Archiv: Brexit Party

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

13.12.2019 - 13:46 [ ]

The fall of Farage: What next for Nigel?

Others who know him tell me he‘ll move to the United States in the new year to work for Fox News and on the 2020 campaign to re-elect the man he would coyly refer to in his speeches as „his American friend“ – Donald Trump.

11.12.2019 - 06:21 [ Brendan Chilton Esq., @AshfordLabour Leader, Brexit Campaigner / Twitter ]

Brexit Party standing down for Tory Remain Leader, Mays Deputy PM and Leader of anti no-deal Tory MPs Damian Green but won’t stand down against Labour Brexit champion Caroline Flint. BP serving their own interests not the national interest. #TurquoiseTories


10.12.2019 - 20:26 [ Brendan Chilton Esq., @AshfordLabour Leader, Brexit Campaigner / Twitter ]

Brexit Party standing against Labours Emma Lewell-Buc- she opposes a second ref and voted for Boris Johnson’s deal. Yet they are standing down for Stephen Hammond- arch Tory remainer. National interest? Yeah whatever. #TurquoiseTories


10.12.2019 - 20:17 [ Brendan Chilton Esq., @AshfordLabour Leader, Brexit Campaigner / Twitter ]

So Brexit Party are standing down against arch remainer and architect of the worst deal in history- Theresa May- but are standing against Brexit champion of the past 50 years Dennis Skinner. There actions have nothing to do with national interest. #TurquoiseTories


02.11.2019 - 12:18 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson takes no-deal off the table: PM‘s manifesto will abandon the threat of crashing out of EU – and promise tax cuts – in bid to capture the centre ground after ruling out a pact with Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party

– Johnson‘s new manifesto will focus on achieving Brexit ‚immediately‘ with his ‚fantastic‘ deal
– According to the outgoing Culture Secretary, Nicky Morgan, a no-deal Brexit is now ‚effectively off the table‘
– Prime Minister promised tax cuts and to lift threshold at which people start paying National Insurance
– Johnson earlier rejected the offer of a pact with Farage and urged all Leave voters to back the Tories
– Decision to reject alliance offer puts the Tories and Brexit Party on course for a showdown at the ballot box

02.11.2019 - 12:10 [ ]

Boris Johnson rejects Trump‘s call for Farage alliance telling ITV News his Brexit deal is ‚ready to go‘

Speaking to ITV News Political Editor Robert Peston, the prime minister said his party was in the best position to deliver Brexit and insisted that a vote elsewhere ran „the risk of putting Jeremy Corbyn“ in No.10.

Mr Johnson was speaking after the US President had waded into the election, suggesting that Mr Farage and the prime minister join forces and that the Johnson Brexit deal was flawed.

02.11.2019 - 12:07 [ ]

Drop your dreadful deal, Boris, and in the national interest let‘s get Brexit done properly

The Brexit Party is ready for the general election. As the European election made clear, we have hundreds of high quality candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds who are united in their desire to secure a proper break from Brussels and who share a lack of trust in the political class.

We will use the substantial funds which our donors and supporters have helped us raise to fight every seat. If we are the only party willing to stand up for a proper Brexit, so be it.

13.09.2019 - 12:18 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Brexit Party Take Over Hartlepool Council

The defecting 10 met with the Brexit Party at Nigel Farage’s rally in Sedgefield two days ago, where they informed Richard Tice of their decision. Guido suspects this will be far from the last council taken over by the Brexit Party if we don’t leave on the 31st…

28.08.2019 - 06:34 [ ]

POLITICAL DEATH THREAT: Brexiteers warn Boris Johnson that ditching the backstop is just the start as they push for Theresa May’s deal to be completely scrapped

And ex-Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith warned there were far more problems with Mrs May’s deal than the backstop – such as the lengthy transition period and the collaboration with the EU on defence.

But in a sign of the hardening attitudes in No.10, a senior ally of the PM said: “We know the ‘Spartans’ are going to accuse us of betrayal at some point.”

03.08.2019 - 19:15 [ ]

Nigel Farage: Donald Trump‘s ‚go back‘ remarks to ‚the Squad were genius‘

Mr Farage added: „I thought, ‚Dear, oh dear, oh dear‘. You realise, 48 hours on, it was genius because what‘s happened is the Democrats gather round the Squad, which allows him to say, ‚Oh look, the Squad are the centre of the Democratic Party‘.

„He‘s remarkably good at what he does.

„He does things his way. But he is a remarkably effective operator.“

23.07.2019 - 14:32 [ ]

Nigel Farage doubts Boris Johnson has the ‘courage’ to get Brexit done by October 31 after landslide win

„Does he have the courage to deliver for the country?“

The Brexit party stormed the European elections in May, which shouldn‘t have been held as Britain was meant to be out of the EU by then.

Voters turned on Labour and the Tories as they failed to deliver on the 2016 referendum result.

11.07.2019 - 12:04 [ ]

Tory Party members would ditch Nigel Farage if Boris Johnson can deliver Brexit by October 31, says poll

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party vote would collapse and switch back to the Tories if Boris Johnson succeeded in taking the UK out of the EU by October 31, a poll of Tory party members shows.

The vast majority of Conservative switchers to the Brexit Party would come back to the Tories in a subsequent general election, leaving Mr Farage with a tiny rump, according to the survey by pollsters Orb International for the Telegraph.

10.07.2019 - 20:55 [ Spectator ]

Why the Labour party deserves to be destroyed

Already Labour are below 20 per cent in some general election polls and it is hard to see how they will survive a four-way squeeze in any snap election.

The only thing that might avoid this doomsday scenario is if the Tories manage to take the UK out of the EU by 31st October. Given that the dreadful withdrawal agreement is now dead in the water, that means, somewhat ironically, only a ‘no deal’ Brexit can save Labour.

05.07.2019 - 00:01 [ The Telegraph / Youube ]

Ann Widdecombe compares EU to slave owners

The Brexit Party MEP caused a stir during her maiden speech to the EU Parliament.

04.07.2019 - 23:47 [ BBC ]

Ann Widdecombe: ‚Oppressed people turning on the oppressors‘

Ann Widdecombe has told the European Parliament there is a „long history“ of „slaves against their owners“ and revolt against the colonies which, she says, mirrors Brexit.

„We are going and we are glad to be going,“ she said.

31.05.2019 - 18:36 [ Ross Kempsell ‏/ Twitter ]

Exc: Labour‘s candidate in Peterborough by-election Lisa Forbes shunned public hustings tonight to spend the evening with Jeremy Corbyn critic Gordon Brown. Labour only no-show from the 4 major parties in seat (Cons, LDs and Brex) invited to meet voters tonight

29.05.2019 - 07:21 [ ]

‚EU won‘t change one dot or comma‘: Nigel Farage declares it is ‚absolute rubbish‘ to suggest new Tory PM could renegotiate May‘s Brexit deal as he blasts Jeremy Hunt‘s No Deal u-turn

On Fox News last night, Mr Farage vowed: ‚If we do not leave the European Union on October 31, I will lead the Brexit Party after that into the next general election and we will sweep away parties that have dominated British politics for over 100 years.‘

28.05.2019 - 05:55 [ Nigel Farage / Telegraph ]

The Brexit Party‘s stunning victory is just the beginning. Prepare for a revolution in British politics

It took the Labour Party 45 years to win the popular vote in a national election. The Brexit Party has achieved it within 45 days, despite the major parties massively outspending us.

The Remainers want to spin the results to claim they “really” won. Few people will be fooled by these democracy deniers. The clear message of the European elections is that the main political parties have failed to deliver the Brexit that 17.4m voted for three years ago.

27.05.2019 - 19:35 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Brexit Party Voters Half Tory, Quarter Labour

Rough breakdown from above is that half the Brexit Party’s voters came from the Tories, quarter from Labour. Labour also haemorrhaged votes to the Greens and LibDems. Problems for both Labour and the Tories look daunting.

21.05.2019 - 17:31 [ Patrick O'Flynn, East of England MEP (SDP) / Twitter ]

If May paves way for 2nd referendum the Brexit Party goes over 40%.

13.05.2019 - 07:46 [ ]

Tories must go with Boris Johnson if they want to survive or they’ll end up as dead as a dodo

Love him or loathe him — and the overwhelming majority of grassroots Tories adore him — Boris is their only possible champion.

Nobody else, whatever their merits, is even recognisable to the voting public.

They need to act fast. Nigel Farage yesterday predicted we are all in for a shock as his party mops up seats in the EU Parliament.

13.05.2019 - 07:09 [ Spiked ]

Brexit Party: why the shit isn’t sticking

One of the most beautiful things in British public life right now is the disparity – the colossal disparity – between the media smears about the Brexit Party and the continued success of the Brexit Party. It’s wonderful to behold.

05.05.2019 - 13:27 [ Nigel Farage, Leader of @BrexitParty_UK / Twitter ]

I am challenging @JeremyCorbyn to a European election debate. Labour voters are very confused about what his party stands for on Brexit. Let’s find out.

05.05.2019 - 13:19 [ ]

Don‘t build ‚coalition against the people‘, Nigel Farage warns Theresa May

The Leave campaigner said his burgeoning Brexit Party would field a full slate of candidates against Tory and Labour MPs in a general election and “break the two party system” if Mrs May and Mr Corbyn made a pact to keep the UK tied to EU rules.

01.05.2019 - 13:16 [ ]

May’s ‘silver lining’: Election guru says Tories will do better than expected at local elections because Brexit Party isn’t standing and UKIP are not contesting many seats

– Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party is not involved and Ukip only has a few candidates
– The election guru suggested infuriated Tories might stay at home instead
– But he warned the election would still be ‚difficult‘ for the Conservatives

01.05.2019 - 13:01 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

The Brexit party turned up in Newport, south Wales last night. A true Labour heartland. Usually.

24.04.2019 - 16:18 [ Artists for Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

This is WONDERFUL news! @Fox_Claire has supported AFB from the start and always stuck by us. She‘s also been a massive inspiration to all involved, as she cares deeply about art, culture, working people + democracy: what a great day it is for all who support #democracy + #Brexit!

24.04.2019 - 15:57 [ Claire Fox / ]

Why as a lifelong leftie I‘ve joined Team Nigel: CLAIRE FOX explains her reasons for standing as a European election candidate in The Brexit Party

As a left-wing campaigner for 35 years, I’ve been arrested on picket lines, led anti-imperialist demonstrations and spoken at anti-deportation protests outside police stations. I’ve made speeches at street rallies, in prisons and universities and at pubs.

Yet yesterday, in an unexpected twist of events, I found myself sitting next to Nigel Farage, announcing my intention to stand as a candidate for his Brexit Party in the European elections on May 23.

23.04.2019 - 17:57 [ Claire Fox ‏/ Twitter ]

For those of you asking about – dare I say it – my ‚political journey‘ after this morning‘s announcement that I am standing as a candidate for @brexitparty_uk, I recently confessed all to @giles_fraser on his @unherd #Confessions podcast. Listen in and get the backstory….

23.04.2019 - 17:25 [ The Brexit Party ‏/ Twitter ]

„Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m from the left. If you sat Nigel and I down, I am not going to agree with them on any range of questions. But the question now is whether we are going to let democracy be overturned.“ – @Fox_Claire on why she is standing for The Brexit Party.

23.04.2019 - 17:22 [ ]

Farage reveals new Brexit Party candidates including an SBS officer who won the military‘s second highest medal, an ex-Communist and a charity worker – as Tories predict a wipeout

– Nigel Farage announced five more candidates for his Brexit Party european election fight next month
– Ex-Marine James Glancy awarded Gallantry Cross for fighting in Afghanistan during three tours of country
– Ex-Revolutionary Communist Party member Claire Fox will stand but doesn‘t agree with Farage on much
– Moral Maze star said: ‚Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m from the left. But the question now is whether we are going to let democracy be overturned‘
– A smoked salmon millionaire, an ex-NHS worker and a charity boss also among the five new candidates

22.04.2019 - 10:45 [ Nigel Farage, Leader of @BrexitParty_U / Twitter ]

The @UKLabour message to Brexit voters is “we think you’re stupid, you’ve got this wrong and you should try again”. They are betraying Brexit just as much as the Conservatives are. If you want Brexit to happen, vote for The Brexit Party.

22.04.2019 - 10:26 [ Accept #Brexit / Twitter ]

Tom Watson says voters „deserve better than Nigel Farage‘s promise of a far-right Brexit that would solve nothing“. So „far-right“ is standing up for the result of a referendum? For democracy itself?

22.04.2019 - 10:04 [ ]

FARAGE‘S TARGET: Nigel Farage vows to cripple Labour by targeting the party’s Brexit voters after clash with Tom Watson

Mr Farage’s new party has seen a meteoric rise since its launch at the start of the year, and is now on pole to with May 23’s euro elections.

21.04.2019 - 14:07 [ ]

‚Our party‘s dead. Brexit‘s killing us on the doorsteps‘: 40% of Tory councillors back Nigel Farage‘s new party as devastating poll shows scale of rebellion and THREE QUARTERS want Theresa May to resign

– A grassroots revolt against Theresa May has been revealed by exclusive survey
– An overwhelming 95 per cent believe Tory Party has been damaged by Brexit
– The party‘s 1922 Committee of backbench MPs will convene on Tuesday

21.04.2019 - 13:52 [ ]

BRITS ANTI EU POLL: Voters warn Theresa May she has five weeks to deliver Brexit or suffer the consequences at the Euro elections

Two-thirds of Brits want the PM to get Britain out of the EU by any means to avoid the elections on May 23

20.04.2019 - 12:56 [ Patricia ‏/ Twitter ]

The FR are notoriously unreliable. Farage is close to Le Pen in ideology and I think she could persuade him in forming an alliance at EU parliament level and forget Brexit. I don’t want to give Le Pen allies.

20.04.2019 - 12:26 [ Brexit Watch ‏/ Twitter ]

Bad news for Brexiteers: Germany‘s AfD and France‘s Le Pen back away from calls for EU exit. This might be a trick to get more MEPs but if its not, it means no other countries will follow Brexit. Mr @Nigel_Farage what say you? @LBC


20.04.2019 - 11:57 [ George Galloway ‏/ Twitter ]

Given the nature of Labour’s Euro-fanatic candidates list and the crucial juncture we have reached in the fight for the full implementation of the #Brexit referendum result and for one-time only I will be supporting @Nigel_Farage in next months elections. @TheBrexitPartly

20.04.2019 - 11:46 [ ]

Tories go on STRIKE: Grassroots Conservatives refuse to take part in European election campaign in protest at the delay to Brexit

– Tory councillors in Derbyshire will not canvass for their MEP candidates in May
– The defiance could pave the way for the Brexit Party to beat both main parties
– Other local Conservative groups are expected to rebel amid growing anger

19.04.2019 - 15:30 [ ]

The Tories are feeling the heat as voters desert them in droves for the Brexit Party

19.04.2019 - 13:14 [ ]

Le Pen drops ‘Frexit’ in favour of an ‘EU of the far-right’

Marine Le Pen has asserted that neither she nor her party want France‘s withdrawal from the eurozone.

Speaking at a gathering of her supporters on Saturday ahead of the European elections, the National Rally (RN) leader said that her platform would now “look to change the EU from within”.

18.04.2019 - 15:07 [ ]

‚Excited‘ Nigel Farage revels in the ‚very good start‘ his Brexit Party has enjoyed as it tops the polls AGAIN ahead of the EU elections

In a further boost, a ComRes poll suggests Mr Farage‘s party is third when voters are asked about a general election – on 14 per cent, with Labour leading on 33 per and the Tories sinking fast on 23 per cent.

Boyle Sports made the Brexit Party the 4/1 favourites to win the EU elections, slashing the odds as the polls rolled in.

17.04.2019 - 22:40 [ Salzburger Nachrichten ]

Umfrage zur EU-Wahl: Brexit-Partei in Großbritannien vorn

Die neue EU-feindliche Brexit-Partei von Nigel Farage liegt laut Yougov im Vereinigten Königreich mit 27 Prozent deutlich vorn. Die größte Oppositionspartei Labour kommt demnach auf 22 Prozent, die regierenden Konservativen auf nur 15.

17.04.2019 - 22:14 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour ‏/ Twitter ]

A political party launched less than a week ago is topping a national poll. If you didn‘t see this coming, you haven‘t been paying attention.

17.04.2019 - 22:10 [ ]

Brexit Party leading in EU Parliament polls

In our first poll on the forthcoming EU Parliament elections last week Nigel Farage’s new outfit stormed into third place with 15% of the vote. This was despite the Brexit Party not having formally launched.

Now, following the burst of publicity that came with their official formation, our second poll, conducted for the People’s Vote, shows the Brexit Party leapfrogging into first place on 27% of the vote.

17.04.2019 - 21:59 [ ]

Brexit Party surges into the LEAD in the race for the European Elections: Nigel Farage‘s brand new group storms ahead of the Tories AND Labour after a top pollster predicted it could win its first election

Nigel Farage launched the new Brexit Party with Annunizta Rees-Mogg last week

14.04.2019 - 13:31 [ Brendan Chilton, Director @LabourFutureUK / Twitter ]

Labour in the 2010s made the fatal assumption that UKIP would only damage the Tories and we’d come through the middle…just a plea (not that the party has ever listened to those of us in touch with working class opinion)…let’s not make that same mistake with the Brexit Party.

14.04.2019 - 12:29 [ Spiked ]

It is time to put the fear of God into MPs

To see how cynical and censorious Britain’s political class has become, look no further than its mad response to Nigel Farage’s comments at the launch of his new Brexit Party. Farage raged at the mess the elite has made of Brexit, promised to start an ‘earthquake’ in UK politics, and said it was time to put ‘the fear of God’ into MPs who have stitched up Brexit. Cue hysteria among the political and media classes.

11.04.2019 - 12:02 [ Kieran Lowe ‏/ Twitter ]

that it now looks like the UK will have to take part in European Parliament elections in May, with no clear way forward on Brexit, is pretty terrifying. Everyone will protest vote, the far-right will likely make huge gains, and get wall-to-wall media coverage. It‘ll be a disaster

07.04.2019 - 15:53 [ ]

Tory activists go on strike and donations dry up as Theresa May woos Jeremy Corbyn in Brexit talks

In a letter to the Prime Minister, more than 100 current and would-be Tory councillors state that they are unable to muster the volunteers needed to effectively fight next month’s local elections because “belief in the party they joined is gone”.

05.04.2019 - 14:42 [ Nigel Farage ‏/ Twitter ]

This is an exciting moment. We have arrived at a tipping point. The splits affecting the Conservatives and Labour have become so significant they begin to fall apart. This process had already begun.

05.04.2019 - 14:27 [ Sky News ]

Nigel Farage: ‚I‘ll stand in European elections – but I‘m not happy about it‘

„Am I happy about it? No I‘m not – actually I‘ve got many other things in my life I‘d like to do, I thought we‘d won the Brexit battle but I‘m not going to after 25 years of endeavour watch British politicians roll us over.

„This is the fightback and they‘re going to be very surprised by what they get.“

05.04.2019 - 14:13 [ ]

BREXTORTION: Theresa May begs Brussels to delay Brexit to June 30 – but EU want it to be a YEAR

But furious Brexiteers warned that if the EU forces us to stay another year, Britain should sabotage it from the inside by blocking plans for expansion.

Mrs May is expected to write separately to Jeremy Corbyn today, offering a compromise agreement which both party leaders could push through the Commons.

19.03.2019 - 13:15 [ Handelsblatt Politik / Twitter ]

Der CDU-Europaabgeordnete Elmar Brok hält es für möglich, dass sich Italien gegen eine Brexit-Fristverlängerung ausspricht. Er verweist auf Absprachen zwischen Farage und Salvini.


19.03.2019 - 13:04 [ ]

Italy to BLOCK Brexit delay: Salvini plans eurosceptic favour to Farage, warns Merkel ally

(18.3.2019) The German says the “strongman of the Italian government” is preparing to veto an Article 50 extension as a consensus fails to emerge for the delay on the Continent.

There are “very different views” amongst EU member states, Mr Brok concluded.

Mr Salvini is Italy’s deputy prime minister and will be represented at this week’s European Council summit by prime minister Giuseppe Conte.

13.03.2019 - 14:51 [ Leave.EU ‏/ Twitter ]

WATCH | David Davis warns that the „democratic disaster“ of a Brexit delay would destroy the Tory Party, and predicts the Brexit Party would win a new set of European elections. He‘s spot on – the people have spoken & will not be ignored!

11.03.2019 - 14:42 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Farage’s Brexit Party Now Has More MEPs Than UKIP

A taste of things to come for MPs if they vote to extend Brexit – Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party now officially has more MEPs than UKIP. Eight UK MEPs now sit in Farage’s Brexit Party

10.03.2019 - 17:05 [ ]

If May’s Brexit deal passes, then her troubles really begin

Brexit is breaking British politics. Both the traditional powers have been shipwrecked by this storm and show no signs of knowing how to repair their ruined timbers. This is the sort of thing everyone understands. If the Tories enjoy more support than Labour this is only because Labour is so very bad. It is not because Theresa May’s Government commands the confidence of the people. In any case, her party is slowly but surely devouring itself over Brexit. Again, everyone knows this.

10.03.2019 - 17:01 [ ]

Labour will table bid for second Brexit referendum within a fortnight, says John McDonnell

Theresa May has made clear she will bring her deal back for MPs to vote on by 12 March.

Mr McDonnell said this will be when Jeremy Corbyn puts the party’s amendment forward for a Final Say referendum on Brexit.

10.03.2019 - 16:10 [ ]

I can reveal Whitehall’s secret Brexit plan: stop it dead

Unfortunately, I must remain anonymous for fear of the backlash I would receive at my place of work. However, I can reveal that I am a senior policy professional within the civil service and work closely with numerous governmental departments.

10.03.2019 - 15:57 [ BBC ]

David Davis MP: ‚Britain will get its Trump moment‘

MPs will vote again on Theresa May‘s Brexit deal on Tuesday.

Former Brexit Secretary David Davis MP told the BBC‘s Andrew Marr that MPs not delivering on the Brexit referendum would undermine belief in political parties.

10.03.2019 - 15:53 [ Huffington Post ]

David Davis Warns Britain Will Get Its Own ‚Trump Moment‘ If MPs Vote To Delay Brexit

The former Brexit secretary said any move to extend Article 50 would be a “democratic disaster” that would leave the Conservative Party “massively damaged”.

“It would absolutely undermine belief in democracy in this country and certainly belief in the establishment political parties,” he told BBC’s Andrew Marr Show.

26.02.2019 - 13:04 [ Michael Calderbank #GTTO / Twitter ]

Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage will be licking their lips at the prospect of Labour swimming behind a 2nd referendum/Remain

26.02.2019 - 10:40 [ Peter / Twitter ]

Time to dissolve this Tory Party! It grieves me to say that I will be cutting up my card after 45 years of being a Tory supporter! Brexit Party for me now!

20.02.2019 - 15:46 [ ]

Theresa May ‘saddened’ as Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston quit the Tories

Theresa May has said she is ‘saddened’ by the decision of Heidi Allen, Sarah Wollaston and Anna Soubry to leave the Conservative party and join the new Independent Group of MPs. In statement released in the past few minutes, the Prime Minister said:

20.02.2019 - 15:43 [ ]

Brexit latest news: Three Tory MPs defect to Independent Group – Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen

– Tory MPs Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen defect to Independent Group over Brexit
– Asa Bennett: Tory quitters have proved Independent Group is a Remainer revolt
– Markets: Pound slips on Westminster turmoil
– Theresa May to meet Jean-Claude Juncker at 5pm
– PM could hold meaningful vote next week to avoid ministerial resignations
– Data analysis: Farage‘s Brexit Party has more obvious slot in UK politics than the Independent Group

09.02.2019 - 15:15 [ ]

WIPE OUT! Theresa May warned Tories face local election wipe-out if Brexit is delayed beyond March 29

The ongoing deadlock with the EU has led many to expect the Article 50 exit talks will have to be extended beyond the March 29 deadline.

But local government bosses and Cabinet ministers have warned No10 as well as the Tory party’s chairman that its vote at the council polls on May 2 will be decimated if they are seen to have broken the key Brexit promise.

That gives the PM just a five week extra window to wrap up Brexit and pass all necessary new laws, and 12 weeks in total from now.

09.02.2019 - 15:14 [ ]

‚Thousands of Tory party members‘ to defect to Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party as it gets official approval

The Electoral Commission on Friday formally recognised the Brexit Party as an official organisation which will allow it to field candidates at elections.

Nigel Farage, the former Ukip leader who is supporting the party, said „the engine is running“ and he stood „ready for battle“ to fight the Tories and Labour if European Parliament elections are held on May 23.

09.02.2019 - 14:32 [ ]

GB: Neue Brexit-Partei offiziell anerkannt

Sollte der für Ende März geplante EU-Austritt Großbritanniens verschoben werden, könnte die Brexit Party damit bei den Europawahlen im Mai antreten.

23.01.2019 - 08:07 [ ]

My new Brexit Party, supported by Nigel Farage, will fight for our democracy

When young children are losing at board games they demand to change the rules. Yet this same juvenile intent drives the cabal of democracy defying MPs.

23.01.2019 - 07:52 [ ]

Nigel Farage to lead new pro-Brexit party if EU departure delayed

(20.1.2019) Former Ukip leader says he will ‘re-enter the fray’ if Brexit is put back beyond 29 March