Pro-Palestine activists blockaded an Amazon distribution center in the northwestern Minneapolis suburb of Maple Grove as part of A15 Action, a global day of action against Israel’s war on Gaza. In a separate action in the Twin Cities, a Wells Fargo Bank branch in South Minneapolis was vandalized and had its windows broken.
Archiv: Amazon Inc. / Amazon Web Services (monopolies)
The Details About the CIA‘s Deal With Amazon
(July 17, 2014)
This summer, a $600 million computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services for the Central Intelligence Agency over the past year will begin servicing all 17 agencies that make up the intelligence community. If the technology plays out as officials envision, it will usher in a new era of cooperation and coordination, allowing agencies to share information and services much more easily and avoid the kind of intelligence gaps that preceded the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
For the first time, agencies within the intelligence community will be able to order a variety of on-demand computing and analytic services from the CIA and National Security Agency
Amid layoffs and lost games, Amazon Luna comes to Canada, Germany, and the UK
Remember: Google Stadia is dead as a doornail, and Amazon Luna, the company’s rival cloud gaming service, wasn’t doing much better.
Amazon has rolled out contactless tech to 200 locations including Panera cafes
On Wednesday the U.S. cafe chain Panera Bread unveiled Amazon One devices, which let customers scan their palms to pay, for two locations in greater St. Louis. Kumar said the deployment would expand to 10 to 20 Panera cafes in coming months.
A palm swipe would also let Panera pull up restaurant goers‘ rewards accounts and order histories, the companies said.
Kumar declined to state the deal‘s value but described the business model as selling software and devices as a service.
The privacy loophole in your doorbell
Larkin, now incensed that police were requesting footage from inside his home for an investigation that didn’t even involve him, wanted to fight the warrant. He estimated that a lawyer would have been too expensive, and he only had about seven days to challenge it before Ring would comply. He still doesn’t understand how a judge could have signed off on a warrant asking for footage from a camera inside his home, when the investigation was on his neighbor.
“That says to me that the cops can go in and subpoena anybody, no matter how weak their evidence is,” he said.
Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher
Michael Larkin erzählt Politico, dass er sich gegen die Herausgabe seiner privaten Aufnahmen wehren wollte. Schließlich sollte sie für eine Ermittlung genutzt werden, in der er nicht einmal Verdächtiger war. Doch Larkin konnte sich keinen Anwalt leisten. Das Unternehmen schickte deshalb nach der kurzen Einspruchsfrist von sieben Tagen alle auf ihren Servern gespeicherten Aufnahmen an die Polizei. Zum Glück hatte Larkin die Kameras in seinem Haus so eingestellt, dass sie nur im Falle eines Einbruchs filmen. Dennoch wurde auch jede Menge Material, das Larkin selbst zeigt, an die Polizei verschickt.
„Das ist das, was mich am meisten aufregt – die Tatsache, dass ein Richter das einfach so absegnet“, sagt Larkin gegenüber Politico. „Er gibt einfach Material von mir heraus, ohne dass ich in irgendeiner Form an dem Fall beteiligt bin.“
When I opposed this Amazon project coming to New York bc it was a scam of public funds, the whole power establishment came after us. Billboards went up in Times Sq denouncing me. Powerful pols promised revenge. Op-Eds & CEOs insulted my intelligence. In the end, we were right.
Amazon‘s labor exploitation is a return to the 1920s — and unions are our best hope out
Amazon claims to be innovative, but its strategies of market dominance and labor exploitation are as old as capitalism itself, and were perfected by predecessors like Standard Oil, General Motors, US Steel, AT&T, Walmart and Microsoft. My union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, views this as history repeating itself.
The Roaring ‘20s were great for those at the top, but meant massive exploitation of workers. As we embark further into the 2020s, the Teamsters will make sure that Amazon cannot repeat a history where workers suffered acutely to make ends meet and were frequently injured or even killed on the job while company executives stuffed their pockets with the profits.
How companies like Amazon, Nike and FedEx avoid paying federal taxes
The 55 corporations cited by ITEP would have paid a collective total of $8.5 billion. Instead, they received $3.5 billion in tax rebates, collectively draining $12 billion from the U.S. government, according to the institute.
Amazon had sales income of €44bn in Europe in 2020 but paid no corporation tax
(4, May 2021)
Accounts for Amazon EU Sarl, through which it sells products to hundreds of millions of households in the UK and across Europe, show that despite collecting record income, the Luxembourg unit made a €1.2bn loss and therefore paid no tax. (…)
The Luxembourg unit – which handles sales for the UK, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden – employs just 5,262 staff meaning that the income per employ amounts to €8.4m.
Amazon Income Taxes 2010-2022 | AMZN
Amazon annual income taxes for 2022 were $–3.217B, a 167.15% decline from 2021.
Amazon annual income taxes for 2021 were $4.791B, a 67.34% increase from 2020.
Amazon annual income taxes for 2020 were $2.863B, a 20.6% increase from 2019.
Amazon Gross Profit 2010-2022 | AMZN
Amazon annual gross profit for 2022 was $225.152B, a 14.01% increase from 2021.
Amazon annual gross profit for 2021 was $197.478B, a 29.28% increase from 2020.
Amazon annual gross profit for 2020 was $152.757B, a 32.85% increase from 2019.
Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism – Membership
Founding Members:
General Members:
Black Hat 2021: DNS loophole makes nation-state level spying as easy as registering a domain
(Aug 4, 2021)
We have no way of knowing whether the loophole has already been exploited: Anyone could have collected data undetected for over a decade.
We do know this is still an active threat vector – while two major DNS providers (Amazon and Google) have fixed the issue, others may still be vulnerable. As a result, millions of devices are potentially vulnerable.
After analyzing it, we learned it was dynamic DNS traffic from Windows machines that were querying the hijacked name server about itself. Dynamic DNS keeps DNS records automatically up to date when an IP address changes. It’s traditionally been used in large networks that host internal services, and use their own internal servers. In short, the traffic we received contained sensitive information that was never supposed to leave an organizations internal network.
The dynamic DNS traffic we “wiretapped” came from over 15,000 organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, 45 U.S. government agencies, and 85 international government agencies. The data included a wealth of valuable intel like internal and external IP addresses, computer names, employee names and office locations.
Ex-Amazon Cloud Worker Found Guilty in Capital One Hack: The huge hack affected more than 100 million US customers.
(June 18, 2022)
„She wanted data, she wanted money, and she wanted to brag,“ Assistant United States Attorney Andrew Friedman said in closing arguments, according to the release. The Justice Department didn‘t identify the other organizations affected by Thompson‘s activity.
Firefox is making connections to and on startup
No replies
Why does make Firefox makes those connections?
What is transmitted?
And How can I disable them?
Amazon Disables NSO Group CloudFront Accounts To Prevent “Pegasus” PR Crisis
(July 19, 2021)
While this was unearthed in 2020 itself, Amazon declined to take any action or even comment on the story. Now, Pegasus is linked to human rights abuse around the world. So Amazon has shut down the CloudFront accounts linked to NSO Group. For the uninitiated, CloudFront is a content delivery network by Amazon.
The Details About the CIA‘s Deal With Amazon
(July 17, 2014)
This summer, a $600 million computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services for the Central Intelligence Agency over the past year will begin servicing all 17 agencies that make up the intelligence community. If the technology plays out as officials envision, it will usher in a new era of cooperation and coordination, allowing agencies to share information and services much more easily and avoid the kind of intelligence gaps that preceded the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
For the first time, agencies within the intelligence community will be able to order a variety of on-demand computing and analytic services from the CIA and National Security Agency
EU excludes cloud services from 6th sanctions package for unknown reasons – Podoliak
„At first, the EU Council announces the blockage of Russia from EU cloud services in the Sixth Sanction Package. Then, the EU Council edits the message, removing these references. No clarifications or explanations from the officials,“ Podoliak said on Twitter.
„We must increase the sanctions pressure, not decrease,“ the adviser to the head of the President‘s Office said.
TLS 1.3 is nearing its 4th birthday, and @awscloud still doesn‘t support it in ALB. @AWSSecurityInfo, what‘s up?
New DNS Flaw Enables ‘Nation-State Level Spying’ on Companies
(7. August 2021)
DNSaaS providers (also referred to as managed DNS providers) rent DNS to other businesses who don’t want to maintain and protect yet additional network resources on their own.
The Wiz researchers stated, “We found a simple loophole that allowed us to intercept a portion of worldwide dynamic DNS traffic going through managed DNS providers like Amazon and Google,”
“The dynamic DNS traffic we ‘wiretapped’ came from over 15,000 organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, 45 U.S. government agencies, and 85 international government agencies.”
Employee/computer identities and locations and extremely sensitive data about organizations’ infrastructure, such as Internet-exposed network equipment, were among the
Cloud Firewall
Block connections to pages and web resources hosted in major cloud services if the user wishes to do so. Supports blocking Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Cloudflare.
Lawsuit accusing tech giants of spying is allowed to proceed
(September 14, 2022)
In the legal battles with a focus on listening devices like “smart speakers,” etc, that are currently active in the US, Google and Amazon are not spared either. Reports, including by Reuters, say that a number of filings allege that their devices and apps are recording users’ conversations without their consent, and that Big Tech companies use this material to make money by giving it to advertisers, who can then more precisely target people based on knowledge of their behavior and interests.
NSO Is an Arm of Israel‘s Government
In 2019 NSO agreed to reconnect the Pegasus system in Saudi Arabia, in the context of Netanyahu’s contacts regarding the Abraham Accords. Until the accords were announced, Israel gave NSO a permit to sell Pegasus to almost all of the countries that signed the agreements.
The Battle for the World’s Most Powerful Cyberweapon
(Jan. 28, 2022)
The F.B.I. had bought a version of Pegasus, NSO’s premier spying tool. For nearly a decade, the Israeli firm had been selling its surveillance software on a subscription basis to law-enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world, promising that it could do what no one else — not a private company, not even a state intelligence service — could do: consistently and reliably crack the encrypted communications of any iPhone or Android smartphone.
F.B.I. Secretly Bought Israeli Spyware and Explored Hacking U.S. Phones
(Jan. 28, 2022)
The Times found that sales of Pegasus played a critical role in securing the support of Arab nations in Israel’s campaign against Iran and negotiating the Abraham Accords, the 2020 diplomatic agreements, signed at a Trump White House ceremony, that normalized relations between Israel and some of its longtime Arab adversaries.
The U.S. had also moved to acquire Pegasus, The Times found. The F.B.I., in a deal never previously reported, bought the spyware in 2019, despite multiple reports that it had been used against activists and political opponents in other countries. It also spent two years discussing whether to deploy a newer product, called Phantom, inside the United States.
Biotechnologie, Staat und Kapital
Dieser Markt ließe sich unermesslich steigern, sollte die Propaganda, dass die gesamte Menschheit (B. Gates) und in Deutschland fast die gesamte Bevölkerung (A. Merkel) geimpft werden solle und auch müsse, umgesetzt werden. Deshalb schätzt das Finanz- und Analyseunternehmen „Morningstar“ für 2021 zu erwartenden Umsatz von 67 Milliarden US-Dollar für Covid-19-Impfstoffe. Der Umsatz der Rüstungsindustrie umfasste 2019 166 Mrd. US-Dollar.
Zwei dieser Biotech-Unternehmen sollen näher betrachtet werden: Biontech und Curevac.
Blue Origin unveils next flight, TMZ says Captain Kirk to be aboard
Blue Origin, the space company owned by Amazon‘s Jeff Bezos, announced plans on Monday for its next flight and the news and entertainment website TMZ said it may include a celebrity astronaut — William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk on „Star Trek.“
Facebook will soon be able to scan your texts – sparking privacy panic
Other companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are also said to be working on homomorphic encryption.
NSO Spyware Scandal May Threaten Israel’s Love Affair With Amazon and Google
he idea is that computing services will be supplied by local cloud sites, and the information – from the government, the IDF and private bodies – will be processed and stored within the borders of Israel and subject to state laws. This will take place by establishing Israeli subsidiaries to large companies like Amazon and Google that will do business with the government.
Coronavirus data contractors engaged in dirty tricks and disinformation campaigns
Palantir was co-founded in 2004 by Paypal owner and billionaire Peter Thiel. What the blog doesn’t reveal is that Palantir’s client list has included amomgst others, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS.
Furthermore, in 2016, it was revealed Palantir had a $34.6m contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and helped the Customs and Border Protection Agency create the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI) system to track immigrants.
Nor does the blog mention that Palantir worked for UK intelligence and was awarded contracts to handle vast data sets on UK citizens for British spy agency GCHQ.
JEDI: Microsoft vs. Amazon (II)
… Das Projekt für den Aufbau eines Cloud-Systems namens Jedi entspreche nicht mehr den Bedürfnissen des Militärs, erklärte das Pentagon.“
Bundestagsanhörung: Eco warnt vor Komplettzugriff des BND auf das Internet
Ebenfalls wurde bemängelt, dass der Kontrollrat über kein Verfahrensrecht verfüge. Daher könne das Gremium externe Personen nicht zu einer Zeugenaussage oder zur Abgabe eines eidesstattlichen Gutachtens verpflichten. Die Zeugen müssten daher auch nicht die Wahrheit sagen, weil, anders als beispielsweise bei einem Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestags, eine uneidliche Falschaussage nicht strafbar sei. Damit falle die Kontrollintensität hinter die eines normalen Gerichts zurück.
Hauptkritik zum Gesetzesentwurf zur Reform des BND-G (BT-Drs. 19/26103
eco bewertet die Befugnis zum staatlichen Hacking aus §19 Abs. 6 grundsätzlich sehr kritisch. Gegenstand der Regelung ist der Zugriff des BND auf Bestands-, Verkehrs- und Inhaltsdaten ohne Wissen des jeweiligen Betreibers. Die Regelung ist auch auf Plattformbetreiber wie Google, Facebook, Amazon und Apple anwendbar. Grundsätzlich wären alle Dienstanbieter von Telekommunikation, Clouddiensten und sonstigen Telemediendiensten im Ausland potentielle Ziele eines staatlichen Eindringens.
SolarWinds, Microsoft, FireEye, CrowdStrike defend actions in major hack – U.S. Senate hearing
Lawmakers started the hearing by criticizing Amazon representatives, who they said were invited to testify and whose servers were used to launch the cyberattack, for declining to attend the hearing.
60 Years After Eisenhower‘s Warning, Distinct Signs Of A ‚Digital-Intelligence Complex‘
In June 2019, Susan Gordon stood on a stage at the Washington Convention Center. Behind her loomed three giant letters, “AWS,” the abbreviation for Amazon Web Services, the cloud computing division of the giant Internet retailer.
After three decades at the Central Intelligence Agency, Gordon had risen to one of the top jobs in the cloak-and-dagger world: principal deputy director of national intelligence. From that perch she publicly extolled the virtues of Amazon Web Services and the cloud services the tech giant provides the CIA.
Part 2 of my 3 part series on how NHS does not manage, own, present its own COVID data, but for-profits such as Amazon, Palantir, Transunion, Boots, Microsoft, Google and G4S do. So they can say anything, profit from ‘lockdown’ .
Der Internet-Putsch
Die großen Medientechnologiekonzerne der Wall Street haben eine beispiellose Säuberungswelle im Internet gestartet. Big Tech löscht nicht mehr länger nur Nutzerbeiträge. Nun wollen Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple und Amazon aller Welt zeigen, dass sie als Meinungswächter frei entscheiden können, wer sich im Internet äußern darf – und wer nicht.
Patriot Act 2, Censorship, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
“We need to stop fascism so let’s give massive sweeping powers to an elite alliance of unelected authoritarians.”
“Well I’m a leftist and I haven’t been banned on social media.”
That’s because the left is politically impotent in our society. Unless this is just a hobby for you, at some point you should plan on the left becoming a threat to the oligarchs and warmongers. What do you think happens then?
Do you really think if the left actually becomes a threat to the status quo the Neera Tandens and Rachel Maddows aren’t going to suddenly discover a reason why you’re dangerous and need to be censored? The only way to be fine with censorship is to plan on never challenging power.
It‘s sorta weird that Twitter does this mass banning of accounts, including, like, Red Scare, and the response from so many people is „Well they were all Nazis.“ Were they? What has Twitter revealed to you guys about the process that they are hiding from the rest of us?
It was a *Democratic-controlled* House sub-committee that just a few months ago issued a lengthy report concluding that FB, Amazon, Google & Apple are *monopolies*. That means competition is impossible. Now Dems are happy that it‘s used for them:
I‘ve been resisting the conclusion that this is Liberals‘ 9/11 because it at first seemed hyperbolic, even though they‘re using the same weapons against their critics (if you question all the new powers they want, it means you love the Terrorists).
But this is Liberals‘ 9/11.
Coronavirus data contractors engaged in dirty tricks and disinformation campaigns
Palantir was co-founded in 2004 by Paypal owner and billionaire Peter Thiel. What the blog doesn’t reveal is that Palantir’s client list has included amomgst others, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS.
Furthermore, in 2016, it was revealed Palantir had a $34.6m contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and helped the Customs and Border Protection Agency create the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI) system to track immigrants.
Nor does the blog mention that Palantir worked for UK intelligence and was awarded contracts to handle vast data sets on UK citizens for British spy agency GCHQ.
UK govt publishes contracts granting Amazon, Microsoft, Google and AI firms access to COVID-19 health data
UK government has published the contracts it holds with private tech firms and the NHS for the creation of a COVID-19 data store, just days after campaigners fired legal shots over a lack of transparency.
Available on the openDemocracy website, the contracts describe how the arrangements between the NHS and Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and AI firms Faculty and Palantir (which subcontracts to AWS) will operate.
Repression im Cyber Valley
Heute fand ein erster Prozess gegen die Menschen statt, die vor einem Jahr im Tübinger Gemeinderat gegen das Amazon-Entwicklungszentrum im Cyber Valley protestiert hatten. Betroffen war ein IMI-Beirat und -Autor. Wir dokumentieren hier Beiträge der Berichterstattung aus dem Prozess und von der Solidaritäts-Kundgebung.
Cyber Valley: Prozess
… Dem Angeklagten wird vorgeworfen, während der Gemeinderatssitzung aus einem Thesenpapier des Amtes für Heeresentwicklung zu „Künstlicher Intelligenz in den Landstreitkräften“ vorgelesen zu haben, um auf die militärischen Verwicklungen von Amazon aufmerksam zu machen. Diese wurden vom anwesenden Vertreter des Amazon-Konzerns zunächst geleugnet, später eingeräumt.“
Pentagon reaffirms decision to award multi-billion JEDI contract to Microsoft
The Pentagon on Friday reaffirmed its decision earlier this year to award a $10 billion cloud-computing contract to Microsoft over Amazon.
Gegen das digitale Wettrüsten: Rede beim Antikriegstag 2020 in Tübingen
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
wir wissen mittlerweile, dass auch Forschung im Cyber Valley von den US-Geheimdiensten finanziert wird. Zwei Tübinger Unternehmen wurden dabei als „verbundene Startups“ angegeben, nach öffentlicher Berichterstattung aber schnell von der Homepage genommen. Dort findet sich aber bis heute das Startup eines ehemaligen MPI-Forschers, der nun in den USA am selben IARPA-Forschungsprojekt beteiligt ist, wie seine ehemaligen Kolleginnen am Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik. Dieses Startup implementiert mit Anschubfinanzierung des Pentagons Software für Datenverarbeitung auf Servern von Amazon Web Services.
Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook CEOs to appear at antitrust hearing on July 27
The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust will hear from the tech giants‘ leaders.
Amazon puts one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology
Amazon on Wednesday announced that it is placing a one-year moratorium on police use of its facial recognition technology, Rekognition.
„We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology, and in recent days, Congress appears ready to take on this challenge,“ the company wrote in a blog post.
Superreiche in den USA werden noch reicher
Das Vermögen der 600 reichsten US-Amerikaner wuchs zwischen dem 18. März und dem 19. Mai um insgesamt 434 Milliarden Dollar (395 Mrd. Euro) – das entspricht einer Steigerung von fast 15 Prozent, wie das US-Magazin „Forbes“ gestern berichtete.
Open Letter, May 18, 2020, London: Dear Matt Hancock, we are civil society organisations, privacy advocates and academic researchers writing to express concerns about the NHS’s plans to build a COVID-19 datastore.
We share the common goal of preserving public confidence in systems that can help make us all safer. Therefore, before the NHS continues its plans, we urge you to provide the public with more information and take appropriate measures to reduce risk of data sharing and keep the aggregated data under democratic control.
In March, the NHS announced a new plan to build a datastore that aggregates COVID-19 health data. Microsoft, Google, Palantir, Faculty and Amazon will assist in the development of the datastore and the processing of the data.
Privacy advocates demand clarity over Covid-19 datastore
In an open letter directly addressed to the health secretary, civil society organisations, privacy advocates and academic researchers urged Hancock to give the public more information about the datastore and take appropriate measures to reduce data-sharing risks and keep it under democratic control.
Facebook: Here’s Proof Israeli WhatsApp Hackers Ran Cyberweapons In America
The tech giant’s counsel filed a response to NSO’s move for dismissal that included two IP addresses and a handful of websites it claims were used by NSO Group to attack WhatsApp users in spring 2019. One was hosted by Amazon Web Services in the U.S., the others by Californian company QuadraNet and a German provider.
Cyber Valley, MPI und US-Geheimdienste
Ein militärisch-forschungsindustrieller Komplex?
Brazil: Coronavirus Kills Historic Leader of Amazonian Peoples
Messias Kokama, the main Indigenous leader of the Manaus city, died a victim of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on Wednesday. His community mourns his departure without being able to pay homage to him with their traditional rituals.
Cyber Valley: Forschungsgruppe von US-Geheimdiensten finanziert
Die Forschungsgruppe ist Kernbestandteil des sog. Cyber Valley. Bereits in jener Pressemitteilung Ende 2016, mit der die baden-württembergische Landesregierung, die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und die Industrie die Gründung des Forschungsclusters bekanntgaben, wurde die Bildung dieser Forschungsgruppen angekündigt, die den Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft garantieren sollten.
Billionaire Jeff Bezos Makes US$24 Billion More Amid Pandemic
The index updates followed a report published Saturday by Forbes about how „market gains led to a combined US$51.3 billion boost for 10 of the world‘s billionaires since the market closed a week ago, on April 2.“ Bezos gained US$6.8 billion in that time.
Jeff Bezos asked Michael Bloomberg months ago if he’d consider running for president
A spokesperson for Bloomberg confirmed the conversation. An Amazon spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment.
Brazilian tribes back manifesto to save Amazon habitat from Bolsonaro
The meeting in the village of Piaraçu on the Xingu river was called by Raoni Metuktire, the 90-year-old Kayapó chief who became an environmental campaigner in the 1980s with British rock singer Sting at his side.
Indigene Völker fordern mehr Umweltschutz von Regierungen in Ecuador und Peru
Sie zeigten sich empört darüber, dass der ecuadorianische Präsident Lenín Moreno behauptete, „dass die Ausweitung der Ölbohrungen im Heiligen Quellgebiet des Amazonas mit dem Pariser Abkommen vereinbar ist und die indigenen Rechte nicht beeinträchtigt werden“, äußerte Sandra Tukup, Leiterin des Verbandes der Indigenen Nationalitäten des ecuadorianischen Amazonas (CONFENIAE), am Rande der Konferenz.
Brazil: Attack on Guajajara Indigenous People Leaves 1 Dead
Firmino Prexede Guajajara died on the spot and Nelsi Olimpio Guajajara was shot in his leg. They were returning from a political meeting in which the defense of Indigenous territories was discussed.
Bundespolizei speichert Bodycam-Aufnahmen weiter bei Amazon
Die Bundespolizei müsse den Einsatz der neuen Instrumente ausführlich dokumentieren und eine Evaluation dürfe nicht dem Bundespolizeipräsidium überlassen werden. Eine unabhängige, wissenschaftliche Bewertung durch eine externe Stelle ist laut Innenministerium aber nicht geplant und wird auch nicht als notwendig erachtet.
Outrage in Brazil at the killing of an indigenous “guardian of the forest”
“Violence and death threats against the guardians have been happening for years,” Sarah Shenker, a researcher with Survival International who knew Paulo Paulino, said
“There is a lot of impunity. The authorities are unwilling to protect the indigenous lands,” Shenker charged.
“Their racist words and genocidal, anti-indigenous proposals give a kind of green light.”
Greenpeace said the two men were “the most recent victims of a state that refuses to comply with what the constitution determines.”
IIlegal loggers kill Amazon indigenous warrior who guarded forest, wound another
Paulino Guajajara, who was in his twenties and leaves behind one son, told Reuters in an interview here on the reservation in September that protecting the forest from intruders had become a dangerous task, but his people could not give in to fear.
Civil Rights Groups Ask Legislators To Block Ring‘s Surveillance Partnerships With Law Enforcement
Ring has cornered the market. It also has 400+ law enforcement agencies in its pocket. The expansion isn‘t slowing and Ring has shown it‘s willing to speak on behalf of the government through press releases and to edit the government‘s statements if it doesn‘t like what‘s being said. This isn‘t normal. And the potential downsides of allowing cops and private companies to coexist as equal partners in surveillance have just begun to be explored.
Ecuador‘s Petroamazonas suspends operations at three oilfields amid protests
Ecuadorean state-run oil company Petroamazonas EP suspended operations at three oil fields in the Amazon region on Monday, the country’s energy ministry said, as protests against austerity measures convulse the country.
Your ability to get insulin or see a doctor shouldn’t depend on how generous a billionaire is feeling today. Employers stripping healthcare, either by taking it away or worsening it, is just part of the casual dehumanization of working people to increase returns for the rich.
Whole Foods is cutting medical benefits for hundreds of part-time workers
A 15-year employee of Whole Foods said she was devastated by the news.
She told Business Insider in an interview that her family was covered by the health-insurance plan she is enrolled in through her job at Whole Foods.
She said she would have to increase her hours to become eligible for full-time benefits and pay for childcare, or shop for a new and potentially more expensive health-insurance plan on the private marketplace.
Amazon‘s Ring camera raises civil liberties concerns: U.S. senator
Facial recognition technology has been shown to disproportionately misidentify people of color. In a 2018 American Civil Liberties Union study, Rekognition incorrectly matched 28 members of Congress, including Markey, to a database of 25,000 publicly available arrest photos.