Archiv: Association of Southeast Asian Nations / Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN)

06.09.2023 - 02:59 [ Reuters ]

Obama-era veteran Kurt Campbell to lead Biden‘s Asia policy

(Jan 13, 2021)

Campbell, the top U.S. diplomat for Asia under Democratic President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is considered an architect of their “pivot to Asia” strategy, a vaunted but so far still limited rebalancing of resources to the region.

06.09.2023 - 02:52 [ Washington Post ]

Why Biden Skipping the Asean Summit Is a Mistake

The deliberate cherry picking of allies and partners is the brainchild, insiders tell me, of Biden’s key Asia policy czar, Kurt Campbell. It is likely to continue, as Campbell has pointed out in a discussion earlier this year at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.

06.09.2023 - 02:21 [ ]

(2nd LD) Yoon arrives in Indonesia to attend ASEAN summits

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol arrived in Jakarta on Tuesday to attend annual summits involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the first leg of a two-nation tour that will later take him to India for a summit with leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies.

06.09.2023 - 01:55 [ ]

Präsident Yoon bricht zu Besuchen in Indonesien und Indien auf

Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol bricht am Dienstag zu Besuchen in Indonesien und Indien auf.

In Indonesien wird er an regionalen Gipfeltreffen des südostasiatischen Staatenbundes ASEAN teilnehmen, in Indien am G20-Gipfel.

14.12.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

EU will Milliarden in Südostasien investieren

Die Kommissionspräsidentin sicherte zu, dass die EU weiter das Projekt eines Freihandelsabkommens mit dem ASEAN-Verband vorantreiben werde. „Ich glaube, wir müssen jetzt die Gelegenheit ergreifen“, sagte von der Leyen. Verhandlungen zu einem EU-ASEAN-Handelsvertrag waren in der Vergangenheit nicht vorangekommen und pausiert worden.

14.11.2022 - 08:39 [ Bloomberg ]

Key Takeaways From Asean Meeting Before Xi-Biden Summit at G-20

This is the first gathering of leaders ahead of President Joe Biden’s first in-person meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping this week at the Group of 20 summit in Indonesia. It will be followed by the leaders’ meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Bangkok.

21.10.2022 - 23:03 [ ]

China-Strategie der EU: Unabhängiger werden – aber ohne Streit

Relevant ist die Verständigung Europas auf eine China-Linie auch deshalb, weil im Dezember in Brüssel der Asien-Europa-Gipfel ASEM stattfinden soll. Dann wird auch eine chinesische Delegation erwartet.

14.11.2020 - 01:22 [ Reuters ]

National security adviser O‘Brien to represent U.S. at Asia meetings

While Trump attended the U.S.-ASEAN summit in Manila in 2017, he has never attended a full EAS meeting. Vice President Mike Pence represented the United States at the meetings in Singapore last year.

19.10.2020 - 02:16 [ Xinhuanet ]

News Analysis: Why does Japan‘s PM Suga choose Vietnam, Indonesia to visit first?

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga departed on Sunday afternoon for visits to Vietnam and Indonesia in his first overseas trip

09.09.2020 - 23:25 [ Government of Canada ]

Minister Champagne to attend ASEAN-Canada Post-Ministerial Conference and ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that he will attend the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Canada Post-Ministerial Conference as well as the ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial. The meetings will be conducted by video conference on September 10th and 12th 2020, respectively.

09.09.2020 - 23:17 [ CRI Online ]

53. Video-Treffen der Außenminister der ASEAN-Staaten stattgefunden

In der gegenwärtigen komplexen und wechselhaften internationalen Situation müssten sich die ASEAN-Länder weiterhin zusammenschließen und zusammenarbeiten und den Entwicklungspfad der ASEAN-Gemeinschaft weiterverfolgen, so Nguyen Yuan Phuc weiter.

09.09.2020 - 23:05 [ KBS ]

Ab heute mehrere Außenministertreffen im Zusammenhang mit ASEAN

Außenministerin Kang Kyung-wha wird zuerst am virtuellen Außenministertreffen der ASEAN plus Drei (Südkorea, China und Japan) teilnehmen, das am heutigen Mittwoch um 17.15 Uhr beginnen soll.

12.02.2020 - 00:53 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Im Osten des Indischen Ozeans

Im Jahr 2014 banden Washington und New Delhi Tokio erneut in ihre jährlich abgehaltene „Malabar“-Kriegsübung ein; seit 2015 wird die Manöverserie, die bereits in den 1990er Jahren als ein bilaterales indisch-US-amerikanisches Projekt begann, in aller Form als trilaterale Maßnahme unter Einschluss Japans durchgeführt. Im November 2017 traf auch der Quad erstmals wieder zusammen.

18.11.2019 - 21:51 [ ]

Präsident Moon hofft auf Diskussionen für Frieden in Korea mit ASEAN-Staats- und Regierungschefs

Präsident Moon Jae-in hat die Hoffnung geäußert, beim anstehenden Gipfel zwischen Südkorea und dem südostasiatischen Staatenbund ASEAN tiefgründige Diskussionen für Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und in Ostasien zu führen.

Die entsprechende Äußerung machte Moon in einem Beitrag für Asia News Network (ANN), eine Koalition von 24 Medienanstalten in 21 asiatischen Ländern, eine Woche vor der Eröffnung des ASEAN-Korea-Gedenkgipfels in Busan.

18.11.2019 - 21:37 [ ]

Südkorea und USA beschließen Verschiebung von Luftwaffenmanöver

Ein Beamter des südkoreanischen Verteidigungsministeriums teilte am Sonntag mit, dass die Entscheidung in einem Gespräch der Verteidigungsminister Jeong Kyeong-doo und Mark Esper in der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok gefallen sei. Dort findet zurzeit das sechste Verteidigungsministertreffen der ASEAN-plus-Drei statt.

18.11.2019 - 12:10 [ South China Morning Post ]

PLA ‘committed to protecting’ Hong Kong as stand-off intensifies

Stopping violence and restoring order ‘most urgent task’ for the city, China’s defence ministry says

Chinese and US defence ministers discuss Hong Kong at Bangkok Asean meeting while clashes continue between police and radicals

02.08.2019 - 15:53 [ ]

Nuklearunterhändler Südkoreas, der USA und Japans führen Gespräche in Bangkok

Das Treffen zeigt offenbar, dass die Kooperation zwischen den drei Ländern in der Frage der Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas ohne Einschränkungen fortgesetzt wird, obwohl Japan heute die Streichung Südkoreas aus seiner weißen Liste der bevorzugten Exportziele beschloss.

02.08.2019 - 15:47 [ Yonhap ]

Top nuke envoys of S. Korea, U.S. hold talks in Bangkok

Lee Do-hoon and his U.S. counterpart, Stephen Biegun, met Wednesday in Bangkok on the sidelines of a series of multilateral meetings involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

02.08.2019 - 15:41 [ Bangkok Post ]

Chaos in capital as bombings stir worries

The internet was soon alight with rumours and speculation, which authorities moved quickly to dispel. For a start, they, said, no areas of the city had been closed.

As for the identity of the perpetrators, army chief Gen Apirat Kongsompong said the usual suspects were involved, without naming names.

26.06.2019 - 15:09 [ ]

Why the ABC is going to court over police raids

The police raid on the ABC was the first thing a group of visiting ASEAN journalists asked about when we met at Ultimo a few days ago.

The journalists — from Laos, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia — wanted me to explain what had happened, and why.

26.06.2019 - 15:06 [ ]

Vietnam, Indonesia launch first defence dialogue

HÀ NỘI – Deputy Minister of Defence, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyễn Chí Vịnh and Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence Vice Admiral Agus Setiadji co-chaired the first Việt Nam – Indonesia Defence Policy Dialogue in Hà Nội yesterday.

The two shared information on defence policies, while discussing the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the cooperation within the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM Plus, and preparations for Việt Nam’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2020.

04.03.2019 - 16:05 [ Yonhap ]

N. Korean leader‘s train heads north without stopping in Beijing

Despite earlier speculation, Kim did not stop in Guangzhou, a Chinese port city northwest of Hong Kong, nor in Beijing to meet President Xi Jinping on his way back home.

„The train seems to be moving at a much faster pace than it did when heading to Vietnam,“ a source said.

21.10.2018 - 19:42 [ The Japan Times ]

U.S., China agree to Asia defense rules to avoid air clashes

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and seven other regional military chiefs, including China’s General Wei Fenghe, gave broad endorsement to the rules in Singapore on Saturday, during an meeting hosted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The non-binding guidelines had been formally adopted a day earlier by defense ministers from ASEAN’s 10 member nations.

19.10.2018 - 02:45 [ Xinhuanet ]

China, US agree to further enhance cooperation between militaries

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe agreed with the United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis here Thursday to control risks and deepen mutual trust so as to make the relations between the two militaries a stabilizer for the China-U.S. relationship.

14.09.2018 - 05:17 [ KBS ]

Außenministerin betont beim WEF-Forum Wichtigkeit des nächstwöchigen Korea-Gipfels

Südkoreas Außenministerin Kang Kyung-hwa hat beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Hanoi die Wichtigkeit des Korea-Gipfels in der kommenden Woche unterstrichen.

Das Außenministerium in Seoul gab bekannt, Kang habe unter anderem die ASEAN-Staaten darum gebeten, auf dem Weg zur Friedensverankerung auf der koreanischen Halbinsel eine konstruktive Rolle zu spielen

07.09.2018 - 05:29 [ KBS ]

Südkoreanisch-japanisches Außenministertreffen nächste Woche in Hanoi

Außenministerin Kang Kyung-wha wird am 11. September in Hanoi mit ihrem japanischen Amtskollegen Taro Kono zusammenkommen.

05.08.2018 - 15:33 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

S. Korean FM says ASEAN attendees supportive of Seoul‘s policies, peace efforts

The chair‘s statement from the ASEAN Regional Forum has not yet been released,… but many are keeping a close eye on whether it will reflect North Korea‘s statement, in which Ri said that to move forward, Washington must take a new approach to build confidence… and implement all the points of the joint statement in a balanced, simultaneuous and phased way. Pompeo was reportedly not in his seat during the remarks at the ARF because of his schedule. And though the much anticipated sitdown between him and Ri Yong-ho did not take place either,… the atmosphere did not seem hostile at all.

05.08.2018 - 13:20 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

No breakthrough at ARF for denuclearization, war-ending declaration

The U.S. is pressing the North to take concrete denuclearization steps, beyond a show of dismantling nuclear and missile testing sites in the absence of international experts.

The North says it has done a lot, and the Trump administration should reciprocate.

04.08.2018 - 17:02 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

North Korea hands out statement on their stance on the Korean Peninsula

Jangho, yes, at the press center North Korean officials came over and handed out North Korean foreign minister Ri Yong-ho‘s statement during the ASEAN Regional Forum. The statement emphasized the importance of building confidence between Pyongyang and Washington in fully implementing the Joint Statement signed by their two leaders. It also said that only when the U.S. ensures that the North feels comfortable, will Pyongyang be able to open their minds to the U.S. and show the desired moves in action. It reprimanded the U.S. for raising its voice louder over maintaining sanctions against the regime,… and asked the ARF member states to respond to Pyongyang‘s goodwill measures for a turnaround of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

04.08.2018 - 16:32 [ Radio China ]

China will Atomabkommen mit Iran wahren

Dieses Abkommen sei ein durch den Weltsicherheitsrat überprüftes und anerkanntes multilaterales Abkommen und entspreche den gemeinsamen Interessen der betroffenen Parteien und der internationalen Gemeinschaft, deshalb solle es respektiert und gewahrt werden.

04.08.2018 - 09:10 [ @eu_eeas / Twitter ]

„The EU and @ASEAN are very distant geographically, but we could not be closer when it comes to our approach to international affairs. We stand on the same side. We stand on the side of cooperative solutions, based on international rules and on multilateralism“ @FedericaMog

04.08.2018 - 09:09 [ ]

Opening Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the EU-ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference

Let me start by thanking Singapore for your great hospitality today, I am looking forward to working more closely together; and Thailand and you personally, Mr Co-Chair [H.E. Don Pramudwinai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand], for the excellent work we have done together during your chairmanship.

The European Union and ASEAN are very distant geographically, but we could not be closer when it comes to our approach to international affairs. We stand on the same side. We stand on the side of cooperative solutions, based on international rules and on multilateralism as you rightly pointed out. We stand on the side of a free and fair …

04.08.2018 - 09:00 [ Tasnim News Agency ]

Iran Joins TAC Treaty

In a ceremony on the sidelines of the 51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Singapore on Thursday, Iran officially joined the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif attended the event.

04.08.2018 - 08:59 [ ]

Iran officially joins ASEAN treaty: Report

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ratified Iran‘s membership in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) on Thursday, the media reported. In a ceremony on the sidelines of the 51st Asean Foreign Ministers‘ Meeting in Singapore, Iran officially joined the TAC treaty in the presence of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Tasnim news agency reported.

04.08.2018 - 08:27 [ Mehr News Agency ]

Zarif meets with ASEAN sec. gen., EU chief

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held separate meetings with Secretary General of ASEAN Lim Jock Hoi and European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini, discussing regional and international issues.

04.08.2018 - 08:17 [ Mehr News Agency ]

N Korean state news agency confirms FM Ri Yong Ho’s visit to Iran

State-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Friday that North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho will make an official visit to Iran soon, after participating in Saturday‘s ASEAN Regional Forum meeting.

The news agency did not disclose further details about the upcoming visit of the North Korean political delegation to Iran.