Archiv: elektromagnetische Strahlung / Abstrahlung / electromagnetic radiation

31.01.2025 - 01:00 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]


About the mission

Launch date: Late February 2025

The Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx) is a planned two-year mission that will survey the sky in optical as well as near-infrared light which, though not visible to the human eye, serves as a powerful tool for answering cosmic questions. Astronomers will use the mission to gather data on more than 450 million galaxies, as well as, more than 100 million stars in our own Milky Way.

31.01.2025 - 00:30 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA to Preview Sky-Mapping Space Telescope Ahead of Launch

NASA will host a news conference at 12 p.m. EST Friday, Jan. 31, to discuss a new telescope that will improve our understanding of how the universe evolved and search for key ingredients for life in our galaxy.

Agency experts will preview NASA’s SPHEREx (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer) mission, which will help scientists better understand the structure of the universe, how galaxies form and evolve, and the origins and abundance of water. Launch is targeted for no earlier than Thursday, Feb. 27.

18.01.2024 - 03:45 [ ]

The fight in Gaza will be hell, military experts in urban combat say


Yahalom Unit: a specialized Israeli Defense Forces combat engineering corps commando unit trained to find, clear and destroy tunnels. The unit is one of the largest in the world focused on underground warfare.

The Yahalom carries a toolkit of specialized gear for such operations, including ground and aerial sensors, ground-penetrating radar, drilling equipment, radios and navigation equipment designed for use underground, thermal equipment and a suite of flying and ground robots for mapping tunnels. Once discovered, the unit has ground-penetrating munitions such as the GBU-28, which can penetrate 100 feet of soil or 20 feet of concrete.

18.01.2024 - 00:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER MOBILE TELEVISOR (III): “Boden durchdringender Radar” aus Luftraum und Orbit

(17. Februar 2013)

Die optische Auflösung von Bildern mobiler “Televisoren” (durch Materialien sehender visueller Erfassungsapparaturen) hängt grundsätzlich von der Wellenlänge / Frequenz ab und nimmt mit zunehmender Wellenlänge (d.h.: abnehmender Frequenz) ab.

Für potentiell flächendeckende Durchleuchtung von Metropolen mit ihren tausenden Gebäuden und Kellerräumen bietet sich – wenn auch nicht mit gleicher optischer Auflösung wie bei unmittelbarer Nähe des Zielobjekts und Verwendung von hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung – der Einsatz von etwas niedriger frequenten Millimeterwellen aus der Luft an, etwa durch Drohnen. Bereits im September 2008 hatte das U.S.-Militär, nach jahrelanger und in Zeiten des “Antiterrorismus” massiv finanziell geförderter Forschung, an die Presse dringen lassen, man setze in Kriegsgebieten Drohnen mit Überwachungstechnologien ein, die “das Verfolgen von menschlichen Zielen erlauben, selbst wenn sie in Gebäuden oder auf andere Art versteckt sind”.

10.11.2023 - 09:06 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet Union to W. Averell Harriman, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, needing electromagnetic energy from an outside source to become energized and activate, it is considered a predecessor of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

21.10.2023 - 20:51 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA’s Laser Communications Relay: A Year of Experimentation

(Jun 28, 2023)

The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) uses infrared light, or invisible lasers, to transmit and receive signals rather than radio wave systems conventionally used on spacecraft. Infrared light’s tight wavelengths allow space missions to pack significantly more data – 10 to 100 times more – into a single transmission. More data means more discoveries.

Now, at the halfway point in its experimentation phase, LCRD has shown laser communications’ significant advantages over traditional radio wave systems.

21.10.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

Forschung als Friedensprojekt

SESAME ist ein Zentrum der Materialforschung. Die im Elektronensynchrotron beschleunigten Teilchen erzeugen elektromagnetische Strahlung in allen Frequenzbereichen – und diese wird verwendet, um Materialien aller Art zu durchleuchten. Das können archäologische Artefakte oder Gewebsproben von Lebewesen sein .

01.07.2023 - 17:20 [ ]

Giant gravitational waves: why scientists are so excited

On 29 June, four separate teams of scientists made an announcement1–4 that promises to shake up astrophysics: they had seen strong hints of very long gravitational waves warping the Galaxy.

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time that are generated when large masses accelerate. They were first detected in 2015, but the latest evidence hints at ‘monster’ ripples with wavelengths of 0.3 parsecs (1 light year) or more; the waves detected until now have wavelengths of tens to hundreds of kilometres.

Here Nature reports what these monster gravitational waves could mean for our understanding of the cosmos, and how the field could evolve.

01.07.2023 - 17:05 [ New York Times ]

The Cosmos Is Thrumming With Gravitational Waves, Astronomers Find

(June 28, 2023)

The scientists strongly suspect that these gravitational waves are the collective echo of pairs of supermassive black holes — thousands of them, some as massive as a billion suns, sitting at the hearts of ancient galaxies up to 10 billion light-years away — as they slowly merge and generate ripples in space-time.

“I like to think of it as a choir, or an orchestra,” said Xavier Siemens, a physicist at Oregon State University who is part of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, or NANOGrav, collaboration, which led the effort. Each pair of supermassive black holes is generating a different note, Dr. Siemens said, “and what we’re receiving is the sum of all those signals at once.”

01.07.2023 - 16:50 [ Institute of Physics - ]

Searching for the Nano-Hertz Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with the Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Data Release I

(Published 29 June 2023)

Observing and timing a group of millisecond pulsars with high rotational stability enables the direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs). The GW signals can be identified from the spatial correlations encoded in the times-of-arrival of widely spaced pulsar-pairs. The Chinese Pulsar Timing Array (CPTA) is a collaboration aiming at the direct GW detection with observations carried out using Chinese radio telescopes. This short article serves as a „table of contents“ for a forthcoming series of papers related to the CPTA Data Release 1 (CPTA DR1) which uses observations from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope. (…)

A Pulsar Timing Array (PTA; Foster & Backer 1990) is an array of pulsars, which are regularly observed. The times-of-arrival (TOAs) are measured for pulses that we see beams of electromagnetic waves emitted by the pulsars sweeping over the Earth. As the directions of the radiation beam and the pulsar rotational axis do not coincide, we observe this radiation as regular pulses synchronized to the pulsar rotation (Gold 1969).

25.06.2023 - 12:35 [ Times of Israel ]

Russia says military coordination with Israel in Syria will continue as usual

(27 February 2022)

Russia is a main player backing the Syrian government in a grinding civil war, while Israel has waged a years-long campaign of airstrikes aimed at pro-Iranian fighters located there and at preventing the transfer of Iranian-supplied weaponry.

“Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work,” the Russian embassy said in a statement to The Times of Israel.

25.06.2023 - 12:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

04.04.2023 - 06:40 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Used Front Company to Buy Israeli NSO’s Spyware, Report Says

The Times’ investigation, published early Monday, revealed that five days after the Biden administration announced the blacklisting of NSO for activities contrary to the United States’ national security or foreign policy interests, the U.S. purchased a different software from NSO via a front company.

The software is known as “Landmark,” a geolocation system that reveals the exact location of a person by inputting their phone number.

The report comes one week after U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order banning the use of commercial spyware by the American government.

11.03.2023 - 15:20 [ ]

China’s newest weapon to nab Western technology – its courts

(February 20, 2023)

AS&E devised a product to complement the machines it made for airports and seaports. It placed a low-powered X-ray machine on the back of a Ford Motor Co. chassis. The U.S. military used the mobile scanner to detect improvised explosive devices during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the company said. Domestic law enforcement could disguise the vehicle as a delivery van and use it to scan cars in, say, a stadium parking lot.

The X-ray van, called the ZBV, made its debut in 2003. Michael Tropeano, general manager of AS&E’s cargo-scanning division, said he thought the product would be a winner from day one.

30.01.2023 - 19:21 [ ]

M1 Abrams Tank Tested With New System That Prevents It From Being Hacked

(Feb 15, 2022)

In the demonstration, an M1A2 Abrams tank was fitted with a 1553 Bus Defender system made by Peraton. The Bus Defender is an intrusion detection and prevention system that can defeat cyberattacks aimed at a platform’s data bus, a hardware subsystem that handles the transfer of data both in and out of associated systems. All transmissions between other military assets including satellites, off-board sensors, communication systems, weapons, unmanned vehicles, and more are handled by the data bus. The Department of Defense and NASA use the MIL-STD-1553 data bus, first developed in 1975.

26.01.2023 - 16:47 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet Union to W. Averell Harriman, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, needing electromagnetic energy from an outside source to become energized and activate, it is considered a predecessor of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

30.12.2022 - 17:43 [ ]

Wie im Gangster-Film: Firma will Überwachungskameras für Geheimdienste manipulieren

Auch mit Deutschland soll es zumindest Gespräche gegeben haben, geht aus den Haaretz vorliegenden Dokumenten hervor. Neben den USA und Australien soll es zudem Kontakt mit Singapur gegeben haben, einem nicht-demokratischen Staat. Ob die Länder tatsächlich Produkte von Toka einsetzen, ist nicht bekannt.

Der Markt für vernetzte Geräte wie Videokameras, Kühlschränke und Autos wächst seit Jahren kontinuierlich an.

25.12.2022 - 04:26 [ Haaretz ]

Revealed: The Israeli Firm Selling ‘Dystopian’ Hacking Capabilities

According to a company pitch deck obtained by Haaretz, Toka offers what it terms “previously out-of-reach capabilities” that “transform untapped IoT sensors into intelligence sources,” and can be used “for intelligence and operational needs.” (IoT stands for Internet of Things and refers here to web-connected cameras and even car media systems.)

15.12.2022 - 09:14 [ Wim van Eck / ]

Electromagnetic Radiation from Video Display Units: An Eavesdropping Risk?


In February, 1985, we carried out an eavesdropping experiment in London, in cooperation with the British Broadcasting Corporation. Part of the results were shown in the programme „Tomorrow‘s World.“ A small van was equipped with a 10 metre high pump mast to which a VHF band III antenna was clamped (10 dB gain). The received signal was fed through an antenna, amplified (18 dB) and displayed on a television screen inside the van.

For obvious reasons we cannot give information on the data picked up during the experiment. The results can be
summarized as follows:

• It is possible to eavesdrop on the video display units or terminals in buildings from a large distance, using a car fitted up for the purpose.

• Although the experiment was carried out in broad daylight and many people watched us, nobody asked what we were doing.

15.12.2022 - 09:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

Spionage und Informationskontrolle: Der technologische Quantensprung in 1943


USA, 1943. Mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg.

In einem Labor der 1877 vom Schwiegervater Alexander Graham Bells gegründeten Bell Company (heute der Weltkonzern AT&T), die für das 1860 gegründete Signal Corps der US Armee arbeitet, testet ein Wissenschaftler der Bell Company das 1925 von der US Armee in Dienst gestellte verschlüsselnde Text-Kommunikationssystem SIGTOT. Es arbeitet nach dem US Patent #1,310,719 für ein „geheimes Signalsystem“ des Bell Technikers Gilbert S. Vernam aus 1919 und benutzt zur Verschlüsselung ein Bell Gerät namens 131-B2.

An jenem Tage des Jahres 1943 bemerkt nun der für die US Armee arbeitende Wissenschaftler der Bell Company ein technisches Phänomen, welches bis heute fast der gesamten Weltbevölkerung unbekannt ist, obwohl es die Sicherheit, die Privatsphäre, die Gesellschaften, die Staaten, die Sicherheit und das Leben von heute 7 Milliarden Menschen unmittelbar berührt und gefährdet:

jedes Mal wenn er über den verschlüsselnden Text-Kommunikations-Apparat SIGTOT einen Buchstaben eintippt, schlägt in einem entfernten Teil des Labors ein Oszilloskop aus. Und zwar fünf Mal, für jedes Zeichen pro Sekunde („baud“). Als er die angezeigten Spannungsspitzen näher analysiert, stellt er fest, dass er die in den Text-Kommunikations-Apparat der Armee per Hand eingetippten und anschließend verschlüsselten Texte aus der Entfernung unverschlüsselt mitlesen kann.

15.12.2022 - 08:53 [ National Security Agency ]

TEMPEST: A Signal Problem


Now, let´s go back to the beginning. During World War II, the backbone systems for Army und Navy secure teletypewriter communications were one-time tapes and the primitive crypto-equipment SIGTOT. For encrypting, the Services used a Bell-telephone mixing device, called 131-B2. When one of these mixers was being tested in a Bell laboratory, a researcher noticed, quite by accident, that each time the machine stepped, a spike appeared on an oscilloscope in a distant part of the lab. After he examined these spikes more carefully, he found that he could read the plain text of the message being enciphered by the machine.

23.11.2022 - 14:42 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

28.10.2022 - 15:35 [ Schenectady Gazette / ]

Methane, Ammonia on Mars? Mariner 7 Sees Hint of Life

(8.August 1969)

Pimentel´s evidence was from an infrared spectrometer, designed to detect elements by measuring their radiation.

24.10.2022 - 19:28 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

19.07.2022 - 19:14 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(OCTOBER 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

17.05.2022 - 11:25 [ National Security Agency ]

TEMPEST: A Signal Problem


Now, let´s go back to the beginning. During World War II, the backbone systems for Army und Navy secure teletypewriter communications were one-time tapes and the primitive crypto-equipment SIGTOT. For encrypting, the Services used a Bell-telephone mixing device, called 131-B2. When one of these mixers was being tested in a Bell laboratory, a researcher noticed, quite by accident, that each time the machine stepped, a spike appeared on an oscilloscope in a distant part of the lab. After he examined these spikes more carefully, he found that he could read the plain text of the message being enciphered by the machine.

17.05.2022 - 11:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Spionage und Informationskontrolle: Der technologische Quantensprung in 1943


USA, 1943. Mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg.

In einem Labor der 1877 vom Schwiegervater Alexander Graham Bells gegründeten Bell Company (heute der Weltkonzern AT&T), die für das 1860 gegründete Signal Corps der US Armee arbeitet, testet ein Wissenschaftler der Bell Company das 1925 von der US Armee in Dienst gestellte verschlüsselnde Text-Kommunikationssystem SIGTOT. Es arbeitet nach dem US Patent #1,310,719 für ein „geheimes Signalsystem“ des Bell Technikers Gilbert S. Vernam aus 1919 und benutzt zur Verschlüsselung ein Bell Gerät namens 131-B2.

An jenem Tage des Jahres 1943 bemerkt nun der für die US Armee arbeitende Wissenschaftler der Bell Company ein technisches Phänomen, welches bis heute fast der gesamten Weltbevölkerung unbekannt ist, obwohl es die Sicherheit, die Privatsphäre, die Gesellschaften, die Staaten, die Sicherheit und das Leben von heute 7 Milliarden Menschen unmittelbar berührt und gefährdet:

jedes Mal wenn er über den verschlüsselnden Text-Kommunikations-Apparat SIGTOT einen Buchstaben eintippt, schlägt in einem entfernten Teil des Labors ein Oszilloskop aus. Und zwar fünf Mal, für jedes Zeichen pro Sekunde („baud“). Als er die angezeigten Spannungsspitzen näher analysiert, stellt er fest, dass er die in den Text-Kommunikations-Apparat der Armee per Hand eingetippten und anschließend verschlüsselten Texte aus der Entfernung unverschlüsselt mitlesen kann.

25.10.2021 - 18:59 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

Studying the Edge of the Sun’s Magnetic Bubble

(Oct 19, 2021)

The space radiation that comes at us from other stars is called galactic cosmic radiation (GCR). Active areas in the galaxy – like supernovae, black holes, and neutron stars – can strip the electrons from atoms and accelerate the nuclei to almost the speed of light, producing GCR.

On Earth, we have three layers of protection from space radiation. The first is the heliosphere, which helps block GCR from reaching the major planets in the solar system. Additionally, Earth’s magnetic field produces a shield called the magnetosphere, which keeps GCR out away from Earth and low-orbiting satellites like the International Space Station. Finally, the gases of Earth’s atmosphere absorb radiation.

04.10.2021 - 07:04 [ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / ]

Interplay Between Magnetic Force and Gravity in Massive Star Formation

(September 26, 2021)

The magnetic field is part of one of the four fundamental forces in nature. It plays a vital role in everyday life, from producing electricity in hydroelectric power plants to diagnosing diseases in medicine. Historically, the Earth’s magnetic field served as a compass for travelers before modern technology was available. Crucially for life, the Earth’s magnetic field acts as a shield protecting us from charged particles emanating from the Sun, which are accelerated by the Sun’s magnetic field. Removing this shield would very likely extinguish life on Earth.

19.09.2021 - 14:25 [ World Economic Forum ]

This map shows how undersea cables move internet traffic around the world

(24 Nov 2016)

Some worry about more sinister attacks. “Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict,” explained a recent New York Times piece.

24.07.2021 - 07:48 [ ]

Boris is Ping-nocchio: PM‘s claim being pinged meant you were five times more likely to have virus was based on data BEFORE vaccine… now he‘s blasted as ‚deeply misleading‘

But the Public Health England research he cited was six months old and carried out before the vast majority of the public had been vaccinated against Covid.

It also involved only those who had been alerted by NHS Test and Trace as close contacts of positive cases.

The Prime Minister implied it covered the NHS Covid app, which had not been rolled out at the time. The app tends to be less reliable at identifying close contacts than Test and Trace and can ‚ping‘ people through walls.

16.05.2021 - 06:13 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER MOBILE TELEVISOR (III): „Boden durchdringender Radar“ aus Luftraum und Orbit


Für die Durchleuchtung von Materialien aus größerer Entfernung, etwa aus dem Weltraum, wird niedrig frequente elektromagnetische Strahlung im Spektrum der Kurzwelle angewendet. Bereits seit 2004 wird zumindest durch eine Agency mittels von Satelliten ausgesendeter Strahlung mit einer Wellenlänge von 50 Metern (6 MHz) bis 100 Metern (3 MHz) offiziell nicht nur durch sämtliche Materialien auf der Oberfläche, sondern kilometertief ins Innere des Planeten vorgedrungen. Bei der Agency handelte es sich um die „European Space Agency“ E.S.A. und beim Planeten um den Mars.

Verwendet wurde das vor dem Start der Mars Express Sonde in 2003 entwickelte M.A.R.S.I.S.-System („Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding“), welches für seinen Boden durchdringenden Radar („ground-penetrating radar“, G.P.R.) Techniken des „synthetic aperture radar“ („künstliche Schlitze Radar“, S.A.R.) verwendet. Das offiziell unter Kontrolle der Bundeswehr mit ihrem „Kommando Strategische Aufklärung“ stehende, aber ebenfalls vom Bundesnachrichtendienst B.N.D. genutzte Satellitensystem „SAR-Lupe“, welches diese Technik verwendet und offiziell seine volle Leistungsfähigkeit 2008 erreichte, sollte allen ein Begriff sein, was es nicht ist. Diesbezüglich gilt es darauf hinzuweisen, dass verfassungsrechtlich der Militäreinsatz im Inneren entsprechend neu definiert und effektiv überprüft werden müsste, was er nicht wird.

16.05.2021 - 06:02 [ Wikipedia ]

Ground-penetrating radar: History

The first patent for a system designed to use continuous-wave radar to locate buried objects was submitted by Gotthelf Leimbach and Heinrich Löwy in 1910, six years after the first patent for radar itself (patent DE 237 944).

17.04.2021 - 04:46 [ CNN ]

Giant radio pulses and X-ray surges are coming from the Crab Nebula

The light from this supernova first reached Earth in July 1054 and was witnessed by astronomers in Japan and China.

When the star exploded, it formed a neutron star, which is the dense core of a star that is about the size of a city like Chicago. This became a pulsar, or rapidly spinning neutron star, that is now located in the nebula.

20.02.2021 - 12:20 [ Jet Propulsion Laboratory / ]

Using Light to Study Planets

In this activity, students will build a spectrometer using basic materials to observe the light emitted and absorbed by several sources. This will be used as a model for how NASA uses spectroscopy to determine the nature of elements found on Earth and other planets. For higher grades, this activity can also be used to discuss advanced spectroscopic topics, such as how NASA research is advancing spectroscopic techniques to teach us more about plant life on Earth.

20.02.2021 - 11:33 [ Schenectady Gazette / ]

Methane, Ammonia on Mars? Mariner 7 Sees Hint of Life

(8.August 1969)

Pimentel´s evidence was from an infrared spectrometer, designed to detect elements by measuring their radiation.

07.12.2020 - 03:38 [ ORF ]

„Augmented Reality“ für Europas Polizeibehörden

Viel mehr Informationen dazu gibt es nicht, die von der Projektleitung angeführten Referenzen lesen sich wenig beruhigend. So führt die Ingegneria Informatica auf ihrer Website, die langjährige Erfahrung des Unternehmens im Sektor militärischer Nachrichtenaufklärung namentlich der Integration von SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) und ACINT (Acoustics Intelligence). In diesem Bereich sei man „Referenzpartner für nationale Agencies“ – also Militärgeheimdienste – „wie für die NATO“, für die man die SIGINT-Plattform zur Sammlung und Analyse abgefangener Kommunikationen betreibe.“

06.12.2020 - 14:19 [ ]

Mysterious illness targeting US diplomats in China, Cuba likely the result of microwave energy: report

“The committee felt that many of the distinctive and acute signs, symptoms and observations reported by [government] employees are consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy,” the report says. “Studies published in the open literature more than a half-century ago and over the subsequent decades by Western and Soviet sources provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism.”

20.10.2020 - 22:06 [ National Nuclear Security Administration ]

NNSA to conduct aerial radiation measurements over Washington, D.C.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) will conduct low-altitude helicopter flights over downtown Washington, D.C. and areas in and around the Nation’s capital beginning on October 19 in preparation for the Presidential Inauguration. The inauguration is scheduled to take place on January 20, 2021.

23.09.2020 - 12:33 [ antikriegTV / Youtube ]

Wurde Chavez von der NSA ermordet? Internetaktivist Appelbaum @ CCC – Chaos Communication Congress


Was wenn ich euch sagen würde, dass die NSA über eine spezielle Technologie verfügt, Energie in euch hineinzubeamen und in die Computersysteme um euch herum?
Würdet ihr mir glauben, oder wären das Verschwörungstheorien eines Verrückten?

Als ich Julian Assange davon berichtet habe, sagte er:
Ich wette, dass die Leute um Hugo Chavez sich jetzt fragen, was sein Krebserkrankung ausgelöst hat.

Ich antwortete, dass ich daran noch gar nicht gedacht hab.
Aber ich habe bisher noch keine Daten darüber gefunden,
inwiefern diese Technologie sich negativ auf die Gesundheit der Menschen auswirkt.

Hat die NSA irgendwelche Tests durchgeführt um zu beweisen,
dass es sicher ist, Menschen auf eine kurze Distanz mit 1 Kilowatt starker RF-Energie zu bestrahlen.

Dies ist ein Dauer-Radarwellen-Generator. Man kann es lokalisieren, weil es 1-2 Gigahertz erzeugt.

Das ist der ganze Zyklus. Zuerst bestrahlen sie jemanden mit Radarwellen, dann stirbt man an Krebs, dann hat man gewonnen.

kommt zur Pressekonferenz in 30 Minuten.

Man kann alles fragen.
Grundsätzlich stehe ich zur Verfügung bis man mich umbringt.

23.09.2020 - 12:09 [ Wired ]

Army Yanks ‚Voice-To-Skull Devices‘ Site


The Army‘s very strange webpage on „Voice-to-Skull“ weapons has been removed. It was strange it was there, and it‘s even stranger it‘s gone.

23.09.2020 - 12:06 [ US Army / Federation of American Scientists ]

voice to skull devices

Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.

15.09.2020 - 13:26 [ ]

The Thermosphere Responds to a Weaker Than Normal Solar Cycle


The cooling near solar minimum is natural and specific to the thermosphere. The cooling thermosphere does not affect the troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth’s surface where people live. The temperatures we experience on the ground do not get colder because of this solar cycle. NASA and other climate researchers continue to see a warming trend in the troposphere. These two effects are ongoing but unrelated.

Nitric oxide and carbon dioxide play important roles in cooling the thermosphere.

10.06.2020 - 13:23 [ ]

5 Realities About The World’s Scariest Police Department


5. The NYPD Now Has Offices All Over The World

Through the International Liaison Program, NYPD detectives are now stationed in 13 cities around the globe, from Paris to Amman to Sydney. If you‘re surprised that New York City would have flatfoots permanently operating on the majority of Earth‘s continents, you aren‘t alone. When bombs went off in Bali in 2005, Indonesian police were understandably „astonished and irritated that the NYPD showed up.“

10.06.2020 - 12:39 [ ]

Nine terrifying facts about America‘s biggest police force


When asked for details at a press conference, Mayor Bloomberg basically told reporters to fuck off, saying, „The NYPD has lots of capabilities that you don‘t know about and you won‘t know about.“

The New York Times has reported that the department‘s Harbor unit has 6 submarine drones; four cost $75,000 and the two others cost $120,000, according to the Times. They are developing a portable radar that can see under clothes in order to search for weapons. Militaristic „Hercules teams,“ are deployed to random parts of the city armed with automatic weapons and body armor. Their explicitly stated role is to terrify people.

17.05.2020 - 06:31 [ ]

COVID-19 could set a new norm for surveillance and privacy

The outbreak has also brought new privacy issues, as companies beef up surveillance with tech like thermal cameras and facial recognition in preparation for when people return to their everyday lives.

Surveillance technology has slowly integrated into our daily lives, with facial recognition getting added as a „convenience“ feature for casinos and ordering food. The coronavirus has sped up that process, in the name of public health.

14.05.2020 - 21:31 [ Wired ]

The Science of Temperature Is Weirder Than You Think

One way to transfer energy is with electromagnetic waves. Visible light is one type of electromagnetic radiation; there’s also infrared, x-rays, gamma rays. These are all the same type of waves but with different wavelengths. And they can all transfer energy.

24.04.2020 - 14:56 [ CBS News ]

Bill Bryan, the DHS science and technology directorate, discusses a federal study indicating that coronavirus is weakened by exposure to sunlight, heat and humidity

24.04.2020 - 14:55 [ CNN ]

Homeland Security official who detailed effect of temperature on coronavirus has long military background

The New York Times reported in 2018 that American and Ukranian government officials expressed concern about whether Bryan was being co-opted by a Ukranian company seen as aligned with an oligarch …

24.04.2020 - 14:55 [ ]

Fakten-Check: Sonne, Wärme und UV-Licht schlecht für Coronaviren?


Ein Gerücht, das sich hartnäckig hält: Wärme, Sonne und UV-Licht sollen das Coronavirus eindämmen. Höchste Zeit, dass damit aufgeräumt wird! Denn so heiß, dass es den Coronaviren schaden könnte, wird es höchstens in der Sauna. Ausgangsbeschränkungen und Kontaktverbot dürfen vorerst also nicht gelockert werden – und das Thema Osterausflug ist nach wie vor Geschichte.

24.04.2020 - 14:35 [ ]

Coronavirus dies in SUNLIGHT in just minutes, groundbreaking Homeland Security study claims

The game-changing findings of the joint effort between the DHS‘s Science and Technology directorate and Donald Trump‘s coronavirus task force was revealed at Thursday‘s White House press briefing.

The virus dies quickest in the presence of direct sunlight, and it survives best in indoor conditions, the study found.

24.04.2020 - 14:33 [ Tony Thomas / Twitter ]

US DHS study report shows that #Covid_19 does not survive heat, sunlight and humidity. In Humidity of 80%, 30c+ temp & sunlight, #coronavirus may survive about 1 min versus 1 day. DHS suggested that people should do outside activities because sunlight impedes the virus spread.

24.04.2020 - 14:32 [ CNN ]

Fact check: Trump wrongly suggests sunlight could help cure coronavirus

Immediately after the briefing, two doctors told CNN‘s Erin Burnett that Trump‘s comments did not make medical sense and warned against taking his suggestions seriously.

„Very little of what the President said as it pertains to disinfection or phototherapy makes any sense,“ said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist at The George Washington University Hospital who advised the White House during President George W. Bush‘s tenure.

02.04.2020 - 18:16 [ Xinhuanet ]

NASA selects new mission to study giant solar particle storms

The new mission, called the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE), will help understand how the solar system works to protect astronauts traveling in space by providing better information on how the Sun‘s radiation affects the space environment, said the release.

02.01.2020 - 16:44 [ ]

Pluto Is Emitting X-Rays, and That’s Really Weird


The most likely explanation, according to Wolk, is that high energy particles from the solar wind are colliding with escaped bits of Pluto’s atmosphere—which is mostly nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen—stripping away electrons, and producing an x-ray flare. If true, that’s a very important insight, because it means Pluto’s atmosphere is boiling away into space. Slowly.

15.11.2019 - 18:07 [ Tuan Do, Astronomer at UCLA ‏/ Twitter ]

Here‘s a timelapse of images over 2.5 hr from May from @keckobservatory of the supermassive black hole Sgr A*. The black hole is always variable, but this was the brightest we‘ve seen in the infrared so far. It was probably even brighter before we started observing that night!

15.11.2019 - 18:04 [ ]

Unprecedented variability of Sgr A* in NIR


The electromagnetic counterpart to the Galactic center supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, has been observed in the near-infrared for over 20 years and is known to be highly variable. We report new Keck Telescope observations showing that Sgr A* reached much brighter flux levels in 2019 than ever measured at near-infrared wavelengths. In the K$^\prime$ band, Sgr A* reached flux levels of $\sim6$ mJy, twice the level of the previously observed peak flux from $>13,000$ measurements over 130 nights with the VLT and Keck Telescopes. We also observe a factor of 75 change in flux over a 2-hour time span with no obvious color changes between 1.6 $\mu$m and 2.1 $\mu$m.

15.11.2019 - 18:00 [ ]

Milky Way’s Black Hole Just Flared, Growing 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours


Even though the black hole at the center of the Milky Way is a monster, it’s still rather quiet. Called Sagittarius A*, it’s about 4.6 million times more massive than our Sun. Usually, it’s a brooding behemoth. But scientists observing Sgr. A* with the Keck Telescope just watched as its brightness bloomed to over 75 times normal for a few hours.

15.11.2019 - 17:58 [ ]

Something Weird Is Happening to the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way


Astronomers have been watching the black hole at the center of our galaxy for 20 years, and in May, they saw something they‘d never seen before.

15.11.2019 - 17:47 [ ]

The large-scale ionization cones in the Galaxy


Our time-dependent Seyfert flare models adequately explain the observations and indicate the Seyfert flare event took place T_o = 3.5 +/- 1 Myr ago.

15.11.2019 - 17:32 [ ]

Something in The Centre of Our Galaxy Colossally Erupted 3.5 Million Years Ago


In 2013, astrophysicist Joss Bland-Hawthorn of the University of Sydney and the ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) and colleagues estimated that the event occurred between 1 and 3 million years ago.

Now, more observations taken using the Hubble Space Telescope – and therefore a bigger dataset – have provided even more compelling evidence for the event. And the team has been able to narrow down a timeframe for both when the event occurred, as well as its duration.

15.11.2019 - 17:29 [ ]

Fossil imprint of a powerful flare at the Galactic Centre along the Magellanic Stream


Thus it is likely that the Stream emission arose from a `Seyfert flare‘ that was active 1-3 Myr ago, consistent with the cosmic ray lifetime in the Fermi bubbles. Sgr A* activity today is greatly suppressed (70-80 dB) relative to the Seyfert outburst…

15.11.2019 - 17:16 [ Forbes ]

The Milky Way‘s Supermassive Black Hole Erupted Two Million Years Ago


The key the astronomers found was actually discovered 20 years old, in the form of a strange glow that astronomers had noticed in the Magellanic Stream. The Magellanic Stream is composed of large clouds of gas – mostly hydrogen – that stretch for light years in the wake of the Milky Way‘s two companion Galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The Stream is about 2 billion years old.

„We didn‘t understand the cause. Then suddenly we realised it must be the mark, the fossil record, of a huge outburst of energy from the centre of our Galaxy,“ remarked researcher Joss Bland-Hawthorn in a press release.

07.08.2019 - 17:37 [ ]

Drohnen mit Wärmebild-Kamera ab 2250 Euro

Wärmebildkameras sind ein Nischenprodukt, trotzdem gibt es eine ganze Reihe an interessanten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Eine davon ist die Suche nach vermissten Personen. Hierfür sind Drohnen mit Thermalkamera besonders gut geeignet. Dank der Vogelperspektive in Verbindung mit einer hohen Reichweite ist es möglich, sehr große Areale in kurzer Zeit abzusuchen. Ob die Gegend bewachsen und unzugänglich ist, ist der Drohne völlig egal.

02.08.2019 - 17:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER MOBILE TELEVISOR (III): „Boden durchdringender Radar“ aus Luftraum und Orbit


Für die Durchleuchtung von Materialien aus größerer Entfernung, etwa aus dem Weltraum, wird niedrig frequente elektromagnetische Strahlung im Spektrum der Kurzwelle angewendet. Bereits seit 2004 wird zumindest durch eine Agency mittels von Satelliten ausgesendeter Strahlung mit einer Wellenlänge von 50 Metern (6 MHz) bis 100 Metern (3 MHz) offiziell nicht nur durch sämtliche Materialien auf der Oberfläche, sondern kilometertief ins Innere des Planeten vorgedrungen. Bei der Agency handelte es sich um die „European Space Agency“ E.S.A. und beim Planeten um den Mars.

Verwendet wurde das vor dem Start der Mars Express Sonde in 2003 entwickelte M.A.R.S.I.S.-System („Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding“), welches für seinen Boden durchdringenden Radar („ground-penetrating radar“, G.P.R.) Techniken des „synthetic aperture radar“ („künstliche Schlitze Radar“, S.A.R.) verwendet. Das offiziell unter Kontrolle der Bundeswehr mit ihrem „Kommando Strategische Aufklärung“ stehende, aber ebenfalls vom Bundesnachrichtendienst B.N.D. genutzte Satellitensystem „SAR-Lupe“, welches diese Technik verwendet und offiziell seine volle Leistungsfähigkeit 2008 erreichte, sollte allen ein Begriff sein, was es nicht ist. Diesbezüglich gilt es darauf hinzuweisen, dass verfassungsrechtlich der Militäreinsatz im Inneren entsprechend neu definiert und effektiv überprüft werden müsste, was er nicht wird.

02.08.2019 - 17:56 [ ]

Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US

The FCC documents show that Southcom’s balloons are carrying small, satellite-like vehicles housing sophisticated sensors and communication gear. One of those sensors is a synthetic aperture radar intended to detect every car or boat in motion on a 25-mile swath beneath the balloon.

The balloons also have advanced mesh networking technologies that allow them to communicate with one another, share data and pass it to receivers on the ground below.

13.07.2019 - 16:40 [ ]

The Thermosphere Responds to a Weaker Than Normal Solar Cycle

The cooling near solar minimum is natural and specific to the thermosphere. The cooling thermosphere does not affect the troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth’s surface where people live. The temperatures we experience on the ground do not get colder because of this solar cycle. NASA and other climate researchers continue to see a warming trend in the troposphere. These two effects are ongoing but unrelated.

Nitric oxide and carbon dioxide play important roles in cooling the thermosphere.

16.06.2019 - 11:31 [ Christina H Koch, current resident of the International @Space_Station / Twitter ]

Years ago at the South Pole, I looked up to the aurora for inspiration through the 6-month winter night. Now I know they’re just as awe inspiring from above. #nofilter


16.06.2019 - 11:25 [ Robert Schwarz, scientist at the geographic South Pole, Planet Earth / Twitter ]

auroras over the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station


30.05.2019 - 15:49 [ ]

Cosmic-ray volleys from the Galactic Center and their recent impact on the earth environment

Authors: Laviolette, P. A.
Journal: Earth, Moon, and Planets (ISSN 0167-9295), vol. 37, March 1987, p. 241-286.

14.05.2019 - 21:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Während die IT-„Experten“ seit 20 Jahren Luftmaus spielen, gebt Ihr Euch jetzt mal sichere Passwörter


Erklärung: wenn Ihr Passwörter direkt in einen Browser, Euer Mailprogramm, Anwenderprogramm, etc, eingebt, der eine sichere Verbindung hat (https), umgeht Ihr unserer Analyse zufolge die auslesbare Memory Eures Computer-Prozessors. Habt Ihr aber Euer Passwort irgendwo gespeichert, ist dieses mitlesbar sobald ihr es über die „Copy“-Funktion in den Speicher / die Memory ladet.

29.04.2019 - 10:50 [ ]

Rapid destruction of Earth-like atmospheres by young stars


The high energy radiation is important because it is absorbed high in the atmosphere of a planet, causing the gas to be heated. For the Earth, the gas is heated to temperatures of more than 1000 degrees Celsius in the upper region known as the thermosphere. This is the region in which spacecraft such as satellites and the International Space Station fly. When orbiting young stars with high activity levels, the thermospheres of planets are heated to much higher temperatures which, in extreme cases, can cause the gas to flow away from the planet.

06.03.2019 - 14:09 [ ]

Google looks to leave passwords behind for a billion Android devices

(25.2.2019) Google and the Fast Identity Online Alliance said Monday that Android is now FIDO2-certified, meaning its devices can use fingerprints and security keys for logging in to accounts instead of passwords. The certification was unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

06.03.2019 - 14:03 [ Wikipedia ]

FIDO Alliance

FIDO supports a full range of authentication technologies, including biometrics such as fingerprint and iris scanners, voice and facial recognition, as well as existing solutions and communications standards, such as Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), USB security tokens, embedded Secure Elements (eSE), smart cards, and near field communication (NFC).[2] The USB security token device may be used to authenticate using a simple password (e.g. four-digit PIN) or by pressing a button.

06.03.2019 - 14:00 [ ]

Microsoft: You looking at me funny? Oh, you just want to sign in

(21.11.2018) Microsoft‘s corporate veep of all things identity, Alex Simons, trumpeted that the 800 million people who use a Microsoft account will now be able to sign in without username or password.

06.03.2019 - 13:54 [ ]

Android Gets FIDO2 Support: Death to Passwords?

(28.2.2019) The FIDO2 standard comprises the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Authentication specification and the corresponding Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) from FIDO Alliance. Together these initiatives create an ecosystem of compliant devices that can easily authenticate themselves to online services.

03.03.2019 - 13:42 [ ]

Die Stadt und ihre Gebäude sollen zum Panopticon werden

(25. Oktober 2008) Mittlerweile ist der öffentliche Raum in Städten mit unterschiedlichen Kameras und anderen Sensoren am Boden oder in der Luft, beispielsweise in Drohnen, Flugzeugen, Satelliten oder Luftschiffen, weitgehend transparent für eine permanente und flächendeckende Überwachung geworden. Probleme macht der umbaute Raum, denn hier können bislang nur in einzelnen Objekten durch die Anbringung von Kameras, einen heimlich ausgeführten Lauschangriff, Millimeterwellen-, Terahertz- bzw. Ultra-Breitband-Radarsystemen (UWB) oder Backscatter-Röntgentechnik die Innenräume durch die Mauern hindurch erfasst und Menschen und Dinge in ihnen ausgemacht und lokalisiert werden.

03.03.2019 - 13:16 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet Union to W. Averell Harriman, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, needing electromagnetic energy from an outside source to become energized and activate, it is considered a predecessor of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

03.03.2019 - 13:15 [ Wikipedia ]

Das Ding (Abhörgerät)

Das Ding (englisch The Thing) ist die Bezeichnung für ein sowjetisches Abhörgerät, das in einer Schnitzerei des amerikanischen Wappens verborgen war. Die Schnitzerei wurde im Jahr 1945 an den damaligen US-Botschafter in der Sowjetunion übergeben und hing bis zu ihrer Entdeckung im Jahr 1952 in dessen Residenz.

Das Ding bestand hauptsächlich aus einer Schwingungsmembran und einer Antenne. Das Ding benötigte keine eigene Energiequelle, sondern modulierte ein von außerhalb eingestrahltes Signal, wenn dieses die richtige Frequenz hatte. Das Arbeitsprinzip ist somit vergleichbar dem eines Hochfrequenz-Kondensatormikrofons.

03.03.2019 - 13:05 [ ]

Verbreitung von RFID nach Anwendungen

Die Verbreitung von RFID nach Anwendungen veranschaulicht nachfolgende Tabelle. Dabei wurden die verkauften Tags in den Jahren 1944 bis 2005 zugrunde gelegt (kumuliert).
Anwendung Tags(Mio.)
Transport: 1000
Finanzen / Sicherheitstechnik: 670
Handel / Konsum: 230
Freizeit: 100
Wäschereien: 75
Bibliotheken / Archive: 70
Fertigung: 50
Landwirtschaft / Tier-ID: 45
Gesundheit: 40
Luftfahrt: 25
Logistik: 10
Militär: 2
Sonstige: 80

03.03.2019 - 12:58 [ ]

Passive Elektrogeräte müssen bei der stiftung ear registriert werden

(1.3.2019) Bislang wurden alle Elektrogeräte, wenn sie für den Betrieb mit Wechselspannung von höchstens 1.000 Volt oder Gleichspannung von höchstens 1.500 Volt ausgelegt sind und zu ihrem ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb von elektrischen Strömen oder elektromagnetischen Feldern abhängig sind oder der Erzeugung, Übertragung und Messung von elektrischen Strömen und elektromagnetischen Feldern dienen, vom ElektroG erfasst. Dazu zählten nicht nur klassische Elektrogeräte, sondern auch Produkte mit elektrischen oder elektronischen Komponenten wie Möbel, Kleidung (Wearables) oder Lifestyle-Produkte.

03.03.2019 - 12:48 [ ]

Met lab claims ‚biggest breakthrough since Watergate‘: Power lines act as police informers

(1.6.2010) ENF relies on frequency variations in the electricity supplied by the National Grid. Digital devices such as CCTV recorders, telephone recorders and camcorders that are plugged in to or located near the mains pick up these deviations in the power supply, which are caused by peaks and troughs in demand. Battery-powered devices are not immune to to ENF analysis, as grid frequency variations can be induced in their recordings from a distance.

At the Metropolitan Police‘s digital forensics lab in Penge, south London, scientists have created a database that has recorded these deviations once every one and a half seconds for the last five years.

03.03.2019 - 12:37 [ ]

Methoden beim Landeskriminalamt: Präparation von Einzelschuppen

(16.2.2011) Das Störgeräusch kann sogar zu hören sein, wenn das Aufnahmegerät gar nicht am elektrischen Netz hängt, zum Beispiel wenn der Film mit einer tragbaren Videokamera aufgenommen worden ist. Denn oft reicht der Ton, der von anderen Elektrogeräten im Raum ausgeht, um die Schwankungen in der Frequenz messen zu können.

Seit Juli 2010 schneiden die Beamten die Netzfrequenz mit, 24 Stunden am Tag, Ziel ist eine Datenbank.

13.02.2019 - 13:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Während die IT-„Experten“ seit 20 Jahren Luftmaus spielen, gebt Ihr Euch jetzt mal sichere Passwörter

(6.5.2018) Erklärung: wenn Ihr Passwörter direkt in einen Browser, Euer Mailprogramm, Anwenderprogramm, etc, eingebt, der eine sichere Verbindung hat (https), umgeht Ihr unserer Analyse zufolge die auslesbare Memory Eures Computer-Prozessors. Habt Ihr aber Euer Passwort irgendwo gespeichert, ist dieses mitlesbar sobald ihr es über die „Copy“-Funktion in den Speicher / die Memory ladet.

13.02.2019 - 12:56 [ National Security Agency ]

TEMPEST: A Signal Problem

(1972) Now, let´s go back to the beginning. During World War II, the backbone systems for Army und Navy secure teletypewriter communications were one-time tapes and the primitive crypto-equipment SIGTOT. For encrypting, the Services used a Bell-telephone mixing device, called 131-B2. When one of these mixers was being tested in a Bell laboratory, a researcher noticed, quite by accident, that each time the machine stepped, a spike appeared on an oscilloscope in a distant part of the lab. After he examined these spikes more carefully, he found that he could read the plain text of the message being enciphered by the machine.

13.02.2019 - 12:44 [ Wim van Eck / ]

Electromagnetic Radiation from Video Display Units: An Eavesdropping Risk?

(1985) In February, 1985, we carried out an eavesdropping experiment in London, in cooperation with the British Broadcasting Corporation. Part of the results were shown in the programme „Tomorrow‘s World.“ A small van was equipped with a 10 metre high pump mast to which a VHF band III antenna was clamped (10 dB gain). The received signal was fed through an antenna, amplified (18 dB) and displayed on a television screen inside the van.

For obvious reasons we cannot give information on the data picked up during the experiment. The results can be
summarized as follows:

• It is possible to eavesdrop on the video display units or terminals in buildings from a large distance, using a car fitted up for the purpose.

• Although the experiment was carried out in broad daylight and many people watched us, nobody asked what we were doing.

13.02.2019 - 12:38 [ Universität Tel Aviv ]

Stealing Keys from PCs using a Radio: Cheap Electromagnetic Attacks on Windowed Exponentiation

(April 2015) Q1: What information is leaked by the electromagnetic emanations from computers?

This depends on the specific computer hardware. We have tested numerous laptop computers, and found the following:
In almost all machines, it is possible to tell, with sub-millisecond precision, whether the computer is idle or performing operations.
On many machines, it is moreover possible to distinguish different patterns of CPU operations and different programs.
Using GnuPG as our study case, we can, on some machines:
distinguish between the spectral signatures of different RSA secret keys (signing or decryption), and fully extract decryption keys, by measuring the laptop‘s electromagnetic emanations during decryption of a chosen ciphertext.

21.01.2019 - 22:34 [ ]

Geheimprojekt: Facebook testet mit Airbus Internet-Drohnen in Australien

Mit Hilfe der Airbus-Drohne Zephyr möchte der Social-Media-Konzern künftig aus der Stratosphäre Internet auf die Erde strahlen. Die Drohnen steigen den Plänen nach in eine Höhe von 20 Kilometern auf. Dort nehmen sie per Mikrowellen-Strahlung Verbindung zum Boden auf. Selbst entlegene Erdgegenden sollen damit online gebracht werden – und Facebook nutzen.

03.11.2018 - 20:34 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

What are the effects of refugee publisher @JulianAssange being exposed to eighteen signal jammers (3 clusters, six antennas per cluster) in a confined space 24/7 for seven months? This paper offers a glimpse

03.11.2018 - 20:32 [ Journal of Biomedial Physics & Engineering ]

Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted from Common Mobile Phone Jammers Alters the Pattern of Muscle Contractions: an Animal Model Study

These findings support early reports which indicated a wide variety of non-thermal effects of electromagnetic radiation on amphibians including the effects on the pattern of muscle extractions.

26.07.2018 - 14:51 [ National Security Agency ]

TEMPEST: A Signal Problem

(1972) Now, let´s go back to the beginning. During World War II, the backbone systems for Army und Navy secure teletypewriter communications were one-time tapes and the primitive crypto-equipment SIGTOT. For encrypting, the Services used a Bell-telephone mixing device, called 131-B2. When one of these mixers was being tested in a Bell laboratory, a researcher noticed, quite by accident, that each time the machine stepped, a spike appeared on an oscilloscope in a distant part of the lab. After he examined these spikes more carefully, he found that he could read the plain text of the message being enciphered by the machine.

26.07.2018 - 14:49 [ Radio Utopie ]

Spionage und Informationskontrolle: Der technologische Quantensprung in 1943

(20.7.2014) USA, 1943. Mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg.

In einem Labor der 1877 vom Schwiegervater Alexander Graham Bells gegründeten Bell Company (heute der Weltkonzern AT&T), die für das 1860 gegründete Signal Corps der US Armee arbeitet, testet ein Wissenschaftler der Bell Company das 1925 von der US Armee in Dienst gestellte verschlüsselnde Text-Kommunikationssystem SIGTOT. Es arbeitet nach dem US Patent #1,310,719 für ein „geheimes Signalsystem“ des Bell Technikers Gilbert S. Vernam aus 1919 und benutzt zur Verschlüsselung ein Bell Gerät namens 131-B2.

An jenem Tage des Jahres 1943 bemerkt nun der für die US Armee arbeitende Wissenschaftler der Bell Company ein technisches Phänomen, welches bis heute fast der gesamten Weltbevölkerung unbekannt ist, obwohl es die Sicherheit, die Privatsphäre, die Gesellschaften, die Staaten, die Sicherheit und das Leben von heute 7 Milliarden Menschen unmittelbar berührt und gefährdet:

jedes Mal wenn er über den verschlüsselnden Text-Kommunikations-Apparat SIGTOT einen Buchstaben eintippt, schlägt in einem entfernten Teil des Labors ein Oszilloskop aus. Und zwar fünf Mal, für jedes Zeichen pro Sekunde („baud“). Als er die angezeigten Spannungsspitzen näher analysiert, stellt er fest, dass er die in den Text-Kommunikations-Apparat der Armee per Hand eingetippten und anschließend verschlüsselten Texte aus der Entfernung unverschlüsselt mitlesen kann.

26.07.2018 - 14:42 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviets to the US Ambassador to Moscow on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, being energized and activated by electromagnetic energy from an outside source, it is considered a predecessor of RFID technology.

26.07.2018 - 14:39 [ ]

Verbreitung von RFID nach Anwendungen

Die Verbreitung von RFID nach Anwendungen veranschaulicht nachfolgende Tabelle. Dabei wurden die verkauften Tags in den Jahren 1944 bis 2005 zugrunde gelegt (kumuliert).
Anwendung Tags(Mio.)
Transport: 1000
Finanzen / Sicherheitstechnik: 670
Handel / Konsum: 230
Freizeit: 100
Wäschereien: 75
Bibliotheken / Archive: 70
Fertigung: 50
Landwirtschaft / Tier-ID: 45
Gesundheit: 40
Luftfahrt: 25
Logistik: 10
Militär: 2
Sonstige: 80

23.04.2018 - 14:24 [ Radio Utopie ]

Analyse: Geheimdienstlicher Komplex will das stadtweite „Überwachungs“-System in Berlin wieder aktivieren lassen

(30.12.2016) Man darf mutmaßen, dass dieses angenommene (ich sagte es bereits) Spionage-System zur Durchleuchtung und „strategischen Kontrolle“ der Bevölkerung – in dem die einzelnen Bestandteile programmtechnisch verschmelzen und das „big picture“ einer Puppenstube für in Kriegszeiten nach oben geschwemmte, bizarre Charaktere ergeben – zu einem günstigen Zeitpunkt nach der Landtagswahl und kurz vor Amtsantritt des neuen Innensenators in aller Stille deaktiviert und der Zugriff durch den internationalen geheimdienstlichen Komplex zumindest teilweise beschränkt wurde.

Die Reaktivierung dieses stadtweiten Systems der „urban control“ könnte durchaus eine der Fliegen sein, die am 19. Dezember auf dem Breitscheidplatz geklatscht werden sollten – wenn die Landesverbände von „die Linke“ und „Grünen“ denn mitmachen.

Wir dürfen das gelassen abwarten.

Letzter Punkt: der Begriff „überwachen“ impliziert, dass das ausspionierte und beobachtete Objekt gefährlich sei. Insofern ist schon der Begriff „Überwachungsstaat“ falsch. Ziel der Bevölkerung muss vielmehr der überwachte Staat sein.

In Vorkriegszeiten nannte man so etwas Demokratie.