Archiv: interviews (de / en)

19.12.2024 - 15:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Der Umsturz in Syrien, seine Hintergründe und möglichen Auswirkungen

Und was Israel angeht – auf kurze Sicht profitiert es wohl davon. Israel hat die Situation dazu genutzt, mehr Land zu besetzen, angeblich Waffenlager zerstört. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein islamischer Staat auf längere Sicht gut für Israel ist.

Vor einem guten Jahr hat sich in der israelischen Führung ein riesiger Wandel vollzogen. Ein wichtiges Ziel dieser neuen Strömung: Es darf keinen Palästinenserstaat geben. Man will einen durch und durch jüdischen Staat. Israels Bevölkerung ist zerrissen, was diese Themen angeht, fast am Rande eines Bürgerkrieges. Netanjahu ist autoritärer denn je, er hat alles persönlich unter Kontrolle.

Und es hat sich noch etwas drastisch verändert: Die Israelis in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren waren säkulare Europäer, diese Menschen an der Regierung heute sind alttestamentarisch. Sie sind nicht der Logik und der Ratio zugänglich, sondern sie fühlen sich ihrer quasi biblischen Vision verpflichtet. Da ist magisches Denken am Werk.
Für mich ist das eine Art geopolitisches Schneeballsystem. Netanjahu setzt alles daran, die Kämpfe am Laufen zu halten – würde man innehalten und das Ganze hinterfragen, würde das System kollabieren wie bei einem Schneeballsystem.

03.12.2024 - 14:18 [ ]

Aufständische in Aleppo: „Die Schwäche der Verbündeten Syriens genutzt“

Zum anderen dürfte das, was wir in Syrien sehen, der Hinweis auf eine etwas größer angelegte türkische Strategie sein. Ich vermute, dass die Türkei längerfristig große Teile von Nord- und Ostsyrien einer zumindest indirekten Kontrolle unterwerfen und damit vor allem das kurdische Autonomiegebiet im Nordosten Syriens in Schach halten oder sogar beseitigen will. Dort herrscht nämlich ein Ableger der türkischen PKK.

28.11.2024 - 08:34 [ CNN ]

Ukraine is relying on drones to hold back Russian advances. Troops on the frontline are fearing the worst

Ukraine cannot match Moscow’s numbers, or a tolerance for casualties that Western officials claim is resulting in up to 1,200 dead or injured daily across the frontlines. Kyiv’s manpower crisis has been palpable in Pokrovsk for weeks, soldiers around the eastern front told CNN, and Moscow’s savage tactics are seeing persistent success.

“The situation is very critical,” said East, the callsign of a commander of a drone unit with Ukraine’s 15th National Guard working around Pokrovsk. “We lack infantry to fight and hold out for some time while the drones do their work. That’s why we often see situations where the enemy uncontrollably penetrates vulnerable areas.”

16.11.2024 - 12:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese calls David Lammy a ‚genocide denier‘

)November 14, 2024)

The United Nations special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories has accused British Foreign Secretary David Lammy of being a „genocide denier“ and said the UK has done „nothing“ to prevent atrocities in Gaza.

In an interview with Middle East Eye in London on Wednesday, Francesca Albanese took aim at Lammy in response to comments he made in late October denying that Israel is committing genocide.

„I hadn‘t realised that Mr Lammy was a lawyer,“ she said, referring to Lammy‘s legal background.

„As a politician, you might say that for political convenience,“ she suggested, adding that would still make someone „a genocide denier“.

04.11.2024 - 09:50 [ Antiwar News With Dave DeCamp / ]

What an American Surgeon Saw in Gaza: Interview With Dr. Feroze Sidhwa

Tell President Biden to meet with Feroze and other healthcare workers who volunteered in Gaza:

28.10.2024 - 19:42 [ Democracy Now ]

“Save Us from Ourselves”: 3,000+ Israelis Call for Int’l Help to Pressure Israel to Back Ceasefire

Neve Gordon, welcome back to Democracy Now! Can you start off actually by talking about what this letter says? And the number of people is — the last time we looked, it was 2,000 Israelis who have signed it. Now it’s over 3,000, Professor Gordon.

NEVE GORDON: There’s a feeling among Israelis that the change cannot come from within. We do not have enough power from within to change the course of actions that Netanyahu and his government have put in place. And the only way to stop the violence, to stop the genocidal violence in Gaza, to stop the violence in Lebanon, and to stop future attacks and geopolitical war in the region is that leaders in Europe and leaders in North America, particularly the United States, put their leg down and say enough is enough and threaten Israel that if there is no ceasefire, they will sanction Israel, they will stop arms trade with Israel, they’ll stop sending Israel money, and ultimately stop trading with Israel. So, our belief is, to save the populations that inhabit this region, we need such an action.

14.10.2024 - 10:19 [ Newsweek ]

Jill Stein: How and Why I Will Stop Kamala Harris Winning the White House

(September 30, 2024)

„The Democrats cannot win without the support of the Muslim American community. And that community has left the station and is not coming back unless the Democrats decide that it‘s more important to them to win the election than it is to conduct the genocide,“ Stein said in an interview with Newsweek.

„So they have to do a 180 on the genocide and they don‘t appear willing to do that. They could win those votes back, but it doesn‘t look like that‘s on the cards. So it looks like they are sacrificing several swing states.“ Israel denies it is conducting genocide.

13.10.2024 - 02:00 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Green Pres. & VP Candidates Jill Stein, Butch Ware on Gaza & Fighting „Two Zombie Political Parties“

(September 25, 2024)

Democracy Now! speaks with the Green Party‘s presidential ticket, Jill Stein and her running mate Butch Ware, after the Green Party suffered a setback Friday when the U.S. Supreme Court declined a request to put Stein on the ballot in Nevada. The Democratic Party had sued to keep Stein off the ballot for failing to submit the proper forms. In this campaign cycle,

04.10.2024 - 15:22 [ CNN ]

Hezbollah leader agreed to temporary ceasefire days before assassination, says Lebanese foreign minister

Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a 21-day ceasefire just days before he was assassinated by Israel.

The temporary ceasefire was called for by US President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and other allies during last week’s UN General Assembly.

04.10.2024 - 15:12 [ Democracy Now! ]

Lebanese FM Claims Israel Killed Nasrallah Shortly After He Agreed to Ceasefire

Christiane Amanpour: “Are you saying Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a ceasefire just moments before he was assassinated?”

Abdallah Bou Habib: “He agreed. He agreed, yes, yes. We agreed completely. Lebanon agreed to a ceasefire, but consulting with the Hezbollah. The speaker, Mr. Berri, consulted with Hezbollah. And we informed the Americans and the French that that’s what happened.”

Christiane Amanpour: “So” —

Abdallah Bou Habib: “And they told us that Mr. Netanyahu also agreed on the statement that was issued by both presidents.”

10.09.2024 - 18:10 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

(September 5, 2024)

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:12 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

ICC prosecutor says world leaders ‚threatened‘ him over Israel arrest warrants

Though several months have passed since Khan‘s application, ICC judges have not issued any arrest warrants.

Speaking to the BBC, Khan said it was important to show the court would hold all nations to the same standard in relation to alleged war crimes. He also welcomed the new UK government‘s recent decision to drop its opposition to the arrest warrants.

05.09.2024 - 21:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

‘We need to apply the law‘: ICC prosecutor defends Netanyahu arrest warrant

Khan pointed out that the same political leaders who had applauded the court’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin had condemned the same being done for the Israeli leadership.

“We need to apply the law in a way that is equal, because if we don’t, and importantly if we’re not seen to, we’re going to lose all the architecture, not just the ICC, that has been built on human suffering since Nuremberg.”

05.09.2024 - 21:41 [ ]

IStGH-Chefankläger verteidigt Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu

Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) hat die beantragten Haftbefehle gegen Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Joav Galant verteidigt. Ihm sei von mehreren führenden Politikern und anderen von dem Schritt abgeraten worden, sagte Karim Khan in einem BBC-Interview. Es sei aber wichtig zu zeigen, dass für alle Länder die gleichen Maßstäbe gälten, wenn es um mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen gehe.

29.08.2024 - 22:00 [ Rolling Stone ]

Francis Ford Coppola: ‘I Have Nothing Left to Lose’

At Cannes, where it premiered in May, Megalopolis managed to be the single most divisive film of the festival; love it or hate it, Coppola’s huge swing for the philosophical fences is a truly singular work — and is exactly the movie that he wanted to make. (It’s set to hit theaters on Sept. 27.) That Coppola somehow managed in his eighties to will this long-gestating pet project into being and self-finance it against his winery for $120 million is borderline unbelievable, even given his legacy as someone willing to bet a fortune and/or a film studio to follow a dream. “I have everything to lose here,” he says, referring to this portrait of the decline, fall, and Phoenix-like rise of a civilization. “And, in a way, I have nothing left to lose anymore.”

29.08.2024 - 16:43 [ CNN ]

Harris’ CNN interview is the latest highly anticipated twist in wild presidential race

Harris will appear alongside her vice presidential pick, Tim Walz, in a CNN primetime special airing at 9 p.m. ET from Georgia, where she is on a bus tour designed to put a swing state the GOP thought it was close to securing in November back on the board.

27.04.2024 - 18:52 [ ]

“We Are Not Afraid of You”: Voices from Inside the Growing Anti-War Movement Sweeping US Campuses

On this special episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with folks across the country that are taking part in the exploding movement of anti-war encampments and occupations sweeping across US campuses in solidarity with Palestine.

25.04.2024 - 08:33 [ Junge Welt ]

Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit: »Kritik zum Verstummen bringen«

„Aufgabe des Gremiums ist es auch, Maßnahmen gegen ausländische Medien zu koordinieren, die die öffentliche Sicherheit schwer gefährden. Das läuft letztlich auf Zensur hinaus, weil man es als Gefährdung der öffentlichen Sicherheit ansieht, wenn aus dem Ausland heraus Propaganda betrieben wird. Stichwort Staatssender, Stichwort RT Deutsch. Natürlich verbreitet jedes Land im Sinne seiner eigenen Interessen Informationen im In- und Ausland. Wenn wir aber anfangen, den Zugang unserer eigenen Bürger zu ausländischen Informationsquellen abzuschneiden, ist das nicht vereinbar mit den Grundsätzen eines freien Landes und eines mündigen Bürgers. Ich halte es für den völlig falschen Weg, unter dem vermeintlichem Deckmantel des Schutzes der öffentlichen Sicherheit Auslandsmedien zensieren zu wollen. „

16.04.2024 - 19:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of ‚genocide complicity‘ after being refused entry


„This morning, at 10 o‘clock, I landed in Berlin to attend a conference on Palestine, where I had been asked, along with many others … to give my evidence of the 43 days that I had seen in the hospitals in Gaza, working in both al-Shifa and al-Ahli hospitals,“ he said.

Abu Sittah said he was escorted from the passport office to the basement of the airport, where he was questioned for three-and-a-half hours.

„At the end of three-and-a-half hours, I was told that I woud not be allowed to enter German soil and that this ban will last the whole of April,“ he said.

16.04.2024 - 19:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Beweise begraben, Zeugen zum Schweigen bringen

Es ist Freitag gegen Abend, der 12. April 2024. In der Hand hält der Arzt ein Mikrophon von Middle East Eye (MEE), einem in England ansässigen Internetportal, das in englischer und französischer Sprache Nachrichten über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten veröffentlicht. Ruhig und überlegt berichtet der Arzt, was ihm am Berliner Flughafen widerfahren ist, eindringlich blicken seine Augen durch die großen, dunkel gerahmten Brillengläser.

21.03.2024 - 01:32 [ New York Times ]

‘Part of My Core’: How Schumer Decided to Speak Out Against Netanyahu


It was here, he recalled, inside this hulking red brick school deep in south Brooklyn, where at 16 he was glued to his transistor radio to hear breaking news of the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. It was where he idolized Sandy Koufax, the Jewish pitcher for the Dodgers who refused to play on Yom Kippur, and learned it was cool to be proud of his heritage.

And on Sunday, Mr. Schumer, the New York Democrat, majority leader and highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States, returned to explain how his upbringing in Jewish Brooklyn in the shadow of the Holocaust prompted him to deliver a politically risky speech that brought about a watershed moment in the politics of U.S.-Israeli relations.

21.03.2024 - 01:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Presidential hopeful Cornel West slams Biden‘s Gaza policy: ‚Our politicians are cowards‘

On this episode of Real Talk we ask White House hopeful Cornel West why he called Joe Biden a ‚war criminal‘.

The progressive scholar who speaks fervently about the war on Gaza and explains why Biden‘s Gaza policy makes him a ‚hypocrite,‘ how Arab-American voters will turn their backs on him and why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a ‚gangster‘.

15.03.2024 - 17:04 [ Jacobin ]

Were Haiti’s Capitalists Behind the Assassination of President Moïse?


Claiming to be agents with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (the DEA, which maintains a presence in Haiti to assist with counter-narcotics operations), the group gained entry to the home and killed the president.


What happened in Haiti on July 7?

KIM IVES There was a band of mercenaries with brand new Nissan Patrol vehicles. They clearly had knowledge of the layout of the presidential compound, where Moïse lived. They were clearly well-financed, well-prepared. It was a very sophisticated operation.

Who had the money to do that? And who would want to do that?

Haiti Liberté’s working hypothesis is that the mercenaries, more than likely, were hired by one or a consortium of the bourgeois families who are opposed to Moïse. Reginald Boulos is one. Dimitri Vorbe is another. There are several others who were unhappy with Moïse.

If this hypothesis is correct, their fear is of the uprising that is coming out of Haiti’s vast shantytowns, where the lumpenproletariat is organizing itself into armed gangs, which have now vowed to carry out a revolution against the bourgeoisie and “the rotten system,” as they call it in Haiti.

10.03.2024 - 18:25 [ MSNBC ]

Exclusive interview with President Biden following State of the Union address

During an exclusive interview with Jonathan Capehart, President Biden discussed topics from his State of the Union address including a hot-mic moment with Secy. Blinken, calling a migrant „an illegal,“ and his optimism for a ceasefire in Gaza. March 9, 2024

01.03.2024 - 22:03 [ ]

‘Little Rishi Sunak’: George Galloway Fires Back After Prime Minister Calls Win ‘Alarming’

Galloway turned the question around: “We had this conversation last night. Why are you reheating it?”

Coates repeated: “Because in the light of the Prime Minister’s…”

“Don’t keep telling me about the Prime Minister as if he was Moses!” the MP interrupted.

“Do you not respect the Prime Minister?” Coates asked.

“Do I respect the Prime Minister? I despise the Prime Minister,” Galloway said.

01.03.2024 - 06:35 [ Medical Aid for Palestinians / Twitter ]

„This is the fastest decline in a population‘s nutrition status ever recorded. That means children are being starved at the fastest rate the world has ever seen.“ @melanie_ward speaks with @IsaCNN about the catastrophic levels of hunger that Israel‘s blockade is causing in Gaza

17.02.2024 - 21:23 [ Assaf, MD / Twitter ]

NYT interview with a West Bank settler, she proudly admits that she is a fascist. I wonder if this mentality is pervasive among the illegal settler community.


11.02.2024 - 09:00 [ Flavio von Witzleben / ]

Ex-Major der Bundeswehr: “Es gibt keine Pflicht zum Gehorsam“ // Florian Pfaff


06.02.2024 - 10:30 [ Niall Bradley / Twitter ]

BOOM! In an interview yesterday on Fox, Trump divulged that the Iranian ‚revenge strikes‘ against the US airbase in northern Iraq 4 years ago were ‚arranged‘ with Iran such that no US troops would be killed, AND that the plan to whack General Soleimani was entirely Netanyahu‘s but that he ‚pulled Israel out‘ of actively participating in the assassination just 2 days beforehand.

Such is modern warfare. It‘s all ‚your proxy force against mine‘, and theatrical ‚force-posturing‘ because, if any real war were to break out between countries with sizable arsenals, the global economy would be wrecked.

Relevant transcript, on Iran telling the US exactly where and when they would strike the US base in northern Iraq:

„I had Iran in check. We hit them very hard [via the assassination of Soleimani], and they had to hit back, I understand that.

Do you know they called me to tell me they‘re going to hit a certain location [at al-Asad airbase], it‘s gonna be outside the perimeter.

They let us know. We had 16 missiles [targeting the base]. They said ‚don‘t move, we‘re going to have to hit you back‘.

Psychologically, they had to do that because we hit them. So they aimed those missiles [outside the base] and said ‚please don‘t attack us, we‘re not gonna hit you‘.“

And, on Israel backing out of the plot:

„When we took out Soleimani, you know, Israel was supposed to do it with us. Two days before the takeout, they said, ‚We can‘t do it, we can‘t do it.‘

I said, ‚What? We can‘t do it?‘

Then I had a certain general, who‘s great, and I said, ‚So, General, do we do it ourselves?‘

He said, ‚We can, sir, it‘s up to you.‘ I said, ‚We‘ll do it.‘

But Israel was a part of it, you know. Bibi [Netanyahu] was a big part of it. And we had everything planned, everything.“

06.02.2024 - 10:25 [ ]

Trump: Israel was in on Soleimani assassination, backed out at 11th hour


The former president and current presidential candidate also told Fox News the Iranian regime was in the final stretch of their controversial nuclear drive, with the connivance of Joe Biden, the sitting U.S. president and Trump‘s main political rival.

„Iran is going to have a nuclear weapon in 60 days, and Biden is allowing them to do it! Now they are a very rich country and they are taking over Iraq.“

06.02.2024 - 10:20 [ ]

Trump Says ‘Netanyahu Let Us Down’ Over Bombing Of Iranian General: ‘Then Bibi Tried to Take Credit For It’


Trump ordered Soleimani’s assassination via a drone strike on Jan. 3, 2020, near Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. Speaking in West Palm Beach, Florida on Wednesday, Trump said Netanyahu was no help in that effort, but that afterward he tried to take credit for it:

26.01.2024 - 12:44 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees. ]

„The large majority of our requests for safe passage to the north have been denied“ @TomWhiteGaza tells @AJEnglish of the direct attack on @UNRWA #KhanYounis training centre south #Gaza yesterday + warns people in north #Gaza are starving, desperate to receive humanitarian aid.

23.01.2024 - 12:10 [ Sahra Wagenknecht / Twitter ]

Statt ständig über die AfD zu reden, sollten wir uns fragen, warum viele Menschen in diesem Land so wütend sind. Im Interview mit der Berliner Morgenpost spreche ich …

über den Zuspruch für die neue Partei #BSW und unsere Pläne für eine bessere Politik:

21.01.2024 - 14:00 [ Christiane Amanpour, @CNN Chief International Anchor / Twitter ]

“The present leadership of Hamas, of the PLO, and of Israel should be excluded from any participation in any future political role,” says former Saudi Ambassador Prince Turki Al Faisal. “They have to pay for what they have done… All of them are failures.”

19.01.2024 - 12:55 [ Democracy Now! / Twitter ]

Palestinian artist Emily Jacir recently had a talk canceled in Berlin. She says the climate of repression in Germany is especially bad for Palestinians and allies, who face rampant harassment, smear campaigns and cancellations. „It‘s very much part of a coordinated movement.“

11.01.2024 - 17:01 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

„It was brilliantly prepared and brilliantly put forward… I think the case they‘ve made is very strong“ @jeremycorbyn interviewed outside the ICJ on the case of genocide brought against Israel

05.01.2024 - 18:31 [ ]

Demands for Israeli Ambassador to UK‘s Expulsion After ‚Clear Call for Genocide‘

Hotovely told Dale that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have found that „every school, every mosque, every second house, has an access to tunnel,“ referring to the tunnels used by Hamas—which were first built when Gaza was under Israeli control in 1980.

„That‘s an argument for destroying the whole of Gaza, every single building,“ Dale said, prompting Hotovely to ask, „Do you have another solution, how to destroy the underground tunnel city?“

Journalist Hamza Ali Shah said the ambassador‘s statement amounted to „a clear call for genocide.“

04.01.2024 - 18:22 [ metacode / Twitter ]

Sam Husseini on the Patrick Henningsen Show… @21WIRE and @samhusseini with an update on the #SouthAfrica case submitted to the International Court of Justice (@TNTRadioLive)

20.12.2023 - 22:50 [ United Nations ]

INTERVIEW: Destruction, displacement, and grief. Senior UNRWA official reflects on ‘unprecedented’ conflict in Gaza

Our teachers are trained to provide education in a way that helps the children follow the values of the United Nations, including peace and tolerance, and no hatred and no racism.

Other accusations concern the involvement of our staff in the fighting, and their political affiliation with certain armed groups in Gaza.

These misinformation campaigns weaken the efforts of what is currently the largest humanitarian organization in the Gaza Strip, catering to the needs of at least 1.4 million people who are in our shelters.

UN News: Although your agency has come under much more scrutiny since 7 October, it has existed since the early days of the UN.

Juliette Touma: Yes, we‘re one of the oldest United Nations agencies, and the biggest in Gaza, where we’ve been operating for seven decades.

Our largest programme involves providing education but sadly, since 7 October, we have had to close all of our schools, and turn many of them into shelters.

18.12.2023 - 11:55 [ ]

In Israel’s killing of 3 hostages, some see the same excessive force directed at Palestinians

Israelis were left stunned and speechless when three hostages held by Hamas were killed by Israeli forces in the middle of an active war zone after they waved a white flag and screamed out in Hebrew to show they did not pose a threat.

For some, the incident was a shocking example of the ugliness of war, where a complex and dangerous battlefield is safe for no one. But for critics, the incident underscores what they say is the excessively violent conduct of Israel’s security apparatus against Palestinians.

16.12.2023 - 15:29 [ ]

Terrorgefahr in Deutschland: Sorge wegen „islamistischer Einzeltäter“

Die deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden erfuhren nach Informationen von ARD-Hauptstadtstudio und SWR von einem ausländischen Nachrichtendienst von dem mutmaßlichen Anschlagsplan. Die Beschuldigten wurden daraufhin identifiziert, abgehört und observiert. Eine konkrete Anschlagsplanung hat es offenbar noch nicht gegeben.

15.12.2023 - 11:00 [ MSNBC ]

Rift emerges as U.S. urges Israel to scale down war in Gaza

Journalist Noga Tarnopolsky joins MSNBC‘s Ali Velshi to discuss the “fissures” emerging as the U.S. pushes Israel to transition to a new phase of the war with Hamas amid a worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, both with the U.S. and inside Israel, where Netanyahu is trying to gain support for his reelection and avoid prosecution.

10.12.2023 - 17:12 [ @LBC / Twitter ]

‚He completely failed to protect Israelis… but he still remains the most powerful man in the country.‘ Journalist @NTarnopolsky tells @RachelSJohnson that while there‘s a general sense Benjamin Netanyahu ‚is done for‘, the Israeli PM still ‚doesn‘t think he‘s going anywhere.‘