Archiv: (schmäliche) Niederlagen / utter defeats

08.01.2025 - 09:48 [ Middle East Eye ]

Assad‘s former aide says deposed Syrian president was ‚tricked‘ by Putin

“But what happened was that the Iranians told Bashar al-Assad, ‘we did not receive any signals to proceed with moving Iranian aircraft to the Hmeimim base [or to] fly through Iraqi airspace to land at the base,’” Saqr told Mazeej.

“The question was relayed to Moscow, but no answer came.”

When asked whether this was a “trick by Putin”, Saqr said there was “no other explanation”.

Saqr said the Iranians told Assad they sent a plane regardless through Iraq, but were warned by the US that the aircraft would be shot down if it continued.

08.12.2024 - 18:45 [ Fox News ]

Syria Gunmen storm Iranian embassy in Damascus as Russia claims Assad left ‚instructions‘ to ‚transfer power‘

Iranian state television reported on the embassy incident, saying they did not believe the gunmen were affiliated with the wider rebel group that took the city. (…)

Russia‘s Foreign Ministry said in a Telegram post Sunday that Assad left Syria following negotiations with rebel groups, and that the long-time Syrian leader had left „instructions“ to „transfer power peacefully.“ The Russian ministry said the Kremlin was not directly involved in those discussions.

08.12.2024 - 18:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Syrian army command tells officers that Assad‘s rule has ended

The unnamed officer made the remarks to Reuters on Sunday after reports said President Assad had flown out of Damascus for an unknown destination.

Meanwhile, the militants declared that they had captured the capital, announcing the fall of the Assad government.

08.12.2024 - 18:23 [ New York Times ]

Syria Live Updates: Assad Has Resigned and Left Syria, Russia Says

President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate location was not initially clear after rebels took control of Syria’s capital. Russia’s Foreign Ministry did not provide details on where he had gone, saying only that he had resigned and left the country.

21.07.2023 - 14:10 [ ]

By-election results: Voters still ‘pissed off’ with Partygate and Truss and uninspired by Sunak, Tory MPs say

The Tories lost two seats with around 20,000 majorities in by-elections on Thursday in Selby and Ainsty, to Labour, and Somerton and Frome, to the Lib Dems, while narrowly holding on to Boris Johnson’s old Uxbridge and South Ruislip seat amid a challenge from Labour.

Tory Party chairman Greg Hands claimed the 495-vote victory in Uxbridge was the “standout result” while Mr Sunak insisted the next general election was not a “done deal” despite the loss of two safe seats.

21.07.2023 - 13:43 [ CNN ]

Rishi Sunak suffers two election losses as British voters reject ailing Conservative government

The Conservatives lost to the resurgent Labour Party in Selby and Ainsty, a region in the north of England where the Sunak’s party had enjoyed a commanding majority.

A second seat, Somerton and Frome, was won by the Liberal Democrats, a centrist party.

The Conservatives just managed to hold on to a third seat, Uxbridge and South Ruislip, the constituency held by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson until his resignation from parliament last month, although Labour significantly grew its share of the vote.

29.06.2023 - 20:31 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Euro-System: Kollektiver Wahn zur Selbstzerstörung erfasst ex-Syriza-Koalition


Griechenland: Die ehemalige “Koalition der Radikalen Linken” Syriza beschließt die unbedingte Beibehaltung des Euro-Finanzsystems und Transformation zur Einheitspartei. Syriza begeht damit Selbstmord. Sie tut dies in einem kollektiven Wahn zur Selbstzerstörung, der große Teile des Kontinents Europa bereits erfasst hat.

29.06.2023 - 20:27 [ ]

Nach Griechenland-Wahl: Tsipras gibt Parteivorsitz ab

Es war die fünfte Wahl in Folge, die Tsipras verlor.

Tsipras kündigte an, dass er als Politiker dabei bleibe. „So paradox es scheint: Das schlechte Wahlergebnis kann für SYRIZA auch ein Neuanfang sein“, sagte er. Die Partei war seit 2012 stark auf ihn zugeschnitten, ein ernsthafter Nachfolger wurde nie aufgebaut.

12.02.2021 - 02:53 [ ]

Seehofer kündigt Kontrollen an Grenze zu Tschechien und Tirol an

Der Schritt geht auf Forderungen aus Sachsen und Bayern zurück. Beide Bundesländer hätten darum gebeten, sagte Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (CSU) der Süddeutschen Zeitung.

12.02.2021 - 02:44 [ ]

Tschechien wird Notstand nicht verlängern

Das von Kommunisten (KSCM) geduldete Minderheitskabinett von der Babis-Protestbewegung ANO und der Sozialdemokraten (CSSD) hat für den entsprechenden Verlängerungsantrag nur 48 Stimmen von 106 anwesenden Parlamentariern erhalten. Damit wurde der Antrag abgelehnt.

16.11.2020 - 15:46 [ ]

House Democrats Dissect What Went Wrong And How To Rebound From Losses

House Democrats started this month hoping, and preparing, to gain seats in the election. Instead, their once-robust majority in the House has dwindled, and Democrats are on track to begin next year with the slimmest majority in decades.

Now members on the progressive left and Democratic Party moderates are again at odds over whose policies won in 2020 and how they should govern as a party.

30.10.2020 - 07:38 [ ]

‚No Pandemic Exception To The Constitution‘: Court Rejects Minn. Ballot Extension

„The rule of law, as established by the United States Constitution and the Minnesota Legislature, dictates these rules must be followed notwithstanding the Secretary‘s instructions to the contrary,“ the assenting judges wrote in explaining their decision.

„There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution.“

18.10.2020 - 11:35 [ Welt / Twitter ]

„Das ist für den Berliner Senat eine absolute Klatsche“

18.10.2020 - 11:34 [ Liz Hicks / Twitter ]

Curfew on restaurants and bars in Berlin from 11pm found to lack proportionality by Berlin Admin Court: no evidence infection more likely after 11pm; evidence restaurants & bars were sites of lower transmission.

Berlin Senate is appealing #covid19 #berlin

29.05.2019 - 18:12 [ Tagesschau ]

SPD-Fraktionsvorsitz: Schulz tritt nicht gegen Nahles an

Er macht‘s nicht: Schulz wird nicht gegen Fraktionschefin Nahles antreten. Der Ex-SPD-Chef und Ex-Kanzlerkandidat war als möglicher Gegenkandidat gehandelt worden. Und noch jemand sagte ab.

28.05.2019 - 06:06 [ ZDF heute ‏/ Twitter ]

+++ Eil: #SPD – Chefin #Nahles lässt nächste Woche über Fraktionsvorsitz abstimmen.

26.05.2019 - 12:57 [ hdb / Twitter ]

#schulz würde nur antreten, wenn #Nahles nicht für den Fraktionsvorsitz kandidiert, hieß es gestern. Nun ist klar, er will den Putsch – und wird scheitern. #spd

26.05.2019 - 12:56 [ Julia Barth, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio / ]

Warten auf das Beben

Bei der Großen Koalition war die Nervosität vor der Europawahl groß. Vor allem für die Sozialdemokraten geht es heute um viel – für Parteichefin Nahles vermutlich sogar um alles.

15.09.2018 - 07:44 [ hdb / Twitter ]

Nach sieben Jahren Kriegs-Hetze ist #Syrien nun plötzlich Russlands Problem! #Welt #Springer Euer Problem ist die militärische Niederlage! Euer Problem ist die Verhinderung eines weiteren #Libyen!

22.07.2018 - 12:20 [ AFP news agency / Twitter ]

Jordan says it has taken in 800 Syrian White Helmets rescuers and their families from Israel and plans to transfer them to the UK, Canada and Germany

22.07.2018 - 12:16 [ Sharmine Narwani ‏/ Twitter ]

Like we‘ve always said, the White Helmets are Al Qaeda‘s rescue team. And Israel has been aiding Al Qaeda on its borders throughout this conflict.

22.07.2018 - 11:20 [ ]

Israel rettet syrische Weißhelme

Wie der israelische Armeerundfunk meldete, wurden rund 800 Personen – Mitglieder der Hilfsorganisation und ihre Familien – nach Israel geholt und dann nach Jordanien weitergeleitet. Die dortige Regierung erklärte unmittelbar darauf, die Menschen würden nun nach Deutschland, Kanada und Großbritannien gebracht.

22.07.2018 - 11:05 [ Hasepost Osnabrück / Twitter ]

Maas bestätigt Aufnahme von “Weißhelmen” in Deutschland

22.07.2018 - 10:51 [ ]

Israel bringt 800 syrische Weißhelme in Sicherheit

Ihre Rettung sei auf Anweisung der israelischen Regierung und auf Bitten der USA und mehrerer europäischer Länder erfolgt.

Wie der israelische Armeerundfunk meldete, wurden die Mitglieder der Hilfsorganisation Weißhelme und ihre Familien nach Israel und dann nach Jordanien gebracht.

22.07.2018 - 10:48 [ ]

US, allies set to evacuate Syrian aid workers from southwest

Two officials familiar with the plans said Thursday that the U.S., Britain and Canada are spearheading the evacuation that would transport members of the White Helmets group to transit camps in neighboring countries. From there, they will be sent to third countries, including Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and possibly Canada, according to the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.