Archiv: chemische Waffen / chemical weapons

23.10.2024 - 09:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel suspected of using white phosphorus on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon: Report

The reported incident occurred on 13 October, when the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) said two Israeli Merkava tanks broke through the gates of one of its bases. The tanks left after 45 minutes, following complaints from Unifil.

The Financial Times does not specify in its report where the incident took place, but on that same day, two tanks were reported to have hit the post of a Unifil base in Ramya, a town in southern Lebanon. Unifil said its peacekeepers were being treated for skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions.

Within the next hour after the tanks left, several rounds were fired 100 metres north of the Unifil base, and the rounds emitted a „smoke of suspected white phosphorous“ that ultimately injured 15 peacekeepers.

13.10.2024 - 20:55 [ United Nations ]

Lebanon: IDF tanks force entry into UN peacekeeping position, UNIFIL reports

According to the Mission, at about 04:30 (local time), while peacekeepers were in shelters, two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the main gate and entered the position.

“They requested multiple times that the base turn out its lights,” UNIFIL said in a statement.

The tanks left about 45 minutes later after the Mission protested through its liaison mechanism, saying that IDF presence was putting peacekeepers in danger.

At around 06:40, peacekeepers at the same position reported the firing of several rounds 100 metres (about 110 yards) north, which emitted smoke.

Despite putting on protective masks, fifteen peacekeepers suffered effects, including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions, after the smoke entered the camp,” UNIFIL reported.

The affected peacekeepers are receiving treatment.

06.12.2023 - 08:55 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israel-Palestine war: Israel plans to flood Hamas tunnels with nerve gas, source says

(25 October 2023)

Middle East Eye cannot independently verify the information in the leak.

„The plan hinges on the element of surprise so as to decisively win the battle, using internationally forbidden gases, particularly nerve gas, and chemical weapons. Large quantities of nerve gas would be pumped into the tunnels,“ the source said.

The source added that the US Delta Force will oversee „large quantities of nerve gas being pumped into Hamas tunnels, capable of paralysing the bodily movement for a period of time between six and 12 hours.

11.11.2023 - 10:36 [ CNN ]

Biden administration privately warned by American diplomats of growing fury against US in Arab world


“We are losing badly on the messaging battlespace,” reads a Wednesday cable from the US Embassy in Oman, citing conversations with “a wide range of trusted and sober-minded contacts.”

The robust US support for Israel’s actions is being seen, the cable warns, “as material and moral culpability in what they consider to be possible war crimes.”

The cable from the embassy was written by the second-highest US official in Muscat and sent to, among others, the White House’s National Security Council, the CIA and the FBI.

11.11.2023 - 09:00 [ Fox News ]

Mike Pompeo says State Dept has an ‚AOC, Rashida Tlaib wing‘ after leaked memo blasts Biden‘s Israel policy

(November 7, 2023)

MIKE POMPEO: I wish I could tell you I‘m surprised, but having led that organization, the State Department, this is the AOC, Rashida Tlaib wing of the State Department. These are classic appeasers who don‘t understand that the Israelis are acting in self-defense. They are taking out a terror threat that killed 1,400 of their citizens. They have not only the right to do it, but an obligation to do it.

11.11.2023 - 08:39 [ ]

Dissenting Memo From State Dept Criticizes Biden Response to Israel’s Attacks

(November 7, 2023)

It’s unclear how many staffers in the department signed on to the memo, or whether it has been altered or amended since it was leaked, Politico reported. Dissenting memos are not uncommon — indeed, the department encourages such commentaries, and has a Dissent Channel set up for them — but it’s unusual for dissenting memos to be released publicly. Other dissenting memos relating to Israel’s recent actions are reportedly being discussed within the department.

11.11.2023 - 02:20 [ United Nations ]

‚Nowhere and no one is safe‘ in Gaza, WHO chief tells Security Council

The UN Security Council met again on Friday to discuss …

That‘s it from this latest UN Security Council meeting on the Israel-Palestine crisis, where consensus among the body‘s 15 members remains elusive.

11.11.2023 - 02:16 [ Sarah Wilkinson / Twitter ]

How many war crimes before the @UN does something:

intense israeli bombing with white phosphorus all around al-Shifa Hospital in #Gaza

11.11.2023 - 00:32 [ CNN ]

Israel claims misfired projectile launched from inside Gaza was responsible for hit on al-Shifa hospital

The IDF said that an examination of its operational systems indicated that “a misfired projectile launched by terrorist organizations inside the Gaza Strip hit the Shifa Hospital.”

Hecht went on to claim that the projectile had been aimed at “IDF troops operating in the vicinity.”

Several social media videos emerged online Friday showing injured people lying on the ground of the outpatient clinic following the strike.

11.11.2023 - 00:25 [ Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator / Twitter ]

Acts of war in places of grace must stop. #Gaza

(5 hours ago)

11.11.2023 - 00:17 [ @nour_odeh / Twitter ]

HAPPENING NOW: Heavy bombardment around AlShifa hospital & targeting the entrance of the hospital. Shrapnel & debris are also falling on the compound. White phosphorous is being used heavily. 1000s remain inside (injured, patients, medical staff, displaced families)

(3 hours ago)

10.11.2023 - 23:04 [ Sarah Wilkinson / Twitter ]

The israeli bombardment of white phosphorous over Al Quds & Al Shifa hospitals is excessive — a grievous war crime being used upon civilians

11.10.2023 - 16:01 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

We are documenting multiple similar incidents around Gaza. Phosphorus munitions are an indiscriminate incendiary weapon that ignites on contact with oxygen. In closed spaces, the toxic fumes can cause asphyxiation & permanent respiratory damage (2/2)

11.10.2023 - 15:53 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

We are documenting Israel‘s use of what is believed to be phosphorus munitions in Sahl al-Mari & Shebaa Farms in Lebanon. The use of such munition is internationally prohibited under the Geneva Conventions against civilian targets or even military targets in civilian areas (1/2)

10.05.2023 - 07:45 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Meine Option: Syriens Sieg gegen die Invasoren

(20. September 2013)

Die Erklärung des syrischen Vizeministerpräsidenten Qadri Jamil in seinem Interview mit dem britischen “Guardian”, dass keine Seite den Syrien-Krieg militärisch gewinnen könne, ist zum ungezählten Male das Allerschwachsinnigste was ein Vertreter des Regimes überhaupt hätte tun können. Für mich ein weiterer Beweis, dass das Regime von Kollaborateuren durchsetzt ist, deren Existenz den Invasionsmächten – allen voran den U.S.A., mit ihren armselig-feudalen und von Verrückten regierten vorderasiatischen Kirchenstaaten im Windschatten – von Anfang an als vermeintliche Garantie für eine erfolgreiche Durchführung der Invasion erschien und wichtiger taktischer Baustein der Eroberungsstrategie war. Da in diesen Zeiten die Menschen sogar vergessen was vor zehn Tagen passiert ist, sei hier noch einmal langsam und deutlich vorgelesen: der Außenminister Saddam Husseins, Naji Sabri, war C.I.A.-Agent und setzte sich während der Invasion des Irak 2003 ins Ausland ab. Er soll sich heute in Katar befinden.

Wie kurz die U.S.A. davor waren, während der Irak-Invasion unter dem Vorwand irakischer Chemiewaffen im Irak Atomwaffen einzusetzen, begreifen nur diejenigen die lesen und denken können. Das will fast keiner mehr. Weil diese Welt ein Fluch erfasst hat, ein dunkler Schatten, der erst besiegt und dann vertrieben sein will.

22.02.2023 - 10:04 [ ]

Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper

2. Stay committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. Sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs are basic principles of international law and the most fundamental norms governing contemporary international relations. We believe all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. Their internal affairs brook no external interference, their sovereignty and dignity must be respected, and their right to independently choose social systems and development paths must be upheld. Sovereign independence and equality must be upheld, and efforts should be made for all countries to enjoy equality in terms of rights, rules and opportunities.

3. Stay committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The purposes and principles of the UN Charter embody the deep reflection by people around the world on the bitter lessons of the two world wars. They are humanity’s institutional design for collective security and lasting peace. The various confrontations and injustices in the world today did not occur because the purposes and principles of the UN Charter are outdated, but because they are not effectively maintained and implemented. We call on all countries to practice true multilateralism; firmly uphold the international system with the UN at its core, the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the UN Charter; and uphold the authority of the UN and its status as the main platform for global security governance. The Cold War mentality, unilateralism, bloc confrontation and hegemonism contradict the spirit of the UN Charter and must be resisted and rejected.

7. Implement the five-point proposal on realizing peace and stability in the Middle East, including advocating mutual respect, upholding equity and justice, realizing non-proliferation, jointly fostering collective security, and accelerating development cooperation, so as to jointly establish a new security framework in the Middle East. Support the positive momentum and the efforts of Middle East countries to strengthen dialogue and improve their relations, accommodate the reasonable security concerns of all parties, strengthen the internal forces of safeguarding regional security, and support the League of Arab States (LAS) and other regional organizations in playing a constructive role in this regard. The international community should take practical steps to advance the two-state solution to the Palestinian question, and convene a larger, more authoritative and more influential international peace conference, so as to achieve a just solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.

22.02.2023 - 09:44 [ ]

China issues Global Security Initiative (GSI) Concept Paper, calling to resolve disputes through dialogue and rejecting power politics

A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, China announced in the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper it released on Tuesday amid growing risks and challenges that the world faces today, particularly in light of the Ukraine crisis, with the aim of eliminating the root causes of international conflicts and improving global security.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told a forum on Tuesday in Beijing that China had officially released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, fully elaborating ideas and principles, clarifying cooperation mechanisms and underscoring China‘s responsibilities and firm determination to safeguard world peace by listing 20 major cooperation directions.

22.02.2023 - 09:32 [ Radio China - ]

China veröffentlicht Dokument über Konzept der Globalen Sicherheitsinitiative

Sicherheit sei das Recht aller Länder der Welt und nicht die exklusive Domäne einiger Länder. Die Globale Sicherheitsinitiative diene den Interessen der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt und bewahre den Frieden von allen. Jedes Land, das bereit sei, der Globalen Sicherheitsinitiative beizutreten, sei willkommen. China unterstütze alle Länder, die sich aufrichtig um die Erhaltung des Weltfriedens und der Entwicklung bemühten, so der chinesische Außenminister weiter.

24.11.2022 - 12:05 [ @Hromadske / Nitter ]

The Biden administration is concerned that Russia may use chemical weapons in Ukraine if its troops continue to lose ground. They are trying to prepare allies for such an event. However, the US has no intelligence data to suggest that the use of chemical weapons is imminent.

24.11.2022 - 11:57 [ ]

U.S. concerned Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine

The U.S. does not have any intelligence to suggest such an attack in Ukraine is imminent, the people said. In fact, many DoD officials believe the fighting will stall during the winter months, with neither side able to take much ground.

But in the case of continued battlefield losses, or a complete collapse of the Russian army, some top officials working on the issue have determined that Moscow might resort to employing chemical weapons — including those the country has been associated with using in the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.

12.04.2022 - 06:42 [ ]

Allegations of white phosphorus munitions being used by Russia and Ukraine emerge: Read if it’s considered a chemical weapon and is illegal to use it during war

(28 February, 2022)

WP has not been categorised as an incendiary or chemical weapon by international agencies. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is an intergovernmental organisation and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed WP in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons. However, United Nations considers it as an incendiary chemical.

12.04.2022 - 06:25 [ Chris Menahan / Twitter ]

The Pentagon said Monday night they „cannot confirm“ the Azov Battalion‘s claim they were attacked by Russian „chemical weapons“ in Mariupol.

12.04.2022 - 06:13 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Alexey Arestovich reports that at the moment they are checking information about the possible use of chemical weapons by #Russian troops in #Mariupol.

24.03.2022 - 13:35 [ Reuters ]

No indication of imminent Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine -U.S. defense official


The U.S. official, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity, shared Biden‘s assessment but added: „There‘s no indication that there‘s something imminent in that regard right now.“

24.03.2022 - 12:43 [ Washington Post ]

Biden holds emergency NATO talks in Europe as Ukraine war hits one month

In a flurry of meetings, Biden and major allies are expected to announce plans to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy, new sanctions and more military deployments to Eastern Europe — even as divisions emerge about how to deter Moscow. National security adviser Jake Sullivan said Biden will also discuss “potential contingencies” in the event of a Russian cyberattack or chemical weapons.

23.03.2022 - 14:39 [ ]

Biden warns of chemical warfare threat as he leaves for Europe

When asked what he will say to European leaders, Biden said he will say it face-to-face when he arrives.

“All I have to say, I’m going to say it when I get there,” Biden said, adding that he will be “happy to talk to you guys when I get back,” referring to reporters.

13.03.2022 - 18:14 [ ]

Allegations of white phosphorus munitions being used by Russia and Ukraine emerge: Read if it’s considered a chemical weapon and is illegal to use it during war

WP has not been categorised as an incendiary or chemical weapon by international agencies. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is an intergovernmental organisation and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed WP in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons. However, United Nations considers it as an incendiary chemical.

11.03.2022 - 20:15 [ ]

Russia-Ukraine latest news: Biden warns of ‘World War III’ if Nato directly confronts Russia

“Direct confrontation between Nato and Russia is World War III – something we must strive to prevent,“ Mr Biden added.

However, he vowed that Russia would pay a „severe price“ if it used chemical weapons in Ukraine.

It comes as Kyiv warned that Belarus could join Russia‘s invasion as early as this evening after Russian fighter jets fired at Belarus from Ukrainian air space in an apparent ‘false flag’ attack to involve Minsk in the conflict.

11.03.2022 - 19:46 [ Pentagon ]

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby Holds a Press Briefing, March 9, 2022

Q: Is there any concern that Russia‘s actually doing this because they‘re planning some sort of chem-biological attack?

MR. KIRBY: Yes, Court. I mean, again, not being perfectly inside the minds of the Russians. We have seen one of their playbooks is to accuse the other that which you are doing or what you plan to do. And to create a narrative that of victimhood and blaming somebody else for something that you‘re in fact going to do. I have no evidence of that. I‘m not suggesting that that‘s in the offing right now.

I have no intelligence and indicators that, that type of weaponry is in Ukraine and being planned to be used. So, I want to be clear, but it is a piece of the Russian playbook to blame others for that which you are about to do or you are considering doing. They‘ve done that plenty of times before.

17.03.2021 - 01:41 [ ]

Defence review: UK could use Trident to counter cyber-attack

Britain is prepared to launch nuclear weapons if the country was faced with an exceptionally destructive attack using cyber or other “emerging technologies”, according to the integrated defence review.

The stark statement marks a change from existing UK policy, which had been that Trident missiles could only be launched against another nuclear power, or potentially in response to extreme chemical or biological threats.

12.03.2021 - 11:09 [ Courage Foundation ]

Statement of Concern: The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria

Signatories in Support of the Statement of Concern:

José Bustani, Ambassador of Brazil, first Director General of the OPCW and former Ambassador to the United Kingdom and France.

Professor Noam Chomsky, Laureate Professor U. of Arizona and Institute Professor (em), MIT.

Andrew Cockburn, Washington editor, Harper’s Magazine.

Daniel Ellsberg, PERI Distinguished Research Fellow, UMass Amherst. Former Defense and State Department official. Former official of Defense Department (GS-18) and State Department (FSR-1).

Professor Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University.

Tulsi Gabbard, former Presidential candidate and Member of the US House of Representatives (2013-2021).

Professor Dr. Ulrich Gottstein, on behalf of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW-Germany).

Katharine Gun, former GCHQ (UKGOV), whistleblower.

Denis J. Halliday, UN Assistant Secretary-General (1994-98).

Professor Pervez Houdbhoy, Quaid-e-Azam University and ex Pugwash.

Kristinn Hrafnnson, Editor in Chief, Wikileaks.

Dr. Sabine Krüger, Analytical Chemist, Former OPCW Inspector 1997-2009.

Ray McGovern, ex-CIA Presidential Briefer; co-founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence (rtd); member, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity and Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence.

Professor Götz Neuneck, Pugwash Council and German Pugwash Chair.

Dirk van Niekerk, former OPCW Inspection Team Leader, Head of OPCW Special Mission to Iraq

John Pilger, Emmy and Bafta winning journalist and film maker.

Professor Theodore A. Postol, Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology, and National Security Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Dr. Antonius Roof, former OPCW Inspection Team Leader and Head Industry Inspections.

Professor John Avery Scales, Professor, Pugwash Council and Danish Pugwash Chair.

Hans von Sponeck, former UN Assistant Secretary General and UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator (Iraq).

Alan Steadman, Chemical Weapons Munitions Specialist, Former OPCW Inspection Team Leader and UNSCOM Inspector.

Jonathan Steele, journalist and author.

Roger Waters, Musician and Activist.

Lord West of Spithead, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff 2002-06.

Oliver Stone, Film Director, Producer and Writer.

Colonel (ret.) Lawrence B. Wilkerson, U.S. Army, Visiting Professor at William and Mary College and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.

12.03.2021 - 11:05 [ Courage Foundation ]

Additional Background Information Regarding the OPCW FFM Investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, April 7, 2018

The following points summarize key procedural and scientific flaws that have been identified and which are now in the public domain regarding the OPCW FFM Investigation of the Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, April 7, 2018.

12.03.2021 - 10:17 [ ]

„Glaubwürdigkeit und Integrität der OPCW wiederherstellen“

Es ist nunmehr allgemein bekannt, dass einige hochrangige Inspekteure, die an der Untersuchung beteiligt waren, einer von ihnen in zentraler Position, die Art zurückweisen, in der die Untersuchung ihre Schlussfolgerungen begründete.

Der OPCW-Geschäftsführung wird vorgeworfen, unbegründete und möglicherweise manipulierte Befunde zu akzeptieren, was schwerwiegende geopolitische und Sicherheitsfolgen hat. Wiederholte Aufrufe von einigen Mitgliedern des Exekutivrates der OPCW, es zuzulassen, dass alle Inspekteure angehört werden, wurden blockiert.

12.03.2021 - 10:10 [ ]

Manipulation von Syrien-Bericht: Prominente Kritik an OPCW

Im April 2018 waren nach einem angeblichen Angriff mit chemischen Waffen in der Stadt Douma die Leichen von rund 50 Zivilisten geborgen worden. Die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich bombardierten bereits wenige Tage nach den Ereignissen – noch während der OPCW-Ermittlungen – Einrichtungen der Assad-Regierung und der syrischen Armee.

21.09.2020 - 09:09 [ ]

Militants planning to stage chemical weapon attacks in Syria’s Idlib – Russian Military

The Russian armed forces have received notice that militants from the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham group (formerly known as the Nusra Front, banned in Russia), are planning the provocative attacks.

“In the coming days, terrorists plan to stage attacks in the settlements of Ariha and Basames in order to accuse the Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons against civilians. According to the available information, activists of the White Helmets pseudo-human rights organization are directly involved in the preparation of the sites for the attacks, including staging for capturing video,” Rear Adm. Grinkevich remarked.

10.06.2020 - 11:49 [ NYPD - ]

NYPD: Intelligence and Counterterrorism

The Deputy Commissioner oversees both the Intelligence Bureau, which is responsible for intelligence collection and analysis; and the NYPD‘s Counterterrorism Bureau operations, including the partnership with the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force, the first and largest of its kind in the nation.

New York City is home to more than 8 million people and hosts over 58 million visitors from all over the world annually. The Intelligence and Counterterrorism Bureaus provide some of the most highly trained and best equipped officers to patrol the city, collect and analyze data, and collaborate with partner agencies.

10.06.2020 - 11:41 [ NYPD - ]

NYPD: Counterterrorism

The CT Bureau reviews possible terrorist targets and develops innovative, forward-thinking policies and procedures to guard against attacks, training first responders and specialized units and developing intelligence capabilities for detecting and preventing terrorist attacks. The bureau coordinates with federal, state, and other law enforcement agencies in intelligence gathering and sharing, and plays an integral role in the FBI‘s Joint Terrorist Task Force.

Critical Response Command (CRC) is one of the Department‘s first lines of defense against a terrorist-related attack. A permanent cadre of hand-selected police officers devoted to counterterrorism, CRC members are trained to respond swiftly, with sufficient expertise and force, to the most highly organized and heavily armed attacks. All CRC team members are trained in special weapons and long-range guns, explosive trace detection, radiological and nuclear awareness, biological and chemical weapons awareness, and are equipped with the skills to detect an impending attack and utilize the best possible response to an emerging situation. The team conducts daily counterterrorism deployments to critical infrastructure sites throughout New York City, saturating strategic locations with a uniform presence to disrupt and deter terrorist planning and hostile surveillance operations.


Domain Awareness System (DAS) is a powerful counterterrorism and policing tool jointly developed and built by the NYPD and Microsoft. As a central platform, DAS is used to aggregate data from internal and external closed-circuit television cameras, license plate readers, and environmental sensors, as well as 911 calls and other NYPD databases. DAS uses an interactive dashboard interface to display real-time alerts whenever a 911 call is received or a sensor is triggered.

22.01.2020 - 20:13 [ ]

OPCW investigator testifies at UN that no chemical attack took place in Douma, Syria

In testimony before the United Nations Security Council, former OPCW inspection team leader and engineering expert Ian Henderson stated that their investigation had suggested no chemical attack took place in Douma, Syria, but their findings were suppressed. His appearance punched a gaping hole in the narrative the US and UK used to justify military action.

Video and a transcript of former OPCW engineer and dissenter Ian Henderson’s UN testimony appears at the end of this report.