Archiv: gangs will be gangs

08.02.2025 - 17:46 [ Washington Post ]

U.K. orders Apple to let it spy on users’ encrypted accounts

(February 7, 2025)

The law, known by critics as the Snoopers’ Charter, makes it a criminal offense to reveal that the government has even made such a demand. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.

Apple can appeal the U.K. capability notice to a secret technical panel, which would consider arguments about the expense of the requirement, and to a judge who would weigh whether the request was in proportion to the government’s needs. But the law does not permit Apple to delay complying during an appeal.

08.02.2025 - 17:26 [ ]

Apple ordered to open encrypted user accounts globally to UK spying

Apple’s iCloud backups aren’t encrypted by default, but the Advanced Data Protection option was added in 2022, and must be enabled manually. It uses end-to-end encryption so that not even Apple can access encrypted files. In response to the order, Apple is expected to simply stop offering Advanced Data Protection in the UK. This wouldn’t meet the UK’s demand for access to files shared by global users, however.

08.02.2025 - 17:21 [ ]

UK verlangt Zugriff auf verschlüsselte Daten aller Apple-Nutzer weltweit


Hintertüren, wie die von den Briten geforderte, sind von Natur aus gefährlich. Beim Hack der US-Kommunikationssysteme im Jahr 2024, der angeblich von chinesischen Akteuren durchgeführt wurde, wurde eine Hintertür verwendet, die die USA und andere Regierungen gefordert hatten:

„Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Hacker die von CALEA vorgeschriebenen Abhör-Backdoors ausnutzen. Wie der Computersicherheitsexperte Nicholas Weaver 2015 gegenüber Lawfare betonte, „muss jede in den USA verkaufte Telefonanlage die Möglichkeit bieten, eine große Anzahl von Anrufen effizient abzuhören. Und da die USA einen so großen Markt darstellen, bedeutet dies, dass praktisch jede weltweit verkaufte Telefonanlage die Funktion ‚Lawful Intercept‘ enthält.“

Vor zwei Jahrzehnten wurde diese obligatorische Abhörfunktion von Hackern, die es auf Vodafone Griechenland abgesehen hatten, unterwandert. Sie fingen Telefongespräche des Premierministers des Landes und hochrangiger politischer, polizeilicher und militärischer Beamter ab.“

08.02.2025 - 17:15 [ Techdirt ]

Snooper‘s Charter May Not ‚Increase‘ Surveillance… But Tries To Legalize Over A Decade Of Secret, Illegal Mass Surveillance

(November 6, 2015)

Earlier this week, we wrote about the UK’s release of its new Snooper’s Charter bill, where we noted that the government spin on it was fairly dizzying. I noted at the time that while the government kept insisting that it wasn’t adding a requirement to backdoor encryption, that was misleading because the text of the bill indicated the government believed such a mandate already existed. And that’s only the least of it. The bill and the discussion around it simply confirmed that the UK government engaged in mass surveillance for many, many years, and until now only a “tiny handful” of government ministers even knew about it.

That’s kind of astounding.

And, amazingly, the government is using this fact to argue that the new bill is a good thing because it actually “limits and restricts” activity that it secretly engaged in for years and years.

08.02.2025 - 17:13 [ Techdirt ]

UK Government Goes Full Orwell: Snooper‘s Charter, Encryption Backdoors, Free Speech Suppression

(May 28, 2015)

The old joke goes “George Orwell’s 1984 was a warning, not a ‘how to’ manual.” But that joke is increasingly less funny as the UK really seems to be doing everything it can to put in place Orwell’s fictitious vision — just a few decades later.


That first sentence is about the extremism orders, but the second part may be even more troubling. It’s the Queen making it clear that the Snooper’s Charter is returning — but even worse than before.

29.01.2025 - 22:53 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Syrien-Krieg: Ist Russland ein Lakai der N.A.T.O.? Will es noch ein Blutbad in Asien?

(December 13, 2012)

Die neuesten Äußerungen von Sergej Lawrows Stellvertreter, Mikhail Bogdanov, sind ein weiteres, unleugbares Anzeichen dafür, dass die derzeitige Regierung in Moskau, wenn nicht sogar Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin, bei der laufenden Invasion und Zerschlagung Syriens durch Proxy-Armeen einfallender Militärmächte – namentlich der Türkei, Frankreich, U.S.A., Großbritannien, sowie diverser asiatischer Kirchenstaaten und Monarchien – aktiv oder passiv kollaboriert.

29.01.2025 - 22:40 [ ABC News ]

Russian government delegation makes first official visit to Syria since Assad‘s fall

Following Assad’s downfall, Russia relocated its troops and assets from all over Syria to its main hub at the Hmeimim air base near Latakia. There has been no indication that Moscow was preparing to evacuate the Hmeimim base or the naval facility in Tartus altogether.

04.01.2025 - 15:44 [ ]

Police and soldiers from Guatemala, El Salvador arrive for Haiti mission

The 83 security personnel included an advance team of eight soldiers from El Salvador and the first 75 of 150 military police officers from Guatemala.

While the Salvadorans will be providing casualty and medical evacuations in support of the Kenya-led Multinational Security Support mission, the Guatemalans will be joining operations to take down Haiti’s gangs.

10.12.2024 - 01:03 [ CNN ]

Haiti gang massacre leaves over 180 dead after Voodoo accusations, say UN and rights groups

Citing sources in the area, Haiti’s Committee for Peace and Development (CPD) also said the attack targeted “all elderly people and Voodoo practitioners who, in (Micanor’s) imagination, would be capable of casting a bad spell on his son,” and left the bodies of victims mutilated in the streets.

At least 184 people were killed in the massacre, including an estimated 127 elderly men and women, the United Nations said.

10.12.2024 - 00:58 [ Miami Herald ]

Haiti gang leader blames witchcraft for his son’s death, kills more than 100 people

The killings were carried out by Micanor Altes, who goes by the names Wa Mikanò” and Monel Felix, between Friday and Saturday in the Wharf Jérémie section of Cité Solei in Port-au-Prince, and on the advice of a local Vodou priest who accused the community’s elderly residents of being responsible for the child’s ailments.

08.12.2024 - 02:00 [ ]

Jake Sullivan Says US Won’t ‘Cry’ About the Pressure Syria Is Facing from Al-Qaeda-Linked Fighters

(December 2, 2024)

US officials have not been shy in the past about their preference for HTS and its leader, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, over other factions in Syria. James Jeffrey, an American diplomat who served as a special envoy to Syria under the Trump administration from 2018-2020, said in a 2021 interview that HTS was “an asset” to the US’s strategy in Idlib, a northwestern Syrian province that’s been under HTS control since 2017.

07.12.2024 - 16:59 [ United Nations Security Council ]

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014


5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)

12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.

07.12.2024 - 16:53 [ UN Tribune ]

UN Peacekeepers Observe IDF Interacting With Al Nusra in Golan


UN troops monitoring the 1974 ceasefire between Israel and Syria have witnessed interactions between members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Al Nusra Front who have taken over a large part of the Golan Heights.

07.12.2024 - 16:40 [ Times of Israel ]

Syria rebels appear to credit Israeli strikes on Hezbollah with aiding shock advance

(December 2, 2024)

“They accuse us of cooperating with you because we were quite happy when you attacked Hezbollah, really happy, and we’re glad that you won,” the source said.

Both said the rebels had no issue with Israel. “We love Israel and we were never its enemies,” the man from the Idlib area said. “[Israel] isn’t hostile to those who are not hostile toward it. We don’t hate you, we love you very much.”

07.12.2024 - 16:30 [ Ben Norton / ]

Al-Qaeda-linked ‘rebels’ in Syria say they ‘love Israel’. USA gave them billions in weapons & support

The United States spent billions over years arming and training militants in Syria, many linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Current US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan admitted back in 2012 that “AQ [Al-Qaeda] is on our side in Syria”.

17.11.2024 - 15:55 [ Mint Press ]

Exposed: How Israeli Spies Control Your VPN

(September 11th, 2024)

Kape Technologies is a major player in the online privacy world, one of the three giants that collectively control the market. It owns many of the world’s top VPNs, including ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access, ZenMate, Intego Antivirus, and a host of tech websites that promote its products.
Although it is headquartered in London and employs more than 1,000 people worldwide, Kape Technologies maintains a distinctly Israeli flavor. This begins with its owner, Teddy Sagi. Born in Tel Aviv, the tycoon, who previously spent time in prison for financial crimes, is estimated to be worth $6.4 billion, making him among the top ten richest Israelis.
Company co-founder and longtime CEO Koby Menachemi began his tech career as a developer for Unit 8200, while Liron Peer, the company’s current head of accounting, also served three years in the controversial military unit. Meanwhile, Menachemi’s successor as Kape CEO, Ido Erlichman, is a veteran of Unit 217, the Duvdevan Unit, an elite commando group that carries out intelligence operations and assassinations against the local Arab population.
Facebook’s collaboration with Unit 8200 goes far deeper, however. This author’s 2022 MintPress News investigation found that a vast number of Unit 8200 veterans had gone on to work in senior positions at Meta, Facebook’s parent company.
The same investigation found at least 99 former Unit 8200 agents working at Google. These included Google’s head of strategy and operations, Gavriel Goidel; its head of insights, data and management, Jonathan Cohen; and Google Waze’s head of global self-service, Ori Daniel.

Microsoft, meanwhile, hired at least 166 Unit 8200 veterans to fill its ranks, including many that went straight from the military into the company, suggesting that it is actively recruiting from the regiment.

01.10.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

Bundesverfassungsgericht: BKA-Gesetz erneut in Teilen verfassungswidrig


Das Gesetz zur Neustrukturierung des Bundeskriminalamtgesetzes stammt noch von der schwarz-schwarz-roten Vorgängerregierung. Der vorher existierende Informationsverbund aller Polizeibehörden änderte sich dadurch von Grund auf: Die gesamte Informationsordnung des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) wurde neu strukturiert, mit sehr weitreichenden neuen Speicherungen in der Verbunddatenbank INPOL, auf die neben der Bundespolizei und der Zollverwaltung alle Polizeibehörden für alle erdenklichen Auswertungszwecke zugreifen können. Eine massive und anwachsende Bevorratung der personenbezogenen Daten zum Zweck der Terrorismusabwehr war die Folge.

01.10.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

BKA soll heimlich Wohnungen durchsuchen dürfen

(August 14, 2024)

Der Entwurf zur Reform des BKA-Gesetzes, der dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio vorliegt, umfasst „die Befugnis zum verdeckten Betreten von Wohnungen als Begleitmaßnahme für die Online-Durchsuchung und Quellen-Telekommunikationsüberwachung“, also das Anbringen von Spähsoftware auf Desktops oder Smartphones, sowie die Befugnis „zur verdeckten Durchsuchung von Wohnungen“.

Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, Konstantin von Notz, sprach gegenüber den RND-Zeitungen von „ernsten Zeiten“. Das BKA brauche „moderne Ermittlungsbefugnisse und -mittel“.

28.08.2024 - 19:33 [ ]

BKA-Gesetz: Wenn Polizisten zu Einbrechern mutieren

Obwohl die Polizei eine ganze Reihe an Trojaner-Produkten besitzt, kann sie nicht alle Geräte erfolgreich aus der Ferne infizieren.

Deshalb will die Bundesinnenministerin jetzt nachschärfen. Damit die Smartphones und Tablets von Verdächtigen mit der staatlichen Spähsoftware infiziert werden können, sollen Polizisten künftig in die Wohnungen der Verdächtigen einbrechen dürfen. Das zumindest sieht die Änderung des BKA-Gesetzes vor, die Mitte August veröffentlicht hat. Die Klempner lassen grüßen.

Mit Verve schoss Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann (FDP) dagegen. Mit dieser Maßnahme werde es das BKA-Gesetz nicht bis ins Bundeskabinett schaffen, kündigte er an.

Der Liberale hatte seine Rechnung ohne den Messerangriff von Solingen und ohne den Bundespräsidenten gemacht. Denn Frank-Walter Steinmeier mischte sich unmittelbar nach der grausamen Bluttat ins politische Tagesgeschäft ein und brachte die Änderung des BKA-Gesetzes erneut ins Spiel.

05.05.2024 - 07:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza is the greatest test liberalism has faced since 1945. And it is failing

Pro-Israeli lobbies have hijacked most western liberal democracies.

The whole world is now privy to the shameless pimping of western politicians previously documented in Congressman Paul Findley‘s 1985 book They Dare to Speak Out and reinforced by the 2007 book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, by political scientists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.

As an anonymous commentator wrote: “People think Gaza is occupied, but in reality, Gaza is free but the whole world is occupied.”

04.05.2024 - 08:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egyptian militia leader Organi unveils plans for ‘Sisi City’ at Israel border

Prior to merging it with the newly declared union, Organi led the Union of Sinai Tribes (UST), a pro-government paramilitary group set up in 2015 to support the Egyptian army in its battles against a local offshoot of the Islamic State (IS). The UST’s mission in Sinai has been unclear since the IS-affiliate group known as the Sinai Province was officially defeated in 2022.

The bloody, 10-year campaign in the Sinai has almost completely razed Rafah and uprooted thousands of members of the indigenous Bedouin population, leaving most towns and villages pulverised.

04.05.2024 - 07:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egypt detains ten pro-Palestine protesters on charges of ‚spreading fake news‘


Wednesday’s demonstration was held in front of the Journalists‘ Syndicate in Cairo, where dozens of journalists and activists gathered to protest against the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza.

Activists shared videos of one of the protesters chanting against business tycoon and government ally Ibrahim al-Organi, whose companies have been charging Palestinians thousands of dollars to exit Gaza.

01.05.2024 - 23:20 [ NBC Los Angeles ]

Delayed police response at UCLA “unacceptable,” Newsom says

Gov. Gavin Newsom Wednesday criticized law enforcement‘s slow response to violent brawls that broke out between pro-Palestinian protesters and counter demonstrators on the UCLA campus Tuesday night.

“The limited and delayed campus law enforcement response at UCLA last night was unacceptable – and it demands answers,” Newsom said in a statement. “As soon as it became clear that the state assistance was needed to support a local response, our office immediately deployed CHP personnel to campus.”

01.05.2024 - 17:10 [ Doy ]

Editorial: UCLA is complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters, failed to protect

This came after a source in the encampment told the Daily Bruin that at least five protestors have been injured.

But for hours, UCLA administration stood by and watched as the violence escalated. LAPD did not arrive on the scene until slightly after 1 a.m. – once Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass sent them in for assistance at Block’s request.

Daily Bruin reporters on the scene were slapped and indirectly sprayed with irritants. Despite also being students, they were offered no protection.

The world is watching.

01.05.2024 - 17:05 [ SJP AT UCLA (@sjpatucla) / instagram ]

UCLA Palestine Solidarity Encampment Press Release

For over seven hours, zionist aggressors hurled gas canisters, sprayed pepper spray, and threw fireworks and bricks into our encampment. They broke our barriers repeatedly, clearly in an attempt to kill our community.

Campus safety left within minutes, external security the university hired for “backup” watched, filmed, and laughed on the side as the immediate danger inflicted upon us escalated. Law enforcement simply stood at the edge of the lawn and refused to budge as we screamed for their help. The only means of protection we had was each other. WE KEEP EACH OTHER SAFE.

01.05.2024 - 16:25 [ ]

UCLA Palestine Solidarity Encampment Press Release

For over seven hours, zionist aggressors hurled gas canisters, sprayed pepper spray, and threw fireworks and bricks into our encampment. They broke our barriers repeatedly, clearly in an attempt to kill our community.

Campus safety left within minutes, external security the university hired for “backup” watched, filmed, and laughed on the side as the immediate danger inflicted upon us escalated. Law enforcement simply stood at the edge of the lawn and refused to budge as we screamed for their help. The only means of protection we had was each other. WE KEEP EACH OTHER SAFE.

Despite the danger, we refused to engage standing by the principles of our encampment—self defense. For all the school’s pretense of student safety, we have experienced an unprecedented amount of violence and hatred while they stood by. The university’s hypocrisy all too apparent, as signs of this escalation were reported, documented, and indicated early on. The zionist attacks, their use of chemical weaponry, their hatred, their destruction, are but a microcosm of the genocide in Gaza. The university would rather see us dead than divest.

01.05.2024 - 16:09 [ FOX 11 Los Angeles / Youtube ]

Fight breaks out at UCLA; Fireworks thrown at pro-Palestine tents

Multiple fights broke out in dueling protests between Israel and Palestine protesters.

01.05.2024 - 16:00 [ Daily Bruin ]

Pro-Israel counter-protesters attempt to storm encampment, sparking violence

Fireworks, tear gas and fights broke out just after 10:50 p.m. Tuesday night and continued early Wednesday morning as around 100 pro-Israel counter-protesters attempted to seize the barricade around and storm the ongoing Palestine solidarity encampment in Dickson Plaza.

The chaos comes as Chancellor Gene Block faces criticism for improper handling of the encampment and the same day the university deemed the encampment to be unlawful, threatening students inside with suspension and expulsion. Security and UCPD both retreated as pro-Israel counter-protesters and other groups attacked protesters in the encampment – led by Students for Justice in Palestine and UC Divest Coalition at UCLA – that followed similar ones across the country.

01.05.2024 - 15:55 [ LA Times ]

Violence breaks out at UCLA after officials declare pro-Palestinian encampment ‘unlawful’

Just before midnight, a large group of counterdemonstrators, wearing black outfits and white masks, arrived on campus and tried to tear down the barricades surrounding the encampment. Campers, some holding lumber and wearing goggles and helmets, rallied to defend the encampment’s perimeter.

09.04.2024 - 11:15 [ Haaretz ]

The Truth About Israel, Iran and 1980s U.S. Arms Deals

(Nov. 26, 2010)

In the aforesaid period Netanyahu served as deputy to Moshe Arens, when he was Israel‘s ambassador to Washington, D.C. (1982-83 ).


The recently revealed documents deal with an operation dubbed „Tipped Kettle,“ involving weapons the Israel Defense Forces looted from the Palestine Liberation Organization during Operation Peace for Galilee in Lebanon, and their transfer to the Contras – opponents of the socialistic Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.


Part II was patently illegal – a blatant effort by the White House to violate a Congressional order and to cook up a strange deal involving the sale of American weapons (originally supplied to the IDF ) to anti-American Iran, for use in its war with Iraq; the release of Western hostages being held in Lebanon by Iranian-controlled Hezbollah; and the financing of Contras‘ activities thanks to the difference between the sum paid by the Iranians and the true value of the weapons – minus a profit for those engaged in the deal.


The CIA had direct intelligence connections with the Mossad, but in the affair of the captured weapons the American agency preferred to hide behind the Pentagon.

15.03.2024 - 20:20 [ ]

Canada‘s UN ambassador says gangs now control Haiti. What will the international community do?


Haiti is gripped by chaos and disorder, as criminal gangs increasingly assert control over the country. Haiti‘s acting leader, Ariel Henry, is outside the country and attempting to negotiate a way home, even as the United States calls for him to resign and plan elections for a new government.

On Sunday, the U.S. said it had deployed additional security to its embassy in Port-au-Prince and airlifted some non-essential diplomatic staff out of the country.

15.03.2024 - 20:16 [ ]

Haiti: Gangs, Violence and a State in Total Chaos


A few days ago, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made an official visit to Haiti, trying to shed light on the situation for the world to see. Tweeting from Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, Guterres expressed his solidarity with the Haitian people and called for an international response against the lawlessness and violence that has swallowed the country. It is not the time to forget Haiti, he said, but have his words fallen on deaf ears?

15.03.2024 - 20:10 [ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ]

Haiti: Nearly half of the population is facing acute hunger


According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis (March 2023), 4.9 million people in Haiti – nearly half of the country‘s population – are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity. This figure represents an increase of 200 000 people in just five months. And of the total number of people affected, 1.8 million are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) – up from the analyses in the last three years.

15.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Al Jazeera ]

Haiti President Moise’s widow, ex-PM among 50 charged in his assassination


Joseph and the former director-general of the national police, Leon Charles, were also found to have “sufficient indications” of involvement in the killing. AyiboPost specified that the document did not clearly identify the masterminds of the assassination, nor their financiers.

15.03.2024 - 18:11 [ Associated Press ]

The widow and aides of assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moïse are indicted in his killing


A judge in Haiti responsible for investigating the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse has indicted his widow, Martine Moïse, ex-prime minister Claude Joseph and the former chief of Haiti’s National Police, Léon Charles, among others, according to a report obtained Monday.

Others who face charges including murder are Christian Emmanuel Sanon, a Haitian-American pastor who visualized himself as Haiti’s next president and said he thought Moïse was only going to be arrested; Joseph Vincent, a Haitian-American and former informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; Dimitri Hérard, presidential security chief; John Joël Joseph, a former Haitian senator; and Windelle Coq, a Haitian judge whom authorities say is a fugitive.

15.03.2024 - 17:43 [ ]

Two US Citizens Are Accused of Assassinating Haiti’s President


Solages also worked as a security guard for the Canadian Embassy in Port-Au-Prince. (…)

Despite an obvious failure in police operations, the masthead of the police force has not changed, with Charles remaining the Chief of Police, despite claims from Haitian journalists that he gave the order to allow the caravan of assassins into the President’s neighborhood. In February, the Haitian National Police began a partnership with Colombian police forces, but it is unknown if any of the mercenaries arrested participated in this arrangement.

In the two days since the attack, former Prime Minister turned interim President Joseph has consolidated power. In 2004, Joseph was a member of the group Grenn Nan Bouda (GNB) which means “balls up your ass” in Haitian Creole. GNB participated in the coup to oust President Jean-Bertrand Aristide that same year.

Joseph was not elected to his position, but was appointed in April by Moïse, and served only three months as Prime Minister. After declaring himself interim President, he has been breezily accepted by the international community, including the United States.

15.03.2024 - 17:04 [ Jacobin ]

Were Haiti’s Capitalists Behind the Assassination of President Moïse?


Claiming to be agents with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (the DEA, which maintains a presence in Haiti to assist with counter-narcotics operations), the group gained entry to the home and killed the president.


What happened in Haiti on July 7?

KIM IVES There was a band of mercenaries with brand new Nissan Patrol vehicles. They clearly had knowledge of the layout of the presidential compound, where Moïse lived. They were clearly well-financed, well-prepared. It was a very sophisticated operation.

Who had the money to do that? And who would want to do that?

Haiti Liberté’s working hypothesis is that the mercenaries, more than likely, were hired by one or a consortium of the bourgeois families who are opposed to Moïse. Reginald Boulos is one. Dimitri Vorbe is another. There are several others who were unhappy with Moïse.

If this hypothesis is correct, their fear is of the uprising that is coming out of Haiti’s vast shantytowns, where the lumpenproletariat is organizing itself into armed gangs, which have now vowed to carry out a revolution against the bourgeoisie and “the rotten system,” as they call it in Haiti.

15.03.2024 - 16:30 [ ]

The 9 Richest People in Haiti (Updated 2023)

Once upon a time, Haiti was called the Jewel of the Antilles because it was the richest colony in the world. However, much of this wealth was built through slave labor, and the roots of Haiti’s French colonial past put in place a caste system of the “elites and noirs,” which grew into the socioeconomic disparity that Haiti struggles with today. The richest Haitian families hold most of the wealth, while a much larger portion of the population struggles with poverty, resulting in food insecurity, health problems, and educational deficiency.

15.03.2024 - 16:07 [ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ]

How US lawyers and bankers aided powerful Haitian tycoons now sanctioned over corruption by Canada


In the early 1990s, the U.S. government sanctioned Bigio, his wife, son and others for their support of a military coup that ousted Haiti’s first democratically elected president. Years later, a member of a Haitian militia ‒ or private army ‒ accused Bigio and another businessman of paying for the 1993 assassination of a prominent democracy activist, according to Jeb Sprauge, author and University of California Riverside research associate. Authorities in Haiti did not charge Bigio with or accuse him of wrongdoing.

15.03.2024 - 15:30 [ New Republic ]

The Billionaire Oligarch Who’s Enabling Haiti’s Murderous Gangs


For years, Haitians have said Bigio and other oligarchs are complicit in the violence strangling the nation: This year 1,448 people have been killed, with another 1,005 kidnapped for ransom. Until now, however, the international community has stayed mostly silent about Haiti’s corrupt elite. (…)

Daniel Foote, the former U.S envoy to Haiti who resigned in September 2021 to protest against the disastrous American policy, told me that he thinks Canada and the U.S. State Department are working together to economically punish Bigio and the others. But he suspects that the United States cannot follow Canada’s example by imposing stiff sanctions, possibly because Bigio may be a U.S. citizen and thus entitled to due process. In theory, however, U.S. prosecutors could bring cases against Bigio and other oligarchs for funding the vicious gangs whether these defendants have U.S. citizenship or not. As things stand, inaction is much more likely.

02.03.2024 - 19:00 [ ZDF ]

Ex-Wirecard-Manager in Russland: Geheimidentität von Jan Marsalek aufgedeckt


2018 gehörte Wirecard zu den 30 wertvollsten deutschen Unternehmen, 125 Milliarden Euro an Geldtransaktionen fließen über den Dienstleister. Darunter sind auch Zahlungen deutscher Behörden, etwa Überweisungen an V-Leute. Sicherheitskreise äußern die Sorge, Wirecard-Finanzdaten könnten auch an ausländische Dienste geflossen sein. Ein riesiges Sicherheitsrisiko, das bislang nicht einmal ansatzweise behördlich aufgeklärt wurde.

10.02.2024 - 15:05 [ ]

Pakistan Army Chief Says Need To Move On From „Politics Of Anarchy“

Politicians and political parties rise and fall with the backing of the military, which this year was widely believed to be backing the party of three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

01.02.2024 - 18:12 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Israels Regierungs-Gang will den Angriffskrieg gegen Iran, nicht dessen Abzug aus Syrien


Ein Abzug der iranischen und libanesischen Einheiten aus dem Syrien-Krieg wäre für Netanjahu, der dringend einen Krieg und eine fiktive oder tatsächliche äußere Bedrohung Israels braucht um dort an der Macht zu bleiben, ein echtes Problem.

Nach der von den Staatsführungen Russland und Syriens orchestrierten Einladung an Israels Regierungs-Gang Syrien zu bombardieren, was unmittelbar dem Besuch von Benjamin Netanjahu in Moskau folgte, gab die syrische Armee schließlich zu, selbst den Golan angegriffen zu haben und nicht iranische Einheiten. Radio Utopie empfahl diesbezüglich gestern:

“Die Hisbollah und die Staatsführung des Iran sollten ihre Truppen aus Syrien zurückziehen und Assad zum Teufel und / oder Putin gehen lassen.”

29.01.2024 - 05:55 [ ]

Friend or foe? Russia’s West Jerusalem consulate is very worrying


It is also possible, in fact, true, that Russia‘s foreign policy towards Israel and Palestine at the present time is entirely motivated by Russian priorities.

This means that Moscow cannot be taken for granted as a Palestinian ally, and an outright recognition by Moscow of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is not entirely off the table.

28.01.2024 - 16:43 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Peru: Die alte Republik und ihre lebenden Toten

Das beschämende Spektakel, dass die Bürger definitiv mehr und mehr von denjenigen entfernt, die behaupten, ihre Vertreter zu sein, hat schon seit Langem nichts mehr mit dem Gesetz und der Verfassung zu tun, sondern mit den persönlichen Begehrlichkeiten dieser Personen.

Das Argument von Anfang 2023, dass sie mit einem Terroranschlag konfrontiert seien, ist widerlegt worden. Jetzt besteht der Terrorismus-Vorwand nicht mehr, und wir haben eine politische Krise, die vielleicht sogar noch schlimmer ist als die von vor einem Jahr. Das Land ist weiterhin unregierbar, aber nicht wegen der Mobilisierung von denen „da unten”, sondern wegen der unersättlichen Gier von denen „da oben”.

03.01.2024 - 08:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: OIC and Arab League must back South Africa‘s ICJ case on Israel

Beyond material progress and architectural marvels that rival ancient wonders, a truly progressive state is marked by its commitment to accountability and justice – a domain where some established democracies have faltered.

After enduring a harrowing 85 days of bombardment resulting in nearly 22,000 killed, including more than 8,000 children and 6,000 women, 1.9 million displaced and the collapse of the health infrastructure, South Africa, a signatory of the Genocide Convention has finally called upon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to examine the crisis.

This long-awaited step reflects a crucial recognition of the international community‘s role in conflict resolution and human rights protection.

31.12.2023 - 18:18 [ ]

Rüstungskooperation zwischen Deutschland und Israel

(September 2003)

Die Abwicklung von Rüstungstransfers über die Auslandsgeheimdienste Mossad und BND verstärkte die Tendenz zu vertraulicher Kooperation. Die entsprechenden Kooperationsstrukturen gewährleisteten Flexibilität bei der Durchführung der Geschäfte und minimierten die Notwendigkeit, eine öffentliche Debatte über die bilaterale Rüstungskooperation zu führen.

Mit der Vereinigung Deutschlands und der Auflösung des Warschauer Paktes veränderten sich auch die sicherheitspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen der deutsch-israelischen Rüstungskooperation. Die neuen militärische Aufgaben und damit verbundene Anforderungen an die Rüstungsindustrie hatten eine Transformation der Rüstungskooperationsbeziehungen zur Folge. Gegenwärtig zeichnen sich drei wesentliche Tendenzen ab: …

31.12.2023 - 18:02 [ ]

BND? Mossad? CIA? Vorwissen vom 7.Oktober? Krieg in Westasien?…. OK, WELCHE ALTLINKE SAU HAT DANACH GESUCHT?!

27.12.2023 - 10:10 [ ]

What is Egypt’s peace plan proposal to end the Israel-Hamas war?

He reportedly added Egypt and Qatar would work with all Palestinian factions, including Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, to reach an agreement on the government of experts. (…)

The comprehensive deal would also require Israel to withdraw its military from Gaza and Hamas to halt its rocket fire into Israel.

27.12.2023 - 10:00 [ CNN ]

Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing. Here’s what we know about the controversial deal

(December 12, 2023)

In a series of interviews with key Israeli players conducted in collaboration with Israeli investigative journalism organization Shomrim, CNN was told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued the cash flow to Hamas, despite concerns raised from within his own government.

Qatar has vowed not to stop those payments.

27.12.2023 - 09:49 [ ]

How tiny Qatar hosts the leaders of Hamas without consequences

(Oct 18, 2023)

But they are not the only guests of Qatar.

Just a few minutes drive away from the hotels and villas housing Hamas leaders is Al-Udaid Air Base, home to the U.S. military‘s Central Command. Washington‘s relationship with Qatar is so close that last year the White House officially designated the tiny emirate a „Major Non-NATO Ally“ of the United States.

22.12.2023 - 23:10 [ ]

An unsanctioned coterie of pro-Israel quasi-lobbyists has descended on D.C.


“It’s not an official government representation,” he conceded.

Instead, he is part of a ragtag group of donors, activists and allies who have moved swiftly these past two weeks to help Israel. They have leveraged their political clout, their relationships with lawmakers and their fundraising networks to do so.

Their overarching goal is to shape how elected officials in the U.S. react to the crisis. But their work also underscores how much of the political fight around the nascent war is being done on the fly; and how much is being waged in unconventional theaters: college campuses, corporate boardrooms, K Street offices and stuffy Capitol Hill restaurants.

22.12.2023 - 22:42 [ Tali / Twitter ]

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David as photographed last week during a visit to two weapons factories: #Elbit Systems and IAI. On a shell intended for use in bombings in the Gaza Strip he wrote: „The people of Israel live. Greetings from the Histadrut and the workers in Israel

04.12.2023 - 11:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu corruption trial resumes

An emergency order that Justice Minister Yariv Levin put in place for the courts when the war with Hamas began expired last week, and most courts have been ordered to resume normal operations.

Netanyahu is currently exempted from attending the hearings but may be called to testify in a few months.

23.11.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

PM Modi greets Argentina presidential poll winner Javier Milei, hopes to expand India-Argentina strategic partnership

(November 20, 2023)

„Make Argentina great again!“ Trump posted on his platform Truth Social on Sunday reacting over Milei‘s win. „I am very proud of you,“ he added.

Outside of his controversial plan for dollarization, Milei‘s political program includes slashing regulations on gun control and transferring authority over the penitentiary system from civilians to the military; both measures are part of a tough-on-crime approach.

26.10.2023 - 06:21 [ Haaretz ]

Israel, Saudi Arabia Reportedly in Talks Over Increasing Military and Intelligence Ties


The talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which are backed by the U.S., were held before the U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council Working Group gathering in Riyadh, which was focused on defense and security, Bloomberg reported several anonymous sources involved in the meetings as saying.

More meetings between the two countries are expected to occur this weekend in Prague, during the Munich Security Conference, according to several of the sources.

03.10.2023 - 11:00 [ World Economic Forum / Weltwirtschaftsforum ]

World Economic Forum Launches Coalition to Tackle Harmful Online Content

(29 Jun 2021)

· Leaders in Australia, the UK, Indonesia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Singapore and other public and private sector members have come together to collaborate and share best practices to reduce the spread of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, violent extremist and terrorist content, and health misinformation

03.10.2023 - 10:30 [ Elander & the News / Twitter ]

OFCOM – UK broadcasting regulator, gained extensive new powers of censorship and news control, under the Online Safety Bill, which it wrote in conjunction with the unelected WEF! The CEO of Ofcom is also a member of the WEF Global coalition for digital safety. Just saying


21.08.2023 - 09:07 [ ]

Argentina‘s anti-establishment candidate Milei engages IMF in economic talks after shock primary win

(August 18, 2023)

“We are not going to default on either the IMF nor sovereign debt,” Milei told the IMF officials, according to a message posted on social media by Darío Epstein, one of the candidate’s key economic advisers.

Milei also laid out his Liberty Advances party platform for Argentina’s economy to IMF officials, including “a significant fiscal adjustment, more significant than the one demanded by the IMF,” according to a statement issued by the candidate’s campaign.

08.08.2023 - 13:55 [ Institute for National Security Studies - ]

Normalization for Proliferation? The Saudi Nuclear Strategy and the Price of Peace with Israel

(March 19, 2023)

In general, the Saudis wish to present themselves as Iran’s equals, and if Iran can enrich uranium, say the Saudis, then so can we. In addition, the Saudis want to keep all their nuclear options open, even if they are not intending to work on the development of nuclear weapons immediately.

08.08.2023 - 13:39 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s government to back Biden in bid to win Senate support for Saudi pact

Recently, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, after stops in Riyadh and Jerusalem and voicing strong support for Saudi-Israel normalization, said that he would support the Biden administration plan to meet Saudi prerequisites, culminating in Saudi Arabia formally acknowledging Israel.

Beyond a defense pact, the Saudis also have raised requests with the US for civilian nuclear capabilities, advanced weaponry, and beyond. Israeli agreement would be crucial for these components. Historically, Israel has been wary, particularly regarding the nuclear aspect

08.08.2023 - 13:33 [ ]

Jeffries tells Netanyahu that he hopes the PM will seek a broad consensus on judicial reform

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Jerusalem on Monday that he hoped the current government would seek “a broad consensus across the ideological spectrum” before any further changes are made relating to its plans to overhaul the country’s judiciary.

08.08.2023 - 13:29 [ ]

Jeffries: US support for Israel above judicial reform

US House of Representatives Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said on Monday in Jerusalem that judicial reform should have no bearing on American military support for Israel.

Speaking to Israeli journalists about the divisive domestic debate regarding the ruling coalition‘s legislative initiative, the New York lawmaker expressed the importance of maintaining Israel‘s qualitative military edge „regardless of where Israel lands in terms of the judicial reform effort.“

08.08.2023 - 13:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu meets US Democrats; calls for military option against Iran, cooperation on AI

“The most important thing is to produce a credible military threat to Iran. The other thing is use it. We don’t want a world in which Iran can threaten New York or Washington or Los Angeles or anything in between with nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu tells the visiting delegation, which was organized by the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC.

04.08.2023 - 18:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu‘s Mafioso Ministers Gave Israelis a Foretaste of Tyranny

When cabinet ministers, under the leadership and guidance of the prime minister and justice minister, two human demons who have taken over the state, insult and denounce the High Court of Justice merely for hearing petitions (which it could end up rejecting), Israel can no longer be seen as a democratic, liberal state. Nor is it Jewish, because what Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir and Eliyahu and Strock represent is not Judaism. It is messianism, racism and degradation.

21.07.2023 - 15:52 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

21.07.2023 - 15:42 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Is Fulfilling the Doomsday Prophecy of This Supreme Court Justice

“There already are legislative initiatives meant to increase political involvement in appointing judges, as well as curtailing the Supreme Court’s authority, apparently for the purpose of preventing judicial review of government actions…all I can say is this: first, this is a crude threat, unseen heretofore by the judiciary, meant apparently to influence its rulings; second, these steps are a surefire recipe for critically damaging democracy and for perpetuating corruption.”

These pointed words were written in 2008 by Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levi, who was part of the panel hearing a petition against a decision by then-Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to grant a lenient plea bargain to former President Moshe Katsav.

08.07.2023 - 14:20 [ Haaretz ]

Hollywood Mogul Milchan Treated His Netanyahu Testimony as He Treats Everything Else: A Commodity

With careful consideration, it is plausible to suggest that Milchan‘s decision may have been influenced by the judges‘ proposal to withdraw the bribery charge in Case 4000, which was presented just before his testimony. The witness perceived this case to overshadow his own involvement, often remarking that the magnitude of „hundreds of millions of dollars“ cannot be compared to indulgences in cigars and champagne. This positioning allowed Milchan to assume a supporting role in the unfolding narrative, but an unexpected turn of events thrust him into the spotlight. Being fluent in the language of power, it appears that Milchan recognized Netanyahu‘s resurgent influence and chose not to risk challenging him.

05.07.2023 - 12:56 [ Middle East Eye ]

‚No red lines‘: US response to West Bank assault underlines Israel‘s free hand

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has wasted no time trumpeting US support as a counter to domestic opponents who say his far-right government has imperiled relations with Israel‘s closest ally.

„America has provided Israel with moral and political backing,“ Netanyahu said. „Security cooperation [with the US] has never been better, intelligence sharing has never been deeper.“

05.07.2023 - 12:20 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu in weekend interview: Overhaul necessary as Supreme Court ‘too powerful’

(27 March 2023)

In an interview recorded Saturday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted his government’s planned judicial overhaul was necessary as the Supreme Court is “too powerful,” claiming the controversial attempts to neuter the court would result in a “stronger democracy.”

While the interview was expected to air Monday evening, it was released online hours earlier amid concerns it was fast becoming outdated as the country was roiled by mass protests and Netanyahu was expected to announce a freeze to the controversial overhaul.

28.06.2023 - 14:45 [ Brothers & Sisters in Arms / Twitter ]

Giving a convicted felon an armed militia… Bad Idea! Wagner PMC is just a promo to what is about to happen here

26.06.2023 - 13:46 [ Haaretz ]

Is Israel Prepared to Prosecute Its Prime Minister?

For this saga to end now, one of two things has to happen: Either the prosecution has to withdraw the indictment, or Netanyahu has to admit to some of the charges and leave office immediately. But the prime minister is now breathing easy and praising the judges whom he previously suspected of being leftists. And Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, who views the court’s position as a colossal mistake, is currently determined to go all the way, including to the Supreme Court.

25.06.2023 - 12:35 [ Times of Israel ]

Russia says military coordination with Israel in Syria will continue as usual

(27 February 2022)

Russia is a main player backing the Syrian government in a grinding civil war, while Israel has waged a years-long campaign of airstrikes aimed at pro-Iranian fighters located there and at preventing the transfer of Iranian-supplied weaponry.

“Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work,” the Russian embassy said in a statement to The Times of Israel.

25.06.2023 - 12:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

23.06.2023 - 12:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Film mogul Milchan to testify at Netanyahu trial Sunday, as AG said to mull deal

Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan, a key witness in one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption cases, is set to testify at the premier’s corruption trial via video link from Brighton, England, beginning on Sunday.

The film producer is a witness in Case 1000 — one of three in which Netanyahu faces charges — involving suspicions that the premier illicitly accepted gifts including cigars and champagne from Milchan and another billionaire, James Packer.

23.06.2023 - 12:44 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s AG Will Discuss Possibility of Netanyahu Plea Deal as Next Step in Bribery Trial

According to the report, during a routine hearing at the Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday, the judges engaged in a fifteen-minute discussion with the State Prosecutor‘s Office and Netanyahu‘s defense team and the other defendants, Shaul and Iris Elovich.

The judges reportedly emphasized that „the good of the state requires a settlement.“

23.06.2023 - 12:39 [ Times of Israel ]

Reports: Judges in Netanyahu trial tell prosecution bribery charge has little chance


According to Walla and Channel 13, the judges convened with state prosecutors and Netanyahu’s defense team in their chambers in order to discuss the complexities involved in substantiating the bribery charge against the prime minister in Case 4000, the most significant of the three cases against Netanyahu that make up the trial.

Also known as the Bezeq-Walla case, it focuses on allegations that Netanyahu, during a previous tenure as prime minister, authorized regulatory decisions that financially benefited Bezeq telecommunications giant shareholder Shaul Elovitch by hundreds of millions of shekels.

23.06.2023 - 12:29 [ Haaretz ]

Top News Editor at Netanyahu Trial: ‘No One Got the Treatment Like He Did’


At the start of the hearing in Netanyahu’s ongoing trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, the three judges summoned both sides’ lawyers to their chamber for a private consultation. However, they declined to say what the discussion had been about.


He also said that then-editor in chief Avi Alkalay routinely altered articles in ways that benefited Netanyahu. “There were also articles that were shelved,” he added.

Asked by prosecutor Yael Shahaf how Alkalay explained his behavior, Borochov said Alkalay told him “that he coordinates things with the Prime Minister’s Office,” and that if “things didn’t go the way they should,” he would be replaced with an editor in chief chosen by Netanyahu

16.06.2023 - 15:21 [ ]

Israel vor Verkauf Hunderter Panzer nach Europa

Laut dem Onlineportal der Tageszeitung „Yediot Ahronot“ sollen die Panzer an zwei namentlich nicht genannte Länder geliefert werden – eines davon in Europa.

Ob diese Panzer letztlich für die Ukraine bestimmt sein könnten, bleibt in dem Artikel unklar.

16.06.2023 - 15:00 [ ]

Boris Johnson latest news: Stripping ex-PM of parliamentary pass would be ‚very harsh‘, says Liz Truss

The former prime minister also warned Mr Johnson’s critics they should “never, ever, ever” write him off amid questions over whether he could seek a return to the political frontline.

The committee recommended Mr Johnson “should not be entitled to a former Member’s pass” after it concluded he had deliberately misled MPs over partygate.

13.06.2023 - 13:32 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

13.06.2023 - 13:27 [ Haaretz ]

Three Years In, Netanyahu‘s Trial Has No End in Sight

Some jurists say the judges in the Netanyahu cases are allowing the proceedings to drag on too long

06.06.2023 - 09:30 [ ]

David Petraeus‘ bright idea: give terrorists weapons to beat terrorists


Former CIA director David Petraeus is advocating giving arms to members of al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaida off-shoot, to beat Isis. That is madness

01.06.2023 - 14:29 [ Techdirt ]

The FBI’s Constant Abuse Of Section 702 Surveillance May Finally Take This Tool Away From The NSA

That’s been the takeaway from every examination of the FBI’s access to NSA Section 702 collections. The FBI says one thing, does another, and months or years down the road, the system of checks and balances decides to call bullshit.

30.05.2023 - 19:59 [ Consortium News ]

Why France Sank an Iran Nuke Deal

(November 11, 2013)

France’s sabotage of a compromise agreement on Iran’s nuclear program is a textbook case of how the new Saudi-Israeli alliance can disrupt President Barack Obama’s strategy for resolving Middle East disputes through diplomacy, not war.

Over the summer, Saudi officials including intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan visited European capitals dangling financial deals and energy concessions to countries if they would line up behind Saudi and Israeli desires for military intervention in the Syrian civil war and heightened economic warfare against Iran.

The carrots were particularly appealing to the French who are struggling with a sluggish economy, high unemployment and a recent credit downgrade. So, the flash of Saudi petro-dollars got the attention of the French government.

30.05.2023 - 19:05 [ CNN ]

Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israeli flights

(July 15, 2022)

Riyadh is believed to have a covert relationship with Israel but has yet to officially disclose those diplomatic ties. In 2020, then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly flew to Saudi Arabia for a covert meeting with the kingdom’s de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – a claim that was denied by Riyadh’s top diplomat.

30.05.2023 - 18:38 [ Times of Israel ]

Saudis ‘would let Israeli jets use their air space to attack Iran’

(25 February 2015)

Being able to use Saudi airspace would allow Israeli planes a shortcut to reach Iran without having to fly around the Persian Gulf, taking up precious time and fuel.

According to the dispatch, Israel and Saudi Arabia also share intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program at a very intimate level and the Saudis are no less worried by details coming out of the Geneva talks than Israeli leaders, who have loudly spoken out against the talks.

27.05.2023 - 10:08 [ ]

Nach Aufruf des Präsidenten: Zehntausende auf Demo für Vucic

Der serbische Präsident bestimmt seit 2012 in verschiedenen Funktionen die Geschicke des Landes. Kritiker werfen ihm einen autoritären Regierungsstil vor. Vucic und seine Gefolgsleute kontrollieren die meisten Medien, die Justiz und einen Teil der Wirtschaft.

Zwei Amokläufe mit 18 Toten hatten zu Monatsbeginn die serbische Gesellschaft erschüttert.

23.05.2023 - 08:45 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Gov‘t, Israeli Opposition Near First Compromise in Judicial Overhaul Talks

When the negotiation‘s deadline is reached, the host of laws which seek to alter the nature of Basic Laws and allow the government to easily pass semi-constitutional laws will be passed as a single package of legislation, sources with knowledge of the emerging deal said.

18.05.2023 - 05:48 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Coalition and Opposition Nearing Agreements on Aspects of Judicial Overhaul

Moreover, while decisions by the full cabinet would have immunity from being overturned because the court deemed them unreasonable, decisions by individual ministers would not enjoy such immunity.

Opposition leaders said during the talks that they viewed this as a sensible compromise.

16.05.2023 - 15:43 [ Or-ly Barlev in English / Nitter ]

Justice Minister Levin‘s words make it clear that the Dictatorial coup is on the table in the ready: „We must legislate at least part of the reform during this session“ = Start passing the Dictatorial legislation using the ‚Salami Slicing‘ piecemeal method.

Note how important➡️

it is for them to have peace and quiet so they can work on passing the budget.

What would Netanyahu and Levin do without the peace and quiet afforded to them by the fake ‚dialogue‘ at the President‘s residence that Gantz and Lapid are providing them with?

16.05.2023 - 15:39 [ Israel Elects / Nitter ]

Preferred PM

Preferred PM

?Netanyahu [Likud]: 47% (+5)
?Gantz [NUP]: 35% (-3)
?Lapid [YA]: 17% (+3)

?Gantz: 46% (-2)
?Netanyahu: 44% (+2)

?Netanyahu: 47% (+3)
?Lapid: 36% (+4)