The Colorado Springs resident suspected of detonating a Tesla Cybertruck in front of a Las Vegas hotel and the Texas man accused of driving a pickup truck into a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans served at the same military base, sources told Scripps News Denver.
Archiv: US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources tell Denver7 Investigates
Livelsberger was a member of the Army’s elite Green Berets, a special forces unit and guerrilla warfare experts, according to an Army statement reported by the Associated Press. He has served in the Army since 2006, rising through the ranks, and was on approved leave when he died, the statement said. The Green Berets work to counter terrorists abroad using unconventional techniques.
Livelsberger spent time at the base formerly known as Fort Bragg, a massive Army base in North Carolina that is home to Army special forces command.
Authorities warned of vehicle-ramming attack danger in US during holiday season
On Dec. 6, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center issued a joint intel bulletin warning law enforcement about the ongoing serious threat posed by lone offenders during the winter holiday season.
„Lone offenders have historically used simple tactics, such as edged weapons, firearms, or vehicle ramming, due to their ease of access, ability to inflict mass casualties, and lack of required training,“ the bulletin stated.
Trump to ‚Dismantle Deep State‘ with ‚Truth and Reconciliation Commission‘
(March 21, 2023)
„We will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them,“ Trump said.
„The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled,“ he continued. „So that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left‘s political enemies, which they‘re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.“
Nach US-Wahl 2024: Was könnte Trump planen?
Mit dem Tag der Amtseinführung soll der Umbau der Exekutive beginnen. Ziel ist eine drastische Zentralisierung der Regierungspolitik, bei der das Weiße Haus eine straffe Kontrolle über alle Bundesbehörden, einschließlich des Justizministeriums erhalten würde.
Damit könnte er entscheidend auf Verfahren gegen ihn und andere Einfluss nehmen, die unter anderem am Sturm auf das Kapitol am 6. Januar 2021 beteiligt waren. Es würde ihm außerdem ermöglichen, gegen Personen vorzugehen, die diese Verfahren angestoßen haben.
Die Ministerien für Bildung und Heimatschutz etwa sollen abgeschafft werden, die US-Bundespolizei FBI, „eine zunehmend gesetzlose Organisation“, soll von Grund auf erneuert werden.
Homeland Security report details how teen hackers exploited security weaknesses in some of the world’s biggest companies
(August 10, 2023)
Staffed by senior US cybersecurity officials and executives at major technology firms like Google, the board does not have regulatory authority, but its recommendations could shape legislation in Congress and future directives from federal agencies.
Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded
(Published March 19, 2020 Updated Sept. 4, 2021)
That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion” and imagining an influenza pandemic, was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.
The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.
TOP SECRET AMERICA (II): “Nationale Sicherheit AG”
(24. Juli 2010)
– Von den 854.000 Personen mit dem Sicherheitszugang “Top Secret” sind 265.000 kommerzielle Vertragsnehmer, rund 30 Prozent des Arbeitspersonals im Spionage-Komplex.
– Im “Ministerium für Heimatschutz” (“Department of Homeland Security” DHS) arbeiten genauso viele staatliche Beamte wie Vertragsnehmer, in der Spionageabteilung stellt das “private” Personal sogar 60 Prozent. Das Heimatschutz-Ministerium hat Verträge mit 318 Konzernen, von denen allein 19 sich ausschließlich mit der Rekrutierung neuer Vertragsnehmer beschäftigen.
– 56 Firmen im Spionage-Komplex sind nur damit beschäftigt, ständig neue Linguisten, Sprachwissenschaftler und Dolmetscher zu rekrutieren. Anschliessend werden sie an die US-Regierungsbehörden weitervermietet, um auf dem ganzen Planeten abgehörte Telefonate und Gespräche, sowie abgefangene emails und Telekommunikation zu übersetzen und zu interpretieren.
– für die 16 US-Spionagedienste erstellen allein 400 Konzerne Datenverarbeitungs- und informationstechnische Systeme zur internen Kommunikation zwischen den Diensten und deren jeweiliger Computernetzwerke.
– die “National Security Agency” (NSA), die weltweite Telekommunikation abfängt und elektronische Überwachungen durchführt, bezahlt zur Zeit 484 Konzerne, u.a. für die Entwicklung neuer Spionage-Technologien.
– die planetare Satelliten-Spionage des “National Reconnaissance Office” (NRO), einem der wichtigsten von offiziell 16 Spionagediensten der USA, wäre nicht möglich ohne die Zuarbeit von vier großen Konzernen, die als Vertragsnehmer für die NRO arbeiten.
– Bei der CIA sind von (offiziell) 30.000 Personalstand 10.000 Personen externe, nichtstaatliche Vertragsnehmer aus sage und schreibe 114 Firmen. Viele von ihnen sind nur für zeitlich begrenzte Jobs oder Operationen an Bord und kommen aus der Militärspionage.
Die CIA ist das Beispiel für eine Regierungsagentur, welche nicht mehr ohne dieses kommerzielle Hilfspersonal auskommt, obwohl gerade sie Operationen durchführt, die keiner anderen Behörde gesetzlich erlaubt ist.
Uvalde Class Action Lawsuit to be Filed Against Law Enforcement Agencies, Gun Manufacturer
He then listed off Uvalde ISD, its police chief Pete Arredondo, the Uvalde Police Department, the Uvalde County Sheriff, the Texas Rangers, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol as the law enforcement subjects of the impending suit.
Report on Uvalde Shooting Finds ‘Systemic Failures’ in Police Response
After the report came out, the mayor of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, said the acting chief during the shooting, Lt. Mariano Pargas, had been placed on administrative leave and that the city had begun its own internal investigation. The city released body camera footage documenting the actions of the Uvalde officers at the scene.
The facts laid out in the report also made clear that neither existing gun laws, nor expanded background checks passed by Congress in response to the shooting, would have prevented the gunman, Salvador Ramos, from obtaining the weapon he used.
In June 2 meeting, Uvalde officials painted police response to Robb Elementary shooting as heroic
“My recollection is that (Uvalde Mayor Donald McLaughlin Jr.) was upset with the way that DPS had conducted the press conferences, and they had prepared that narrative and they were going to release it,” Busbee said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News. “And then I objected to it because … the investigation had just begun so we did not know if that was a true assessment of what transpired. There was no way for us to tell or assess whether or not that narrative was accurate.”
Busbee’s office is investigating the school shooting and how officers on the scene responded.
Uvalde Mayor Condemns ‚Chicken‘ Media for Releasing School Shooting Video
Mayor Don McLaughlin criticized The Austin American-Statesman and ABC affiliate KVUE at a meeting of the city council on Tuesday for releasing school surveillance video from the shooting.
McLaughlin told the meeting: „I want to go on the record. The way that video was released today was one of the most chicken things I‘ve ever seen.
Another member of the city council said that it was „chickensh*t.“
Exclusive: Watch Uvalde school shooting video obtained by Statesman showing police response
A 77-minute video recording captured from this vantage point, along with body camera footage from one of the responding officers, obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE, shows in excruciating detail dozens of sworn officers, local, state and federal — heavily armed, clad in body armor, with helmets, some with protective shields — walking back and forth in the hallway, some leaving the camera frame and then reappearing, others training their weapons toward the classroom, talking, making cellphone calls, sending texts and looking at floor plans, but not entering or attempting to enter the classrooms.
US-Schulmassaker: Neue Videoaufnahmen sorgen für Empörung
Gestern von der Zeitung „Austin American-Statesman“ und dem Lokalsender KVUE veröffentlichte Bilder einer Überwachungskamera zeigen unter anderem, dass Polizisten sich eine Stunde und 14 Minuten lang im Schulflur aufhielten, bevor sie den 18-jährigen Angreifer in einem Klassenzimmer erschossen.
Breaking: DPS confirms to @TexasTribune that on day of the Uvalde school shooting, a teacher shut the door the gunman later entered from but its automatic lock malfunctioned. DPS is investigating why. This contradicts earlier DPS statements that the teacher left the door open.
Waiting for keys, unable to break down doors: Uvalde schools police chief defends delay in confronting gunman
Eventually, a janitor provided six keys. Arredondo tried each on a door adjacent to the room where the gunman was, but it didn’t open.
Later, another key ring with between 20 and 30 keys was brought to Arredondo.
“I was praying one of them was going to open up the door each time I tried a key,” Arredondo said in an interview.
None did.
Eventually, the officers on the north side of the hallway called Arredondo’s cellphone and told him they had gotten a key that could open the door.
The officers on the north side of the hallway formed a group of mixed law enforcement agencies, including U.S. Border Patrol, to enter the classroom and take down the shooter, Arredondo said.
Uvalde school police chief says he didn‘t keep officers from breaching massacre scene and didn‘t consider himself the commander, report says
„I didn‘t issue any orders,“ he told the Tribune, though the outlet reports the chief did instruct officers to start breaking the outside windows of other classrooms and begin evacuating students. „I called for assistance and asked for an extraction tool to open the door“ of one of the classrooms where the shooting happened, he said.
Arredondo „assumed that some other officer or official had taken control of the larger response,“ the Tribune wrote.
SolarWinds, Microsoft, FireEye, CrowdStrike defend actions in major hack – U.S. Senate hearing
Lawmakers started the hearing by criticizing Amazon representatives, who they said were invited to testify and whose servers were used to launch the cyberattack, for declining to attend the hearing.
SolarWinds breach launched from within the United States
Neuberger notably said the attack, which compromised „9 federal agencies and about 100 private companies,“ was launched from inside the United States.
SolarWinds shares are down 1.4%. Two security names closely tied to the hack, FireEye (FEYE -3.2%) and CrowdStrike (CRWD -2.5%), are also in the red.
Biden administration says investigation into SolarWinds hack is likely to take „several months“
The US government‘s probe into the devastating SolarWinds breach is likely to take „several months“ at least, according to the top White House cybersecurity official, speaking to reporters Wednesday in the Biden administration‘s first public assessment of the gravity of the suspected Russian spying campaign.
Secret, due-process-free no-fly lists were one of the worst post-9/11 civil liberties abuses — I reported on them often. Stunning to see calls from Congress for people to be put on them revived in this climate. I hope people realize what‘s happening:
House Homeland Security Committee Chair Calls for Capitol Rioters to Be Put on No-Fly List
The chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security has called for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the FBI to ban those involved in Wednesday‘s insurrection that breached the U.S. Capitol building from flying on airplanes.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) issued a statement Thursday urging the agencies to add the „violent perpetrators involved in the domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol“ to the no-fly list.
Auch deutsche Firmen betroffen – Was über den US-Hackerangriff bekannt ist
Nach einem schweren Hackerangriff auf Behörden und Institutionen in den USA ist nach wie vor unklar, wer dahinter steckt.
Trump contradicts Pompeo, plays down alleged Russian role in cyberattack
Trump’s comments in the form of Twitter posts on Saturday went against comments his secretary of state made less than 24 hours earlier.
SolarWinds, the company at the center of the attack, has not yet blamed any one country.
SolarWinds breach raises stakes for NDAA Trump still threatens to veto
Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) said the breach makes a clear case for the work of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission and the cyber provisions that made it into the annual defense policy bill passed by the House and Senate.
“This is the most important bill on cyber ever passed by Congress, and that’s why I’m really hoping that the president will either sign the bill or let it become law without a signature, because there is so much critically important material in the bill,” King said during an annual summit hosted by Defense One.
Pompeo macht Moskau für Cyberangriff verantwortlich
Der Angriff weitet sich stetig aus. Nicht nur werden immer mehr Betroffene bekannt, darunter die US-Atombehörde und der Softwarehersteller Microsoft, es wurde zudem offenbar weitere Software für die laut US-Behörden sehr ausgefeilten Angriffe manipuliert.
Congressional backers cite cybersecurity provisions as they push Trump to sign defense bill
The massive defense bill that President Donald Trump is threatening to veto contains provisions for increased cybersecurity, which has taken on significantly more importance in the wake of a massive cyberattack on federal agencies at the hands of suspected Russian hackers.
The National Defense Authorization Act includes pay raises for America‘s soldiers, modernizations for equipment and provisions to require more scrutiny before troops are withdrawn from Germany or Afghanistan.
After government hack, media mum on ex-cybersecurity chief highlighted for contradicting Trump‘s fraud claims
„As I said in a news briefing, Election Day was ‘just another Tuesday on the Internet,’“ he wrote. „Normal sorts of scanning and probing were happening, but we did not see any successful attacks or damaging disruptions.“
Yet hackers were arms deep in a slew of federal agencies. The infiltration, believed to have been conducted by the Russians, appears to have compromised the Departments of Energy, State, Defense, Homeland Security, Treasury and Commerce. His name did not appear in CNN’s story about CISA and the hack published Thursday.
FBI, CISA officially confirm US govt hacks after SolarWinds breach
The compromise of multiple US federal networks following the SolarWinds breach was officially confirmed for the first time in a joint statement released earlier today by the FBI, DHS-CISA, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).
„Over the course of the past several days, the FBI, CISA, and ODNI have become aware of a significant and ongoing cybersecurity campaign,“ the US intelligence agencies said …
DHS, DOJ And DOD Are All Customers Of SolarWinds Orion, The Source Of The Huge US Government Hack
Though it’s not clear whether it uses the Orion tool, the DHS’s own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is a SolarWinds customer too, buying $45,000-worth of licenses in 2019. The U.S. Cyber Command also spent over $12,000 on SolarWinds tools in the same year.
SolarWinds, a publicly-listed Austin, Texas-based company with a value of over $6 billion, has its own customer list, though it doesn’t break down which products clients use. That list includes more than 425 of the Fortune 500, all major US telecoms providers, the top five U.S. accounting firms, hundreds of global universities, the NSA and the White House.
Lawmakers ask whether massive hack amounted to act of war
Hackers believed to be part of a nation state have had access to federal networks since March after exploiting a vulnerability in updates to IT group SolarWinds’s Orion software. The hack has compromised the Treasury, State and Homeland Security departments and branches of the Pentagon, though it is expected to get worse. SolarWinds counts many more federal agencies as customers, along with the majority of U.S. Fortune 500 companies.
ACLU urges court to hold federal agents in Portland in contempt
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation of Oregon called on a federal court on Tuesday to hold federal agents in contempt for alleged attacks on journalists and legal observers at protests in Portland, Ore.
Federal agents use tear gas to clear Portland protesters, police say they find Molotov cocktails
„Ammunition and destructive devices recovered by Portland Police in the area of this incident at around the same time appear to be unrelated,“ Portland police said. Police did not say whether the shooting was related to the protests.
More than 2,000 Portland demonstrators take to street for 57th night in a row, clash with feds
“They‘re anarchists,” Trump said. “That‘s even, that‘s a level that people haven‘t seen but they‘re anarchists.“
On Wednesday, Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler and hundreds of others were objecting to the presence of federal police sent by Trump, who previously labeled the demonstrators as “agitators & anarchists” after Wheeler was gassed.
Federal judge temporarily bars federal officers in Portland from taking actions against journalists, observers
The lawsuit was filed by the ACLU, and the restraining order acts against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Marshals Service. Portland police were already banned from arresting or attacking journalists and legal observers at the protests.
Portland City Council bans local police from working with federal law enforcement
The measure, which was passed on Wednesday, orders all members of the Portland Police Department to stop giving or receiving „operational support“ from officers representing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshal Service, Federal Protective Service and Customs and Border Protection, according to local news reports. Under the resolution, police are also banned from overseeing demonstrations alongside federal officers.
Wheeler begins to speak. Boos and then cheers when he says he demands the feds leave.
After being tear gassed in a crowd, Portland’s mayor and police commissioner Ted Wheeler denounced federal officers for “urban warfare.”
Some protesters, recalling the city police’s past use of tear gas, mocked him: “You better be here every night, Ted!”