Archiv: Kirchen / Religionen / religions / churches

14.03.2024 - 17:18 [ Middle East Eye ]

I sued the government over ‚extremism‘ and I know the game Gove is playing

The British public should realise that Muslim scapegoats today, much like the Jewish, Irish or Black scapegoats used by demagogues yesterday, are not their enemies

14.03.2024 - 17:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK government targets Muslim groups with new definition of extremism

In an earlier statement, Gove‘s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said the definition had been updated to respond to an “increased extremist threat since October 7 terror attacks in Israel”, citing an increase in reported antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes.

It said the new definition would be used by government departments and officials to help them decide which groups they should engage with and fund, and to identify “extremist organisations, individuals and behaviours”.

But it said: “This definition is not statutory and has no effect on the existing criminal law – it applies to the operations of Government itself.”

25.12.2023 - 22:50 [ ]

Papst erteilt feierlichen Weihnachts-Segen – Ruf nach Frieden

Eindringlich rief der Papst in seiner Urbi-et-Orbi-Botschaft dazu auf, sich für Frieden einzusetzen. „Er komme bald in Israel und Palästina, wo der Krieg das Leben dieser Völker erschüttert. Ich umarme sie alle, insbesondere die christlichen Gemeinschaften in Gaza und im gesamten Heiligen Land. Ich trauere im Herzen um die Opfer des verabscheuungswürdigen Angriffs vom 7. Oktober und erneuere meinen dringenden Appell für die Freilassung derjenigen, die noch immer als Geiseln festgehalten werden. Ich flehe darum, dass die Militäroperationen mit ihren entsetzlichen Folgen unschuldiger ziviler Opfer eingestellt werden und dass man etwas gegen die verzweifelte humanitäre Situation unternimmt, indem man das Eintreffen der Hilfslieferungen ermöglicht.“

Franziskus richtete den Scheinwerfer aber über das aktuelle Gaza-Drama hinaus auf die Zukunft der Menschen und Völker im Nahen Osten. „Man schüre nicht weiter Gewalt und Hass, sondern führe die palästinensische Frage zu einer Lösung, und zwar durch einen aufrichtigen und beharrlichen Dialog zwischen den Parteien, der von einem starken politischen Willen getragen wird und von der Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft.“ Der Vatikan wirbt für eine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung Israel/Palästina und für einen international garantierten, freien Zugang zu den Heiligen Stätten.

25.12.2023 - 22:28 [ ]

Pope: May Christmas bring peace to our world and turn sorrow into joy

Following the birth of the Saviour came the slaughter of the innocents, the Pope recalled, and he remembered the innocents, the „little Jesuses“ of today, who are victims „in their mothers’ wombs, in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war.“

We must say „yes“ to peace and „no“ to war the Pope decried, as every war marks „a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly.“ He also called for a „no“ to weaponry given that with human weakness we can often end up using it for war sooner or later.

Peace is even more difficult, he observed, „when arms production, sales, and trade are on the rise“ and public funds spent on arms can come at the expense of bread for the hungry. He decried „the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war.“ And these must be brought to light, „talked about and written about,“ he emphasised, since many have no idea how much of their public funds are being spent on weapons, whereas they should be informed.

18.12.2023 - 12:30 [ Vatican News ]

Pope condemns attacks on civilians in Gaza: ‘It is war; it is terrorism’

“Some say, ‘This is terrorism. This is war.’ Yes, it is war. It is terrorism,” he said. “That is why the Scripture affirms that ‘God stops wars… breaks the bow, splinters the spear’ (Psalm 46:10). Let us pray to the Lord for peace.”

Pope Francis also recalled people in various parts of the world who are suffering due to war.

“Let us not forget our brothers and sisters suffering from war, in Ukraine, in Palestine and Israel, and in other conflict zones,” he said. “May the approach of Christmas strengthen the commitment to open paths of peace.”

18.12.2023 - 12:26 [ CNN ]

Pope speaks out after IDF sniper kills two women inside Gaza church, per Catholic authorities

Seven others were also shot and wounded in the attack at the complex, where most Gaza’s Christian families have taken refuge since the start of the war, according to the patriarchate, which oversees Catholic Churches across Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

“No warning was given, no notification was provided,” the statement continued. “They were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the parish, where there are no belligerents.”

18.12.2023 - 12:10 [ Lord (Tariq)Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister of State Foreign Commonwealth & Development Affairs (South Asia, MEastNAfrica, UN, Human Rights) / Twitter ]

Shocked that civilians taking refuge in a church in northern Gaza have been killed & others injured. A further tragedy in Gaza. Israel must abide by IHL. Civilians must be protected. A sustainable ceasefire, leading to sustainable peace, is urgently needed. #ParhwayToPeace

17.12.2023 - 19:42 [ Mehdi Hasan, Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC & NBC's @peacockTV / Twitter ]

Can any of Israel’s loyal defenders on this website explain why Israel is besieging and attacking a church in Gaza, and killing Christian women inside? Is the position now that Christian churchgoers are also Hamas?

17.12.2023 - 19:21 [ Guardian news / Twitter ]

MP Layla Moran’s family trapped inside Catholic church in Gaza City

17.12.2023 - 19:15 [ Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem / Twitter ]


17.12.2023 - 19:10 [ Hammam Farah / Twitter ]

This morning Israeli snipers shot and killed my two family friends in an attack on the Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza. Nahida (Um Emad Anton) and Samar, mother and daughter, were walking to the Sisters’ Convent to use the only bathroom.

(14 hours ago)

One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety. Their bodies remain strewn across the church courtyard.

The water tanks and solar panels were also struck. We don’t know if they have enough water to survive.

The Christian community in Gaza is on the verge of extinction.

There are about 800 of us left, some sheltering in the Catholic church, some in the Orthodox church, and a few still in their homes in Gaza City.

There are approximately 530 Christians inside the Holy Family, 60 per cent are women and children.

My family has been sheltered there since St. Porphyrius Orthodox Church was bombed and my cousin was murdered.

This is a targeted death campaign during the Christmas season on the world’s oldest Christian community.

Earlier this morning, an Israeli tank fired on the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Theresa. The convent housed ~54 people with disabilities. The generator was destroyed, taking out electricity. Then two more shells were fired completely destroying the convent. Many of these people are now without the respirators they need to survive.

The Red Cross has submitted a request to the Pope for urgent intervention.

My mother texting with my sister, describing a horrific situation at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza. israeli tanks have surrounded the church, and snipers have taken position around it, shooting at the oldest Christian community in the world.

22.11.2023 - 07:06 [ Die Bibel / ]

1. Samuel – Kapitel 18: David gewinnt Jonatan zum Freund

Saul sprach: So sagt zu David: Der König begehrt keine Morgengabe, nur hundert Vorhäute von den Philistern, daß man sich räche an des Königs Feinden. Denn Saul trachtete David zu fällen durch der Philister Hand. 26 Da sagten seine Knechte David an solche Worte, und deuchte David die Sache gut, daß er des Königs Eidam würde. Und die Zeit war noch nicht aus, 27 da machte sich David auf und zog mit seinen Männern und schlug unter den Philistern zweihundert Mann. Und David brachte ihre Vorhäute dem König in voller Zahl, daß er des Königs Eidam würde. Da gab ihm Saul seine Tochter Michal zum Weibe.

28 Und Saul sah und merkte, daß der HERR mit David war.

02.11.2023 - 15:50 [ Torah Judaism / Twitter ]

Today, during a police raid to take down Palestinian flags in the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood, Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, the Israeli policemen were recorded attacking residents and knocking residents down on the road, hitting, and punching them in the face.


Police violence against ultra-Orthodox Jews continues constantly, Zionists constantly attack Jews, this must stop.

The only crime of these Jews is that they stand with the Palestinian people and are against Zionism.

17.10.2023 - 18:12 [ Rabbis for Human Rights ]

Rabbis for Human Rights: Who Are We?

„Happy are those who act justly, who do right at all times.” (Psalm 106.3)

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) is an Israeli organization, active in three main areas – work within and about the Occupied Territories; work to promote social and economic justice within Israel; and activities in the fields of education and interreligious dialogue. RHR was founded in 1988 in response to contraventions of human rights taking place in the Occupied Territories. Since its inception, its activities have expanded to include

– To articulate a vision of justice rooted in Jewish tradition, in the spirit of the Rabbinical teaching that all persons are created in God’s image

– To act in order to prevent violations of human rights taking place within Israel and in the Occupied Territories

– To further a vision of Judaism sanctifying life, justice and equality and to increase awareness of this vision within Israeli society

– To further these values on the basis of constant engagement with Jewish tradition

17.10.2023 - 17:37 [ ]

Emek Shaveh: About Us

Emek Shaveh is an Israeli NGO working to defend cultural heritage rights and to protect ancient sites as public assets that belong to members of all communities, faiths and peoples. We object to the fact that the ruins of the past have become a political tool in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and work to challenge those who use archaeological sites to dispossess disenfranchised communities. We view heritage site as resources for building bridges and strengthening bonds between peoples and cultures and believe that archaeological sites cannot constitute proof of precedence or ownership by any one nation, ethnic group or religion over a given place.

16.10.2023 - 09:46 [ ]

Dad of Palestinian Boy Stabbed 26 Times in Chicago Reveals Last Words

Oday, who has been communicating with his wife in the aftermath of the attack, said that his son never yelled out during the stabbing. His last words to his mother, according to the father, were “I’m fine.”

Speaking of when he first learned of the attack, Oday told The Daily Beast that, “The way I found out wasn’t the right way to tell a parent. I got a call from the police department, and they gave me three sentences exactly: ‘Are you Oday El-Fayoume? Are you Wadea’s father? He has been killed.’ That’s how I found out.”

11.10.2023 - 14:30 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

Our Comms Chief explains the Israeli war crimes our team has documented in Gaza over the last 48 hours, including directly targeting ambulances, wiping out 18 entire families, directly destroying civilian infrastructure, damaging UN-run schools & flattening houses of worship.

02.10.2023 - 05:25 [ Koko / Nitter ]

There have been 5 bomb blasts in Pakistan today, so far. But this is not our 9/11.


02.10.2023 - 05:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

Pakistan blasts updates: Twin explosions kill dozens of worshippers


Balochistan’s Police Chief Abdul Khaliq Shaikh says the explosion near the procession of Eid Mawlid an-Nabi in Mastung was a suicide attack.

Shaikh said in a statement that a police official, Nawaz Gishkori, sacrificed his life trying to stop the suicide attacker.

25.08.2023 - 20:40 [ Norbert Häring ]

Corona soll offenbar noch einmal zu einem großen Ding gemacht werden

Sie versuchen es allen Ernstes mit genau den gleichen Sätzen und Propagandamethoden noch einmal. Und der Spiegel ist wieder vorne mit dabei. Vielleicht läuft da gerade ein heimlicher Sentinel-Test auf geistige Bevölkerungsgesundheit.

25.08.2023 - 20:16 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Liebe Mainstream-Journalisten: Wollen Sie wirklich eine Wiederkehr der Corona-Politik?

Es mag im Moment unwahrscheinlich erscheinen, dass es gelingt, die Corona-Politik in der erlebten radikalen Form wiederzubeleben. Wenn aber erst einmal eine neue Paniksituation installiert ist mit den entsprechenden „Sachzwängen“ und den „rasant in die Höhe schnellenden Zahlen“, dann wird es wieder leicht sein, eine Sphäre der angeblichen „Unwissenheit“ zu kreieren, in der auch harte „Maßnahmen“ nicht mehr seriös begründet werden müssen und in der skrupellos mit Emotionen gearbeitet wird. Und dann wird es zu spät sein, um noch rational durchzudringen.

Dieser Zustand muss verhindert werden. Darum erfolgt hier nicht nur der Appell an die lieben Mainstream-Journalisten, sondern auch an verantwortungsvolle Politiker, Gewerkschafter, Kirchenvertreter, Lehrer, Künstler, Ärzte und so weiter: Bitte lassen Sie das nicht noch einmal zu!

07.04.2023 - 23:42 [ ]

British sisters die in West Bank shooting – as Italian tourist killed in Tel Aviv terror attack

A police officer was at a petrol station when they „heard a noise and noticed a car upside down, and several people lying on the floor“, according to a statement.

Officers approached and „neutralized the driver and killed him“ after seeing he was reaching for a weapon.

07.04.2023 - 23:37 [ Adam Milstein / Nitter ]

CCTV footage captures the moment the terror attack in Tel Aviv took place. A tragic night after a terrorist rammed his car into a group of tourists visiting Israel. 1 was killed, 7 injured.

07.04.2023 - 23:33 [ ]

Six Brit and Italian tourists injured and one killed in Tel Aviv suspected attack

Police said a car rammed into a group of people near a popular seaside park before flipping over.

A 30-year-old man from Italy was killed and four other people, including a 17-year-old, are receiving medical treatment for mild to moderate injuries, the rescue service said.

Police said they shot the driver of the car. The driver‘s condition is unknown at the moment.

07.04.2023 - 23:21 [ BBC ]

Two British-Israeli women killed in West Bank shooting

Israeli media also cited Mr Revivi as saying that the sisters‘ father had been driving ahead of them in another car when theirs was attacked. He reportedly turned around and arrived at the scene to find his wife and daughters being treated by paramedics.

The head of the Israeli military‘s Central Command, which oversees the West Bank, called it an „extremely severe terrorist attack“ and promised that its troops knew how to find those responsible.

07.04.2023 - 22:50 [ ]

Biden administration refuses to condemn Israel storming Al-Aqsa mosque, blocks Security Council statement


The Biden administration staunchly took Israel’s side today. State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel refused to condemn Israel’s storming of Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan, then went on to condemn rocket attacks coming from Gaza and Lebanon.

And the U.S. also stepped in to block a U.N. Security Council statement to the press criticizing Israel for the raids, according to an Israeli official (speaking to an Israeli reporter). Jacob Magid reports that Israeli diplomats coordinated with the U.S.:

07.04.2023 - 10:52 [ ]

US blocks Security Council statement condemning violence after Al Aqsa Mosque raid

A UN official told The National that there was initial widespread agreement among the 15 council members to issue press elements following Israel‘s police raid on Al Aqsa during Ramadan, which this year overlaps with the Jewish holiday of Passover and Western Christian Easter.

However, the US pulled back after 34 rockets were fired from Lebanon towards Israel, objecting to the „timing“ of the public press statement.

07.04.2023 - 10:43 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency - ]

Israeli warplanes attack targets in Gaza

He said Israeli fighter jets attacked with at least three missiles an outpost in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City, causing destruction and fire as well as material damage to neighboring facilities but no casualties.

Israeli fighter jets also attacked an outpost in the southwest of Gaza City, causing material damage. No casualties were reported.

07.04.2023 - 10:33 [ @nour_odeh / Nitter ]

Hamas has not claimed responsibility for the rockets. Focusing your attack on them instead of the deliberate Israeli provocations that include the brutal assaults on AlAqsa misses the point.

07.04.2023 - 10:24 [ Joe Truzman / Nitter ]

Interceptions happening off screen after a volley of rockets were fired from Gaza toward Sderot.

07.04.2023 - 09:07 [ United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon ]

UNIFIL statement on artillery response to rocket fire, 07 April 2023

Early this morning, the IDF informed UNIFIL that they will begin an artillery response to yesterday’s rocket launches.

Immediately after, UNIFIL personnel heard loud explosions around the city of Tyre.

07.04.2023 - 08:56 [ Newsweek ]

Israel Prepares Forces ‚On All Borders‘ Amid Lebanon Rocket Attacks, Unrest

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, IDF spokesperson Richard Hecht said that about 34 rockets were launched earlier in the day from Lebanon into Israel, 25 of which were intercepted and six of which fell into Israeli territory. The barrage is one of the largest since the last war between the neighboring rivals fought 15 years ago, and Hecht called the new attack a „very serious event.“

While Hecht said the IDF has not yet identified the perpetrator, he said the launch was believed to have been conducted by a Palestinian group, potentially tied to Hamas or Islamic Jihad, two movements present in the Gaza Strip,

07.04.2023 - 08:15 [ ]

Israeli airstrikes target area in Lebanon‘s Tyre region

The Israeli army also held the Lebanese state responsible for „every directed fire emanating from its territory.“

Al-Mayadeen television said the Israeli attack caused damages to several nearby houses.

The announcement of the strikes came hours after militants from Lebanon fired nearly three dozen rockets at Israel, marking a further escalation in the region following violence at Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site.

07.04.2023 - 07:36 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israeli police raid Al-Aqsa Mosque for a second night

(April 6 2023)

Israeli forces have stormed Islam‘s third holiest site – Al-Aqsa Mosque – for the second night in a row.

Several Palestinian worshippers were injured after Israeli forces fired tear gas and stun grenades.

Al Jazeera‘s Natasha Ghoneim reports from occupied East Jerusalem.

07.04.2023 - 07:10 [ ]

Global condemnation after Israeli riot police attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque

Armed police in riot gear stormed the prayer hall of Al-Aqsa mosque before dawn Wednesday, aiming to dislodge „law-breaking youths and masked agitators“ they said had barricaded themselves inside.

01.04.2023 - 22:13 [ Wired ]

U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‚Hiroshima‘ Tactics for ‚Total War‘ on Islam

(May 10, 2012)

The U.S. military taught its future leaders that a „total war“ against the world‘s 1.4 billion Muslims would be necessary to protect America from Islamic terrorists, according to documents obtained by Danger Room. Among the options considered for that conflict: using the lessons of „Hiroshima“ to wipe out whole cities at once, targeting the „civilian population wherever necessary.“

The course, first reported by Danger Room last month and held at the Defense Department‘s Joint Forces Staff College, has since been canceled by the Pentagon brass. It‘s only now, however, that the details of the class have come to light. Danger Room received hundreds of pages of course material and reference documents from a source familiar with the contents of the class.

01.04.2023 - 21:46 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

DER TERRORKRIEG: Lehre vom “Totalen Krieg”

(18.April 2015)

Für die Öffentlichkeit, auch in Deutschland, ist es diesbezüglich ebenso wichtig, nicht nur einen weiteren Aspekt der Denke klandestin vorgehender Gruppen – gerade aus dem Militär und dessen (geheimen) Diensten und Verbänden – zu verstehen, sondern sich selbst: als größtenteils passive, durch Aktive und Willensstarke manipulierbare Masse von “Zivilisten”, auf die als solche herab geschaut wird.

In einem Handbuch für “unkonventionelle Kriegführung” für Sondereinheiten des U.S.-Militärs aus 2010 (hier gespiegelt) wird verdeutlicht, wie eine kleine, gut organisierte (politische oder militärische) Gruppe, Partei oder Einheit, die zunächst in der Minderheit ist, gegen eine passive Mehrheit ein ganzes System stürzen kann.

“Eine passive Bevölkerung ist manchmal alles, was ein gut unterstützter Aufstand (Anm.:”insurgency”, s. oben) braucht um die politische Macht zu erlangen. Wie der Level von Unterstützung für den Aufstand anwächst, wird die passive Mehrheit schrumpfen.”

Dieses Vergleichsbild kann auf jede beliebige Situation im Kleinen wie im Großen angewendet werden, z.B. in einer Gewerkschaft, Partei oder Organisation, egal ob auf lokaler oder landesweiter Ebene. Zumeist gibt es zwei Seiten, die entschlossen und willensstark sind und die Sache untereinander ausfechten. Der Rest verbleibt passiv und richtet sich nach dem Stärkeren aus.

Ein Leitspruch im “Kommando Spezialkräfte” (K.S.K.) der Bundeswehr soll der Öffentlichkeit hierbei nicht verborgen bleiben:

“Der Wille entscheidet”.

Auch im Hinblick auf den Putsch in der Ukraine Anfang 2014 und die ab 2011 als “Bürgerkrieg” verkaufte Invasion Syriens, wird so manches deutlicher und für Außenstehende nachvollziehbarer.

VII – Symbiose im Krieg ohne Sieg

Als Rechtfertigung für ihre Lehre im “Joint Forces Staff College” der “National Defense University” führen die Trainer der Militärkader im 2012 bekannt gewordenen Material durchweg keinerlei Fakten z.B. aus Militäraufklärung, verdeckte Informationsgewinnung durch Spionage, etc an – sondern ausschließlich Aussagen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Publikationen bzw Propaganda genau der Gruppen, die es gilt zu bekämpfen. Ein verheerender Effekt.

Der Kreis der Selbstbeweihräucherung und Selbstbestätigung, von beiden sich angeblich so entschlossen und unerbittlich bekämpfenden Seiten, wird durch folgende Doktrin geschlossen, faktisch ein Rechtfertigungs-Perpetuum mobile von (endlosem) Krieg durch Propaganda:

“Im Krieg, muss `Geheimdienstinformation` (“intelligence”) zuerst mit einer Einschätzung der Schablone der Doktrin des Feindes beginnen – nicht mit dem was wir sagen was sie sind, sondern mit dem was DIE sagen was sie sind.”

(Papier “So what can we do? Counter-Jihad Op Design Model”, Juli 2011, hier gespiegelt, Autor Lt. Col. Matthew A. Dooley)

So verschwinden Fakten. Eigene Mutmaßungen und wilde Behauptungen umgeht man elegant, um sich nicht selbst in den Stallgeruch des selbst geschaffenen Kriegsbegriffs “Verschwörungstheorie” zu begeben, zentralem Schild und Schwert im seit Jahrzehnten strategisch geführten Informationskrieg (Link zur C.I.A., hier ein anderes Dokument, ein auf veröffentlichtes Handbuch des Army War College über “Information Warfare” aus 1999).

Durch solche, hier im Artikel beleuchteten, Schulungsmaterialien wird die Propaganda das eigenen “Gegners” die selbst anerkannte und akzeptierte Realität. Und solange es Propaganda – ob echte, falsche, “schwarze Propaganda” spielt keine Rolle mehr – kann entsprechend auch der Terrorkrieg nie enden oder gewonnen werden.

Terror (Übersetzung des lateinischen Wortes: Schrecken) und Krieg “gegen den Terror” gehen, nach der eigenen Lehre des Terrorkrieges, eine Symbiose ein.

02.03.2023 - 10:31 [ U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs / Nitter ]

التقى الممثل الخاص عمرو مع الشيخ عزام، مدير الأوقاف الإسلامية، لمناقشة الاستعدادات لشهر رمضان، يكون مفعما بالسلام، ويعكس روح الشهر المبارك، وكذلك تأكيد التزام الولايات المتحدة بالوضع التاريخي القائم.


06.01.2023 - 10:17 [ ]

Putin kündigt 36-stündige Feuerpause an, Ukraine lehnt ab

Putin forderte die Ukraine auf, ebenfalls eine Waffenruhe zu erklären. Die Ukraine lehnte das bereits ab. Selenskyi sprach von einem „Trick“: Moskau wolle damit vorrückende ukrainische Truppen in der Ostukraine aufhalten und mehr eigene Soldaten dorthin bringen.

05.01.2023 - 17:20 [ ]

Russia calls for a 36-hour TRUCE in Ukraine from noon tomorrow to mark Orthodox Christmas

He ordered his defence minister Sergei Shoigu to introduce the ceasefire along the entire line of contact, the Kremlin reported.

The call for a ceasefire followed an earlier proposal by Russia‘s spiritual leader Patriarch Kirill for an Orthodox Christmas truce this week.

05.01.2023 - 15:43 [ Vatican News / Youtube ]

Rosary and Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, 5 January 2023, Pope Francis

From the Sagrato of Saint Peter‘s Basilica, recitation of the Rosary and Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope emeritus Benedict XVI presided over by Pope Francis

05.01.2023 - 15:37 [ ]


God’s faithful people, gathered here, now accompanies and entrusts to him the life of the one who was their pastor. Like the women at the tomb, we too have come with the fragrance of gratitude and the balm of hope, in order to show him once more the love that is undying. We want to do this with the same wisdom, tenderness and devotion that he bestowed upon us over the years. Together, we want to say: “Father, into your hands we commend his spirit”.

Benedict, faithful friend of the Bridegroom, may your joy be complete as you hear his voice, now and forever!

31.12.2022 - 16:37 [ Downing Street No 10 ]

Half-masting of flags following the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

It is with great regret that we learn of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

31.12.2022 - 16:32 [ ]

Former Pope Benedict XVI dies aged 95

During his reign, Benedict advocated to return the Catholic church to fundamental Christian values to counter the increased secularization of many Western Countries. In his writings, the pontiff claimed the central problem of the 21st century was relativism, which denies moral and objective truths.

31.12.2022 - 16:28 [ CNN ]

Former Pope Benedict XVI dies in Vatican monastery aged 95

Dignitaries and religious leaders have been paying tribute to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died Saturday in a monastery in the Vatican at the age of 95.

Benedict, who was the first pontiff in almost 600 years to resign his position, rather than hold office for life, passed away on Saturday, according to a statement from the Vatican.

31.12.2022 - 15:57 [ ]

Farewell to Benedict XVI: ‘Humble worker in vineyard of the Lord‘

The 95-year-old Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on Saturday at 9:34 AM in his residence at the Vatican‘s Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.

19.12.2022 - 19:22 [ Haaretz ]

American Jews Wonder: Is It Time to Declare Independence From Israel?

The painful truth for American Jews is that while they have tended to worship Israeli Jews, their “cousins” have, historically, returned this feeling with a combination of amusement and contempt.

04.05.2022 - 14:57 [ Noga Tarnopolsky / Twitter ]

1. No Russian Jewish org has condemned Lavrov‘s remarks about Jews or Israel‘s support for neo-Nazis.“ They‘re scared. Not a joke. @KseniaSvetlova has heard Jewish Muscovites that they‘re being pressured to support the „special military operation“ & choose: Israel or Russia.

17.04.2022 - 22:52 [ Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

Wishing all our Christian citizens a happy Easter.

23.03.2022 - 17:24 [ Zentralrat der freigemeindlichen und messianischen Juden in Deutschland ]


Die Debatte darüber wird in Deutschland, vor allem in den sozialen Medien, hasserfüllt und übertrieben emotional geführt. Dies besorgt den Zentralrat sehr, da hier ein struktureller Wesenszug der deutschen Gesellschaft zutage tritt, der brandgefährlich ist: man sieht nur schwarz oder weiß, eins oder null, und jeder der anderer Meinung ist soll „weg“, „raus“ oder „beseitigt“ werden. So das Vokabular, das man in der Breite vorfindet.

In keinem anderen Land der Welt, mit der Ausnahme Österreichs, wird derart totalitär über dieses Thema gestritten. Es ist dieses metapolitische deutsche Denken, auf dem einst der Nationalsozialismus gedeihen konnte.

03.03.2022 - 23:09 [ Hanna Liubakova / Twitter ]

#Belarus Police in Minsk detained mothers of Belarusian soldiers praying for peace. The police were in civilian clothes in the church. Human rights defenders reported at least 3 women that were detained.

25.01.2022 - 06:46 [ ]

Steinmeier nutzt jede Gelegenheit, die Opposition zu diffamieren

„Die Bürgerschaft darf nicht schweigen“, sie solle „lauter werden“. Der Protest der Spaziergänger ist nicht der gewünschte Protest. In Halle sei gerade eine Moschee beschossen worden, versucht Steinmeier eine besonders schmutzige Form der Schmähung zu Beginn, und kein Spaziergänger da, der ihm dafür mal hätte die Meinung geigen können.

Was der Angriff auf eine Moschee mit Spaziergängern zu tun haben könnte, erschließt sich nur Steinmeier selbst, dass ist Hetze pur.

17.01.2022 - 14:59 [ thePost; ]

BREAKING: After outcry, FBI admits ‘the Jewish community was targeted’ in synagogue hostage taking

The FBI released a new statement Sunday night, attempting to walk back their previous comments that the hostage taking at a Texas synagogue, on the Jewish Sabbath, during services „…was not specifically related to the Jewish community.“
In the new statement, the FBI said, „This is a terrorism-related matter, in which the Jewish community was targeted, and is being investigated by the Joint Terrorism Task Force.“

17.01.2022 - 14:49 [ Fox News ]

‚Corrupt‘ FBI should be ‚eliminated‘ for statement on Texas synagogue hostage taker: Critics

The suspected hostage taker died at the scene. The hostages were released without injury.

The FBI was ripped on social media for the statement that the hostage taker had no direct demands related to the Jewish community, including calling for the FBI to be „defunded and eliminated.“

17.01.2022 - 05:50 [ ]

FBI identifies hostage-taker at Colleyville, Texas synagogue

Two law enforcement officials told CNN earlier Saturday that investigators believe the hostage taker may have been motivated by a desire to release Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year sentence at a facility in Texas. She was convicted in 2010 on seven charges, including attempted murder and armed assault on US officers in Afghanistan.

„We do believe from our engaging with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, but we‘ll continue to work to find motive,“ DeSarno said.

02.11.2021 - 10:47 [ Gérard Bökenkamp / Achse des Guten ]

Corona, Klima, Religion: Sehnsucht nach dem Opfer


Die Kommunikation über Klima und Corona zeigt religiöse Elemente. In der Klima- und Corona-Politik finden wir vier klassische Motive der Religionsgeschichte:

Erstens: Die moralische Schuld.
Zweitens: Das religiöse Opfer.
Drittens: die Unterscheidung von Reinheit und Unreinheit.
Viertens: Die göttliche Offenbarung.

15.10.2021 - 13:24 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Corona und Justiz: Die unterlassene Hilfeleistung

Auch manche Juristen verweigern aktuell den angemessenen Schutz für Bürger gegen einen übergriffigen Staat – wie Teile von Medien, Opposition, Gewerkschaften oder Kirchen. Um überfällige und angreifbare juristische Positionierungen zur Corona-Politik zu vermeiden, ist die anscheinende Verschleppung von Urteilen durch manche Gerichte offenbar ein Mittel der Wahl.

20.09.2021 - 22:55 [ Achse des Guten ]

Der Zentralrat – für Juden wenig hilfreich

Die Funktionäre des „Zentralrats“ berufen sich bei ihrer peinlichen Anschmiegsamkeit an die Regierung auf ein Prinzip des jüdischen Religionsgesetzes, dina d’malchuta dina, aramäisch „das Gesetz des Staates ist das (für uns Juden verbindliche) Gesetz“, womit die Rabbiner auf eines der aus antiken Zeiten überlieferten antijüdischen Ressentiments antworteten – das der angeblichen Illoyalität gegenüber dem Land ihrer jeweiligen Diaspora.

Doch Gesetzestreue gegenüber dem Staat, in dem man lebt, bedeutet nicht Unterwerfung unter dessen zeitweilige Regierung.

05.06.2021 - 18:50 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Corona: Für eine echte Aufarbeitung gibt es keine Instanz mehr

Eine angemessene Aufarbeitung der destruktiven Corona-Politik wird es vermutlich nicht geben: Fast alle einflussreichen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen haben sie entweder aktiv gestützt oder sich weggeduckt. Mit einer schonungslosen Bilanz würden sie sich also selber belasten. Dieser Befund ist fatal, weil dadurch einer Wiederholung wider besseres Wissen nichts im Wege steht.

05.06.2021 - 11:41 [ ]

Europäischer Kolonialismus

(30. März 2012)

Die Herrschaft über Kolonien erlangten die Machthaber Europas, indem sie Militär in die Kolonien entsendeten und Zivilverwaltungen aufbauten. Dieses Vorgehen rechtfertigten sie damit, dass sie die Bevölkerung in den kolonialen Besitzungen für minderwertig erklärten. Die sogenannten Wilden betrachteten sie als rassisch unterlegen, als unzivilisiert und unfähig, sich selbst zu verwalten. Es galt daher als legitim, sie in den Kolonien zur Arbeit zu zwingen oder als Sklaven zu exportieren.

Kolonialmächte wollten Kolonien aber nicht nur beherrschen und ausbeuten, sondern ihnen auch ihre Kulturen und Religionen aufprägen.

05.06.2021 - 10:54 [ ]

The House: Is it past time Canada had an Indigenous governor general?

Last month, New Zealand appointed the first Indigenous woman to serve as governor general. Dame Cindy Kiro, a well-known children‘s advocate, is the third Māori to hold the post. The first, Sir Paul Reeves, was appointed in 1985.

The federal government is under enormous pressure right now to show some progress on Crown-Indigenous reconciliation — in the wake of this week‘s reports on undocumented deaths at the Kamloops Indian Residential School and fresh calls for Ottawa to move faster on implementing the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

05.06.2021 - 10:47 [ ZDF ]

Massengrab indigener Kinder – Kanada: Trudeau droht Kirche mit Justiz

In Kanada waren ab 1874 rund 150.000 Kinder von Ureinwohnern und gemischten Paaren von ihren Familien und ihrer Kultur getrennt und in kirchliche Heime gesteckt worden, um sie so zur Anpassung an die weiße Mehrheitsgesellschaft zu zwingen. Viele von ihnen wurden in den Heimen misshandelt oder sexuell missbraucht. Nach bisherigen Angaben starben mindestens 3.200 dieser Kinder, die meisten an Tuberkulose.

14.05.2021 - 17:11 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Kirchentag: NATO

Nachdem die Bundeswehr im Gegensatz zu vorherigen Jahren diesmal keine Präsenz beim Ökumenischen Kirchentag haben soll (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2021/240), hätte man eigentlich davon ausgehen können, dass die Veranstaltung komplett militärfrei über die Bühne geht. Zu früh gefreut:

30.04.2021 - 19:48 [ ]

AG launches probe into police conduct at Meron as local chief takes blame

„The Police Department for Internal Investigations will begin reviewing the events to see if there is any criminal culpability on the part of members of the police in the disaster,“ a spokesperson for Mandelblit said, adding that the police were instructed not to interview any of their members.

30.04.2021 - 19:47 [ Insider Paper / Twitter ]

.. Moments before the incident that killed 44 at Mount Meron, Israel

30.04.2021 - 19:05 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israel’s Netanyahu booed by bereaved protesters at stampede site

Calls are growing for a public inquiry in Israel, after the country‘s largest gathering since the start of the pandemic ended in tragedy.
At least 44 people were killed in a stampede at a religious festival at Mount Meron, where tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered on Thursday night.

30.04.2021 - 18:59 [ Louis Fishman / Twitter ]

The investigation will focus on one exit the police closed for some reason, just as people were trying to push out. Despite what seems like no organization, there were separate entrances/exit. And, one exit despite the panic was blocked as people tried desperately to get out.

30.04.2021 - 18:55 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Police Reject Criticism Over Deadly Lag Ba‘Omer Stampede

The police opened a preliminary investigation into the deadly event as they face criticism for their decision to block one of the passages on the site.

„The event is under investigation, but it‘s worth noting that this year, there are fewer people on the mountain than in previous years.“