(November 15, 2024)
Wirtschaftsminister Habeck ist auf der Plattform X von einem Nutzer beleidigt worden und zeigte ihn an. Die Staatsanwaltschaft durchsuchte daraufhin die Wohnung des Verdächtigen.
(November 15, 2024)
Wirtschaftsminister Habeck ist auf der Plattform X von einem Nutzer beleidigt worden und zeigte ihn an. Die Staatsanwaltschaft durchsuchte daraufhin die Wohnung des Verdächtigen.
(October 16, 2024)
Israel’s long-subservient media has spent the past year imbuing the public with a sense of righteousness over the Gaza war. Reversing this indoctrination, says media observer Oren Persico, could take decades.
Auch Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) warnte vor den zunehmenden Gefahren durch russische Geheimdienst-Aktivitäten in Deutschland. „Wir sehen, dass Putins Regime immer aggressiver agiert“, sagte Faeser dem „Handelsblatt“. Der CDU-Politiker Roderich Kiesewetter warnte in diesem Zusammenhang auch vor Gewalttaten: „Sabotage und gezielte Mordanschläge sind deshalb wahrscheinlich“, sagte er ebenfalls dem „Handelsblatt“.
Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur dpa bestand der glückliche Zufall darin, dass der Weiterflug des aus dem Baltikum stammenden Frachtpakets sich in Leipzig verzögerte. Das Paket hatte einen Brandsatz enthalten, der dort zündete und einen Frachtcontainer in Brand setzte. In Sicherheitskreisen wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Vorfall im Zusammenhang mit russischer Sabotage steht.
„Der Kreml sieht den Westen und damit auch Deutschland als Gegner“, warnte auch Bruno Kahl, Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND), mit Hinweis auf den Ukraine-Krieg.
Alle drei Geheimdienst-Spitzen mahnten, dass die Sicherheitsdienste mit den nötigen Kompetenzen ausgestattet werden müssten, um die Gefahren abwehren zu können. Rosenberg sagte, sie hoffe auf „eine Realitätsanpassung der Gesetzeslage, um unseren Auftrag bestmöglich erfüllen zu können“.
Das libanesische Außenministerium warf Israel einen „absichtlichen und systematischen Beschuss der Blauhelmtruppe“ vor.
UNIFIL bestätigte auf der Plattform X, dass es zwei Explosionen nahe einem Wachturm in Nakura gab. Zwei Soldaten seien verletzt worden. Den Grund der Explosionen nannte die UN-Mission nicht.
He now has the political capital for negotiations that could set the country‘s next budget and allow him to continue to call the shots for at least another year in the multi-front regional war Israel is fighting.
„He feels he is winning,“ one of Netanyahu‘s aides told Axios.
The six-time prime minister will outlast President Biden, who has largely failed in his attempts to contain the conflict in the Middle East and rein in Netanyahu.
For his part, Mikati briefed Araghchi on the latest situation in Lebanon, terming Israel‘s acts of aggression as a real example of war crimes.
While he lamented the inaction of the UN Security Council against the dangerous adventures of the Zionist enemy, the Lebanese prime minister appreciated the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Lebanese government and people amid unrelenting Israeli strikes.
…a theological explanation for why Israel had come into existence..
…“The Jews will gather from all parts of the world…
…the Antichrist and the end of the world but rather that Allah… final and decisive battle,,,“
…for killing all Jews…
…What if one of those missiles had been tipped with a nuclear warhead…
…Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that Iran was within a week or two of being able to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a nuclear bomb…
Fmr. Defense Secy William Cohen joins The Lead
But after Iran fired about 180 missiles in an attack that went on for roughly half an hour, Israel’s challenge was not whether to attack Iran, but how powerfully to respond, said Yaakov Amidror, a retired major general who served as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser.
The only question, General Amidror said, was “how much can we harm them versus their capacity to harm us.” He added he believed that the damage Israel inflicted on Hezbollah had diminished the threat of Iran’s proxies.
Even an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities — long a source of fear for Israel, which worries about Tehran gaining a nuclear weapon — “should be considered,” General Amidror added.
(August 14, 2024)
Der Entwurf zur Reform des BKA-Gesetzes, der dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio vorliegt, umfasst „die Befugnis zum verdeckten Betreten von Wohnungen als Begleitmaßnahme für die Online-Durchsuchung und Quellen-Telekommunikationsüberwachung“, also das Anbringen von Spähsoftware auf Desktops oder Smartphones, sowie die Befugnis „zur verdeckten Durchsuchung von Wohnungen“.
Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, Konstantin von Notz, sprach gegenüber den RND-Zeitungen von „ernsten Zeiten“. Das BKA brauche „moderne Ermittlungsbefugnisse und -mittel“.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to force all Palestinian civilians out of northern Gaza, including Gaza City, in order to lay siege to Hamas and force the release of hostages.
„Do you believe you bear any responsibility in the way that withdrawal played out?“ Harris was asked by a moderator.
„Well, I will tell you, I agreed with President Biden‘s decision to pull out of Afghanistan.“ she said.
„Four presidents said they would and Joe Biden did.“
During the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, 13 U.S. service members were killed in a terrorist attack.
If Democrats were concerned about anything amounting to a repeat of Biden’s shoddy debate performance in late June, which led to his dropping out, it was quickly erased. Harris returned to the form that made her the runaway winner of the early 2020 Democratic primary debates.
More than that, though, with a premium on Trump defining the lesser-known Harris, she made sure the debate was overwhelmingly about Trump and his less-appealing traits.
Die israelische Luftwaffe hat im Gazastreifen nach eigenen Angaben eine Kommandozentrale der islamistischen Hamas angegriffen, die in einer humanitären Zone untergebracht war. Bei dem Beschuss in der humanitären Zone Al-Mawasi in Chan Yunis seien ranghohe Mitglieder der Terrororganisation Hamas getroffen worden, erklärte die Armee in der Nacht.
According to Netanyahu, the best way to prevent these Hamas hostage smuggling efforts is through maintaining the contested Philadelphi Route – a security corridor that runs between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
(Nov 4, 2023)
President Biden has been deeply involved in the U.S. response to the Israel-Hamas war — one of the thorniest challenges of his presidency so far — receiving briefings at least once per day and speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu several times a week.
The big picture: Biden is leaning on a tight circle of trusted aides and officials. Here‘s a look at who‘s in the room when major decisions are being made.
The group also blamed Netanyahu for the deaths of Israeli captives, saying they „were killed by his army‘s bullets„.
Izzat al-Risheq, a member of Hamas‘ political bureau, said the six captives found dead by the Israeli army „were only killed by Zionist bombing„.
Their bodies were found with gunshot wounds to the head and other parts of their bodies, the Ynet news site reported. An autopsy found they were murdered in the 48 hours prior to the discovery of their bodies, the report said.
In dem CNN-Interview wurde Biden gefragt, ob mit dem Typ an US-Bomben, deren Lieferung vorerst auf Eis liege, Zivilisten in Gaza getötet worden seien. Biden sagte dazu: „Zivilisten wurden im Gazastreifen infolge dieser Bomben und anderer Methoden, mit denen sie Bevölkerungszentren angreifen, getötet.“
Biden machte zugleich deutlich, die US-Regierung werde weiter sicherstellen, dass Israel ausreichend militärische Ausrüstung zur eigenen Verteidigung habe, etwa das Raketenabwehrsystems Iron Dome.
Wie ein Polizeisprecher dem rbb sagte, hatten sich etwa 300 Personen zunächst zu einer unangemeldeten Kundgebung im Ehrenhof der HU zusammengefunden. Weil es wiederholt volksverhetzende Parolen gegeben habe, seien demnach knapp 40 Freiheitsbeschränkungen eingeleitet worden, um Personalien aufzunehmen. Dabei habe es auch Widerstand und tätliche Angriffe auf Polizeibeamte gegeben.
Die Protokolle des Corona-Krisenstabs des Robert Koch-Instituts sollten geheim bleiben. Journalisten haben die Unterlagen freigeklagt und veröffentlicht. Sie werfen viele Fragen auf.
Earlier General Siavash Mihandoost, the Army’s senior official in Isfahan province, said the relatively loud sound of the explosion that was heard in the eastern parts of Isfahan on Friday morning was the result of shots fired at “suspicious” objects by the air defense units, Tasnim reported.
He said there have been no damages or specific incidents.
„The sound was related to Isfahan‘s air defense systems firing at suspicious objects and we have not had any damage or accident,“ Mihandoust said.
Officials also said important facilities in Isfahan province, especially nuclear sites, are completely safe.
The Isfahan Nuclear Technology Center is Iran’s largest nuclear research complex and employs approximately 3,000 scientists, according to the nonprofit Nuclear Threat Initiative. It was built with Chinese assistance and opened in 1984. It operates three small Chinese-supplied research reactors, the NTI says, adding that the facility is also the target of both U.S. and U.N. sanctions.
After a week of being very careful regarding statements directed at Iran, the US gave Israel something to be satisfied about on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden said America’s commitment to Israel’s security, amid the threats from Iran and its proxies, is “ironclad.”
Biden’s statements are aimed directly at Iran, and it’s certainly possible that they’re the result of a worrying intelligence assessment Israel presented to the US.
It’s apparent neither Ukraine nor Russia possesses the excess combat power it would need to achieve a major breakthrough that swiftly and radically could alter the course of Russia’s 22-month wider war on Ukraine.
Instead, the ultimate winner might be the country that attrits enough of the enemy’s forces to cause a military-wide collapse.
Die amerikanische Drohne sei nicht im Rahmen der US-Mission „Prosperity Guardian“, die gegen Angriffe der Houthi-Rebellen im Roten Meer patrouilliert, im Einsatz gewesen. Denn die Besatzung der „Hessen“ sei nach Sichtung der unbekannten Drohne mit Mitgliedern von „Prosperity Guardian“ in Kontakt gewesen. Doch auch diese wussten nicht Bescheid vom Einsatz des Flugobjekts. Diese sei vermutlich für eine andere US-Mission in der Region unterwegs gewesen.
Gen. Erik Kurilla, commander of the U.S. Central Command, is expected to meet Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior Israel Defense Forces officials.
Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.
In such a scenario, Israel will retaliate with a direct attack against Iran, the officials said.
„Deutschland hat weder die Völkermordkonvention noch das humanitäre Völkerrecht verletzt“, sagte ein Regierungssprecher. Das werde man vor dem IGH entsprechend darlegen. Bei der Erteilung der Genehmigung von Rüstungsexporten halte sich die Bundesregierung an die Einhaltung des internationalen Rechts, sagte der Sprecher. Deutschland wird seine Position am Dienstag vor den 16 Richtern des UN-Gerichts darlegen. Eine Entscheidung wird in etwa zwei Wochen erwartet.
U.S. officials in Washington and the Middle East said on Friday that they were bracing for possible Iranian retaliation for the Israeli airstrike on Monday in Damascus, Syria. U.S. military forces in the region have been placed on heightened alert.
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — An Israeli airstrike that demolished Iran’s consulate in Syria on Monday killed two Iranian generals and five officers, according to Iranian officials. The strike appeared to signify an escalation of Israel’s targeting of military officials from Iran, which supports militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza, and along its border with Lebanon.
Giora Eiland, a retired Israeli major general, serves on the board of directors of Corsight …. He wrote: ‘The entire population of #Gaza will either move to #Egypt or move to the Gulf.’
The retired general also recommended targeting civilian vehicles in Gaza.” #writingcommunity
(March 27, 2024)
The expansive and experimental effort is being used to conduct mass surveillance there, collecting and cataloging the faces of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, according to Israeli intelligence officers, military officials and soldiers.
The technology was initially used in Gaza to search for Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas during the Oct. 7 cross-border raids, the intelligence officials said.
„Regarding the events in Moscow‘s Crocus City in the Russian suburbs, where a shooting took place just today, certain terrorist actions by unidentified persons. Let‘s make it clear: Ukraine absolutely has nothing to do with these events,“ Podoliak said in a special video message.
As he noted, „firstly, we are in a full-scale, full-fledged, large, intense war with the Russian regular army and with the Russian Federation as a country. And everything will be decided on the battlefield. It is important for Ukraine to conduct effective combat operations, offensive actions in order to destroy the Russian regular army and thus end this war.“
Secondly, according to Podolyak, Ukraine has never used terrorist methods of warfare. At the same time, he noted that, for its part, it is in Russia‘s recent history that it has repeatedly used certain terrorist acts against its own citizens.
Simonyan explained that the perpetrators were chosen to carry out the attack in a manner that would allow the West to persuade the international community that ISIS was behind the attack.
“Basic sleight of hand. The level of a railway thimble-rigger,“ she added.“ It has nothing to do with ISIS. It‘s Ukrainians.“
She added that the enthusiasm displayed by Western media when they tried to persuade everyone that ISIS was responsible even before arrests were made gave them away completely.
“This is not ISIS. This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations,“ Simonyan concluded.
In addition to publicly warning on March 7 about a possible attack, U.S. officials said they had privately told Russian officials about the intelligence pointing to an impending attack. It is not clear how much information the United States gave Russian officials beyond what was in the public warning.
American intelligence agencies have a “duty to warn” potential targets of dangers when they learn of them.
The United States had warned Iran of a possible attack ahead of twin bombings in January that killed scores and wounded hundreds of others at a memorial service for Iran’s former top general, Qassim Suleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike four years before.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday the U.S. has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that calls „for an immediate ceasefire“ in Gaza that‘s „tied to the release“ of hostages held by Hamas.
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in a briefing with reporters on Monday that Netanyahu „did raise his concerns about a variety of things that have come out in the American press.“
Sullivan added that from Biden‘s perspective „this is not a question of politics. It‘s not a question of public statements. It‘s a question of policy and strategy.“
One source said the fact that Netanyahu aired his grievances with Biden helped to somewhat clear the atmosphere.
Another clip shows two pieces of armor stationary in a field. It is unclear what kind of heavy equipment is shown in the video. The defense ministry said that the Ukrainian troops taking part in the attack were supported by several US-made armored vehicles, which were destroyed by Russian forces.