Archiv: politische Selbstmorde / political suicides

08.10.2024 - 22:00 [ Al Jazeera ]

Kamala Harris says Iran is ‘greatest adversary’ of US

In an interview with the CBS television network aired on Monday night, the Democratic presidential candidate said Iran is the “obvious” answer when asked about the country she considers to be the US’s “greatest adversary”.

“Iran has American blood on their hands – this attack on Israel, 200 ballistic missiles,” she said. “What we need to do [is] to ensure that Iran never achieves the ability to be a nuclear power. That is one of my highest priorities.”

22.09.2024 - 18:45 [ Washington Free Bacon ]

WATCH: Biden-Harris Worked ‚Around the Clock‘ for Months on Gaza Ceasefire Deal That‘s Never Going to Happen

(September 20, 2024)

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have claimed for months to be working „around the clock“ on a Gaza ceasefire deal that is „close“ to happening. Spoiler alert: It‘s not going to happen because Hamas, the terrorist organization that massacred Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, doesn‘t want to release their hostages.

Despite their reportedly tireless efforts to negotiate with the terrorists, the Biden-Harris administration has privately conceded that a ceasefire deal won‘t happen before the end of Biden‘s term in January 2025. „No deal is imminent,“ a Biden-Harris official told the Wall Street Journal. „I‘m not sure it ever gets done.“

03.05.2024 - 06:00 [ Common Dreams ]

Biden Condemned for Ahistorical and ‚Politically Suicidal‘ Attack on Campus Protests

„Biden‘s claim that ‚dissent must never lead to disorder‘ defies American history, from the Boston Tea Party to the tactics that civil rights activists, Vietnam War protesters, and anti-apartheid activists used to confront injustice.“

03.05.2024 - 04:00 [ ]

Biden says ‚order must prevail‘ during campus protests over the war in Gaza

President Joe Biden on Thursday defended the right to protest but insisted that „order must prevail“ as college campuses across the country face unrest over the war in Gaza.

„Dissent is essential for democracy,“ he said at the White House. „But dissent must never lead to disorder.“

29.06.2023 - 20:31 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Euro-System: Kollektiver Wahn zur Selbstzerstörung erfasst ex-Syriza-Koalition


Griechenland: Die ehemalige “Koalition der Radikalen Linken” Syriza beschließt die unbedingte Beibehaltung des Euro-Finanzsystems und Transformation zur Einheitspartei. Syriza begeht damit Selbstmord. Sie tut dies in einem kollektiven Wahn zur Selbstzerstörung, der große Teile des Kontinents Europa bereits erfasst hat.

29.06.2023 - 20:27 [ ]

Nach Griechenland-Wahl: Tsipras gibt Parteivorsitz ab

Es war die fünfte Wahl in Folge, die Tsipras verlor.

Tsipras kündigte an, dass er als Politiker dabei bleibe. „So paradox es scheint: Das schlechte Wahlergebnis kann für SYRIZA auch ein Neuanfang sein“, sagte er. Die Partei war seit 2012 stark auf ihn zugeschnitten, ein ernsthafter Nachfolger wurde nie aufgebaut.

11.03.2023 - 15:32 [ ]

China-brokered Iran-Saudi deal raises red flags for US

The deal also comes as Saudi Arabia is demanding certain security guarantees, a steady flow of arms shipments and assistance with its civilian nuclear program in order to normalize relations with Israel, a major U.S. ally, the White House confirmed on Friday.

Speaking to reporters, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the U.S. was “informed” about the Saudi Arabia-Iran talks but played no role in them.

10.03.2023 - 19:08 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Lapid: „Netanyahu briefed that I‘m to blame for the Saudi-Iran deal. Its delusional. During our time in govt we signed the Saudi aviation agreement, the tripartite security deal with Egypt & the accord on direct flights during Hajj. Pres Biden flew directly from Tel Aviv to KSA…


10.03.2023 - 18:50 [ CNN ]

Archrivals Iran and Saudia Arabia agree to end years of hostilities in deal mediated by China

They also plan to reimplement a security pact signed 22 years ago under which both parties agreed to cooperate on terrorism, drug-smuggling and money-laundering, as well as reviving a trade and technology deal from 1998.

Friday’s announcement is also a diplomatic victory for China in a Gulf region that has long been considered part of the US’ domain of influence. It comes as the Biden administration tries to notch its own win in the Middle East by trying to broker a normalization pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

10.03.2023 - 17:59 [ ]

Diplomatischer Coup: Teheran und Riad wollen Eiszeit beenden

Nach jahrelanger Eiszeit, die im Nahen Osten die Spannungen gefährlich erhöht hat, wollen der Iran und Saudi-Arabien die diplomatischen Beziehungen wieder aufnehmen. Der Deal kam offenbar unter Vermittlung Chinas zustande. Gelingt die Annäherung, wäre das für Peking ein wichtiger Erfolg als geopolitischer Player vis-a-vis den USA.

06.12.2022 - 01:59 [ ]

Thune: Trump call to terminate Constitution a ‘golden opportunity’ for 2024 rivals

Thune, who was just reelected to a fourth Senate term, noted that federal officeholders take an oath to uphold the Constitution and added that he takes his seriously.

“Of course I disagree with that. I swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, and it is a bedrock principle — it is the principle, the bedrock of our country. So I couldn’t disagree more,” Thune said.

05.12.2022 - 04:46 [ New York Post ]

Sorry, Donald: Here are the real takeaways from The Twitter Files

(December 4, 2022)

Hand it to ex-President Donald Trump to present exactly the wrong takeaway to The Twitter Files: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he posted Friday night.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, the Constitution was written with full awareness of humanity’s imperfections, including election cheating (which is as old as democracy itself). The Electoral College count is the final word, no matter how messy the process that leads to it.

05.12.2022 - 04:31 [ ]

Trump Reacts To Hunter Biden ‘Twitter Files’: This ‘Allows For The Termination Of All Rules, Regulations, And Articles, Even … In The Constitution’

(Dec 3, 2022)

Former President Donald Trump reacted to the release of “The Twitter Files” on Saturday by saying, “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

07.11.2022 - 06:35 [ ]

Iran admits to drone delivery to Russia ‘before the war’


The minister added that Tehran’s ties with Putin are based on neighborliness and common interests, the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

The Iranian diplomat maintained that during a conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, they agreed that Kyiv would hand over evidence of the use of those Iranian drones in the conflict. “If it is confirmed that Russia used Iranian drones in the war against Ukraine, we will not be indifferent to this issue,” Abdollahian stressed.

29.10.2022 - 04:07 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Lapid Reiterates Hadash-Ta’al Will Not Sit in His Coalition

However, with four days left, no clear coalition can be created following Tuesday’s election, according to a final poll carried out by Panels Politics on behalf of Maariv. As in a similar poll last Friday, the Netanyahu bloc received 60 seats, the Lapid bloc received 56 seats and Hadash-Ta’al received the remaining four, the survey found. The poll showed Hadash-Ta’al. Meretz, Labor, and Islamist Ra’am passing the electoral threshold of 3.25% of the general vote.

19.10.2022 - 03:53 [ Reuters ]

Iran agrees to ship missiles, more drones to Russia

Iran has promised to provide Russia with surface to surface missiles, in addition to more drones, two senior Iranian officials and two Iranian diplomats told Reuters, a move that is likely to infuriate the United States and other Western powers.

A deal was agreed on Oct. 6 when Iran‘s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, two senior officials from Iran‘s powerful Revolutionary Guards and an official from the Supreme National Security Council visited Moscow for talks with Russia about the delivery of the weapons.

19.10.2022 - 03:48 [ Kian Sharifi / Nitter ]

Iran‘s MFA spox on Tuesday again denied that Tehran is „sending arms… to Russia to be used in the Ukraine war“. Iran has for months been denying supplying drones to Russia *to use against Ukraine*. That‘s not a denial of arms sales to Russia.

18.10.2022 - 19:33 [ Islamic Republic of Iran - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - ]

Islamic Republic of Iran – Ministry of Foreign Affairs


20.08.2022 - 23:36 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Balad Chairman Says Joint List Project Must Be Reconsidered

Representatives from the three component parties of the Joint List – Hadash, Balad and Ta’al – were supposed to meet in Nazareth on Wednesday, but Balad’s representatives did not turn up, and the meeting was held without them.

Balad officials told Haaretz on Thursday that the party will run independently if it manages to put together a slate that includes mayors of Arab communities, prominent Arab civil-society activists, a candidate from the Negev and a Jewish candidate.

14.04.2022 - 04:43 [ Kavan Lamy / Twitter ]

Iran committing suicide right here, extremely foolish.

(12 March, 2022)

13.03.2022 - 18:14 [ ]

Allegations of white phosphorus munitions being used by Russia and Ukraine emerge: Read if it’s considered a chemical weapon and is illegal to use it during war

WP has not been categorised as an incendiary or chemical weapon by international agencies. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is an intergovernmental organisation and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed WP in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons. However, United Nations considers it as an incendiary chemical.

13.03.2022 - 18:10 [ ]

Ukraine human rights ombudswoman accuses Russia of using phosphorus munitions

Reuters was not immediately able to verify her statement.

The ombudswoman, Liudmila Denisova, shared a photograph purporting to show the alleged attack, but did not say if Ukraine had concrete evidence.

13.03.2022 - 17:43 [ @MattBoxer94 / Twitter ]

The JCPOA is dead

13.03.2022 - 17:33 [ Kavan Lamy / Twitter ]

Iran committing suicide right here, extremely foolish.

13.03.2022 - 17:21 [ Middle East Eye ]

Erbil missile attack: Iran‘s Revolutionary Guard claims responsibility

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Sunday claimed responsibility for a ballistic missile attack on Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, saying it was targeting an Israeli „strategic centre“.

Around a dozen missiles rained down on the city at 1am on Sunday morning.

16.12.2021 - 06:23 [ ]

Gysi: Gefängnis für Impfverweigerer möglich

In den Protesten gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen erkennt der Linken-Politiker eine neue Qualität: Die Demonstranten stritten nicht für eine Sache, „sie stellen sich gegen den Staat an sich“ – ein „richtiges Problem“, warnt Gysi. Weil die Proteste vielfach über Social-Media-Kanäle wie Telegram organisiert und dort auch falsche Impfausweise angeboten würden, spricht er sich für eine schärfere Regulierung aus: „Der Rechtsrahmen muss angepasst werden.“

12.06.2021 - 16:01 [ Jens Berger / Nachdenkseiten ]

Eine Partei auf dem Weg zur Selbstzerstörung

Der bisherige Höhepunkt dieser traurigen Entwicklung ist ein Antrag auf ein Parteiausschlussverfahren gegen Sahra Wagenknecht, über das der SPIEGEL gestern berichtete. Man könnte glauben, einige “Genossen” hätten es darauf abgesehen, die Partei unter die 5-Prozent-Hürde zu bringen. Das ist jammerschade, denn mit der Linken verschwindet die einzige politische Kraft, die zumindest mal das Potential hatte, die Zustände in diesem Land nachhaltig zum Besseren zu verändern. Von Jens Berger.

07.06.2021 - 12:45 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Sachsen-Anhalt und die Fehler von SPD und Linken

Am Ende lässt das Wahlergebnis den kritischen Beobachter deprimiert und ratlos zurück. Es gibt zwar den Wunsch nach Alternativen und einer progressiven Politik, die sich gegen ein Auseinanderdriften der Gesellschaft, für eine fairere Reichtums- und Vermögensverteilung, für gerechte Renten und für eine Entspannungs- und Friedenspolitik stellt. Es gibt jedoch keine größere Partei, der die Wähler diese inhaltliche Ausrichtung abnehmen und in diesem Punkt haben die Wähler ja leider auch recht.

24.03.2021 - 12:38 [ Henry Olsen / Twitter ]

Last tweet of the night. Likud‘s claim it would get more Arab votes is being proven true. Arab turnout is way down from 2020 but the number of Likud votes in Arab areas is up, which means its percentage of the Arab vote is way up. Might be enough to save Bibi.

(7 hours ago)

06.02.2021 - 14:37 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Leserbriefe und Hinweise zum Artikel „Künstler und Corona-Kritik: Wo seid ihr alle hin?“

In diesem Beitrag hat Tobias Riegel gefragt, warum sich manche prominente deutsche Künstler, die sich sonst gerne zur Weltlage äußern, seit Corona sehr bedeckt halten. Die Frage war mit dem Aufruf verbunden, uns Hinweise auf Künstler-Beiträge zu schicken, die sich kritisch mit der Corona-Politik auseinandersetzen. Viele Leser sind dem nachgekommen und wir veröffentlichen hier eine Auswahl der Briefe und der Hinweise. Vorläufiges Fazit: Auch in Zeiten der scharfen Diffamierung Andersdenkender gibt es sie noch, die kritische Kunst.

04.02.2021 - 22:26 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Künstler und Corona-Kritik: Wo seid ihr alle hin?

Zum anderen begnügen sich viele Kulturschaffende nicht mit einem Schweigen, sondern fordern gar eine Verschärfung der auf fragwürdiger Datenbasis ausgerufenen Lockdown-Politik. So befinden sich unter den Erstunterzeichnern bei der extrem fragwürdigen Initiative „Zero Covid“ auch viele prominente bildende Künstler, Autoren oder Filmemacher. Die sich hinter der Phrase von einem „solidarischen Lockdown“ verbergenden sozialen Verwerfungen werden nicht angemessen in den Blick genommen.

17.01.2021 - 17:45 [ ]

Labour surges to a four point lead over Boris Johnson and the Conservatives – Sir Keir Starmer‘s biggest polling margin since the 2019 general election

A new Opinium survey puts Labour on 41 per cent and the Conservatives on 37 per cent, providing a significant boost to Sir Keir Starmer‘s leadership.

The poll suggests the Tories are suffering because some 22 per cent of 2019 Conservative voters now say they are undecided about who to vote for.

08.10.2020 - 13:45 [ ]

Professors ‚Glum and Glummer‘ Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance should be banned from Covid press briefings, says leading lawyer who warns the Government has been ‚captured‘ by scientists


Last month, Professor Whitty and Sir Patrick – dubbed Glum and Glummer by critics – held their own press conference, warning the infection rate could rise to 50,000 cases a day by mid-October.

08.10.2020 - 13:34 [ ]

Boris‘s Red Wall revolt: Northerners rage at ‚dictator‘ PM for using them as a ‚petri dish for experimentation‘ as it emerges 10 MILLION people in COVID hotspots will be plunged into ‚Tier Three‘ lockdown on Monday with pubs and restaurants SHUT

Conservative MPs and local leaders in the North have been venting fury about the government‘s stance, with former minister Jake Berry accusing the premier of being ‚London-centric‘ and enjoying his sweeping emergency powers ‚a little bit too much‘.

Politicians in Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Sheffield raged at ‚diktats announced without notice‘ and said ministers were treating the North like a ‚petri dish for experimentation‘ while the South gets off lightly.

08.10.2020 - 13:30 [ ]

Divided nation: will Covid rules tear the country apart?

The north-south split could cost the Tories their majority

23.08.2020 - 16:30 [ ]

German lawmakers flag private party ban as coronavirus cases rise

„We must not risk that day care centres and schools will close again and that children are forced to remain at home for weeks because we have accepted higher infection rates due to lax rules at family parties,“ Saskia Esken, co-leader of the Social Democrats, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) newspaper.

Ralph Brinkhaus, leader of the CDU/CSU conservative parliamentary bloc, said: „Unfortunately since the start of summer a certain recklessness has spread.“

23.08.2020 - 16:26 [ ]

Gesundheitsministerkonferenz am Montag: Kalayci fordert bundeseinheitliche Regeln für Feiern

Die Gesundheitsminister von Bund und Ländern wollen Kalayci zufolge bei einer Telefonschalte an diesem Montag über das Infektionsrisiko bei solchen Events sprechen. Über die Frage, ob es neue Obergrenzen für Familienfeiern geben sollte, wird bereits seit einiger Zeit diskutiert.

Laut einer dpa-Umfrage stößt eine einheitliche Regelung in mehreren Bundesländern auf Widerstand.

22.07.2020 - 03:06 [ Times of Malta ]

Melvin Theuma ‚critical‘ with knife wounds to neck, chest

Laywer and MP Jason Azzopardi, who is representing the Caruana Galizia family in court, asked through a Facebook post how the police could reach the conclusion so fast that the incident was an attempted suicide.

08.02.2020 - 17:12 [ Radio Utopie / Twitter ]

..and if they‘re a progressive, they let you do it! @BernieSanders @AOC @krystalball @ggreenwald #IowaCaucuses2020 #norecanvasswanted (?!)

08.02.2020 - 16:28 [ Fox News ]

Buttigieg edges past Sanders in latest New Hampshire poll

The survey shows Buttigieg at 25 percent and Sanders at 24 percent support among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, according to Suffolk‘s latest daily tracking poll results from Thursday and Friday evenings. Buttigieg has surged 10 percentage points over three nights.

08.02.2020 - 12:35 [ Chris Bastian / Twitter ]

Isn‘t that the approach that got Al Gore into trouble?

08.02.2020 - 11:54 [ The Hill / Twitter ]

Question: „The DNC now has said they should recanvass. Do you want, are you going to call on them?“ Sen. Bernie Sanders: „We got enough of Iowa.“

07.02.2020 - 08:07 [ ]

Sanders says he does not consider himself the front-runner in the Democratic primary

The progressive senator said it was time to move on from the Iowa caucuses despite the delay in results, saying it was better to focus on the upcoming primary in the Granite State.

02.02.2020 - 11:44 [ ]

Brexit is a ‚historic warning sign‘ for the European Union, says Macron

Brexit is a „historic warning sign“ for the European Union, French President Emmanuel Macron said hours before Britain‘s departure from the EU, adding that it meant „we need more Europe“.

26.12.2019 - 16:40 [ ]

Stirbt die Sozialdemokratie nach Erfüllung ihres historischen Auftrags ab?

Neben dem Streit um den Klimawandel und dem Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump gibt es in diesen Tagen ein drittes Hauptthema in der europäischen, vor allem in der deutschsprachigen und englischen Publizistik: das Ende der Sozialdemokratie.

25.12.2019 - 12:27 [ Haaretz ]

As Election Nears, Labor Party Leader Draws Fire for Stalling Left-wing Merger

On Wednesday, Labor’s convention will meet to approve retaining Labor’s existing Knesset ticket – which includes a partnership with MK Orli Levi-Abekasis’ Gesher party – aside from one change that has infuriated some Labor Knesset members: Peretz will be allowed to put two additional candidates of his own choice in the ticket’s top 10 slots.

25.12.2019 - 11:29 [ ]

Britisches Wahlergebnis bestätigt schleichenden Tod der Labour Party

Dieser Zusammenbruch im Norden war wohl das außergewöhnlichste Einzelergebnis der Wahl. Im Nordosten, Nordwesten, Yorkshire und Humber gingen 26 Sitze von Labour an die Tories über, viele davon in den Bergbauregionen. Neun der verlorenen Sitze hatte Labour seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ohne Unterbrechung inne. Die Partei verlor außerdem den Sitz für Bolsover, den der über 80-jährige Dennis Skinner 49 Jahre lang innehatte.

Die Stimmengewinne der Tories waren dort am größten, wo beim Referendum 2016 die meisten Wähler für den Brexit gestimmt hatten. Sie reichten von zwei Prozent in Gebieten mit weniger als 45 Prozent pro-Brexit-Stimmen bis zu acht Prozent in Gebieten, in denen über 60 Prozent für den Brexit gewesen waren.

24.12.2019 - 12:02 [ ]

The New Right revolution

Very recently it was common to hear people ask, with a genuine puzzlement, what had happened to the prospect of a mildly centrist, progressive, pro-European political force. The December 2019 election has shattered that possibility, perhaps for ever. The Blairites in the Labour Party are a tiny, uninfluential rump. Their vocal media cheerleaders are an anachronism. The Europhile progressives who quit their parties have been everywhere rejected, not least because of Britain’s brutal first-past-the-post voting system. The Liberal Democrats have been decapitated.

But beyond the current lack of individual leaders, there is a yawning gap of vision.

17.12.2019 - 21:45 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

‘If Labour is to ever win back the traditional working-class, it must stop treating them as though they were some kind of embarrassing elderly relative.’ My @UnHerd take on Labour’s implosion.

17.12.2019 - 21:41 [ BBC Newsnight ‏/ Twitter ]

“Labour may die. It’s lost its home, it’s lost its heartlands… what we need in terms of leadership is people who are prepared to recognise the scale of the defeat… Labour is in danger of becoming completely irrelevant to the conversation.” – Labour’s Lord Glasman

13.12.2019 - 13:11 [ Spectator ]

Watch: Jeremy Corbyn’s resignation speech

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected in Islington North. But after leading his party to a second election loss, the Labour leader also announced that he would stand down before the next campaign.

13.12.2019 - 13:08 [ C4 News FactCheck ‏/ Twitter ]

In terms of seats won, this is Labour‘s worst performance at a general election since 1935.

04.12.2019 - 06:27 [ Tagesschau ]

Vor Parteitag: Die SPD will nicht aufs Ganze gehen

„Wir wollen nicht Hals über Kopf aus der großen Koalition raus“, sagte Norbert Walter-Borjans der SPD-Zeitung „Vorwärts“. Dennoch sollen vor allem Investitionen in die Infrastruktur, in das Klimaschutzpaket und in die Digitalisierung …

04.12.2019 - 06:22 [ FAZ Politik ‏/ Twitter ]

Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert war lange Zeit einer der schärfsten Kritik der großen Koalition. Nun warnt er vor den Folgen, die ein Bruch mit der Union für die SPD hätte.

02.10.2019 - 18:47 [ ]

Podcast: Ist die SPÖ am Ende?

Die SPÖ steht so schlecht da wie noch nie: Bei der Nationalratswahl am Sonntag konnte man zwar Platz zwei halten, musste dafür aber das historisch schlechteste Wahlergebnis hinnehmen.

02.10.2019 - 18:44 [ ]

Kandidatur für SPD-Vorsitz: Ernsthaft Böhmermann?

Jan Böhmermann hat die erste Hürde Richtung SPD-Vorsitz genommen. Der Satiriker ist offiziell in die Partei aufgenommen worden. Beim Bundesparteitag im Dezember kann er theoretisch zum SPD-Chef gewählt werden.

14.09.2019 - 20:05 [ ]

Hans-Jochen: Vogel Früherer SPD-Chef warnt Partei vor Rückzug aus GroKo

Hans-Jochen Vogel sorgt sich um die SPD. Bevor die Genossen über einen Austritt aus der Regierung nachdächten, sollten sie sich fragen: Was hätten wir denn in der Opposition umsetzen können?

17.08.2019 - 15:19 [ Junge Welt ]

Der Testamentsvollstrecker

Für die Liberalen ist Scholz der Traumkandidat, denn er ist offen für ein »progressives Bündnis« auf Bundesebene mit Grünen und FDP. Ebenso frohlockte am Freitag der Sprecher des konservativen Seeheimer-Kreises, Johannes Kahrs: »Er kann unsere SPD-Anliegen durchsetzen.«

16.08.2019 - 16:47 [ ]

Olafs Opfergang


Olaf Scholz will SPD-Vorsitzender werden. Moment mal, stimmt ja gar nicht. Wenn die anderen es wollen, dann ist er bereit dazu – so lautet der Satz, mit dem der Spiegel den Vizekanzler und Finanzminister aus einer Telefonkonferenz der SPD-Spitze zitiert hat.

13.07.2019 - 16:26 [ ]

Wirtschaft sympathisiert mit CO2-Steuer

„Wir brauchen in Europa oder in allen Industriestaaten eine CO2-Steuer, die berechenbar langfristig steigt“, sagte Frank Appel, Chef der Deutschen Post, der „Rheinischen Post“. „Dann können sich Konsumenten und Unternehmen in ihrem Verhalten anpassen und gezielt in Anlagen investieren, die den Ausstoß von CO2 begrenzen.“

10.07.2019 - 21:41 [ John Mills / Twitter ]

Wonderful article on @HuffPostUK by my colleague Brendan. We have deserted our Leave voters & traditional working-class supporters. ‚Deserted‘ is the right word.

10.07.2019 - 21:38 [ Brandon Chilton / Huffington Post ]

Backing A Second Referendum Could Finish Labour At The Ballot Box

On the biggest issue in British politics, Labour promised one thing before the election and then did the complete opposite afterwards. The last party that performed such an outrageous U-turn was the Liberal Democrats over tuition fees, and they were rightly destroyed in the following election.

Labour is now possibly facing that same oblivion.

As of this morning, just under five million Labour Leave voters are homeless. I’m sure The Brexit Party will be delighted.

10.07.2019 - 20:55 [ Spectator ]

Why the Labour party deserves to be destroyed

Already Labour are below 20 per cent in some general election polls and it is hard to see how they will survive a four-way squeeze in any snap election.

The only thing that might avoid this doomsday scenario is if the Tories manage to take the UK out of the EU by 31st October. Given that the dreadful withdrawal agreement is now dead in the water, that means, somewhat ironically, only a ‘no deal’ Brexit can save Labour.

09.07.2019 - 18:41 [ Susan Graham ‏/ Twitter ]

How about we all form a new party? True Labour?

09.07.2019 - 18:40 [ Kevin Barron,Member of Parliament / Twitter ]

Whilst I remain an MP I will never support a second referendum in any form, the decision to leave the EU was made in 2016 and we should respect that!

09.07.2019 - 18:24 [ Brendan Chilton / Spiked ]

Labour as we knew it is no more

Today is a tragic day in the Labour Party’s history, and a fatal day for British democracy. It is, potentially, the beginning of the end of the Labour Party as we know it.

09.07.2019 - 18:17 [ Labour Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

The announcement from .@jeremycorbyn and @UKLabour today means that Labour is now a remain party and that means one thing. We have lost 5million Labour Leave voters, possibly 100 MPs will lose their seats and Jeremy has lost the next general election

09.07.2019 - 18:09 [ Spiked ]

Labour: betrayer of the working class

In backing Remain, Corbyn has turned Labour into an authoritarian tool of the establishment.