Archiv: Handel / Zonen / trade / zones

27.11.2024 - 20:34 [ ]

New political phase: France pushes for swift presidential election in Lebanon after ceasefire agreement

In this context, French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian has arrived for his sixth visit to Beirut since the presidential vacancy began. His discussions will include meetings with Berri, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, several members of parliament, and ambassadors from the Quintet committee.

According to LBCI sources, Le Drian is not expected to present any new proposals but will urge Lebanese officials to elect a president as soon as possible. Paris believes that a presidential election would send a strong message that Lebanon is working to rebuild its constitutional institutions.

04.02.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

Iraqi parliament calling to ditch US dollar for oil trade


Washington imposed sanctions on Iraqi Al-Huda Bank this week, under claims of laundering money for Iran. Several other banks have been hit with similar sanctions over the past year.

The statement came the same day a senior US Treasury official said Washington expects Baghdad to help identify and disrupt the funds of Iran-backed resistance factions in Iraq.

03.01.2024 - 08:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: OIC and Arab League must back South Africa‘s ICJ case on Israel

Beyond material progress and architectural marvels that rival ancient wonders, a truly progressive state is marked by its commitment to accountability and justice – a domain where some established democracies have faltered.

After enduring a harrowing 85 days of bombardment resulting in nearly 22,000 killed, including more than 8,000 children and 6,000 women, 1.9 million displaced and the collapse of the health infrastructure, South Africa, a signatory of the Genocide Convention has finally called upon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to examine the crisis.

This long-awaited step reflects a crucial recognition of the international community‘s role in conflict resolution and human rights protection.

22.07.2023 - 12:17 [ South China Morning Post ]

China-Ukraine trade: amid Russian attacks in Black Sea, Beijing promises Kyiv negotiator it will boost imports

The commitment was made at a time when Moscow’s recent attack on Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea affected grain exports destined for China and damaged a Chinese consulate.

Beijing was ready to work with Kyiv to “actively” develop bilateral economic and trade cooperation, advance the strategic partnership between the two countries and promote study towards freer trade, China’s commerce vice-minister Ling Ji said on Thursday when meeting the visiting Ukrainian deputy minister of economy, Taras Kachka.

22.03.2023 - 12:27 [ ]

Ukrainisch-chinesisches Verhältnis: Milde Töne in Richtung Peking

Dass China überhaupt begonnen habe, über die Ukraine zu reden, sei gut, sagte Selenskyj schon im Februar. Neben einer möglichen Vermittlerrolle hat es für die Ukraine aber darüber hinaus Vorteile, gegenüber China milde Töne anzuschlagen, meint der Kiewer Politologe Wolodymyr Fesenko im ukrainischen Fernsehen:

„Für uns bleibt China einer der wichtigsten Handelspartner, ebenso wie für viele andere Länder, inklusive der USA. Extreme sollten daher auch hier vermieden werden. Es ist nicht nötig, es zum Äußersten zu treiben.“

21.03.2023 - 01:58 [ ]

Russia becomes China’s top oil supplier in Jan-Feb; energy acts as ‘ballast stone’ of bilateral trade

It is not the first time for Russia to top China‘s oil supplier list. In 2022, Russia shipped the most crude oil to China on a monthly basis in May and November. In terms of the whole year of 2022, Russia exported a total of 86.25 million tons of oil to China, ranking second after Saudi Arabia‘s 87.49 million tons, according to customs data.

Russia is also China‘s main source of natural gas and coal imports, and the „ballast stone“ role of energy in bilateral trade has been further highlighted, Chinese newspaper the Economic Daily reported on Monday, citing Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui.

21.03.2023 - 01:50 [ ]

Why China is so important for the Russian economy

The Chinese currency, the yuan, has become a major player in Russia’s foreign trade, according to data from the country’s central bank. The share of renminbi in Russia’s import settlements jumped to 23% by the end of last year from only 4% in January 2022. The yuan’s share in export settlements also surged from 0.5% to 16%. At the same time, the two countries have been slashing the share of the US dollar and euro in their bilateral trade.

14.12.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

EU will Milliarden in Südostasien investieren

Die Kommissionspräsidentin sicherte zu, dass die EU weiter das Projekt eines Freihandelsabkommens mit dem ASEAN-Verband vorantreiben werde. „Ich glaube, wir müssen jetzt die Gelegenheit ergreifen“, sagte von der Leyen. Verhandlungen zu einem EU-ASEAN-Handelsvertrag waren in der Vergangenheit nicht vorangekommen und pausiert worden.

28.09.2022 - 06:58 [ ]

Taliban unterzeichnen Handelsabkommen mit Russland

Russland solle nun jährlich etwa eine Million Tonnen Benzin, eine Million Tonnen Diesel, 500.000 Tonnen Flüssiggas (LPG) und zwei Millionen Tonnen Weizen an Afghanistan liefern.

01.09.2022 - 15:40 [ ]

Warnung vor höheren Lebensmittelpreisen

Der Einzelhandel und die Lebensmittelhersteller kämpfen mit anziehenden Preisen etwa für Energie und Logistik, aber auch Rohstoffe sind auch in Folge des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine teurer geworden.

30.08.2022 - 17:57 [ CNN ]

China‘s yuan slid to the weakest in two years as hawkish Fed signals more rate hikes

Another driver is from the government‘s side, as Chinese authorities were tolerant of a „gradually“ weaker yuan, which can benefit exporters by making the price of their goods more competitive.

29.08.2022 - 12:32 [ ]

GT Voice: US irresponsible monetary policy catalyst for de-dollarization push

Statistics showed China had surpassed the US to become the largest trading nation in the world from 2013. The US has lost its leadership role in international trade, and now the motivation of avoiding the risk of exchange rate fluctuations is likely to be the catalyst of de-dollarization in the world. In light of the US‘ irresponsible monetary policy, a de-dollarization push will likely be the beginning of the disintegration of Washington‘s dollar hegemony.

28.08.2022 - 12:16 [ ]

China, US’ initial deal on audit cooperation a significant step, but not a ‘once-for-all’ antidote: analysts

China and the US have reached a long-stalled agreement on the year-long audit dispute for listed companies, based on the principles of equality and reciprocity and abiding by each other‘s laws, the Chinese securities regulator announced on Friday, marking a significant breakthrough in bilateral auditing cooperation that partially helps to clear delisting clouds hanging over 280 Chinese companies listed in the US.

25.07.2022 - 17:30 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

DER WELTFINANZKRIEG (III): Griechenland im Würgegriff der Menschenschinder – Geostrategische Hintergründe

(9. Februar 2012)

Der Amtsantritt Angela Merkels in Deutschland 2005, mit Hilfe der bereits degenerierten SPD, der in 2007 folgende Amtsantritt von Nicolas Sarkozy in Frankreich, für den Segolene Royal durch die eigene „Sozialistische Partei“ und ihren damaligen Ehemann Francois Hollande hilfreich aus dem Weg sabotiert wurde, sowie der Amtsantritt von Dmitri Medwedew in Russland 2008, markierten nicht nur das Ende eines zeitweiligen Gegengewichts gegen den us-amerikanisch-britischen Imperialismus und seiner in Europa bis heute tabuisierten Feldzüge und Eroberungskriege (irrationale Propaganda inklusive). Mit diesen Amtsantritten vollzog sich auch der brutalstmögliche Verrat an der Europäischen Idee.

Statt eines demokratischen Europas – und das heisst immer: ein Europa der souveränen Demokratien – organisierten die nun neu zusammen gesetzten Regierungsräte in Brüssel einen Putsch von oben. Nacheinander wurden alle verfassungsmäßigen Rechte alle Bürger in allen EU-Mitgliedsländern systematisch, systemisch zersetzt, gebrochen, ignoriert, umgangen oder nach Möglichkeit abgeschafft. Gleichzeitig wurde die bereits voran gegangene systematische Enteignung der Menschen im Machtbereich der „Europäischen Union“ eskaliert, insbesondere im neuen Währungsgebiet „Euro“. Der widerstandslos von allen vermeintlich linken oder sozialen Organisationen akzeptierte brutale Sozialraub durch die Hartz IV-Gesetze in Deutschland, der heute nach allgemein akzeptierter Auffassung als eine Ursache der Staatskrisen in Europa gilt, wurde Vorbild für das, was danach kam.

Allen voran in diesem Putsch marschierten sämtliche Unterparteien der „Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas“ SPE/PES, wie die SPD in Deutschland und die SPÖ in Österreich, sowie alle Unterparteien der „Europäischen Volkspartei“ EVP, wie CDU und CSU in Deutschland und ÖVP in Österreich. Und Seit an Seit mit dabei: die „Europäische Liberale, Demokratische und Reformpartei“ ELDR, mit ihrer Unterpartei FDP, die „Europäische Grüne Partei“ mit deren Unterpartei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und natürlich die „Europäische Linke“, mit ihrer ganz besonderen Unterunterpartei in Deutschland.

Ebenfalls eine zentrale Rolle in diesem kalten, geostrategischen Putsch spielten die Einheitsgewerkschaften, allen voran natürlich der „Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund“ DGB. Nicht umsonst ist deren Vorsitzender auch der Vorsitzende des „Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbundes“ IGB.

Ökonomisches Konzept ist hierbei die Kontrollgewinnung über möglichst viele Volkswirtschaften in Europa, die Schaffung einer Einheitszone und nachfolgend die strategische Absenkung aller Löhne und Sozialstandards auf möglichst niedriges Niveau, um von China im Zuge dessen Aufstiegs zur Tributzone des Währungszentrums USA die Rolle der Handelszone zu übernehmen. Soll heissen: niedrige Währung, niedrige Löhne, niedrige Standards, ergo niedrige Produktionskosten im weltweiten „Wettbewerb“, maximale Gewinne für die exportierenden Konzerne und Handelskammern bei Verkauf bzw Lieferung in Währungszentrum und Tributzone. Der Zusammenbruch der Binnennachfrage wird hierbei gezielt in Kauf genommen und ist Teil des Konzepts.

Diese Aufteilung der Welt in Vier Zonen der Ökonomie basiert darauf, dass das nichtstaatliche, durch keinerlei Verträge oder Gesetzgebung eingeschränkte weltweite Interbankensystem des Kapitalismus, basierend auf dem seit dem Römischen Imperium entstandenen Gewohnheitsrecht „Lex Mercatoria“, unantastbar bleibt.

Was in Griechenland passiert, ist ein seit Inkrafttreten des Lissabon-Vertrages Dezember 2009 in Zeitlupe ablaufender Staatsstreich, der reihum durch die Demokratien Europas gehen soll, wie die Pest des Mittelalters. Er soll zerstören, er soll lähmen, er soll Freiräume schaffen, rechtsfreie Räume, in denen dann das Zweite Paradoxon Feudalismus, die Herrschaft einer verschwindend kleinen reichen Minderheit über eine durch das Dritte Paradoxon Hierarchie und Stände gelähmte Mehrheit, mit den neuen Technologien der Bevölkerungskontrolle im 21. Jahrhundert perfektioniert und ein neues, dunkles Zeitalter einläuten soll.

07.05.2022 - 10:41 [ Bernie's Tweets / Twitter ]

CHINA – Every dot is a vessel stacked in queues at all ports, not just Shanghai. China’s lockdown policies will cripple western supply chains, destroy businesses and weaken economies & governments. Almost like sanctions.

07.05.2022 - 10:29 [ Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture ]

Iran’s trade with Shanghai Cooperation Organization members increases to $37 billion

China, Afghanistan (which has observer SCO status), and India were the top three SCO importers of Iranian goods last year, he added.

The SCO is a transcontinental political, economic, security, and military alliance, comprising China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Iran had its full membership in the organization approved in 2021. Previously, it held observer status in the organization.

29.04.2022 - 11:48 [ James Melville / Twitter ]

The lockdown in Shanghai is causing a massive logjam in maritime cargo transportation. A fifth of the world’s containerships are currently stuck in congestion. The largest share are stuck offshore around China. The global supply chain repercussions are enormous. Cause and effect.

29.04.2022 - 11:09 [ ]

Seefracht: Lockdown in Shanghai beeinträchtigt Lieferketten langfristig


Aktuell seien von den jüngsten Covid-19-bedingten Sperrungen fast ein Drittel der chinesischen Bevölkerung – insgesamt mehr als 370 Millionen Menschen – in irgendeiner Form betroffen.

Abhängig davon, welche Städte noch wie lange gesperrt werden, könnten sich Rogers zufolge Auswirkungen auf Branchen wie die Autoindustrie und die Unterhaltungsindustrie noch bis weit in den Sommer 2022 ziehen.

20.04.2022 - 09:25 [ Bloomberg ]

China Says it Will Keep Boosting Strategic Ties With Russia

Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng called for deepening ties in a range of fields during a meeting on Monday in Beijing with Russian envoy Andrey Ivanovich Denisov, according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry statement. He said that a nearly 30% jump in trade between the nations during the first three months of 2022 demonstrate “the great resilience and internal dynamism of bilateral cooperation.”

10.04.2022 - 11:24 [ ]

Zelensky reiterates embargo demands for Russian oil and gas

„Ukraine does not have time to wait. Freedom does not have time to wait. When tyranny launches aggression against everything that keeps peace in Europe, action must be taken immediately. It is necessary to act in a principled fashion,“ he said.

„And the oil embargo should be the first step. At the level of all democracies, the whole civilized world. Then Russia will feel it. Then it will be an argument for them – to seek peace, to stop pointless violence.“

05.04.2022 - 20:51 [ Seán Kelly MEP, MEP Ireland South | Leader @FineGael in EP / Twitter ]

Images of the massacre of civilians in #Bucha and the Russian war crimes in Ukraine are truly heartbreaking. Along with 207 MEPs, the @FineGael Delegation is calling for an embargo on Russian energy imports, exclusion of ALL Russian banks from SWIFT + ban Russia from EU ports.

03.04.2022 - 17:56 [ Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine / Twitter ]

Bucha massacre was deliberate. Russians aim to eliminate as many Ukrainians as they can. We must stop them and kick them out. I demand new devastating G7 sanctions NOW: -Oil, gas, coal embargo -Close all ports to Russian vessels and goods -Disconnect all Russian banks from SWIFT

03.04.2022 - 06:12 [ ]

Russia and India will find ways to trade despite sanctions, says Lavrov

Russian foreign minister meets Narendra Modi and praises India’s refusal to condemn Ukraine invasion

09.03.2022 - 15:22 [ Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan,15.3M Followers / Twitter ]

Earlier today I spoke with EU Council President @CharlesMichel about the Ukraine situation. Shared concern over continued military conflict, highlighted its adverse economic impact on developing countries, stressed urgent need for ceasefire & de-escalation.


09.03.2022 - 15:14 [ Asia Times ]

Khan duels with EU on Russia-Ukraine ‘neutrality’

Many analysts attribute Pakistan’s “neutrality” in the Ukrainian crisis to the country’s growing military and economic dependence on China, which is an ally of Russia. Beijing has refused to refer to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine as an “invasion” and blamed the US and West for precipitating the crisis.

27.07.2021 - 02:10 [ ]

U.S., China Leave Room to Talk After Contentious Meeting

The U.S. and China left open the possibility of a summit between their presidents despite a contentious day of talks between officials from both sides in the city of Tianjin.

27.07.2021 - 02:02 [ ]

Technology – China Crackdown Rocks Investors: ‘Everybody’s in the Crosshairs’

The crash in tutoring stocks that began late last week spread Monday across the tech sector and beyond, after authorities confirmed reports they would ban a swathe of the education industry from making profits. It’s the government’s most extreme step yet to rein in private businesses that regulators blame for exacerbating inequality, increasing financial risk and — in the case of some tech titans –- challenging Beijing’s authority.

17.05.2021 - 15:14 [ Portal ]

Präsident von Mexiko in Konfrontation mit dem Energiesektor

Während ironischerweise die internationale Ölindustrie Umweltargumente ins Spiel bringt, illustriert der Konflikt um das Kohlenwasserstoffgesetz vor allem die Schwierigkeiten, die nationale Souveränität bei Wirtschaftsentscheidungen zurückzuerlangen, nachdem ein Freihandelsabkommen wie T-MEC abgeschlossen wurde.

09.05.2021 - 06:31 [ ]

EU and India agree to restart trade talks at ‚landmark‘ summit

“The EU and India are opening a new important chapter in our relationship. We are the world’s two largest democracies. We are natural partners,” European Council chief Charles Michel said.

22.04.2021 - 07:43 [ Reuters ]

Australia says it cancelled state deals on China’s Belt and Road over ‘national interest’

Mahuta on Thursday repeated comments that New Zealand valued the Five Eyes security alliance – which also includes Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States – but questioned whether it was the right platform for New Zealand to speak out on human rights issues.

21.04.2021 - 11:05 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs - ]

UK, Australia and Germany issue statement on merger control

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Germany’s Bundeskartellamt have signed up to the statement, which comes as countries build back following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

With it, all 3 authorities are being clear that competition between businesses will remain important for consumers as well as other businesses who want to best serve their customers and grow.

20.04.2021 - 15:26 [ Portal ]

Unasur begeht Jubiläum, Pläne für eine wiederbelebte Union

„Die rechtsgerichteten Länder haben Unasur zerschlagen. Die sozialen Bewegungen schaffen jedoch Runasur, um ganz Südamerika zu integrieren. Wir bleiben nicht hier stehen, denn unser Kampf ist nicht nur national, er ist international“, sagte Morales dazu bei einer Versammlung der regierenden Bewegung zum Sozialismus am Samstag in La Paz.

07.04.2021 - 19:19 [ rbb24 ]

Berliner Verwaltungsgericht kippt Begrenzung der Kundenzahl im Einzelhandel

Der Richtwert von einer Person pro 40 Quadratmeter Verkaufsfläche bringe „kein signifikantes Mehr an Infektionsschutz“ und stehe in keinem angemessenen Verhältnis „zu den dadurch erwartbar verursachten weiteren Umsatzeinbußen“, erklärte das Gericht am Mittwoch. Mehrere Inhaber von Geschäften hatten sich per Eilantrag gegen die geltenden Öffnungsbeschränkungen gewandt.

05.04.2021 - 11:02 [ ]

Indonesia Will Not Join QUAD as It Delicately Balances Relations With All Regional Players

Even Vietnam, which has centuries long animosity with China and more tense relations over the South China Sea, shows no intentions of joining QUAD. Besides the lack of interest from Vietnam, and likely from Indonesia too, QUAD members themselves, at this point in time, have not named any specific candidates to join their anti-China coalition.

23.03.2021 - 12:07 [ Portal ]

Hunderte Organisationen aus Europa und Lateinamerika gegen EU-Mercosur-Freihandel

Über 450 soziale Organisationen aus Lateinamerika und Europa haben sich am 15. März öffentlich gegen das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und dem Wirtschaftsblock Markt des Südens (Mercosur) ausgesprochen. Die Organisationen, die verschiedene gesellschaftliche Bereiche vertreten, haben sich im Bündnis „Stop EU-Mercosur“ zusammengeschlossen.

16.03.2021 - 20:08 [ ]

Neues Frachtinformationssystem: EU-Kommission startet elektronische Warenvoranmeldung mit Risikoanalyse

Den Plänen zufolge sollen die Zollbehörden zukünftig als Endnutzer:innen an den eigentlich auf die Strafverfolgungsbehörden ausgerichteten Sicherheitsforschungsprojekten im Rahmenprogramm Horizont 2020 teilnehmen.

10.03.2021 - 17:38 [ Saarländischer Rundfunk ]

OVG kippt Terminvergabe und 40-qm-Regel

Geklagt hatte die Inhaberin eines IT-Fachgeschäftes, das im Gegensatz zu Buchhandlungen oder Blumenläden Kunden nur nach Terminvergabe und beschränkt auf einen Kunden pro 40 Quadratmetern empfangen durfte.

06.03.2021 - 21:37 [ Al Arabiya ]

India seeks to start full operations at Iran’s Chabahar port by May end

India has been developing a part of the port on Iran’s south-eastern coast along the Gulf of Oman as a way to transport goods to Iran, but also Afghanistan and central Asian countries, and avoiding rival Pakistan.

09.02.2021 - 20:57 [ ]

How can Covid vaccines be tweaked to tackle new variants?

Production BioNTech has said it can produce a fresh vaccine within six weeks of a decision being made. But the Oxford/AstraZeneca team, which uses more traditional viral vector technology, says that while it can make a new formulation in days, it takes much longer to produce

29.01.2021 - 05:12 [ ]

Why has Germany advised against Oxford/AstraZeneca jab for over-65s?

Prof Andy Pollard, of the University of Oxford, said the lack of data is understandable. “In our trials, the older adults were recruited later and, because they were recruited later there has been less time for cases to occur, and, older adults are known to be more cautious in the pandemic, meaning the ‘attack rate’ is lower,” he said.

AstraZeneca has stressed that older adults were recruited later because the team wanted to be sure the vaccine was safe before administering it to older age groups.

29.01.2021 - 05:10 [ Dr. ASeidler - Infektiologie / Twitter ]

#STIKO des #RKI empfiehlt den #Impfstoff von #AstraZeneca nicht für Personen über 65 Jahre. Die #Zulassung seitens der #EMA #EU steht noch aus.

28.01.2021 - 15:07 [ ]

Germany blocks Oxford jab for over-65s: Panel says data on older people is insufficient – but does not support ‚8% effectiveness‘ claim – amid EU row with Britain over AstraZeneca supplies

AstraZeneca‘s vaccine has not been granted approval yet for general use in the European Union, but the bloc‘s medicines regulator EMA is poised to authorise it on Friday.

The German panel, STIKO did not detail the data from clinical trials on the vaccine on older people, but two prominent German media outlets had reported that the efficacy on above-65s was below 10 per cent.

31.12.2020 - 07:03 [ ]

Großbritannien: Die Queen setzt Brexit-Gesetz in Kraft

Der Weg für den Brexit-Handelspakt zwischen Großbritannien und der Europäischen Union ist frei. Königin Elizabeth II. als britisches Staatsoberhaupt setzte das Ratifizierungsgesetz in der Nacht in Kraft, wie der Sprecher des Unterhauses, Lindsay Hoyle, sagte. Zuvor hatten beide Kammern des Parlaments in London dem Dokument zugestimmt.

31.12.2020 - 06:57 [ ]

Brexit deal with EU becomes law as the Queen gives official Royal Assent

Her Majesty‘s approval paves the way for the deal to take effect at 11pm on Thursday when the current Brexit transition period, during which the UK has continued to follow EU rules, ends.

24.12.2020 - 17:29 [ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom / Twitter ]

WATCH LIVE: My update on our future partnership with the European Union.

24.12.2020 - 17:24 [ UK Prime Minister / Twitter ]

The United Kingdom has agreed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. See what this deal means for you

24.12.2020 - 17:20 [ ]

‚The war is over!‘ Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage declares victory as Boris Johnson seals historic trade deal with the EU

– Nigel Farage announced history had been made as Johnson sealed a Brexit deal
– The leader of the Brexit Party said today was the day ‚people beat the politicians‘
– He said Johnson was also set to be known as ‚the man that finished the job‘

24.12.2020 - 17:16 [ ]

Verhandlungsende: Einigung auf Brexit-Handelsabkommen

Das Handelsabkommen zwischen Großbritannien und der EU nach dem Brexit steht – kurz vor Ende der Übergangsfrist. Beide Seiten zeigten sich erleichtert. Nun sollen die Parlamente rasch über den Vertrag abstimmen.

23.12.2020 - 08:03 [ ]

Nach Reisebeschränkungen: Der Verkehr rollt wieder an

Frankreich hat die wegen der neuen Coronavirus-Variante verhängte Beschränkung für Reisen aus Großbritannien wieder gelockert. EU-Bürger sowie Briten dürfen ab heute wieder einreisen. Das teilte die französische Regierung in Paris mit – zwei Tage nachdem die Reisebeschränkung verhängt worden war. Voraussetzung ist aber ein negativer Corona-Test.

23.12.2020 - 07:53 [ ]

TRUCK OFF, MACRON: Stranded Brit truckers on the move again as shamed Emmanuel Macron is forced to reopen French border

STRANDED truckers were ready to roll again last night after shamed French leader Emmanuel Macron was forced to reopen his country’s border with the UK.

He caved in after pressure from Britain and the EU to end a 48-hour blockade imposed amid fears over the new Covid strain.

23.12.2020 - 07:48 [ ]

Thousands of truckers in Dover will have controversial rapid Covid test today after Macron gives way and says lorry drivers CAN now enter France if they have negative result – but freight backlog will take days to clear

The agreement requires every driver to have been tested for coronavirus, using controversial lateral flow tests, which are able to turn around results in under an hour but have had their effectiveness questioned.

Those who come back negative will be told by text message in as little as 20 minutes, and be given the green light to hit the road and head over to the continent, but positive cases will be sent to a hotel to isolate.

23.12.2020 - 07:20 [ ]

Von der Leyen takes control of Brexit talks in attempt to strike deal

Von der Leyen spoke by telephone to Johnson on Monday night to discuss a way forward and further calls are expected in the next 24 hours, but the commission refused to offer details.

Barnier said as he went into a meeting with EU ambassadors: “We are really in the crucial moment. We are giving it the final push. In 10 days the UK will leave the single market and we continue to work in total transparency with the member states right now and with the parliament.”

23.12.2020 - 07:00 [ ]

Brexit poses grave risks to UK health and care sector, report finds

The Nuffield Trust thinktank stated: “The perilously uncertain future facing the UK at the end of the Brexit transition period could put the UK’s health and care system at risk.”

The report said new migration rules, possible disruption to medicines and devices, an ongoing economic slowdown and barriers to science investment would hit the health sector.

23.12.2020 - 06:56 [ ]

NHS leaders call for Brexit talks extension warning no-deal risks adding to health crisis amid pandemic

The warning came as a negotiated Brexit deal looks increasingly unlikely and Health Secretary Matt Hancock described the new variant of coronavirus as being „out of control“.

23.12.2020 - 06:39 [ ZDF ]

Britischer Gesundheitsdienst – NHS bittet Johnson um Brexit-Aufschub

Der NHS befürchtet zudem, dass Rettungswagen aufgrund von Lastwagenstaus vor allem in der südostenglischen Grafschaft Kent am Ärmelkanal, einem Zentrum der Corona-Infektionen, nicht rechtzeitig die Patienten erreichen könnten. Johnsons Regierung hat eine Verlängerung der Übergangsphase bisher strikt abgelehnt.

21.12.2020 - 08:55 [ ]

UK faces Brexit limbo after talks deadline missed

The teams led by the chief UK negotiator, David Frost, and his EU counterpart, Michel Barnier, were expected to continue talks on Monday despite the European parliament’s notice that it would not vote on a deal if not secured by midnight on Sunday.

14.12.2020 - 23:16 [ ]

EU demands rejected as no deal looms – UK warns Barnier ‚we will NOT sign up for this‘

Brussels had been accused of trying to force the UK to sign up to its rules.

The EU wanted the power to unilaterally apply tariffs on UK goods if they felt British firms had an unfair advantage over those on the continent due to a divergence in laws and regulations.

10.12.2020 - 13:54 [ ]

Brexit: EU schlägt Notmaßnahmen für „No Deal“ vor

„Die Verhandlungen laufen noch, aber das Ende der Übergangsfrist ist nahe“, schrieb Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen auf Twitter. Es gebe keine Garantie für einen Vertrag. „Wir müssen vorbereitet sein – auch darauf, dass am 1. Jänner kein Vertrag in Kraft ist.“

10.12.2020 - 13:01 [ ]

Brexit: EU offers no-deal contingency measures for planes, lorries and fishing boats

It follows her dinner with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday night, after which the pair agreed trade talks should continue despite „major differences“ remaining between the two sides.

Ms von der Leyen on Thursday outlined four areas – air connectivity, aviation safety, basic road connectivity and fisheries – where short-term agreements could be made in the absence of a trade deal on New Year‘s Day.

09.12.2020 - 18:03 [ t-online / Twitter ]

.@The_Rookinator analysiert, wie Ursula @vonderleyen ihren #Brexit-Chefunterhändler entmachtete:

09.12.2020 - 17:55 [ ]

STEPHEN GLOVER: When will Europe get it? Britain is determined to have its sovereignty back, come what may

Supported by other leaders, President Emmanuel Macron wants an independent Britain to obey future EU regulations — and be fined if it doesn’t.

Do they expect Boris Johnson to cave in during the next 24 hours? If so, they are tragically mistaken.

09.12.2020 - 17:51 [ BBC ]

Brexit: Boris Johnson to meet Ursula von der Leyen for trade deal talks

Time is running out to reach a deal before 31 December, when the UK stops following EU trading rules.

The pair will hold talks over dinner, after negotiations between officials ended in deadlock.

08.12.2020 - 17:42 [ ]

UK and EU reach deal on Northern Ireland as Government DROPS controversial law breaking Withdrawal Agreement in key step towards a final Brexit deal – but PM warns he WON‘T cave in on sovereignty

The announcement is evidence of some much-needed goodwill as the sides seem deadlocked on fishing rights, state aid rules and enforcement.

It effectively means all the ‚loose ends‘ left to be resolved after the divorce agreement are tied up.

However, the broader standoff shows little sign of easing ahead of a crucial face-to-face meeting between Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen, with the EU trolling that it is ready to negotiate again next year after no deal chaos.

20.11.2020 - 03:24 [ Bloomberg ]

EU Leaders Are Urged to Step Up Preparations for No-Deal Brexit

At a virtual summit of EU leaders Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo both called on their colleagues to make contingency plans in case talks to sign a trade and security agreement fail, according to two people with knowledge of the discussion.

16.11.2020 - 18:57 [ Spiked ]

Brexit is bigger than Boris or any Downing Street bunfight

As the Brexit process reaches crisis point (again), the real issue is not ‘Carrie v Dom’, but elite domination or democracy? Is Johnson prepared to stick to his guns and see through the clean-break Brexit we voted for? Or is he getting ready to give in to the demands of the Remainer establishment and the EU? Brexit is far bigger than the survival of Boris and the Downing Street pecking order.

16.11.2020 - 18:55 [ Spiked ]

Boris’s bizarre self-isolation stunt: Why is the PM self-isolating when he has already had Covid?

Self-isolation is intended to reduce the spread of Covid. But Boris’s decision runs totally counter to logic.

16.11.2020 - 18:49 [ ]

Think tank says country might face Brexit ‚in name only‘ following Cummings‘ departure from Number 10

He continued: „Dom Cummings‘ presence at the centre of the government‘s policy programme gave Brexiteers confidence that Brexit would take place in a meaningful way.“

Instead, he warned that the loss „makes post-Brexit Britain more likely to be very similar to a Britain inside the EU, and possibly worse“.

16.11.2020 - 12:43 [ BBC ]

RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world‘s largest trading bloc

Fifteen countries have formed the world‘s largest trading bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.