Archiv: Rumänien / Romania

00:06 [ RAIR Foundation USA ]

The EU’s Coup Against Democracy: Thierry Breton Threatens to Invalidate German Elections (Video)

(January 12, 2025)

The backlash was swift and vocal. Critics across Europe condemned Breton’s remarks, seeing them as a dangerous precedent in the EU’s approach to member states’ sovereignty. Observers noted that Breton’s comments revealed an alarming willingness to override the will of voters if outcomes do not align with EU preferences.

Many linked these actions to the EU’s broader push to control narratives, highlighting efforts to censor platforms like X in Europe to prevent dissent and scrutiny. The underlying motive, critics argue, is to silence opposition and maintain control, but such efforts may ultimately backfire as the truth surfaces despite their attempts to suppress it.

14.01.2025 - 22:31 [ ]

Democracy Dies In The EU: Romania Edition

/December 26, 2024)

The weeks running up to the election: a campaign called #BalanceAndIntegrity begins on TikTok. Roughly 130 influencers follow a similar script to make videos describing qualities of a future unnamed president. Some of the influencers do, however, write in the comments of the video: “Călin Georgescu.”

Nov. 24: The presidential election. Georgescu — a relative unknown who runs on a Christian conservative, economic populist and non-interventionist policy towards Project Ukraine — surprisingly comes out on top. Disaffected working class voters back him strongly as he wins more than 2 million votes (23 percent) in the first round. As no candidate achieved an absolute majority, a second round was to be held on Dec. 8.

Nov. 28: Romania’s Supreme Country Defense Council (CSAT) announces that “cyber attacks with the aim of influencing the correctness of the electoral process” took place and, separately, that “a candidate for the presidential elections benefited from a massive exposure due to the preferential treatment that the TikTok platform granted him by not marking him as a political candidate.”

14.01.2025 - 20:51 [ ]

Investigații ANAF a descoperit că PNL a plătit o campanie care l-a promovat masiv pe Călin Georgescu pe TikTok

(December 20, 2024)

Snoop a aflat că ANAF a descoperit în aceste zile că „acțiunea de campanie Echilibru și Verticalitate, de pe pe TikTok, a fost plătită din banii Partidului Național Liberal”, conform unei surse confidențiale, la curent cu rezultatul cercetării ANAF.

Informația a fost confirmată pentru Snoop din discuțiile și corespondența purtată chiar cu firma angajată de PNL, Kensington Communication, care a gândit campania.

Firma a plătit 130 de influenceri cooptați pe platforma FameUp, dar susține că „forma generată de Kensington Communication a suportat unele modificări, care nu aparțin echipei noastre și nici nu avem cunoștință să fi fost solicitate de către reprezentanți ai partidului”.

Kensington spune că „hashtag-ul ales de compania noastră a fost #echilibrusiseriozitate, acesta fiind schimbat în platforma FameUp, fără implicarea noastră, în #echilibrusiverticalitate”.

14.01.2025 - 20:48 [ Serbian Times ]

EPIC SCANDAL IN ROMANIA: Ruling party paid for TikTok campaign that led to the annulment of Georgescu’s victory!

(December 23, 2024)

The Romanian National Liberal Party (PNL), one of the ruling parties in Romania, financed a TikTok campaign that intelligence services used as evidence of “foreign interference” in favor of independent candidate Calin Georgescu, according to a new report by the investigative portal

14.01.2025 - 20:42 [ ]

Romanian liberals orchestrated Georgescu campaign funding, investigation reveals

(December 22, 2024)

Russia was accused of interfering in Romania’s November 24 presidential election that saw far-right and pro-Russian outsider Calin Georgescu storm to a shock first round victory. But an investigation by the tax authorities has exonerated the Kremlin and revealed the highly effective TikTok campaign was funded by the liberal, pro-EU National Liberal Party (PNL) in an effort to knock out a rival in a plan that badly backfired.

14.01.2025 - 20:03 [ ]

Ex-Commissioner Breton: ‘What Was Done in Romania May Be Needed in Germany’

(January 10, 2025)

“Let’s stay calm and enforce the laws in Europe, when they risk being circumvented and if not enforced, could lead to interference. They did it in Romania and, obviously, it will have to be done, if necessary, in Germany as well,” he concluded, referring to the cancellation of the first round of the presidential elections in December.

14.01.2025 - 19:58 [ European Conservative ]

Former Censorship Tsar Admits EU Role in Annulling Romanian Election

We’ll also have to do it in Germany, if necessary,‘ Thierry Breton confessed—as up to 100,000 people took to the streets of Romania.

11.12.2024 - 16:22 [ ]

Nach dem Wahl-Coup: Neue rumänische NATO-Regierung steht

Beschwerden gegen die Parlamentswahl, bezüglich angeblicher „russischer Einmischung“ gab es keine. Bei dieser Wahl haben auch die „Richtigen“ gewonnen. Im Gegensatz zur Präsidentenwahl: In einem beispiellosen Schritt sagte der Oberste Gerichtshof die Stichwahl ab und annullierte die erste Wahlrunde – ohne Beweise für eine „russische Wahleinmischung“. Diese Woche gaben die EU/NATO-Kräfte nun die Bildung einer neuen Regierung bekannt. Auch sonst passiert viel. Ein Überblick.

11.12.2024 - 16:11 [ Norbert Häring ]

Rumänen müssen nach Drohungen der USA nochmal wählen

7. 12. 2024 | Das Verfassungsgericht Rumäniens hat am Freitag (6.12.) die erste Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl annulliert und den zweiten Wahlgang am Sonntag abgesagt. Grund sei Einflussnahme auf die Wahl durch TikTok-Nutzer. Vorausgegangen war ein Bericht des nationalen Sicherheitsrats und öffentliche Drohungen der US-Regierung.

Wenn die US-Regierung eigens eine Erklärung zum Ausgang der ersten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl in Rumänien veröffentlicht und diese beginnt mit:….

13.07.2023 - 20:10 [ ]

Spain to deploy more troops in Slovakia, Romania to strenghten NATO eastern flank

It will be the first time Spain sends troops to Slovakia, while the number of troops in Romania will be increased, although the exact figure has not been specified.

13.07.2023 - 16:31 [ ]

NATO countries to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets in Romania

(12 July 2023)

A coalition of 11 nations decided during the recent NATO summit in Lithuania to start training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets in August in Denmark. A training center will also be set up in Romania for the same purpose.

NATO members Denmark and the Netherlands have been leading international efforts to train pilots as well as support staff, maintain aircraft and ultimately enable the supply of F-16s to Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to Reuters.

13.07.2023 - 16:00 [ ]

Group of 11 countries forms coalition for training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters


The Ministry of Defence of Denmark reported that Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the UK agreed to start the training of Ukrainians on the F-16 fighters.

The training is expected to start at the end of the summer and will be conducted in Denmark.

12.04.2023 - 15:33 [ Haaretz ]

Spyware From Israeli Firm QuaDream Used to Hack Journalists, Activists Around the World

Israel‘s offensive cyber industry accounts for a wide variety of surveillance and espionage technologies. A number of these are tools sold to policing bodies which reveal the geographic location of a target. There are also more advanced technologies, sold to law enforcement and intelligence bodies, which allow clients to hack into computers, mobile phones and encrypted messaging apps, extracting all information stored on a device and secretly turning on its microphone and camera to create a tool which spies on its owner.

29.06.2022 - 19:04 [ ]

Europe‘s new Iron Curtain: The defences designed to keep Putin out as Biden announces a new permanent base in Poland – while Sweden and Finland are formally invited into alliance and Russia blasts ‚destabilising‘ move

Joe Biden, speaking at a NATO summit in Madrid today, announced the creation of a new base for the US Fifth Army Corps in Poland – the first permanent American base in the country – along with 3,000 extra soldiers to be sent to Romania and ‚enhanced‘ troop rotations for the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Two more squadrons of F-35 fighters will be deployed to the UK, Biden added, along with additional air defence systems for Germany and Italy, and another two destroyers which will be stationed at Rota Naval Station in Spain, bringing the total to six.

17.06.2022 - 03:50 [ Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania / ]

We are here together with President @ZelenskyyUa because we know it‘s our duty to act. It‘s our responsibility to keep this momentum & help our Ukrainian friends forge a new future. Focus on the need for peace, the reconstruction effort & the rebuilding of this country’s future.

16.06.2022 - 16:38 [ FRANCE 24 English / ]

#LIVE – The French leader Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi meet with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in #Kiyv. Watch their joint press conference live on @FRANCE24_En

16.06.2022 - 16:09 [ The Kyiv Independent / ]

Zelensky meets German, French, Italian, Romanian leaders in Kyiv. Zelensky‘s meeting with Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi, and Klaus Iohannis started after the four visited Irpin, a town that had been devastated by Russia’s war, on June 16.

12.05.2021 - 23:40 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

Multinational Forces Rising to US Army Standards on NATO’s Eastern Front

On May 10 Poland’s President Duda was in Romania to co-host a virtual conference of the Bucharest Nine (9) group with Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis, The members of the comparatively new bloc are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia; all former members of the Soviet bloc and of the defunct Warsaw Pact.

Greetings were sent to the meeting by President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

21.03.2021 - 09:32 [ ]

Europaweite Proteste gegen Beschränkungen

Europaweit sind bei Corona-Demonstrationen Tausende Menschen auf die Straße gegangen. Viele Regierungen hatten die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie angesichts einer dritten Infektionswelle zuletzt noch einmal verschärft – zum Unmut vieler Bürger.

14.11.2020 - 02:46 [ Xinhuanet ]

Romanian frigate returns to base from ongoing NATO mission amid mass COVID-19 infections

The frigate participated, starting on Oct. 27, in a NATO mission to monitor the naval traffic in the eastern Mediterranean, a mission that would end on Dec. 7.

05.02.2020 - 21:05 [ Tagesschau ]

Misstrauensvotum im Parlament: Rumänische Regierung abgewählt

Sollten innerhalb von 60 Tagen zwei Versuche einer Regierungsbildung scheitern, kann der Präsident das Parlament auflösen. Dann käme es zu Neuwahlen.

24.11.2019 - 10:21 [ Tagesschau ]

Präsidentenwahl in Rumänien: Amtsinhaber Iohannis siegesgewiss

Der 60-jährige Iohannis hat einen Wahlkampf hinter sich, der ihm nach allen Regeln der Kunst eigentlich hätte schaden müssen. Mit rumänischen Journalisten sprach er während des gesamten Wahlkampfes so gut wie nicht, und wenn, dann von oben herab. Ebenso wenig stellte er sich – wie in Präsidentschaftwahlkämpfen eigentlich üblich – seinen Herausforderern in Fernsehdebatten.

03.11.2019 - 22:35 [ Robin Wood ]

Letter from NGOs condemning the killing of Romanian Rangers

28.10.2019 The whole text of the letter:

To President Klaus Iohannis of Romania and the Government of Romania,

We, civil society colleagues in Romania, across Europe, and beyond, were shocked and dismayed to learn of the killing of Liviu Pop, a Romanian forest ranger who was out investigating illegal logging in Maramures, Romania, when he was shot dead. His death comes shortly after that of Raducu Gorcioaia, another forest ranger who was murdered in the forest district of Pascani earlier this month. Both are part of a long series of violence against forest rangers and activists…

03.11.2019 - 22:21 [ Reuters ]

Thousands of Romanians protest against illegal logging, attacks on forest workers

Romania, which is home to some of Europe’s last remaining virgin forests and diverse wildlife, is losing an estimated three to nine hectares of forest per hour due to illegal logging, Greenpeace studies have shown.

02.03.2019 - 12:59 [ ]

Greift der rumänische Geheimdienst nach der Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft?

(17.2.2019) Der rumänische Geheimdienst SRI und die Antikorruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft DNA arbeiteten seit Jahren aufgrund geheimer Protokolle in gemischten Teams aus Staatsanwälten und Geheimdienstlern zusammen. Dabei wurden offenbar Beweismittel manipuliert, Zeugen eingeschüchtert und die Spruchkörper beim höchsten Strafgericht in Bukarest so zusammengestellt, dass die entsprechenden Fälle stets vor den richtigen Richtern verhandelt wurden. Unterschrieben und umgesetzt wurden die Geheimprotokolle von Frau Kövesi ..

02.03.2019 - 12:45 [ ]

Topjob in EU: Machtkampf um Korruptionsjägerin

Eindeutig ist: Dass Kövesi eine Behörde zur Bekämpfung vom Missbrauch von EU-Geldern übernehmen könnte, stößt in Bukarest auf heftigen Widerstand. Die Koalitionsregierung der PSD und der liberalen ALDE mobilisiert seit Wochen dagegen. Mittlerweile wird auch gegen sie ermittelt.

29.12.2018 - 13:35 [ ]

EU-Kommissionspräsident: Jean-Claude Juncker zweifelt an Kompetenz Rumäniens für EU-Vorsitz

Zudem sei der interne Zustand Rumäniens derzeit so, dass das Land nicht als „kompakte Einheit“ in Europa auftreten könne. „Es braucht zu Hause eine geschlossene Front, um während der Ratspräsidentschaft auch die Einheit Europas zu fördern“, betonte Juncker.

08.07.2018 - 09:50 [ Reuters ]

Romanian MiG-21 fighter jet crashes during airshow, kills pilot

Romania, a NATO member since 2004, received its first six F-16 fighter jets from Portugal in 2016, as it phases out its communist-era MiGs.

24.06.2018 - 21:56 [ ]

Zehntausende Rumänen protestieren gegen Regierung

In Bukarest demonstrierten zum fünften Tag in Folge etwa 15.000 Menschen vor dem Regierungssitz, wo sie „Wir wollen keine Dragnea-Diktatur“, „Weg mit dem Wiederholungstäter“, „Ihr entkommt nicht“, „Diebe“, „Rücktritt“ und „Neuwahlen“ riefen. Weitere Straßenproteste gab es in fast allen Großstädten des Landes, u.a. in Timisoara, Sibiu, Cluj, Brasov, Iasi, Oradea, Constanta, Targu Mures und Craiova.

07.05.2018 - 13:09 [ Neue Züricher Zeitung ]

Liebesgrüsse aus Bukarest

Black Cube, eine Firma ehemaliger Mossad-Agenten, wurde dabei ertappt, wie sie Rumäniens oberste Anti-Korruptions-Jägerin Laura Kövesi ausspionierte. Wer die Auftraggeber waren, ist unklar. Kövesis Staatsanwälte ermitteln seit Jahren gegen den rechtskräftig verurteilten Dragnea. Für Gerüchte, Rumäniens Regierung stünden mehrere israelische Berater zur Seite, gibt es keine Beweise. Kurioserweise verlieh Ministerpräsidentin Dancila aber vergangene Woche dem Leibarzt Netanyahus den Titel eines ehrenamtlichen Beraters.