Archiv: booting Matt Hancock

26.10.2022 - 06:16 [ ]

The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told

(27 August 2022)

Lockdown – closing schools and much of the economy while sending the police after people who sat on park benches – was the most draconian policy introduced in peacetime. No. 10 wanted to present it as ‘following the science’ rather than a political decision, and this had implications for the wiring of government decision-making. It meant elevating Sage, a sprawling group of scientific advisers, into a committee that had the power to decide whether the country would lock down or not. There was no socioeconomic equivalent to Sage; no forum where other questions would be asked.

So whoever wrote the minutes for the Sage meetings – condensing its discussions into guidance for government – would set the policy of the nation. No one, not even cabinet members, would know how these decisions were reached.

26.10.2022 - 06:09 [ ]

Rishi Sunak is just the start. The great lockdown scandal is about to unravel


For some time, I’ve been trying to persuade Rishi Sunak to go on the record about what really happened in lockdown. Only a handful of people really know what took place then, because most ministers – including members of the Cabinet – were kept in the dark. Government was often reduced to a “quad” of ministers deciding on Britain’s future and the then chancellor of the exchequer was one of them. I’d heard rumours that Sunak was horrified at much of what he saw, but was keeping quiet. In which case, lessons would never be learnt.

His speaking out now confirms much of what many suspected. That the culture of fear, seen in the Orwellian advertising campaign that sought to terrify the country, applied inside Government.

03.09.2022 - 17:36 [ ]

Is Liz Truss the British Trump?

If you are a right-wing MP or ambitious wonk on the Truss campaign ‘pivot’ is such a useful word. Far better to say ‘we need to pivot from campaign mode to governing mode,’ than to blurt out that ‘now we have their votes we can forget the lies we told to win over Conservative members’. Far better for Truss herself to say, ‘I am pivoting from my previous position on tax cuts’ to ‘I admit that I was wrong’.

Pivoting calls to mind the elegance of a ballerina turning on her points. Not the cynicism of a politician breaking promises she made only a few days before.

03.09.2022 - 16:54 [ ]

Why didn’t more people resist lockdown?

As it will take years for culpable parties to retire, I once feared that a full generation would need to elapse before we recognised lockdowns for what they were: the biggest public health debacle in history. Yet everywhere I turn lately, still another journalist is decrying the avoidable social, medical and economic costs of this hysterical over-reaction to a virus, while deriding lockdown zealots for having vilified sceptics of a policy that may well end up killing more people than it protected. The Covid revisionism is welcome – though it’s a good deal easier to publish these opinion pieces now than it was two years ago, and I speak from experience.

03.09.2022 - 16:34 [ ]

The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told

(27 August 2022)

Lockdown – closing schools and much of the economy while sending the police after people who sat on park benches – was the most draconian policy introduced in peacetime. No. 10 wanted to present it as ‘following the science’ rather than a political decision, and this had implications for the wiring of government decision-making. It meant elevating Sage, a sprawling group of scientific advisers, into a committee that had the power to decide whether the country would lock down or not. There was no socioeconomic equivalent to Sage; no forum where other questions would be asked.

So whoever wrote the minutes for the Sage meetings – condensing its discussions into guidance for government – would set the policy of the nation. No one, not even cabinet members, would know how these decisions were reached.

03.09.2022 - 16:13 [ ]

Empowering Sage scientists over Covid lockdown left us ‘screwed’, claims Sunak

The meetings were “literally me around that table, just fighting”, which “was incredibly uncomfortable every single time”.

At one meeting he raised the impact on children’s education: “I was very emotional about it. I was like, ‘Forget about the economy. Surely we can all agree that kids not being in school is a major nightmare’, or something like that.

“There was a big silence afterwards. It was the first time someone had said it. I was so furious.”

Setting out the problems he found with Government policy being influenced by outside academics, he said: “If you empower all these independent people, you’re screwed.”

03.09.2022 - 16:05 [ ]

Rishi Sunak says he wasn‘t ‚allowed to talk about the side effects of lockdown‘ during the pandemic

Mr Sunak said one of the Government’s biggest mistakes was giving too much power to scientists and claimed the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) edited its minutes to hide dissenting opinions.

The former chancellor made the statements in an interview with the Spectator magazine.

“We shouldn’t have empowered the scientists in the way we did,” he is quoted as saying.

03.09.2022 - 15:44 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Großbritannien – mehr Tote durch Lockdowns als durch Corona?

In Großbritannien findet momentan eine bemerkenswerte Diskussion über die vergangenen Lockdown-Maßnahmen statt. Einer der beiden konservativen Regierungschef-Kandidaten, der bisherige britische Finanzminister Rishi Sunak, hat diese Diskussion vor wenigen Tagen dramatisch intensiviert. Der staatliche Nachrichtensender BBC berichtete am 25.8.2022[1] über die Aussagen von Rishi Sunak gegenüber der Zeitschrift „The Spectator“: Ministern sei es untersagt worden, über Kollateralschäden (trade-offs) der Lockdowns zu diskutieren[2]; es sei falsch gewesen, eine staatliche Angstkampagne zu fahren. Das Regierungs-„Script“ sei ein ungerechtfertigtes Angst-Narrativ gewesen („the fear narrative“). Die vorgegebene Leitlinie sei gewesen: „Es gibt keine negativen Auswirkungen“.[3] Interne Kritik in dem wissenschaftlichen Beratungsgremium (SAGE) sei nicht veröffentlicht worden.

21.07.2021 - 19:35 [ ]

Coronavirus data contractors engaged in dirty tricks and disinformation campaigns


Palantir was co-founded in 2004 by Paypal owner and billionaire Peter Thiel. What the blog doesn’t reveal is that Palantir’s client list has included amomgst others, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS.

Furthermore, in 2016, it was revealed Palantir had a $34.6m contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and helped the Customs and Border Protection Agency create the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI) system to track immigrants.

Nor does the blog mention that Palantir worked for UK intelligence and was awarded contracts to handle vast data sets on UK citizens for British spy agency GCHQ.

28.06.2021 - 21:16 [ ]

Labour accuses Boris Johnson of trying to ‚rewrite history‘ as he tries to claim he FIRED Matt Hancock: PM suggests he sacked Health Secretary as soon as he saw story of his affair (before Downing Street admits he actually resigned)

But after 80 Tory MPs told No 10 he had to go after they were deluged with complaints, Mr Hancock gave a video statement on Saturday afternoon that he had quit after he breached social distancing guidance by kissing Gina Coladangelo against his office door.

In response Mr Johnson said he was ‚sorry to receive‘ Hancock‘s resignation.

28.06.2021 - 21:13 [ ]

PM‘s tone-deaf response to the Hancock saga reveals a fundamental weakness

It is never clear whether the government is following public opinion or leading it. In trying to do both, they get the worst of both worlds.

27.06.2021 - 16:10 [ ]

UK Covid LIVE: Sajid Javid says ‘immediate priority’ is to end Covid pandemic as soon as possible as half of under 30s get jab

Speaking to the media for the first time since becoming Health Secretary on Saturday, Mr Javid said: „I was honoured to take up this position. I also know that it comes with a huge responsibility and I will do everything I can to make sure that I deliver for this great country.

„We are still in a pandemic and I want to see that come to an end as soon as possible and that will be my most immediate priority, to see that we can return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible.“

27.06.2021 - 16:02 [ ]

Inside the plot to expose Matt Hancock‘s affair: Friends talk of secret camera hidden by Chinese… or No10. In fact it was footage from his office CCTV and a whistleblower in his own department, reveals GLEN OWEN

The sting that brought down Matt Hancock was executed by a whistleblower in his department who contacted opponents of the Health Secretary‘s stance on lockdown to help expose his affair, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The footage of Mr Hancock kissing Gina Coladangelo was caught on a CCTV camera in his office on May 6, and secretly recorded by a member of his department‘s staff.

After allowing a month to elapse, the whistleblower approached lockdown sceptics and asked them to help sell the incendiary footage to the media.

27.06.2021 - 15:56 [ ]

Ordinary people sacrificed everything during the pandemic – this government has laughed in our faces

I have no idea what qualifies Ms Coladangelo, a lobbyist and communications director, to be an adviser and non-executive director at the Department of Health and Social Care, other than the fact she has been pals with Hancock for years. Perhaps we know now why Hancock failed at the time of the appointment to declare his “friendship” with her. In her time of advising him, Hancock oversaw the highest death rates in Europe from Covid, so the value of this appointment was seemingly for him, not for us. The whole thing stinks. It stank even before the videos of the kiss.

27.06.2021 - 15:52 [ ]

Hancock’s fall catapults Sajid Javid back into the heart of Conservative politics

Thirteen months ago, Dominic Cummings faced an avalanche of demands to resign after being caught in an egregious breach of the Covid lockdown regulations. Although Cummings had clearly broken rules that he had helped to draw up, and public opinion was against him, he survived – albeit for only a few months – because Boris Johnson stood behind him.

This weekend, Matt Hancock also had Johnson’s backing…

26.06.2021 - 19:22 [ ]

Live Politics latest news: Matt Hancock quits as Health Secretary

His resignation comes amid multiple Tory MPs breaking ranks and calling for the Cabinet minister to step down.

Conservative MP Duncan Baker was the first on Saturday to confirm he was calling for Mr Hancock to go, while former Cabinet minister Esther McVey said she would resign if in the same position.

Mr Hancock apologised for breaching social distancing guidance and Downing Street the matter was „closed“ on Friday.

20.06.2021 - 20:13 [ ]

THE SUN ON SUNDAY SAYS: Boris Johnson must grasp the nettle and deliver the freedom we all yearn for

We clearly can’t go on like this forever.

But alarmingly, many people actually think we will.

More than a quarter of people now fear that Britain will never be completely free of anti-Covid restrictions.

The PM has told us that “freedom day” will come on July 19.

But our poll says that only eight per cent believe him.

20.06.2021 - 20:04 [ ]

Sack him Boris! ‚Useless‘ Hancock told to go after claim he withheld positive vaccine news


A study by Public Health England (PHE) was released on June 14 and concluded the vaccines offered “significant protection against hospitalisation from the delta variant”. The Health Secretary is alleged to have known about the findings on June 10 – three days before the Prime Minister ultimately decided to delay the June 21 “Freedom Day” by four weeks.

20.06.2021 - 20:01 [ ]

Exclusive: Matt Hancock kept Boris Johnson in dark over Covid vaccines success


Matt Hancock failed to tell Boris Johnson about a major Public Health England (PHE) study showing the effectiveness of vaccines against the Indian or delta variant during a key meeting to decide whether to extend Covid restrictions, The Telegraph can disclose.

The Telegraph understands that the Health Secretary had known about the PHE data three days before the „quad“ of four senior ministers, led by the Prime Minister, met last Sunday to decide whether to postpone the planned June 21 reopening until July 19.

04.04.2021 - 12:19 [ ]

State of fear: how ministers ‘used covert tactics’ to keep scared public at home

The same document presented a grid of 14 options for increasing compliance which included “use media to increase sense of personal threat”, a tactic which was seen as having a “high” effectiveness though spill-over effects “could be negative”.

Some Sage participants now admit to feeling “embarrassed” by such advice.

One regular Sage attendee said: “The British people have been subjected to an unevaluated psychological experiment without being told that is what’s happening.

03.04.2021 - 19:55 [ ]

The ‚covert tactics‘ used to scare Britons into staying at home: How SAGE document called for increase in ‚perceived threat‘ of Covid using ‚hard hitting emotional messages‘

Psychologists have accused Downing Street of using ‚covert psychological strategies‘ to emphasise the threat from Covid-19 without contextualising the risks, the Telegraph reported.

It was said this created ‚a state of heightened anxiety‘, adding many people became ‚too frightened to attend hospital‘.

Experts fear Britons have been the subject of an experiment in the use of tactics which operate ‚below their level of awareness,‘ it was said.

19.03.2021 - 06:14 [ ]

‚We over-promised again‘: Matt Hancock faces Tory backlash as he FINALLY admits that India IS behind jabs delay with four million AstraZeneca doses held back by Delhi in ‚act of vaccine nationalism‘ – dealing serious blow to UK‘s rollout

– Matt Hancock under fire for raising hopes of huge ramp up in vaccines only for supplies setback to emerge
– Serum Institute of India has been told it must hand jabs to its own citizens before exporting vaccine stocks
– One batch of five million doses of the AstraZeneca jab bound for the UK has been delayed by a month
. Confusingly Boris Johnson insisted Indian government has not blocked any exports, as he prepares to visit

09.02.2021 - 20:42 [ ]

Tories savage Matt Hancock over ‚never-ending lockdown‘ as UK‘s Covid second wave continues to shrink: Cases and deaths drop 27% with 12,364 infections and 1,052 victims – but Health Secretary warns border restrictions may still be in place until AUTUMN

But hopes the world-beating vaccine roll-out will mean lockdown curbs can be significantly eased any time soon were shot down today by Mr Hancock, who unveiled the latest suite of border curbs and warned they could last until the Autumn when booster vaccines will be available.

11.01.2021 - 08:14 [ ]

No 10 considers a tougher lockdown ‚with curfews, exercise limits, compulsory masks outside, no support bubbles and nurseries shut‘ if Covid cases keep rising‘ – amid suggestion ‚people may only be allowed to leave home ONCE a week‘

– The Cabinet Office refused to deny that the draconian new laws were incoming after UK‘s streets were busy
– They instead pointed to Matt Hancock‘s vague statement on rules earlier today: ‚Follow the rules we‘ve got‘
– Hancock refused to speculate when asked if harsher measures coming, such as curfews and closing nurseries
– Whitehall source said potential changes included introducing ban on people leaving their homes more than once a week

10.01.2021 - 15:33 [ ]

NHS could vaccinate UK against Covid in five days, says Oxford professor

Sir John Bell, regius chair of medicine at the University of Oxford, said stubborn NHS bureaucrats were standing in the way of a high-speed mass inoculation programme that could prevent many further deaths.

“The NHS has the theoretical capacity to immunise everybody in five days if they want to, but I don’t get the sense they are really motivated,” Bell told the Times.

10.01.2021 - 15:27 [ ]

No10 is examining plans to keep bars closed for FIVE MONTHS with full lockdown until late March as Covid death toll passes 80,000

Prof Whitty commended the public for their efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19 and noted the hope offered by various vaccines, but he echoed other experts in saying it would be some weeks before the jabs start to reduce the number of people taken to hospital.

10.01.2021 - 14:42 [ Neil Clark, journalist & broadcaster / Twitter ]

(1) How do we know we’re not bring told the truth? There’s c 1600-1700 deaths a day at this time of the year. Yet we are told that ´1300 are dying from Covid’. But with no excess deaths that means just 3-400 from pneumonia, flu, heart disease, cancers? That is clearly absurd.


(2) Clearly what is happening is a reclassification of deaths. Non-Covid deaths are being reclassified as ´Covid deaths’ by means of ramped up PCR testing. Which begs the question: why are they doing this, if not to justify lockdowns and other restrictions?

10.01.2021 - 14:23 [ ]

Coronavirus data contractors engaged in dirty tricks and disinformation campaigns


Palantir was co-founded in 2004 by Paypal owner and billionaire Peter Thiel. What the blog doesn’t reveal is that Palantir’s client list has included amomgst others, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS.

Furthermore, in 2016, it was revealed Palantir had a $34.6m contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and helped the Customs and Border Protection Agency create the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI) system to track immigrants.

Nor does the blog mention that Palantir worked for UK intelligence and was awarded contracts to handle vast data sets on UK citizens for British spy agency GCHQ.

10.01.2021 - 14:15 [ ]

UK govt publishes contracts granting Amazon, Microsoft, Google and AI firms access to COVID-19 health data


UK government has published the contracts it holds with private tech firms and the NHS for the creation of a COVID-19 data store, just days after campaigners fired legal shots over a lack of transparency.

Available on the openDemocracy website, the contracts describe how the arrangements between the NHS and Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and AI firms Faculty and Palantir (which subcontracts to AWS) will operate.

10.01.2021 - 09:41 [ ]

How Palantir is quietly extending its reach through the British state

As Palantir‘s executives were preparing over the summer to release shares publicly for the first time, they faced a challenge: how do you convince investors to buy into a 17-year-old company that has never turned a profit?

09.01.2021 - 18:18 [ ]

Covid-19: the problems with case counting

(03 September 2020)

At the moment it seems that a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive result is the only criterion required for a case to be recognised.

“In any other disease we would have a clearly defined specification that would usually involve signs, symptoms, and a test result,” says Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at the University of Oxford and the editor of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. “We are moving into a biotech world where the norms of clinical reasoning are going out of the window. A PCR test does not equal covid-19; it should not, but in some definitions it does.”

09.01.2021 - 18:12 [ ]

The way ‘Covid deaths’ are being counted is a national scandal


Normally, two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom has been treating the patient or who knows them and has seen them recently. That has changed. For Covid-19 only, the certification can be made by a single doctor, and there is no requirement for them to have examined, or even met, the patient. A video-link consultation in the four weeks prior to death is now felt to be sufficient for death to be attributed to Covid-19.

09.01.2021 - 18:02 [ Lockdown Resistance Network / Twitter ]

Enough and no more. Never in history have we behaved like this. This is psychological warfare and gaslighting. Whitty and the rest are drunk on power. I‘m not complying with this nonsense. I‘m not complying with this once great country becoming a totalitarian dictatorship.

09.01.2021 - 17:53 [ ]

Now scientists call for ‚lax‘ third lockdown to be made even TOUGHER: SAGE expert says new coronavirus variant cannot be contained by current restrictions as terrifying Chris Whitty adverts try to scare of Brits into staying at home

As a result, ministers are considering introducing tougher measures as part of the crackdown, including possibly making face masks mandatory in busy outdoor areas.

England‘s Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty has appeared in adverts urging us to stay at home as the new variant of the virus rips across the country.

04.01.2021 - 17:40 [ ]

‘No hard evidence on curfew’ admits Gov adviser Vallance

(09 Dec 2020)

Vallance and chief medical officer Chris Whitty were asked if there was something that could be done in the structure in scientific advice that could be a bit more forensic about those restrictions on the sector that have a very big impact on certain people. The scientific advisers said they are trying very hard to get data but can´t give specific data on it, and nor can anyone else across the world.

04.01.2021 - 17:17 [ ]

Matt Hancock blames Covid spread on public as government under pressure for new lockdown

Health secretary Matt Hancock has said that Boris Johnson’s tier system is “no longer strong enough” to deal with the new more virulent variant of coronavirus.

03.01.2021 - 07:06 [ ]

PETER HITCHENS: Guess where Professor Lockdown got his ideas … China’s police state

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said at the time that it was ‘just not possible’ for Ferguson to continue advising the Government. But this was not true. The professor was said to have resigned from the SAGE advisory committee. But did he? Not really. A current State website lists him as a member of the ‘New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group’ (NERVTAG). Minutes suggest he was only ever away from that for a few weeks.

02.01.2021 - 08:32 [ ]

Wrexham factory to produce millions of doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine


The Wrexham plant is able to produce around 300 million doses of the vaccine each year, and has been producing 150,000 phials a day for months in readiness to roll out the vaccine across the UK.

The CP Pharmaceuticals lab will carry out the „fill and finish“ stage of the manufacturing process. This involves dispensing the vaccine into vials ready for it to be sent out across the country.

The 18-month agreement with parent company Wockhardt was announced back in August.

30.12.2020 - 03:58 [ mark cording / Twitter ]

What‘s the update on the Oxford vaccine Mr Hancock

30.12.2020 - 03:50 [ Matt Hancock, secretary of State for Health & Social Care / Twitter ]

Fantastic to see Margaret Keenan receive her second dose of the @Pfizer /@BioNTech_Group #coronavirus vaccine

30.12.2020 - 03:38 [ BBC ]

Covid: Millions more braced for tougher rules in England

Government sources have indicated an announcement later will see more areas move into tier four – „stay at home“.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock is due to detail the changes – which could be introduced within days – in the House of Commons after 14:30 GMT.

30.12.2020 - 03:35 [ noone@nowhere / Twitter ]

Still no Oxford vaccine emergency approval. Unbelievable.


28.12.2020 - 17:26 [ / Twitter ]

How many willing to bet that this case is part of pharma wars to sabotage Oxford vaccine?


28.12.2020 - 17:25 [ ]

Coronavirus latest news: One million vaccinations a week will not bring pandemic under control, warns Sage expert

Sir Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust who advises Number 10‘s advisory panel Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) said: „We‘re not going to be free of this pandemic by February, this is now a human endemic infection.

28.12.2020 - 09:24 [ ]

Oxford coronavirus vaccine: 10,000 medics and volunteers recruited to administer jab

The Oxford/AstraZeneca jab could be approved early next week by the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), after the final cut of data was submitted by the Government last Monday.

28.12.2020 - 05:18 [ noone@nowhere / Twitter ]

Still no Oxford vaccine emergency approval. Unbelievable.


27.12.2020 - 11:09 [ ]

Britain could be free of Covid restrictions by February after ministers pinpointed the 15million people to vaccinate to end the cycle of lockdowns, with Oxford‘s jab due to be approved Monday and rolled out within a week

Government sources say that between 12 million and 15 million people have been identified as likely to require hospital treatment if they contract coronavirus, or be at risk of dying from it. Once this group has received the vaccine – which some officials hope could be achieved by the end of February – then the NHS would no longer be at risk of being overwhelmed if the virus spread through the greater population. That would remove the main argument for shutting the economy at a stroke.

A source said: ‚The path to liberation is finally becoming clear.‘

27.12.2020 - 11:02 [ ]

‚THE BEST OF BRITISH‘: Oxford Covid vaccine expected to be approved MONDAY as huge efforts ‘pay off’

„We have seen the best of British at every stage, from our world-leading scientists working around the clock to carry out vital research, to builders and engineers constructing new facilities.

“Manufacturers are boosting their capabilities and hundreds of thousands of people in every corner of the UK are taking part in clinical trials ­­— developing, finding and preparing for a vaccine has involved us all.

“It has and continues to be a truly UK-wide effort and one which showcases what a fantastic nation we are.”

27.12.2020 - 05:22 [ / Twitter ]

How many willing to bet that this case is part of pharma wars to sabotage Oxford vaccine?


27.12.2020 - 05:20 [ Sean / Twitter ]

Can I ask why the Oxford vaccine approval is taking so long? It only took 23 days for Pfizers, we are nearly at day 30 and still no sign of approval!


27.12.2020 - 05:05 [ ]

Millions to receive Oxford coronavirus vaccine from Jan 4

The Government is aiming for two million people to receive their first dose of either the Oxford vaccine or the Pfizer jab within a fortnight as part of a major ramping up of the inoculation programme.

23.12.2020 - 18:07 [ BBC Radio Sussex / Twitter ]

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told a Downing Street briefing the old tiering system was not enough to control the new variant of the Covid virus, as he announced stricter curbs for Sussex and part of Surrey.