Archiv: 24-11-2024 Calin Georgescu comes out on top of first round of Romanian Presidential election / US and EU pressure / TikTok campaign blamed / election gets annulled second round cancelled

16.01.2025 - 21:51 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Räuberpistolen“ – Annullierung der Präsidentschaftswahl in Rumänien als Blaupause für die anstehende Bundestagswahl?

(January 14, 2025)

Im Dezember 2024 hatte das Verfassungsgericht die Präsidentschaftswahlen in Rumänien mit Verweis auf eine angeblich russische Beeinflussungskampagne auf TikTok annulliert. Jetzt haben Recherchen ans Licht gebracht, dass in Wirklichkeit nicht „russische Agenten“, sondern die NATO-freundliche Präsidenten- und Regierungspartei PNL höchstselbst die Kampagne initiiert und bezahlt hatte. Mutmaßlich, um ein Instrument zu haben, im Falle einer für sie schlecht laufenden Wahl diese rückgängig machen zu können. Völlig unbeeindruckt von diesen Erkenntnissen fordert derweil der EU-Kommissar a.D. Thierry Breton, „falls nötig“, auch die Bundestagswahl nach rumänischem Vorbild zu annullieren. Die NachDenkSeiten fragten nach der Bewertung der Bundesregierung. Diese sieht in den neuen Erkenntnissen nur „Räuberpistolen“.

15.01.2025 - 00:06 [ RAIR Foundation USA ]

The EU’s Coup Against Democracy: Thierry Breton Threatens to Invalidate German Elections (Video)

(January 12, 2025)

The backlash was swift and vocal. Critics across Europe condemned Breton’s remarks, seeing them as a dangerous precedent in the EU’s approach to member states’ sovereignty. Observers noted that Breton’s comments revealed an alarming willingness to override the will of voters if outcomes do not align with EU preferences.

Many linked these actions to the EU’s broader push to control narratives, highlighting efforts to censor platforms like X in Europe to prevent dissent and scrutiny. The underlying motive, critics argue, is to silence opposition and maintain control, but such efforts may ultimately backfire as the truth surfaces despite their attempts to suppress it.

14.01.2025 - 22:31 [ ]

Democracy Dies In The EU: Romania Edition

/December 26, 2024)

The weeks running up to the election: a campaign called #BalanceAndIntegrity begins on TikTok. Roughly 130 influencers follow a similar script to make videos describing qualities of a future unnamed president. Some of the influencers do, however, write in the comments of the video: “Călin Georgescu.”

Nov. 24: The presidential election. Georgescu — a relative unknown who runs on a Christian conservative, economic populist and non-interventionist policy towards Project Ukraine — surprisingly comes out on top. Disaffected working class voters back him strongly as he wins more than 2 million votes (23 percent) in the first round. As no candidate achieved an absolute majority, a second round was to be held on Dec. 8.

Nov. 28: Romania’s Supreme Country Defense Council (CSAT) announces that “cyber attacks with the aim of influencing the correctness of the electoral process” took place and, separately, that “a candidate for the presidential elections benefited from a massive exposure due to the preferential treatment that the TikTok platform granted him by not marking him as a political candidate.”

14.01.2025 - 20:51 [ ]

Investigații ANAF a descoperit că PNL a plătit o campanie care l-a promovat masiv pe Călin Georgescu pe TikTok

(December 20, 2024)

Snoop a aflat că ANAF a descoperit în aceste zile că „acțiunea de campanie Echilibru și Verticalitate, de pe pe TikTok, a fost plătită din banii Partidului Național Liberal”, conform unei surse confidențiale, la curent cu rezultatul cercetării ANAF.

Informația a fost confirmată pentru Snoop din discuțiile și corespondența purtată chiar cu firma angajată de PNL, Kensington Communication, care a gândit campania.

Firma a plătit 130 de influenceri cooptați pe platforma FameUp, dar susține că „forma generată de Kensington Communication a suportat unele modificări, care nu aparțin echipei noastre și nici nu avem cunoștință să fi fost solicitate de către reprezentanți ai partidului”.

Kensington spune că „hashtag-ul ales de compania noastră a fost #echilibrusiseriozitate, acesta fiind schimbat în platforma FameUp, fără implicarea noastră, în #echilibrusiverticalitate”.

14.01.2025 - 20:48 [ Serbian Times ]

EPIC SCANDAL IN ROMANIA: Ruling party paid for TikTok campaign that led to the annulment of Georgescu’s victory!

(December 23, 2024)

The Romanian National Liberal Party (PNL), one of the ruling parties in Romania, financed a TikTok campaign that intelligence services used as evidence of “foreign interference” in favor of independent candidate Calin Georgescu, according to a new report by the investigative portal

14.01.2025 - 20:42 [ ]

Romanian liberals orchestrated Georgescu campaign funding, investigation reveals

(December 22, 2024)

Russia was accused of interfering in Romania’s November 24 presidential election that saw far-right and pro-Russian outsider Calin Georgescu storm to a shock first round victory. But an investigation by the tax authorities has exonerated the Kremlin and revealed the highly effective TikTok campaign was funded by the liberal, pro-EU National Liberal Party (PNL) in an effort to knock out a rival in a plan that badly backfired.

14.01.2025 - 20:03 [ ]

Ex-Commissioner Breton: ‘What Was Done in Romania May Be Needed in Germany’

(January 10, 2025)

“Let’s stay calm and enforce the laws in Europe, when they risk being circumvented and if not enforced, could lead to interference. They did it in Romania and, obviously, it will have to be done, if necessary, in Germany as well,” he concluded, referring to the cancellation of the first round of the presidential elections in December.

14.01.2025 - 19:58 [ European Conservative ]

Former Censorship Tsar Admits EU Role in Annulling Romanian Election

We’ll also have to do it in Germany, if necessary,‘ Thierry Breton confessed—as up to 100,000 people took to the streets of Romania.

11.12.2024 - 16:22 [ ]

Nach dem Wahl-Coup: Neue rumänische NATO-Regierung steht

Beschwerden gegen die Parlamentswahl, bezüglich angeblicher „russischer Einmischung“ gab es keine. Bei dieser Wahl haben auch die „Richtigen“ gewonnen. Im Gegensatz zur Präsidentenwahl: In einem beispiellosen Schritt sagte der Oberste Gerichtshof die Stichwahl ab und annullierte die erste Wahlrunde – ohne Beweise für eine „russische Wahleinmischung“. Diese Woche gaben die EU/NATO-Kräfte nun die Bildung einer neuen Regierung bekannt. Auch sonst passiert viel. Ein Überblick.

11.12.2024 - 16:11 [ Norbert Häring ]

Rumänen müssen nach Drohungen der USA nochmal wählen

7. 12. 2024 | Das Verfassungsgericht Rumäniens hat am Freitag (6.12.) die erste Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl annulliert und den zweiten Wahlgang am Sonntag abgesagt. Grund sei Einflussnahme auf die Wahl durch TikTok-Nutzer. Vorausgegangen war ein Bericht des nationalen Sicherheitsrats und öffentliche Drohungen der US-Regierung.

Wenn die US-Regierung eigens eine Erklärung zum Ausgang der ersten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl in Rumänien veröffentlicht und diese beginnt mit:….