Among his many provocations: Kennedy claims that pandemic lockdowns were calamitous for working people and for children; that citizens should choose for themselves whether to receive vaccines; that corporate influences on government are pervasive and corrupting; and that censorship contrived by the state is intolerable. Worse even than these outrages, during the pandemic this man called into question the conduct and veracity of Anthony Fauci. And this offense — challenging Doctor Fauci! — is still regarded as the most shameful assault on science since the persecution of Galileo.
Archiv: Anthony Fauci
Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’
(April 19, 2023 )
EcoHealth Alliance’s $3.3 million grant to fund a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Coronavirus Emergence” was initially to run from October 1, 2013, to September 30, 2018. The first “Project/Performance Site Location” is the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Three other Chinese sites follow: East China Normal University in Shanghai, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Disease Control and Prevention in Dali, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangdong in Guangzhou.
On May 27, 2014, the NIH awarded EcoHealth Alliance $3,086,735 over five years for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
An EcoHealth Alliance grant application, received by the NIH on June 5, 2013, includes a list of “Senior/Key Personnel” including Shi Zhengli and Zhang Yun-Zhi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV); Peter Daszak, CEO of EcoHealth Alliance; and other Chinese scientists, including Ke Changwen of the Chinese “CDC and Prevention of Guangdong Province.”
Das Corona-Laborvirus: Die unbequeme Wahrheit kommt ans Licht
In der Periode der zweiten Obama-Präsidentschaft (2012-2016) war nach heftigen Debatten um „GoF“ die bundesstaatliche Förderung dafür mit Gültigkeit ab 2014 vorerst ausgesetzt worden – ein zeitweiliges „Moratorium“. Ein eigenes Verfahren zum Genehmigen von Vorhaben mit „besonders riskanten“ Mikroben sollte entwickelt werden. (2) Das setzte Grenzen für den Fortgang der Vorhaben an Barics UNC-Instituten für Virologie und Epidemiologie. Zur Hilfe kam eine Absprache zur Zusammenarbeit mit dem WIV, vermittelt durch die New Yorker Organisation „EcoHealth Alliance“ und deren Chef Peter Daszak, die dafür gerade noch rechtzeitig eine Finanzierung seitens NIH/NIAID beantragt hatte, die dann von Faucis NIAID ebenfalls noch 2013 für fünf Jahre ab 2014 genehmigt wurde.
Impfwahn – wie die Bevölkerung noch kränker wird
1984 ernannte Reagan Dr. Anthony Fauci zum Direktor des NIAID. Seitdem ohne Unterbrechung bis heute nimmt Fauci diese Stellung ein. Mithilfe der Pharma-Konzerne, der Elite-Universitäten und später der privaten Stiftungen wie der Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) und mithilfe aller Regierungen – ob Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden – baute der oberste Staats- und Konzernvirologe der USA ein weltweites Netzwerk aus. Es wurde führend bei der Pandemie-Politik des Westens.
‚They may go in for a broken leg‘: Fauci says child COVID-19 hospitalizations are overblown
„But the other important thing is that if you look at the children who are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID,“ Fauci continued. „And what we mean by that — if a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID. And they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual. When in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s overcounting the number of children who are, quote, ‚hospitalized with COVID,‘ as opposed to because of COVID.“
NEW – Dr. Fauci: „Important thing: Many of the children are hospitalized with Covid as opposed to because of Covid.“
Fauci lacks ‚firm answer‘ on COVID-19 natural immunity question
Fauci, who is President Joe Biden‘s chief medical adviser, was asked on Friday by CNN‘s Dr. Sanjay Gupta whether people who have tested positive for the virus should still get a shot. He cited data from Israel in August suggesting people who recovered from COVID-19 had a lower risk of contracting the delta variant than those who got a full Pfizer vaccine.
Pressure builds for full FDA approval of vaccines
The latest mandate came Monday, when Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced he would move to make the vaccine mandatory for troops by mid-September but would act “immediately” if it received full approval before then.
Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious diseases expert, added to the chorus on Sunday, when he expressed hope that the approval would move quickly.
Fauci hopeful COVID vaccines get full OK by FDA within weeks
The FDA has only granted emergency-use approval of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, but the agency is expected to soon give full approval to Pfizer.
Watch: Fauci, CNN, White House, Newsom, & Cuomo All Ratchet Up Attacks On Unvaccinated Americans
Unvaccinated Americans were the talking point of the day on Monday with a slew of figures slamming those who have chosen not to take the coronavirus jabs, assigning blame to them for America ‘going backwards’, likening them to murderers, and suggesting that they are to blame for more deadly variants of the virus emerging.
Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Lab
Of particular interest: From 2014-19, the National Institutes of Health sent $3.4 million to the WIV through the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. “I just wanted to say a personal thankyou on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin,” EcoHealth Alliance chief Peter Daszak gushed to Dr. Fauci in a partly redacted April 2020 email.
Fact-checking the Paul-Fauci flap over Wuhan lab funding
(May 18, 2021)
Juicing up super viruses is not new. Scientists in the U.S. have long known how to mutate animal viruses to infect humans. For years, Dr. Ralph Baric, a virologist in the U.S., has been collaborating with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Virology Institute, sharing his discoveries about how to create super viruses. This gain-of-function research has been funded by the NIH. … Dr. Fauci, do you still support funding of the NIH funding of the lab in Wuhan?”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), remarks at a Senate hearing, May 11
“Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not never and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
— Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in response.
Wuhan-Affäre: “Die Weltbevölkerung in die Irre geführt”
Nun aber ist auch in der Presse und dem Rundfunk ein starker Stimmungsumschwung wahrnehmbar. Wodurch wurde der ausgelöst?
Es gab zunächst einmal einen großen Stimmungsumschwung in den USA, das war das Wesentliche. Ich war selbst in viele Gespräche mit amerikanischen Kollegen involviert. In den USA einen Stimmungsumschwung zu erreichen, war sehr wichtig, gerade wegen der besonderen Situation dort. Wir wissen, dass eine Unterabteilung der National Institutes of Health (NIH), die von [dem medizinischen Chefberater des Weißen Hauses; S.F.] Anthony Fauci geleitet wird, mehrere hochriskante Gain-of-function-Forschungsprojekte mit Coronaviren [Experimente, die darauf abzielen, die Übertragbarkeit und/oder Virulenz von Krankheitserregern zu erhöhen; S.F.] in Wuhan jahrelang gefördert hat.
Anthony Fauci, Feind der Freiheit
In einem Interview mit Dana Bash am Sonntag bei CNN sagte Fauci in Bezug auf Menschen, die sich gegen die Beschränkungen des Coronavirus wehren und sich dafür entscheiden, keinen der von der US-Regierung finanzierten und gepushten Impfstoffe zu nehmen, folgendes: „Es macht einfach nahezu keinen Sinn“, dass die Leute „einerseits von den Beschränkungen befreit werden wollen, aber sich andererseits nicht impfen lassen wollen.“
Anthony Fauci und seine falsche Wissenschaft säen mehr Samen der Angst
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Ansprechadresse Nummer eins für das Weiße Haus in allem, was mit dem Coronavirus zu tun hat, sagte am Sonntag in den nationalen Nachrichten, dass selbst diejenigen, die geimpft wurden, sich nicht in geschlossenen Räumen versammeln oder in geschlossenen Räumen essen oder ihre Masken abnehmen sollten – oder im Grunde genommen nichts tun sollten, bei dem es darum geht, in der Nähe anderer zu sein und zu atmen.
Dieser Typ wird die Amerikaner auf Nägeln und Nadeln laufen lassen, in Angst leben lassen für immer – wenn wir ihn lassen.
Why U.S. Approval of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Is Taking So Long
By the morning of March 23, officials at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases released a letter from its data and safety monitoring board that‘s been examining the AstraZeneca trial, Andrew Joseph reports for STAT News. The letter stated that AstraZeneca had used outdated data to reach its efficacy number. The move was unprecedented; usually, monitoring boards keep their correspondence with companies private.
“We just felt we could not remain silent. Because if we did remain silent, we could be understandably accused of covering something up. And we definitely didn’t want to be in that position,” says Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID, to STAT News. “In my mind, it’s an unforced error by the company.”
Fauci clashes with Rand Paul over masks
The nation‘s top infectious diseases doctor Anthony Fauci on Thursday clashed with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) over the need for people to continue wearing masks once they‘ve already been infected with or vaccinated against COVID-19.
Hält Biden Amerika als Geisel bis zum „Unabhängigkeitstag“?
Jetzt brauchen die Amerikaner also die Erlaubnis von Fauci, um zu heiraten? Was geschieht mit diesem Land? Die Propaganda ist so unerbittlich, dass es scheint, dass die meisten Amerikaner nicht sehen, wie nicht normal das ist! In gesünderen Zeiten würde Fauci von der Bühne gelacht werden. Jetzt wird er als eine Art göttliche Quelle der Wahrheit behandelt.
Fauci rät Biden zu rascher Impfung
Mit Blick auf den 78-jährigen Biden sagte Fauci dem US-Sender ABC News: „Er soll möglichst vollständig geschützt sein, wenn er im Jänner die Präsidentschaft antritt. Das wäre also meine starke Empfehlung.“
CNN Exclusive: Biden says he will ask Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days he‘s in office
President-elect Joe Biden told CNN‘s Jake Tapper on Thursday that he will ask Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days after he takes office, in a sign of how Biden‘s approach to the virus will be dramatically different from President Donald Trump‘s response.
„Just 100 days to mask, not forever. One hundred days. And I think we‘ll see a significant reduction,“ Biden said for the first time in the interview with Tapper.
Biden will Fauci als „obersten medizinischen Berater“
Zudem rief Biden die US-Bevölkerung dazu auf, nach seiner Vereidigung im Jänner in den folgenden 100 Tagen eine Schutzmaske zu tragen.
Der Leiter des Nationalen Instituts für Allergien und Infektionskrankheiten gehört dem CoV-Krisenstab des abgewählten Präsidenten Donald Trump an.
Whatever happened to Deborah Birx?
Unlike Fauci, Birx no longer appears on Sunday morning shows or cable news.
What is Covid-19, SARS-2. How is it Tested? How is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis
The data and concepts have been manipulated with a view to sustaining the fear campaign.
The estimates are meaningless. The figures have been hyped to justify the lockdown and the closure of the national economy, with devastating economic and social consequences. The Virus is held responsible for poverty and mass unemployment.
Confirmed by prominent scientists as well as by official public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.
The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to trigger a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences.
There is no scientific basis for implementing the closing down of the global economy as a means to resolving a public health crisis.
Both the media and the governments are involved in spreading disinformation.
Birx defends herself as Pelosi accuses Trump administration of spreading disinformation on Covid-19
Politico reported Pelosi told White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that Birx was the „worst“ and that they were in „horrible hands“ with her.
Asked on ABC‘s „This Week“ whether the account was true and if she has confidence in Birx, Pelosi said, „I think the President is spreading disinformation about the virus and she is his appointee, so I don‘t have confidence there, no.“
Pelosi Says Virus Task Force Head Birx Spreads Disinformation
“Deborah Birx is the worst. Wow, what horrible hands you’re in,” Pelosi said at the meeting, according to Politico.
A New York Times article in July on the Trump administration’s coronavirus response portrayed Birx as overly optimistic about the course of the pandemic. While voicing “tremendous respect” for Pelosi, Birx on Sunday criticized the newspaper’s reporting.
Coronavirus new case counts are falling nationwide, but some states still seeing record numbers
According to data provided by Johns Hopkins University, cases are at least 10% higher in 22 states over the previous week.
Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday warned several states including Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky to get a handle on rising coronavirus cases, saying the nation couldn‘t afford the kinds of surges seen further south and west.
Große Lücken im Narrativ der Corona-‚Spitzen‘
Wir stehen vor dem größten Angriff auf unsere bürgerlichen Freiheiten in unserem Leben. Der Virus ist real, aber die Reaktion der Regierung ist politisch und totalitär.
WATCH: Admiral Brett Giroir says „Dr. Fauci is not 100 percent right.“
‚Bleib zu Hause, bleib sicher‘ … was sagt das?
So sehen wir, dass ein hoher Prozentsatz der durch das Coronavirus bedingten Todesfälle aufgrund behördlicher Anordnungen vermehrt auf Pflegeheime zurückzuführen ist, während Berufssportler, die mit dem Coronavirus infiziert sind, in der Regel nicht oder nur geringfügig erkranken.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘Football may not happen’ if there’s a second COVID-19 wave
Whoa. There’s context to add to Fauci’s comment to CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, but still … whoa.
Both the NFL and NCAA have been making plans to proceed with their football seasons as scheduled this fall, likely with few or no fans present for games and numerous other precautions in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trump blasts health adviser: ‚Fauci has nothing to do with NFL Football‘
President Trump pushed back on comments his top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, made about the risks of an NFL season on Friday, indicating he wants the season to go forward.
Dr. Fauci Expects Spike in Coronavirus Cases Due to Protests
The percentage of positive coronavirus cases is declining across the D.C. area, but those numbers come amid a new warning from the nation’s top infectious disease expert on protests during the pandemic. News4’s Doreen Gentzler reports.
Someone show Dr. Fauci this now!
Science alone can‘t tell us whether to open up our states
The debate often sounds like one between those who have the „facts“ on their side versus those who do not.
Trump privately questions whether coronavirus deaths are being overcounted as Fauci projects the opposite
But inside the West Wing, officials said there have been steady doubts about coronavirus figures arriving from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, either because they are behind or potentially skewed. In meetings of the White House task force, senior officials have raised questions about how the agency is compiling and tracking its data.
The death count questions illustrate the degree to which Trump and his allies have begun to scrutinize the data and advice emerging from government sources: Death counts are questioned, models are doubted, recommendations are debated and discarded and medical experts — even those widely trusted by the American people — are viewed with suspicion.
Trump says he was ‚surprised‘ by Fauci‘s warnings on reopening
The president separately said in an interview with Fox Business‘s Maria Bartiromo that “we have to get the schools open, we have to get our country open, we have to open our country.“
„Now we want to do it safely, but we also want to do it as quickly as possible, we can‘t keep going on like this … You‘re having bedlam already in the streets, you can‘t do this. We have to get it open. I totally disagree with him [Fauci] on schools,” the president added.
POWERFUL CONFRONTATION: Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci‘s contentious Coronavirus exchange
„As much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don‘t think you‘re the end all. I don‘t think you‘re the one person that gets to make a decision,“ Paul said. „We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there‘s not going to be a surge, that we can safely reopen the economy, and the facts will bear this out.“
Sen. Rand Paul tells Dr. Fauci he isn‘t the ‚end all‘
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious diseases expert, defended his guidance to the federal government over how to respond to the Covid-19 outbreak, telling Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) that „I have never made myself out to be the ‚end-all'“ and warning against „cavalier“ thinking that children could be immune to the disease‘s effects.