Sehen wir einmal davon ab, dass sich in der Regel im Zuge mutationsbedingter Virenentwicklung tatsächlich die „leichteren Varianten“ durchsetzen, weil ihre Wirte sich besserer Gesundheit erfreuen und sie deshalb weitergeben können – „ausschließen“ kann man üblicherweise gar nichts, keine unangenehmen Varianten und auch keine aufschlagenden Kometen. Aber deshalb laufen wir nicht auf Jahre hinaus mit einem Helm auf dem Kopf durch die Welt und deshalb müssen wir auch nicht zu Maßnahmen greifen, die man nur noch mit Begriffen des Strafrechts oder – bei unterstellter Schuldunfähigkeit – der Psychiatrie charakterisieren kann.
Archiv: SARS II variants (incomplete list): D614D / D614G / 20A.EU1 / VUI 202012/01 (B.1.1.7 / B.1.351) / 501.V2.
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company
The firm only acquired its first commercial manufacturing plant in March 2021, located in Boston, MA and purchased from Sanofi, followed shortly thereafter by the acquisition of another separate plant located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Makeovers were announced for the plants, but little is publicly known about their progress. Prior to the acquisitions, the company had been subleasing a Bay area facility in Fremont, California. Reporters were puzzled at the time as to why a company with roughly 700 employees at the time had acquired a total of 599,00 square feet of manufacturing space after having only emerged from stealth less than 6 months prior.
In April 2021, National Resilience acquired Ology Bioservices Inc., which had received a $37 million contract from the US military the previous November to develop an advanced anti-COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment. This acquisition also provided National Resilience with its first Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory and the ability to manufacture cell and gene therapies, live viral vaccines and vectors and oncolytic viruses.
Despite being in the earliest stages of developing its “revolutionary” manufacturing capabilities, National Resilience entered into a partnership with the Government of Canada in July of last year.
What Is the Origin of COVID-19 Variants Like Omicron?
(July 2, 2022)
According to recent research from Tel Aviv University, immunosuppressed chronic COVID-19 patients are thought to be the source of several SARS-CoV-2 variants. The researchers hypothesize that a compromised immune reaction, particularly in the lower airways of these chronic patients, may delay complete recovery from the virus and cause the virus to evolve often during the course of prolonged infection.
Südafrika: Neuinfektions-, Hospiz- und Todesraten bisher weit unter Werten voran gegangener Wellen
Nach Johns Hopkins Daten liegt am 4. Dezember die Tagesinzidenz von Deutschland bei 676, von Südafrika bei 109 und der Mittelwert der afrikanischen Länder bei 8 täglichen Neuinfektionen je 1.000.000 Einwohner.
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections
(August 25, 2021)
SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.
Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals
Results Among the 52238 included employees, 1359 (53%) of 2579 previously infected subjects remained unvaccinated, compared with 20804 (42%) of 49659 not previously infected. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remained almost zero among previously infected unvaccinated subjects, previously infected subjects who were vaccinated, and previously uninfected subjects who were vaccinated, compared with a steady increase in cumulative incidence among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated. Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study.
A 1 to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 reinfection proportion in members of a large healthcare provider in Israel: a preliminary report
(March 8, 2021)
In this descriptive preliminary report, we conducted a large-scale assessment on the country level of the possible occurrence of COVID-19 reinfection within the members of a large healthcare provider in Israel. Out of 149,735 individuals with a documented positive PCR test between March 2020 and January 2021, 154 had two positive PCR tests at least 100 days apart, reflecting a reinfection proportion of 1 per 1000.
81 Research Studies Confirm Natural Immunity to COVID ‘Equal’ or ‘Superior’ to Vaccine Immunity
I’ve benefited from the input of many to put this together, especially my co-authors:
Dr. Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D. (Yale School of Public Health)
Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, Ph.D. ( Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto)
Dr. Ramin Oskoui, M.D. (Foxhall Cardiology, Washington)
Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D. (Truth for Health Foundation, Texas)
Dr. Parvez Dara, M.D. (consultant, Medical Hematologist and Oncologist)
Evidence on natural immunity versus COVID-19 vaccine induced immunity as of Oct. 15:
New Covid variant vaccine in trials to act as booster against ‘all new strains’
Although the new vaccine variants shows considerable promise, Prof Gilbert said there was no guarantee it would be mass-produced since existing jabs are proving effective against new strains – so it may make more sense to carry on producing those rather than manufacturing different ones.
Covid Cases Are Soaring in Britain Again. Why?
The country’s full-speed approach to lifting restrictions has certainly contributed to a spike in infections. But that’s only part of the picture.
New Covid variant vaccine in trials to act as booster against ‘all new strains’
Although the new vaccine variants shows considerable promise, Prof Gilbert said there was no guarantee it would be mass-produced since existing jabs are proving effective against new strains – so it may make more sense to carry on producing those rather than manufacturing different ones.
PM Boris Johnson: The Oxford vaccine shows why we and the world need Britain to be global
The objective of Global Britain is not to swagger or strike attitudes on the world stage. It is to use the full spectrum of our abilities, now amplified by record spending on both defence and science, to engage with and help the rest of the world. That is how we serve the British interest, and I mean the economic interest of people up and down the country. And as the vaccine programme begins to inspire a new global hope, we want to use this moment to heal, both literally and figuratively.
New Covid vaccines could be made in 40 DAYS if they need updating to tackle mutated variants, taskforce chief says
Dr Dix added: ‚I think 40 days would be a real stretch but we would aim for something as good as that.
‚But certainly within 60 days and then, after that, we would start the manufacturing.‘
Manufacturing vaccines takes different amounts of time depending on the type of jab.
But the Oxford/AstraZeneca team, which uses more traditional viral vector technology, says that while it can make a new formulation in days, it takes much longer to produce.
It expects to have a vaccine designed to address the variant discovered in South Africa ready by autumn.
Covid vaccines can be ‘tweaked’ to deal with new variants of virus, says Oxford prof
Professor Andrew Pollard said it was „entirely possible“ to adapt the jab to protect people from other strains.
But he added that there is no evidence so far to suggest that the vaccines won‘t work against a new mutation.
It comes as a variant in the South East has been blamed for a rise in cases, with scientists warning it‘s more contagious and can spread more rapidly.
Oxford vaccine: How did they make it so quickly?
(23 November 2020)
The virus from chimps is genetically modified so it cannot cause an infection in people. It can then be modified again to contain the genetic blueprints for whatever you want to train the immune system to attack. This target is known is an antigen.
ChAdOx1 is in essence a sophisticated, microscopic postman. All the scientists have to do is change the package.
„We drop it in and off we go,“ said Prof Gilbert.
All theories on origins of Covid-19 outbreak still ‘on the table’, says WHO
“The current situation is that all of the hypotheses regarding to the origins of the virus are still on the table,” Michael Ryan, the head of the WHO’s health emergencies programme, in response to a question about the laboratory leak theory. “Some are more likely than others based on the current analysis, but all of those hypotheses require further elucidation and further inquiry and we will go and look where all of those leads take the WHO.”
Biden receives inconclusive intelligence report on covid origins
The report falls short of concluding whether the coronavirus jumped from animal to human, or might have accidentally escaped from a lab in China
Bericht der US-Geheimdienste: Corona-Ursprung bleibt ungeklärt
Rund drei Monate lang hatten US-Geheimdienste im Auftrag von US-Präsident Joe Biden zum Ursprung des Coronavirus recherchiert. Jetzt liegt ihr Bericht vor – doch zu einem eindeutigen Ergebnis sind sie nicht gekommen. Ob das Virus aus einem Labor stamme oder von einem Tier auf den Menschen übergesprungen sei, sei offen, hieß es. Beides seien „plausible Hypothesen“.
Angeblicher Experte in China: Der mysteriöse Wilson Edwards
Der Fall zeigt, wie hoch politisiert die Suche nach dem Ursprung des Corona-Virus gerade auf chinesischer Seite ist. Für die USA und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation ist die Laborthese nicht vom Tisch. Solange diese These aber weiter im Spiel ist, blockt China weitere Untersuchungen ab – und sucht Unterstützung notfalls auch bei Phantom-Forschern.
Israeli Data Suggests Possible Waning in Effectiveness of Pfizer Vaccine
The new numbers still show overwhelmingly strong protection against severe disease but diminished effectiveness against infection.
Covid-19: Wie Massenhysterie in Wohlfahrtsstaaten entsteht
Hinsichtlich der Covid-19-Krise gibt es mehrere Studien, welche die negativen psychologischen Auswirkungen von staatlich verordneten Lockdowns untersuchen (1) (2) (3) (4). Es gibt auch Studien, die den Beitrag digitaler Medien und des Internets zu Angst (5) (6), emotionaler Ansteckung (7) (8), Angstübertragungen (9) (10) und Nocebo-Effekten (11) (12) untersuchen. Nach unserem Wissen gibt es jedoch keine Studie, die analysiert, wie verschiedene politische Institutionen und der Staat die Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Massenhysterien beeinflussen. Das Zusammenspiel von Medien, Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit ist eine wesentliche Forschungslücke (13). Aufbauend auf der Psychologie im Zusammenhang mit dem Phänomen der kollektiven Panik entwickeln wir eine politische Ökonomie der Massenhysterie.
Up to 40% of ‚Covid hospital patients‘ infected with Delta variant may have been admitted for a different illness, official figures suggest
Four out of 10 patients hospitalised with the Indian Covid variant in England may have been admitted for something else, MailOnline analysis of official data suggests.
Public Health England‘s fortnightly report on the ‚Delta‘ strain showed a total of 1,904 people had spent at least one night in hospital with the mutant virus by June 21.
But the agency admits 739 (39 per cent) of these patients may have gone to hospital for a different condition or injury and tested positive through routine NHS testing.
Delta-Ausbreitung: Regierung hält an Öffnungen fest
Nach einer langen Phase des Rückgangs steigt die Zahl der CoV-Neuinfektionen in Österreich und vielen anderen EU-Ländern wieder. Die Ampelkommission und das CoV-Prognosekonsortium orten aufgrund der Verbreitung der hochansteckenden Delta-Variante eine „hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit“ für eine vierte Welle in Österreich.
Sack him Boris! ‚Useless‘ Hancock told to go after claim he withheld positive vaccine news
A study by Public Health England (PHE) was released on June 14 and concluded the vaccines offered “significant protection against hospitalisation from the delta variant”. The Health Secretary is alleged to have known about the findings on June 10 – three days before the Prime Minister ultimately decided to delay the June 21 “Freedom Day” by four weeks.
Exclusive: Matt Hancock kept Boris Johnson in dark over Covid vaccines success
Matt Hancock failed to tell Boris Johnson about a major Public Health England (PHE) study showing the effectiveness of vaccines against the Indian or delta variant during a key meeting to decide whether to extend Covid restrictions, The Telegraph can disclose.
The Telegraph understands that the Health Secretary had known about the PHE data three days before the „quad“ of four senior ministers, led by the Prime Minister, met last Sunday to decide whether to postpone the planned June 21 reopening until July 19.
Ursprung von Sars-CoV-2: Nach 18 Monaten immer noch im Dunkeln
Auch bei dem in der kommenden Woche in Brüssel anstehenden EU-USA-Gipfel wird eine entsprechende Erklärung dieses Inhalts erwartet. Im Entwurf der Erklärung heißt es, eine „transparente, faktengestützte und von Experten geleitete“ Untersuchung unter Leitung der WHO sei notwendig. Diese müsse „frei von Beeinflussungen“ stattfinden.
Oxford vaccine: How did they make it so quickly?
(23 November 2020)
The virus from chimps is genetically modified so it cannot cause an infection in people. It can then be modified again to contain the genetic blueprints for whatever you want to train the immune system to attack. This target is known is an antigen.
ChAdOx1 is in essence a sophisticated, microscopic postman. All the scientists have to do is change the package.
„We drop it in and off we go,“ said Prof Gilbert.
New Covid variant vaccine in trials to act as booster against ‘all new strains’
Although the new vaccine variants shows considerable promise, Prof Gilbert said there was no guarantee it would be mass-produced since existing jabs are proving effective against new strains – so it may make more sense to carry on producing those rather than manufacturing different ones.
Johnson will wegen Mutante Beschränkungen später aufheben
Bei einer niedrigen Zahl von Krankenhausfällen könne es auch eine Öffnung bereits am 5. Juli geben, hieß es.
Johnson soll am Montag eine Entscheidung über ein Ende der Maßnahmen bekanntgeben.
Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Lab
Of particular interest: From 2014-19, the National Institutes of Health sent $3.4 million to the WIV through the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. “I just wanted to say a personal thankyou on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin,” EcoHealth Alliance chief Peter Daszak gushed to Dr. Fauci in a partly redacted April 2020 email.
Fact-checking the Paul-Fauci flap over Wuhan lab funding
(May 18, 2021)
Juicing up super viruses is not new. Scientists in the U.S. have long known how to mutate animal viruses to infect humans. For years, Dr. Ralph Baric, a virologist in the U.S., has been collaborating with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Virology Institute, sharing his discoveries about how to create super viruses. This gain-of-function research has been funded by the NIH. … Dr. Fauci, do you still support funding of the NIH funding of the lab in Wuhan?”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), remarks at a Senate hearing, May 11
“Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not never and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
— Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in response.
Wuhan-Affäre: “Die Weltbevölkerung in die Irre geführt”
Nun aber ist auch in der Presse und dem Rundfunk ein starker Stimmungsumschwung wahrnehmbar. Wodurch wurde der ausgelöst?
Es gab zunächst einmal einen großen Stimmungsumschwung in den USA, das war das Wesentliche. Ich war selbst in viele Gespräche mit amerikanischen Kollegen involviert. In den USA einen Stimmungsumschwung zu erreichen, war sehr wichtig, gerade wegen der besonderen Situation dort. Wir wissen, dass eine Unterabteilung der National Institutes of Health (NIH), die von [dem medizinischen Chefberater des Weißen Hauses; S.F.] Anthony Fauci geleitet wird, mehrere hochriskante Gain-of-function-Forschungsprojekte mit Coronaviren [Experimente, die darauf abzielen, die Übertragbarkeit und/oder Virulenz von Krankheitserregern zu erhöhen; S.F.] in Wuhan jahrelang gefördert hat.
Secret report by respected US government laboratory concluded in May last year that it was plausible coronavirus LEAKED from Wuhan lab – and said theory deserved further investigation
Scientists at the the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, near Berkeley, analyzed the genetic makeup of the virus to try to understand how it evolved.
They passed their May 27, 2020 findings on to the State Department in October. The five-month delay was not explained.
On January 15 the State Department published a fact sheet about COVID-19, which said that ‚circumstantial‘ evidence suggested a lab leak theory was possible.
The secret document the California lab produced was not known about until Monday, when The Wall Street Journal reported on its existence.
Coronavirus: Einen kleinen Staatsstreich spielen
(21. März 2020)
Ein denkbares Szenario ist: nach einer unauffälligen Schamfrist und nach Einschätzung der „strategischen Lage“ durch den geheimdienstlichen Komplex (fügt sich die Bevölkerung? Wer widerspricht noch? Wer meckert, wo wohnt der, welche Freunde hat der? Welche Multiplikatoren und Influenzer, äh, dings, berichten noch nicht auf Befehl? Wer liest die Meckerer? Wo wohnen die, was verdienen die? etc, etc) erfolgt ein Umschwenken des organisierten Wahrheitsmanagements seitens Massenmedien und Regierungen hin zu einer Gefahr durch Biowaffen, Biotechnologie und „Bioterrorismus“, natürlich immer durch die Anderen.
UK intelligence reassesses COVID lab leak theory, now says its ‘feasible’
British intelligence services are now reportedly reassessing their position on the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
A Sunday report from the Sunday Times of London quotes British spies who initially dismissed the lab leak theory, but now say it is „feasible.“
We can‘t let them cancel Freedom Day because of another ‚scariant‘
How blissfully everyone slipped back into near-normality on Monday, and with such a huge sigh of relief. Lunch with friends in a restaurant, holding your mother’s hand without fear, tickets for a show. Small pleasures, but how sweet they taste. Just as our long hibernation felt almost at an end and we began to believe we could slough off that lockdown lassitude and banish the gnawing worm of anxiety, here comes the… Indian variant. Bwa-hah-hah-hah!
The pattern should be familiar by now