Archiv: Infrastrukturen / Logistik / Verteilung / Versorgung / Mängel / infrastructures / logistics / distribution / supply / shortages

26.12.2024 - 12:55 [ Zero Hedge ]

‚We Created A Pretend World‘: Mossad Agents Boast About Mass Pager Attack In Lebanon

„We create a pretend world. We are a global production company: We write the screenplay, we‘re the directors, we‘re the producers, we‘re the main actors,“ Michael said. „And the world is our stage.“


„It became the best product in the beeper area in the world,“ Gabriel said. „When they are buying from us, they have zero clue that they are buying from the Mossad. We make like the ‘Truman Show,’ everything is controlled by us behind the scenes,“ Gabriel claimed.

21.02.2024 - 20:45 [ ] (

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21.10.2023 - 23:23 [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]

NATO Secretary General calls for creation of a transatlantic quantum community, welcomes Denmark’s leadership

(29 Sep. 2023)

Later in the day, the Secretary General opened the new NATO accelerator site “Deep Tech Lab – Quantum” together with the Danish Minister of Defence, Troels Lund Poulsen; the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Morten Bødskov; and the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Christina Egelund. The Lab will help start-ups from across the Alliance commercialise quantum-enabled solutions, as part of NATO’s new Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA).

DIANA consists of a network of test centers and accelerator sites across NATO countries, where innovators develop new technologies to solve pressing security challenges. The Deep Tech Lab – Quantum in Copenhagen is one of five pilot accelerator sites launched in 2023.

11.10.2023 - 14:30 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

Our Comms Chief explains the Israeli war crimes our team has documented in Gaza over the last 48 hours, including directly targeting ambulances, wiping out 18 entire families, directly destroying civilian infrastructure, damaging UN-run schools & flattening houses of worship.

02.05.2023 - 21:43 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

JP Morgan Chase now owns First Republic‘s sound assets. The FDIC owns its toxic assets. When big banks‘ gambles succeed, they profit. When they fail, we bail them out. Heads they win, tails you lose. #Kennedy24

Ultimately the problem stems from an over-financialized economy. Finance is supposed to serve production, not replace it. We need to reinvest in the productive base: infrastructure, labor, health, social, and natural capital. #Kennedy24

01.05.2023 - 20:05 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Between Oct. 2021 and Sep. 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, more than the next 10 countries combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than US GDP. #Kennedy24

Imagine how we could rebuild our nation if we brought even half that amount home. Let‘s take care of those left behind. Let‘s fix our infrastructure. Let‘s clean up our environment. Let‘s make our nation strong and prosperous again! #Kennedy24

14.02.2023 - 07:32 [ Matías Vernengo and Esteban Pérez Calde / Post-Keynesian Economics Society / ]

Price and Prejudice: A Note on the Return of Inflation and Ideology

With the acceleration of inflation in the post-pandemic recovery, the debate seemed to be limited to whether the inflationary spike would be short-lived or persistent and become imbedded into inflationary expectations. While some Keynesian authors like Paul Krugman initially believed that inflation was caused by cost-push factors including by the sharp rises in energy and foodstuff prices as a result of the Ukraine war, and that it would quickly subside, the debate shifted rapidly and a new consensus according to which inflation was, in part the result of over stimulation of demand during the pandemic coupled with supply side shocks that lowered the potential level of output which provides the main theoretical justification for raising interest rates. Thus, even when most authors accept the notion that snags in the supply chain played a role in the acceleration of inflation, the main cause is to be seen on the excess demand side with the economy beyond its potential output level.

The challenge to conventional wisdom, and its emphasis on demand, has come from left
of center authors, like Robert Reich, that suggest inflation is caused by greedy corporations that have increased their profit margins during a crisis. This has brought back the old debate about the relationship between administered prices and inflation, and the proposition that inflation is directly related to highly concentrated market structures, or what might be termed oligopolistic inflation.

In other words, there is an ideological divide between those that blame inflation in an incompetent government and central bank reaction to the pandemic versus those that suggest that the real culprits are greedy corporations rising their mark up above their costs.

25.11.2022 - 08:55 [ ]

VP Harris‘ visit is signal to China of US support for South China Sea

During a visit to the Philippines, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will demonstrate America‘s commitment to defending its treaties by flying to an island province facing the disputed South China Sea.

This week, Harris met with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. for talks aimed at reinforcing Washington‘s oldest treaty alliance in Asia and strengthening economic ties.

25.11.2022 - 08:40 [ CNBC ]

Canceled sailings from China and ‚radical‘ vessel cuts hit U.S. ability to reach export market


But as of now, for weeks 51 and 52, carriers have scheduled no blank sailings on the Asia-North America West Coast route, which Murphy says is a reflection of the carriers‘ indecision as to how to approach the potential pre-Chinese New Year rush.

„It appears more to be a wait-and-see approach, in terms of whether there will be a seasonal demand spike,“ he added.

25.11.2022 - 08:25 [ Financial Times / ]

‘No way we can open’: China’s zero-Covid exit plans unravel

With the economic and social costs mounting from conflicting policy directives, Beijing needs to set explicit criteria for reopening based on vaccination coverage and the availability of intensive care units for treating an inevitable exit wave of cases, according to Yu Jie, a senior research fellow at Chatham House, a UK think-tank.

Ultimately, such conditions must be set, she said, “because it is no longer just a public health question, it is an economic question”.

10.11.2022 - 07:31 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Die Hauptstadt des ganz normalen Wahnsinns

Schlagzeilen der derben Sorte aus dem Berliner Alltag lauten gerade „Läden schließen und verwandeln sich in teure Ferienwohnungen“, „Kaufhauskette stellt Insolvenzantrag“, „Tipps für die Zeit ohne Strom in Berlin haben Hochkonjunktur“, „Die Flüchtlingsströme sind für Berlin nicht zu stemmen“, „Bäcker, Fleischer, andere Handwerksbetriebe geben auf“, „Staus wegen junger Menschen, die sich auf die Straße kleben“, „Bundespräsident hält Rede an die Nation“, „Gesundheitsminister erklärt, dass Kitas in der Pandemie nicht hätten geschlossen werden müssen“, „Mieterhöhungen von 15 Prozent bedrohen Mieter in Moabit“, „5 Euro für einen Glühwein“, „Briefe werden von der Post unzuverlässig zugestellt“, „Berliner Feuerwehr in Not“, „Sozialämter überlastet“, „Zahl der Obdachlosen steigt“, „Paragrafenänderung durch Regierung schränkt Freiheit der Rede, der Meinung, der Wissenschaft ein“, „Aufarbeitung des RBB-Skandals ist einzige Veralberung“, „Müllgebühren steigen“, „Kochen ohne Strom – Empfehlung dagegen: Rotkohlsalat“, „Drama um Berufsausbildung – die Lage ist schlecht“, „Sanierungsstau bei der U-Bahn“. Und so weiter.

15.10.2022 - 18:31 [ ]

Inflation is causing real pain. But raising interest rates will make it worse


The current inflation situation hasn’t been about all goods in the economy getting more expensive at the same rate. Specific goods – food, fuel, cars and housing – have been experiencing massive price shocks, raising the general inflation level substantially. Controlling these changes would require aggregate demand to shrink to unbearable levels for average Americans – essentially making people too poor to buy goods, and thus alleviating bottlenecks. Rate hikes are not only ill suited to bring down these essential prices but risk a recession throwing millions out of work.

15.10.2022 - 18:23 [ CNBC ]

Raising interest rates is the wrong solution to the inflation problem, analyst says


Raising interest rates to tame demand — and therefore inflation — is not the right solution, as high prices have been driven mainly by supply chain shocks, one analyst said.

Global manufacturers and suppliers have been unable to produce and deliver goods to consumers efficiently during Covid lockdowns. And more recently, sanctions imposed on Russia have also curtailed supply, mainly of commodities.

10.10.2022 - 15:52 [ Fabio De Masi / Nitter ]

Alle die jetzt trefflich geschockt wegen des #cyberclown tun … Warum hat mich kein Abgeordneter einer anderen Fraktion unterstützt als ich belegte, dass Eigentümer der Cybersecurity Firma der Bundesregierung mit Oligarch, Marsalek und Fluchthelfern dealte und es lapidar hieß…

…alles BSI konform. Ich musste mich noch kümmern als ich nicht mehr im Parlament war und Ihr die Jobs verteilt habt. Vor Wahl halten alle Gesicht in die Kamera, aber wenn kein Reporter vor der Tür, lieber mauern! Am Liebsten würde ich Euch Marsalek im Paketband vor Tür stellen …

10.10.2022 - 15:23 [ ]

Russland-Kontakte: Chef des deutschen BSI muss gehen

Protelion war bisher auch Mitglied im Bundesverband für den Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen (BSKI), der Verband erklärte aber inzwischen, man habe sich entschieden, die Mitgliedschaft des Unternehmens Protelion vorerst ruhen zu lassen.

10.10.2022 - 15:03 [ ]

BSI-Chef Arne Schönbohm: IT-Sicherheit in der Comedy-Arena

Der Mann aus der Wirtschaft war schon bei seiner Berufung Ziel harscher Kritik. Grund dafür war vor allem seine mangelnde fachliche Qualifikation und seine Nähe zur Rüstungsbranche. Der ehemalige Lobbyist Schönbohm ist Betriebswirt und konnte sich – anders als seine Amtsvorgänger – auf keinerlei technische, informatische oder mathematische Expertise stützen. Es war der damalige Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU), der den Sohn seines Parteikollegen, des Generalleutnants und ehemaligen Brandenburger Innenministers Jörg Schönbohm, trotz Protesten aus der Opposition ins Amt hob.

10.10.2022 - 14:48 [ ]

Fragwürdige Kontakte: BSI-Chef soll abberufen werden

Wegen der Bestimmungen des Beamtenrechts kann Faeser Schönbohm nicht einfach entlassen – sie muss für den Behördenchef eine neue Position finden. Gleichzeitig werde so schnell wie möglich ein Nachfolger gesucht, hieß es. Für Donnerstag war ursprünglich ein gemeinsamer öffentlicher Termin Faesers und Schönbohms angesetzt: die Vorstellung des neuen BSI-Lageberichts.

09.10.2022 - 12:38 [ ]

Politiker fordern mehr Sicherheit: „Über Sicherheitsarchitektur neu nachdenken“

Hintergründe zu den mutmaßlichen Tätern sind bislang unklar.

01.09.2022 - 15:40 [ ]

Warnung vor höheren Lebensmittelpreisen

Der Einzelhandel und die Lebensmittelhersteller kämpfen mit anziehenden Preisen etwa für Energie und Logistik, aber auch Rohstoffe sind auch in Folge des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine teurer geworden.

30.08.2022 - 18:44 [ CNBC ]

How China’s strict Covid policies led to supply chain bottlenecks

“What supply chains thrive on is predictability,” said Simon Geale, executive vice president of procurement at Proxima, in an interview with CNBC. “And the only thing we can say about China at the moment is that for many businesses, they’re looking at China as being predictably unpredictable.”

27.06.2022 - 01:44 [ ]

Nach G7-Leak: Polizei legt öffentliche Piratenpartei-Infrastruktur lahm

(24.06.2022)Der Generalsekretär der Piratenpartei, Stephan Erdmann erklärt:

„Durch die Verschlüsselung der einzelnen CryptPads kann die Polizei mit den gesicherten Daten faktisch nichts anfangen. CryptPad ist ein mit EU-Fördermitteln entwickeltes Zero-Knowledge-Projekt. Grundsätzlich ist es so konzipiert, dass Informationen bezüglich Nutzerdaten und Inhalten auch von administrativer Seite aus nicht festgestellt werden können. Das hätte die Polizei auf Nachfrage in wenigen Minuten erfahren können.“

Dr. Patrick Breyer, Europaabgeordneter der Piratenpartei ergänzt:

„Die nicht zielführende Beschlagnahmeaktion passt ins Bild allgemein tiefer Grundrechtseinschränkungen am Ort des Gipfels. Ein Ort wird lahmgelegt, friedliche Demonstrationen weitestgehend verboten, Grenzkontrollen wieder eingeführt, vermutlich massenhaft Kfz-Kennzeichen gespeichert und mit Überwachungstechnologie wie Drohnen und fehleranfälliger Gesichtserkennung gearbeitet. Auf der Grundlage des maximal repressiven bayerischen Polizei- und Versammlungsrechts wird ein Ausnahmezustand geschaffen, der Grundrechte missachtet. In einer Demokratie sollten wir den Mächtigen mit einem gesunden Misstrauen begegnen, nicht der Staat seinen Bürgern mit Generalverdacht.“

28.05.2022 - 19:22 [ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom / ]

I told President @ZelenskyyUa this morning that we stand with Ukraine for the long-term. We‘ll continue to provide equipment to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces defend their country, and we‘re working intensively to find ways to resume grain exports & avert a global food crisis.

07.05.2022 - 10:41 [ Bernie's Tweets / Twitter ]

CHINA – Every dot is a vessel stacked in queues at all ports, not just Shanghai. China’s lockdown policies will cripple western supply chains, destroy businesses and weaken economies & governments. Almost like sanctions.

29.04.2022 - 11:48 [ James Melville / Twitter ]

The lockdown in Shanghai is causing a massive logjam in maritime cargo transportation. A fifth of the world’s containerships are currently stuck in congestion. The largest share are stuck offshore around China. The global supply chain repercussions are enormous. Cause and effect.

29.04.2022 - 11:09 [ ]

Seefracht: Lockdown in Shanghai beeinträchtigt Lieferketten langfristig


Aktuell seien von den jüngsten Covid-19-bedingten Sperrungen fast ein Drittel der chinesischen Bevölkerung – insgesamt mehr als 370 Millionen Menschen – in irgendeiner Form betroffen.

Abhängig davon, welche Städte noch wie lange gesperrt werden, könnten sich Rogers zufolge Auswirkungen auf Branchen wie die Autoindustrie und die Unterhaltungsindustrie noch bis weit in den Sommer 2022 ziehen.

23.02.2022 - 07:39 [ Weißes Haus ]

FACT SHEET: Securing a Made in America Supply Chain for Critical Minerals


As the world transitions to a clean energy economy, global demand for these critical minerals is set to skyrocket by 400-600 percent over the next several decades, and, for minerals such as lithium and graphite used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, demand will increase by even more—as much as 4,000 percent. The U.S. is increasingly dependent on foreign sources for many of the processed versions of these minerals. Globally, China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earths and other critical minerals.

24.11.2021 - 12:06 [ ]

Mikrofone in der U-Bahn


Der FDP-Abgeordnete Marcel Luthe sagt dazu: „Die BVG legt die technische Grundlage für eine anlasslose Totalüberwachung der Bürger. Jede vorhandene Technik wird früher oder später eingesetzt und sodann auch das gesprochene Wort von einem Staatsunternehmen überwacht.“

11.11.2021 - 18:22 [ BBC ]

Food price rises highest since August 2020, says Kantar


This is partly to do with the pandemic but is being compounded by Brexit, according to international policy forum the OECD.

However, the Bank of England‘s deputy governor Ben Broadbent stated the pandemic is having a greater impact on labour shortages than Brexit currently.

11.11.2021 - 17:58 [ CBS Los Angeles ]

Food Prices Rise As Thanksgiving Approaches

Food prices have increased throughout the country with the Labor Department after the global supply chain bottleneck, among many other issues, drove inflation rates to the highest it’s been in three decades.

11.11.2021 - 17:47 [ ]

Landwirte geraten in Panik, Düngerpreise explodieren

Im Oktober verhängte China einen Exportstopp für die Ausfuhr von Dünger. Auch Russland hat ab Dezember Ausfuhrquoten beschlossen, um den wertvollen Dünger in den Landesgrenzen zu halten. In Indien kam es indes zu Plünderungen und Aufständen der Landwirte, da der Dünger nur noch über staatliche Stellen verteilt wird.

06.11.2021 - 08:55 [ CNN ]

These 6 House Democrats voted against the infrastructure bill. These 13 Republicans voted for it.

A number of progressives — who have consistently called for both the infrastructure and the separate economic package, known as the Build Back Better Act, to move together — voted „no“ on the legislation.

Here are the six House Democrats who broke from their party to vote against the bill:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York
Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts
Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan

06.11.2021 - 08:48 [ ]

US-Kongress verabschiedet Bidens Infrastrukturpaket

Der linke Parteiflügel blockierte seit Wochen eine Abstimmung darüber, weil er zunächst das Sozial- und Klimaschutzpaket unter Dach und Fach bringen wollte. Die Abstimmung im Repräsentantenhaus über dieses 1,75 Billionen Dollar teure Paket mit dem Namen Build Back Better (etwa: Besser neu aufbauen) wurde am Freitag jedoch angesichts parteiinterner Streitigkeiten verschoben.

01.11.2021 - 10:15 [ NBC New York ]

FDNY: 2,000 Firefighters on Medical Leave in Apparent Protest of Vaccine Mandate

The FDNY said its vaccination rate for firefighters has climbed to 75% as of around 5 p.m. on Sunday. The overall vaccination rate for the department is 80%.

More than 1,000 FDNY members have applied for religious exemptions and will be able to continue on the job with weekly COVID testing in place as their respective Equal Employment Opportunity offices review the claims, a spokesperson told News 4 Friday.

30.10.2021 - 10:17 [ Google News USA ]

firefighters, shortage, US, mandate

(search results)

30.10.2021 - 09:59 [ ]

LAFD‘s staff shortage during fire season causing firefighters to worry

The Los Angeles City Council voted to enact a city-wide vaccination mandate, requiring all city workers to be vaccinated or file medical or religious exemptions by December 18. The deadline was extended to December 18 after a plan was approved by City Council Tuesday.

According to Escobar, 74% of LAFD members are vaccinated, including him, but if it does not change to 100% by the December 18 deadline, the department could lose 800 to 900 firefighters. He said though he is vaccinated, he believes it is morally and ethically wrong to base employment on vaccinations.

30.10.2021 - 08:42 [ CBS Chicago ]

Chicago Firefighters’ Union Says City’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Has 28 Firefighters, Paramedics Sitting Out, And It Could Mean Staffing Shortages And Safety Concerns

As CBS 2’s Marie Saavedra reported, there has been a lot of attention on the fight by the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police over the city’s vaccine mandate. But the city is facing another lawsuit – brought by firefighters and workers with the Chicago Department of Water Management.

30.10.2021 - 07:56 [ Yahoo News ]

As vaccination mandate looms, New York prepares for shortage of firefighters, police

Leaders of unions representing firefighters and police officers have said the city could put more than one-third of their members on unpaid leave when enforcement of the vaccine mandate takes effect on Monday.

27.10.2021 - 13:06 [ ]

China says the West should respect its ‚own pace‘ as Europe and US face magnesium supply crisis

The paper said the magnesium shortage was not a simple issue that could be resolved by increasing production from China.

„Global supply chains face challenges of climate change targets, high inflation and logistics obstacles,“ it noted in an editorial on Monday.

27.10.2021 - 12:25 [ Bloomberg ]

China’s Curbs on Fertilizer Exports to Worsen Global Price Shock

(October 19, 2021)

Some Chinese fertilizer cargoes ready to be shipped are being held up by local authorities for additional checks or to obtain new export certificates, according to people familiar with the matter. The supplies will either end up being sold on the domestic market or face delays in being exported, said the people, who asked not to be named as they are not authorized to speak on the matter.

27.10.2021 - 12:18 [ Wisconsin State Farmer ]

China halts phosphate exports

(Sept 28, 2021)

“We‘re in a trade war,” Ezinga said. “You‘ve got a supply-restricted market today. Ten to 12 years ago, you had a demand-led market with some supply constraints. Logistics is a mess, but I feel pretty comfortable that we‘re going to have the supply in the U.S. It‘s just — at what price?”

27.10.2021 - 11:28 [ ]

Port Operator DP World Sees Lasting Supply Chain Disruptions: ‘Maybe in 2023’

(October 1, 2021)

DP World is one of the world’s largest operators of marine ports and inland cargo terminals, stretching from gateways in London and Antwerp to hubs in Africa, Russia, India and the Americas. It recently announced a string of deals as it attempts to become a more diversified, integrated logistics company.

Meanwhile, it continues to look for ways to cut debt. DP World is considering offering international investors a chance to buy into the Jebel Ali Free Zone, a prized asset that helped transform Dubai into a hub of global trade, people familiar with the matter have said.

27.10.2021 - 10:42 [ ]

Why Global Food Prices Continue to Climb

(Oct 19, 2021)

Global food prices shot up nearly 33 percent in September compared with the same period the year before. That’s according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)‘s monthly Food Price Index, which also found that global prices have risen by more than three percent since July, reaching levels not seen since 2011.