Archiv: Leaks (de / en)

17.12.2024 - 22:49 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Syria: Mass Grave in Damascus Should be Protected, Investigated

Residents in Tadamon said that executions in the area were common. In interviews in 2022, they described at least 10 other incidents of summary killings between August 2012 and January 2014 in Tadamon, Daraya, Moadamiya, and surrounding areas. This evidence suggests that other bodies were buried in and around the area. The area was also the site of armed clashes between Syrian government forces and opposition fighters affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at numerous points between 2012 and 2013.

Human Rights Watch began investigating the massacre in October 2021, after receiving a leaked video discovered by a member of a Syrian militia on a laptop and handed to Annsar Shahhoud and Uğur Ümit Üngör, researchers at the University of Amsterdam and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam, and ARD, a German Public Broadcaster.

“This video, filmed by the perpetrators themselves who laughed as they killed their victims, shows the Syrian government’s callous disregard for people’s lives,” Zayadin said. “This massacre is just one horrific incident in a pattern of state violence and apparent war crimes.”

04.09.2024 - 11:16 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

(November 30, 2023)

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

18.03.2024 - 16:46 [ ]

Geheimnisverrat-Vorwurf: 105 Personen bei Taurus-Sitzung

Die «Rheinische Post» beruft sich dabei auf einen Brief der Ausschussvorsitzenden Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) an Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas (SPD). Darin heißt es demnach, an der fraglichen Sitzung hätten insgesamt etwa 105 Personen teilgenommen, «darunter zahlreiche Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Bundesregierung und der Landesvertretungen».

«Es ist also nicht zwingend, dass die Informationsweitergabe aus dem parlamentarischen Raum erfolgt ist», schreibt die FDP-Politikerin demnach weiter. Sie bittet Bas, eine Ermächtigung zur Strafverfolgung wegen Verletzung des Dienstgeheimnisses und einer besonderen Geheimhaltungspflicht zu erteilen.

15.03.2024 - 16:07 [ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ]

How US lawyers and bankers aided powerful Haitian tycoons now sanctioned over corruption by Canada


In the early 1990s, the U.S. government sanctioned Bigio, his wife, son and others for their support of a military coup that ousted Haiti’s first democratically elected president. Years later, a member of a Haitian militia ‒ or private army ‒ accused Bigio and another businessman of paying for the 1993 assassination of a prominent democracy activist, according to Jeb Sprauge, author and University of California Riverside research associate. Authorities in Haiti did not charge Bigio with or accuse him of wrongdoing.

05.03.2024 - 00:55 [ ]

Wikileaks founder Assange should not be extradited to the US, Germany’s Scholz says

In light of recent developments, the German chancellor (SPD/S&D) spoke out in support of Assange at a Q&A session at a school in Baden-Württemberg.

“I believe it would be good if the British courts would grant him the necessary protection, because he is facing prosecution in the United States, as he has leaked American state secrets,” Scholz said in Sindelfingen.

14.02.2024 - 12:40 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago


The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

28.12.2023 - 12:40 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago


The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

03.12.2023 - 06:59 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

03.12.2023 - 06:14 [ ]

New York Times zitiert Sicherheitspapier: Wusste Israel von Hamas-Angriffsplan?

(01.12.2023 16:29 Uhr)

Laut New York Times war der Bericht weiten Kreisen der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte zugänglich – neben den Angriffsplänen habe er auch geheime Informationen über die israelische Armee und deren Kommunikation enthalten. Wie die Hamas an solch sicherheitsrelevante Informationen kommen konnte, sei unklar.

15.10.2023 - 22:16 [ WikiLeaks ]


2007 June 13, 16:38

Yadlin said the IDI has been predicting armed confrontation in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah since Hamas won the January 2006 legislative council elections. Yadlin felt that the Hamas military wing had initiated the current escalation with the tacit consent of external Hamas leader Khalid Mishal, adding that he did not believe there had been a premeditated political-level decision by Hamas to wipe out Fatah in Gaza. Yadlin dismissed Fatah‘s capabilities in Gaza, saying Hamas could have taken over there any time it wanted for the past year, but he agreed that Fatah remained strong in the West Bank. Although not necessarily reflecting a GOI consensus view, Yadlin said Israel would be „happy“ if Hamas took over Gaza
because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state. He dismissed the significance of an Iranian role in a Hamas-controlled Gaza „as long as they don‘t have a port.“

15.10.2023 - 22:09 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Yadlin: Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas takes over Gaza

(December 21, 2010)

In the cable, Yadlin is quoted as contradicting the consensus in the Israeli government by stating that “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state.”

He also dismissed the significance of an Iranian role in a Hamas-controlled Gaza “as long as they don’t have a port.” He is quoted as saying that it would be something Israel could deal with.

15.10.2023 - 22:04 [ ]

Wikileaks 2010: Israels Geheimdienst wollte Hamas-Kontrolle über Gaza

Konkret geht es um eine diplomatische Depesche (also eine nicht-öffentliche Kommunikation zwischen Diplomaten, Regierungschefs usw.) zwischen dem damaligen israelischen Geheimdienstchef Amos Yadlin und dem US-Botschafter in Israel Richard Jones. So geht daraus hervor, dass Israel einen von der Hamas regierten Gazastreifen unterstützt und den Gazastreifen dann zu einer “feindlichen Einheit” erklären könnte.

06.10.2023 - 09:45 [ ]

Dänischer Geheimdienstchef und Ex-Minister vor Gericht

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft dem derzeit suspendierten Geheimdienstchef Lars Findsen und dem ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister Claus Hjort Frederiksen vor, Staatsgeheimnisse verraten und öffentlich der Presse zugänglich gemacht zu haben.(…)

Die Frankfurter Rundschau berichtet, dass Snowdens Enthüllungen 2013 ans Licht brachten, dass die NSA das globale Datenkreuz Kopenhagen für ihre Zwecke nach Belieben anzapfen konnte. Über die Datenzentrale des dänischen Auslandsgeheimdiensts FE hätten die US-Geheimdienste unter anderem Telefonate von Angela Merkel aus dem Bundeskanzleramt mitgehört.

Findsen und Frederiksen hingegen dürfen die genauen Vorwürfe nicht nennen, obwohl diese bereits öffentlich sind.

05.07.2023 - 17:54 [ Democracy Now ]

Daniel Ellsberg’s Dying Wish: Free Julian Assange, Encourage Whistleblowers & Reveal the Truth

(July 03, 2023)

Whistleblower Dan Ellsberg joined us after the Justice Department charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Assange is locked up in London and faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited and convicted in the United States. Ellsberg died in June, and as we remember his life and legacy, we revisit his message for other government insiders who are considering becoming whistleblowers: “My message to them is: Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait ’til the bombs are actually falling or thousands more have died.”


„It’s this generation, not the next one, the people living right now, that have to change these problems fast. And I think truth-telling is crucial to mobilize that.“

05.07.2023 - 17:07 [ ]

Patrick Lawrence: Ellsberg and ‘The Process of My Awakening’

Imagine reading Kerouac, training to a place he writes of, and there meeting one of the novelist’s close friends. In the accounts I have read, the Vietnam War was a major topic of conversation. Ellsberg was still a dedicated supporter; Snyder, who by this time had the sturdy composure of the monks under whom he studied, talked of it from the other side. They liked one another, a little improbably from our perspective. They had lunch together the next day, continuing the conversation begun the previous evening.

A decade later Ellsberg identified the encounter with Snyder with his “awakening.” And so the defense technocrat drove a long way, we have to assume, to thank the poet. There is something in this to love.

01.07.2023 - 13:06 [ ]

Revealed: Google and Facebook DID allow NSA access to data and were in talks to set up ‚spying rooms‘ despite denials by Zuckerberg and Page over PRISM project

(8 June 2013)

Meanwhile, Twitter is one company which has managed to keep mum in PRISM discussions.

01.07.2023 - 13:04 [ ]

NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others

(7 Jun 2013)

The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims „collection directly from the servers“ of major US service providers.

Although the presentation claims the program is run with the assistance of the companies, all those who responded to a Guardian request for comment on Thursday denied knowledge of any such program.

22.06.2023 - 20:45 [ New York Times ]

Nuclear Secrets, a Compost Heap and the Lost Documents Daniel Ellsberg Never Leaked

(April 20, 2023)

Daniel Ellsberg — who died Friday at 92 — fully expected to spend the rest of his life in prison after he leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1971. The documents revealed decades of government lies and mistakes about the war in Vietnam, and eventually, they helped end it.

The charges against Ellsberg were ultimately dismissed, but he had a secret: The Pentagon Papers were only supposed to be the beginning. Alongside the documents about Vietnam, he’d copied thousands of pages of other documents about America’s nuclear war planning that he believed would shock the public conscience. But a series of mishaps kept those documents from ever coming to light.

19.06.2023 - 12:24 [ Glenn Greenwald / Nitter ]

It‘s bizarre to watch establishment venues celebrate Daniel Ellsberg while spewing contempt for every cause and value he stood for — from defending Assange and Snowden as heroes to warning Americans that the US Security State always lies us into wars:

19.06.2023 - 11:59 [ New York Times ]

Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End

Citing the chilling effect that the creeping expansion of the law has on what information the public gets in a democracy, he expressed disappointment that the Biden administration had not dropped the Espionage Act charges against Mr. Assange.

“It’s clearly overly broad and does not just apply to people like me who had a security clearance. Assange is now feeling the weight of that,” he said, adding: “For 50 years I’ve been saying to journalists, ‘This thing was a loaded weapon looking at you.’”

17.06.2023 - 14:58 [ Reuters ]

Ukraine war, already with up to 354,000 casualties, likely to last past 2023 – U.S. documents

(April 12, 2023)

According to an assessment collated by the U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency, Russia has suffered 189,500-223,000 total casualties, including 35,500-43,000 killed in action and 154,000-180,000 wounded.

Ukraine has suffered 124,500-131,000 total casualties, including 15,500-17,500 killed in action and 109,000-113,500 wounded in action, according to the document entitled „Russia/Ukraine – Assessed Combat Sustainability and Attrition.“

The figures are around 10 times bigger than any public casualty figures published by either Moscow or Kyiv.

Neither side gives timely data on military losses.

14.06.2023 - 10:26 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


14.05.2023 - 18:25 [ Washington Post ]

Zelensky, in private, plots bold attacks inside Russia, leak shows

(May 13, 2023)

The documents, which have not been previously disclosed, are part of a broader leak of U.S. secrets circulated on the Discord messaging platform and obtained by The Washington Post. They reveal a leader with aggressive instincts that sharply contrast with his public-facing image as the calm and stoic statesman weathering Russia’s brutal onslaught. The insights were gleaned through intercepted digital communications, providing a rare look at Zelensky’s deliberations amid Russian missile barrages, infrastructure attacks and war crimes.

05.05.2023 - 10:50 [ ]

Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?


A multiple-part report from The Wall Street Journal has revealed a number of additional prominent people who were associates of Jeffrey Epstein’s. Their ties to the notorious sex trafficker and longtime high-society hobnobber were not previously known, having not appeared in Epstein’s infamous black book or in the public flight logs of passengers who traveled aboard his private jet before his jailhouse death in 2019 while awaiting trial.

The new reports also deepen public understanding of the ties between Epstein and some boldfaced names who he had previously been associated with. And they underscored just how frequently Epstein met with his high-flying pals.

05.05.2023 - 10:40 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Bill Gates, Leon Black, Thomas Pritzker: ​One​ Day in the Life of Jeffrey Epstein

(May 4, 2023)

On Monday, Sept. 8, 2014, Jeffrey Epstein had a full calendar. He was scheduled to meet that day with Bill Gates, Thomas Pritzker, Leon Black and Mortimer Zuckerman, four of the richest men in the country, according to schedules and emails reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Epstein also planned meetings that day with a former top White House lawyer, a college president and a philanthropic adviser, three of the dozens of meetings the Journal reported he had with each of them.

05.05.2023 - 10:20 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Jeffrey Epstein Documents, Part 2: Dinners With Lawrence Summers and Movie Screenings With Woody Allen

(May 3, 2023)

Jeffrey Epstein, far right, and some of the people he scheduled meetings with, clockwise from top left: Woody Allen, Ehud Barak, Terje Rød-Larsen, Eva Andersson-Dubin, Lawrence Summers, Leon Black, Bill Gates and Reid Hoffman.

04.05.2023 - 18:18 [ ]

Neue Papiere enthüllen prominente Kontakte des verurteilten Sexualstraftäters: So nah stand Epstein (†66) einer Schweizer Privatbank

Laut neu entdeckten Dokumenten des verstorbenen Finanziers und Pädophilen Jeffrey Epstein (†66) hat dieser gute Beziehungen mit der in Genf ansässigen Privatbank Edmond de Rothschild Group gepflegt. Dies geht aus Recherchen des «Wall Street Journals» hervor, das offenbar im Besitz von Epsteins privatem Kalender ist.

Nachdem Epstein 2019 wegen angeblichen Sexhandels mit minderjährigen Mädchen verhaftet worden war, versicherte die Bank noch, dass man Epstein nie getroffen habe und keine geschäftlichen Beziehungen zu ihm unterhalte. Jetzt teilte die Bank dem «Wall Street Journal» mit, dass diese früheren Aussagen nicht korrekt waren.

04.05.2023 - 17:40 [ Zero Hedge ]

Epstein‘s Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed Are Biden‘s CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer


One month after meeting with Epstein, in October 2014, Burns stepped down from this role at the State Department to serve as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank. He ran it until he was nominated by Biden to serve as CIA director in early 2021.

04.05.2023 - 17:26 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

The nation’s spy chief, a longtime college president and top women in finance. The circle of people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to a trove of documents that include his schedules.

04.05.2023 - 17:17 [ ]

Epstein‘s VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction


Jeffrey Epstein‘s newly-released private calendar revealed he had scheduled meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including the current CIA director, after he was convicted as a sex offender.

The documents contain emails and scheduled meetings with now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama‘s White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.

The meetings were scheduled between 2013 to 2017 after the pedophile had served time in jail in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenage girl.

22.04.2023 - 11:16 [ ]

Zeitung: US-Geheimdokumente früher veröffentlicht

Diese Chatgruppe sei öffentlich auf einem YouTube-Kanal gelistet und leicht zugänglich gewesen. Die Informationen seien von einem Discord-Nutzer veröffentlicht worden, dessen Profil dem des vor gut einer Woche verhafteten Jack T. entsprach.

16.04.2023 - 12:45 [ ]

Blinken says cooperation with allies ‘not affected’ by document leak

“What I’ve heard so far at least is an appreciation for the steps that we’re taking, and it’s not affected our cooperation,” he said. “I just haven’t seen that. I haven’t heard that.”

13.04.2023 - 22:13 [ CNN ]

FBI arrests suspect in connection with intelligence leaks

A member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard was arrested by the FBI on Thursday in connection with the leaking of classified documents that have been posted online, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday. (…)

The Joint Staff, which comprises the Defense Department’s most senior uniformed leadership that advises the president, began examining its distribution lists immediately after learning of the trove of leaked classified documents – many of which had markings indicating that they had been produced by the Joint Staff’s intelligence arm, known as the J2.

12.04.2023 - 03:47 [ ABC News ]

US will ‚turn over every rock‘ to find source of classified documents leak: Austin

The documents seem to contain top-secret intelligence about the war in Ukraine and other parts of the world that is made available daily to hundreds of U.S. officials in the U.S. and overseas via classified computer servers that can only be accessed with a top-secret clearance.

12.04.2023 - 03:10 [ ]

What we know about the Pentagon document leak

– The documents also outline U.S. efforts to spy on its allies, Israel and South Korea.

Zoom in: One of the documents, a CIA update from March 1 sourced to signals intelligence, seemingly showed that leaders of Israel‘s intelligence agency encouraged Mossad officials and Israeli citizens to protest the government‘s proposed judicial reforms.

11.04.2023 - 03:18 [ / Nitter ]

Questions remain concerning the Israel elements of the CIA leak | Haaretz Today

11.04.2023 - 03:10 [ BBC ]

Pentagon documents leak a risk to US national security, officials say

The format of the documents is similar to that „used to provide daily updates to our senior leaders on Ukraine and Russia-related operations, as well as other intelligence updates,“ Mr Meagher added.

The Pentagon first became aware of the document leak last week, with Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin first briefed on the matter on 6 April, he said.

Mr Meagher said that the document leak has prompted US officials to reassure its allies „of our commitment to safeguarding intelligence and fidelity to our security partnerships“.

10.04.2023 - 06:39 [ Haaretz ]

The Leaked Pentagon Memo: Russia’s Chaos Tactics Strike Israel‘s Mossad

Most probably, the U.S. intelligence community is not bugging its Israeli counterpart. But, as always, intelligence communities like to take known information from open sources and rephrase it to make it look like it’s secret.

09.04.2023 - 08:37 [ Washington Post ]

Israeli spy chiefs led secret revolt against Netanyahu overhaul plans, leaked documents say

As the Biden administration races to investigate a leak of classified U.S. documents, Washington and Jerusalem are remaining silent about a particularly sensitive disclosure within the trove of files: an alleged revolt by Israel’s top spy service against the judicial overhaul proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The leaked document labeled top secret says that in February, senior leaders of the Mossad spy service “advocated for Mossad officials and Israeli citizens to protest the new Israeli Government’s proposed judicial reforms, including several explicit calls to action that decried the Israeli Government, according to signals intelligence.”

04.04.2023 - 21:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Police Chief: ‚Arabs Murder Each Other. It‘s in Their Nature‘


Reportedly, Shabtai said the remarks in a private meeting with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which took place after an Israeli Arab was murdered and dealt with the fight against crime in Arab society along with the establishment of a national guard.

In the recorded conversation, Ben-Gvir is heard saying after the murder: „Another murder and another murder – this crosses the line. We need a strong national guard.“ Shabtai then replied to him: „There‘s nothing we can do. They murder each other. It‘s in their nature. That‘s the mentality of the Arabs.“

04.04.2023 - 06:40 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Used Front Company to Buy Israeli NSO’s Spyware, Report Says

The Times’ investigation, published early Monday, revealed that five days after the Biden administration announced the blacklisting of NSO for activities contrary to the United States’ national security or foreign policy interests, the U.S. purchased a different software from NSO via a front company.

The software is known as “Landmark,” a geolocation system that reveals the exact location of a person by inputting their phone number.

The report comes one week after U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order banning the use of commercial spyware by the American government.

01.04.2023 - 22:13 [ Wired ]

U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‚Hiroshima‘ Tactics for ‚Total War‘ on Islam

(May 10, 2012)

The U.S. military taught its future leaders that a „total war“ against the world‘s 1.4 billion Muslims would be necessary to protect America from Islamic terrorists, according to documents obtained by Danger Room. Among the options considered for that conflict: using the lessons of „Hiroshima“ to wipe out whole cities at once, targeting the „civilian population wherever necessary.“

The course, first reported by Danger Room last month and held at the Defense Department‘s Joint Forces Staff College, has since been canceled by the Pentagon brass. It‘s only now, however, that the details of the class have come to light. Danger Room received hundreds of pages of course material and reference documents from a source familiar with the contents of the class.

22.03.2023 - 18:52 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Army Conducted Online Psy-op Against Israeli Public During Gaza War

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit also intended to use social media influencers in order to sway Israeli public opinion.

It is unclear if the IDF paid the Instagram account holders for their services. According to a source familiar with the inner workings of the unit, this is not the only time such cooperation has taken place.

08.03.2023 - 16:04 [ New York Daily News / Nitter ]

„Pentagon Papers“ leaker Daniel Ellsberg, 91, is dying from cancer. Doctors have given him three to six months to live.


08.03.2023 - 16:02 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


08.03.2023 - 11:45 [ Wikileaks / Nitter ]

On 7 March 2017 WikiLeaks began publishing #Vault7 detailing the #CIA‘s use of malware, viruses, trojans and malware remote control systems to spy on televisions, phones and computers Julian #Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited to the US for his truthful reporting

19.12.2022 - 18:31 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


18.12.2022 - 05:35 [ Defend Assange Campaign / Nitter ]

Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg: „Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court“ #FreeAssangeNOW

13.12.2022 - 18:59 [ ]

Biden faces growing pressure to drop charges against Julian Assange

The charges against Assange for obtaining and publishing classified information, without any active role in actually stealing it mark “the crossing of a legal rubicon”, said Jaffer at Columbia University. That’s an ominous legal threshold, he said, for Assange and all journalists.

It’s the first time the US government has used the Espionage Act to go after a publisher and the implications are huge,” Jaffer said. Assange “has been indicted for activity that reporters are engaged in every day and that reporters have to engage in every day to inform the public. This would have dramatic implications for national security journalism.”

13.12.2022 - 18:54 [ Daniel Ellsberg / Nitter ]

To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.


06.12.2022 - 03:35 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter ]

New: The Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg reveals he received a „backup“ of the „Chelsea Manning information“ prior to publication: „I am as indictable as Julian Assange.. I‘d be happy to take that one to the Supreme Court“ [18:00]

04.12.2022 - 20:05 [ Matt Taibi / Nitter ]



2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.

3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.

04.12.2022 - 19:58 [ Elon Musk / Nitter ]

I am not expressing an opinion, but did promise to conduct this poll. Should Assange and Snowden be pardoned?

04.12.2022 - 19:47 [ Matt Taibi / ]

Note to Readers

(Dec 2, 2022)

Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then som

27.11.2022 - 15:57 [ Freedom of the Press Foundation ]

The extradition of Julian Assange must be condemned by all who believe in press freedom1

(June 17, 2022)

There is some historical irony in the fact that this extradition announcement falls during the anniversary of the Pentagon Papers trial, which began with the Times publication of stories based on the legendary leak on June 13, 1971, and continued through the seminal Supreme Court opinion rejecting prior restraint on June 30, 1971.

In the months and years following that debacle, whistleblower (and FPF co-founder) Daniel Ellsberg became the first journalistic source to be charged under the Espionage Act. What many do not know is that the Nixon administration attempted to prosecute Times reporter Neil Sheehan for receiving the Pentagon Papers as well — under a very similar legal theory the Justice Department is using against Assange.

27.11.2022 - 15:33 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Der “Leak” und die “Whistleblower”

(8. Juni 2017)

Zusammenfassung der Taktik “Leak”

Variante 1: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse deine Lügen oder Manipulationen streuen. So erscheinen sie glaubwürdig.

Variante 2: Wenn Du zutreffende, geheime und / oder private Informationen hast bzw sie geraubt hast und ihr Bekanntwerden in Deinem Interesse ist, lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse diese veröffentlichen. So kannst du sie elegant bekannt werden lassen und Presse und Gegner durch deine eigene Intrige zusätzlich beschädigen.

Variante 3: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse deine Pläne veröffentlichen, warte die Reaktion ab, lass die Erregung abebben, beschwichtige und setze dann einfach um wovon alle wussten, aber nichts dagegen unternahmen.

Variante 4: Lass den Gegner oder die populäre Presse über deine illegalen, kriminellen oder verfassungswidrigen Aktivitäten berichten und eventuell unbedeutende Teile davon (sukzessive) veröffentlichen. Dann warte die Reaktion ab, lass die Immunisierung wirken und das Fieber abebben, beschwichtige, streue Gerüchte, lass die Leute sich daran gewöhnen, kaufe eventuell ein paar Schlüsselfiguren ein oder stelle sie ruhig. Interpretiere. Verdächtige Gegner, die entsprechenden Informationen selbst veröffentlicht zu haben, beschädige diese und spioniere sie aus. Anschließend legalisiere wovon nun alle wissen, aber nichts dagegen unternehmen. Argumentiere, dass es ja alle auch wollen, weil sie nichts dagegen unternehmen. Falls Verfassungsklagen drohen, sorge dafür dass ihre Erhebung ebenso verschleppt wird wie das Verfahren. Wenn alle Fakten geschaffen sind, argumentiere mit deren Unumkehrbarkeit. Dann fang von vorne an.


Es führt kein Weg daran vorbei, die Konsequenzen und die Wirkung von Veröffentlichungen von bis dato geheimem Material einzuschätzen, sowohl vorab wie nachfolgend, ebenso die Art und Weise wie diese Veröffentlichungen zustande kamen.

Des Weiteren ist sich in die Rolle der Betreiber und Akteure von Massenerfassung und weltweiter Spionage hineinzuversetzen: wie würden diese versuchen Whistleblower, das Bekanntwerden eigener Umtriebe und entsprechende Plattformen wie Wikileaks für die eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen?

Erfolgreicher als in den letzten Jahren hätten sie dies kaum tun können.

27.11.2022 - 14:51 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Der Wikileaks-Trick entlarvt sich

(28.Juli 2010)

Kapital 4: Auftritt Julian Assange

Dienstag Abend. Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange in einem der vielen Plätze, die es nicht in Deutschland gibt / geben darf, dem Londoner Frontline Club. Hier der Mitschnitt.

Assange ging in seinem Statement gleich zu Anfang explizit auf die in den Dokumenten enthaltenen Beschuldigungen gegen Pakistan und den ISI ein, ohne den Inhalt der US-Geheimdienst-Dokumente irgendwie in Zweifel zu ziehen. Er ging auf das weltweite Presseecho ein. Man könne die Wirkung der Veröffentlichung noch gar nicht absehen.

Die Quelle dieser Dokumente, so der Wikileaks-Gründer Assange, kenne man nicht, die kenne man nie. Das ganze Zugangssystem der Informationsplattform sei darauf angelegt, dass man nicht wisse, wer die Quelle sei und so dieses Geheimnis auch nicht preisgeben könne. Mehrere Systeme seien miteinander verbunden, u.a. ein System, welches die Militärspionage der US Navy entwickelt habe, um die Herkunft von Informationen seitens der Marinespione zu verbergen. Assange wörtlich zum Informationssystem von Wikileaks: “Das ist wirklich etwas, was es sonst auf der Erde nicht gibt”.

Das “Office of Naval Intelligence” (ONI) ist, so vermerkt es sogar der dt-Sprachige Wikipedia-Eintrag, unter der Verwaltung der “Defense Intelligenc Ageny” (DIA) – also genau der Agentur des Pentagon, welche solche Lücken wie die nun erfolgte Übertragung von 91.000 Militärdokumenten verhindern soll.Die DIA ist im mittlerweile außer Kontrolle geratenen Spionage-Komplex der USA eng mit einer ganzen Reihe von IT-Konzernen verknüpft. (TOP SECRET AMERICA (II): “Nationale Sicherheit AG”, 24.Juni)

Assange bezeichnete einiges in den veröffentlichen Dokumenten von Unteroffizieren der US-Militärspionage, die weitgehend auf den Aussagen bezahlter Informanten beruhen, selbst als “exotisch”; etwa Berichte, dass Osama Bin Laden sich regelmäßig einmal im Monat mit seinen Freunden zum Tee in einem bestimmten Teehaus in Afghanistan treffe.

Bisher sei Wikileaks aber noch nie mit gefälschten Dokumenten hereingelegt worden.


Kapitel 6: Analyse und Einschätzung

Damit kein falscher Eindruck entseht: meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach ist Julian Assange weder korrupt, noch ein Spion. Das wird von Quellen zur Zersetzung von Wikileaks gestreut, aus behördlichem Interesse, oder durch Konkurrenten die schlicht neidisch sind und persönlichen Erfolg als ihre höchste Priorität sehen.

Nein, was ich sagen will ist folgendes: Julian Assange liegt einfach falsch mit dieser Veröffentlichung.

Die Dokumente sind keine Fälschungen. Es ist echtes Geschwätz aus der US-Spionage. Das ist der Witz. Es ist echter Bullshit, der nichts wert ist. Aber er wurde wahrscheinlich extra zu diesem einen Zwecke produziert, um bei Wikileaks zu landen und als echter Bullshit die Welt noch blöder zu machen, als sie es jetzt schon ist, was zugegebenermaßen immerhin eine Leistung ist.

27.11.2022 - 14:37 [ WikiLeaks / Nitter ]

12 years ago tomorrow WikiLeaks began publishing #Cablegate – 50 years of the 175 year sentence faced by Julian Assange relate solely to this publication #Cablegate12 #FreeAssangeNOW

19.10.2022 - 05:04 [ Newsweek ]

Mohammed Javad Zarif Says Russia Wants to Stop U.S., Iran Nuclear Deal in Leaked Interview


The release of the comments by Zarif set off a firestorm in Iran, where officials carefully mind their words amid a cut-throat political environment that includes the powerful paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, ultimately overseen by the country‘s supreme leader. Zarif has been suggested as a possible candidate for Iran‘s June 18 presidential election, as well.

Zarif‘s comments might complicate talks in Vienna aimed at bringing Tehran and the U.S. back into compliance with Iran‘s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

13.07.2022 - 10:53 [ Newsweek ]

Uvalde Mayor Condemns ‚Chicken‘ Media for Releasing School Shooting Video

Mayor Don McLaughlin criticized The Austin American-Statesman and ABC affiliate KVUE at a meeting of the city council on Tuesday for releasing school surveillance video from the shooting.

McLaughlin told the meeting: „I want to go on the record. The way that video was released today was one of the most chicken things I‘ve ever seen.

Another member of the city council said that it was „chickensh*t.“

13.07.2022 - 10:42 [ ]

Exclusive: Watch Uvalde school shooting video obtained by Statesman showing police response

A 77-minute video recording captured from this vantage point, along with body camera footage from one of the responding officers, obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE, shows in excruciating detail dozens of sworn officers, local, state and federal — heavily armed, clad in body armor, with helmets, some with protective shields — walking back and forth in the hallway, some leaving the camera frame and then reappearing, others training their weapons toward the classroom, talking, making cellphone calls, sending texts and looking at floor plans, but not entering or attempting to enter the classrooms.

13.07.2022 - 10:20 [ ]

US-Schulmassaker: Neue Videoaufnahmen sorgen für Empörung

Gestern von der Zeitung „Austin American-Statesman“ und dem Lokalsender KVUE veröffentlichte Bilder einer Überwachungskamera zeigen unter anderem, dass Polizisten sich eine Stunde und 14 Minuten lang im Schulflur aufhielten, bevor sie den 18-jährigen Angreifer in einem Klassenzimmer erschossen.

27.06.2022 - 01:44 [ ]

Nach G7-Leak: Polizei legt öffentliche Piratenpartei-Infrastruktur lahm

(24.06.2022)Der Generalsekretär der Piratenpartei, Stephan Erdmann erklärt:

„Durch die Verschlüsselung der einzelnen CryptPads kann die Polizei mit den gesicherten Daten faktisch nichts anfangen. CryptPad ist ein mit EU-Fördermitteln entwickeltes Zero-Knowledge-Projekt. Grundsätzlich ist es so konzipiert, dass Informationen bezüglich Nutzerdaten und Inhalten auch von administrativer Seite aus nicht festgestellt werden können. Das hätte die Polizei auf Nachfrage in wenigen Minuten erfahren können.“

Dr. Patrick Breyer, Europaabgeordneter der Piratenpartei ergänzt:

„Die nicht zielführende Beschlagnahmeaktion passt ins Bild allgemein tiefer Grundrechtseinschränkungen am Ort des Gipfels. Ein Ort wird lahmgelegt, friedliche Demonstrationen weitestgehend verboten, Grenzkontrollen wieder eingeführt, vermutlich massenhaft Kfz-Kennzeichen gespeichert und mit Überwachungstechnologie wie Drohnen und fehleranfälliger Gesichtserkennung gearbeitet. Auf der Grundlage des maximal repressiven bayerischen Polizei- und Versammlungsrechts wird ein Ausnahmezustand geschaffen, der Grundrechte missachtet. In einer Demokratie sollten wir den Mächtigen mit einem gesunden Misstrauen begegnen, nicht der Staat seinen Bürgern mit Generalverdacht.“

26.06.2022 - 09:05 [ ]

British security state collaborator Paul Mason’s war on ‘rogue academics’ exposed


Amidst his campaign to neutralize the UK antiwar left, Paul Mason declared in an email to several academics willing to inform on and undermine their own colleagues: “the far left rogue academics is who I’m after… The important task is to quarantine their ‘soft’ influencers and expose/stigmatise the hard ideologists.”

Mason’s fishing expedition was conducted in apparent coordination with Andy Pryce, a senior British intelligence official involved in a series of malign information warfare and censorship initiatives.

26.06.2022 - 08:58 [ ]

Paul Mason’s covert intelligence-linked plot to destroy The Grayzone exposed


Leaked emails reveal British journalist Paul Mason plotting with an intel contractor to destroy The Grayzone through “relentless deplatforming” and a “full nuclear legal” attack. The scheme is part of a wider planned assault on the UK left.

24.05.2022 - 03:42 [ ]

Pentagon working on plans to send troops to protect US Embassy in Kyiv

“Some of the things that may have been out there in the media, those are planning efforts that are underway at a relatively low level,” Milley told reporters at the Pentagon, seeming to refer to the Journal’s report.

Such plans “have not yet made it to [Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin] or myself for that matter, for refinement of courses of action and what’s needed,” he noted.

24.05.2022 - 03:38 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Pentagon Weighs Deploying Special Forces to Guard Kyiv Embassy

President Biden has yet to be presented with the proposal.

03.05.2022 - 11:36 [ ]

Putin can declare formal war on Ukraine by May 9 for full mobilisation of forces: US

The declaration of war, according to a CNN report, would allow the full mobilisation of Russia‘s reserve forces as they attempt to conquer eastern and southern Ukraine.

06.04.2022 - 18:10 [ Stefan Homburg / Twitter ]

Vor ein paar Minuten hat @Tim_Roehn das morgen zur Abstimmung kommende Papier geleaked. Eine lupenreine Impfdiktatur ist im Anmarsch: