Archiv: Asien / Asia

03.01.2024 - 08:35 [ Jacobin ]

South Africa Is Right to Invoke the Genocide Convention Against Israel’s War on Gaza

By the 1920s, Lemkin was formulating the concepts and laws that were articulated in his best-known book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (1944). His unpublished manuscripts reveal that he saw colonialism as an integral part of a world history of genocide.

Those manuscripts covered an extremely wide range of cases where European colonial powers were responsible for mass killing, from the Spanish conquest of the Americas in the sixteenth century and the slaughter of indigenous peoples in Australia and New Zealand to the German massacre of the Hereros in Namibia a few decades earlier.

31.12.2023 - 20:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s war on Gaza encapsulates the entire history of European colonialism

In North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, European settler-colonialists have left behind the evidence of their psychotic genocidal practices.

The European transatlantic slave trade may have halved the population of Africa, some historians believe. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many African colonies were all built on the systematic extermination, displacement and internment of the original inhabitants.

In the Israeli settler-colonialism now on violent display in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, European colonialism is living up to its murderous infamy and has returned to the global stage with a vengeance.

For decades, scholars of European colonialism have been working hard to document, archive and connect these episodes of the premeditated mass murder of native people around the globe.

22.04.2023 - 09:58 [ Dwight D. Eisenhower / ]

“The Chance for Peace” Address Delivered Before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16th, 1953

This free world knows, out of the bitter wisdom of experience, that vigilance and sacrifice are the price of liberty.

It knows that the defense of Western Europe imperatively demands the unity of purpose and action made possible by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, embracing a European Defense Community.
It knows that Western Germany deserves to be a free and equal partner in this community and that this, for Germany, is the only safe way to full, final unity.
It knows that aggression in Korea and in southeast Asia are threats to the whole free community to be met by united action.


We are ready not only to press forward with the present plans for closer unity of the nations of Western Europe but also, upon that foundation, to strive to foster a broader European community, conducive to the free movement of persons, of trade, and of ideas.
This community would include a free and united Germany, with a government based upon free and secret elections.
This free community and the full independence of the East European nations could mean the end of the present unnatural division of Europe.


Again we say: the hunger for peace is too great, the hour in history too late, for any government to mock men’s hopes with mere words and promises and gestures.
The test of truth is simple. There can be no persuasion but by deeds.


The test is clear.
There is, before all peoples, a precious chance to turn the black tide of events. If we failed to strive to seize this chance, the judgment of future ages would be harsh and just.
If we strive but fail and the world remains armed against itself, it at least need be divided no longer in its clear knowledge of who has condemned humankind to this fate.

22.04.2023 - 09:48 [ ]

Why Eisenhower’s “Chance for Peace” Address Still Matters

(April 19, 2023)

Eisenhower made these comparisons in the early years of the Cold War, shortly after the death of Joseph Stalin. As he told his speechwriter at the time, he was “tired…of just plain indictments of the Soviet regime.… [J]ust one thing matters. What have we got to offer the world?” He was looking for a positive alternative to what he described as the “dread road” the world was then on, which in his view could only lead to one of two outcomes: atomic war or immiseration tied to perpetual military buildups. He described the outcome of continuing with the status quo as “not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”

04.01.2023 - 18:51 [ ]

Saudi Arabia May Cut Oil Prices To Asia Even Further

The price was set at a $3.25 premium to the Dubai/Oman benchmark, a cut by $2.20 per barrel from the prior month’s price.

Now, according to the four analysts surveyed by Reuters, Aramco could cut the price of Arab Light by another $1.50 per barrel for February shipments. This would bring the premium over Dubai/Oman to just $1.75 per barrel.

21.06.2022 - 07:22 [ ]

Videoüberwachung aus der Stratosphäre: Neues Zeitalter für Überwachungsballons

Die EU-Grenzagentur Frontex fliegt einen Aerostat am griechisch-türkischen Grenzfluss Evros, Tests erfolgten zuvor auch über den Inseln Samos und Limnos. Das Luftschiff soll bis zu 40 Tage in der Luft bleiben und rund 200 Kilogramm Nutzlast befördern können. Dabei kann ein bis zu 60 Kilometer entferntes Gebiet beobachtet werden.

Frontex strebt nun ebenfalls in die Stratosphäre. In einer Ausschreibung suchte die Grenzagentur im vergangenen Jahr nach Anbietern sogenannter Leichter-als-Luft-Lösungen. In 20 Kilometern Höhe sollen sie die Lücke zwischen den von Frontex genutzten Flugzeugen, Drohnen und Satelliten schließen.

25.08.2021 - 22:01 [ Xinhuanet ]

Developing Vietnam-China relations top priority in Vietnam‘s foreign policy: Vietnamese PM

Developing the Vietnam-China relations is a strategic choice and a top priority in Vietnam‘s foreign policy, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said Tuesday.

27.07.2021 - 17:21 [ Dave DeCamp / ]

SecDef Austin Heads to Southeast Asia With Eye on China

The US wants to form stronger partnerships in the region to counter China

27.07.2021 - 16:27 [ France24 ]

Blinken in India for talks dominated by Afghan turmoil, China

Top US diplomat Antony Blinken arrived Tuesday in India for talks dominated by turmoil in Afghanistan and common worries about China, while also touching on New Delhi‘s rights record.

Blinken, in his first India visit as secretary of state, was due to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Wednesday before flying to Kuwait.

24.07.2021 - 15:21 [ Voice of America ]

US Defense Secretary Heads to Southeast Asia

Next week Austin will visit Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines. It is the first trip to Southeast Asia by a top member of the Biden administration and Austin’s second trip to the Asia-Pacific region, which he referred to earlier in the week as the Pentagon’s “priority theater of operations.”

23.07.2021 - 09:56 [ France24 ]

China‘s Xi makes rare trip to Tibet: state media

The last Chinese president to visit was Jiang Zemin in 199

05.07.2021 - 16:41 [ ]

The EU’s COVID Digital Green Pass: Dividing the world?

Consequentially, from July 1st onwards, only persons who have taken these EMA-approved vaccines can travel freely within the EU region. Any other vaccine, such as WHO-approved Covishield, manufactured by Serum Institute of India under license from Oxford-AstraZeneca, is not recognized by EMA. However, the EU has clarified that the “Green pass” is not a precondition to travel. Nevertheless, people vaccinated with Covishield in India and other countries where New Delhi has exported its vaccines, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mauritania and other African countries, might face specific issues while travelling within the EU

05.06.2021 - 11:41 [ ]

Europäischer Kolonialismus

(30. März 2012)

Die Herrschaft über Kolonien erlangten die Machthaber Europas, indem sie Militär in die Kolonien entsendeten und Zivilverwaltungen aufbauten. Dieses Vorgehen rechtfertigten sie damit, dass sie die Bevölkerung in den kolonialen Besitzungen für minderwertig erklärten. Die sogenannten Wilden betrachteten sie als rassisch unterlegen, als unzivilisiert und unfähig, sich selbst zu verwalten. Es galt daher als legitim, sie in den Kolonien zur Arbeit zu zwingen oder als Sklaven zu exportieren.

Kolonialmächte wollten Kolonien aber nicht nur beherrschen und ausbeuten, sondern ihnen auch ihre Kulturen und Religionen aufprägen.

05.04.2021 - 11:02 [ ]

Indonesia Will Not Join QUAD as It Delicately Balances Relations With All Regional Players

Even Vietnam, which has centuries long animosity with China and more tense relations over the South China Sea, shows no intentions of joining QUAD. Besides the lack of interest from Vietnam, and likely from Indonesia too, QUAD members themselves, at this point in time, have not named any specific candidates to join their anti-China coalition.

03.04.2021 - 12:30 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

NATO Appoints Turkey To Lead Drive Into the Middle East and Asia

On the first of the year the North Atlantic Treaty Organization transferred command of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) to Turkey.

On March 30 NATO turned over its current mission in Afghanistan to Turkish Brigadier General Selçuk Yurtsizoglu.

12.02.2021 - 05:33 [ Haaretz ]

Illegal Missile Sale to ‚Asian Country‘ Could Harm Israel-U.S. Ties

Investigations by the Shin Bet and police into the alleged sale of military technology to an unnamed Asian country may become one of the most serious security issues in recent memory. Defense officials are concerned that the case may have far-reaching consequences involving a large number of people and potential intelligence and technological fallout.

05.10.2020 - 04:17 [ The Japan Times ]

Mike Pompeo shortens Asia trip as Trump falls ill, but will visit Japan

In Tokyo on Tuesday, Pompeo and Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi will have a meeting with the foreign ministers of Australia and India in a move that is seen as a counter to China‘s growing assertiveness in the region.

11.07.2020 - 18:33 [ ]

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda.

20.02.2020 - 12:39 [ NATO / Twitter ]

NATO is a family of common values. We are united with our Allies for peace and stability. ?? #Turkey is NATO, #WeAreNATO

14.01.2020 - 16:26 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die nächste Frontlinie

In Deutschland werden seit geraumer Zeit Forderungen laut, es der U.S. Navy gleichzutun. Dabei wird darauf verwiesen, dass auch Frankreich Kriegsschiffe durch die Taiwan-Straße schickt. In französischen Militärkreisen heißt es, dies geschehe gewöhnlich einmal pro Jahr. Im Juni 2019 hieß es unter Berufung auf hochrangige Beamte in Berlin, im Verteidigungsministerium werde diskutiert, künftig auch deutsche Kriegsschiffe nach Ostasien zu entsenden:

25.12.2019 - 11:59 [ Rudolf Maresch / ]

Politik des Großraums

Von „demokratischen Brückenköpfen“, die Deutschland und Frankreich für Amerikas Griff nach Eurasien strategisch spielen, war ebenso wenig die Rede wie vom „Protektorat Japan“, vom globalen Machtpoker, der von Washington D.C. aus nach amerikanischen Regeln gespielt wird oder von internationalen Institutionen (IWF; Weltbank, WTO), die von den USA weitgehend kontrolliert und dominiert werden.

Stattdessen sprach Zbig ausführlich von „Lastenverteilung“, von „Verpflichtung“ und „Verantwortung“, die Europa künftig übernehmen und im strategischen Konzept der USA einnehmen müsste, wenn es in Asien oder Amerika im Nahen Osten künftig für Ordnung sorgen und den Nachschub des Westens sichern soll.

01.10.2019 - 19:09 [ Valdai Club ‏/ Twitter ]

Changes on the world arena have returned Eurasia to the international spotlight. The fourth session of the Valdai Club‘s 16th Annual Meeting was dedicated to the topic: „Greater Eurasia as a New Form of Geo-Economic Space Organization“. #valdaiclub


01.10.2019 - 18:53 [ Robert Nemala / Twitter ]

Wow, #Pacific made part of the Greater Eurasia! India and Russia sign agreement to connect „Greater Eurasia“ and the “regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans”


01.10.2019 - 18:26 [ Parliament Moldova ‏/ Twitter ]

Speaker Zinaida Greceanîi and @HPFriedrichCSU , Vice-President of the German Bundestag, held a meeting within the pale of the Fourth Meeting of Speakers of the Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments titled “Greater Eurasia: Dialogue. Trust. Partnership.” @CSU


01.10.2019 - 18:15 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

„Konferenz eurasischer Parlamentssprecher“: Der Dialog ist das Ziel

Den Dialog fördern: In Kasachstan fand zum vierten Mal die „Konferenz eurasischer Parlamentssprecher“ statt. …

07.09.2019 - 18:36 [ Eddie Dempsey ‏/ Twitter ]

Love the Empire. When the EU stormtroopers are securing by military force markets and access to resources in Africa and Eurasia the Guardian will remind you oposition to this monster is because you are a racist.

13.07.2019 - 03:00 [ Reuters ]

Chile to study trans-Pacific cable to connect South America with Asia

Chile’s call for proposals comes as the country works to entice Amazon Web Services, a unit of Inc (AMZN.O), to install a data center in the South American nation.

10.06.2019 - 12:07 [ Xinhuanet ]

Xi to visit Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, attend SCO, CICA summits

Xi is paying the visits at the invitation of Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, according to Lu.

16.05.2019 - 16:32 [ Haaretz ]

Facebook Busts Israeli Campaign to Disrupt Elections in African, Asian and Latin American Nations

Facebook has faced pressure to more transparently tackle misinformation since the revelation that Russia used Facebook to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

20.11.2018 - 09:31 [ ]

Union of the Mediterranean: ‘We are not a project of union, but a union of projects‘

(11.11.2018) With regard to the Arab Spring – just a year before the Union was being renamed and rebranded and against all the odds – the Union was able to create and maintain a structure that focused on trying to achieve results for those regions that were facing a challenging period. Despite the instability which member states of the Union faced during this period, it managed to create the infrastructure for a better future.

19.11.2018 - 15:46 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Indo-Pazifik-Strategie

Im Oktober ist nun Ursula von der Leyen als erste deutsche Verteidigungsministerin nach Australien gereist, wo sie insbesondere mit ihrem Amtskollegen Christopher Pyne zusammentraf. Wie das Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt, kooperiert die Bundeswehr eng mit Australiens Streitkräften – nicht nur in Einsätzen wie etwa in Afghanistan und im Irak, sondern auch mit gemeinsamen Trainingsmaßnahmen. Darüber hinaus gebe es „regelmäßige Gespräche auf Ebene der Verteidigungsressorts“.

04.11.2018 - 14:13 [ Gabor Steingart / der Spiegel ]

Aufstieg Asiens: Der Westen muss sich wehren – oder er scheitert

(19. September 2006) So kommt es, dass ausgerechnet jene Kreise aus Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik, die sich selbst für hochrational und am wenigsten schwärmerisch halten, als die großen Träumer vor uns stehen. Was einst über die Totalverweigerer, Friedensmarschierer und Blockierer von Mutlangen gesagt wurde, trifft auf sie heute auch zu: Sie sind gutmütig und deshalb gefährlich. Sie wissen viel und sind dennoch unfassbar naiv.

23.10.2018 - 21:57 [ German Foreign Policy ]

„Ein Alptraumszenario für China“

Mit diesen Aktivitäten bewegen sich die deutschen Militärs zunehmend in ein Territorium hinein, in dem die Spannungen nach dem angekündigten Ausstieg der USA aus dem INF-Vertrag und einer möglichen Aufrüstung der US-Streitkräfte mit Mittelstreckenraketen ganz erheblich zunähmen.

22.09.2018 - 11:31 [ ]

EU-Arab League summit proposed for February in Egypt

The announcement follows a joint visit with Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz to Cairo where they held discussions with Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

22.09.2018 - 11:26 [ Radio China ]

EU will die Konnektivität zwischen Europa und Asien fördern

Das Konzept zur Förderung der Konnektivität umfasst die folgenden Bereiche: Aufbau von Verkehrsverbindungen, Energie- und Digitalnetzen sowie von Verbindungen zwischen Menschen, Errichtung von Partnerschaften der Konnektivität mit Ländern und Organisationen und Förderung einer nachhaltigen Finanzierung mithilfe vielfältiger Finanzinstrumente.

27.07.2018 - 13:26 [ ]

Länder lehnen Kooperation ab: Scheitern EU-Pläne für Asylzentren?

„Die Afrikaner sagen uns, dass Europa eine Teilschuld trägt an der derzeitigen Situation“, erzählt der SPD-Politiker Jo Leinen. Die zerrüttete Lage in Libyen und Syrien sei auch auf verunglückte Interventionen des Westens zurückzuführen: „Die Kriegsflüchtlinge sind auch Produkte europäischer Politik. Und sie sehen auch die Armutsflüchtlinge als eine Folge verfehlter Entwicklungspolitik und verfehlter Agrar- und Fischereipolitik.“

25.07.2018 - 14:42 [ Korea Times ]

Trump pleased as North Korea seen dismantling launch site parts

“We‘re all pursuing the denuclearization of North Korea and a new future of prosperity, security and peace on the Korean Peninsula and all of Asia,“ Trump told a VFW convention in Kansas City, Missouri. “New images just today show that North Korea has begun the process of dismantling a key missile site and we appreciate that. We had a fantastic meeting with Chairman Kim, and it seems to be going very well.“