My country continues to support the ceasefire deal, continues to call for an end to settlers’ violence, continues to work towards a viable Palestinian state and continues to stand with Jordan and His Majesty’s vision for a peaceful Middle East with two states living side by side in prosperity and security.
Sullivan calls Yoon‘s martial law bid ‚shocking,‘ ‚wrong,‘ says alliance still set for success despite turmoil
(January 10,2025)
North Korea has so far been largely silent on the domestic turmoil that took hold of South Korea after President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law last year. However, the US is of the view that Pyongyang could exploit this internal chaos
Polizei lässt vor neuem Verhaftungsversuch gegen Yoon Kommandeure antreten
Es gab kritische Stimmen, nach denen beim ersten Versuch der Verhaftung von Yoon am 3. Januar zu wenig Personal im Einsatz gewesen sei. Demnach wird damit gerechnet, dass beim zweiten Versuch das Einsatzpersonal stark aufgestockt wird.
SPÖ-Vorsitz: Fußi gescheitert
Eine Neuwahl des SPÖ-Vorsitzenden wollte der PR-Unternehmer Rudi Fußi erzwingen. Dafür wären die Unterstützungserklärungen von zehn Prozent der SPÖ-Mitglieder notwendig gewesen. Diese hat er nicht erreicht, wie er am Dienstag eingestehen musste.
Dabei hatte Fußi vor zwei Wochen noch behauptet, bereits 46.000 Unterschriften, also von rund einem Drittel der Mitglieder zu haben. Die seien aber zum Großteil nicht von SPÖ-Mitgliedern gewesen, sagte er am Dienstag in einer Pressekonferenz vor schütterer Kulisse.
Magdeburg-Anschlag: Der Innenausschuss auf Spurensuche
Auch Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser stellte sich den Fragen des Gremiums. Sie sicherte Aufklärung und besseren Schutz der Bevölkerung zu: „Alle Hintergründe müssen gründlich ermittelt werden“, sagte die SPD-Politikerin. Es werde jeder Stein umgedreht. Der Täter habe „unfassbar grausam und brutal gehandelt“. Klar sei, „dass wir unsere Sicherheitsbehörden stärken müssen“.
Report: Israel Sees Opportunity To Bomb Iran After Downfall of Assad
Israeli officials now say they have total air superiority over Syria due to the lack of air defenses, which could make it easier to launch airstrikes on Iran. Israeli warplanes used to have to avoid air defenses when bombing Syria, but now Israeli officials say they’re able to fly over Damascus without having to worry about getting shot down by Russian-made air defenses.
Russia asks Israel to avoid air strikes near Syrian base
Russia has asked Israel to avoid launching aerial strikes near one of Moscow‘s bases in Syria, a top official said on Wednesday.
Bundesverwaltungsgericht: BND darf zu Staatstrojanern wie Pegasus schweigen
Laut BND könnten sich Überwachungs-Ziele vor Pegasus schützen, wenn der BND offiziell zugibt, dass er Pegasus nutzt.
BND muss Kommunikations-Überwachung einschränken
Die entsprechende Grundlage (Artikel 10-Gesetz) für den deutschen Auslandsgeheimdienst muss bis spätestens Ende 2026 neu geregelt werden, bis dahin dürfe die Überwachung mit Einschränkungen weitergehen.
„Derzeit fehlt eine hinreichende Regelung zur Aussonderung von Daten aus rein inländischen Telekommunikationsverkehren“, so das Gericht.
Der „Schutz des Kernbereichs privater Lebensgestaltung“ sei demnach unzureichend. Konkret weist das Gericht auf die Begriffe hin, mit denen der Geheimdienst nicht-öffentliche Kommunikation filtert.
Die G10-Kommission müsse laut Verfassungsgericht besser ausgestattet sein. So bringt das Verfassungsgericht zum Ausdruck: Das ist kein Job, den man nebenbei macht. Es genüge nicht, „dass die Mitglieder der G10-Kommission lediglich ein öffentliches Ehrenamt innehaben statt wie verfassungsrechtlich geboten hauptamtlich tätig zu sein.“ Zudem stelle die aktuelle Regelung nicht sicher, dass der Kommission Mitglieder mit richterlicher Erfahrung angehören.
Israeli laws blocking UNRWA – devastating humanitarian impact for Palestinians?
How has the UN reacted to the adoption of the legislation?
The reaction from the UN system to the bills has been swift and unequivocal. As the news broke on Monday, several of the most senior UN officials, up to and including Secretary-General António Guterres, condemned the decision.
Mr. Guterres stressed…
The acting head of the UN aid coordination office, Joyce Msuya, called the decision…
UNRWA’s Mr. Lazzarini said that…
OHCHR spokesperson Jeremy Laurence declaring that…
World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus calling the development…
UNICEF chief Catherine Russell also reminded that…
while James Elder, a UNICEF staffer in the region, denounced the decision, saying…
What happens next?
Mr. Guterres informed the President of the General Assembly that he had written a letter to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, calling on his government …
Iran Denies Any Role in Drone Attack on Netanyahu’s House
Iran’s mission said Hezbollah was behind the attack, but so far, the Lebanese group has not taken responsibility.
Leaked documents show US intelligence on Israel’s plans to attack Iran, sources say
Another US official said that “these two documents are bad, but not horrible. The concern is if there are more.”
It is not clear how the documents became public, nor whether they were hacked or deliberately leaked.
Libanon: Israel beschießt erneut UN-Friedenstruppe
Das libanesische Außenministerium warf Israel einen „absichtlichen und systematischen Beschuss der Blauhelmtruppe“ vor.
UNIFIL bestätigte auf der Plattform X, dass es zwei Explosionen nahe einem Wachturm in Nakura gab. Zwei Soldaten seien verletzt worden. Den Grund der Explosionen nannte die UN-Mission nicht.
Israel’s initial dismissal of US’ ‘breakthrough’ Lebanon ceasefire deal creates confusion
Israel’s initial response was clearly not the reaction the White House had anticipated, and it raised immediate question of why, if Israel was on board with the proposal, its leader appeared so eager to dismiss it.
“We are shocked,” said one US official, underscoring deep frustration after they had hoped Israel would accept the proposal.
“Not a complete surprise, but also not helpful,” a second US official said.
CIA and MI6 say agencies are ‚working tirelessly‘ towards ceasefire
In an opinion piece for the Financial Times, CIA director Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore said…
Analyse: Wo wir beim Wasserstoff-Import stehen
(31. August 2024)
In den vergangenen Tagen ist viel über Wasserstoff geredet worden – sowohl auf Bundesebene als auch auf regionaler Ebene. Die Planung der für den Einsatz notwendigen Infrastruktur ist ein kleines Stück weiter vorangeschritten: Die Fernnetzbetreiber haben der Bundesnetzagentur ihre Ausbaupläne für ein sogenanntes Wasserstoffkernnetz von 9.666 Kilometern Länge vorgelegt.
Die Investitionskosten beziffert die Behörde mit knapp 20 Milliarden Euro. Geld, das sowohl über Netzentgelte als auch über eine staatliche Zwischenförderung aufgebracht
Putin played double game with Israel over Syria, Trump‘s former national security advisor says
In one case, McMaster recalls sidelining Netanyahu about his close relationship with Putin at the Munich Security Conference in 2018, where he voiced frustration at Netanyahu over his “hedging approach” to Russia.
“Prime Minister, you know that Putin is using a bait and switch – baiting you with the promise to curtail Iran’s presence and influence in Syria while actually enabling Iran’s proxies on your borders,” McMaster said he told Netanyahu, who sat next to him to confer about a speech he would give mentioning Hezbollah.
“Netanyahu smiled and said he had better return to his seat,” McMaster wrote.
UN General Assembly to vote on resolution for Palestine membership
„What we‘re concerned about is the precedent it sets. It‘s clearly outlined in the UN Charter, the procedure, the process for obtaining full membership in the United Nations, and any kind of a process that goes around that, to us is very concerning,“ Robert Wood, US deputy ambassador to the UN, told reporters in New York on Tuesday.
„What they [Palestinians] should be doing is sitting down with Israel at the appropriate point,…
Public sitting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Salam presiding, in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)
he PRESIDENT: Please be seated. The sitting is open.
The Court meets this morning to hear the single round of oral argument of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by the Republic of Nicaragua in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany).
I now give the floor to the Agent of Germany, Ms Tania von Uslar-Gleichen. You have the floor, Madam.
1. Members of the Court, it is an honour to address you today and to open the oral proceedings for the Federal Republic of Germany.
2. Monsieur le Président, Madame la Vice-Présidente, permettez-moi au début de vous féliciter chaleureusement pour votre élection.
3. Germany comes to these proceedings as a friend of the Court and a firm believer in the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Proceedings before this Court are rightly noted for their deep and serious engagement with the law and the facts.
4. Respect for, as well as the promotion of, international law are cornerstones of Germany’s constitution and of its foreign policy. Germany has always been an advocate for the promotion and strengthening of international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles…
A Way to Rejoin The World Court
The imprudence of this acceptance was demonstrated by the Nicaraguan case, in which the Court ruled that the United States is using force illegally in Central America. That case should not – and need not – have gone to the Court. To make sure the United States retains sovereign discretion to defend itself and its allies, any new American acceptance of the Court‘s compulsory jurisdiction should emulate the good sense of others like India and Kenya by excluding disputes involving armed conflict. America -acting alone or with its allies – still needs the freedom to protect freedom. The finger on the trigger cannot be that of the global judiciary.
In surprise close call, Lapid holds on to party leadership by a mere 29 votes
Opposition Leader Yair Lapid beat out opponent MK Ram Ben Barak by the skin of his teeth in Thursday afternoon’s Yesh Atid primary, the party’s first leadership contest since it was founded by Lapid in 2012. (…)
Ben Barak had not presented a strong challenge to the longtime leader, stating repeatedly that he does not differ materially in his policy outlook from Lapid and is mainly running in order to promote the “democratization” of the party, which has been under the same leadership for over a decade.
US would support limited, pinpoint IDF op against high-value targets in Rafah — report
Two Israeli officials told Politico that the Israel Defense Forces is still developing a plan for protecting the civilians.
But unnamed US officials told Politico that in private meetings, top administration officials have told the Israelis that the US would back a strategy for “counterterrorism operations” in Rafah rather than the full-scale war waged elsewhere in Gaza.
Bericht: Deutsche Fregatte schoss im Roten Meer irrtümlich auf US-Drohne
Die amerikanische Drohne sei nicht im Rahmen der US-Mission „Prosperity Guardian“, die gegen Angriffe der Houthi-Rebellen im Roten Meer patrouilliert, im Einsatz gewesen. Denn die Besatzung der „Hessen“ sei nach Sichtung der unbekannten Drohne mit Mitgliedern von „Prosperity Guardian“ in Kontakt gewesen. Doch auch diese wussten nicht Bescheid vom Einsatz des Flugobjekts. Diese sei vermutlich für eine andere US-Mission in der Region unterwegs gewesen.
Nach Absprache mit den US-Kollegen habe der Kommandeur der „Hessen“ den Befehl zum Abschuss der Drohne gegeben, die in Richtung des deutschen Schiffes flog. Erst nach dem gescheiterten Manöver sei bekannt geworden, dass es sich um eine US-Drohne gehandelt habe, schreibt der „Spiegel“.
Plans for U.S. strikes on Iranian personnel and facilities in Iraq, Syria approved after Jordan drone attack
Weather will be a major factor in the timing of the strikes, the U.S. officials told CBS News, as the U.S. has the capability to carry out strikes in bad weather but prefers to have better visibility of selected targets…
Global ammunition shortage forces Israel to limit bombings
A surge in ammunition usage during the wars in Gaza and Ukraine has triggered an unprecedented global shortage across all types of ammunition. And while the IDF avoids public discussion of the issue, Major General Eliezer Toledano acknowledged last month a reduction in air attacks, underscoring the imperative to „manage the economy of armaments“ in anticipation of a protracted war.
Iran Navy to establish base in South Pole
Rear Admiral Shahram Irani emphasized that the operational decisions of the Iranian Navy are guided by the precise vision of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
He announced the establishment of strategic commands in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, with plans for a permanent deployment in these crucial regions in the near future.
Statement on UNRWA Allegations
The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.
The United States has reached out to the Government of Israel to seek more information about these allegations, and we have briefed Members of Congress.
Die Wut der Bauern | ZDF spezial
Seit Montag protestieren die Bauern im Rahmen ihrer Aktionswoche gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampelregierung. Deutschlandweit ziehen sich Traktorenkonvois durch Städte.
Sicherheitsbehörden warnen derweil …
US State Dept offering $10 million for information on Hamas financial networks
According to the statement, „rewards may be provided for information leading to the identification and disruption of any source of revenue for Hamas or its key financial facilitation mechanisms; major Hamas donors or financial facilitators; financial institutions or exchange houses facilitating Hamas transactions.”
Lebanese PM urges UK for ‘maximum pressure’ on Israel
Lebanon’s Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has urged the UK to place “maximum pressure” on Israel to end its campaign on Gaza and the Lebanese border.
In a meeting with UK Foreign Minister David Cameron on Thursday, Mikati warned that the “Israeli provocations in southern Lebanon could lead to deteriorating conditions and a full-scale war in the region as a whole.”
According to the latest information, the anticipated Security Council meeting scheduled to take place today to vote on a new draft resolution on the crisis in Gaza, has been postponed
Security Council searching for a Gaza vote that U.S. won’t veto
A morning meeting ended without a vote as negotiations continued over a new draft, seen by The Washington Post, that eliminated the word “ceasefire,” contained in an earlier version offered Monday. Instead, it demands an “urgent suspension of hostilities to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and for urgent steps towards a sustainable cessation of hostilities.”
A Batshit Number of Young Swing State Voters Think RFK Jr. Should Be President
As you’ve probably heard by now, a very scary poll released on Sunday shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 election to the four-time indicted insurrection enthusiast Donald Trump in five out of six major battleground states. That’s obviously a wildly disturbing prospect; it would be like asking someone if they’d like to catch a movie after work or have a rusty crowbar shoved up their ass, and then seeing them choosing the latter. But possibly even more surprising? How popular anti-vaxxer candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among voters.
FBI chief makes fresh pitch for spy program renewal and says it’d be ‘devastating’ if it lapsed
Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, said that during his 13 years on the committee, he’d pressed multiple FBI directors about civil liberties violations associated with the surveillance program and had repeatedly been given false reassurances about the reforms being put in place.
“Every darn one of them has told me the same thing: ‘Don’t worry about it, we’ve got this taken care of, we’ve got new procedures, it’s going to be different now,’” Lee said. “It’s never different. You haven’t changed.”
BRICS countries discuss Gaza conflict but don‘t agree joint declaration
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa told Tuesday‘s talks that diplomats did not have sufficient time to draft a declaration.
CNN panelists sound alarm on ‚really scary‘ poll showing Biden trailing Trump in key states
„It’s really scary for me,“ she said. „Because here is deal. Perception is reality. And so when you look at the data provided in this poll, it takes about how people feel. And when people decide whether their going to the poll or not going to the poll, it is all about how you feel in that moment. And so while the facts may not align with their feelings, they’re feelings are dictating their reality, their reality is that they feel better or felt better when Trump was in office.“
She said Democrats were trying to push back and argued that it was an issue of „perception.“ Crockett also said people didn‘t understand civics in this country.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett
Projectile flying horizontally hits French news agency’s Gaza bureau, causes damage
(Today, 6:48 pm)
Asking a question at Secretary of State Blinken’s press conference earlier today, AFP’s Leon Bruneau described the incident as “apparently a missile strike.”
Biden sends Treasury official to Saudi Arabia, Qatar to discuss Gaza aid, counterterrorism
In Riyadh, Nelson co-chaired a meeting of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center.
In Doha, Nelson met with Qatar Central Bank governor Bandar al Thani, Attorney General Issa bin Saad al Nuaimi and leaders of the National Counterterrorism Committee.
Egyptian state TV says Rafah crossing to Gaza to open tomorrow
Hundreds of trucks full of supplies are still waiting on the Egyptian side of the border, after ..
A Saudi Deal Could Set the Mideast Nuclear Domino Effect in Motion
(Oct 5, 2023)
For many years, the United States, Israel, Middle East analysts and nuclear experts have all warned that the region could be on the brink of a nuclear domino effect.
France will end its military presence in Niger by the end of 2023, Macron says
(September 25, 2023)
“We are putting an end to our military cooperation with the de facto authorities of Niger because they don’t want to fight terrorism anymore,” Macron said regarding the military leaders who took over rule of the northwest African country.
Solomon Islands PM Sogavare skips Biden-led summit
Sogavare‘s no-show at the two-day summit, which will run through Tuesday, represents a significant blow to the Biden administration‘s efforts to rebuild influence in the Pacific region.
Saudi nuclear program can be secretly managed – top Israeli sources
(September 14, 2023)
Top Israeli sources have told the Jerusalem Post that there are secret technological ways to ensure that the Saudis do not misuse civilian nuclear items, which the US may give them as part of a three-way normalization deal, for military purposes.
Although there are no guarantees, because the issue is highly technical and there are issues to address regarding the Palestinians and highly complex politics, these technological fixes could be key to locking in a normalization deal between Riyadh and Jerusalem, under Washington’s auspices.
Previously classified documents released by U.S. show knowledge of 1973 Chile coup
(Aug. 29, 2023)
Every once in a while, the voices of ghosts emerge to reveal dark chapters in U.S. political history.
The State Department with the CIA last week declassified two 50-year-old documents that had been withheld from public view that shed new light on the military coup in Chile that overthrew the country’s elected president.
The full extent of the role of the CIA and other U.S. players in the Chile coup has long been debated. While the Nixon administration was not thought to have had a direct hand in executing the coup, it appeared to fit the pattern of numerous so-called regime changes the U.S. clandestinely engineered over the decades in Latin America, Iran and beyond.
Remarks on “Chat Control”
(March 23, 2023)
I am a professor of computer science and a researcher in the field of applied cryptography. On a day-to-day basis this means that I work on the design of encryption systems. Most of what I do involves building things: I design new encryption systems and try to make existing encryption technologies more useful.
Sometimes I and my colleagues also break encryption systems. I wish I could tell you this didn’t happen often, but it happens much more frequently than you’d imagine, and often in systems that have billions of users and that are very hard to fix. Encryption is a very exciting area to work in, but it’s also a young area. We don’t know all the ways we can get things wrong, and we’re still learning.
EU chat control law will ban open source operating systems
(1 February 2023)
The proposed Chat control EU law will not only seize totalitarian control of all private communication. It will also ban open source operating systems as an unintended consequence.
High Court rejects government request to delay hearing on ‘reasonableness’ law
Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rothman, chair of the Knesset’s Consitution, Law and Justice Committee and a key architect of the judicial overhaul, said the court’s refusal to grant an extension was another example of why its powers need to be curbed.
“The High Court has no limits,” he tweeted. “I wanted with all my heart to believe the High Court is not deliberately striving to create a constitutional crisis as part of its war to preserve its excessive power, and at the cost of dragging the State of Israel into dysfunction.”
FM: Saudi deal with US defense pact would make Gulf nuclear ambitions ‘unnecessary’
Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said Tuesday that if the United States were to agree to a defense pact with Riyadh as part of a potential normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel, it would reassure Gulf nations that they are protected from Iranian aggression, rendering their nuclear ambitions “unnecessary.”
Moscow lists seven conditions for grain deal resumption
Listing Russia’s conditions, Polyansky insisted that sanctions on the country’s grain and fertilizer exports to global markets should be lifted “in practical terms rather than just in words” while all obstacles to Russian financial institutions involved in the sector must also be removed, including their reconnection to the SWIFT payment system.
Kritik am BND – Chef Kahl soll bleiben
Der frühere BND-Präsident Gerhard Schindler, der den BND von 2012 bis 2016 geführt hatte, hielt der Politik vor, die Fähigkeiten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes in den vergangenen Jahren zu stark beschnitten zu haben.
Twitter Blocking Access to Users Who Aren’t Logged In as an ‘Emergency Measure,’ Elon Musk Says
Many people were confused about the change, wondering whether it was a glitch or a purposeful move on the part of Twitter, which is under the control of mega-billionaire Elon Musk. Previously, you could search Twitter and view tweets without needing a registered account. But now, visiting any Twitter page displays a log-in prompt instead.
Musk, in a post Friday afternoon, claimed that Twitter took the step to improve performance on the platform after third-party companies were “scraping” data and overloading its systems.
Netanyahu arrives, almost an hour late, to Jerusalem courtroom. Milchan, via Zoom link, greets him „Shalom Bibi!“
Israeli protests outside the The Old Ship Hotel in Brighton
US says overhaul consensus crucial as Netanyahu coalition unilaterally restarts push
White House reiterates importance of ‘broadest possible base of popular support’ for judicial reforms as bill shackling court on ‘reasonableness’ doctrine heads to committee
US signals to allies it won’t block their export of F-16 jets to Ukraine
(Fri May 19, 2023)
Administration officials are not aware, however, of any formal requests by any allies to export F-16s, and State Department officials who would normally be tasked with the paperwork to approve such third-party transfers have not been told to get to work, officials said.
Germany and UK say US must decide on fighter jets to Ukraine
(May 17, 2023)
Who wants to destroy Israel? You might be surprised.
For the first time in Israel’s short history, a large-scale movement has been launched using undemocratic means to overthrow a democratically elected government.
‘We want to be heard:’ Israelis backing judicial overhaul take to the streets
Waving flags of Netanyahu’s Likud party, some 20,000 protestors marched through Tel Aviv, the site of the largest anti-government protests over the last few months. “The nation demands legal reform!” chanted some of the demonstrators in the counter-protest.
The right-wing Im Tirtzu group organized the “March for Freedom” with the aim of “being freed from the restraints of the High Court,” declaring that the people “have chosen judicial reform.”
White House scales up ‘concern’ rhetoric, marking rare involvement in Israeli domestic affairs
The statement, which also repeatedly urged “compromise” in the judicial reform, also marked a rare moment of the US weighing in on the domestic affairs of another country – let alone those of a close ally like Israel. But heavy opposition to the proposed reforms among US-based pro-Israel groups has given the White House more leeway to insert itself into the debate.
Netanyahu tells Piers Morgan democracy is safe in Israel despite his moves to wrest control of ‘too powerful’
n a world exclusive interview with me for my show „Piers Morgan Uncensored“ (airing on Fox Nation tomorrow, Monday) Netanyahu said: „There is one other thing that characterizes the judiciary in Israel and that is that the judges veto the appointment of judges, they effectively select themselves and that doesn’t exist in any democracy. The reform that we’re dealing with right now corrects that.“
While I am a strong supporter of the Biden Admin on many things, they have been too timid with their criticism of Bibi Netanyahu and the threat he represents not only to Israel but to US interests in the Middle East. This is no time for the „compromise“ the US has called for.
Does Netanyahu Hate Israel? It Seems So
In 2020, in an interview with Haaretz’s Yossi Melman, Kimhi said that his findings stand. He said that Netanyahu is a “narcissist” and an “alarmist … whose management style ignores predetermined managers and policies, and this creates noticeable flaws that are manifested in contradictory messages from those who work for him.”
Similar profiles are said to have been written by both the CIA and German intelligence years ago.
A last, desperate, long-shot plea: Prime Minister Netanyahu, stop this madness
Some say you’ve unleashed this revolution to evade your trial. That makes no sense. You could drag it on for years or subvert it with less drastic legislative initiatives.
Others posit that you are intimidated by the extremists — those you have empowered politically, and the toxic commentators on TV, radio and social media, including some very close to home.
I hear that some people who know you well think you have convinced yourself that you are truly King Bibi, a great, historic national figure, wiser and more capable than all.
Presidential Address to Federal Assembly
Launch new projects, earn money, work hard for Russia, invest in enterprises and jobs, and help schools and universities, science and healthcare, culture and sports. In this way, you will increase your wealth and will also win the respect and gratitude of the people for a generation ahead. The state and society will certainly support you.
Let us consider this as a message for your business: get moving in the right direction.
To be continued.
Sahra Wagenknecht im NachDenkSeiten-Interview: „Natürlich ist auf unserer Kundgebung in Berlin jeder willkommen“
Die wohl unangenehmste Frage für Sie haben wir uns in alter Tradition für den Schluss aufgehoben. Wie bereits erwähnt, hatten wir im Vorfeld des Interviews unseren Lesern angeboten, uns Fragen an Sie zuzuschicken. Die Reaktion war geradezu überwältigend, uns erreichten über 350 Fragen. 84 davon, also 24 Prozent der eingegangenen Zuschriften, hatten folgendes Thema in unterschiedlichen Frage-Formulierungen zum Inhalt: „Wann gründen Sie endlich Ihre eigene Partei?“, „Warum haben Sie noch keine eigene Partei gegründet?“, „Was hindert Sie daran, eine neue Partei zu gründen?“, „Wird zu den Europawahlen eine neue Bewegung/Partei unter Mitwirkung von Ihnen antreten, die sich kompromisslos gegen Waffenlieferungen und Sanktionen stellt, oder bleibt es beim Schaulaufen?“.
Das ist eine wichtige Frage, über die ich natürlich, wie viele andere, nachdenke.
Bundeswehr schult zu Verschwörungsmythen und Propaganda
„Von Verschwörungstheorien und Desinformationen – zum Beispiel aus Russland – können große Gefahren ausgehen“, sagte der Kommandeur des Zentrums Innere Führung in Koblenz, Markus Kurczyk, der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Man müsse „in diese Themen rein, wir müssen hier die Soldatinnen und Soldaten sensibilisieren“, so der 58 Jahre alte Generalmajor. „Wir erleben auch bei ihnen das Risiko, in falschen Informationsblasen des Internets gefangen zu sein.“
Unabhängiger Kontrollrat: Wer überwacht die Überwacher?
Die ehemaligen Richterinnen und Richter vom Unabhängigen Kontrollrat (UK-Rat), einer neuen Obersten Bundesbehörde, überprüfen seit Anfang 2022 die technischen Überwachungsmaßnahmen des BND, also, wie der Auslandsgeheimdienst die weltweite Telefon-, Internet- oder Satellitenkommunikation durchsucht…
Wahrscheinlich gibt es keine so mächtige und gleichzeitig kaum bekannte Behörde…
Die Diskussion trifft auf eine Behörde, die sich noch immer in einem provisorischen Zustand befindet…
Deshalb finden die streng geheimen Sitzungen momentan noch auf dem BND-Gelände im Berliner Südwesten statt…
Data Protection Cyber Insights 2023 | Quantum Computing and the Coming Cryptopocalypse
(February 2, 2023)
The one thing we can say with certainty is that it definitely won’t happen in 2023 – probably. That probably comes from not knowing for certain what stage in the journey to quantum computing has been achieved by foreign nations or their intelligence agencies – and they’re not likely to tell us. Nevertheless, it is assumed that nobody yet has a quantum computer powerful enough to run Shor’s algorithm and crack PKI encryption in a meaningful timeframe.