absent from the hundreds of thousands of words describing the transaction in detail. The only mention of the country is in one document originating in Switzerland that describes the structure of AGT. It mentions in German that Kochavi is an Israeli citizen.”

The Israeli daily also notes that this deal is not Kochavi’s first project on behalf of the UAE, pointing to the installation of thousands of cameras, sensors and license-plate readers in Abu Dhabi in a bid to turn the capital into a “smart city”.

20.07.2019 - 23:41 [ theGuardian ]

Anger at UK spy tech sales to Hong Kong

As activists prepare to hold another mass demonstration against the government’s handling of a now-suspended extradition bill, the government’s official logs reveal that in the first quarter of this year the UK approved an export licence for £1.9m of “telecommunications interception equipment” to Hong Kong. This was just weeks before protests against the controversial proposed treaty with mainland China began in March.

26.06.2019 - 10:22 [ ]

Opposition in Seoul fordert Bau eigener Atombomben für Südkorea


Südkorea könnte aufgrund seiner technologischen Möglichkeiten innerhalb einiger Monate eigene Atomwaffen entwickeln, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf Experten. Falls das Land keine eigenen Atomwaffen entwickeln könne, sollen die USA darum gebeten werden, Atomwaffen in Südkorea zu stationieren.

26.06.2019 - 09:32 [ Radio Utopie ]

Atomprogramm: Die Saudis schleichen sich in Südkorea ein


Die Saudis sind bekannt dafür, dass sie überall, wo sich Demokratie, Humanismus, tatsächlicher Fortschritt und eine Alternative zu Feudalismus und Ewigem Krieg zu entwickeln „drohen“, einreiten und versuchen dort alles Entsprechende zu vergiften und zersetzen.

Südkorea stellt derzeit das einzige Beispiel demokratischen Aufblühens innerhalb der U.S.-Hegemonie dar.

13.06.2019 - 16:46 [ Shoshana Zuboff / ]

Im Zeitalter des Überwachungskapitalismus

Wie eine invasive Spezies ohne natürliche Feinde bemächtigte er sich kraft seiner finanziellen Tüchtigkeit der vernetzten Sphäre und entstellte damit den Traum von der digitalen Technologie als befähigende, emanzipatorische Kraft aufs Entsetzlichste.

11.06.2019 - 18:36 [ ]

Ghosts in the machines: the invisible human labour behind AI

It’s easier and cheaper to employ humans to behave like machines than it is to develop machines that simulate human behaviour. Of course, many technology companies would rather you didn’t know this. Venture capitalists invest in the idea of human obsolescence. To them, routine human labour is an ungainly truth – the future, after all, lies in intangible capitalism, where returns flow to platform owners unrestricted by organised labour.

10.06.2019 - 01:34 [ ]

China gears up to use rare-earth advantage

The move, which comes amid an escalating China-US trade war, was interpreted by many industry insiders as a sign of the country‘s determination to take full advantage of its „rare-earth card“ to counter the US, which relies on China for its supply of the strategic resources.

05.06.2019 - 18:09 [ ]

The month of two D-Days

The worst month was November 1942, when 721,700 tons were sunk by U-boats. At that point, the Kriegsmarine had more than 100 submarines operating in the Atlantic and, for most of the year, British code-breakers had been unable to decrypt key enemy signals because the Germans had added a fourth wheel to their Enigma machines. No wonder that the Allied Combined Chiefs of Staff stated after their Casablanca conference in January 1943, “Defeat of the U-boat must remain a first charge on the resources of [the] United Nations.”

During the course of that year, however, the situation gradually improved. The fourth wheel was cracked.

26.05.2019 - 06:32 [ NBC News / Youtube ]

Edited Nancy Pelosi Video Highlights Concerns About Misinformation And Elections | NBC Nightly News

As technology makes it harder to tell what’s real and what’s fake online, experts warn that public opinion could be manipulated through skillfully edited videos.

26.05.2019 - 06:30 [ Washington Post / Youtube ]

Pelosi videos manipulated to make her appear drunk are being shared on social media


Altered videos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), slowed down to make her sound sluggish and slurred, are spreading across social media.

18.05.2019 - 17:41 [ ]

Look Who‘s Buying Lockheed Martin‘s F-35 Now!


Here‘s a quick rundown of the major players to date, and how many F-35s they‘re planning to buy:

Australia: 72 F-35As
Belgium: No decision yet made
Canada: 65 F-35As planned, but may buy Boeing (NYSE:BA) F-18s instead
Denmark: 27 F-35As
Israel: 50 F-35As
Italy: 60 F-35As, 30 F-35Bs
Japan: 42 F-35As
Netherlands: Up to 37 planned, but only 8 authorized so far
Norway: 52 F-35As planned, but only 22 authorized so far
South Korea: 40 F-35As
Turkey: 100 F-35As
United Kingdom: 138 F-35Bs
United States: 1,763 F-35As, 353 F-35Bs, and 327 F-35Cs

18.05.2019 - 17:10 [ ]

Hi-tech coating which makes RAF‘s new £100million F-35 fighter jets ‚invisible‘ to enemy radar is allegedly wearing off quicker than expected – but the force said the aircraft is a ‚significant success‘


An RAF source told The Express: This situation obviously has to be rectified before the plane enters operational service.‘

The source also told the paper that defence secretary Gavin Williamson and RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen have always known about the issue.

18.05.2019 - 17:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Potential applications of carbon nanotubes

Radar absorption

Radars work in the microwave frequency range, which can be absorbed by MWNTs. Applying the MWNTs to the aircraft would cause the radar to be absorbed and therefore seem to have a smaller radar cross-section. One such application could be to paint the nanotubes onto the plane. Recently there has been some work done at the University of Michigan regarding carbon nanotubes usefulness as stealth technology on aircraft. It has been found that in addition to the radar absorbing properties, the nanotubes neither reflect nor scatter visible light, making it essentially invisible at night, much like painting current stealth aircraft black except much more effective. Current limitations in manufacturing, however, mean that current production of nanotube-coated aircraft is not possible. One theory to overcome these current limitations is to cover small particles with the nanotubes and suspend the nanotube-covered particles in a medium such as paint, which can then be applied to a surface, like a stealth aircraft.[64]

In 2010, Lockheed Martin Corporation applied for a patent for just such a CNT based radar absorbent material, which was reassigned and granted to Applied NanoStructure Solutions, LLC in 2012.[65] Some believe that this material is incorporated in the F-35 Lightning II

18.05.2019 - 17:05 [ ]

Lockheed Martin reveals F-35 to feature nanocomposite structures


Meanwhile, the same carbon nanotube reinforced polymer (CNRP) material is being considered to replace about 100 components made with other composites or metals throughout the F-35‘s airframe, he said.

The shift to CNRP as an airframe material has been anticipated ever since carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1991.

18.05.2019 - 17:02 [ Technology Review ]

Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar


However, it’s not yet practical to grow forests of nanotubes on the surface of an airplane directly—growing such forests is a high-temperature, high-pressure process done in chambers much smaller than an airplane. But Guo says it should be possible to grow the nanotubes on the surface of tiny particles which can then be suspended in paint.

14.05.2019 - 21:30 [ ]

ZombieLoad Attack: Watch out! Your processor resurrects your private browsing-history and other sensitive data.

After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we discovered more critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. The ZombieLoad attack allows stealing sensitive data and keys while the computer accesses them.

While programs normally only see their own data, a malicious program can exploit the fill buffers to get hold of secrets currently processed by other running programs. These secrets can be user-level secrets, such as browser history, website content, user keys, and passwords, or system-level secrets, such as disk encryption keys.

The attack does not only work on personal computers but can also be exploited in the cloud.

14.05.2019 - 21:29 [ ]

New secret-spilling flaw affects almost every Intel chip since 2011

Almost every computer with an Intel chips dating back to 2011 are affected by the vulnerabilities. AMD and ARM chips are not said to be vulnerable like earlier side-channel attacks.

09.05.2019 - 11:40 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ein möglicher Grund warum Nordkorea weiter auf seinen Nuklearwaffen hockt


Ein möglicher Grund: dann würde deren Inspektion wohl Aufschlüsse darüber geben, welche Atommacht Pjöngjang bei dessen Aufrüstung geholfen hat. Denn ohne jedwede äußere Hilfe wäre der technologische Sprung in Nordkoreas entsprechenden militärisch-industriellen Anlagen, gerade in den letzten Jahren und auch noch zur Wasserstoffbombe, schwerlich erklärbar.

Wir stellten bereits vor anderthalb Jahren mal so eine kleine Liste von Staaten in den Raum deren militärisch-industrieller Komplex und Kriegslobby für eine solche klandestine Kollaboration bei der nuklearen Aufrüstung Nordkoreas in Frage käme.

06.05.2019 - 19:49 [ Robins Air Force Base ]

Air Force Research Laboratory completes successful shoot down of air-launched missiles

During the series of tests at the High Energy Laser System Test Facility at White Sands Missile Range, the Demonstrator Laser Weapon System (DLWS) (Figure 1), acting as a ground-based test surrogate for the SHiELD system, was able to engage and shoot down several air launched missiles in flight. The demonstration is an important step of the SHiELD system development, by validating laser effectiveness against the target missiles. The final SHiELD system, however, will be much smaller and lighter, as well as ruggedized for an airborne environment.

06.05.2019 - 19:44 [ ]

The US Air Force successfully tested a laser system to shoot down missiles

SHiELD also not the only laser technology that’s in testing by the US military — the US Army tested a system mounted on an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter last summer, and the US Navy is working with Lockheed Martin on its own systems to install on warships.

06.05.2019 - 19:43 [ China Xinhua News / Twitter ]

Boeing knew of a software error that prevented the correct functioning of a safety alert system on the 737 Max for a year before disclosing the problem to regulators and airlines, according to a Sunday Wall Street Journal report

29.03.2019 - 10:50 [ ]

There is mysterious ‘undocumented technology’ hidden on Intel computer chips, researchers say

Computer experts have claimed that the chips which power most of the computers in the world are hiding mysterious and ‘undocumented’ technology.

Analysts from Positive Technologies alleged that Intel chips and processors contain an enigmatic ‘logic signal analyser’ capable of reading ‘almost all data on a computer’.

The claims are likely to alarm conspiracy theorists …