The Colorado Springs resident suspected of detonating a Tesla Cybertruck in front of a Las Vegas hotel and the Texas man accused of driving a pickup truck into a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans served at the same military base, sources told Scripps News Denver.
Archiv: Vorwissen / Warnungen / Vorab-Informationen / prenotifications / warnings / information
Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources tell Denver7 Investigates
Livelsberger was a member of the Army’s elite Green Berets, a special forces unit and guerrilla warfare experts, according to an Army statement reported by the Associated Press. He has served in the Army since 2006, rising through the ranks, and was on approved leave when he died, the statement said. The Green Berets work to counter terrorists abroad using unconventional techniques.
Livelsberger spent time at the base formerly known as Fort Bragg, a massive Army base in North Carolina that is home to Army special forces command.
Authorities warned of vehicle-ramming attack danger in US during holiday season
On Dec. 6, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center issued a joint intel bulletin warning law enforcement about the ongoing serious threat posed by lone offenders during the winter holiday season.
„Lone offenders have historically used simple tactics, such as edged weapons, firearms, or vehicle ramming, due to their ease of access, ability to inflict mass casualties, and lack of required training,“ the bulletin stated.
Report: US Had Foreknowledge of HTS Offensive To Topple Assad and Prepared Other Rebel Group To Join
(December 19, 2024)
“They did not tell us how it would happen,” Bashar al-Mashadani, an RCA commander, told The Telegraph. “We were just told: ‘Everything is about to change. This is your moment. Either Assad will fall, or you will fall.’ But they did not say when or where, they just told us to be ready.”
In October, the US brought several other Sunni Muslim militias under the command of the RCA, swelling the force from 800 fighters to about 3,000. All of the fighters are armed by the US, and the US pays their salaries of $400 per month.
US ‘prepared Syrian rebel group to help topple Bashar al-Assad’
(December 18, 2024)
RCA fighters who captured the Russian-controlled Syrian air base on the outskirts of the town last week said they had been told to prepare for Assad’s possible fall in early November, nearly three weeks before the offensive began.
Until one month earlier, Capt Mashadani had been second-in-command of the Abu Khatab brigade. This small unit of 150 men was created by US Special Forces and trained by their British counterparts in Jordan until 2016, to hunt down Isis fighters near Deir ez-Zor, a city in eastern Syria.
Holger Münch: BKA-Chef bestätigt „unspezifischen“ Hinweis aus Saudi-Arabien
Holger Münch, Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), besichtigt vor Beginn der Herbsttagung des BKA mit dem Schwerpunkt künstliche Intelligenz den Veranstaltungssaal. (…)
Der Chef des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), Holger Münch, hat bestätigt, dass das BKA im November 2023 einen Hinweis aus Saudi-Arabien zu dem mutmaßlichen Attentäter des Magdeburger Weihnachtsmarktes bekommen habe. Im heute-journal des ZDF sagte er, „hier ist auch ein Verfahren eingeleitet worden.
Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.
(December 16, 2023)
Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.
Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.
Yes, Antony Blinken Should Resign. But He’s Not the Only One.
(September 27, 2024)
The day is dark, the forces arrayed are tenacious, but as the late Nation editorial board member Toni Morrison wrote “No! This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.”
I urge you to stand with The Nation and donate today.
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editorial Director and Publisher, The Nation
Tehran warns IAEA about Israel‘s nuclear site threats
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Esmaeil Baghaei said on Monday at a press conference that Tehran warned the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about Israel‘s threats of potentially striking the country‘s nuclear infrastructure.
Palästina und die Unabhängigkeit: Eine unnötige Verzögerung
(30. Dezember 2014)
Es ist die alte Regel des Imperialismus und seiner sadistischen Handlanger: Wenn Du schon verloren hast, quatsch Deinen Gegner zu und organisiere, dass dieser sich selbst ermordet, ruiniert, zerstört, oder zumindest seine Chancen, Vorteile und Talente. Genau das geschieht seit Jahren mit den europäischen Demokratien. Genau das geschieht heute Nacht (1, 2) im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen mit Palästina.
Die Resolution, die Mahmud Abbas und die “Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation” nicht selbst in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen konnten und sich daher an die Monarchie Jordanien wandten, ist gut. Sie ist, im Vergleich zur Resolution der P.L.O. vom 17. Dezember, sogar noch verbessert wurden. Ostjerusalem wurde eben nicht verraten und verkauft. Im Gegenteil, die Resolution beinhaltet im Entscheidungstext (“decides”) unter Punkt 2:
“eine gerechte Lösung des Status von Jerusalem als der Hauptstadt der zwei Staaten, die die legitimen Anliegen beider Parteien erfüllt und die Freiheit des Betens beschützt.”
Angekündigt wurde diese Resolution von Mahmud Abbas bereits vor fast einem halben Jahr, in seiner Rede am 26. September in der Allgemeinen Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Abbas damals wörtlich:
“Während der letzten zwei Wochen, unterhielten Palästina (Anm.: Abbas Autonomiebehörde) und die Arabische Gruppe intensive Kontakte mit den verschiedenen regionalen Gruppen in den Vereinten Nationen, um die Einbringung eines Resolutionsentwurfs bezüglich des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts für dessen Annahme durch den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen vorzubereiten und die Bemühungen um Frieden voranzutreiben.”
Nur zur Erinnerung: das war mitten in einem durch die Regierung Israels angerichteten Massaker im aufständischen Teil Palästinas, dem Gazastreifen, in das zum wiederholten Male Bodentruppen der Kolonialmacht Israel versuchten einzumarschieren, in Absprache mit den Regierungen in Berlin und Washington bezüglich einer “Demilitarisierung” des Gazastreifens und dem damit verbundenen absehbaren Versuch deutsche “Inspektoren” als Besatzungsmacht einzubinden.
Das war vor einem halben Jahr.
Seitdem passierte durch Abbas Behörde und die P.L.O. hinsichtlich der Resolution gar nichts, außer das in regelmäßigen Abständen immer wieder behauptet wurde, jaja, jetzt aber. Jetzt aber.
Jetzt werde man die Unabhängigkeits-Resolution in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen. Bloß 36 Jahre nach der eigenen Unabhängigkeitserklärung. Nur noch ein halbes Jahr lang schwätzen. Bloß noch ein halbes Jahr.
Am 17. Dezember stellt die P.L.O. ihre Resolution vor und versteckte diese auf ihrer Webseite so gut es ging. Ich fand sie erst Tage später. Meines Wissens nach verlinkte kein einziges palästinensisches Portal die Resolution oder verwies auch nur darauf, auch nicht die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur WAFA.
Als stattdessen Mahmud Abbas schon wieder vor der Presse auftauchte und irgendetwas als Begleitmusik zu seinem Nichtstun erzählte, schrieb ich dazu am 21. Dezember des Jahres 2014 in Kurzform meine Meinung. Als es dann nach Weihnachten am 29. Dezember endlich hieß, die palästinensische Resolution werde nun tatsächlich in den Sicherheitsrat eingebracht, zum Erstaunen “westlicher Dipomaten”, dachte ich, na endlich. Jetzt kann´s losgehen.
Nur zur Erklärung: Einbringen heisst nicht abstimmen. Gerade wenn drei Tage später am 1. Januar 2015 fünf Staaten neues Mitglied im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat werden, von denen vier – Angola, Venezuela, Spanien und Malaysien – Palästina wahrscheinlich ihre Stimme geben würden und die Chancen auf einen Sieg damit erheblich steigen. Die palästinensische Unabhängigkeits-Resolution, die durch Annahme im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat völkerrechtlich verbindlich und rechtsgültig wäre, braucht 9 Stimmen von 15 Mitgliedern.
Ich hatte bereits während des Putsches in der Ukraine und des anschließenden Aufbaus der Neurussland-Falle den Eindruck, als lese nur eine Klientel meine Artikel tatsächlich und sorge
“umgehend dafür, dass genau das Gegenteil von dem geschah was ich in diesen mit aller Bescheidenheit empfohlen hatte.”
Ich sehe, genau jetzt, diese Sadisten und Faschisten im seit Ausbruch des Terrorkrieges in 2001 mit Geld, Macht und Spielzeugen für Kranke vollgelaufenen “Sicherheits”-Apparat vor mir, auch in Jerusalem, auch in New York, wie sie versuchen die Palästinenser – neben den Kurden das Volk was noch immer für deren geostrategische Spielchen hergehalten und gelitten hat – ein weiteres Mal auf das Dreckigste zu betrügen………
Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas
Today, 6:37 am
Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and the surrounding areas.
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
(November 30, 2023)
The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.
Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.
“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.
Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.
(December 16, 2023)
Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.
Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.
Shin Bet chief warns prime minister in July 2023 that war is incoming
The Prime Minister‘s Office denied these allegations, saying: „Prime Minister Netanyahu did not receive a warning about the war in Gaza not on the date in question not before October 7. On the contrary, all security officials made it clear that Hamas is deterred and strives to reach an agreement. Also, a few days before October 7, the Shin Bet assessed that Gaza‘s stability is expected to be maintained for a long time.“
The Shin Bet did not comment on the Prime Minister Office‘s response.
Israel, opposition leader accuses Netanyahu: He knew about the threat of October 7 and did nothing
In the weeks that followed, Lapid continued, he viewed classified intelligence provided to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that indicated that deterrence had indeed eroded. He also viewed highly classified material made available to him as a former prime minister. On September 18, 2023, there was “a further warning. For me, what was written there was unmistakable: Israel’s deterrence has eroded dramatically; our enemies think they have a rare opportunity to harm us,” Lapid said.
Netanyahu was warned a year before Oct. 7 that Hamas saw its ‘moment had arrived,’ Lapid tells civilian inquiry
“During the months leading up to the disaster, the prime minister and cabinet ministers received a series of serious, unprecedented warnings. From the middle of 2023 there were more and more voices within the terrorist organizations that said that the moment they had been waiting for had arrived,” he says.
Lapid recalls asking Bar “if these warnings were also brought before the prime minister and cabinet ministers, and the answer was: ‘Of course they were.‘”
Israeli opposition leader Lapid says Netanyahu was warned about Hamas
„I want to refute the statement that is made time and time again by the current government that, somehow, the political echelon was not aware that Hamas was not deterred,“ Lapid told the paper.
„It was indeed informed. I was informed,“ he said, adding that the intelligence material he saw „was of course, also seen by the prime minister and ministers of the Cabinet.“
„It was clear what they [Hamas] wanted,“ he said.
Netanyahu Let Hamas’ Oct 7 Attack Happen? Bombshell Claim By Arch Rival Amid 10 Months Of Gaza War
In a heated exchange, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Yair Lapid clashed over the handling of Hamas’ October 7 attack. Lapid accused Netanyahu of ignoring critical warnings that eroded national security, claiming the PM failed to act despite knowing a violent eruption was looming. In response, Netanyahu fired back, accusing Lapid of ‚spreading lies.‘ Watch for more.
Artificial island off Gaza pitched by Israeli minister in EU meeting is ‚irrelevant‘, Borrell says
Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz has sparked controversy after using a high-stakes meeting of EU foreign ministers to promote a plan to build an artificial island off the Gazan coast.
Plan to build artificial island in Israel seen as attempt to legitimize occupation of apartheid regime
Referring to the proposal by Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz on Jan. 22 at the EU Foreign Ministers Meeting to establish an artificial island in the Mediterranean to settle the people of Gaza, Halper noted that it is part of the project to cleanse Palestinian lands from Palestinians.
“The point of Israeli apartheid is to disappear the Palestinians as a people and Palestine as a country: confine the Palestinians to small islands (later called a “state,” but without real sovereignty or economically viable), take their lands and then normalize that regime in the international community.
WHO warnt vor „Blutbad“ in Rafah
Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu hatte kürzlich erklärt, die israelische Armee werde ungeachtet der internationalen Kritik und unabhängig von einer möglichen Einigung auf ein Abkommen über eine Waffenruhe im Gazastreifen ihre Pläne für eine Bodenoffensive in Rafah umsetzen.
Iran warns Israel against attacking nuclear sites
“If the Zionist regime (Israel) wants to take action against our nuclear centres and facilities, it will definitely and surely face our reaction,” the official news agency IRNA quoted Haghtalab as saying.
“For the counterattack, the nuclear facilities of the (Israeli) regime will be targeted and operated upon with advanced weaponry.”
Tehran reverses course on Amir-Abdollahian‘s statements, confirms Shafaq News reports
Committee rapporteur Ali Nehmeh clarified to Shafaq News that „Iraq was taken by surprise by the timing of Iran‘s response and had no agreement with Tehran to allow Iranian drones or missiles through its airspace. The decision to halt air traffic came as a precautionary measure after the attack, with Iraq playing no role in Iran‘s actions.“
A government source familiar with the situation suggested that Tehran may have refrained from informing Baghdad of the attack‘s timing to prevent leaks, noting that Iran had notified several regional countries three days prior, as Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stated.
Media In Tehran Accuse Russia, Syria Of Betraying IRGC
In an editorial on April 8, Masih Mohajeri, the influential managing editor of Jomhouri Eslami daily, a newspaper that was founded by Ali Khamenei in 1979, asked: „Why Russia, which controls the Syrian airspace does not prevent air strikes on Iranian targets in Syria?“ Also implicating Syria and possibly Iranian infiltrators in tipping off the Israelis, Mohajeri wrote: „We have had too many losses in Syria during the past months and this is certainly because of the treason by infiltrators.“
Since December, Israel has eliminated 18 high ranking IRGC officers in Syria, in what appears to be a systematic campaign to limit the danger of Iranian proxies on its borders.
Iran signals it will limit response to Israel attack to avoid escalation
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told his German counterpart on Thursday that Iran is determined to respond to Israel‘s bombing of its consular building in Damascus last week, but will do so in an „appropriate“ and limited way, a source with direct knowledge of the call told Axios.
Top UN court likely to issue tough decision against Israel for ongoing attacks on Gaza
The world court will rule on the requested additional measures in the coming days, which may include criticism of Israel as well as requests for additional monitoring reports, according to the KAN broadcaster report.
However, observers in Israel believe that no additional orders, such as a cessation of the war on Gaza, will be issued, but that the court will take a critical tone toward Israel, which is unusual, said the broadcaster.
Earlier on Monday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza …
„Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down….“ 2/2
They were Israel‘s eyes on the border – but their Hamas warnings went unheard
Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.
Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.
Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.
Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.
“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.
Plans for U.S. strikes on Iranian personnel and facilities in Iraq, Syria approved after Jordan drone attack
Weather will be a major factor in the timing of the strikes, the U.S. officials told CBS News, as the U.S. has the capability to carry out strikes in bad weather but prefers to have better visibility of selected targets…
„Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down….“ 2/2
42 survivors of the Nova rave massacre sue defense establishment for negligence
The 42 plaintiffs filed the claim for NIS 200 million ($56 million) at the Tel Aviv District Court against the Shin Bet security service, the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, and the Defense Ministry, alleging multiple instances in which they failed in their duties.
“A single phone call by IDF officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of partygoers, including the plaintiffs,” the lawsuit said. “The negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief.”
World Court to decide on ‚provisional measures‘ to stop Gaza war in coming days
Less than two weeks after the opening of hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as part of a petition lodged by South Africa against Israel for alleged „genocide“ in the Gaza Strip, the court is anticipated to deliver in the coming days a ruling on the petitioner‘s request for a provisional order to halt the war.
They were Israel‘s eyes on the border – but their Hamas warnings went unheard
Combative security cabinet meeting on post-war Gaza uncovers coalition‘s crisis
Israel‘s War Cabinet gathered overnight on Friday to discuss the future of the Gaza Strip after the nation‘s war against Hamas ends. The meeting was reportedly cut off after lawmakers clashed with the defense establishment over the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) investigation of the mistakes leading to the October 7 tragedy that had previously been promised to start after the Israel-Hamas war.
Miri Regev, Minister of Transport and Road Safety, pointed out that the decision over the probe had been made without lawmakers‘ knowledge and argued that the army should be fully focused on the combat in the moment.
Breaking: The IDF has begun investigating the 7.10 incident. Investigation teams have been established, including former Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz, former head of Military Intelligence Zeevi Farkash, and former Southern Command chief Sami Turgeman.
Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.
Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.
Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.
Israel-Krieg im Liveticker: Überlebende des Supernova-Festivals klagen gegen israelischen Sicherheitsapparat | FAZ
42 survivors of the Nova rave massacre sue defense establishment for negligence
The 42 plaintiffs filed the claim for NIS 200 million ($56 million) at the Tel Aviv District Court against the Shin Bet security service, the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, and the Defense Ministry, alleging multiple instances in which they failed in their duties.
“A single phone call by IDF officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of partygoers, including the plaintiffs,” the lawsuit said. “The negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief.”
BND? Mossad? CIA? Vorwissen vom 7.Oktober? Krieg in Westasien?…. OK, WELCHE ALTLINKE SAU HAT DANACH GESUCHT?!
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.
Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.
“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.
Shin Bet Source in Gaza Reportedly Warned of Major Hamas Attack on Israel Set for Early October
According to the Channel 12 report, the handler of the source passed the information further, estimating that if Hamas‘ plan „indeed nears execution, additional information will reach us.“ However, the specific information was eventually halted at a lower level and did not reach higher-ranking authorities.
The alert received in the summer was revisited as part of the Shin Bet‘s investigations into the intelligence failure. Shin Bet sources claimed that no additional information supporting that specific intelligence was found during the examinations
Report: Shin Bet dismissed Gaza source’s tip on plans, timing of major Hamas attack
The network cited unnamed Shin Bet sources saying that the lack of corroborating intelligence, and the fact that the source had only started speaking to the Shin Bet a relatively short while before — had contributed to the tip not being taken seriously, though they have since admitted that the source is highly reliable.
Even though Bar, the agency’s chief, hadn’t heard about the information, Channel 12 cited multiple sources as saying the Shin Bet won’t blame lower-ranking officers, and admitting the service failed to prevent the assault.
NYT: Israel had blueprint of Hamas’s financial infrastructure in 2018, but didn’t shut it down
However, the report says that even though the documents were shared in Jerusalem and Washington, nothing was done to disrupt the operations.
“Everyone is talking about failures of intelligence on Oct. 7, but no one is talking about the failure to stop the money,” Udi Levy, a former chief of Mossad’s economic warfare division, tells the paper “It’s the money — the money — that allowed this.”
The report says that the funds totaled some $500 million.
Levy says he briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015 about Hamas’s finances.
Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.
Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.
Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.
Thousands of Palestinians waiting to receive food aid from the UN relief and works agency in Gaza.
Gaza is ‘running out of time’ UN experts warn, demanding a ceasefire to prevent genocide
(02 November 2023)
“We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at grave risk of genocide,” the experts said. “The time for action is now. Israel’s allies also bear responsibility and must act now to prevent its disastrous course of action,” they said.
The experts expressed “deepening horror” about Israeli airstrikes against the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza since Tuesday (31 October) night, which have reportedly killed and injured hundreds of Palestinians, calling it a brazen breach of international law.
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.
Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.
“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.
New York Times zitiert Sicherheitspapier: Wusste Israel von Hamas-Angriffsplan?
(01.12.2023 16:29 Uhr)
Laut New York Times war der Bericht weiten Kreisen der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte zugänglich – neben den Angriffsplänen habe er auch geheime Informationen über die israelische Armee und deren Kommunikation enthalten. Wie die Hamas an solch sicherheitsrelevante Informationen kommen konnte, sei unklar.
Police disperse protest by bereaved families at Knesset: ‘Why didn’t anyone protect my parents?’
Police disperse a protest against the government by bereaved families outside the Knesset in Jerusalem.
“Why didn’t anyone protect my parents,” says Maoz Inon to an officer as they try to move him.
Inon’s parents, Bilha and Yakovi Inon, 78 and 75, were killed in Netiv Ha’asara on October 7.
US has sent Israel data on aid group locations to try to prevent strikes
The Biden administration has been providing Israel with the location of humanitarian groups in Gaza for weeks to prevent strikes against their facilities. But Israel has continued to hit such sites.
The information included GPS coordinates of a number of medical facilities and information on movements of aid groups in Gaza to the Israeli government for at least a month, according to three people familiar with the communications. All were granted anonymity because they feared speaking publicly would make it more difficult for aid groups to operate in Gaza.
CNN‘s Dana Bash pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the hospital situation in Gaza, efforts to get hostages released and whether he takes responsibility for failing to prevent the surprise October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel.
Biden administration privately warned by American diplomats of growing fury against US in Arab world
“We are losing badly on the messaging battlespace,” reads a Wednesday cable from the US Embassy in Oman, citing conversations with “a wide range of trusted and sober-minded contacts.”
The robust US support for Israel’s actions is being seen, the cable warns, “as material and moral culpability in what they consider to be possible war crimes.”
The cable from the embassy was written by the second-highest US official in Muscat and sent to, among others, the White House’s National Security Council, the CIA and the FBI.
Mike Pompeo says State Dept has an ‚AOC, Rashida Tlaib wing‘ after leaked memo blasts Biden‘s Israel policy
(November 7, 2023)
MIKE POMPEO: I wish I could tell you I‘m surprised, but having led that organization, the State Department, this is the AOC, Rashida Tlaib wing of the State Department. These are classic appeasers who don‘t understand that the Israelis are acting in self-defense. They are taking out a terror threat that killed 1,400 of their citizens. They have not only the right to do it, but an obligation to do it.
Dissenting Memo From State Dept Criticizes Biden Response to Israel’s Attacks
(November 7, 2023)
It’s unclear how many staffers in the department signed on to the memo, or whether it has been altered or amended since it was leaked, Politico reported. Dissenting memos are not uncommon — indeed, the department encourages such commentaries, and has a Dissent Channel set up for them — but it’s unusual for dissenting memos to be released publicly. Other dissenting memos relating to Israel’s recent actions are reportedly being discussed within the department.
Fears of another Palestinian exodus reverberate across the Middle East
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said last week that a transfer of Palestinians from Gaza would likely be followed by a similar “expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank to Jordan.” Jordan’s foreign minister later said such a move would be considered a declaration of “war.”
Commentators on Arab media outlets have warned that Israel may be planning to de-populate the Gaza Strip of Palestinians and even re-occupy it.
Displacing Palestinians from West Bank is ‚red line‘, declaration of war: Jordan FM
Such efforts by Israel „is a red line for Jordan, as we will confront it with all our capabilities because it is a violation of international law,“ Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi said during an emergency parliamentary session on Gaza.
He added that displacing people from one occupied territory to another would be a war crime, in reference to Palestinians in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and thus „a declaration of war“ by Amman, which established ties with Israel in 1994.
Jordan will consider expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza as declaration of war: Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh
Any attempt to remove Palestinians from the Gaza Strip or the West Bank is a red line for Jordan. This was announced by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Bisher Khasawneh, Al Mamlaka TV reported.
„The Jordanian government will consider the expulsion of Palestinians from their territories as a declaration of war against them. All options for responding to the escalation of Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip are on the table,“ he emphasized.
Jordanien: Vertreibung von Palästinensern „rote Linie“
Jordanien hat eine „rote Linie“ im Gaza-Krieg gezogen. Versuche, Palästinenser aus dem Gazastreifen oder dem Westjordanland zu vertreiben, bzw. Bedingungen, das vorzubereiten, werde das Königreich als „Kriegserklärung“ betrachten, sagte der jordanische Ministerpräsident Bischer al-Chasawneh laut der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Petra gestern.
Opposition slams Netanyahu for reportedly casting blame for Oct. 7 on IDF reservists
Yisrael Beytenu party head Avigdor Liberman and Labor chief Merav Michaeli went further in their criticism, calling on Netanyahu to resign.
אב שכול מכפר עזה, רפ״ק במילואים, מדבר על גבורת שוטרי הדרום ופונה מדם לבו אל ממ״ז ירושלים בבקשה לשמור על זכות ההפגנה ולהימנע מאלימות כלפי המפגינים.
Now in front of @Netanyahu‘s residence at 35 Gaza Road, Jerusalem, thousands demanding Netanyahu‘s ouster (@rozolyo)
There are at least two protests in Jerusalem. Demonstrators near Netanyahu‘s official residence have broken through police lines. Across from the billionaire‘s mansion where Netanyahu is holing up, signs read „Bibi Traitor of the Nation“ „Netanyahu Guilty“ and „Debacle 2023.“
Netanyahu slammed for post blaming intelligence chiefs for Oct. 7 failure; apologizes
“Contrary to the false claims: Under no circumstances and at no stage was Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of Hamas’s war intentions,” read the original tweet, posted shortly after 1 a.m. local time, hours after Netanyahu held a joint press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz.
The tweet elaborated: “On the contrary, all the security officials, including the head of military intelligence and the head of the Shin Bet, assessed that Hamas had been deterred and was looking for a settlement. This assessment was submitted again and again to the prime minister and the cabinet by all the security forces and intelligence community, up until the outbreak of the war.”
Netanyahu‘s first question from any Israeli journalist in years goes to @YaaraShapira who asks if he will take responsibility for the disaster and whether he will commit to a National Commission of Inquiry. He deflects.
Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’
(9 October 2023)
However, Israel was not only reportedly ignoring clear warnings from its allies.
For Palestinians in Gaza, Israel’s eyes are never very far away. Surveillance drones buzz constantly in the skies. The highly secured border is awash with security cameras and soldiers on guard. Intelligence agencies work sources and cyber capabilities to draw out information.
But Israel’s eyes appeared to have been closed in the lead-up to the surprise onslaught by the Hamas terror group, which broke through Israeli border barriers and sent hundreds of terrorists into Israel to carry out a brazen attack that killed over 700 people and wounded over 2,000.
Visiting US senators: Hamas must be destroyed, war was opened to prevent Saudi peace
Delaware Democrat Chris Coons also said that the Abraham Accords and progress toward normalization were among Hamas’s reasons to attack now.
Graham added that 10 percent of the US Senate is currently in Israel “because we care… I come here because I love Israel. I do not hate Palestinians. I hate Hamas.”
Graham also had stark words of warning for Tehran: “We’re here today to tell Iran, we’re watching you. If this war grows, it’s coming to your backyard. There won’t be two fronts, there will be three.”
Gaza evacuation a ‘tall order’ but US understands need, White House says
“We understand what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to move civilians out of harm’s way,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNN.
“Now it’s a tall order. It’s a million people, and it’s very urban, dense environment. It’s already a combat zone. So I don’t think anybody’s underestimating the challenge here of effecting that evacuation.”
Israel calls on 1.1 million Gazans to evacuate south in order UN warns is „impossible“
The UN has decried such an order, saying it’s impossible for civilians to evacuate “without devastating humanitarian consequences.”
Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN Secretary General, said in a statement that the UN “strongly appeals for any such order, if confirmed, to be rescinded avoiding what could transform what is already a tragedy into a calamitous situation.”
IDF chief Halevi admits military failed to prevent Hamas attack, vows to investigate
Halevi says a time will come to investigate how Hamas managed to carry out the attack.
„Be careful“: Biden says he warned Iran regarding Gaza war, as Blinken heads to Israel
“We haven’t seen anything that tells they have specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks, or that they were involved in the training. And obviously, this required quite a bit of training by these terrorists,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters earlier Wednesday, though he added that the US will continue to look at the intelligence “and see if that leads us to a different conclusion.”
How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack
Hamas took advantage of that weakness by sending aerial drones to attack the cellular towers that transmitted signals to and from the surveillance system, according to the officials and also drone footage circulated by Hamas on Saturday and analyzed by The New York Times. (…)
The second operational failure was the clustering of leaders from the army’s Gaza division in a single location along the border. Once the base was overrun, most of the senior officers were killed, injured or taken hostage, according to two of the Israeli officials.
A staggering intelligence failure. Hard to comprehend how this was missed. Expect a massive military response in Gaza, including possible ground invasion, and potential for further escalation. All eyes on Iran as well. Thoughts with friends in Israel.
‘A colossal failure’ as Gaza’s Hamas terrorists infiltrate, catch Israel unprepared
“All of Israel is asking itself: Where is the IDF, where is the police, where is the security?” agreed Eli Maron, the former head of the Israeli Navy, alongside him in the studio. “It’s a colossal failure; the hierarchies have simply failed, with vast consequences.”
Amos Yadlin, a former IDF intelligence chief, invoked echoes of the Yom Kippur War — another attack marked by “intelligence failure,” with the enemy initiating conflict.
Pentagon to revisit Kabul airport bombing with new witness interviews
Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, who oversees U.S. Central Command, ordered the additional interviews “to ensure we do our due diligence” with information that came to light after the military closed its investigation of the incident, Michael Lawhorn, a Central Command spokesman, said in a statement. By itself, the move does not formally reopen the investigation, completed in November 2021, but the general could determine that doing so is necessary once the additional interviews are complete.
The attack’s suspected mastermind was killed by the Taliban earlier this year, U.S. officials disclosed in April.
Corona soll offenbar noch einmal zu einem großen Ding gemacht werden
Sie versuchen es allen Ernstes mit genau den gleichen Sätzen und Propagandamethoden noch einmal. Und der Spiegel ist wieder vorne mit dabei. Vielleicht läuft da gerade ein heimlicher Sentinel-Test auf geistige Bevölkerungsgesundheit.
Liebe Mainstream-Journalisten: Wollen Sie wirklich eine Wiederkehr der Corona-Politik?
Es mag im Moment unwahrscheinlich erscheinen, dass es gelingt, die Corona-Politik in der erlebten radikalen Form wiederzubeleben. Wenn aber erst einmal eine neue Paniksituation installiert ist mit den entsprechenden „Sachzwängen“ und den „rasant in die Höhe schnellenden Zahlen“, dann wird es wieder leicht sein, eine Sphäre der angeblichen „Unwissenheit“ zu kreieren, in der auch harte „Maßnahmen“ nicht mehr seriös begründet werden müssen und in der skrupellos mit Emotionen gearbeitet wird. Und dann wird es zu spät sein, um noch rational durchzudringen.
Dieser Zustand muss verhindert werden. Darum erfolgt hier nicht nur der Appell an die lieben Mainstream-Journalisten, sondern auch an verantwortungsvolle Politiker, Gewerkschafter, Kirchenvertreter, Lehrer, Künstler, Ärzte und so weiter: Bitte lassen Sie das nicht noch einmal zu!
Shin Bet said to warn of ramped-up threats against top justice, attorney general
The Shin Bet security service reportedly warned Sunday of mounting threats against Supreme Court President Esther Hayut and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, both of whom have been central targets of right-wing figures for their opposition to certain government moves.
The warnings were expressed during a situational assessment held by the agency Sunday, Channel 13 news reported.
Giving a convicted felon an armed militia… Bad Idea! Wagner PMC is just a promo to what is about to happen here
Nuclear Secrets, a Compost Heap and the Lost Documents Daniel Ellsberg Never Leaked
(April 20, 2023)
Daniel Ellsberg — who died Friday at 92 — fully expected to spend the rest of his life in prison after he leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1971. The documents revealed decades of government lies and mistakes about the war in Vietnam, and eventually, they helped end it.
The charges against Ellsberg were ultimately dismissed, but he had a secret: The Pentagon Papers were only supposed to be the beginning. Alongside the documents about Vietnam, he’d copied thousands of pages of other documents about America’s nuclear war planning that he believed would shock the public conscience. But a series of mishaps kept those documents from ever coming to light.
Wyden Warns of Potential Public Backlash From Allowing Secret Law
(May 27, 2011)
Speaking on the floor of the U.S Senate during the truncated debate on the reauthorization of the PATRIOT ACT for another four years, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) — a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence — warned his colleagues that a vote to extend the bill without amendments that would ban any Administration‘s ability to keep internal interpretations of the Patriot Act classified will eventually cause public outrage.
Known as Secret Law, the official interpretation of the Patriot Act could dramatically differ from what the public believes the law allows. This could create severe violations of the Constitutional and Civil Rights of American Citizens.
(1 May 2023)
I am writing this on 30 April, the anniversary of the last day of the longest war of the twentieth century, in Vietnam, which I reported. I was very young when I arrived in Saigon and I learned a great deal. I learned to recognise the distinctive drone of the engines of giant B-52s, which dropped their carnage from above the clouds and spared nothing and no one; I learned not to turn away when faced with a charred tree festooned with human parts; I learned to value kindness as never before; I learned that Joseph Heller was right in his masterly Catch-22: that war was not suited to sane people; and I learned about ‚our‘ propaganda.
All through that war, the propaganda said a victorious Vietnam would spread its communist disease to the rest of Asia, allowing the Great Yellow Peril to its north to sweep down. Countries would fall like ‚dominoes‘.
Ho Chi Minh‘s Vietnam was victorious, and none of the above happened. Instead, Vietnamese civilisation blossomed, remarkably, in spite of the price they paid: three million dead. And the maimed, the deformed, the addicted, the poisoned, the lost.
If the current propagandists get their war with China, this will be a fraction of what is to come. Speak up.
All Roads Lead to Dark Winter
(April 1, 2020)
The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.
Tens of Thousands Flock to Protests Across Israel to Oppose Netanyahu’s Judicial Overhaul
Negotiating teams will meet next week at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem to begin dialogue over the laws of the proposed judicial overhaul. This will be the first time the sides will discuss the details of the laws submitted to the Knesset, with previous meetings having focused on technical issues.
Several speakers at the protests called on opposition leaders to halt the negotiations, among them former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who addressed the central demonstration in Tel Aviv.
Sturm auf Kapitol in den USA: Bolsonaro droht in Brasilien mit Nachahmung
Brasília. Nach dem Überfall rechter Gruppen auf das Kapitol in der US-Hauptstadt Washington hat Präsident Jair Bolsonaro für den Fall seiner Niederlage bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Brasilien 2022 mit einem „schlimmeren Problem als in den USA“ gedroht.
Gegenüber Anhänger:innen rechtfertigte der brasilianische Präsident die Erstürmung des Kongress-Gebäudes in Washington. Er stehe „ganz an der Seite von Donald Trump“, so Bolsonaro. Ä
Britain warns Russia against escalating the war in Ukraine after false ‘dirty bomb’ claim
Ben Wallace refutes General Sergei Shoigu‘s allegations that the UK is helping Kyiv gather nuclear material to use on the battlefield
US warnings against Putin‘s nuclear threats mark a sobering moment for the world
That the United States should be forced to warn Russia publicly, and in more strident terms privately, not to use nuclear weapons is a mark of how dangerous the battle for Ukraine has become — and how much more risky it might get.
U.S. warns Putin of ‚catastrophic‘ consequences if nuclear weapons used in Ukraine
„If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively,“ Sullivan told NBC‘s „Meet the Press“ program.
Sullivan did not describe the nature of the planned U.S. response in his comments on Sunday but said the United States has privately to Moscow „spelled out in greater detail exactly what that would mean.“
Gesundheitsminister warnt vor „gravierendem Variantenwechsel“: Wirre Begründungen für die Neufassung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes
Sehen wir einmal davon ab, dass sich in der Regel im Zuge mutationsbedingter Virenentwicklung tatsächlich die „leichteren Varianten“ durchsetzen, weil ihre Wirte sich besserer Gesundheit erfreuen und sie deshalb weitergeben können – „ausschließen“ kann man üblicherweise gar nichts, keine unangenehmen Varianten und auch keine aufschlagenden Kometen. Aber deshalb laufen wir nicht auf Jahre hinaus mit einem Helm auf dem Kopf durch die Welt und deshalb müssen wir auch nicht zu Maßnahmen greifen, die man nur noch mit Begriffen des Strafrechts oder – bei unterstellter Schuldunfähigkeit – der Psychiatrie charakterisieren kann.
China warnt USA erneut vor Pelosi-Besuch in Taiwan
Zhao Lijian wies darauf hin, dass die Volksbefreiungsarmee Chinas niemals untätig zusehen werde. China werde entschlossen starke Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen, um seine Souveränität und territoriale Integrität zu schützen. Die USA sollten sich an das Ein-China-Prinzip und die drei gemeinsamen Kommuniqués halten, die Verpflichtung von US-Präsident Joe Biden erfüllen, die „Unabhängigkeit Taiwans“ nicht zu unterstützen und keinen Pelosi-Besuch in Taiwan organisieren.
Chinese FM spokesperson urges Biden not to allow Pelosi‘s visit to Taiwan
Zhao reiterated at Monday‘s press conference that China has repeatedly expressed to the US its serious concerns and solemn position that it firmly opposes Pelosi‘s visit to the island, as it could cause serious consequences. China also believes that the US must have been fully aware of the strong and clear message delivered by the Chinese side.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden spoke via telephone for over two hours on Thursday, during which Xi emphasized that it is the firm will of the 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard China‘s national sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan issue. „Those who play with fire will perish by it,“ Xi warned Biden.
The first Red Extreme heat warning issued.
Fri 15 Jul 2022
For the first time temperatures of 40°C have been forecast in the UK and the Met Office has issued the first ever Red warning for exceptional heat.
Exceptional heat is expected to affect a large part of England early next week, with temperatures likely in the high 30s C in some places and perhaps even reaching 40°C.
Russian long-range missiles destroy western Ukraine arms depot
Konashenkov said shells for M777 howitzers, a type supplied by the United States, were being stored there. He said four howitzers were destroyed elsewhere in fighting and that Russian airstrikes also destroyed Ukrainian “aviation equipment” at a military aerodrome in the southern Mykolaiv region.
There was no immediate comment on the Zolochiv strike from the Ukrainians.
A Warning From Israel‘s Left
We shouldn’t downplay the threat posed by a return to power by Netanyahu, a criminal defendant who caused great damage to the fabric of Israeli life, undermined its democratic institutions, eroded its values and is willing to cooperate with Kahanists to regain power. But this threat should not obscure the substance of Rinawie Zoabi’s arguments, which deserve serious attention. Not every abomination can be koshered by citing Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotric
UN chief ‚deeply concerned‘ about risks of global hunger due to war in Ukraine
Speaking alongside Austria‘s chancellor and foreign minister in Vienna, Guterres also said talks were ongoing to evacuate more civilians from conflict zones in Ukraine.
„I have to say that I am deeply concerned, namely with the risks of hunger becoming widespread in different parts of the world because of the dramatic food security situation we are facing because of the war in Ukraine,“ he said.
Selenskyj warnt vor weltweiten Hungersnöten
„Wie viel müsste man dann investieren, um solche Folgen zu überwinden? Diese Fragen sollten diejenigen beantworten, die die Sanktionen gegen Russland hinauszögern oder versuchen, die Hilfe für die Ukraine zu verzögern“, sagte der Präsident in einer Videoansprache am späten Abend.