Archiv: Szenarien / Optionen / options / scenarios

15.09.2024 - 16:32 [ ]

Venezuela: Ausländer wegen „Destabilisierung“ festgenommen

Die venezolanischen Behörden haben sechs Ausländer aus den USA und Europa wegen angeblicher Pläne zur „Destabilisierung“ des Landes festgenommen und der US-Regierung eine Beteiligung an Umsturzplänen vorgeworfen. Wie die Regierung in Caracas mitteilte, wurden drei US-Bürger, zwei Spanier und ein Tscheche festgenommen.

Die Verdächtigen hätten „Gewaltakte“ gegen Präsident Nicolás Maduro und dessen Regierung geplant, sagte Innenminister Diosdado Cabello bei einer Pressekonferenz

15.09.2024 - 16:08 [ ]

Cabello on terrorist plan: María Corina Machado is behind the entire operation

“They went with this tropicalized character,” Cabello said in relation to the US intentions to use a person with the same Latin American phenotype, seeking not to repeat the gringo mercenaries of Caucasian morphology.

“It is important to know that this person worked in special Navy SEAL units focused on Latin America, because they are made up of people who speak Spanish perfectly, like this person,” he explained.

The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace added that two citizens of Spanish origin, a Czech citizen and an American expert in computer hacking are also in custody.

15.09.2024 - 15:30 [ ]

Terrorist plot led by active US military officer revealed

„We know that the United States Government is linked to this operation because during the investigation we have found out how, in Orlando, Florida, in one of these parcel services, in the warehouses, the FBI was there and we have that video (…) they allowed that operation to continue,“ he said.


“A few days ago we captured some people who were talking about throwing grenades and explosives at the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some terrorists and criminals from the opposition are taking refuge. This perfectly reversed the fact that if the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some gentlemen and ladies from the opposition are, were attacked, it was immediately obvious that the person who would be blamed would be the Government of Venezuela,” he warned.

15.09.2024 - 14:42 [ CNN ]

Venezuela says US Navy SEAL among foreigners arrested over alleged CIA ‘operation’ to assassinate Maduro

“The CIA is at the forefront of this operation,” Cabello said in the news conference, claiming that Spain’s National Intelligence Center was also involved. “That does not surprise us at all,” he said.

He alleged that the operation had “very clear objectives of assassinating President Nicolás Maduro” and other high-ranking Venezuelan politicians including himself and the vice president.

The State Department denied the claims. A spokesperson confirmed on Saturday a member of the US military had been arrested in Venezuela, and that the department was “aware of unconfirmed reports of two additional US citizens detained” in the country.

14.09.2024 - 17:07 [ ]

Pentagon: No signs of North Korean troops in Ukraine despite media reports

(July 2, 2024)

During a press briefing on 1 July 2024, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh addressed the issue. When asked about indications of North Korea sending troops to Ukraine to support Russia, Singh replied,

“I don’t have anything for you on that. We certainly know that North Korea is supporting Russia’s efforts in Ukraine with supplying them different military support, but I don’t have anything for you on any specific troops going into Russia at this time.”

14.09.2024 - 17:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Nordkorea wird ferngesteuert

(September 22, 2017)

Es gibt tatsächlich Personen, die sich nach der überirdischen – ich sage das ganz bewusst so – Explosion einer Nuklearwaffe, einer Atom- oder Wasserstoffbombe, förmlich sehnen. Einfach um mal ein großes “KUSCH!” auf dem Planeten loszuwerden. Damit die Herde sich mal wieder um ihre Hirten schart, sich nicht so viel im Internet herumtreibt und aufhört an ihren gottgesandten Autoritäten herum zu meckern. Wäre das nicht mal eine echte Win-Win-Situation, für alle echten, waschechten und wahlechten Autoritäten? Einfach mal bumm machen. Und alle “Player” profitieren. Wie an der Konsole.

14.09.2024 - 16:48 [ Reuters ]

Putin‘s options for Ukraine missiles response include nuclear test, experts say

As East-West tensions over Ukraine enter a new and dangerous phase, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and U.S. President Joe Biden are holding talks in Washington on Friday on whether to allow Kyiv to use long-range U.S. ATACMS or British Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia.

09.09.2024 - 21:43 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Wie das russische Establishment das Ende des Krieges wirklich sieht

In einem wichtigen Punkt war man sich einig: Dass es keinerlei Chance auf eine internationale formale und rechtliche Anerkennung der russischen Annexionen ukrainischen Territoriums gibt und dass Russland nicht darauf drängen wird. Es wurde eingräumt, dass dies nicht nur von der Ukraine und dem Westen abgelehnt würde, sondern auch von China, Indien und Südafrika, die die russische Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 nicht anerkannt haben.

Es besteht daher die Hoffnung, dass im Rahmen einer Friedensregelung die Frage des Status dieser Gebiete auf endlose zukünftige Verhandlungen verschoben wird (wie die ukrainische Regierung im März 2022 in Bezug auf die Krim vorschlug), bis sie schließlich von allen vergessen wird. Das Beispiel der (nicht anerkannten, aber praktisch unangefochtenen) Türkischen Republik Nordzypern wurde erwähnt. Das bedeutet, dass die Ukraine nicht öffentlich aufgefordert würde, diese Gebiete „aufzugeben“, sondern lediglich anzuerkennen, dass es unmöglich ist, sie mit Gewalt zurückzuerobern.

07.09.2024 - 23:42 [ B.M. / ]

Deranged Member of Knesset and guardian angel of rapists Tally Gotliv, of the Likud, calls for the execution or life imprisonment of Yuli Novak from @btselem , following Novak‘s speech at the UNSC.

07.09.2024 - 23:30 [ Palestine Chronicle ]

‘Assistance to Enemy in War’ – Israeli MK Requests Death Penalty for B’Tselem’s Director

The Israeli Likud Party Knesset Member Revital Gotliv requested the death sentence or life imprisonment for Yuli Novak, the executive director of the Israeli rights group B’Tselem, for what she labeled as “the suspected serious crime of assistance to the enemy in war,” the Anadolu news agency reported.

Gotliv reportedly made her request in a letter addressed to the Israeli Chief Police Commissioner Daniel Levy, in which she demanded the detention and interrogation of Novak.

The move followed a speech delivered by Novak on September 4 at the United Nations Security Council.

03.09.2024 - 16:15 [ Time ]

Hamas Says Hostage Guards Have Been Operating Under New Orders

“Netanyahu‘s insistence to free prisoners through military pressure, instead of sealing a deal, means they will be returned to their families in shrouds. Their families must choose whether they want them dead or alive,” he said

03.09.2024 - 16:09 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Hamas armed wing says new instructions given to guards of Israel hostages in Gaza

On Sunday, the Israeli military reported the recovery of the bodies of six hostages from a tunnel in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, claiming that Hamas was responsible for their deaths. Obaida said his group holds Israel responsible for the deaths.

He said the new instructions, which he did not detail, were given to guards of hostages after a rescue operation by Israel in June.

02.09.2024 - 23:55 [ CNN ]

Tumultuous weekend for Israelis leaves Netanyahu with fewer options than ever

Unlike Palestinians in Gaza, Israelis can rise up to challenge their leadership. Late-night skirmishes between protesters and the authorities Sunday on Tel Aviv’s usually hyper-busy eight-lane Ayalon Highway were a manifestation of that.

As flames and dense smoke engulfed wooden pallets and tires on the roads, I watched a young man, blue paint spray in hand, scrawl his message to the prime minister in foot-high letters on the roadside wall: “Hostages or revolt.”

01.09.2024 - 17:07 [ Middle East Eye ]

Hamas says captives killed by Israeli fire

The group also blamed Netanyahu for the deaths of Israeli captives, saying they „were killed by his army‘s bullets„.


Izzat al-Risheq, a member of Hamas‘ political bureau, said the six captives found dead by the Israeli army „were only killed by Zionist bombing„.

01.09.2024 - 17:02 [ Times of Israel ]

Bodies of 6 hostages, murdered by Hamas just days ago, found in Rafah – IDF

Their bodies were found with gunshot wounds to the head and other parts of their bodies, the Ynet news site reported. An autopsy found they were murdered in the 48 hours prior to the discovery of their bodies, the report said.

30.08.2024 - 15:15 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Fascism in practice

(4 days ago )

The Israeli police decides to close down the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa

Israel and Ben Gvir’s Police have just decided to shut the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa for ten hours starting at 19:00 this evening.

30.08.2024 - 14:15 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Neue US-Raketen in Deutschland?

Scholz lügt.

Vor allem die USA haben Abrüstungsverträge über den Haufen geworfen und damit einen neuen Rüstungswettlauf in Gang gesetzt. Die Lüge eines Vasallenkanzlers als Einstieg in ein neues Wettrüsten, das unsere Sicherheit gefährdet und Deutschland zur Zielscheibe macht?

Das wollen wir verhindern – auch mit Ihrer Stimme!
Am 1.9. in Sachsen und Thüringen, und am 22.9. in Brandenburg.

28.08.2024 - 14:15 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Iran: Khamenei greenlights talks with US but urges caution


In 2015, Iran signed an agreement with the P5+1 group – the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France) plus Germany – to regulate and monitor Tehran’s nuclear activities in exchange for lifting sanctions.

However, in 2018, under former President Donald Trump, Washington unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and began reimposing “unprecedented sanctions” on Iran. In response, Tehran gradually suspended its commitments under the deal and took several steps, including resuming high-level uranium enrichment.

28.08.2024 - 12:17 [ Yahoo Singapore News ]

Starmer in Germany for first bilateral trip as UK PM

Starmer‘s Labour party had said it would seek a security and defence treaty with Germany if it won the July 4 general election, which it did by a landslide — propelling him to the premiership.

27.08.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Post ]

Trump rally counter-sniper backs bombshell ‘evidence tampering’ claims by House GOPers

Washington Regional SWAT counter-sniper Ben Shaffer said it was “absolutely” concerning that the roof of the AGR International building had been quickly scrubbed and gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body disposed of before an official autopsy report could be released.

Five House Republicans — Reps. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz and Cory Mills of Florida, and Chip Roy of Texas — hosted the panel discussion with Shaffer and other witnesses at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

26.08.2024 - 21:22 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel said to push US to present credible military threat or attack Iran’s nuclear sites

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited the Northern Command headquarters earlier today with his American counterpart, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

09.05.2024 - 09:42 [ New York Times ]

Oct. 25, 1971 | People’s Republic of China In, Taiwan Out, at U.N.

(October 25, 2011)

On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly voted to admit the People’s Republic of China (mainland China) and to expel the Republic of China (Taiwan). The Communist P.R.C. therefore assumed the R.O.C.’s place in the General Assembly as well as its place as one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. (…)

The United States, the most significant opponent of the resolution, then argued for the P.R.C. to be admitted separately from the R.O.C., which would have allowed the R.O.C. to retain its spot. The proposal was defeated.

09.05.2024 - 09:10 [ New York Times ]

South Africa Is Suspended By U.N. Assembly, 91‐22

(Nov. 13, 1974)

The vote of 91 to 22 was taken to uphold a ruling by the Assembly‘s President, Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, suspending South African participation.

The United States unsuccessfully challenged the ruling, Which was also opposed by Britain, a number of Western Europeans and South Americans, and some others. Nineteen countries abstained.

05.05.2024 - 11:31 [ Reuters ]

Israeli minister proposes Gaza artificial island


Yisrael Katz told Army Radio on Wednesday he wants an international force to control the island for „at least 100 years“ and for unloaded cargo to be brought into Gaza along a 4.5-km (3-mile)-long bridge with a security checkpoint to prevent arms smuggling. (…)

„We have built models and there are many entrepreneurs who are interested and prepared to invest billions and make money,“ he said, without giving further details.

05.05.2024 - 11:00 [ ]

Artificial island off Gaza pitched by Israeli minister in EU meeting is ‚irrelevant‘, Borrell says


Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz has sparked controversy after using a high-stakes meeting of EU foreign ministers to promote a plan to build an artificial island off the Gazan coast.

05.05.2024 - 10:55 [ ]

Plan to build artificial island in Israel seen as attempt to legitimize occupation of apartheid regime


Referring to the proposal by Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz on Jan. 22 at the EU Foreign Ministers Meeting to establish an artificial island in the Mediterranean to settle the people of Gaza, Halper noted that it is part of the project to cleanse Palestinian lands from Palestinians.

“The point of Israeli apartheid is to disappear the Palestinians as a people and Palestine as a country: confine the Palestinians to small islands (later called a “state,” but without real sovereignty or economically viable), take their lands and then normalize that regime in the international community.

05.05.2024 - 10:40 [ ]

‚Humanitarian islands‘: how will Israel‘s plan for Rafah civilians work?


Israel has not revealed when the offensive in Rafah will begin, nor when the evacuation will occur. Announcing the „humanitarian islands“ plan, Hagari said only that Israel wanted the timing to be right operationally and to be coordinated with neighbouring Egypt, which has said it does not want an influx of displaced Palestinians crossing its border.

05.05.2024 - 09:55 [ Politico ]

Israel briefs US on plan to move Gazans ahead of Rafah invasion


The Israeli military has informed aid groups and the Biden administration of a plan to begin removing Gazans from Rafah ahead of an invasion, according to a U.S. official and two other people familiar with the situation.

The Israel Defense Forces recently told the U.S. government and aid groups operating on the ground that they had developed a plan to move people out of Rafah, the main humanitarian hub in the enclave, to al-Mawasi, a small strip of land on the southern Gaza coast.

05.05.2024 - 09:45 [ Common Dreams ]

Israel Briefs US on Plan for ‚Ethnic Cleansing‘ of Rafah


According to an unnamed U.S. official and two other people familiar with the plan, Israel would „move people out of Rafah, the main humanitarian hub in the enclave, to al-Mawasi, a small strip of land on the southern Gaza coast.“ Politico also obtained a copy of a map containing some details of the plan.

17.04.2024 - 20:32 [ ]

After meeting Herzog, UK’s Cameron says it’s clear Israel will respond to Iran attack

British Foreign Minister David Cameron said Wednesday that it was clear Israel had made a decision to respond to Iran’s unprecedented weekend drone and missile attack and he hoped the retaliation would be carried out in a way that minimized escalation.

11.04.2024 - 15:25 [ ]

Bericht: Deutsche Fregatte schoss im Roten Meer irrtümlich auf US-Drohne


Die amerikanische Drohne sei nicht im Rahmen der US-Mission „Prosperity Guardian“, die gegen Angriffe der Houthi-Rebellen im Roten Meer patrouilliert, im Einsatz gewesen. Denn die Besatzung der „Hessen“ sei nach Sichtung der unbekannten Drohne mit Mitgliedern von „Prosperity Guardian“ in Kontakt gewesen. Doch auch diese wussten nicht Bescheid vom Einsatz des Flugobjekts. Diese sei vermutlich für eine andere US-Mission in der Region unterwegs gewesen.

10.04.2024 - 16:32 [ Times of Israel ]

Of course Netanyahu should go – in an orderly process that gives our enemies cause for fear


And therefore, as was the case when he insisted on continuing to run the country while in the midst of a corruption trial, and as was the case when he pressed on with his assault on Israeli democracy and briefly fired that defense minister, so too, now, it falls to a potential few good men and women within his own coalition base to tell him that his presence is harming Israel, that his policies empowered and emboldened Hamas, and that far from being uniquely capable of ensuring Israel has the practical and diplomatic room to destroy Hamas, he is almost uniquely incapable of doing so.

10.04.2024 - 16:30 [ New York Times ]

Netanyahu Must Go


Israel must destroy Hamas as a military and political force in the territory while minimizing harm to civilians. It must do what it can to rescue its hostages without jeopardizing the overriding goal of destroying Hamas. It must, by diplomacy or force, push Hezbollah back from Lebanon’s southern border, so that 60,000 Israelis can return safely to their homes in the north. It must take the battle directly, as it did last week in Damascus, to Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s patrons, whether in Syria, Qatar or Iran.

And for all of that to happen effectively, Benjamin Netanyahu must go.

08.04.2024 - 20:35 [ Reuters ]

Israeli military says it has increased its readiness for war in north

(April 7, 2024)

In a statement titled „Readiness for the Transition from Defense to Offense,“ the military said the phase completed centred on logistics „for a broad mobilization of IDF (Israel Defence Forces) troops“.

„The commanders of the regular and reserve units are prepared to summon and equip all the required soldiers in just a few hours and transport them to the front line for defensive and offensive missions,“ the military said.

08.04.2024 - 20:30 [ Hindustan Times ]

Readiness advances for ‚war‘ on Lebanon border: Israel

(April 7, 2024)

The Israeli army on Sunday said it had reached „another phase“ of preparation for war on its northern border with Lebanon, where it has spent months exchanging fire with Iran-backed Hezbollah.

08.04.2024 - 20:20 [ CNN ]

Inside President Biden’s pointed phone call with Benjamin Netanyahu

(April 7, 2024)

The prime minister’s office declined to comment on the exchange. The White House declined to comment for this story.

08.04.2024 - 20:17 [ New York Times ]

Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel


While Israel has used the F-15s it already owns to strike Gaza, its request for the planes appears to reflect longer-term concern about regional threats, including from Lebanon-based Hezbollah, Iran-backed militias in Syria, and Iran itself. The Israel Defense Forces would probably employ F-15s in any potential attack on Iran’s nuclear program.

30.03.2024 - 19:45 [ Times of Israel ]

In surprise close call, Lapid holds on to party leadership by a mere 29 votes

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid beat out opponent MK Ram Ben Barak by the skin of his teeth in Thursday afternoon’s Yesh Atid primary, the party’s first leadership contest since it was founded by Lapid in 2012. (…)

Ben Barak had not presented a strong challenge to the longtime leader, stating repeatedly that he does not differ materially in his policy outlook from Lapid and is mainly running in order to promote the “democratization” of the party, which has been under the same leadership for over a decade.

29.03.2024 - 20:05 [ ABC News ]

US hasn‘t ruled out consequences for Israel over looming Rafah operation: What would that look like?

„It‘s very, very important,“ Ziv said of U.S. military aid to Israel. Placing conditions on it, he said, „creates a dangerous precedent for Israel because it just wasn‘t in the cards up until now.“ (…)

The U.S. could continue to abstain or even support United Nations resolutions that Israel finds unfavorable, as it did this week.

26.03.2024 - 21:15 [ Anadolu Agency ]

Top UN court likely to issue tough decision against Israel for ongoing attacks on Gaza

The world court will rule on the requested additional measures in the coming days, which may include criticism of Israel as well as requests for additional monitoring reports, according to the KAN broadcaster report.

However, observers in Israel believe that no additional orders, such as a cessation of the war on Gaza, will be issued, but that the court will take a critical tone toward Israel, which is unusual, said the broadcaster.

Earlier on Monday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza …

20.03.2024 - 23:15 [ ]

Aussage zu „Einfrieren des Kriegs“: Mützenich bleibt dabei

Laut Mützenich könnte aller Voraussicht nach China auf Russland einwirken für eine mögliche Lösung. „Wir müssen China davon überzeugen, dass die Volksrepublik ein existenzielles und wirtschaftliches Interesse hat, stärker im von Russland zu verantwortenden Krieg diplomatisch aktiv zu werden.“ China habe wahrscheinlich noch einen gewissen Einfluss auf Russland. „Diese Debatten muss die Politik doch führen, anstatt darüber zu reden, wo die Schrauben beim ‚Taurus‘ sitzen. Die Optionen, wie ein militärischer Konflikt beendet werden kann, die werden am Ende politische sein.“

20.03.2024 - 23:01 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Alle wissen, wie der Krieg gegen die Ukraine beendet werden kann

(5. März 2022)

Was eine (weitere) verantwortliche, eine rationale, eine solidarische Maßnahme aus dem Weißen Haus wäre, ähnlich wie die Zurückhaltung was die Provokationen aus dem Kreml angeht: von sich aus auf eine N.A.T.O.-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine zu verzichten. Neben der Lieferung von Defensivwaffen gäbe es nichts Besseres, was “der Westen” derzeit für die Ukraine tun kann. Man könnte vielleicht auch verkünden, man habe sich in den letzten 30 Jahren mit der N.A.T.O. genug gedehnt. Und zwanzig Jahre lang genug ruhmreichen Terrorkrieg geführt. Ein paar Millionen Tote würden nun reichen.

Das Ende des Afghanistan-Krieges, allein beendet durch den Befehl eines einzigen Mannes, Joe Biden, war diesbezüglich ein guter Anfang. Zur Erinnerung; die “Authorization for Use of Military Force” aus 2001, das entscheidende Kriegsermächtigungsgesetz was in Deutschland bis heute fast keiner kennt, ist vom Kongress immer noch nicht aufgehoben, obwohl dies bereits 2013 von Barack Obama angekündigt wurde.

19.03.2024 - 23:25 [ ]

Hamas, Houthis Hold Rare Meet To Discuss Their Actions Against Israel: Report

(March 16, 2024)

Senior figures from Hamas and Yemen‘s Huthi rebels held a rare meeting to discuss coordinating their actions against Israel, Palestinian factional sources told AFP on Friday. (…)

The Houthis confirmed they would continue their attacks on Red Sea shipping to „support the Palestinian resistance“, according to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad sources.

The rebels‘ leader Abdul Malik al-Huthi said on Thursday their attacks would expand to target ships avoiding the Red Sea by navigating past South Africa‘s Cape of Good Hope.

19.03.2024 - 23:00 [ ]

Hamas political leaders were unaware of Israel incursion plan, Egypt officials say

(Oct 09, 2023)

Most of the movement‘s political leaders have lived in exile outside the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for years, deepening the divide between them and the group‘s military wing known as the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades, who are spearheading the continuing fighting with Israel.

The political leaders have mostly been living in Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran and Egypt.

Speaking to The National, the officials said a handful of Gaza-based Hamas leaders, reportedly as few as three who once served in the Al Qassam Brigades, knew of the attack in advance. As a precaution, they were made to believe that the operation would begin 48 hours after it got under way on Saturday.

19.03.2024 - 22:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Deif’s alleged death certificate sparks online debate

(21 August 2014)

However, Israeli intelligence sources told Fox News Wednesday that the Hamas leader was believed to have been killed.

Addressing the public on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dodged the question of Deif’s fate, saying only that “the commanders of terror organizations are a legitimate target, of the highest priority… No one is immune,” he said. Asked again, he refused to elaborate.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri, in a Hamas TV interview earlier Wednesday, described Deif as “the dead man” in an apparent slip of the tongue.

19.03.2024 - 22:36 [ ]

Hamas’s deadly “phantom”: the man behind the attacks

(Oct 20th 2023)

Yet hardly anything is known about Deif. For years, Western spies would respond to questions about him with a shrug. Only a handful of photographs have ever appeared in the media – grainy images from his youth. Some speculate that he died long ago and is nothing more than a mythical figurehead cultivated for propaganda purposes.

18.03.2024 - 17:32 [ ]

«Nur einen Schritt vom Dritten Weltkrieg entfernt» – Blick ordnet seine Drohung ein: Bläst Putin nach dem Wahlsieg zum grossen Angriff?

Das Problem allerdings sind die russischen Soldaten, von denen laut dem britischen Verteidigungsministerium schätzungsweise 70’000 getötet und 250’000 verwundet worden sind. Viele Russen befürchten daher eine neue Mobilmachung. «Putin weiss zwar um die gesellschaftlichen Risiken einer solch unpopulären Massnahme, dennoch ist eine neue Teilmobilmachung in den nächsten Monaten wahrscheinlich», meint Schmid. Hunderttausende von Reservisten könnten eingezogen und an die Front in der Ukraine geschickt werden.

18.03.2024 - 16:46 [ ]

Geheimnisverrat-Vorwurf: 105 Personen bei Taurus-Sitzung

Die «Rheinische Post» beruft sich dabei auf einen Brief der Ausschussvorsitzenden Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) an Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas (SPD). Darin heißt es demnach, an der fraglichen Sitzung hätten insgesamt etwa 105 Personen teilgenommen, «darunter zahlreiche Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Bundesregierung und der Landesvertretungen».

«Es ist also nicht zwingend, dass die Informationsweitergabe aus dem parlamentarischen Raum erfolgt ist», schreibt die FDP-Politikerin demnach weiter. Sie bittet Bas, eine Ermächtigung zur Strafverfolgung wegen Verletzung des Dienstgeheimnisses und einer besonderen Geheimhaltungspflicht zu erteilen.

15.03.2024 - 17:43 [ ]

Two US Citizens Are Accused of Assassinating Haiti’s President


Solages also worked as a security guard for the Canadian Embassy in Port-Au-Prince. (…)

Despite an obvious failure in police operations, the masthead of the police force has not changed, with Charles remaining the Chief of Police, despite claims from Haitian journalists that he gave the order to allow the caravan of assassins into the President’s neighborhood. In February, the Haitian National Police began a partnership with Colombian police forces, but it is unknown if any of the mercenaries arrested participated in this arrangement.

In the two days since the attack, former Prime Minister turned interim President Joseph has consolidated power. In 2004, Joseph was a member of the group Grenn Nan Bouda (GNB) which means “balls up your ass” in Haitian Creole. GNB participated in the coup to oust President Jean-Bertrand Aristide that same year.

Joseph was not elected to his position, but was appointed in April by Moïse, and served only three months as Prime Minister. After declaring himself interim President, he has been breezily accepted by the international community, including the United States.

15.03.2024 - 17:04 [ Jacobin ]

Were Haiti’s Capitalists Behind the Assassination of President Moïse?


Claiming to be agents with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (the DEA, which maintains a presence in Haiti to assist with counter-narcotics operations), the group gained entry to the home and killed the president.


What happened in Haiti on July 7?

KIM IVES There was a band of mercenaries with brand new Nissan Patrol vehicles. They clearly had knowledge of the layout of the presidential compound, where Moïse lived. They were clearly well-financed, well-prepared. It was a very sophisticated operation.

Who had the money to do that? And who would want to do that?

Haiti Liberté’s working hypothesis is that the mercenaries, more than likely, were hired by one or a consortium of the bourgeois families who are opposed to Moïse. Reginald Boulos is one. Dimitri Vorbe is another. There are several others who were unhappy with Moïse.

If this hypothesis is correct, their fear is of the uprising that is coming out of Haiti’s vast shantytowns, where the lumpenproletariat is organizing itself into armed gangs, which have now vowed to carry out a revolution against the bourgeoisie and “the rotten system,” as they call it in Haiti.