Archiv: Pakistan

16.12.2024 - 16:36 [ Middle East Monitor ]

The FBI‘s mysterious case against Dr Aafia Siddiqui

The website of America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is brimming with advice and useful information should you need help. There’s even a bright red button to press if you want to report a crime. I pressed it and reported the crime of perjury involving the complex case of US Prisoner Dr Aafia Siddiqui who is currently serving 86 years in a Texas prison for attempting to kill US soldiers. She didn’t do anything of the sort. Yes, there was a shooting incident in Ghazni Province’s National Police station in Afghanistan, but it was the soldiers who nearly killed her.


During the past 20 years, some very powerful senior figures in America, Pakistan and elsewhere have lied to and deceived the US authorities to ensure that the rather brilliant academic Dr Aafia Siddiqui remains behind bars. In 2023, her sister described her as looking like a “living corpse”.

26.10.2024 - 13:27 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s attack on Iran: How the world reacted

“The kingdom affirms its firm position in its rejection of the continued escalation in the region and the expansion of the conflict that threatens the security and stability of the countries and peoples of the region,” the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement.

Former rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia have repaired relations in recent years, while the kingdom‘s attempts to normalise its relations with Israel have largely collapsed since the beginning of the war on Gaza in October 2023.

The United Arab Emirates, which normalised relations with Israel in 2020, also condemned the attack on Iran and voiced „deep concern“ for the „repercussions on regional security and stability“.

Pakistan also condemned the attack, branding it „a dangerous escalation in an already volatile region“, while Malaysia said it was a “clear violation of international law.“

28.08.2024 - 14:04 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Die “Authorization For Use of Military Force” vom 14. September 2001 im Wortlaut

(29. August 2014)

Seit Beginn des weltweiten Terrorkrieges in 2001 herrschten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zwei Personen als Kriegspräsidenten und “mächtigste Männer der Welt”, George Bush Junior und Barack Obama. Der Kern ihrer Legitimation für

– fast jede seit dem 14. September 2001 angeordnete militärische Aktion, Operation und Invasion, wie der Eroberung von Afghanistan (2001), Irak (2003), Libyen (2011), Luftangriffen bzw Bodenoperationen z.B. in Somalia, Jemen, Pakistan, Kenia, etc, etc, pp,

– den versuchten Aufbau einer “Totalen Informationskenntnis” (“Total Information Awareness”) über alle Menschen, Gruppen, Strömungen und Organisationen im Macht- bzw Einflussbereich der U.S.A. (also dem, was die Gesellschaft heute als “Totalüberwachung” versteht),

– die folgende Erschaffung eines informationstechnologischen, Privatleben fressenden Frankensteins, eines weltweit vernetzten Golem der “Nationalen Sicherheit AG” bzw dem “sicherheitsindustriellen Komplex”, der allein 800.000 Personen (Stand: 2010) Zugang zu “streng geheimen” Informationen und damit Zugang zu praktisch allen u.a. aus Telekommunikationssystemen wie dem Internet gesammelten bzw geraubten Daten von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in ungezählten Datenbanken und Tauschbörsen der Spione, Militärs und (Geheim)Polizeien und Behörden allein in den U.S.A. gibt, samt einer bis heute nicht verifizierten Zahl assoziierter Kräfte und Stellen, z.B. in der Republik Deutschland,

– die Errichtung des Lagers Guantanamo, sowie einer unbekannten Zahl geheimer Folterkammern und Kerker auf eigenem Territorium, in Besatzungszonen und / oder in kollaborierenden Staaten, in denen Menschen willkürlich eingesperrt, gequält oder ermordet wurden,

sowie weitere offene oder klandestine Maßnahmen, wie z.B. die “Uminterpretation” von geltendem Recht zu faktischem geheimen Kriegsrecht in ungezählten Staaten, ist ein am 14. September 2001 bei alleiniger Gegenstimme von Barbara Lee durch den Kongress gejagter und, zumindest in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, präzedenzloser Gesetzestext: die “Authorization for Use of Military Force”.

Hier dessen gerade einmal 60 Worte und keinerlei zeitliche oder räumliche Einschränkung enthaltende Wirkungstext, beschlossen am 14.09.2001 von beiden Kammern des Kongresses, Repräsentantenhaus und Senat:

20.03.2024 - 22:55 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

10.02.2024 - 15:55 [ ]

Vivek Katju writes: With Pakistan poll results, Imran Khan vs General Asim Munir will continue

The true protagonists in the February 8 national polls in Pakistan were two individuals — Army Chief General Asim Munir and former Prime Minister and founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) party, Imran Khan. Munir used all levers of state power from behind the scenes and through other institutions and individuals to try to grind Khan into electoral dust. With results of 250 of the 266 general seats contested in the elections announced so far, it is certain, that he has failed to do so.

10.02.2024 - 15:45 [ ]

Delays spoil the party for PTI backed independents

Even after a lapse of more than seven hours, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has not given any reason for the delay leading to the expression of suspicions from contesting parties.

Prior to the elections, the electoral watchdog had introduced a new system called the Election Management System (EMS) to organize the results, but so far, the performance of the system has belied the ECP claims.

10.02.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

Twitter down in Pakistan after ‘controversial election under internet blackout’

ISLAMABAD: Social media platform ‘X’ is down across Pakistan as reported by Netblocks, on Saturday.

“Live metrics show a nation scale disruption X/Twitter across Pakistan: The incident come amid political turmoil after controversial election held under an internet and mobile network blackout”. the post on ‘X’ by Netblocks read.

10.02.2024 - 15:31 [ Associated Press ]

Delays, deals, nepo babies, trends and vote rigging: Five takeaways from Pakistan’s elections

Candidates observing the count at polling stations said they saw significant leads suddenly disappear or results that were announced in their favor only to be reversed to declare an opponent the winner. They said they were marched off polling station grounds or barred from entering once voting ended and that polling agents were stopped from collecting results.

The majority of irregularities and impediments were reported by independent candidates backed by imprisoned ex-premier Imran Khan’s party.

10.02.2024 - 15:05 [ ]

Pakistan Army Chief Says Need To Move On From „Politics Of Anarchy“

Politicians and political parties rise and fall with the backing of the military, which this year was widely believed to be backing the party of three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

10.02.2024 - 14:22 [ ]

Nawaz Sharif declares victory in Pakistan‘s election, despite failing to win a majority of seats

Mr Sharif‘s party won the most seats by a single party in Thursday‘s election, but supporters of imprisoned former prime minister Mr Khan, who ran as independents instead of as a single bloc after his party was barred from the polls, won the most seats overall.

10.02.2024 - 14:02 [ CNN ]

In shock result, allies of jailed ex-leader Khan win most seats in Pakistan election

(Updated 3:01 AM EST, Sat February 10, 2024)

Khan’s opponent, former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, claimed that his PMLN party had emerged with the largest share. He admitted that his party did not have the “majority to form a government” and was looking for coalition partners.

Sharif, who once saw one of his terms end in a military coup, is considered by analysts to be favored by the country’s military establishment. The military has previously denied backing Sharif.

10.02.2024 - 13:44 [ Amnesty International ]

Pakistan: Election-day internet shutdown is a reckless attack on people’s rights


On 6 February, Amnesty International and other members of the #KeepItOn coalition — a global network of over 300 organisations from 105 countries working to end internet shutdowns — wrote to the caretaker Prime Minister Mr Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar and Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja, to ensure unfettered access to the internet, social media platforms, and all other communication channels throughout Pakistan’s general election.

Pakistani authorities have already imposed multiple shutdowns that violated the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, including of opposition leaders and parties, during this election cycle.

08.02.2024 - 22:26 [ PTI / Twitter ]

After the whole system has been sent in panic mode by #MassiveTurnout for PTI, they have stopped the results and now filling alternate Form 45. Pakistanis, protect your vote by going back to polling stations to get results before they change the results.

We have heard that they are planning to tell PTI Polling Agents and supporters to collect Form 45 from another location e.g. Election Commission office. All polling agents and supporters are requested to stay at the Polling Station as per Rules, this is where Form 45 shall be given. Stay peaceful as they might try to create chaos to push people away.
#ProtectTheVote #RespectTheVote

08.02.2024 - 22:22 [ Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf & former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

Despite every possible method employed to undermine the will of the people, our people have spoken via #MassiveTurnout for vote today. As we have repeatedly stated, „no force can defeat an idea whose time has come.“ It is now critical to guard the vote by getting Form 45.

08.02.2024 - 22:11 [ ]

Despite jailing and sidelining, Imran Khan’s party leading

Imran Khan complicated the possibility of Washington providing moral support, even if it were inclined, by framing his removal from office through a vote of no confidence as a U.S.-backed regime change conspiracy. This move heightened anti-American sentiment in the country.

08.02.2024 - 22:02 [ Middle East Eye ]

Pakistan elections are a sham without Imran Khan

It is election day in Pakistan. But in the world’s fifth largest democracy, people are not able to vote for the most popular leader, former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who cannot contest elections after having been disbarred. Khan will spend today – and potentially 14 more years – in jail. So how did the situation get so bad and what lies ahead?

Khan and his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), are leading in opinion surveys, but their electoral symbol has been banned, and observers are predicting that the vote will be a fait accompli for former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N).

08.02.2024 - 21:50 [ Wikipedia ]

Asim Munir (general)

Syed Asim Munir[1][3] NI(M) (Urdu: سید عاصم منیر)[1] is a Pakistani army general and the current Chief of Army Staff since 29 November 2022.[4] Prior to becoming the army chief, he was posted at the GHQ as Quartermaster general.[5] He commanded the XXX Corps in Gujranwala from 17 June 2019 to 6 October 2021.[6] He served as the 23rd Director-General of the ISI until he was replaced by lieutenant general Faiz Hameed on 16 June 2019.

08.02.2024 - 21:45 [ Associated Press ]

Pakistan’s former premier Imran Khan and wife convicted of marriage law violation in a fourth case


Analysts say Khan’s multiple and apparently hasty convictions are seen by his party and supporters as punishment for his rhetoric against Pakistan’s powerful military leadership, which has ruled the country for half of its 76-year history. During his final months in power, Khan had broadened his fight with opponents to include the military.

04.02.2024 - 08:10 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

21.01.2024 - 10:07 [ ]

The Real Reasons the Middle East Is Blowing Up Right Now By Fred Kaplan

Meanwhile, the war in Gaza rages on. Whatever the real reasons for the conflicts throughout the region (and those reasons are many), some of the combatants in all of them at least say that they’re spinoffs of that larger, historic war, so the spinoff battles are likely to rage on.

19.01.2024 - 08:45 [ ]

hellooo… Antonio… good morning.. @antonioguterres #WarInWestAsia #UN #UNSC

(search results)

19.01.2024 - 08:32 [ Al Jazeera ]

Pakistan missiles strike Iran in retaliatory bombing as tensions soar

On Thursday morning, according to a statement from its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan conducted what it called an “intelligence-based operation” against hideouts of armed groups in the Sistan-Baluchestan province of Iran.

Iranian state television said at least nine people were killed in the attacks.

17.01.2024 - 20:32 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Die “Authorization For Use of Military Force” vom 14. September 2001 im Wortlaut

(29. August 2014)

Seit Beginn des weltweiten Terrorkrieges in 2001 herrschten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zwei Personen als Kriegspräsidenten und “mächtigste Männer der Welt”, George Bush Junior und Barack Obama. Der Kern ihrer Legitimation für

– fast jede seit dem 14. September 2001 angeordnete militärische Aktion, Operation und Invasion, wie der Eroberung von Afghanistan (2001), Irak (2003), Libyen (2011), Luftangriffen bzw Bodenoperationen z.B. in Somalia, Jemen, Pakistan, Kenia, etc, etc, pp,

– den versuchten Aufbau einer “Totalen Informationskenntnis” (“Total Information Awareness”) über alle Menschen, Gruppen, Strömungen und Organisationen im Macht- bzw Einflussbereich der U.S.A. (also dem, was die Gesellschaft heute als “Totalüberwachung” versteht),

– die folgende Erschaffung eines informationstechnologischen, Privatleben fressenden Frankensteins, eines weltweit vernetzten Golem der “Nationalen Sicherheit AG” bzw dem “sicherheitsindustriellen Komplex”, der allein 800.000 Personen (Stand: 2010) Zugang zu “streng geheimen” Informationen und damit Zugang zu praktisch allen u.a. aus Telekommunikationssystemen wie dem Internet gesammelten bzw geraubten Daten von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in ungezählten Datenbanken und Tauschbörsen der Spione, Militärs und (Geheim)Polizeien und Behörden allein in den U.S.A. gibt, samt einer bis heute nicht verifizierten Zahl assoziierter Kräfte und Stellen, z.B. in der Republik Deutschland,

– die Errichtung des Lagers Guantanamo, sowie einer unbekannten Zahl geheimer Folterkammern und Kerker auf eigenem Territorium, in Besatzungszonen und / oder in kollaborierenden Staaten, in denen Menschen willkürlich eingesperrt, gequält oder ermordet wurden,

sowie weitere offene oder klandestine Maßnahmen, wie z.B. die “Uminterpretation” von geltendem Recht zu faktischem geheimen Kriegsrecht in ungezählten Staaten, ist ein am 14. September 2001 bei alleiniger Gegenstimme von Barbara Lee durch den Kongress gejagter und, zumindest in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, präzedenzloser Gesetzestext: die “Authorization for Use of Military Force”.

Hier dessen gerade einmal 60 Worte und keinerlei zeitliche oder räumliche Einschränkung enthaltende Wirkungstext, beschlossen am 14.09.2001 von beiden Kammern des Kongresses, Repräsentantenhaus und Senat:

17.01.2024 - 20:21 [ ]

60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History

(Jan 17, 2014)

By the end of the meeting, it was clear that this was the resolution, a single sentence and 60 words:

That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

That was it. After more than a day of negotiations between the White House and Congress, Republicans and Democrats, this is what had emerged. Congress could take it or leave it. There would be no going back to the drawing board.

17.01.2024 - 09:08 [ ]

Pakistan warns of ‘consequences’ after Iranian incursion

Pakistan condemned the attack, describing it an “unprovoked violation” of the Pakistani airspace, and warned Tehran of serious consequences. The Foreign Office said in a late-night statement that the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty was completely unacceptable.

Two bases of Jaish al Adl in Pakistan were targeted by missiles on Tuesday, Iranian state media reported, a day after Iran‘s elite Revolutionary Guards missiles strikes hit an “Israeli spy centre” in Iraq and targeted Islamic State militants in Syria.

17.01.2024 - 09:00 [ ]

Pakistan summons Iranian charge d‘affaires to protest over ‚unprovoked violation‘ of air space

Islamabad reacted strongly over unprovoked violation of airspace by Tehran air attack inside Pakistani territory killed two innocent children while injuring three other girls.

Foreign office said such violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty is completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences.

MoFA called it concerning as despite the existence of several channels of communication, Iran opted for aggressive approach.

17.01.2024 - 08:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran hits back

Missiles rain on the headquarters of terrorists in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria’s Idlib and Pakistan’s Balochistan

17.01.2024 - 08:20 [ Washington Post ]

Iran attacks alleged militant bases in Pakistan; Islamabad says ‚unprovoked‘ strikes kill 2 children

Iran launched attacks Tuesday in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl, potentially further raising tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel‘s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Pakistan said the strikes killed two children and wounded three others in an assault it described as an “unprovoked violation” of its airspace.

24.12.2023 - 11:02 [ Times of Israel ]

TV report: Israel believes drone fired at tanker off India was launched directly from Iran

Israel believes the drone fired at a tanker off the coast of India a short while ago was launched directly from Iran, Channel 12 reports, although this remains unconfirmed.

24.12.2023 - 10:59 [ CNN ]

Pentagon says chemical tanker struck by Iranian drone in Indian Ocean

A chemical tanker operating in the Indian Ocean was struck by an Iranian attack drone Saturday, a US Department of Defense official said, the seventh Iranian attack on commercial shipping since 2021.

“The motor vessel CHEM PLUTO, a Liberia-flagged, Japanese-owned, and Netherlands-operated chemical tanker was struck at approximately 10 a.m. local time (6 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time) today in the Indian Ocean, 200 nautical miles from the coast of India, by a one-way attack drone fired from Iran,” the official said in a statement.

20.12.2023 - 16:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

After 2016 — first Brexit, then Trump‘s win — Western elites decided populations could no longer be trusted with basic freedoms: they choose and think wrong. That‘s what led to the censorship/“disinformation“ regime. Now they‘re barring the leading candidate from running:

Imagine if Biden wins with Trump banned or jailed: US sermons about „democracy,“ or condemning Putin imprisoning Navalny, will be seen as an even bigger joke than now.

One of the West‘s key dissidents (Assange) is jailed. They censor dissent. Now they‘re trying to ban Trump.

It‘s always been a huge propagandistic mystery that the US media succeeds in convincing Americans that the US Govt defends freedom as it props up the worst dictators (Saudi, Egypt, etc.).

They‘re now escalating it in desperation: first after 2016, now seeing Trump/Biden polls.

Fear of free populations is a global trend. In Brazil, they imprisoned Lula in 2018 when leading all polls, then banned Bolsonaro from running.

In Pakistan, CIA engineered removal and imprisonment of Imran Khan.

All Western countries are increasing online speech controls.

24.10.2023 - 04:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Visiting US senators: Hamas must be destroyed, war was opened to prevent Saudi peace

Delaware Democrat Chris Coons also said that the Abraham Accords and progress toward normalization were among Hamas’s reasons to attack now.

Graham added that 10 percent of the US Senate is currently in Israel “because we care… I come here because I love Israel. I do not hate Palestinians. I hate Hamas.”

Graham also had stark words of warning for Tehran: “We’re here today to tell Iran, we’re watching you. If this war grows, it’s coming to your backyard. There won’t be two fronts, there will be three.”

02.10.2023 - 08:32 [ Wikipedia ]

Asim Munir (general)

Prior to becoming army chief he was posted at the GHQ as Quartermaster general.[3] He commanded the XXX Corps in Gujranwala from 17 June 2019 to 6 October 2021.[4] He served as the 23rd Director-General of the ISI until he was replaced with Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed on 16 June 2019.

02.10.2023 - 08:26 [ Reuters ]

Pakistan sets election for January, likely minus Imran Khan

(September 21, 2023)

The election commission has already questioned the impartiality of the caretaker government led by Kakar, who comes from a pro-military party, saying it appears to be aligned with the opponents of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

As it stands, former premier Khan, the main opposition leader, cannot fight this election after he was barred from public office for five years after a corruption investigation.

02.10.2023 - 07:41 [ Al Jazeera ]

Did US ask for Imran Khan’s removal as Pakistan PM after he visited Russia?

(10 Aug 2023)

Khan was sacked from power in April 2022 after he lost a no-confidence vote in parliament. He alleged he knew of the “cypher” while he was in office which, according to him, proved the US hatched a conspiracy with the help of his political opponents and the Pakistani military to remove him.

He later made a U-turn, saying he wants good relations with the US, but continued to blame his successor Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the military for orchestrating his removal.

02.10.2023 - 07:33 [ ]

Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan


One month after the meeting with U.S. officials documented in the leaked Pakistani government document, a no-confidence vote was held in Parliament, leading to Khan’s removal from power. The vote is believed to have been organized with the backing of Pakistan’s powerful military. Since that time, Khan and his supporters have been engaged in a struggle with the military and its civilian allies, whom Khan claims engineered his removal from power at the request of the U.S.

The text of the Pakistani cable, produced from the meeting by the ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan, has not previously been published. The cable, known internally as a “cypher,” reveals both the carrots and the sticks that the State Department deployed in its push against Khan, promising warmer relations if Khan was removed, and isolation if he was not.

02.10.2023 - 05:42 [ ]

Balochistan govt announces ‘all-out war’ against terrorists amid rising unrest

(October 01, 2023)

During a press conference held in Quetta, the minister lauded the Chief of Army Staff‘s (COAS) dedication to the fight against terror and emphasised the joint efforts of provincial and federal governments in countering extremism and terrorism. (…)

Echoing the sentiments of Caretaker Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti, Achakzai asserted that the Indian intelligence agency RAW was responsible for the unrest and terrorist acts in Balochistan. “Such elements would not be spared at any costs”, he concluded.

02.10.2023 - 05:25 [ Koko / Nitter ]

There have been 5 bomb blasts in Pakistan today, so far. But this is not our 9/11.


02.10.2023 - 05:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

Pakistan blasts updates: Twin explosions kill dozens of worshippers


Balochistan’s Police Chief Abdul Khaliq Shaikh says the explosion near the procession of Eid Mawlid an-Nabi in Mastung was a suicide attack.

Shaikh said in a statement that a police official, Nawaz Gishkori, sacrificed his life trying to stop the suicide attacker.

21.09.2023 - 21:04 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Von wem bekommt Saudi-Arabien wirklich Atomwaffen-Technologie?

(10.November 2013)

Ohne die Integrität von BBC-Reporter Mark Urban in Zweifel ziehen zu wollen: meiner Einschätzung nach handelt es sich bei diesen (auch ihm gegenüber) gezielt gestreuten entsprechenden Informationen über Pakistan als Quelle der saudischen Atombombe um “operative Informationen”, wie man im Apparat zu Deutschland zu sagen pflegt, um solche Begriffe wie “psychologische Kriegführung” oder schlicht “Lüge” zu vermeiden bzw aufzuhübschen.

Meiner Einschätzung nach bieten sich statt Pakistan zwei weitere expansive, kriegführende, imperialistische und skrupellose Atom- und Kolonialmächte für die Proliferation von Atomwaffen bzw der dafür notwendigen Technologie nach Saudi-Arabien an: Israel und Frankreich

12.08.2023 - 15:52 [ Haaretz ]

Pakistan’s Spy Agency Buys Israeli Cellphone Hacking Tech

As Haaretz has reported on numerous occasions, Cellebrite’s clients have included oppressive regimes that were or still are subject to sanctions, including Belarus, China (including Hong Kong), Uganda, Venezuela, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia and Ethiopia, as well as Bangladesh’s notorious Rapid Action Battalion.

The security forces in Pakistan are known to commit serious violations of human rights and freedom of expression.

05.08.2023 - 18:26 [ ]

National Assembly to be dissolved on August 9


The Constitution provides that if the assembly completes its tenure, elections are to be held in 60 days, but in case of premature dissolution — which will be the case here — this period is extended to 90 days. (…)

Earlier in the day, the prime minister listed reasons why he was taking Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Syed Asim Munir along on major issues and initiatives.

It has been observed for the last few days that the COAS accompanied the PM at different occasions and ceremonies.

05.08.2023 - 18:11 [ ]

‚I would like to thank my brother Saudi Crown Prince,‘ says Pak PM on receiving $2-bn financial support

(Jul 11, 2023)

In April, Saudi Arabia made a commitment to provide financial assistance and subsequently awaited the arrival of the aid package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before depositing it into the State Bank of Pakistan.

This much-needed support will help bolster the central bank‘s dwindling foreign exchange reserves, which had declined to a level barely sufficient to cover a month‘s worth of regulated imports.

08.06.2023 - 01:27 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

04.06.2023 - 10:00 [ Imran Khan / Twitter ]

Two of our senior members from the negotiations committee I had formed, Pervez Khattak and Asad Qaiser, were called for a meeting by the intelligence agencies. They have now been illegally detained in a safe house and are being forced to quit PTI for their release.

(Jun 1, 2023)

In the law of jungle, might is right and the weak have no protection.

04.06.2023 - 09:53 [ ]

Imran Khan left alone, PTI leaders left the party, Pakistani Army Chief’s plan successful!


Several analysts, as well as PTI members, say the army chief is now trying to break his party before arresting him and putting him on trial in a military court.

04.06.2023 - 09:42 [ ]

Why Imran Khan’s Enemy No 1 is Pak army chief General Asim Munir

(May 15, 2023)

The rift goes back to when Khan was the prime minister and General Munir was the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) – Pakistan’s spy agency.

Munir, who was appointed by the then Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, in October 2018 had the shortest stint as the ISI head.

Eight months after taking over as the spymaster, he was replaced by Lieutenant-General Faiz Hamid.

As per reports, this was done at the insistence of the then-Pakistan prime minister Khan.

04.06.2023 - 08:51 [ ]

Déjà vu as Parvez Elahi arrested for third time

(June 03, 2023)

LAHORE: In an interesting turn of events, a trial court on Saturday discharged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Dr Yasmin Rashid along with 23 others, accused of vandalising the Corps Commander House (Jinnah House) in Lahore on May 9 and ordered authorities to set her free.

Separately, a court in Gujranwala also acquitted former Punjab chief minister and PTI President Parvez Elahi in two separate corruption cases. However, Punjab’s anti-corruption watchdog re-arrested Elahi soon after his release in a fresh case involving “illegal appointments”.

04.06.2023 - 08:45 [ ]

Fear for democracy in Pakistan as ISI gets power over civil service

(12 Jun 2022)

Before ousting the former prime minister, Imran Khan, in a no-confidence vote in April, opposition parties now in power had criticised the military for its meddling in politics, rigging elections and bringing Khan into office.

Ayesha Siddiqa, an author and expert on military affairs of Pakistan, said it was depressing that none of the senior leadership of the major political parties had condemned Sharif’s move.

04.06.2023 - 08:43 [ ]

Pakistan‘s ruling alliance questions PM Sharif‘s decision to empower ISI to conduct verification of civil servants

(05th June 2022)

PML-N former information minister Pervaiz Rashid also questioned the move in a tweet, saying if the task of investigating civilian officers was included in ISI‘s responsibilities, then the spy agency should also be placed under civilian control and be accountable to the parliament.

03.06.2023 - 19:17 [ Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf & former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

Today the oppression and repression of all martial laws has been surpassed. There’s a complete crackdown on PTI plus anyone who dares to criticise the blatant violations of all fundamental rights of our citizen. Jibran Nasir‘s abduction only reinforces the fact that we are headed to the Nazi Germany era post 1933.


03.06.2023 - 19:12 [ Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Nitter ]

Leaving for Türkiye today at the invitation of my brother, H.E. President @RTErdogan, to attend his inauguration ceremony. I will convey our warmest greetings to the President on behalf of the government and people of Pakistan on his re-election.


The fraternal ties between Pakistan and Türkiye are set to deepen further in line with our shared resolve and common destiny. The upcoming 7th Meeting of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Islamabad will provide the right avenue to take the momentum of our strategic partnership forward. We have yet to unlock the potential of our multifaceted relationship and efforts are being made in that direction.

03.06.2023 - 19:08 [ Reuters ]

President of Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan‘s party arrested in Lahore


Pervez Elahi, president of Khan‘s Tehreek-e-Insaf party, joins a long list of key PTI leaders arrested in the security swoop to halt turmoil that has threatened to worsen instability in a country reeling from a crippling financial crisis.

30.05.2023 - 19:49 [ ]

Saudis consider nuclear bomb

(September 18, 2003)

UN officials said there have been rumours going back 20 years that the Saudis wanted to pay Pakistan to do the research and development on nuclear weapons.

In 1988, Saudi bought from China intermediate-range missiles capable of reaching any part of the Middle East with a nuclear warhead.

Four years ago, Saudi Arabia sent a defence team to Pakistan to tour its secret nuclear facilities and to be briefed by Abdul Qader Khan, the father of Pakistan‘s nuclear bomb.

18.05.2023 - 04:05 [ ]

American Patriots nailed Putin’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile. The world has changed

Today the US National Missile Defence effort is explicitly limited to defence against the sort of attack that might be mounted by a rogue state such as North Korea: it is specifically forbidden to work on things which might be able to stop Russia’s vast ICBM force, to avoid panicking Vladimir Putin.

12.05.2023 - 20:07 [ Ihtisham Ul Haq / Nitter ]

Internet restored in Islamabad.

12.05.2023 - 14:00 [ CNN ]

Protesters are turning on Pakistan’s military after Imran Khan’s arrest. Here’s what you need to know

(May 11, 2023)

Unrest has spread across multiple major cities, resulting in unprecedented scenes of defiant crowds breaking into military properties and setting the homes of army personnel ablaze, directly challenging a usually untouchable force that has long sat at the apex of power in Pakistan.

Since it won independence in 1947, Pakistan has struggled with political instability, regime changes and coups with the military having a historically decisive role in who stays in power.

12.05.2023 - 13:48 [ Dr.Farrukh Javed / Nitter ]

The events following the arrest of #ImranKhan are mind-boggling and unbelievable; it is my pragmatic belief that, for the first time in this country‘s 75-year history, our nation protested at the right places against those who are the root cause of the problems. 1/

I completely agree with those who say the protest should be peaceful, but if people are denied their constitutional right to protest, they will protest unconstitutionally. You cannot control an enraged mob that has been oppressed for the past 75 years. 2/

Regrettably, this fascist government banned internet and social media sites in order to conceal their incompetence and failed governance, as well as the lack of trust placed in them by the people of Pakistan. As a result, thousands of daily bettors are out of work. 3/

I am hoping that Pakistan‘s stakeholders will come together and accept the legal and constitutional demand for elections. Release all innocent people and reverse all fake cases so that a strong political government can take over Pakistan and avoid economic default.

12.05.2023 - 13:25 [ Ihtisham Ul Haq / Nitter ]

Imran Khan will address the nation as soon as he leaves the court.

12.05.2023 - 13:12 [ Mughees Ali / Nitter ]

عمران خان کورٹ روم نمبر 2 سے کورٹ روم نمبر 4 جارہے ہیں ایک اور درخواست پر سماعت وہاں ہوگی۔۔!!!

12.05.2023 - 12:40 [ Swamy / Nitter ]

Islamabad Court granted 2 weeks bail to Imran Khan #imranKhanPTI #bail

12.05.2023 - 12:27 [ Al Jazeera ]

Pakistan court orders ex-PM Imran Khan’s release

A Pakistani court has granted a two-week bail to former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was arrested earlier this week.

The Islamabad High Court on Friday granted the bail to the country’s main opposition leader arrested by the country’s National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Tuesday.

12.05.2023 - 12:20 [ ]

Pakistan: PTI leader Shireen Mazari arrested

In a late-night raid at her residence in the federal capital on Friday, PTI Senior Vice President Dr. Shireen Mazari was taken into custody, continuing the police crackdown on PTI leaders.

Officials claim that the Islamabad police raided her home early on Friday. Shireen Mazari was detained after a number of other PTI leaders, including Senator Ejaz Chaudhry, Imran Khan, Asad Umar, Fawad Chaudhry, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, and Ali Mohammad Khan, were also taken into custody.

12.05.2023 - 12:15 [ ]

Imran Khan reaches IHC amid strict security

Former prime minister Imran Khan arrived in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Friday in line with the Supreme Court’s orders for bail in multiple cases, including Al-Qadir Trust case.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman was brought to IHC from the rest house of Police Line Headquarters amid tight security as a huge number of his supporters have gathered there.

12.05.2023 - 12:10 [ ]

President Alvi holds hours-long meeting with Imran Khan

„I would like to draw your attention to the way Imran Khan was arrested,“ the president wrote in his strongly-worded letter two days after the PTI chief was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust corruption case, which led to widespread deadly protests.

„The people of Pakistan and I were shocked to see the video of this incident. The video shows the abuse of a former prime minister. Imran Khan is a popular leader and the head of a major political party.“

12.05.2023 - 02:20 [ Ihtisham Ul Haq / Nitter ]

Peshawar celebrating

12.05.2023 - 02:06 [ BBC ]

Imran Khan: Pakistan‘s Supreme Court rules arrest was illegal

Pakistan‘s Supreme Court has ruled that former prime minister Imran Khan‘s dramatic arrest on corruption charges this week was illegal.

The court ordered Mr Khan‘s immediate release.

12.05.2023 - 01:50 [ ]

Pakistan arrests top tier of PTI leaders including former FM Qureshi

Qureshi was arrested in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Islamabad police spokesperson confirmed that scores of PTI leaders, including Qureshi, Umar, Fawad , Jamshed Iqbal Cheema, Falak Naz Chitrali, Mussarat Jamshed Cheema, and Maleeka Bukhari, were arrested, Geo TV reported.

12.05.2023 - 01:44 [ ]

Shah Mahmood Qureshi arrested amid crackdown against top PTI leaders after deadly clashes


The government and armed forces started a crackdown as mass protests turned violent on Wednesday as thousands took to the streets to protest the arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan, who was arrested on Tuesday.

After Fawad Chaudhry and Asad Umar, now the former foreign minister was detained in the wee hours on Thursday during a raid at Gilgit-Baltidstan House.

12.05.2023 - 01:40 [ ]

Hello world! The internet is blocked in Pakistan again, but we are publishing this using a VPN

(May 10, 2023)

The interior ministry has turned the switch off yet again. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has said that mobile broadband services will remain suspended nationwide for an “indefinite period” on the interior ministry’s instructions, amid protests following PTI chief Imran Khan’s arrest on Tuesday.

12.05.2023 - 00:55 [ ]

Huge Protests In Pak After Imran Khan‘s Arrest, Supporters Storm Army HQ

Supporters of Pakistan‘s former Prime Minister Imran Khan, protesting against his arrest, entered the compound of the army commanders‘ residence in Lahore last evening. Media footage showed them also storming the army headquarters in Rawalpindi.

12.05.2023 - 00:40 [ ]

Imran Khan arrest: Protests erupt across country

(May 9, 2023)

In another tweet, he said Rangers had captured the Islamabad High Court. The personnel of paramilitary force tortured many lawyers, also

PTI Secretary General Asad Umar tweeted that a six-member committee, headed by PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi, would determine the next course of action.

“Pakistan’s biggest political leader has been arrested,” Umar said. “The whole world is being shown that there is no law in the country.”

12.05.2023 - 00:00 [ New York Times ]

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Ex-Leader, Is Arrested

(May 9, 2023)

Mr. Khan and his supporters deny the charges, characterizing them as a misuse of the justice system by the government, led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, and the military to keep him out of politics. Political and military leaders deny those claims.

The tensions surrounding Mr. Khan broke into violence in November, when he was wounded during a rally after an unidentified man opened fire on his convoy, in what aides have called an assassination attempt. In recent months, Mr. Khan has accused a senior intelligence official of playing a role in that shooting.

11.05.2023 - 23:50 [ Imran Khan / Nitter ]

As someone who has suffered 2 assassination attempts on his life in last few months, can I dare to ask SS the following Qs:

(May 8, 2023)

1. Have I, a citizen, the right to nominate those I feel were responsible for assassination attacks on me? Why was I denied my legal & Constitutional right.. register an FIR? Does SS tweet mean mly officers are above the law or that they cannot commit a crime? If we allege one of them has committed a crime, how is institution being maligned?
3. Who was so powerful as to sabotage Wazirabad JIT while PTI govt was in power in Punjab?

11.05.2023 - 23:37 [ ]

Top Pak Army General Involved In Senior Journalist‘s Murder: Imran Khan

(May 07, 2023)

Arshad Sharif, who was critical of the Army, was killed in Kenya last October as he fled the country citing threats to his life from the security agencies.

The killing of the investigative journalist by police in Kenya caused outrage in Pakistan.

Kenya‘s police, in an initial report, had said the 49-year-old was shot dead in a moving vehicle in a case of mistaken identity.

Khan, 71, had earlier accused Gen Naseer along with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah of an assassination attempt on his life in November last year in Punjab province‘s Wazirabad wherein he received three bullets in his leg.

11.05.2023 - 23:04 [ Waqt News / Youtube ]

Meeting of PM Shahbaz Sharif with caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi

/May 3, 2023)

Meeting of PM Shahbaz Sharif with caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi

11.05.2023 - 23:03 [ ]

PTI rejects Mohsin Naqvi‘s appointment as Punjab caretaker CM

(January 22, 2023)

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Fawad Chaudhry took a jibe at the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to appoint PML-N’s nominee Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi as Punjab caretaker chief minister saying that the electoral watchdog never failed to disappoint. (…)

He called on party workers to prepare, saying that a large campaign would be launched under the leadership of party chief Imran Khan.

11.05.2023 - 22:55 [ ]

PM meets caretaker Punjab CM Mohsin Naqvi, felicitates him for taking oath

(January 25, 2023)

Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi called on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday.

The premier greeted Mr Naqvi on assuming the post of caretaker Punjab chief minister and expressed his best wishes.

01.04.2023 - 22:22 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

10.03.2023 - 21:11 [ ]

Saudis consider nuclear bomb

(September 18, 2003)

UN officials said there have been rumours going back 20 years that the Saudis wanted to pay Pakistan to do the research and development on nuclear weapons.

In 1988, Saudi bought from China intermediate-range missiles capable of reaching any part of the Middle East with a nuclear warhead.

Four years ago, Saudi Arabia sent a defence team to Pakistan to tour its secret nuclear facilities and to be briefed by Abdul Qader Khan, the father of Pakistan‘s nuclear bomb.

23.02.2023 - 16:38 [ ]

Ukraine seeks Pakistan’s support over conflict with Russia

During the conversation, the president conveyed that Pakistan remained deeply concerned over the conflict in Ukraine. He said that Pakistan supported a peaceful solution to the conflict in accordance with the UN Charter.

Dr Alvi said that the contents of the draft resolution were being evaluated by the government of Pakistan.

07.01.2023 - 09:12 [ ]

Russia to hold 9 international military exercises in 2023

n addition, eight bilateral exercises are planned to be held at the training grounds of Russia‘s military districts, the ministry noted. According to the ministry, these exercises include Russian-Indian Indra-2023 drills, the joint military anti-terrorist command and staff exercises of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states Peace Mission-2023, the joint Russian-Lao military exercises, the joint Russian-Pakistani exercises Friendship-2023, the Russian-Algerian exercises, exercises with units of the collective forces of the rapid deployment of the Central Asian collective security region Frontier-2023, the Russian-Mongolian exercises Selenga-2023 and the Russian-Vietnamese exercises.

22.11.2022 - 15:10 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

18.11.2022 - 12:02 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

07.11.2022 - 06:07 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

06.10.2022 - 15:42 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

16.09.2022 - 15:19 [ Geeta Mohan, Foreign Affairs Editor, @IndiaToday / Nitter ]

Would like to welcome new dialogue partners of SCO Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, the Maldives, UAE and Myanmar. – Pak PM Shehbaz Sharif at #SCOSummit2022

16.09.2022 - 09:11 [ ]

Pipeline gas supplies to Pakistan are possible, says Putin

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Samarkand on Thursday.

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and ways to further strengthen cooperation.

16.09.2022 - 08:49 [ ]

Gipfeltreffen in Usbekistan endet: Putin trifft Erdogan

Der 2001 gegründeten Schanghai-Gruppe, die sich Kooperation und Sicherheit auf die Fahnen schreibt, gehören heute außer Russland, China, Indien auch Pakistan, Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Tadschikistan, Usbekistan und neuerdings der Iran an.

11.09.2022 - 19:40 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

28.08.2022 - 14:44 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

07.08.2022 - 06:22 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

20.07.2022 - 15:42 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

16.05.2022 - 19:38 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

17.04.2022 - 22:52 [ Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

Wishing all our Christian citizens a happy Easter.

17.04.2022 - 22:49 [ Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

What happened in Punjab Assembly was condemnable & against all democratic norms & constitutional provisions. No one was in the Chair conducting the supposed elections – a total violation of all norms. We reject this sham mafia-captured „elections“