Archiv: Paris (city)

04.05.2024 - 10:24 [ ]

Police remove pro-Palestinian student protesters from Paris‘s Sciences Po university

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal‘s office said such protests would be dealt with using „total rigour“, adding that 23 university sites had been „evacuated“ on Thursday.

04.11.2023 - 22:52 [ Robert Carter / Twitter ]

Despite a vile ban on pro-Palestine protests in France, thousands have massed in support of Gaza in Paris.

30.06.2023 - 09:09 [ The New York Times / Nitter ]

A vigil march for Nahel M., the 17-year-old shot by the police in France this week, arrived at the court building in Nanterre, the Paris suburb where the shooting took place. Nahel’s mother held up a firecracker in a sea of people chanting her son’s name.

30.06.2023 - 08:17 [ ]

Mehr als 400 Festnahmen nach Krawallen

Auslöser der Ausschreitungen sind tödliche Schüsse eines Polizisten auf einen Jugendlichen nordafrikanischer Abstammung im Pariser Arbeitervorort Nanterre. Eine Motorradstreife hatte den 17-Jährigen am Dienstagmorgen am Steuer eines Autos gestoppt. Als der junge Mann plötzlich anfuhr, fiel der tödliche Schuss aus der Dienstwaffe des Polizisten.

30.06.2023 - 07:55 [ France 24 ]

French police officer detained for voluntary manslaughter after fatally shooting teen driver

Police initially reported that one officer shot at the teenager because he was driving his car at him, but this version of events was contradicted by a video circulating on social media and authenticated by AFP.

The footage shows the two policemen standing by the side of the stationary car, with one pointing a weapon at the driver. A voice is heard saying: „You are going to get a bullet in the head.“

The police officer appears to fire at the driver at point-blank range as the car abruptly drives off, advancing a few dozen metres before crashing.

20.03.2023 - 12:48 [ ]

To: député es de l’Assemblée Nationale (French Parliament): Vote to stop a future of biometric mass surveillance in Europe!

Dear Members of the Assemblée Nationale,
We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, are writing to you to express our grave concern about Article 7 of the draft law on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We warn that if the law is passed in its current form, France would set a surveillance precedent of the kind never before seen in Europe, using the pretext of the Olympic games. Article 7 of the text will provide a legal basis for the use of cameras equipped with algorithms to detect specific suspicious events in the public space.

20.03.2023 - 12:32 [ ]

Gegen KI-Massenüberwachung in Paris 2024: 41 Europaabgeordnete wenden sich an französisches Parlament

Das Gesetzesvorhaben würde Polizeibehörden während Sportveranstaltungen ermächtigen, mithilfe von Überwachungskameras und fehleranfälliger künstlicher Intelligenz vermeintlich „anormales“ oder „verdächtiges“ Verhalten automatisiert melden zu lassen. Die Europaabgeordneten warnen vor der lähmenden Wirkung derartiger in Europa bisher ungekannter Massenüberwachung öffentlicher Räume, die einen Präzedenzfall schaffen würde. Zu den Unterzeichnern des offenen Briefs zählen mehrere Verhandlungsführer des geplanten EU-Gesetzes zu künstlicher Intelligenz („Artificial Intelligence Act“), das biometrische Massenüberwachung verbieten soll, darunter Co-Berichterstatter Brando Benifei (sozialdemokratische Fraktion). Zu den deutschen Unterzeichnern gehören Birgit Sippel (SPD), Cornelia Ernst (Linke) und Dr. Patrick Breyer (Piratenpartei).

20.03.2023 - 12:28 [ Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon / Nitter ]

40 EU-Abgeordnete fordern das französische Parlament auf, die für morgen geplante europaweit einzigartige Einführung #KI-gestützter #Massenüberwachung unseres Verhaltens in öffentlichen Räumen unter dem Vorwand #Olympia2024 zu stoppen.

08.02.2023 - 21:06 [ ]

Live: Zelensky to meet with Macron, Scholz in Paris following address to UK parliament

French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to the Élysée Palace in Paris Wednesday evening. The Ukrainian leader’s visit to France comes hours after he addressed a joint session of the British parliament in London, where he thanked the British people for their support from “day one” of Russia‘s invasion.

22.01.2023 - 14:50 [ ]

Deutsch-französische Freundschaft: Paris und Berlin feiern 60 Jahre Élysée-Vertrag

In Paris feiern Deutschland und Frankreich das 60-jährige Bestehen des Élysée-Vertrages. Mit ihm war am 22. Januar 1963 das formale Fundament für die deutsch-französische Freundschaft gelegt worden.

24.12.2022 - 15:22 [ ]

Erneut Ausschreitungen nach tödlichen Schüssen in Paris

Bei den Toten handelt es sich laut dem kurdischen Verband CDK-F um kurdische Aktivisten, unter ihnen eine junge Frau und ein Musiker. Der Verband beschuldigte den türkischen Staat und dessen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan, für die Tat verantwortlich zu sein.

24.12.2022 - 15:13 [ ]

Deadly attack on Kurds in Paris revives trauma of unsolved 2013 murders

Both were referring to the notorious triple murders of three Kurdish women activists almost 10 years ago in the same area of Paris that deeply shook the Kurdish diaspora in France.

In January 2013, three activists from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers‘ Party (PKK), including one of the group‘s founders, were shot dead at a nearby Kurdish centre in what resembled a targeted attack.

A Turkish man was charged with the suspected assassinations afterwards, but he died in custody in 2016 before being tried.

06.03.2022 - 21:43 [ Florian Philippot / Twitter ]

Un monde fou pour dire non à Macron, oui à la liberté oui à la France libre ! Liberté, Paix, Vérité ! #manifs05mars C’est magnifique et fort !

20.02.2022 - 07:36 [ The Vigilant Fox / Twitter ]

Tens of thousands took to the streets of Paris today to show their disdain for Emmanuel Macron and the WEF agenda.

13.02.2022 - 00:09 [ Florian Philippot / Twitter ]

42 000 manifestants dans notre cortège national à Paris aujourd’hui selon photos et vidéos disponibles ! Bravo !

06.02.2022 - 17:02 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

France – Paris [Feb 5, 2022] Huge protests against vax mandates & passports in many cities around the world!

30.01.2022 - 09:21 [ TV YÉ / Youtube ]

[17:00] « Liberté, liberté ! » La place Pierre-Laroque contre le Pass Vaccinal, à Paris [29/01]

Images des manifestations contre le Pass Vaccinal, à Paris, ce 29 janvier

22.01.2022 - 18:27 [ @LFCNewsMedia / Twitter ]

#France Todays Protest in #Paris Against The Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccinations. Lets not also Forget the Hundreds of Cities Which are all Braving the Cold to Protest Against What is Considered in France the Most Liberticide Bill Ever Passed in Our Country.

16.01.2022 - 08:29 [ Charli / Twitter ]

des cortèges partout en France hier contre le #PassVaccinal et la mise en place des outils de contrôle social : Lyon, Caen, Nantes, Rennes, Toulouse, Nice, Bordeaux, Marseille, Lille, Brest… ou comme ici à Paris

15.01.2022 - 17:41 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

France – Paris [Jan 15, 2022] Massive nationwide protests in France against vax mandates & Emmanuel Macron!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #DoNotComply #NonAuPassVaccinal #PassaporteSanitarioNao #Freiheit #nejtillvaccinpass #manifs15janvier #Freedomrally

01.01.2022 - 19:32 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

France – Paris [Jan 1, 2022] For the 25th weekend in a row against vax mandates & passports!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #Spaziergaenge #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #NonAuPassSanitaire #EindeLockdownNu #PassaporteSanitarioNao #Widerstand #Manifs1janvier

18.12.2021 - 16:21 [ TV YÉ ! / Twitter ]

[15:30] Le Pont du Carrousel contre le #PassSanitaire, à #Paris

12.12.2021 - 09:42 [ TV YÉ ! / Twitter ]

[LIVE] Traversée de la #manifestation contre le #PassSanitaire de la place de #Barcelone à la place Pierre-Laroque, à #Paris

20.11.2021 - 18:41 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

France – Paris [Nov 20, 2021] World Wide Demonstration for FREEDOM

#WorldwideDemonstration #NoVaccinePassports #NonAuPassSanitaire #Manifs20novembre #NoGreenPass #PassaporteSanitarioNao #NoVaccineMandates #NonAuPassSanitaire #NonAuVaccinObligatoire #Paris

21.10.2021 - 03:29 [ ]

Libyan parties express rejection of Paris conference next month

A French-staged international conference proposed for next November to discuss the Libyan crisis is losing momentum before even starting, as wider circles of Libyan politicians are voicing their rejection to the event.

05.09.2021 - 14:42 [ sofia / Twitter ]

In Paris, an estimated 425.000 protesters have joined the demonstration against the mandatory sanitary pass. More than 200 protests are planned across France. #Manifs4septembre

Sept 4, 2021


14.07.2021 - 15:38 [ Xinhuanet ]

France holds Bastille Day celebration under coronavirus shadow

About 5,000 men and women from France‘s army, navy and air force took part in the military parade, along with 221 armored vehicles, 200 horses and 97 jets and helicopters.

Bastille Day is celebrated as France‘s national day on July 14. On this day of the year 1789, French citizens stormed the Bastille prison in Paris, sparking the French Revolution.

25.06.2021 - 13:05 [ Jürgen Wagner / Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Future Combat Air System: Bewilligung im Blindflug

Nach monatelangem teils ruppigem Gerangel gab der Haushaltsausschuss am 23. Juni die Gelder für die nächste Projektphase des „Future Combat Air System“ (FCAS) frei. Dabei handelt es sich um ein von Frankreich und Deutschland (mit Spanien als Juniorpartner) entwickeltes Kampfflugzeug mitsamt bewaffneter und unbewaffneter Drohnen, das derzeit als wichtigstes europäisches Rüstungsprojekt gilt.

03.04.2021 - 20:10 [ France24 ]

Opera at the window: Itinerant troupe takes the stage in Paris courtyards

After a year off the stage, a group of young artists have decided to keep the music of Beethoven, Ravel and Saint-Saëns alive by offering performances in Parisian courtyards, in full compliance with health regulations.

11.03.2021 - 17:48 [ France24 ]

Protesters occupy Paris theatres to protest against Covid-19 shutdowns

University students spent Monday night protesting at Pau theatre in southern France. Similar actions were seen on Tuesday at two other theatres, the Colline in eastern Paris and the National Theatre of Strasbourg.

13.12.2020 - 23:25 [ France24 ]

French rights groups denounce ‚arbitrary arrests‘ at Paris protest

A statement by several rights groups and the SNJ journalists union condemned „mass arrests, unjustified charges breaking up the procession“ and the detention of people beyond the legal limit „for no legitimate reason“.

10.12.2020 - 14:58 [ Hans Jagnow / Twitter ]

Ich dachte, ich lese nicht richtig: Im Bundestag steht die Frage im Raum, ob vor den Anschlägen in Paris 2015 ein Sturmgewehr (AK-47) aus dem Zuständigkeitsbereich des Verfassungsschutz MV verschwand – und für die Tat genutzt wurde. #UA1bT

20.09.2020 - 11:55 [ France24 ]

Crowds flock to Notre-Dame as France holds its annual weekend of heritage celebration despite Covid

Historic and cultural sites that are usually closed to the public opened their doors this weekend. FRANCE 24‘s reporters were among the crowds at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. They watched carpenters demonstrate the medieval techniques that will be required to restore the cathedral after it was damaged by fire on April 14, 2019.

13.06.2020 - 22:33 [ France24 ]

Thousands rally in fresh Paris protest against racism and police brutality

Paris riot police fired tear gas Saturday to disperse a largely peaceful but unauthorized protest of police brutality and entrenched racism, as a wave of anger continued to sweep the world following the death of African American George Floyd.

18.05.2020 - 16:14 [ Le Figaro ]

Le Conseil d‘État interdit l‘usage des drones de surveillance à Paris pendant le déconfinement

Le Conseil d‘Etat a enjoint lundi 18 mai l‘État de cesser «sans délai» d‘utiliser des drones à Paris pour surveiller le respect des règles du déconfinement, en raison de l‘absence de cadre juridique pour l‘utilisation de ces dispositifs techniques.

23.04.2020 - 13:02 [ ORF ]

Bewaffnete Polizisten stürmen Gottesdienst in Paris

Die Messe in der Kirche Saint-Andre-de-l’Europe im achten Arrondissement wurde am Sonntag für die Gemeinde über die Sozialen Medien übertragen. „Mitten in der Messe drangen drei bewaffnete Polizisten in die Kirche ein“, so der Geistliche.

07.01.2020 - 09:05 [ ]

UN cultural agency chief meets with Iran ambassador amid current tensions

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and Iranian Ambassador to the UN agency, Ahmad Jalali, met in Paris against a background of mounting threats between his country and the United States.

17.12.2019 - 04:21 [ RT France / Youtube ]

Paris : Un rassemblement pour demander la libération de Julian Assange

Des manifestants se sont regroupés ce dimanche après-midi sur le Pont des Arts à Paris pour Julian Assange. Ils dénoncent les conditions de détention du fondateur de WikiLeaks à la prison de Belmarsh au Royaume-Uni et réclament sa libération. Il est toujours susceptible d‘être extradé vers les Etats-Unis qui l‘accusent d‘espionnage.

09.12.2019 - 19:20 [ ]

Macron welcomes Putin, Zelensky for Ukraine peace talks in Paris

After a three-year freeze in negotiations over the conflict between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, a meeting is set for Monday at France‘s Élysée Palace.

09.12.2019 - 19:13 [ ]

Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris: Hoffnung auf Annäherung

Selenskyj und Putin trafen zunächst mit dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Einzelgesprächen zusammen. Geplant ist auch ein Vier-Augen-Gespräch von Putin und Selenskyj.

19.10.2019 - 10:39 [ ]

Former navy admiral behind bin Laden raid warns of ‚barbarians at our gate‘


“They have invited young men and some women in so that they can act out their greatest perversion. It’s not about an ideology. It’s not about the caliphate,” McRaven said at a national security conference in Austin, the Austin American-Statesman reported on Friday.

“I believe that they bring people in because they realize they can kill, they can rape with impunity, they can torture, they can do these barbaric things in the name of Islam.”

22.08.2019 - 17:05 [ Telegraph ]

Brexit latest news: Major boost for Boris Johnson as Emmanuel Macron says Withdrawal Agreement can be amended

French President Emmanuel Macron has said for the first time that the Withdrawal Agreement can be amended to allow the UK to leave the European Union with a deal.

22.08.2019 - 17:00 [ Daily Mail ]

Emmanuel Macron says ‚Oui!‘ French president reluctantly BACKS Angela Merkel‘s plan to give Boris Johnson 30 days to come up with an alternative to the backstop – but snipes he doubts the UK will find a Brexit solution

– Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron meeting in Paris for lunchtime talks
– Mr Johnson told French president he is serious about leaving the EU on Oct 31
– Angela Merkel has given Mr Johnson 30 days to propose backstop alternatives
– Mr Macron suggested he was open to hearing what the UK could come up with
– But he appeared to set bar very high as he said the backstop is ‚indispensable‘
– Mr Macron said yesterday reopening Withdrawal Agreement was ‚not an option

20.08.2019 - 16:21 [ Telegraph ]

As Boris Johnson sits down to talk Brexit with Angela Merkel, five things we can expect from their meeting

The Prime Minister had previously insisted that he would not hold any talks with EU leaders until they agreed to scrap the controversial Irish backstop.

That pledge appears to have been shelved, as he is making a diplomatic dash to Berlin on Wednesday to meet Mrs Merkel and then Emmanuel Macron, the French president, in Paris on Thursday.

10.05.2019 - 17:24 [ Junge Welt ]

Referendum über Privatisierung in Paris

Gegner der geplanten Privatisierung der Pariser Flughafengesellschaft ADP haben eine wichtige rechtliche Hürde genommen und damit der Regierung von Premierminister Édouard Philippe einen Dämpfer versetzt. Der französische Verfassungsrat billigte am Donnerstag abend in Paris einen Vorstoß von zusammen rund 250 Abgeordneten und Senatoren für ein Referendum.