After less than 12 hours of deliberations, the jury returned its verdict against Chauvin, finding him guilty on all three counts: second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
Archiv: Police killing George Floyd 25-05-2020 / Minneapolis riots / protests in USA / social movement / George Floyd Justice in Policing Act 03-03-2021
US-Repräsentantenhaus stimmt Polizeireformen zu
(Online seit heute, 4.03 Uhr)
Mehr als neun Monate nach dem Tod des Afroamerikaners George Floyd bei einem brutalen Polizeieinsatz in den USA hat das US-Repräsentantenhaus umfassenden Polizeireformen zugestimmt.
The House has passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the expansive policing reform bill, on a 220-212 vote.
@RepGolden and @RepRonKind voted against the bill, and GOP Rep. Lance Gooden, R-TX, voted w/ Dems for it.
Democrats are changing the House floor schedule this week given security concerns around March 4th and potential activity targeting the Capitol. The House will vote tonight on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, instead of tomorrow.
(9 hours ago)
Nach Warnung vor Angriff: US-Abgeordnete sagen Sitzung ab
(Online seit heute, 0.18 Uhr)
Wegen der Sicherheitsbedrohung nehme man Abstand von der Zusammenkunft, teilte ein demokratischer Berater gestern mit. Die Kapitalpolizei hatte zuvor unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstinformationen gewarnt, dass Extremisten erneut das Kapitol stürmen wollen.
Das Repräsentantenhaus sollte heute über ein Gesetz zur Polizeireform debattieren und abstimmen.
Capitol Police Warn of Threat on Thursday, and House Cancels the Day’s Session
(March 3, 2021)
The “possible” plot, as described by the Capitol Police, appeared to be inspired by the pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon, according to a senior administration official who reviewed the intelligence warning. Intelligence analysts had spent weeks tracking online chatter ……..
Regarding the US presidential election in 2020: We are done with democracy simulations
(7. Februar 2020)
After the Iowa fraud and Bernie Sanders‘ Al Gore style capitulation (no recount / „recalculation“ of an in broad daylight rigged caucus) and the deafening silence of each and every progressive lawmaker, even from the Squad, we do not support any candidate in this election and furthermore question its authenticity and legitimacy. From this day on, we will rarely post any news to this election-without-a-choice.
We would like to ask you: would the Trumpolini in the White House watch, just for even a few hours, the Republican Party doing this to his campaign? The progressives in the Democratic Party let this happen for days and kept their head down. And Millions of good-willing, hard working people on the ground were let down and deceived, again.
We’re not going along with this dirty game, which can be played again and again and again on people who tolerate it once without resistance.
Notably, we have calculated with this development years ago and described a possibility how Bernie Sanders could have become US president (article in German). Let that sink in, just for a minute or two.
Since decades, only (far) right-wingers, warmongers and egoists have real candidates and political parties.
So, „vote“ yourself.
Activists Sue San Francisco for Wide-Ranging Surveillance of Black-Led Protests Against Police Violence
Local activists sued San Francisco today over the city police department’s illegal use of a network of more than 400 non-city surveillance cameras to spy on them and thousands of others who protested as part of the Black-led movement against police violence.
The 2020 March on Washington – 8/28 (FULL LIVE STREAM)
A civil rights rally timed to the 57th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.‘s seminal “I Have a Dream” speech is expected to bring thousands to the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28. Speakers include:
Marsch auf Washington: „Genug ist genug“
„Wir fordern echten, dauerhaften, strukturellen Wandel“, sagte der Bürgerrechtler Martin Luther King III bei der Kundgebung. Er ist der älteste Sohn von Martin Luther King Jr., der auf den Tag genau vor 57 Jahren in Washington seine berühmte Rede mit den Worten „Ich habe einen Traum“ hielt.
„Wir werden diesen Traum erfüllen“, sagte der afroamerikanische Bürgerrechtler Al Sharpton, einer der Organisatoren der Kundgebung.
Marsch auf Washington: „Nehmt euer Knie von unseren Nacken“
Der 28. August ist ein geschichtsträchtiges Datum: Heute vor 57 Jahren hielt Martin Luther King Junior seine berühmte Rede in Washington. Heute gibt es eine Neuauflage des Marsches auf die Hauptstadt.
The March on Washington 2020, explained
On the granite steps of the Lincoln Memorial are carved two footprints. An inscription notes this spot was where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in front of thousands on August 28, 1963.
On Friday, amid a summer of protest against systemic racism and police violence, remarks will again be delivered from that same place by those speaking out against state violence.
Dubbed “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks,” the 2020 March on Washington is expected to draw 50,000 protesters from around the country.
Cyber Command Gets New Surveillance Powers Under Guise of Battling Election Meddling
Domestically, the potential targeting of American citizens as foreign actors or agents was moved forward by Bill Barr’s Justice Department in June, in response to the Minneapolis riots, Barr released a statement naming “Antifa and other similar groups” as possible targets of its 56 regional FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) offices. In the same statement the top prosecutor invoked the National Guard, which would be “deployed on the streets to reestablish law and order” if necessary.
Once homeless, now poised for the House: Protest leader ousts veteran Missouri congressman
Bush’s primary win essentially guarantees her a seat in Congress representing the heavily Democratic St. Louis area. Missouri’s 1st Congressional District has been represented by Clay or his father for a half-century. Bill Clay served 32 years before retiring in 2000. William Lacy Clay, 64, was elected that year.
Clay didn’t face a serious challenger until Bush.
Black Lives Matter Activist Cori Bush Defeats Corporate-Backed Democratic Congress Member
In a stunning upset, Black Lives Matter activist Cori Bush has defeated 10-term incumbent Rep. Lacy Clay in the Democratic primary for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, according to the Associated Press. Bush, a minister and registered nurse, has been heavily involved in protests against police violence since the 2014 Ferguson protests
Police committed 125 human rights violations during Floyd protests: Amnesty
In the report published Tuesday, Amnesty alleges the violations occurred in 40 states during demonstrations following the May 25 police killing of Floyd in Minneapolis.
Amnesty International: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen US-Polizei
Die Sicherheitskräfte hätten wiederholt körperliche Gewalt, chemische Reizstoffe wie Tränengas und Pfefferspray sowie Geschosse eingesetzt, um friedliche Proteste aufzulösen, heißt es in der Studie. Die jüngsten Ereignisse hätten Bedenken hinsichtlich „des Rechts auf Leben, der Sicherheit von Personen, dem gleichen Schutz vor dem Gesetz“ sowie der freien Meinungsäußerung und der friedlichen Versammlung geweckt.
Washington state officials confirm federal officers leaving Seattle
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) and Gov. Jay Inslee (D) said in a statement that the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Border Patrol Tactical Unit has left Seattle after being deployed there “without the consultation or consent of state and local officials.”
San Francisco Police Accessed Business District Camera Network to Spy on Protestors
The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) conducted mass surveillance of protesters at the end of May and in early June using a downtown business district‘s camera network, according to new records obtained by EFF. The records show that SFPD received real-time live access to hundreds of cameras as well as a „data dump“ of camera footage amid the ongoing demonstrations against police violence.
Federal agents use tear gas to clear Portland protesters, police say they find Molotov cocktails
„Ammunition and destructive devices recovered by Portland Police in the area of this incident at around the same time appear to be unrelated,“ Portland police said. Police did not say whether the shooting was related to the protests.
Portland police detain two suspects after reported shooting near federal courthouse protest site
It remained unclear early Monday if the shooting was connected to the protest, and police said the magazines and firebomb „appear to be unrelated“ to the shooting.
FBI says it‘s investigating ‚specific violations of federal law,‘ not ideology, in Portland protests
Cannon stressed that the FBI does not align itself with ideology of a particular group and is concerned only with addressing violence and crime.
“Our focus is not on membership in particular groups but on individuals who commit violence and criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security,” Cannon said. “The FBI does not and will not police ideology.”
Many Claim Extremists Are Sparking Protest Violence. But Which Extremists?
People associated with both the extreme right and left are being accused of igniting the conflagration. The Trump administration blamed what it called the radical left, naming antifa, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist” that has come to be associated with a diffuse movement of left-wing protesters who engage in more aggressive techniques like vandalism.
Others said white supremacists and far-right groups were responsible, pointing to online statements by adherents that the upheaval would hasten the collapse of a multiethnic, multicultural United States.
Live updates from weekend protests: Man shot to death in Austin, Seattle police declare riot, armed militia in Louisville
Protests against racial injustice continued around the nation Saturday with tense situations unfolding in cities including Austin, Texas, Louisville, Kentucky, Seattle, Washington, Aurora, Colorado, Oakland, California, and Chicago, Illinois.
In Louisville two opposing, heavily armed militia groups came within a few dozen yards of each of other, but avoided violence.
Violent Police Measures in Jerusalem Draw Comparisons With Portland Crackdown
UN issues warning to US authorities as Black Lives Matter protesters continue to face off against police
The United Nations human rights office has issued a stark warning to authorities in the US against using disproportional force against protesters and journalists involved in anti-systemic racism protests across the country.
Federal judge temporarily bars federal officers in Portland from taking actions against journalists, observers
The lawsuit was filed by the ACLU, and the restraining order acts against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Marshals Service. Portland police were already banned from arresting or attacking journalists and legal observers at the protests.
14 mayors ask feds to stop deploying officers to cities in response to protests
In a letter to Attorney General William Barr and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf Tuesday, the mayors voiced their “deep concern and objection to the deployment of federal forces in U.S. cities.”
New Local Lawsuit Challenges ‚Violent and Unlawful‘ Attacks on Portland Protesters by Trump‘s Secret Police Force
A pair of Oregon state lawmakers joined with a local lawyer, church, and advocacy group on Tuesday to bring yet another lawsuit against federal government agencies over President Donald Trump‘s ongoing militarized crackdown on Black Lives Matter protests in Portland.
Trump Threatens to Send Federal Law Enforcement Forces to More Cities
The president portrayed the nation’s cities as out of control. “Look at what’s going on — all run by Democrats, all run by very liberal Democrats. All run, really, by radical left,” Mr. Trump said. He added: “If Biden got in, that would be true for the country. The whole country would go to hell. And we’re not going to let it go to hell.”
Democrats said the president was the one out of control.
Portland Protests Grow Despite Violent Crackdown from Militarized Federal Agents & Local Police
Heavily armed federal officers without name tags have carried out nightly attacks on antiracist demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, and snatched people off the streets into unmarked vans, sparking widespread outrage. “What we’ve seen is a continuous escalation in violence against our protesters,” says Lilith Sinclair, an Afro-Indigenous local organizer in Portland. They note the federal violence follows many years of “severe police brutality” from local police. “It’s left the people of Portland not only worried about their safety, but, even more so, justified in the fight that we’re engaged in.”
“Camouflaged Goon Squads”: Outrage, Legal Challenges in Portland as Federal Agents Snatch Protesters
The U.S. attorney for the District of Oregon has called for an investigation into the conduct of federal officers deployed to protests in Portland, calling their behavior “unlawful.” Local officials are also mounting legal challenges to remove the agents from city streets. Juan Chavez, project director and attorney at the Oregon Justice Resource Center, says it’s a terrifying situation for Portland residents who face “these camouflaged goon squads” who often refuse to identify themselves or their agencies. “They just appear in the middle of the night next to people who are in and around downtown who then get corralled into these vehicles, not told where or who’s picking them up,” he says.
UNHINGED: Dem Rep. Clyburn Compares Federal Law Enforcement To Nazi Germany Gestapo
Democrat Congresswoman Jim Clyburn compared federal law enforcement to Nazi Germany Gestapo, when he appeared on CNN on 7/20/2020.
House Democrats ask watchdogs to probe federal crackdown on protests
“The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appear to have increasingly abused emergency authorities to justify the use of force against Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly,” wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.).
Twitter mob: College researcher forced to resign after study finding no racial bias in police shootings
And while 800 people supported a petition to fire him, more than 2,000 backed him with their signatures, including top academics such as Harvard’s Steven Pinker, as well as MSU professors who said there is “zero concrete evidence that Hsu has performed his duties as VP in an unfair or biased manner.”
“Therefore, removing Hsu from his post as VP would be to capitulate to rumor and character assassination,” the petition said.
False online accusation resulted in a boycott, outrage and “terroristic” threats against venue business
Cuthbertson, in an effort to save his business from losing customers, requested the police give him a head’s up before they come so he could arrange his schedule for meeting potential customers accordingly.
Neither the policemen nor Cuthbertson had an issue with the arrangement.
But then, soon after, George Floyd’s death made national headlines and the issues of race and police brutality were forced into every part of society from news to entertainment.
A comment on a local Facebook page ended up twisting the facts and portrayed Cuthbertson as anti-cop, suggesting that he wouldn’t let cops on the property.
“This place refused to allow the Falls Township Police to sit at his outdoor picnic tables and eat their lunch. If you’re looking for a catering venue, don’t choose this one,” read the comment on a local Facebook page.
No sooner was the comment posted than he started receiving threats on phone calls with people hurling profanities at him.
Black Lives Matter, protesters add DC police to lawsuit over clearing of Lafayette Square
The ACLU and other civil rights groups filed a motion adding Police Chief Peter Newsham and other officers to the suit, alleging D.C. officers joined federal law enforcement agents in forcibly clearing the square ahead of President Trump’s photo-op outside of St. John’s Church.
Diaz Love Livestream She Get‘s hit
Protesters hit by car Seattle: 1 of 2 people struck on closed freeway dies
The driver, who was alone, fled the scene after hitting the protesters, Trooper Chase Van Cleave told The Associated Press. One of the other protesters got in a car and chased the driver for about a mile. He was able to stop him by pulling his car in front of the Jaguar, Van Cleave said.
Troopers arrived, and the driver was put in custody, Washington State Patrol Capt. Ron Mead said.
Donald Trump Speech Transcript at Mount Rushmore 4th of July Event
One of their political weapons is cancel culture, driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and to our values and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America.
This attack on our liberty, our magnificent liberty must be stopped and it will be stopped very quickly. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation’s children from this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life. In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It’s not going to happen to us.
Trump Flouts Virus Rules, Warns Of ‚New Far-Left Fascism‘ In Speech Ahead Of July 4th
„They think the American people are weak and soft and submissive,“ he said. „But no, the American people are strong and proud, and they will not allow our country and all of its values, history and culture to be taken from them.“
In response, the crowd erupted in cheers of „USA! USA!“ and „Four more years!“
So…Why Hasn’t There Been A COVID Spike From The Protests?
The problem with masks, Hassig said, is the psychological element.
She called it a “normative behavior” much like littering.
Oklahoma officers charged with second-degree murder after allegedly using Tasers more than 50 times on man
Two Oklahoma police officers have been charged with second-degree murder almost exactly one year after a July 4 incident in which they allegedly used Tasers on a man more than 50 times before he died.
Body camera footage shows park ranger shooting, killing unarmed visitor without provocation
The video, obtained by local news affiliate KOB4, shows National Park Ranger Robert Mitchell holding his Taser aimed at Charles Lorentz, who he had apparently stopped for driving at an unsafe speed near Carlsbad Caverns, a national park and popular tourist attraction.
Minneapolis Council Moves To Defund Police, Establish ‚Holistic‘ Public Safety Force
Despite unanimous support Friday, the amendment faces a number of bureaucratic obstacles before voters can vote on it in November.
RECAP: Reaction as Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked for tweeting ‚antisemitic‘ Maxine Peake interview
Salford MP Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked from the shadow cabinet after she tweeted a link to an interview with actress Maxine Peake.
The shadow education secretary was forced out of her job by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who said the interview contained an ‚antisemitic conspiracy theory‘.
Live Police Shooting of Philando Castile | Livestream Video [GRAPHIC CONTENT]
The incident in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, appeared to be partly documented in a Facebook Live recording posted by a woman in the car, who identified herself as the man‘s girlfriend. The video, which was briefly removed from Facebook but later republished with a warning of graphic content, had as of Thursday morning been viewed close to 2 million times.
“Are You Prepared to Kill Somebody?” A Day With One of America’s Most Popular Police Trainers
(February 2017)
Last summer, after a black man named Philando Castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop outside Minneapolis, it was revealed that two years earlier the officer, Jeronimo Yanez, had attended “The Bulletproof Warrior,” a two-day training taught by Grossman and his colleague Jim Glennon.
Israeli forces trained cops in ‘restraint techniques’ at Minneapolis conference
Neta Golan, co-founder of International Solidarity Movement (ISM), said: “When I saw the picture of killer cop Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd by leaning in on his neck with his knee as he cried for help and other cops watched, I remembered noticing when many Israeli soldiers began using this technique of leaning in on our chest and necks when we were protesting in the West Bank sometime in 2006.
“They started twisting and breaking fingers in a particular way around the same time. It was clear they had undergone training for this. They continue to use these tactics—two of my friends have had their necks broken but luckily survived—and it is clear that they [Israel] share these methods when they train police forces abroad in ‘crowd control’ in the U.S. and other countries including Sudan and Brazil.”
U.K. Labour Leader Sacks Education Spokeswoman for Sharing Article With ‚Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory‘
Long-Bailey had tweeted an Independent article written about British actress and anti-capitalist activist Maxine Peake writing „Maxine Peake is an absolute diamond.“
In the story, Peake alleges that „the tactics used by the police in America, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, that was learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services.”
Protests Propel Charles Booker in Close Kentucky Senate Race Against Establishment-Backed Amy McGrath
“A lot of y’all have been yelling out Breonna’s name,” Booker said from the stage. “She hung out with my cousin T.J., and when he was murdered, she was there. And her death, her killing, felt like losing him all over again. And we stood up in the streets because we had no other choice.”
Kentucky voters weren’t meant to have a choice. Not long after Amy McGrath pulled off an upset victory in her House Democratic primary in May 2018, her phone rang. It was Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic minority leader, with more than just congratulations. No matter how the general election goes, Schumer told McGrath, we want you to be our candidate for Senate against Mitch McConnell in 2020, according to a McGrath 2018 campaign aide.
The scene along a block’s worth of H Street where protesters are literally pitching tents and not leaving this area near Lafayette Park #dcprotest #dcprotests
Protesters try to bring down statue of Andrew Jackson near White House
Protests in Washington, D.C., have remained peaceful for the past couple of weeks, and Monday night marked the first significant clashes between protesters and police since authorities used pepper spray to clear demonstrators from Lafayette Square earlier this month.
Black Lives Matter in Israel? Sounds Like Science Fiction
Population and immigration department inspectors are bored and frustrated after the end of an eventful season of hunting humans. Instead of nighttime arrests and kidnappings, they currently bully asylum seekers to their hearts’ content at the registry office where they seek to extend their permits, which they are entitled to receive automatically.
The photographs shown last week on Channel 13’s Hamakor program couldn’t leave any viewer indifferent. They showed criminal, sadistic, mean bullying of weaker people on the part of low-level clerks, kings for a moment dishing out lowly racist treatment.
President Trump tweets at ‚protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes‘ today before Tulsa rally
President Trump tweeted this Friday morning, a day before his rally in Tulsa:
„Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!“
Colorado governor signs sweeping police reform bill ending qualified immunity, banning chokeholds
The bill also asks cops to report their colleagues for wrongdoing, and will make officers personally liable for up to $25,000 in damages if they violate someone‘s civil rights.
Racial Justice and Transformative Social Change Demanded in Juneteenth Commemorations Across US
Tensions around race and policing in the U.S. exploded May 25 when George Floyd was killed by four Minneapolis police officers. The ongoing protest movement sparked by his death has transfixed the nation and led to a surging demand to transform how policing is done in the U.S. and to address the underlying racism and economic inequality that remains pervasive across the country.
Trump admin used drones, helicopters to surveil George Floyd protests in 15 cities
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) used helicopters, airplanes and drones in more than 15 cities to watch protests over the killing of George Floyd and obtained more than 270 hours of surveillance.
… It then sent footage back to control centers managed by Air and Marine Operations, a CBP branch, that was then made available to other federal and local agencies.
LIVE: Juneteenth Washington DC commemoration rallies
Juneteenth commemorates the freedom for the last of enslaved populations in the remote location of Galveston, Texas — two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863.
Dozens of planned demonstrations throughout D.C. come in the wake of four weeks of protest over police brutality and George Floyd‘s killing. Those coming to rally will mix the joy of the holiday with the passion for change.
We are bringing you live coverage from locations around Washington, D.C.
IG investigating Air National Guard’s use of recon planes to monitor protests
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who flies RC-26s for the Wisconsin Air National Guard, has said that he flew a pair of night missions this month in Minneapolis in support of local law enforcement.
Editorial: Two Black men hanging from trees in Southern California? Leave no stone unturned investigating
The body of 24-year-old Robert Fuller was found June 10 in a tree near Palmdale City Hall. Officials quickly labeled it a suicide, but protesters to their credit immediately demanded a deeper investigation. So did Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger.
How likely is it that a man would hang himself from a tree? It is not unheard of, but it is hardly reassuring to note that two weeks earlier the body of 38-year-old Malcolm Harsch was found hanging from a tree in Victorville, a desert city at the opposite end of the storied Pearblossom Highway from Palmdale.
Everyone meet Tony Timpa. He called 911 for help, and ended up on the ground being choked to death by Dallas police. We mainly hear about black people, but they‘ll kill your white ass too. The officers laughed as Tony died.
What is excited delirium? The pseudo condition used to defend some cases of police brutality explained – and what happened to Tony Timpa
With Black Lives Matter demonstrations pulling racial injustice and police brutality into sharp focus under horrifying circumstances, similar cases of excessive force from the past are being put under scrutiny once again
As George Floyd Died, Officer Wondered About “Excited Delirium”
Now experts say the controversial diagnosis may become part of the police defense.
protests, „no spike“
(search results)
Medical experts say protests violate social distancing guidelines. Why is there no spike in cases 2 weeks later?
While more than two weeks have passed, one health district director thinks it’s still too soon to draw conclusions on the effect large protests have on the number of coronavirus cases in Virginia.
An officer was gunned down during protests. The killer was a ‘Boogaloo Boy’ using the peaceful marches as cover, feds say.
For a little over a week, the crime was a mystery. Was it tied to the protests just blocks away? Even after the suspected killer was dramatically caught in the nearby mountains eight days later, his motive was murky.
Now, federal authorities say the man, identified as Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, was an adherent of the “Boogaloo Boys,” a growing online extremist movement that has sought to use peaceful protests against police brutality to spread fringe views and ignite a race war. Federal investigators allege that’s exactly what Carrillo was trying to do last month.
Facial recognition tools under fresh scrutiny amid police protests
The criticism of the programs is also reigniting congressional efforts to craft federal regulations for the technology.
BLM ‚band of brothers‘ hope rescue of counter-protester sends message
When five friends decided to attend an anti-racism protest in London on Saturday, all they were hoping to do was to protect their younger allies from far-right thugs.
Forty-eight hours later, their heroism has created a defining image of the Black Lives Matter movement. They have won the praise of politicians, the adulation of social media, and the attention of newspaper front pages.
Black Lives Matter protests – black men rescues white opposite (UK) ITV & BBC News – 14th June 2025
Amid the violent protests in London yesterday, one image more than any others stood out and showed a ‚glimmer of hope‘, as a black man (Patrick Hutchinson) and others, rescued and protected a white opposing demonstrator who was injured. Patrick Hutchinson didn‘t see colour, he just saw another human being in trouble and didn‘t want him to die. See the footage and story here.
Black Lives Matter protests across the US and world
A dispatcher and two 911 callers voiced concerns over officer use of force in Floyd‘s death, according to dispatch recordings and transcripts released by the city‘s police department.
The Fulton County District Attorney is weighing charges for both officers involved in the Rayshard Brooks shooting Friday. And Atlanta police have released the disciplinary records for the two officers.
POWERFUL Bernie Sanders AD (Killer Mike Speech) – THE TIME IS NOW!
Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party
And it may be the strongest political party in the United States.
‘A fundamentally broken system’: Why protesters are calling to ‚defund the police‘
Defunding the police is largely understood to mean reallocating funds from police departments to other community resources. Some activists, however, are calling for police departments to be completely dismantled. Regardless, these calls to ‚defund the police‘ — which are supported by about one-third of Americans — involve reimagining the current policing system in the United States.
Poll: 57 percent of voters support George Floyd protests
The survey found a wider divide along party lines, with 79 percent of Democrats approving and 65 percent of Republicans disapproving.
Fifty-four percent of independent voters said they approved of the protests.
Journalist partially blinded while covering protests: There‘s no way they could have mistaken me for anything but press
The final photos journalist Linda Tirado took around midnight on May 30, while covering the protests in Minneapolis, show what appears to be a police officer aiming a foam bullet gun right at her.
Shortly after, Tirado was hit in the face with a foam bullet, which broke the goggles she was wearing and left her permanently blind in one eye.
Coronavirus Live Updates: As Social Distancing Wanes, Cuomo Warns of Another Lockdown
Specifically, Mr. Cuomo said that bar patrons in Manhattan and the Hamptons on Long Island had been flouting the rules, and warned that if local officials did not crack down on such behavior the state could be forced to suspend re-opening plans.
“There is a very real possibility that we would roll back the reopening in those areas,” he said, adding that if people didn’t abide social distancing rules, including wearing masks, a second wave of infections was almost inevitable. “It will come. And once it comes, it’s too late.”
Dr. Fauci Expects Spike in Coronavirus Cases Due to Protests
The percentage of positive coronavirus cases is declining across the D.C. area, but those numbers come amid a new warning from the nation’s top infectious disease expert on protests during the pandemic. News4’s Doreen Gentzler reports.
Roughly 2 weeks after protests began, no spike in Covid-19
About two weeks after protests began in New York City, several indicators tracking the spread of the coronavirus have yet to register a meaningful spike.
However, Mayor Bill de Blasio and health experts said Friday morning that they are waiting until the end of the month to draw any hard conclusions from the data.
Virginia News: Gov. Northam’s coronavirus briefing: no spike in COVID-19 cases, higher education guidelines, May revenue numbers
Speaking of the COVID-19 numbers in Virginia, Northam says so far the commonwealth has not seen a spike in COVID-19 cases. Northam also notes the number of coronavirus deaths has been deceasing over the last couple of weeks.
Coronavirus cases are dropping in Minnesota despite protests over George Floyd’s murder
Protests broke out around the country following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25th, but the state has yet to see a spike in coronavirus cases.
Public health experts were concerned that gatherings of protestors would lead to an increase in the infection rate, but Minnesota’s new cases are still on the decline.
In the meantime, Minnesota’s stay-at-home order expired, Memorial Day weekend happened, and bars and restaurants around the state reopened. And still no spike.
20th day of protests. That’s amazing.
Thousands march in Hollywood for LGBTQ rights and racial justice
The march was organized by the Black Advisory Board, made up of Black LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations. On the event’s website, the board posted a statement announcing a protest “in direct response to racial injustice, systemic racism, and all forms of oppression.”
Some activists gathered around President Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame and demanded his removal from office because of his divisive rhetoric and insensitivity to racial justice issues.
Thousands gather Sunday for prayer and protests in Washington
It was one of the largest faith-based events in the 17 days of protests that have consumed the nation’s capital since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis police custody in May, and it was the first big public event organized by black clergy. Organizers said that was because of extra caution in the African American community, which has been hit especially hard by the coronavirus pandemic.
Minneapolis hosts another round of rallies as protesters seek changes after George Floyd‘s death
Residents of CHAZ Respond to the President
Our President thinks „ugly Anarchists“ and „Domestic Terrorists“ have taken over Capitol Hill. In case you somehow missed it, here are the tweets:
Livestream courtesy of SeattleProtest2020
An overhead view along the outskirts of the zone. From here you can see a few of the street barricades as well as the main staging area for protests.
Fox News removes manipulated images from coverage of Seattle protests
Fox removed the edited images in response to an article in the Seattle Times, telling the outlet in a statement, “We have replaced our photo illustration with the clearly delineated images of a gunman and a shattered storefront, both of which were taken this week in Seattle’s autonomous zone.” The image of the shattered storefront, however, was not captured this week in the autonomous zone.
Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle’s protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
On Saturday, Fox apologized in an editor’s note posted to stories about CHAZ on its website, sayings its home-page photos “did not clearly delineate” the splicing together of multiple images from different locations. The editor’s note also acknowledged the erroneous use of the Minnesota rioting photo to illustrate Seattle news. “Fox News regrets these errors,” the note stated.
The network’s misleading and faked images were published as the Capitol Hill zone — quickly labeled CHAZ — became a political flashpoint for conservatives nationally and a target of tweets by President Donald Trump, who has branded the demonstrators “domestic terrorists” and threatened federal action unless local officials “take back” the area.
Thousands rally in fresh Paris protest against racism and police brutality
Paris riot police fired tear gas Saturday to disperse a largely peaceful but unauthorized protest of police brutality and entrenched racism, as a wave of anger continued to sweep the world following the death of African American George Floyd.
This is the issue w/ many “reforms”: yes, you can pass certain laws, but the problem is police *breaking the law.* Murder is already illegal, but the officers who killed Breonna Taylor STILL haven’t been arrested. Taking on that abuse of power often takes major political risk.
New York City oversight bill to force police to detail surveillance tools
The Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act already has enough co-sponsors to win the two-thirds support needed to override veto from the mayor, who has opposed the bill.
The militarized policing they don‘t want you to see
At this moment where police have exposed the degree of power that they possess and use to exert force on the American public, it has never been clearer that these surveillance technologies will also suppress dissent. They are just as powerful, and as dangerous as the military helicopters staring down protest crowds today. As lawmakers begin to demilitarize community officers, we must also restrict the excessive power that surveillance technologies give to police.
„What‘s happening is this incredible movement… [it‘s] incredibly inspiring to the vast majority of American people. But it is also threatening to the right-wing and the reactionary agenda of Donald Trump.“ -Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant on Trump threatening protests
The movement, led by a multi-racial community of youth, won a major victory, forcing Seattle police & the big business-backed establishment to leave East Precinct. The movement was undaunted in the face of horrific violence from Mayor Durkan‘s police. Congratulations, solidarity!
Protesters march silently through Seattle streets
Protesters marched through Seattle in silence on Friday. The protest came on the same day that a U.S. judge has ordered Seattle police to temporarily stop using tear gas, pepper spray and flash-bang devices to break up peaceful protests. (June 12)
Seattle Silent March #BLMSeattle #BlackLivesMatter
.@BLMSeattleKC says an estimated 60,000 people turned out for the Seattle Silent March today, which was basically two miles of this
The American Press Is Destroying Itself
But police violence, and Trump’s daily assaults on the presidential competence standard, are only part of the disaster. On the other side of the political aisle, among self-described liberals, we’re watching an intellectual revolution. It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind. It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.
Trump heads to West Point amid fresh military tensions
Former military officials have increasingly spoken out to rebuke Trump over his response to recent protests against the police-involved death of George Floyd and the president‘s threat to dispatch active-duty troops to cities to quell violence and looting that accompanied some of the demonstrations.
In an extraordinary statement Thursday, the top U.S. general expressed regret for his involvement in Trump’s photo opportunity at St. John’s Episcopal Church earlier this month that followed an aggressive clearing of protesters.
Pence says he didn‘t accompany Trump to St. John‘s ‚out of an abundance of caution‘
Vice presidents and presidents are sometimes encouraged to not be in the same location at the same time.
Joint Chiefs chairman says he regrets participating in Trump photo-op
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley says he regrets his participation in President Trump’s photo opportunity outside St. John’s Church last week.
“I should not have been there,” Milley said during a recorded message aired at the graduation of the National Defense University on Thursday morning. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
Rep. Bobby Rush and Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot hold a joint press conference
Chicago police and city leaders defend handling of protests and looting as questions swirl over response some found lacking
Questions came over the decision to largely seal off downtown, effectively forcing some of the protest action into outlying neighborhoods, and over what appeared at times to be an outnumbered police department’s choice to stand back as looting began.
Tribune reporters observed officers who had been deployed to hot spots to contain a situation keep their posts without engaging looters.
‘Cowards’: Rush Slams Chicago Police Caught Lounging In His Office Amid Looting | All In | MSNBC
Congressman Bobby Rush got word that his office in Chicago had been burglarized. But when he looked at the surveillance tape, he saw a group of up to 13 police officers, helping themselves to coffee, making popcorn, even napping in his office while nearby stores were being damaged and robbed amid protests. Aired on 6/11/2020.
Video shows Chicago police ‘lounging’ in congressman’s burglarized office during looting, mayor says
Several Chicago police officers were captured on video relaxing inside the recently-burglarized office of Congressman Bobby Rush while nearby businesses were looted, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Thursday.
Surveillance video taken inside the longtime congressman’s South Side campaign office in the early hours of June 1 shows a group of officers sitting, making popcorn and in one case napping, “while small businesses on the South Side were looted and burned,” Lightfoot said.
Atlanta’s Mayor Wants $13 Million More For Police. Four Officers Were Just Fired For Using Excessive Force.
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has asked for the budget increase amid ongoing local and national reports of police violence against protesters.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser: ‚Not At All‘ Reconsidering Police Funding
The budget that you put out last month, in fact, calls for increasing funding for the police … Are you reconsidering your position in any way?
Not at all.
As Calls to Defund the Police Grow Louder, Joe Biden Wants to Give Them More Money
As the force of the defund police movement has taken some by surprise, Biden has hardly been the only politician to seek to defend the status quo. Even his one-time rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, indicated in a recent interview that he objected calls to defund the police. “I think we want to redefine what police departments do, give them the support they need to make their jobs better defined,” said Sanders. “So I do believe that we need well-trained, well-educated, and well-paid professionals in police departments.”
That’s what officials have promised for years. P
Nationwide Protests Prompt Changes In Movies, TV And Sports | NBC Nightly News
As nationwide protests condemn racial injustice, shows like Live PD and Cops have been canceled. Disney is under pressure to rename a theme park ride and NASCAR is banning the Confederate flag.
Louisville city council unanimously pass ‚Breonna‘s Law‘ to ban no-knock warrants
The unanimously passed ordinance, which still needs to be approved by the mayor, bans any search warrant that does not require police to announce themselves and their purpose at the premises. It requires any Louisville Metro Police Department or Metro law enforcement to knock and wait a minimum of 15 seconds for a response.
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer vowed to pass the ban as “soon as it hits my desk.”
Troubling Divide Between Police Testimony And Some Incidents Caught On Video | NBC Nightly New
In some cases of police violence, including in the case of George Floyd, there is a disconnect between what officers say happened and what video evidence later shows. As the nation weighs police reform measures, former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton says it should focus on the importance of telling the truth.
Multi LIVE protests USA – EARTH – 6/11/2020
The world should see what is going on here in America. Here you go!
Los Angeles,
Santa Monica,
Live Updates on George Floyd Protests: Seattle Mayor Defies Trump
Seattle’s mayor defends protesters’ ‘autonomous zone’ from Trump’s ire.
Chicago police officers relaxed in a congressman’s office while looting and arson unfolded outside.
‘I should not have been there,’ General Milley says about the Trump photo op.
A march through Manhattan leaves a trail of symbolic blood.
Biden says Floyd’s death is having a bigger global impact than the King assassination.
In Dallas, Trump blasts critics of policing and blames ‘bad apples’ for brutality.
Federal arrests for protest violence show no sign of links to antifa.
Amazon puts one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology
Amazon on Wednesday announced that it is placing a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology, Rekognition.
„We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology, and in recent days, Congress appears ready to take on this challenge,“ the company wrote in a blog post.
After 15 stunning days of anti-racist protests … what happens next?
“Ladies and gentleman,” Cobb remarked. “This is what you call uncharted territory.”
Fifteen days and nights into this nationwide conflagration, the protests following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis are truly navigating the unknown.
Joe Biden Declares Definitively, „I Do Not Support Defunding Police“
During an interview Tuesday night, Biden said there is „absolutely“ systemic racism in law enforcement, arguing that he believes the problem exists „across the board.“
Yet, in an op-ed published Wednesday morning in The USA Today, Biden declared definitively, „I do not support defunding police.“
Van Jones: It‘s not the racists we have to worry about
CNN‘s Van Jones says that the black community is tired of hearing empty promises of change and that they should be more worried about „the White Liberal Hillary Clinton supporter“ than a white racist.
CNN commentator says black community should be more worried about ‘the white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter’ than white racists
“It’s not the racist white person who is in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about,” Mr Jones said.
“It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park who would tell you right now, ‘Oh I don’t see race, race is no big deal to me, I see all people the same, I give to charities.’
“But the minute she sees a black man who she does not respect, or who she has a slight thought against, she weaponised race like she had been trained by the Aryan Nation.”
Democratic senators raise concerns over government surveillance of protests
„The federal government’s use of technology to identify each individual at a demonstration en masse has a chilling effect on all of our protected First Amendment activities,“ Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) wrote to Attorney General William Barr and Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.
READ: Philonise Floyd‘s statement to Congress
Philonise Floyd spoke to Congress about his late brother George Floyd on Wednesday, saying he was testifying to „make sure that his death isn‘t in vain.“
WATCH: New York police chief accuses media of treating police like ANIMALS
New York Police Benevolent Association President Mike O’Meara speaks on June 9: “We all read in the paper all week that in the black community, mothers are worried about their children getting home from school without being killed by a cop. What world are we living in? That does not happen!”
‘My Name Is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American Name.’
Two days before we spoke on May 31, Nabilah Islam had joined with protesters in Atlanta who were calling for an end to police violence and racist policing. Islam is running for Congress in Georgia’s Seventh District, which includes Gwinnett County near Atlanta. It’s an open seat, and the Democratic primary is June 9.
Islam, 30, said that she didn’t see any elected officials or candidates at the protest she attended. “I think it’s very important that we’re present with people on the ground,” she said. “I think the status quo isn’t working when a leading cause of death for young black men are police encounters in this country.”
George Floyd and Derek Chauvin „bumped heads“ while working at nightclub, former coworker says
The Floyd family says they believe what happened on May 25 was in part personal. Their lawyer has called for Chauvin to be charged with first-degree murder, „because we believe he knew who George Floyd was.“
„Is there any doubt in your mind that Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd?“ CBS News asked Pinney.
„No. He knew him,“ the coworker said.
Trump Falsely Targets Buffalo Protester, 75, as ‘Antifa Provocateur’
Mr. Trump’s tweet — none of it backed by fact — raced across the internet all day even as Mr. Gugino, 75, still lay in the hospital, recovering from the serious head wound he sustained on Thursday night when two Buffalo police officers shoved him to the ground at a demonstration marking the police killing of George Floyd.
Hong Kong’s ‘pro-democracy’ movement allies with far-right US politicians that seek to crush Black Lives Matter
As Dan Cohen reported for The Grayzone, Lai is a billionaire media tycoon widely referred to as the Rupert Murdoch of Asia who is a major financial and media backer of Hong Kong’s protest movement. In addition to pouring millions of dollars into Hong Kong’s opposition in recent years, the self-described “head of opposition media” and founder of the anti-government Apple Daily tabloid, has provided protesters with “unswervingly favorable coverage” according to The New York Times. Lai has received glowing coverage in US and Western media, with the oligarch often being praised as a “‘troublemaker’ with a clean conscience” who is “standing up to China.”
On June 2, Lai shared a video by Avi Yemini, a far-right YouTube personality and former Israeli army soldier, declaring that it was “bloody disgraceful” to liken the “riots in America” with Hong Kong’s protest movement.
WATCH: George Floyd private funeral in Houston
Today, a final, private farewell will be held for George Floyd. The ceremony at the Fountain of Praise Church is expected to last several hours.
Just now the New York State Senate officially passed the bill to repeal 50a — the 1970s law used to keep police disciplinary records secret. It‘s hard to underscore just how unlikely this seemed only a few weeks ago
#NYSenate Bill S8496, sponsored by Senator @jamaaltbailey , passed 40-22 (unofficial). Relates to the disclosure of law enforcement disciplinary records; and to repeal section 50-a of the civil rights law relating thereto:
„Defund the police? Impossible!“ they cried as they defunded education, healthcare, social security, welfare, planned parenthood, public transit…
Democrats making clear that voting won’t help you.
Biden, Democrats seek to shut down calls to defund police
„No, I don‘t support defunding the police. I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorableness,“ he said.
Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill were adopting a similar position.
Multi LIVE Protests USA 6/8/2020
Multiple first person LIVE streams at ground level of the USA protests
DISCLAIMER: These streams are gathered and compiled purely for historic documentation and educational purposes only! The world should see what is going on here in America. Here you go!
Los Angeles,
Santa Monica,
America Is Giving Up on the Pandemic
After months of deserted public spaces and empty roads, Americans have returned to the streets. But they have come not for a joyous reopening to celebrate the country’s victory over the coronavirus. Instead, tens of thousands of people have ventured out to protest the killing of George Floyd by police.
Demonstrators have closely gathered all over the country, and in blocks-long crowds in large cities, singing and chanting and demanding justice.
Bundesregierung besorgt über Verstöße gegen Corona-Auflagen bei Demos
Am Wochenende hatten Zehntausende Menschen in mehreren deutschen Städten gegen Rassismus demonstriert. Die Menschen solidarisierten sich mit der Protestbewegung in den USA, ausgelöst durch den Tod des Schwarzen George Floyd. Auch Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) hatte sich besorgt darüber gezeigt, dass bei den Demos vielfach die Corona-Regeln missachtet werden.
Massen-Demo und Corona-Gefahr – „Unmöglich, Regeln durchzusetzen“
ZDFheute: Sie haben über die Anti-Rassismus-Demo getwittert, es sei ein unkontrollierter, verantwortungsloser Massenprotest gewesen, der sie beängstigt habe. Warum?
Olaf Sundermeyer: Das war ein persönliches Gefühl. In dieser Masse auf dem Alexanderplatz als Berichterstatter zu stehen, in einem Land, das seit Monaten gegen diese Pandemie kämpft, inmitten von zehntausenden Menschen ohne jeglichen Schutz und Abstand in dieser unkontrollierten Massenveranstaltung, das hat mich beängstigt.
Someone show Dr. Fauci this now!
New York’s Rate of Covid Infections at Its Lowest, Cuomo Says
On Sunday, 58,054 tests were done statewide, and 702 people were found to be positive for Covid-19, Cuomo said.
Protests over George Floyd‘s death near a 2nd full week as Minneapolis City Council members pledge to dismantle the police department
At a rally on Sunday, a veto-proof nine members of the Minneapolis City Council announced their support to dismantle the city‘s police force.
The announcement came just shy of two weeks after George Floyd died at the hands of the Minneapolis police.
They Are Who We Thought They Were
The demonstrations, in which millions have flooded the streets of cities across the nation to protest police brutality, represent a display of civil unrest unlike anything most Americans have ever seen, and though their long-term effect is unclear, one thing has been made clear: The police very much are who the demonstrators who turned up to protest their brutality thought they were.
Remembering George Floyd: Public viewing before Houston funeral
This is live coverage of the public viewing for George Floyd in Houston. The viewing will take place from noon to 6pm today. Tomorrow, there will be a funeral for George Floyd.
Here‘s an interview of the man who was shot. Video by @agarlandphoto
Here‘s is more complete footage of what happened in Seattle, with the car speeding in, an apparent shooting, and the man getting out with a gun.
Man drives car into crowd, shoots one person at Sunday protest on Capitol Hill
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT – A man drove a car into a group of protesters on Capitol Hill Sunday night, got out and brandished a gun. One person was shot and is in stable condition. The man with the gun has been detained by SPD. (The Seattle Times)
A man just drove through a crowd of demonstrators in Seattle and then appeared to shoot someone. Authorities say the man is in custody, one person shot is in the hospital in stable condition. Here‘s a capture from a FB livestream, via twitch
Boogaloo arrests reveal new extremist agenda to hijack protests
Undercover FBI agents learned the Las Vegas defendants were planning to firebomb a Nevada Energy substation on May 28 to create unrest in Las Vegas, according to the federal complaint.
Far-Right Extremists in Las Vegas Charged with Plotting Terror Attacks
In related news, federal prosecutors in Las Vegas have charged three men connected to the far-right extremist Boogaloo movement with inciting violence during the recent protests and conspiracy to commit terrorism. The three men all had experience in the U.S. military.
Federal Protective Service officer killed, another injured in Oakland shooting amid George Floyd protests
A Federal Protective Service (FPS) Officer was killed and another injured Friday in a shooting at a federal building in Oakland, Calif., amid protests and violence in the city over the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd.
„We have witnessed an outright assault on our law enforcement community last night in Oakland, California,“ Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said at a Saturday news conference. „An assassin cowardly shot two Federal Protective Service contractors as they stood watch over a protest.“
Man suspected of killing Sheriff’s deputy on active duty in Air Force
Police have not ruled out the possibility that others were involved.
32-year-old military police officer arrested on suspicion of killing Santa Cruz, California deputy
The ABC7 I-Team has new information about the suspect in the death of Santa Cruz County Sheriff‘s Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller. Here‘s what we know about 32-year-old Steven Carrillo and why the FBI is investigating a possible link between the Santa Cruz and Oakland shootings.
Most of Minneapolis City Council pledges to ‚begin the process of ending‘ police department
“We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” they said, reading off a prepared statement. “We’re committed to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you.”
Their words — delivered one day after Mayor Jacob Frey told a crowd of protesters he does not support the full abolishment of the MPD — set off what is likely to be a long, complicated debate about the future of the state’s largest police force.
In violent Rio, U.S. protests stoke backlash against deadly cops
“It’s sad in a way that part of Brazilian society has to look at the U.S. to realize that the problem exists at home,” said Cano, a professor at Rio de Janeiro State University.
“And the media is giving a lot more coverage now after the George Floyd case than they would otherwise give to the recurrent cases of executions in favelas.”
Ending police brutality at home means challenging US foreign policy
The program facilitates the transfer of excess military weaponry and equipment to civilian law enforcement agencies.
George Floyd protests have created a multicultural movement that’s making history
In this way, Floyd’s killing has created a wide, multicultural activist movement unprecedented in scope when compared with other notorious cases of police abuse. The 1991 videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles Police Department officers provoked an international outcry, but it did not spark anything close to this movement.
De Blasio Vows for First Time to Cut Funding for the N.Y.P.D.
The mayor on Sunday declined to say precisely how much funding he planned to divert to social services from the New York Police Department, which has an annual budget of $6 billion, representing more than 6 percent of Mr. de Blasio’s proposed $90 billion budget.
New York Times editorial page editor resigns amid backlash over senator’s op-ed advocating use of federal troops to quell protests
Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger said in a statement that he was grateful for changes Bennet had made to the paper’s opinion pages, including broadening the range of voices.
More cities are lifting curfews as Black Lives Matter protests continue for the 13th day
As the protests enter day 13, some cities have begun rolling out new rules for officers or plans of reform, prompted by both the demonstrations and the violent police response they‘ve been met with, including tear gas and rubber bullets.
How Bernie Sanders Came to Address an Anti-annexation Rally in Tel Aviv
Odeh and Sanders first met in February 2017, when the Odeh visited Washington to attend that year’s J Street conference.
Israeli Left’s Show of Strength Highlights Weakness of Anti-annexation Protest
One can argue about whether the disparate 100-year history of confrontation and occupation between Israelis and Palestinians totally negates parallels to white America’s 400 years of African American subjugation and discrimination. But one glaring gap is undeniable: The majority of U.S. public opinion now acknowledges the legitimacy of black grievances, while the majority of Israelis ‒ including most of the Jewish center-left ‒ continues to view Palestinians, at least those beyond the former Green Line, as a mortal enemy bent on their country’s destruction
Trump orders National Guard to begin withdrawal from DC
D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) sent a letter to Trump Friday requesting he withdraw all “extraordinary federal law enforcement and military presence,” noting that she had ended the state of emergency in the distinct related to the demonstrations.
George Floyd protests reach even small cities as America confronts systemic racism
USA TODAY Network journalists in towns all across the country spoke to citizens from May 31 to June 3 at protests and community centers to better understand the situation on the ground. Here‘s what we heard:
Police Militarization Has Fostered a Culture that Sees Protesters as ‘The Enemy’
As a former police officer of 27 years and a scholar who has written on the policing of marginalized communities, I have observed the militarization of the police firsthand, especially in times of confrontation.
I have seen, throughout my decades in law enforcement, that police culture tends to privilege the use of violent tactics and non-negotiable force over compromise, mediation, and peaceful conflict resolution. It reinforces a general acceptance among officers of the use of any and all means of force available when confronted with real or perceived threats to officers.
‘Incredibly Powerful’: Eleventh Day of George Floyd Protests Is the Biggest Yet
Despite police crackdowns, curfews, boiling heat, rain, and fears of a global pandemic that continues to plague America, huge crowds of protesters swelled to their largest size yet on Saturday in some of the country’s biggest cities.
These Images Show Just How Massive the Floyd Protests Were on Saturday
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across the country—and around the world—for what appeared to be the largest mobilization of activists on a single day since George Floyd was killed on May 25. On the 12th day of demonstrations, protesters called for an end to racism and police brutality, often highlighting others who had been killed at the hands of law enforcement.
Thousands protesting outside Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC today for #BlackLivesMatter
Pentagon Ordered National Guard Helicopters’ Aggressive Response in D.C.
On Monday night, both Mr. McCarthy and the Army’s chief of staff, Gen. James C. McConville, pressed Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, to increase his forces’ presence in the city, according to a senior Defense Department official.
An Army official declined to comment, saying that the investigation was continuing.
Jacob Frey just found out Mensheviks get sent to the wall
‘I’m Not For Abolishing The Entire Police Department’: Mayor Frey Speaks Out At Mpls. Protest
WCCO caught Mayor Frey afterwards and here’s what he had to say:
“If you’re asking whether I’m for massive structural reform to revise a structurally racist system the answer is ‘yes’. If you’re asking whether I will do everything possible to push back on the inherent inequities that are literally built into the architecture the answer is ‘yes’. If you’re asking whether I’m willing to do everything I possibly can throughout the rest of my term to make sure that the police union, the police contract, the arbitration system, and some of these policies that have resulted in problems for specifically Black and Brown people and murder over series of generations, I’m all for that. I’m not for abolishing the entire police department, I will be honest about that.”
Protests Swell in U.S. and Beyond as George Floyd Is Mourned Near His Birthplace
Passionate but peaceful crowds took to American streets as protests cohered into a movement.
Massive demonstrations over racial injustice dominate US for second Saturday
The population of the protests reached record levels Saturday as hundreds and, in some places, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Boston.
Thousands March Through Downtown Dallas in One of Most Diverse Protests to Date
Thousands of people gathered at Belo Garden Park in downtown Dallas on the ninth day of protests in the city against social injustice.
Federal judge orders police not to use chemical weapons, projectiles against peaceful Denver protesters
A federal judge issued an extraordinary ruling late Friday ordering police not to use chemical weapons — such as tear gas and pepper spray — and less-lethal projectiles against peaceful protesters in Denver.
Live Protest Updates: Influential Union Presses De Blasio To End NYC Curfew Now
Mayor Bill de Blasio is facing continued pressure to lift the 8 p.m. curfew that is in response to the protests, this time from an influential union.
In a tweet sent out this afternoon, the 175,000-member-strong 32BJ SEIU union demanded de Blasio end the curfew while also calling for „the immediate release of all who have been arrested for curfew violations.“ The union comprised of service workers has been an ally to de Blasio in the past, having endorsed him twice during his tenure as mayor.
A scary explanation from horrified @NYCMayor staff: “Of particular concern to staffers, the source said, is that de Blasio appears to be getting all of his information about the protests from Police Commissioner Dermot Shea.”
More Than 400 Current And Former Members Of The De Blasio Administration Say The Mayor Is Failing At His Job
Over 400 current and former employees in the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio have signed an open letter denouncing the mayor’s treatment of peaceful protesters and his refusal to reign in the NYPD.
The letter includes a scathing evaluation of de Blasio’s performance on criminal justice reform, despite it being one of the main commitments that drew many of these staffers to work for the administration, particularly after he made ending the misuse of stop and frisk a central theme in his 2013 mayoral campaign.
More than 1,000 march in Waikiki to support Black Lives Matter movement
Carrying signs and chanting, at least 1,000 people Friday converged on Waikiki to support Black Lives Matter protests happening across the nation.
The march, which started at Ala Moana Beach Park, was one of a number of Oahu events planned over the next several days.
teared up watching this. i lived in kentucky for 28 years and need you to know that the fact this happened in corbin is absolutely fucking bananas
This is Philadelphia. This is not a moment. This is a movement to end the era of police brutality and white supremacist capitalism and begin the era of racial and economic justice in America. #BlackLivesMattters
LIVE: D.C. protests in response to George Floyd draw thousands
Protests against police violence inspired by the death of George Floyd continue in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., expects city‘s largest protest since George Floyd‘s death
Protests in the wake of George Floyd‘s death are continuing for a second weekend, with Washington, D.C., on Saturday expecting to see the city‘s largest demonstration since he was killed on Memorial Day in Minneapolis. Demonstrations are taking place across the nation.
Floyd is being honored in a memorial service on Saturday in North Carolina, where he was born.
This is heavy.
NFL players put together this video, via @saquon :
NEW: Austin city council will vote on at least six @Austin_Police policy changes next Thursday including banning tear gas and ‚impact munitions‘ against demonstrators, banning chokeholds & reducing the dept‘s military-grade equip:
I want to understand how not a single officer has been charged with the attempted murder of Brad Levi Ayala. How difficult is it to find out who made the shot? It’s on fucking video.
In retrospect it probably wasn‘t the best idea for the nation‘s police departments to only send out their bad apples to work the protests.
„Say their names“: The list of people injured or killed in officer-involved incidents is still growing
This morning, the names of three men were separately trending on Twitter. Justin Howell, Sean Monterrosa and Jamel Floyd. All of them are men of color who were injured or killed in incidents involving law enforcement officers this week.
A black 20-year-old student Justin Howell is in critical condition with brain damage after @Austin_Police deliberately shot him in the head; then shot the medics helping him.
Resign @Chief_Manley & @MayorAdler.
#hisnameisjustinhowell #BlackLivesMatter
California: Vallejo police kill unarmed 22-year-old, who was on his knees with his hands up
A second officer in an unmarked car drove up and found Monterrosa, who was still on the scene, who then kneeled down and started to raise his hands. At this point, the police chief said, this officer “perceived a threat” and fired five shots through his window at Monterosso.
The chief declined to identify the officer who killed Monterrosa, saying only that the officer was an 18-year veteran of the force.
‚They pepper-sprayed him to death‘: Mom of dead prisoner speaks out
“My son has asthma and they pepper-sprayed him to death,” said his mother, Donna Mays, who spoke to NBC News by phone Thursday while she was protesting outside the Metropolitan Detention Center.
“We have no answers. The facility still hasn’t contacted us.”
MSNBC‘s Ali Velshi on Covering Protests Amid Press Attacks: „We Exist to Hold Power to Account“
„If you‘re in a crowd and the crowd‘s getting tear-gassed, that‘s the nature of the business. So, it‘s not that reporters never get injured incidentally in these things. But, as you saw, the flavor of this one was a little bit different. There was something indisciplined about the way the authorities were operating, and there was definitely something in the air that allowed the police to believe this kind of behavior was OK.
I believe that we exist to bear witness and to hold power to account, and that‘s it. And if you‘re not prepared to do that, then don‘t be a reporter“
A Dallas man lost his eye in a protest. Now he wants Police Chief Hall to find those responsible
Brandon Saenz was looking for his friend at a May 30 protest in downtown Dallas when he says he saw a line of police. Then, he said, he was hit with so-called less-lethal ammunition that shattered his left eye.
Now Saenz, his family and lawyers are demanding Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall denounce the incident and find the person responsible.
Dallas police have not replied to The Dallas Morning News’ requests for comment, but two officers spoke with Saenz on Wednesday.
Cities Ask if It’s Time to Defund Police and ‘Reimagine’ Public Safety
In the wake of George Floyd’s killing, some cities are asking if the police are being asked to do jobs they were never intended to do. Budgets are being re-evaluated.
Hundreds of Activists and Elected Officials Call on Mayors and Cops to Decrease Police Power
Non-reformist reforms seek abolition as an end goal, and include defunding and demilitarizing the police — a demand that has long been considered politically impossible but has entered mainstream discourse over the last week and is reflected in the letters sent Friday.
The letter to police chiefs asks them to help curb the power of police unions. “Making sure that unions aren’t as powerful so that you can keep bad apples on the force, and prevent robust oversight and disciplinary action,” Medwed said.
Protests about police brutality are met with wave of police brutality across US
The nationwide anti-police brutality protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the US have been marked by widespread incidents of police violence, including punching, kicking, gassing, pepper-spraying and driving vehicles at often peaceful protesters in states across the country.
The actions have left thousands of protesters in jail and injured many others, leaving some with life-threatening injuries.
New York City witnessed zero confirmed deaths due to coronavirus on Wednesday. It‘s the first day without a COVID-19 death in months.
Protests could spur coronavirus outbreaks, and protesters should get tested, the CDC chief says
If you‘ve marched in any recent protests, you may want to consider getting tested for the coronavirus.
That‘s the recommendation of the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who said during a House Appropriations hearing on Thursday that anyone who participated should „highly consider“ getting tested.
NY judge rules NYPD can keep protest detainees over 24 hours
Judge Burke ruled in favor of the NYPD because of the coronavirus pandemic. „Therefore, I find it is necessary because we are in a crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic which prevents live arraignments, which in turn requires virtual arraignment which causes delay.“
Tonight the NYPD hit a protester walking his bike and journalist @macfathom (also with a bike) with batons, knocking him over twice, completely unprovoked. The hoarse voice screaming “he’s press” is me
2 NYPD officers suspended after videos of violence to protesters
The officer involved in the incident has been identified by elected officials as Vincent D‘Andraia of the 73rd Precinct in Brooklyn.
Video of the encounter captured by Jason Lemon, a Newsweek reporter who tweeted the recording, quickly spread across social media. It had been viewed more than 14.1 million times by Friday evening.