Archiv: Afrika / Africa

11.12.2024 - 19:48 [ ]

Senegal ‚making progress‘ convincing military regimes in Sahel to remain with Ecowas

(December 9, 2024)

According to the bloc, the departure of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger becomes effective one year after the announcement, in January 2025.

The trio have formed the Alliance of Sahel States after severing ties with France and pivoting towards Russia.

03.11.2024 - 16:29 [ Anadolu ]

Türkiye leads joint call to UN Security Council to halt arms shipments to Israe

The letter, led by Türkiye‘s initiative, was signed by 52 countries and two international organizations, and submitted to the UN on Nov. 1, calling for a cessation of arms supplies to Israel.

“We must reiterate at every opportunity that selling weapons to Israel amounts to complicity in genocide,” Fidan said at a news conference in Djibouti, where he attended the third Ministerial Review Conference of Türkiye-Africa Partnership.

12.10.2024 - 05:10 [ Jonathan Cook ]

War on Gaza: Israel wants to finish the job Washington started after 9/11

In 2007, former Nato commander Wesley Clark recounted a meeting at the Pentagon shortly after the US invasion of Afghanistan. An officer told him: “We are going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.”

Clark added of the neoconservatives: “They wanted us to destabilise the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control.”

As I documented in my 2008 book Israel and the Clash of Civilisations, Israel was supposed to carry out a central chunk of Washington’s post-Iraq plan, starting with its war on Lebanon in 2006. Israel’s attack there was supposed to drag in Syria and Iran, giving the US a pretext to expand the war.

This was what the US secretary of state of the time, Condoleezza Rice, meant when she spoke of the “birth pangs of a new Middle East”.

The plan went awry largely because Israel got bogged down in phase one, in Lebanon. It blitzed cities like Beirut with US-supplied bombs, but its soldiers struggled against Hezbollah in a ground invasion of southern Lebanon.

The West subsequently found other ways to deal with Syria and Libya.

03.01.2024 - 08:35 [ Jacobin ]

South Africa Is Right to Invoke the Genocide Convention Against Israel’s War on Gaza

By the 1920s, Lemkin was formulating the concepts and laws that were articulated in his best-known book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (1944). His unpublished manuscripts reveal that he saw colonialism as an integral part of a world history of genocide.

Those manuscripts covered an extremely wide range of cases where European colonial powers were responsible for mass killing, from the Spanish conquest of the Americas in the sixteenth century and the slaughter of indigenous peoples in Australia and New Zealand to the German massacre of the Hereros in Namibia a few decades earlier.

31.12.2023 - 20:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s war on Gaza encapsulates the entire history of European colonialism

In North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, European settler-colonialists have left behind the evidence of their psychotic genocidal practices.

The European transatlantic slave trade may have halved the population of Africa, some historians believe. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many African colonies were all built on the systematic extermination, displacement and internment of the original inhabitants.

In the Israeli settler-colonialism now on violent display in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, European colonialism is living up to its murderous infamy and has returned to the global stage with a vengeance.

For decades, scholars of European colonialism have been working hard to document, archive and connect these episodes of the premeditated mass murder of native people around the globe.

25.10.2023 - 21:55 [ Sinai Foundation for Human Rights ]

International and Arab failure to prevent the annihilation of the Palestinian people must end.. A Joint Statement by 48 Human Rights Organizations from Eight Arab Countries

The undersigned Arab human rights organizations call on permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council and member states of the League of Arab States to take immediate action to prevent the situation in Gaza from developing into the crime of genocide against Palestinian civilians.


Signatory organizations:

– Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

– Adala For All

– Addameer Foundation for Rights and Liberties

– Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights’ safeguarding Committee

– Aman Against Discrimination (ADD)

– Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE)

– Aswat Media Network

– Bahrain Center for Human Rights

– Baytna Organization

– BELaady Organization for Human Rights

– Caesar Families Association

– Center for Arab Unity Studies

– Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Children

– Committee for Justice

– Cultural Media Center-Yemen

– Defender Center for Human Rights

– Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR)

– Egyptian Human Rights Forum ( EHRF)

– Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)

– EgyptWide for Human Rights

– Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS”

– HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement

– Justitia Center for legal protection of human rights in Algeria

– Law and Democracy Support Foundation (LDSF)

– Libya Crimes Watch

– Libyan Center For Freedom Of Press

– ‏Libyan Organization for Independent Media (LOFIM)

– Maeen Center for Community Development

– Musaala Organization for Human Rights

– Mwatana for Human Rights

– National Autonomous Union of Public Administration Staff (SNAPAP)

– Palestinian Counseling center

– Palestinian Human Rights Organisation „PHRO“

– PASS Foundation – Peace for Sustainable Societies

– Refugees platform in Egypt

– Release me organization working with women

– SHOAA for Human Rights

– Sinai Foundation for Human Rights

– Syrian center for Media and Freedom of Expression

– Taafi initiative

– The Libyan center for freedom of press LCFP

– The Libyan Network for Legal Aid

– The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM)


– Tunisian youth league

– Union of Detainees

– Wogood for Human Security

– Yemen Future Foundation for Media and Culture Development

06.09.2023 - 03:43 [ ]

G20 Likely to Become G21 With Induction of African Union

India, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the G20, had proposed including the African Union as a full member. “No plan for the future of the planet can be successful without the representation and recognition of all voices,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said on the subject.

01.09.2023 - 03:39 [ ]

The Horn Of Africa States: Why An ECOWAS Invasion Of Niger Would Be Wrong – OpEd

In the Horn of Africa, we have a saying which denotes the importance of experience. We say, “Ask the one who has experienced it.” Civil conflicts and good-intentioned foreign forces sent to a country never solve a country’s real problems and this is even more so when one is acting on behalf of the others, who take advantage of the bounties of that country.

31.08.2023 - 18:53 [ Mike Cohen and Neil Munshi, Bloomberg / Washington Post ]

What’s Driving the Coups in Gabon and Across West Africa?

Four days after the central African nation held disputed presidential elections that incumbent Ali Bongo was reported to have won, army officers appeared on state television to announce they’d canceled the Aug. 26 vote and dissolved the country’s institutions. Bongo first took office in 2009, succeeding his late father, who had held power since 1967. While the oil producer hasn’t had to deal with the jihadist attacks or spreading insecurity that’s dogged much of West Africa, the ruling family’s grip on power has come under pressure in recent years.

21.08.2023 - 13:44 [ ]

Präsident von Kuba besucht Afrika und nimmt am Gipfel der Brics-Gruppe teil

Seit 1975 hat Kuba die Kräfte der Regierung der Volksbewegung zur Befreiung Angolas (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, MPLA) unter der Führung von Agostino Neto bei der Bewahrung der Unabhängigkeit entscheidend unterstützt. Rund 300.000 Kubaner nahmen an der Seite der Angolaner an diesem Kampf teil, 2.855 kamen bei Gefechten ums Leben, 204 weitere bei der Erfüllung ziviler Aufgaben.

21.08.2023 - 07:25 [ ]

Rückkehr der Dritten Welt: Lateinamerika, Karibik, Afrika

Die kapitalistische und transnationale Globalisierung der Welt nach dem Zusammenbruch des Sozialismus sowjetischer Prägung brachte eine komplexe Ära mit vielfältigen wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen für Lateinamerika/Karibik und auch für Afrika, wo eine regelrechte Rekolonisierung stattfand. In Lateinamerika erwiesen sich seit den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts das Eindringen des Neoliberalismus und die Rolle des IWF als katastrophal. Es wuchsen aber auch die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu Russland, China und anderen Ländern und Regionen langsam an, einschließlich der noch spärlichen Verbindungen zwischen Lateinamerika/Karibik und Afrika.

Inmitten der Globalisierung hat dies unweigerlich den antiimperialistischen, antikolonialistischen und souveränen Aufstieg Afrikas und Lateinamerikas/der Karibik ausgelöst.

10.08.2023 - 20:03 [ ]

Breaking: ECOWAS orders immediate standby force against Niger junta

The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, has ordered its standby force to restore constitutional order in NIger Republic.

The President of ECOWAS, Omar Alieu Touray made the declaration while reading the resolution of ECOWAS on the Niger coup at the ECOWAS Extraordinary meeting in Abuja on Thursday.

10.08.2023 - 12:26 [ ]

Live: ECOWAS holds emergency summit on Niger as junta announces new govt

Leaders from the West African bloc ECOWAS will meet on Thursday for an emergency summit on the coup in Niger, after the country‘s military chiefs defied an ultimatum to restore the elected president.

09.08.2023 - 23:59 [ ]

‘A tinderbox waiting to explode’: Niger and neo-colonialism

The coup of the 26th July 2023 in Niger was precipitated by the stated desire of former President Bazoum to remove the head of the presidential guard. Irrespective of the reasons for the coupists seizing power, the coup, to gain legitimacy, has tapped into a festering resentment against the ex-colonial power, France. French control of Niger’s economy through fiscal and monetary means using a regional version of the Franc (CFA Franc), with the collaboration of elements of Niger’s elite, has meant that France has the scope and access to pillage the country’s resources relentlessly.

As Niger has no control over its currency, it is unable to embark upon any form of meaningful development to lift or transform the living standards of the people. The CFA Franc and the fiscal and monetary control that France has over its ex-colonies is a scandal. It represents the rawest form of neo-colonial domination.

09.08.2023 - 17:44 [ ]

The West Wants African Leaders to Invade Niger. Will They?

Western allies are pressuring Nigerian President Bola Tinubu to take a tough stance against the new Niger junta. But lawmakers back home have signalled they are against using Nigerian troops.

09.08.2023 - 16:54 [ ]

34 Länder nehmen am kommenden Brics-Gipfel in Südafrika teil

Dieser findet vom 22. bis 24. August in Johannesburg unter dem Motto „Brics und Afrika: Partnerschaft für wechselseitig beschleunigtes Wachstum, nachhaltige Entwicklung und inklusiven Multilateralismus“ statt. Südafrika hat derzeit den Vorsitz des Bündnisses inne.

Parallel zum Gipfeltreffen der Staats-und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedsstaaten Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika werden der „Brics-Plus-Dialog“ und der „Brics-Africa-Outreach“ stattfinden. Diese Veranstaltungen beziehen Nationen aus dem Globalen Süden und dem afrikanischen Kontinent ein.

08.08.2023 - 10:56 [ ]

ECOWAS to meet Thursday after Niger’s junta defies key deadline and shuts airspace

Mali said it and Burkina Faso, both neighbours of Niger run by military juntas, were sending delegations to Niger to show support. Both countries have said they would consider any intervention in Niger as a declaration of war against them.

08.08.2023 - 10:54 [ Arizona Public Radio ]

Coup leaders close Niger‘s airspace and accuse neighbors of planning an invasion

I might also say that the – you know, the threats of other countries supporting the coup leaders – those are even more risible than the threat of invasion.

INSKEEP: Oh, meaning that other countries aren‘t – they don‘t have very many resources to make much of a difference even if they do want to support.

PHAM: Well, no. I mean, yes, definitely. For example, Burkina Faso, which has been very vocal, it‘s gone through two coups in recent years – very vocal in its support of the junta in Niger.

08.08.2023 - 10:22 [ Newsweek ]

Africa War Fears Grow As Niger Prepares Troops for Ecowas Invasion


A military source told CNN that Niger‘s armed forces brought in a convoy of about 40 pick-up trucks from other parts of the country on Sunday evening.

The U.S. has evacuated some staff from its embassy in the capital in Niamey, while the estimated 1,000 American troops stationed in the country were restricted to their bases.

28.07.2023 - 16:55 [ ]

Afrika drängt Russland zu Wiederaufnahme des Getreidedeals

Südafrika und die Republik Kongo drängten zudem darauf, dass der Krieg in der Ukraine beendet und die afrikanische Friedensinitiative beraten wird. Der von afrikanischen Staats- und Regierungschefs vorgelegte Friedensplan verdiene Aufmerksamkeit, sagte der Präsident der Republik Kongo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, auf dem Russland-Afrika-Forum.

28.07.2023 - 16:51 [ BBC ]

Russia urged to renew Ukraine grain deal at Africa summit

African leaders also used the second day of the summit to press Mr Putin to move ahead with a peace plan they are proposing to end the war resulting from Moscow‘s full-scale invasion of its neighbour last year.

The plan calls for Russia and Ukraine‘s sovereignty to be recognised, urgent peace talks and continued unhindered grain exports.

28.07.2023 - 16:49 [ ]

Poor turnout of African leaders expected at Putin’s summit

One of the big questions about the summit is whether any African leaders will urge Putin to rescind his decision of last week to pull out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI), and also to stop his bombardment of Ukrainian grain silos in Odesa since then.

Under the deal, Russia agreed to lift its blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports to allow Ukraine’s grain to be shipped to international markets, including in Africa. In a year, nearly 33 million tonnes have been exported from Ukraine under the deal, which African countries considered critical to reducing high food prices and insecurity caused by Russia’s war against Ukraine.

22.07.2023 - 13:27 [ ]

Russia comes under pressure at UN to avoid global food crisis and revive Ukrainian grain shipments

China’s deputy U.N. ambassador Geng Shuang noted U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ commitment to make every effort to ensure that both Ukrainian grain and Russian food and fertilizer get to world markets. He expressed hope that Russia and the U.N. will work together to resume exports from both countries “at an early date” in the interest of “maintaining international food security and alleviating the food crisis in developing countries in particular.”

22.07.2023 - 12:31 [ ]

By pulling out of the Ukrainian grain deal, Russia risks alienating its few remaining partners

The Black Sea deal allowed Ukraine to ship 32.9 million metric tons of grain and other food to global markets. According to official data, 57% of the grain from Ukraine went to developing nations, while China received the most — nearly a quarter.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that 60,000 metric tons of grain destroyed by Russia’s strike on the port of Odesa on Wednesday were bound for China.

18.06.2023 - 13:12 [ ]

Key points of Vladimir Putin’s meeting with African peace mission

Putin pointed out that the Russian side has never rejected negotiations with Ukraine. It was Ukraine that declared its unwillingness, which was cemented by Zelensky’s decree.

Putin also pointed out that the Ukrainian authorities have preliminarily signed the draft agreement with Moscow, prepared in March, 2022, in Istanbul; however, after Russian forces were withdrawn, Ukraine disregarded the document. The President presented the document, which includes 18 articles and appendixes, to the African leaders. The document included clauses on neutrality and guarantees of security.

„It also touches upon armed forces and other things. It was all written down – up to numbers of vehicles and personnel,“ Putin disclosed.

18.06.2023 - 13:02 [ ]

Ramaphosa meets Putin and presents 10-point plan to end war between Ukraine and Russia

Ramaphosa went on to outline a proposal that has been agreed upon by the seven countries involved in the mission:

– Both leaders must listen to one another;
– The war must be settled through negotiations and diplomatic means;
– There must be a de-escalation of conflict on both sides;
– The sovereignty of countries in terms of the UN Charter and internationally recognised principles should be recognised;
– There needs to be a guarantee of security for all the countries involved. This issue has been raised by all sides;
– The movement of grains across the Black Sea must be opened up to remove blockages so that commodities can reach markets;
– humanitarian efforts must be set up for those affected by the war;
– Prisoners of war must be released and children returned to Ukraine;
– There must be reconstruction of the destruction caused by the war; and
– Further engagements should be held to encourage more dialogue through the Africa Peace Mission.

17.06.2023 - 20:09 [ the Lemniscat / Nitter ]

17 June Putin holds talks with a delegation from African countries at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Saint Petersburg

South Africa‘s Ramaphosa, Zambia‘s Hakainde Hichilema and Comoros‘ Assoumani look much happier to be in Russia than they looked in Ukraine

17.06.2023 - 19:43 [ ]

Putin begins talks on Ukraine with African leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun talks with a delegation of seven African nations that arrived in St. Petersburg to look for solutions to the Ukraine crisis.

The meeting is taking place at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna, which was a residence of the Romanov imperial family and now hosts official events, including international ones.

17.06.2023 - 15:17 [ ]

Putin to have bilateral meeting with South African president later on Saturday — Kremlin

„Judging by the schedule, after visiting Kiev [South African President Cyril] Ramaphosa will be the first to come here, President of the Union of the Comoros Azali Assoumani will be here, as well as Senegalese President Macky Sall, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbuly. There will also be representatives of Congo and Uganda. This will be the African delegation that visited Kiev on the previous year, holding a meeting with [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky,“ Peskov added.

17.06.2023 - 15:01 [ ]

Some countries’ peace proposals on Ukraine contain ‘ideas that could work’ — Zakharova

„I reiterate that we are thankful to every country, every state or every public figure – because many initiatives were personally proposed by prominent figures, internationalists; we are grateful to everyone, who speaks about peace, who speaks about [peaceful] settlement and, who wants to be useful regarding this issue,“ she said.

„There are interesting ideas, which may work. There are ideas that are in sync with our approaches, and, for instance, it includes the Chinese initiative,“ she continued.

17.06.2023 - 14:40 [ ]

Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa: I think in a year we will see completely different architecture of support among African countries in UN

“A lot depends on our activity in the region, on dialogues and contacts at different levels, on Minister Kuleba‘s direct tour and on the upcoming visit of the presidents of African countries. But, I emphasize: we should not expect that a change in the positions of countries will occur in the short term. This is a ‘long game.’ And it requires strength, enthusiasm and faith. I believe that in the end it will become absolutely clear to African countries that Ukraine is fighting for the same values, freedoms, and rights for which these countries have been fighting and shedding blood for many years,” the ambassador said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

17.06.2023 - 11:35 [ ]

Russia strikes Kyiv amid visit by African leaders on peace mission

According to the Ukrainian Air Force, Russia launched six Kalibr cruise missiles, six Kinzhal ballistic missiles, and two drones to carry out the strikes.

No buildings or facilities were damaged in the attack, Klitschko said.

17.06.2023 - 11:30 [ BBC ]

Why South Africa‘s Cyril Ramaphosa is leading Ukraine peace mission


The delegation from South Africa, Egypt, Senegal, Congo-Brazzaville, Comoros, Zambia, and Uganda is meeting President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday and President Vladimir Putin on Saturday.

But the timing of the visit seems off. It comes just as Kyiv is launching its much-vaunted counter-offensive.

04.05.2023 - 07:56 [ ]

Sahel Alliance

In July 2017, France, Germany and the European Union, along with the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the Sahel Alliance, an international cooperation platform to do more and better in the Sahel region. Since its launch, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, the European Investment Bank, Norway, Sweden, the United States and Canada have joined the initiative as full members.

The Sahel Alliance has also 9 observer members: Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, the International Finance Corporation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Ireland and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

04.05.2023 - 07:27 [ taz ]

Bundeswehreinsatz in der Sahel-Zone: Mali-Mandat gebilligt

Das Bundeskabinett will den Bundeswehreinsatz ein letztes Mal verlängern, noch im Mai soll der Bundestag abstimmen. Angestrebt wird zudem die Leitung der Sahel-Allianz.

01.05.2023 - 11:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Der kommende Ostafrika-Krieg

(12. Januar 2007)

Sudan, Somalia, Somalialand, Äthiopien, Djibouti, Uganda, Tschad, Kenia sind der Schauplatz eines sich entwickelnden Krieges um Rohstoffe und Territorialmacht zwischen dem angreifenden Westblock und ihren örtlichen Verbündeten einerseits und China andererseits.

Offener Krieg, psychologische Kriegsführung, die Zerschlagung von Staaten, die Einsetzung von Schattenregierungen, die Finanzierung von Terrorgruppen, das Schaffen von Guerilla-Phantomen und die fortwährende Berieselung der erblindeten, systematisch verdummten und hypnotisierten Bevölkerung des Westens mit nichtssagender Vernebelung sind Mittel eines seit dem 11.September geführten Weltkrieges, dessen neuer Schauplatz das Schlachtfeld Afrika, und dessen Triebkraft die alles korrumpierende Wirtschaftsordnung Kapitalismus ist.
Das Fachwort für diesen Zustand: Imperialismus.

01.05.2023 - 10:01 [ ]

A war for our age: how the battle for Sudan is being fuelled by forces far beyond its borders

In this conflict frontiers have no significance, control of resources is the primary prize, with forces arising in borderlands seeking their revenge on once contemptuous metropolitan elites. Trafficking networks across swathes of desert are extensions of the “battlespace”, and almost innumerable actors with an axe to grind or an agenda to pursue vastly outnumber those who seek to stop the fighting.

All of this happens in a shadowy penumbra defined by backroom deals, obscure alignments of interests, brutal realpolitik and disinformation. The poor and the weak and the unarmed suffer most, as ever.

27.04.2023 - 13:00 [ Bundestag ]

Beteiligung der Bundeswehr an EU-Mission in Niger

Das Mandat ist befristet bis Ende Mai 2024, die einsatzbedingten Zusatzausgaben beziffert die Bundesregierung für diesen Zeitraum auf 8,7 Millionen Euro.

In den letzten Jahren habe sich die Sicherheitslage in der Sahelregion trotz erheblicher internationaler Unterstützung weiter verschlechtert, schreibt die Regierung.

25.07.2022 - 18:55 [ ]

Europe Does A Complete U-Turn On African Oil And Gas

„The gas here goes to Bonny and Europe to power homes and industries but we have no benefits from it,“ one local community development activist from the Niger Delta told Bloomberg recently. „Nothing comes to us.“

The comment was part of an in-depth analysis by Bloomberg on Europe‘s mad dash for gas that has seen Nigeria, for example, send millions of tons of LNG abroad while local communities use illegally made fuels and wood to stay warm. Nigeria is far from the only one.

25.07.2022 - 18:47 [ ]

Europe’s Rush to Buy Africa’s Natural Gas Draws Cries of Hypocrisy

The issue of climate finance will likely dominate this year’s COP27 talks in Egypt, which is set to focus heavily on solutions for Africa. The future of gas will also be a key topic given the host nation and many developing countries see it as a way to move away from coal, according to Kwasi Kwarteng, business secretary of the UK, which hosted last year’s summit. “For them, gas is part of the transition.“

The International Energy Agency, which last year called for an end to new fossil fuel developments, in a recent report argued that Africa should be allowed to exploit its gas resources.

16.07.2022 - 15:05 [ Scott Duncan / Nitter ]

The intensity of the heat lifting north out of Spain & Portugal is simply staggering.

21.06.2022 - 07:22 [ ]

Videoüberwachung aus der Stratosphäre: Neues Zeitalter für Überwachungsballons

Die EU-Grenzagentur Frontex fliegt einen Aerostat am griechisch-türkischen Grenzfluss Evros, Tests erfolgten zuvor auch über den Inseln Samos und Limnos. Das Luftschiff soll bis zu 40 Tage in der Luft bleiben und rund 200 Kilogramm Nutzlast befördern können. Dabei kann ein bis zu 60 Kilometer entferntes Gebiet beobachtet werden.

Frontex strebt nun ebenfalls in die Stratosphäre. In einer Ausschreibung suchte die Grenzagentur im vergangenen Jahr nach Anbietern sogenannter Leichter-als-Luft-Lösungen. In 20 Kilometern Höhe sollen sie die Lücke zwischen den von Frontex genutzten Flugzeugen, Drohnen und Satelliten schließen.

23.09.2021 - 16:35 [ ORF ]

Algerien sperrt Luftraum für marokkanische Flugzeuge

Die traditionell schwierigen Beziehungen zwischen Algerien und Marokko waren durch den Streit um die Westsahara in jüngster Zeit erneut belastet worden.

20.09.2021 - 16:25 [ ]

‘Africa to get eight new submarine cables soon’

The experts said that as the world’s second most populous continent with 1.4 billion people and covering 20 per cent of the planet’s landmass, adequate availability of digital infrastructure across the continent would play a crucial socioeconomic role in helping to increase critical connectivity options.

According to them, only 25 per cent of the 1.4 billion African people are connected to the internet presently.

16.09.2021 - 17:08 [ France24 ]

Somali president suspends prime minister’s executive powers in escalating row

Somalia‘s president said on Thursday he had withdrawn the executive powers of the prime minister, the latest twist in a feud that has plunged the country into a deep political crisis.

30.08.2021 - 15:49 [ Xinhuanet ]

Zambian president Hichilema announces military, police appointments

Hichilema commended the former military and police chiefs for their service to the country and said they will be deployed to other areas in the public service.

14.08.2021 - 14:46 [ Global Research ]

U.S. Out of Africa: U.S. Imperialism in Somalia

Worse still, the U.S. planned to use the strategic City of Berbera as the base of its newly launched AFRICOM (Africa Command), a Pentagon-orchestrated scheme aimed at completing the militarization of the entire African continent.

27.07.2021 - 18:53 [ Xinhuanet ]

Egypt signs contracts with Canadian firm for gold exploration

Meanwhile, Joel Holliday, president of the Barrick Gold Company, said they seek to build a strong and long-term partnership with Egypt, as „Egypt is on the way to build a strong mineral industry.“

26.07.2021 - 15:54 [ France24 ]

Man accused of trying to assassinate Malian president dies in custody

The suspect, whose identity has not been revealed, had been taken into custody following the assassination attempt at Bamako‘s Grand Mosque on Tuesday.

„During investigations… his health deteriorated“ and he was then hospitalised, but „unfortunately, he has died,“ the government said in a statement.

26.07.2021 - 15:16 [ ORF ]

Lage in Tunesien bleibt angespannt

In Tunesien bleibt die Lage nach der Entmachtung von Regierungschef Hichem Mechichi durch den Präsidenten angespannt. Das Parlament in der Hauptstadt Tunis war am Montag von Sicherheitskräften umstellt. Aufgebrachte Demonstrierende zogen dorthin und forderten Zugang.

22.07.2021 - 19:29 [ Vijay Prashad / Consortium News ]

A Senseless Cathedral of Doom

Vijay Prashad reflects on the geo-political backdrop to last month’s “African Lion 21,” a U.S.-led military exercise on the African continent that involved the armed forces of 21 countries.

13.07.2021 - 13:17 [ ]

Strategieänderungen: IS baut Einfluss in Subsahara-Afrika aus

Der IS seinerseits könne „sich auf den Erfolg seiner Zweigorganisationen berufen, selbst wenn seine Kernorganisation im Irak und in Syrien und Franchise-Gruppen in Ländern wie Libyen und Afghanistan mit Rückschlägen zu kämpfen haben“ heißt es in „Foreign Policy“.

Als Brückenkopf in Afrika zum IS im Nahen Osten dient Libyen, dort haben sich auch aus Syrien und dem Irak geflüchtete Milzen niedergelassen. In dem Land, in dem es in weiten Teilen keine funktionierende Staatsmacht gibt, können sie fast beliebig schalten und walten.

06.07.2021 - 14:45 [ Voice of America ]

Government-backed Militias in Burkina Faso Accused of Abuses

The attack in Burkina Faso last month that killed 160 civilians was in retaliation for activity by pro-government civilian militias in the area, according to Human Rights Watch.

06.07.2021 - 14:29 [ France24 ]

Ethiopia begins next phase of filling Nile dam, angering Egypt

Ethiopia says it has started the next phase of filling a controversial mega-dam on the Nile River, Egyptian authorities said Monday, raising tensions ahead of an upcoming UN Security Council on the issue.

05.07.2021 - 16:41 [ ]

The EU’s COVID Digital Green Pass: Dividing the world?

Consequentially, from July 1st onwards, only persons who have taken these EMA-approved vaccines can travel freely within the EU region. Any other vaccine, such as WHO-approved Covishield, manufactured by Serum Institute of India under license from Oxford-AstraZeneca, is not recognized by EMA. However, the EU has clarified that the “Green pass” is not a precondition to travel. Nevertheless, people vaccinated with Covishield in India and other countries where New Delhi has exported its vaccines, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mauritania and other African countries, might face specific issues while travelling within the EU

03.07.2021 - 18:26 [ Colin Todhunter / Global Research ]

The Gates Foundation’s “Corporate Merry-go-round”: Spearheading the Neo-liberal Plunder of African Agriculture

This important article by Colin Todhunter published more than five years ago (on January 21, 2016)  analyses how the Gates Foundation had contributed to exacerbating social inequalities and “uprooting indigenous agriculture for the benefit of global agribusiness”.

29.06.2021 - 20:07 [ junge Welt ]

Es reicht: Sahelstaaten und der Westen

Es soll noch mehr Chaos und Elend geben, wenn es nach Kramp-Karrenbauer und Merkel geht. Fällig ist dagegen seit Anfang an wie in Afghanistan: ein dauerhafter Dialog mit der Bevölkerung, den Stammesältesten, einschließlich den sogenannten Religiösen, ein Interesse für ihre Anliegen und Bedürfnisse. Das ist in Berlin noch weniger vorhanden als in Paris. Dort sitzen die Hauptschuldigen an der Situation im Sahel. Es reicht. Bundeswehr raus aus Mali!

05.06.2021 - 11:41 [ ]

Europäischer Kolonialismus

(30. März 2012)

Die Herrschaft über Kolonien erlangten die Machthaber Europas, indem sie Militär in die Kolonien entsendeten und Zivilverwaltungen aufbauten. Dieses Vorgehen rechtfertigten sie damit, dass sie die Bevölkerung in den kolonialen Besitzungen für minderwertig erklärten. Die sogenannten Wilden betrachteten sie als rassisch unterlegen, als unzivilisiert und unfähig, sich selbst zu verwalten. Es galt daher als legitim, sie in den Kolonien zur Arbeit zu zwingen oder als Sklaven zu exportieren.

Kolonialmächte wollten Kolonien aber nicht nur beherrschen und ausbeuten, sondern ihnen auch ihre Kulturen und Religionen aufprägen.

22.05.2021 - 00:22 [ France24 ]

Nigeria‘s top army commander killed in plane crash

Nigeria‘s top-ranking army commander Lieutenant General Ibrahim Attahiru was killed on Friday when his plane crashed in the country‘s north, an air force spokesman said.

15.05.2021 - 16:36 [ France24 ]

Ethiopia postpones elections indefinitely over logistical issues

The head of Ethiopia‘s election board said Saturday it would be impossible to hold a planned June 5 vote due to mounting logistical issues and postponed it without giving a new date.

„The vote will not happen on June 5 … we can‘t tell you the date as the board has to examine the inputs it received from parties,“ said election board chairwoman Birutkan Mideksa.

15.05.2021 - 16:16 [ Xinhuanet ]

Sierra Leone approves China Kingho railway, port lease agreement

The agreement will allow Kingho Railway and Port Company Limited to manage and operate the infrastructure of the railway and Pepel Port for haulage and export of Kingho Mining Company‘s iron ore out of the country, it said.

14.05.2021 - 19:34 [ France24 ]

Mali‘s interim prime minister to form new government

Mali‘s interim government is set to form a new „broad-based“ cabinet, the presidency said on Friday, amid growing criticism of the army-dominated authorities in the Sahel state.

Prime Minister Moctar Ouane resigned Friday but was immediately reappointed in order to carry out the reshuffle, according to a tweet from the office of the interim president.

30.04.2021 - 23:26 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

NATO Nations Wage Hidden War in Mali

German naval commandos are training Niger’s special forces and the Luftwaffe has an air base in the country as part of the MINUSMA operation in Mali.

28.04.2021 - 14:21 [ Dave deCamp / ]

Blinken Warns African Countries Against Doing Business With China

The US views China‘s infrastructure projects as a threat to American influence

27.04.2021 - 15:39 [ Christoph Marischka / Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Flucht aus Afghanistan – Dauereinsatz im Sahel

Man brauche dort „auch den wirklich harten Kampf, die harte militärische Auseinandersetzung und Bekämpfung des Terrorismus“, so AKK. Dies übernähmen gerade die Franzosen, während Deutschland sich, auch auf Grund der politischen Vorgaben, aktuell auf die Ausbildung konzentriere. Allerdings – und das sollte gerade auch vor dem Hintergrund des Abzugs aus Afghanistan ernst genommen werden – unterstrich AKK auch: „Es ist ja nicht so, dass die Bundeswehr nicht über Material und auch entsprechende Kräfte verfügen würde, um auch in einen solchen, ich sage mal, harten Antiterroreinsatz zu gehen.“

23.04.2021 - 15:33 [ France24 ]

Chad bids farewell to Deby as France and allies back his son

The elder Deby, who had ruled the vast semi-desert state with an iron fist for 30 years, died from wounds sustained fighting rebels at the weekend, the army said Tuesday.

22.04.2021 - 21:18 [ Al Jazeera ]

Namibia: Indigenous leaders want big oil out of Kavango Basin

The Okavango Delta is home to some of the world’s most threatened species, including endangered African wild dogs and cheetah, white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, and lions.

21.04.2021 - 13:16 [ Tagesschau ]

Mehr Bundeswehrsoldaten für Mali

Es wird nicht mehr lange dauern, dann ist der Einsatz in Mali die größte und wichtigste Auslandsmission der Bundeswehr. Mit dem Abzug aus Afghanistan wird sich der deutsche Fokus zunehmend in die Sahel-Region verlagern.

20.04.2021 - 20:40 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Tschad: Machthaber Déby ist tot

Unklar ist, warum der Präsident überhaupt „an vorderster Front“ war und nicht in der Hauptstadt seinen Wahlsieg feierte, der unmittelbar zuvor verkündet worden war. Zwar hatte der Langzeit-Potentat immer wieder seine Rolle auch als militärischer Führer spektakulär unter Beweis zu stellen versucht, dass er jedoch inmitten der von ihm geführten Armee lebensgefährlich verletzt werden konnte, wirft – gerade in Verbindung mit der prompt anschließenden Machtübernahme der Militärführung – gewisse Fragen auf.

20.04.2021 - 20:06 [ ]

Volatility in store for Chad‘s oil industry after president‘s death

Despite its oil wealth, Chad has been facing an enormous debt burden. Global Commodity trading house Glencore is one of the largest creditors to Chad through an oil-for-cash loan. Last year, the Chadian government requested that Glencore suspend payments on its oil-for-cash loan. The oil producer now also relies on oil-for-cash loadings from Chinese creditors.

Chad holds around 1.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, according to BP‘s Energy Outlook 2020, making it the 10th-largest oil reserve holder in Africa. Oil accounts for almost 90% of the country‘s export revenues.

20.04.2021 - 20:00 [ ]

Chad denies sale plans for export pipeline

(March 5, 2021)

SHT acquired a 25% stake in the Doba consortium from Chevron in 2014 for $1.3 billion. ExxonMobil and Malaysia’s Petronas also hold equity in the upstream and pipeline assets. Both foreign companies were considering sales in 2020, according to reports.

20.04.2021 - 19:42 [ ]

Chad: Hardline rule, poverty and oil

(April 13, 2021)

In 2003 Chad began to export oil to an Atlantic terminal through a pipeline built across neighbouring Cameroon.

20.04.2021 - 19:26 [ ]

Why the World Won’t Criticize Chad

(April 14, 2021)

Today, Chad is a key player in the G5 Sahel Joint Force, an alliance with Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger that enjoys international support, not only from France but from the United States and European Union too.

20.04.2021 - 19:07 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

Um die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen in einer der vielen ex-Kolonien Frankreichs plausibel und zusammenhängend für die Wächter der Öffentlicheit zu machen, veröffentlichen wir eine Dokumentation mit 48 öffentlich zugänglichen allgemeinen Quellen. Wir haben Szenarien einfliessen lassen, um oft taktische und für den Betrachter verwirrende Äusserungen der beteiligten Akteure in einen subjektiven Zusammenhang als einen möglichen Vorgang hinter dem Vorhang zu setzen.
Starten wir die Suche in einer Stadt, der einst unübersichtliche, geschichtenreichen Gassen und Häuserschluchten das Herz zusammennähten und die heute zu einer innen noch ein bisschen rauschenden, aber mehr und mehr dunkler werdenden Ansammlung von Zwiebelschalen rund um die noch mächtigen Flure des Elysée-Palastes geworden ist.

Paris: …

20.04.2021 - 19:02 [ New York Times ]

President of Chad Is Killed as Soldiers Clash With Rebels

But in 2019, when Chad asked the French force in the Sahel for help in dealing with another incursion, Paris was less discreet about the support, and obliged by launching a series of airstrikes on the rebels.

Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French foreign minister, told Parliament at the time, “France intervened militarily to prevent a coup d’état.”

16.04.2021 - 16:35 [ Ramzy Baroud / ]

The Secret Wars of Africa’s Sahel: What Is Behind Mali’s Ongoing Strife

Barkhane was spearheaded by France and included Paris’ own „coalition of the willing“, dubbed „G5 Sahel.“ All former French colonies, the new coalition consisted of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. The declared goal of France’s indefinite intervention in the Sahel is to provide material support and training to the „G5 Sahel“ forces in their „war on terror.“

12.04.2021 - 15:10 [ Reuters ]

Mogadishu police chief suspends Somali parliament, gets fired moments later

Mogadishu’s police chief announced he had suspended parliament on Monday, saying he was acting unilaterally to prevent lawmakers from extending the president’s term, only to be fired moments later by the police commissioner.

03.04.2021 - 12:30 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

NATO Appoints Turkey To Lead Drive Into the Middle East and Asia

On the first of the year the North Atlantic Treaty Organization transferred command of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) to Turkey.

On March 30 NATO turned over its current mission in Afghanistan to Turkish Brigadier General Selçuk Yurtsizoglu.

30.03.2021 - 22:58 [ ]

AFRICOM-Led 33-Nation Naval Exercise in Oil-Rich Gulf of Guinea

The African counties participating were Angola, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, the Republic of Congo, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

With their former colonial masters and those who had mandate and protectorates over them in parenthesis, they are again Angola (Portugal), Benin (France), Cabo Verde (Portugal), Cameroon (Britain, France and Germany), Cote d’Ivoire (France), Democratic Republic of Congo (Belgium), Equatorial Guinea (Spain), Gabon (France), the Gambia (Britain), Ghana (Britain), Guinea-Bissau (Portugal), Guinea-Conakry (France), Liberia (semi-colony of the US), Morocco (France and Spain), Namibia (Germany), Nigeria (Britain), Republic of Congo (France), Sao Tome & Principe (Portugal), Senegal (France), Sierra Leone (Britain) and Togo (Germany and France).

21.03.2021 - 19:53 [ France24 ]

Congo Republic voters cast ballots in presidential poll amid Internet blackout

The Congo Republic pressed ahead with a presidential election on Sunday with the Internet and social media sites down since midnight, the main opposition candidate gravely ill and all signs showing the incumbent, Denis Sassou Nguesso, likely to win yet another poll following a boycott by the main opposition.

11.03.2021 - 16:30 [ France24 ]

Ivorian Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko dies in German hospital aged 56

A close ally of  Ouattara, he was appointed as prime minister in July 2020 following the sudden death of his predecessor Amadou Gon Coulibaly, who had been handpicked by Ouattara to succeed him.

24.02.2021 - 12:59 [ France24 ]

Bazoum declared winner of Niger‘s presidential election as clashes erupt

Niger‘s ruling party candidate Mohamed Bazoum was declared on Tuesday the winner of its presidential election, while his opponent alleged fraud and opposition supporters burned tyres in the streets.

21.02.2021 - 08:49 [ France24 ]

Voters head to polls to usher in Niger‘s first democratic transition

Ruling party candidate Mohamed Bazoum is seen by many as the favourite after leading in the first round on Dec. 27 with 39.3% of the vote. He is up against former president Mahamane Ousmane, who scored 17%.

06.02.2021 - 18:51 [ France24 ]

Somalia leaders fail to reach deal on elections

Emergency talks between Somalia‘s divided political leaders have ended without agreement on how to proceed with elections, a government minister has announced just days before the president‘s mandate expires.

06.02.2021 - 18:10 [ France24 ]

Chad police clash with protesters after Deby nominated for sixth term

During his rule, Deby has been accused of appointing relatives and cronies to key positions and failing to address the poverty that afflicts many of Chad‘s 13 million people despite oil wealth.

13.12.2020 - 01:32 [ France24 ]

US adopts map of Morocco that includes Western Sahara

The prime minister of Algeria — Morocco‘s neighbour and regional rival, and the key foreign backer of the Polisario Front — on Saturday criticised „foreign manoeuvres“ that he said aimed to „destabilise Algeria“.

03.12.2020 - 17:16 [ ]

NATO Huddles With Asia-Pacific Democracies to Talk China

The incoming Biden administration has pledged to do even more to partner with allies on the China challenge.

In another step in that direction, on December 2, the foreign ministers of the NATO members, along with delegations from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea, gathered virtually to discuss the rise of China and the implications for the global balance of power.

03.12.2020 - 16:57 [ ]

Stoltenberg: Keine NATO-Öffnung nach Asien

Der wachsende militärische Einfluss Chinas wird nach Einschätzung von NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg nicht zu einer Öffnung des Verteidigungsbündnisses für asiatische Staaten wie Japan und Südkorea führen. „Wir sind ein regionales Bündnis und werden ein regionales Bündnis bleiben“, sagte der Norweger heute bei einer Diskussion der Denkfabrik Carnegie Europe.

13.11.2020 - 14:13 [ France24 ]

Morocco sends troops to Western Saraha border to end Polisario ‚provocations‘

Rabat controls 80 percent of the territory, including its phosphate deposits and its lucrative ocean fisheries.

08.10.2020 - 22:50 [ USNI News ]

Navy, Coast Guard Keep Up Operations in Africa

Burke also mentioned that the Expeditionary Sea Base USS Hershel ‘Woody’ Williams (ESB-4) was currently in the Gulf of Guinea working with African partners. U.S Naval Forces Africa also runs an exercise program in Africa called the Express Series, which includes the Obangame Express (West African coast), Cutlass Express (East African coast) and Phoenix Express (North African waters), with each exercise addressing a number of law enforcement-related scenarios from smuggling and illicit fishing to piracy.

08.10.2020 - 22:45 [ Xinhuanet ]

Nigeria joins military exercise in Gulf of Guinea

He added that the Exercise Grand Africa Nemo 2020 is a yearly ritual that is organized by the French government in collaboration with the United States and European Union, among others.

07.10.2020 - 04:18 [ Xinhuanet ]

UN counter-terrorism office establishes African bureau in Morocco

The agreement was signed via videoconference by UNOCT Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov and Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, according to Moroccan official news agency MAP.

06.10.2020 - 06:21 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Infrastruktur, Raumproduktion und militärische Logistik: Das Beispiel Sahel

Diesen Strategischen Lufttransport (aus afrikanischen Staaten nach Mali) unterstützte die deutsche Luftwaffe umfangreich und richtete hierfür eine temporäre Basis am Flughafen von Dakar, Senegal, ein. Mit großer Geschwindigkeit baute die EU im damals noch sicheren Süden des Landes eine Trainingsmission auf, um malische Soldaten auszubilden.

11.09.2020 - 10:42 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Frankreich und der Libyen-Konflikt

Im aktuellen Weißbuch Frankreichs von 2013 wird als Zielsetzung betont, die französische Armee müsse in der Lage sein, im Rahmen der NATO und der EU KrisenmanagementOperationen in gescheiterten Staaten durchzuführen. Frankreich hat dabei den Anspruch, dies auch zukünftig alleine oder als Führungsnation im Verbund mit anderen Staaten zu tun.

24.08.2020 - 11:23 [ Haaretz ]

Pompeo Arrives in Israel, First Stop in Tour Promoting Deepening Gulf Ties

British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab is also expected to visit Israel this week, on Tuesday, and meet with his Israeli counterpart Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

19.08.2020 - 08:06 [ ZDF ]

Offenbar Putsch des Militär – Mali: Präsident Keita tritt zurück

Unklar war zunächst der Verbleib des malischen Präsidenten Ibrahim Boubacar Keita und seines Regierungschefs Boubou Cissé. Die beiden seien in Keitas Anwesen in der Hauptstadt Bamako festgesetzt worden, sagte der Putsch-Anführer, der anonym bleiben wollte, der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Auch Cissés Sprecher, Boubou Doucouré, bestätigte, dass sich die beiden in den Händen der Aufständischen befänden.

19.08.2020 - 07:08 [ ORF ]

Malis Streitkräfte begehren auf

Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat berief laut Diplomaten für Mittwoch eine Sondersitzung zu Mali ein.

19.08.2020 - 07:00 [ The Hill ]

Mali president resigns after being arrested by troops

Keita and his Prime Minister Boubou Cisse were arrested along with other government officials earlier in the day, according to the head of the African Union.

18.08.2020 - 17:57 [ ]

New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries


The U.S. is not formally at war with an African nation, and the continent is barely discussed in reference to American exploits around the globe. Therefore, when U.S. operatives die in Africa, as happened in Niger, Mali, and Somalia in 2018, the response from the public, and even from the media is often “why are American soldiers there in the first place?”

11.07.2020 - 18:33 [ ]

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda.

17.06.2020 - 13:40 [ Tageschau ]

CureVac darf an Menschen testen

. Eine solche Studie sei in Deutschland derzeit aber kaum durchführbar, weil das Infektionsgeschehen zu gering sei. Deshalb sei CureVac für die Phase 3 bereits mit Studienzentren in Afrika und Brasilien im Gespräch, sagt Fotin-Mleczek.

28.05.2020 - 03:27 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Kontroverse um deutsches Mali-Engagement

Am Vormittag des 29. Mai 2020 wird der Bundestag über Verlängerung und Ausweitung der Mandate für die Bundeswehreinsätze EUTM und MINUSMA in Mali abstimmen – zwei Tage nach Ablauf der aktuellen Mandate. Bei der ersten Debatte im Bundestag am 13. Mai stand vonseiten der Regierung als Begründung der Einsätze die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus und damit die „Sicherheit Europas im Mittelpunkt.

18.04.2020 - 05:22 [ Al Jazeera ]

Malawi high court blocks coronavirus lockdown

A Malawi high court has temporarily barred the government from implementing a 21-day lockdown to curb coronavirus following a petition by a human rights group.

28.03.2020 - 13:12 [ Tagesschau ]

Sahel-Zone: Neue Taskforce für Anti-Terror-Kampf

Vorerst beteiligen sich nur Belgien, Dänemark, Estland, die Niederlande und Portugal personell an dem von Frankreich vorangetriebenen Projekt. Die Spezialkräfte sollen auch die französische Mission „Barkhane“ in der Sahel-Zone sowie eine gemeinsame Truppe von fünf Sahelstaaten unterstützen.

15.03.2020 - 09:09 [ Contra Magazin / Twitter ]

Deutschland soll 10 Prozent der NATO-Fähigkeiten stellen – -Die Bundeswehr brauche mehr Geld, so Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Man habe der NATO Zusagen gemacht.

15.03.2020 - 09:03 [ Holger Ewald / Twitter ]

Kramp-Karrenbauer fordert mehr Geld für Bundeswehr

via @Pressecop24com

08.03.2020 - 15:37 [ The Chronicle Herald ]

U.S. creates new envoy position to counter rising terrorism in Sahel

The U.S. currently has around 6,000 military personnel in Africa. Although some experts say a repositioning of forces is overdue, many U.S. officials share French concerns about relieving pressure on militants in Africa.

07.03.2020 - 06:32 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Navy to redesignate USNS Hershel ‚Woody‘ Williams so SEALs can attack from it

The slight change in its name means the ship can legally carry out offensive military operations such as allowing Marines or Navy SEALs to launch attacks directly from the ship. A USNS ship under the command of a civilian can engage in combat only if it is defending itself.

20.02.2020 - 12:39 [ NATO / Twitter ]

NATO is a family of common values. We are united with our Allies for peace and stability. ?? #Turkey is NATO, #WeAreNATO

14.02.2020 - 15:12 [ ABC News ]

Pompeo makes 1st trip to Africa in bid to reassert US as leading partner

„The challenge that Pompeo‘s facing in Africa is explaining the contradictory messages coming from Washington,“ said Witney Schneidman, a fellow at the Brookings Institution‘s Africa Growth Initiative. „It‘s the lack of attention that‘s been paid. It‘s the fact that (former national security adviser John) Bolton rolled out this Africa strategy 14 months ago, and since then, very little has been accomplished where many other nations have moved forward.“

11.02.2020 - 06:38 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Der beginnende Abstieg des Westens

Tatsächlich wurden die drei großen offen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskriege der vergangenen drei Jahrzehnte von westlichen Mächten geführt: der Jugoslawien-Krieg von 1999 auf maßgebliches Drängen der Bundesrepublik; der Irak-Krieg des Jahres 2003 vor allem von den USA; der Libyen-Krieg von 2011 insbesondere von Großbritannien und Frankreich. Die Zerstörung des Irak und Libyens sowie die Kriege im Sahel gehen ursächlich auf die erwähnten westlichen Angriffskriege zurück.

07.02.2020 - 22:11 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Im zweiten Anlauf: Patrouillenboote aus Kiel

Die Regierung des Landes, das eine Armutsquote von mehr als 40 Prozent aufweist, will für hohe Geldsummen Patrouillenboote der Kieler Werft German Naval Yards kaufen.

03.02.2020 - 03:10 [ France24 ]

France to send 600 more troops to Africa‘s Sahel

Parly added that Chad “should soon deploy an additional battalion” within the joint force of the G5 Sahel, which brings together Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad in the three borders zone.

03.02.2020 - 02:54 [ The Hill ]

US Africa Command chief makes pitch for military presence amid reported plans for cuts

„If the U.S. steps back from Africa too far, China and Russia will fill the void to our detriment,” he said in his written testimony to the Senate. “Violent extremist organizations will be able to grow unchecked, some will ultimately threaten the homeland, and we will lose opportunities for increased trade and investments with some of the fastest growing economies in the world.”

22.01.2020 - 01:32 [ rtv ]

Internet Connectivity: Rupture of undersea cables slows down service

The company issued a statement stating that the slow service is due to damages of two undersea cables – WACS and SAT3/WASC cable systems – on the continent’s western coast.

The two undersea cables are near Libreville in Gabon and the other is in the vicinity of Luanda, Angola.

20.01.2020 - 08:33 [ ]

Lawmakers push back at Pentagon‘s possible Africa drawdown

“A decrease in our investment now may result in the need for the United States to reinvest at many more times the cost down the road,” Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and ranking member Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) wrote in letter to Esper last week.

14.01.2020 - 14:04 [ BusinessGhana ]

Ghana, Turkey sign MoU towards diplomatic enriching archives

The signing ceremony took place, on Saturday, in Istanbul , Turkey, where Madam Ayorkor Botchwey is leading a high-powered Ghanaian delegation, comprising the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Export Promotions Authority, Madam Afua Asabea Asare, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Mr Yofi Grant , Mr Edwin Provencal , Chief Executive Officer of the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) and other high level officials from both the public and the private sector.

Regarding Information Privacy, the statement said, any information (document, software and data) and hardware obtained in the context of the joint activities to be carried out under the MoU „shall not be shared with third parties without the written consent of the other Party“.

The MoU may be amended by mutual consent of the Parties through exchange of notes via diplomatic channels, the statement explained.

13.01.2020 - 19:16 [ ]

Frankreich: Macrons einsame Mission in der Sahelzone

Niemand würde in Abrede stellen, dass die Franzosen und ihre wüstenerprobten Fremdenlegionäre den Fall des Vielvölkerstaates Mali in die Hände der Salafisten verhindert haben. Die Uno-Truppe Minusma nimmt dagegen nur defensive Aufgaben wahr.

Dessen ungeachtet stößt die französische Truppenpräsenz in den fünf betroffenen Ländern auf wachsenden Widerstand der Bevölkerungen.

09.01.2020 - 18:29 [ Kathimerini Cyprus ]

Cyprus ready to accommodate US army unit in emergency

State-funded broadcaster RIK News aired Thursday morning video footage of a C130 airplane and 5 or 6 Chinook helicopters over Paphos, saying the aircraft landed and were on stand-by at Andreas Papandreou AFB, an active air base adjacent to Paphos International Airport.

25.12.2019 - 11:59 [ Rudolf Maresch / ]

Politik des Großraums

Von „demokratischen Brückenköpfen“, die Deutschland und Frankreich für Amerikas Griff nach Eurasien strategisch spielen, war ebenso wenig die Rede wie vom „Protektorat Japan“, vom globalen Machtpoker, der von Washington D.C. aus nach amerikanischen Regeln gespielt wird oder von internationalen Institutionen (IWF; Weltbank, WTO), die von den USA weitgehend kontrolliert und dominiert werden.

Stattdessen sprach Zbig ausführlich von „Lastenverteilung“, von „Verpflichtung“ und „Verantwortung“, die Europa künftig übernehmen und im strategischen Konzept der USA einnehmen müsste, wenn es in Asien oder Amerika im Nahen Osten künftig für Ordnung sorgen und den Nachschub des Westens sichern soll.

22.12.2019 - 03:22 [ Stars and Stripes ]

US delivers Humvees to Djibouti’s military as part of $31-million training effort

The military also must assess Djibouti’s Chinese-held public debt, which the NDAA warns could be used as economic coercion. A concern cited by lawmakers is that if Beijing takes commercial control of the Port of Djibouti in debt repayment, it could curtail access by the U.S. military.

17.12.2019 - 15:29 [ junge Welt ]

Neokoloniale Gegenwart – Dommage national

Frankreichs »Krieg gegen den Terrorismus« in der afrikanischen Sahelzone kennt nur einen Gewinner: Den militärisch-industriellen Komplex

21.11.2019 - 00:15 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Struggle for Influence over Africa (II)

19.11.2019 With today‘s Africa Conference in Berlin, the German government is seeking to induce German companies to make investments on the African continent. The conference is taking place within the framework of the „Compact with Africa“ project, launched more than two years ago during the G20 Summit in Hamburg.

19.11.2019 - 16:48 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Einflusskampf um Afrika (II)

Einer der jüngsten Versuche besteht darin, im Rahmen der G20-Initiative „Compact with Africa“ die Länder des Kontinents auf die Anpassung ihrer ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen an Wünsche deutscher Unternehmen einzuschwören. Dazu sollen die heutige Berliner Afrika-Tagung wie auch die ihr vorgeschaltete Investorenkonferenz in der deutschen Hauptstadt beitragen, die im Kontext mit dem Compact with Africa abgehalten werden. Bis heute haben sich lediglich zwölf afrikanische Staaten der Initiative angeschlossen.

18.11.2019 - 02:45 [ junge Welt ]

Tropenhelm auf: Mehr deutsches Militär nach Afrika

Emmanuel Ma cron ruft nach mehr EU-Militär in Afrika, und Berlin setzt den Tropenhelm auf. Paris sieht im Zerfall der meisten Staaten Westafrikas, den es 2011 durch den Krieg gegen Libyen gemeinsam mit Großbritannien und den USA herbeigeführt hatte, ein Sicherheitsproblem erster Ordnung. Das frankophone Kolonialreich droht anderen in die Hände zu fallen.

25.10.2019 - 14:59 [ ]

Kriegstaumel in den deutschen Medien

Die bloße Aussicht, dass die verheerenden Kriege in der Region unter Bedingungen beendet werden könnten, die den Einfluss der Westmächte und ihrer regionalen Verbündeten schwächen – darunter so blutrünstiger Diktatoren wie Ägyptens Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi und Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman –, lässt sie jede Vorsicht vergessen. Um zu verhindern, dass Russland und China an Einfluss gewinnen, wollen sie die blutigen militärischen Interventionen unbedingt fortsetzen, die die Region in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten in eine Hölle für ihre Einwohner verwandelt haben.

05.10.2019 - 03:16 [ NewBusinessEthiopia ]

Guinea to host AU’s Africa Mining Development Center

He says experts and officials from AU member states, from business, artisan miners and from civil societies, among others, will be conferring from November 5-7, 2019 to refine and strategize the future engagement of AMDC.

07.09.2019 - 18:36 [ Eddie Dempsey ‏/ Twitter ]

Love the Empire. When the EU stormtroopers are securing by military force markets and access to resources in Africa and Eurasia the Guardian will remind you oposition to this monster is because you are a racist.

07.09.2019 - 08:16 [ Konflikte&Sicherheit ‏/ Twitter ]

„Ein Laborversuch mit Spezialkräften“. Ohne Mandat sind #KSK-Soldaten im #Niger, deren Mission unterscheidet sich sehr von dem in #Mali. Visite des Wehrbeauftragten scheiterte aber an „fehlender Genehmigung“ der dortigen Regierung. #Bundeswehr via @welt

21.08.2019 - 02:13 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die „Option Ruanda“

Auf die Frage, was Präsident Kagame motiviere, Flüchtlinge aus Libyen nach Ruanda zu holen, ist regelmäßig zu hören, er erwarte von der EU finanzielle wie auch politische Gegenleistungen.[14] Tatsächlich wird Ruanda, eine frühere deutsche Kolonie, seit je von Berlin unterstützt – vor allem über das Entwicklungsministerium. Erst in der vergangenen Woche ist Entwicklungsminister Gerd Müller in Kigali gewesen und hat dort bekanntgegeben, Berlin werde Kigali noch mehr als bisher fördern – unter anderem mit einer Ausbildungsinitiative sowie mit Investitionen in Energie und die digitale Infrastruktur.

14.07.2019 - 14:17 [ Xinhuanet ]

AIIB approves membership of Benin, Djibouti and Rwanda

The China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on Saturday approved the membership of Benin, Djibouti and Rwanda, bringing AIIB‘s total approved membership to 100.

The decision was made unanimously by AIIB‘s Board of Governors at its fourth annual meeting held in Luxembourg.

11.06.2019 - 14:51 [ The Citizen ]

Leaked Somali document on maritime dispute heightens tensions with Kenya

Relations between the two neighbouring countries have been rocky for months in the wake of the maritime dispute, involving tit-for-tat diplomatic moves and retaliation.

In May, Somali diplomats were banned from attending an international conference in Nairobi. In return, all NGOs operating in Somalia but based in Nairobi were ordered by Mogadishu to either relocate to Somalia or cease all operations completely.

01.06.2019 - 06:22 [ Wikipedia ]

CFA franc

The currency has been criticized for making economic planning for the developing countries of French West Africa all but impossible since the CFA‘s value is pegged to the euro (whose monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank).[3] Others disagree and argue that the CFA „helps stabilize the national currencies of Franc Zone member-countries and greatly facilitates the flow of exports and imports between France and the member-countries“.[4] The European Union‘s own assessment of the CFA‘s link to the euro, carried out in 2008, noted that „benefits from economic integration within each of the two monetary unions of the CFA franc zone, and even more so between them, remained remarkably low“ but that „the peg to the French franc and, since 1999, to the euro as exchange rate anchor is usually found to have had favourable effects in the region in terms of macroeconomic stability“

01.06.2019 - 06:20 [ Spiked ]

French colonialism lives on in Africa

CFA franc. These two words probably do not mean much to most readers, but they encapsulate one of the world’s most enduring – and little-known – economic experiments. In the simplest possible terms, the CFA franc is a currency used by 14 countries of Western and Central Africa, all of which are former French colonies.

16.05.2019 - 16:32 [ Haaretz ]

Facebook Busts Israeli Campaign to Disrupt Elections in African, Asian and Latin American Nations

Facebook has faced pressure to more transparently tackle misinformation since the revelation that Russia used Facebook to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

15.05.2019 - 14:24 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Vor neuen Konfrontationen (II)

Macrons Gegenwehr gegen die deutsche Dominanz betrifft nicht nur die Europa-, sondern auch die klassische Außenpolitik. So hat die französische Regierung am 30. April eine neue Südosteuropastrategie angekündigt, die neue Aktivitäten vor allem in den sechs Ländern der Region, die nicht der EU angehören [4], mit sich bringen soll. Vorgesehen ist nicht nur der Ausbau der politischen, sondern auch der ökonomischen Beziehungen; Paris stellt unter anderem Entwicklungsmittel in Höhe von zunächst 100 bis 150 Millionen Euro bereit. Vor allem die Militärkooperation soll intensiviert werden: Geplant ist neben einer verstärkten Ausbildung südosteuropäischer Offiziere in Frankreich auch eine zunehmende Einbindung von Soldaten der Region in französische Militäreinsätze. Bereits im Februar unterschrieb die damalige französische Europaministerin Nathalie Loiseaux bei einem Besuch in Serbien detaillierte Vereinbarungen zur engeren wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit.

02.05.2019 - 18:36 [ ]

Besuch in Westafrika: Geld gegen den Terror

Terrorgruppen treiben ihr Unwesen, genau wie in den anderen Sahel-Staaten, die Merkel heute bereist: Mali und in Niger.

Auch von dort sind die Staatschefs nach Burkina Faso gekommen, dazu noch aus Mauretanien und dem Tschad. Die sogenannte G5-Sahel Allianz – ein Zusammenschluss von Ländern, die mit zahlreichen Problemen zu kämpfen haben.

02.05.2019 - 18:30 [ Florian Flade ‏/ Twitter ]

#Frankreich/s Militär hat seit 2015 rund 600 Dschihadisten in der #Sahel-Zone „neutralisiert“: .. Die #Bundeswehr hat dabei unterstützt, wie @AutorToto u ich 2018 @welt recherchiert haben: .. #Mali #Barkhane


02.05.2019 - 18:26 [ ]

UN kritisiert Militarisierung des Sahel durch Frankreich und die USA


Im Halbjahresbericht der UN zum Sahel und zu Westafrika wird einer wachsenden Sorge wegen der Militarisierung der Region durch Frankreich und die USA Ausdruck gegeben. Während die Militäreinsätze erhöht werden, steigt die Feindseligkeit der dortigen Bevölkerung gegenüber den Militärs, so der Bericht. Es fehle an Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Region.

07.04.2019 - 13:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tschad: Chronologie der French Connection

(16. Februar 2008)

August 2006:
Der seit 1990 durch einen Putsch mit Hilfe Frankreichs an die Macht gekommene Diktator Idriss Deby verlangt eine Erhöhung der Anteile am Ölprofit auf 60% (bis zum damaligen Zeitpunkt 20%). Er spricht von „Krümeln“, die der Tschad (sprich: er) bis dahin von den Energiemonolen bekommen habe.
Daraufhin geschieht Folgendes: das ehrenwerte US-Magazin “Forbes” zeigt sich plötzlich so erschüttert, dass es den Tschad als “korruptestes Land der Welt” bezeichnet und die höchst ehrenwerte Weltbank sperrt dem Tschad (also Deby) die Konten. (10)

Oktober 2006:
Die “Union of Forces for Democracy and Development” (UFDD) wird gegründet.
Ziel der „Tschad-Rebellen“: Sturz von Deby (12).
Anführer: der ehemalige Botschafter in Saudi-Arabien, General Mahamat Nouri, bis 2004 Minister von Deby und 1990 ebenfalls mit französischer Hilfe an die Macht gekommen (13).
Hauptquartier: Libreville, Gabun, ebenfalls ex-Kolonie von Frankreich. (5)
Ungefähr im gleichen Zeitraum gründet sich in Sudan, Provinz Darfur, die Guerillatruppe „Armee der Volkskräfte“ – „mit tschadischer Unterstützung“, wie es heisst. (14)

07.04.2019 - 13:07 [ European Council on Foreign Relations ]

France‘s strongman strategy in the Sahel


Last month, French planes struck rebel convoys that were making for the Chadian capital, N’Djamena, in an intervention lasting several days. The convoys had entered Chad from bases in Libya and belonged to the Union des Forces de la Résistance (UFR), a group that has sought to overthrow Chad’s president, Idriss Déby Itno, ever since its formation in 2009. Their leader in the mission? None other than Déby’s nephew, Timame Erdimi.

17.02.2019 - 21:27 [ Junge Welt ]

Abschottung als Entwicklungshilfe

An den undemokratischen Zuständen in Ägypten stören sich weder EU noch Bundesregierung. Diktator Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi lässt das Parlament derzeit an einem Gesetz arbeiten, das ihm die Präsidentschaft bis 2034 garantieren soll. Regelmäßig gibt es Berichte von schwersten Menschenrechtsverbrechen. Auch im Hinblick auf alle anderen Staaten, deren Polizeiorganisationen zwecks Flüchtlingsabwehr von Deutschland oder EU gesponsert werden, berichten etwa Amnesty International und Human Rights Watch von immer wiederkehrenden willkürlichen Festnahmen, Folter und Zensur.

10.02.2019 - 17:01 [ New York Times ]


(2. Aug 1981) Others, including the C.I.A.‘s critics, warn that if these restraints are loosened, the United States may well find itself slipping back to the situation that prevailed in the 1960‘s, when the agency was virtually unbridled, when assassination of inconvenient foreign political figures was an acceptable technique, and when top officials cultivated a deliberate fuzziness that obscured the line of command from the President to the Director of Central Intelligence and on down to the operatives in the field. These critics fear that if the C.I.A. is given too much leeway in the means it employs, it may once again be tempted to interpret a President‘s wishes in a way that will damage the good name and long-range interests of the United States.

10.02.2019 - 16:33 [ ]

President ‚ordered murder‘ of Congo leader

(10. Aug 2000) The evidence comes in a previously unpublished 1975 interview with the minute-taker at an August 1960 White House meeting of Eisenhower and his national security advisers on the Congo crisis.

The minute-taker, Robert Johnson, said in the interview that he vividly recalled the president turning to Allen Dulles, director of the CIA, „in the full hearing of all those in attendance, and saying something to the effect that Lumumba should be eliminated“.

Mr Johnson recalled: „There was stunned silence for about 15 seconds and the meeting continued.“

10.02.2019 - 15:51 [ Mail & Guardian / ]

CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskjöld death

(28. Aug 1998) The documents, found by a truth commission researcher investigating an apparently unrelated matter, implicate then CIA chief Allen Dulles in Operation Celeste. They also claim that the explosives used for the bomb that downed the aircraft were supplied by a Belgian mining conglomerate, Union Miniere. The company had extensive interests in copper-rich Katanga, and is known to have backed to Tshombe‘s use of mercenaries, including the group led by South Africa‘s Colonel „Mad Mike“ Hoare.

The most damning report refers to a meeting between MI5, Special Operations Executive, the CIA and the SAIMR at which it was recorded that Dulles „agrees … Dag is becoming troublesome and … should be removed“.

10.02.2019 - 15:27 [ ]

RAF veteran `admitted 1961 killing of UN secretary general`

(12.1.2019) Exclusive: Cold case documentary casts new light on mystery of Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane crash

10.02.2019 - 15:25 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Der Fall Hammarskjöld (1/3)

(8.2.2019) Am letzten Januarwochenende hatte beim Sundance Film Festival der Dokumentarfilm “Cold Case Hammarskjöld” von Mads Brügger und Andreas Rocksen Premiere. Die beiden Filmemacher recherchierten über den mysteriösen Flugzeugabsturz, bei dem der UN-Generalsekretär Dag Hammarskjöld 1961 in Afrika ums Leben kam. Dabei stießen sie auf sensationelle Informationen, bei denen die geheime Miliz SAIMR eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Ihre Blutspur zieht sich durch den ganzen afrikanischen Kontinent. Der britische Guardian berichtet in mehreren Artikeln darüber, die wir hier in deutscher Übersetzung von Josefa Zimmermann wiedergeben.

10.02.2019 - 15:23 [ Youtube ]

Cold Case Hammarskjöld – Official Trailer (HD)

In 1961, United Nations‘ secretary-general Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane mysteriously crashed, killing Hammarskjöld and most of the crew. It’s understood that because Hammarskjöld was, at the time, advocating for Congo’s independence (against the wishes of European mining companies and other powerful entities), the “crash” was an assassination. With the case still unsolved 50-plus years later, Danish journalist, filmmaker, and provocateur Mads Brügger (The Red Chapel, The Ambassador) leads us down an investigative rabbit hole to unearth the truth. He, his Swedish private-investigator sidekick, and a host of co-conspirators tirelessly pursue a winding trail of clues, but they turn up more mysteries than revelations. Scores of false starts, dead ends, and elusive interviews later, they begin to sniff out something more monumental than anything they’d initially imagined.

22.12.2018 - 22:38 [ France 24 ]

Macron in Chad to meet French troops deployed in Sahel

The French government‘s objective is to strengthen its partnership with the new anti-jihadist force of the G5 Sahel supported by Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Chad.

17.12.2018 - 16:53 [ German Foreign Policy ]

„Mit Deutschland und deutschen Tugenden“

Der US-Konzern ExxonMobil sicherte sich Ölfelder vor der madagassischen Küste; das kanadische Minenunternehmen Alcan übernahm die Rechte an einer der größten Bauxitminen des Landes; ein zweites kanadisches Unternehmen, Sherritt, erhielt einen Großteil der Ambatovy-Mine, einer der größten Nickelminen der Welt. Madagaskar wird auch „rote Insel“ genannt, da die laterithaltigen Böden eine prägnante rote Färbung aufweisen. Laterit weist hohe Anteile von Eisen und Aluminium auf. Ende 2008 übertrug die Regierung Ravalomanana dem südkoreanischen Autokonzern Daewoo 1,3 Millionen Hektar Land – rund die Hälfte der fruchtbaren Fläche der Insel.

13.11.2018 - 10:18 [ DW Politik / Twitter ]

Bereits zum vierten Mal ist Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen zu Besuch in Niger. Das zeigt, wie sehr die Sahelzone in den Fokus deutscher Politik geraten ist.

13.11.2018 - 08:43 [ ]

Von der Leyen plädiert für eine „Armee der Europäer“

Am Wochenende hatte auch SPD-Chefin Andrea Nahles eine europäische Armee gefordert. In der EU gebe es 28 Armeen, 27 Luftwaffen und 23 Marinen. „Kein Wunder, dass wir wahnsinnig viel für Militär ausgeben“, sagte sie. Zudem müssten die Europäer neue Allianzen schmieden, sagte Nahles bei einem SPD-Debattencamp in Berlin.

31.10.2018 - 05:56 [ ]

Merkel fordert mehr Investitionen in Afrika

Die Bundesregierung wird nach Angaben von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel zur Förderung des Afrika-Geschäfts einen Investitionsfonds für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen auflegen. Der Fonds solle mit Darlehen europäische und afrikanischen Firmen helfen, sagte Merkel auf einer Afrika-Konferenz in Berlin.

18.10.2018 - 02:28 [ Ynet ]

Israeli companies to secure UN forces in Africa

The organization has approached a number of companies from around the world that specialize in defense sensors that can detect precision-guided weapons such as missiles and mortars. Three out of the five companies contacted by the UN were Israeli. Ultimately, the Israeli company MER was chosen. The UN recently signed an $8 million deal for the next three years, with the option of another five years.

16.10.2018 - 21:24 [ Cesar Chelala / Information Clearing House ]

Is China Winning the War for Africa?

Military assistanceAlthough in the past China mainly targeted economic trade and assistance to Africa, Beijing is increasingly developing policies aimed at strengthening military ties in order to gain a stronger geopolitical influence and expand weapons sales in the continent. In that regard, China has been extremely active in selling small arms and light weapons to several African countries.

Xi promised to provide $100 million of free military assistance to the African Union to support the establishment of the African Standby Force and the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis. In addition, the Chinese government has invited thousands of African military officials to China for workshops and training courses.

04.10.2018 - 03:06 [ East ]

Eritrea Bilateral Meeting with US Assistant Secretary for Department of State

Tibor Nagy: Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of African Affairs

Pleased to welcome Eritrea delegation led by Minister Saleh to Washington. Eritrea has a vital role in expanding peace, security, and prosperity in the Horn of Africa. Ongoing regional reforms can bring stability and opportunity to the people of Eritrea and beyond.

30.09.2018 - 18:59 [ Diplomat ]

China’s Empty Promises of Green Energy for Africa

(26.September) Chinese energy financing in Africa is not as green as promised. The International Energy Agency (IEA) found that 44 percent of the capacity added in sub-Saharan Africa between 2010 and 2015 by Chinese contractors comes from to coal, oil, or gas, the most polluting energy sources. Another half of added capacity goes to large-scale hydropower projects, which have negative environmental and social impacts of their own. Whereas the cleanest energy sources, such as wind and solar, are widely installed within China, only 7 percent of Chinese-backed projects in sub-Saharan Africa actually install such capacity.

22.09.2018 - 11:14 [ Radio China ]

EU: Mehr Zusammenarbeit mit den Ländern Nordafrikas

Er fügte hinzu, alle betroffenen Seiten seien sich einig, ein Gipfeltreffen zwischen der EU und der Arabischen Liga im Februar des kommenden Jahres zu veranstalten.

16.09.2018 - 14:54 [ Wikipedia ]

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the British Commonwealth circling the globe; the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific. To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate along lines that the Hungarian-born Romanian Aurel Popovici and others had proposed for the dissolved multinational Empire of Austria-Hungary. According to Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-Europe would encompass and extend a more flexible and more competitive Austria-Hungary, with English serving as the world language, spoken by everyone in addition to their native tongue. He believed that individualism and socialism would learn to cooperate instead of compete, and urged that capitalism and communism cross-fertilise each other just as the Protestant Reformation had spurred the Catholic Church to regenerate itself.

15.09.2018 - 16:32 [ Wikipedia ]

Italienische Kolonien: in Afrika

Italienisch-Libyen (1934 bis 1943/47):
– Italienisch-Tripolitanien (1911 bis 1934)
– Italienisch-Cyrenaika (1911 bis 1934)
– Aouzou-Streifen (1935 bis 1943)
Italienisch-Ostafrika (1935 bis 1941):
– Italienisch-Eritrea (1889/90 bis 1941)
– Italienisch-Assab (1882 bis 1889)
– Italienisch-Massaua (1885–1889)
– Kassala (1894–1897 und 1940–1941)
Italienisch-Somaliland (1888 bis 1941/1947, als UNO-Treuhandgebiet erneut 1950–1960)
Oltre Giuba (1924 bis 1926, danach Teil Italienisch-Somalilands)
Äthiopien (1935 bis 1941)
Britisch-Somaliland (1940–1941 besetzt)

Von 1928 bis 1940 und nochmals von 1948 bis 1956 zählte Italien außerdem zu jenen acht bzw. neun Vertragsstaaten, die eine gemeinsame Verwaltung über die Internationale Zone von Tanger (Nordmarokko) ausübten

15.09.2018 - 16:29 [ ]

Salvini provoziert bei EU-Ministertreffen

Bei einem Ministertreffen in Wien sagte Salvini, dass Asselborn der Ansicht sei, Migration sei für das überalterte Europa aus demografischen Gründen nötig. Das Ziel der italienischen Regierung dagegen sei, dass junge Italiener wieder mehr Kinder bekommen. Dies sei besser, als fehlenden italienischen Nachwuchs zu „ersetzen“ und dafür aus Afrika „neue Sklaven“ nach Europa zu holen.