„We didn‘t have troops there (at the Finnish border), now they will be there. There were no systems of destruction there, now they will appear,“ he said.
Archiv: Schweden / Sweden
What countries are in the 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, and 14 Eyes agreements?
Fourteen Eyes agreement countries
Fourteen Eyes (or 14 Eyes) refers to the intelligence group that consists of the Five Eyes member countries plus:
– Belgium
– Denmark
– France
– Germany
– Italy
– The Netherlands
– Norway
– Spain
– Sweden
These countries participate in SIGINT sharing as third parties. The official name of the Fourteen Eyes is the SIGINT Seniors of Europe (SSEUR), which has existed in one form or another since 1982. Similar to the UKUSA Agreement, its original mission was to uncover information about the USSR.
A SIGINT Seniors Meeting is attended by the heads of the SIGINT agencies (NSA, GCHQ, BND, the French DGSE, etc.) and is where they can share intelligence and discuss related issues. While this group has many of the same members as the “Nine Eyes”, it is a different group. According to leaked documents, the Fourteen Eyes is not a formal treaty but rather an agreement made between SIGINT agencies.
A Surveillance Primer: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
(August 15, 2022)
The Five Eyes (FVEY) surveillance alliance includes the following countries:
– Australia
– Canada
– New Zealand
– United Kingdom
– United States
The Nine Eyes countries include:
– 5 Eyes countries +
– Denmark
– France
– Netherlands
– Norway
The 14 Eyes surveillance countries include:
– 9 Eyes countries +
– Germany
– Belgium
– Italy
– Sweden
– Spain
NATO countries to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets in Romania
(12 July 2023)
A coalition of 11 nations decided during the recent NATO summit in Lithuania to start training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets in August in Denmark. A training center will also be set up in Romania for the same purpose.
NATO members Denmark and the Netherlands have been leading international efforts to train pilots as well as support staff, maintain aircraft and ultimately enable the supply of F-16s to Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to Reuters.
Group of 11 countries forms coalition for training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters
The Ministry of Defence of Denmark reported that Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the UK agreed to start the training of Ukrainians on the F-16 fighters.
The training is expected to start at the end of the summer and will be conducted in Denmark.
Changes on the horizon as Swedish armed forces prepare for Nato membership
Last night Nato‘s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that Turkey has, after months of negotiations, said yes to Sweden joining the military alliance.
This will mean new tasks ahead for the Swedish armed forces.
Five Eyes, Six Eyes, Europe’s Eyes? Europe-Five Eyes Cooperation in the Face of China
(Mar 27, 2021)
In the short term, Europe may be able to shrug off the illegality of its data-sharing practices under the GDPR, and please privacy advocates with adequacy reviews, but in the long term the violation of Europe’s own data privacy crownpiece is sure to harm its international credibility.
Blockade: Kein NATO-Beitritt Schwedens auf Gipfel
Schweden kann seine Hoffnungen auf einen NATO-Beitritt auf dem Gipfel des Verteidigungsbündnisses Mitte Juli begraben.
Das ungarische Parlament habe die Ratifizierung des Beitrittsprotokolls nicht auf die Tagesordnung seiner letzten Sitzung vor der Sommerpause gesetzt, teilte die oppositionelle Abgeordnete Agnes Vadai heute nach einer Sitzung des parlamentarischen Hauptausschusses mit.
Schweden beschließt verschärftes Anti-Terror-Gesetz
Bei der Vorstellung des Gesetzes im Februar hatte Justizminister Gunnar Strömmer gesagt, der Vorschlag stelle eine „erhebliche Ausweitung des Anwendungsbereichs im Vergleich zu den geltenden Rechtsvorschriften“ dar. So seien nun beispielsweise auch der Umgang mit Ausrüstungsgegenständen, die Organisation von Versammlungsorten, das Kochen und die Bereitstellung von Transport für terroristische Organisationen strafbar.
Sahel Alliance
In July 2017, France, Germany and the European Union, along with the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the Sahel Alliance, an international cooperation platform to do more and better in the Sahel region. Since its launch, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, the European Investment Bank, Norway, Sweden, the United States and Canada have joined the initiative as full members.
The Sahel Alliance has also 9 observer members: Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, the International Finance Corporation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Ireland and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.
NATO allies ‚agree Ukraine will become member‘
Speaking ahead of a meeting of the Ukraine defence contact group at Ramstein air base in Germany, he also told reporters that, once the war in Ukraine ends, Kyiv must have „the deterrence to prevent new attacks“.
Ukraine live briefing: NATO chief visits Kyiv, says Ukraine’s ‘rightful place’ is in alliance
“Let me be clear: Ukraine’s rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family,” Stoltenberg said at the news conference. “Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help you make this possible.” The secretary general’s visit comes as NATO is expanding, having just added Finland as its 31st member. Sweden, another prospective member, has had its accession process held up by objections from alliance members Hungary and Turkey.
Why a negotiated settlement might be Ukraine’s best option
Although the Russian people do not enthusiastically support the war, the majority accept it. Any notion that they will oust their leader is wishful thinking.
Putin has cleverly scripted the conflict into a powerful historic narrative. He presents it as a defensive struggle for the survival of the country akin to the German invasion of 1941. NATO’s refusal to rule out Ukrainian membership and the planned accession of Sweden and Finland are grist for his propaganda mill.
Why won’t @YlvaJohansson and other #ChatControl 2.0 advocates think of the children? It’s their children’s rights that are taken away. It’s their children who’ll live in a mass-surveillance society when they grow up. Maybe they should listen to @UNICEF?
Why is it that Swedish media is so quiet? It was very different when we argued against the FRA Act. But now? #ChatControl 2.0 is even worse
Neuer Vorsitz im Rat der EU: Schweden nimmt Anlauf gegen sichere Verschlüsselung
Die Forderung ist Jahrzehnte alt. Schon seit den Neunzigern wollen manche Politiker*innen die sichere Verschlüsselung von Inhalten im Netz am liebsten loswerden.
Sweden still has requirements to meet to join NATO: Turkey
Billström said Sweden is determined to fulfill its commitments and Stockholm was in the process of strengthening its “anti-terrorism” legislation.
A constitutional amendment will enter into force on January 1 that restricts the freedom of association of groups that engage in or support “terrorism”, he said.
The Swedish government also plans to introduce legislation that further impedes people taking part in the activities of “terrorist” groups, Billström said.
A Surveillance Primer: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
(August 15, 2022)
The Five Eyes (FVEY) surveillance alliance includes the following countries:
– Australia
– Canada
– New Zealand
– United Kingdom
– United States
The Nine Eyes countries include:
– 5 Eyes countries +
– Denmark
– France
– Netherlands
– Norway
The 14 Eyes surveillance countries include:
– 9 Eyes countries +
– Germany
– Belgium
– Italy
– Sweden
– Spain
Five Eyes, Six Eyes, Europe’s Eyes? Europe-Five Eyes Cooperation in the Face of China
(Mar 27, 2021)
In the short term, Europe may be able to shrug off the illegality of its data-sharing practices under the GDPR, and please privacy advocates with adequacy reviews, but in the long term the violation of Europe’s own data privacy crownpiece is sure to harm its international credibility.
A Surveillance Primer: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
(August 15, 2022)
The Five Eyes (FVEY) surveillance alliance includes the following countries:
– Australia
– Canada
– New Zealand
– United Kingdom
– United States
The Nine Eyes countries include:
– 5 Eyes countries +
– Denmark
– France
– Netherlands
– Norway
The 14 Eyes surveillance countries include:
– 9 Eyes countries +
– Germany
– Belgium
– Italy
– Sweden
– Spain
No final Swedish election result until Wednesday: right wing opposition takes lead
The result is only final once all the 6,578 districts have completed their counts. At the top of the graph you can see how many counts are completed.
Party abbreviations:
S – Social Democrats
MP – Green Party
V – Left Party
C – Centre Party
SD – Sweden Democrats
M – Moderates
KD – Christian Democrats
L – Liberals
A Surveillance Primer: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
(August 15, 2022)
The Five Eyes (FVEY) surveillance alliance includes the following countries:
– Australia
– Canada
– New Zealand
– United Kingdom
– United States
The Nine Eyes countries include:
– 5 Eyes countries +
– Denmark
– France
– Netherlands
– Norway
The 14 Eyes surveillance countries include:
– 9 Eyes countries +
– Germany
– Belgium
– Italy
– Sweden
– Spain
Bernie doesn‘t even pretend any more to have anything resembling a left-wing foreign policy or any minimal divergence from the neocon-driven Dem Party‘s foreign policy dogma. Opposing NATO expansion was long a mainstream liberal view. Now only Hawley & Paul will get near it:
Bernie Turns Pro-War & Votes To Expand NATO
The United States Senate has voted 95-1-1 to approve the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO, further engorging the ever-growing “defensive” alliance – this despite the fact that NATO was formed as a pact among nations to protect one another from the Soviet Union, a country that hasn’t existed for more than 30 years. Even onetime peace activist Bernie Sanders voted in favor, showing that the Vermont Senator has essentially given up any semblance of independence and is a good Democrat who will never cross the party leadership on substantive matters.
Right before meeting with Putin in Iran, Turkey‘s Erdogan threatens to ‚freeze‘ Sweden and Finland‘s NATO membership
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday once again threatened to stand in the way of Finland and Sweden joining NATO — a day before he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Iran.
Europe‘s new Iron Curtain: The defences designed to keep Putin out as Biden announces a new permanent base in Poland – while Sweden and Finland are formally invited into alliance and Russia blasts ‚destabilising‘ move
Joe Biden, speaking at a NATO summit in Madrid today, announced the creation of a new base for the US Fifth Army Corps in Poland – the first permanent American base in the country – along with 3,000 extra soldiers to be sent to Romania and ‚enhanced‘ troop rotations for the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Two more squadrons of F-35 fighters will be deployed to the UK, Biden added, along with additional air defence systems for Germany and Italy, and another two destroyers which will be stationed at Rota Naval Station in Spain, bringing the total to six.
Türkiye, Finland, and Sweden sign agreement paving the way for Finnish and Swedish NATO membership
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Türkiye, President Sauli Niinistö of Finland and Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of Sweden met in Madrid on Tuesday (28 June 2022) under the auspices of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
Niinistö and Stoltenberg discuss Nato bid at Kultaranta Talks
On Monday morning, Støre will discuss Nordic security with Speaker of Parliament Matti Vanhanen (Cen) and the directors of the Swedish and Finnish institutes of international affairs.
That will be followed by a security policy debate in Finnish featuring Defence Forces Commander Timo Kivinen, Education Minister Li Andersson (Left), Foreign Affairs Committee chair Jussi Halla-aho (Finns) and Defence Committee chair Petteri Orpo (NCP).
Finland will not go into NATO without Sweden, president says
Finland‘s President Sauli Niinistö has underlined his country‘s commitment to joining NATO in tandem with Sweden after he was asked whether Finland could proceed alone in the application process.
Niinistö was speaking on Sunday at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
Erdogan beharrt auf Nein zu NATO-Norderweiterung
Gespräche mit Vertretern der beiden skandinavischen Länder am Mittwoch seien nicht wie erwartet verlaufen, so Erdogan weiter. Die Länder hätten nicht die erwarteten Schritte im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus unternommen. Erdogan äußerte sich auf seinem Rückflug aus Aserbaidschan vor türkischen Journalisten.
#NATO is going to hold naval exercise BALTOPS-22 with #Sweden and #Finland. The exercises will take place in the #BalticSea from June 5-17. According to the #Pentagon, a sixth U.S. fleet will take part.
Schweden, Finnland besiegeln Weg in NATO
Schweden und Finnland nähern sich ihren NATO-Beitritten in großen Schritten an. Die schwedische Außenministerin Ann Linde unterzeichnete am Dienstag den Mitgliedsantrag. Kurz darauf stimmte das finnische Parlament mit überwältigender Mehrheit einem Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft zu. Am Abend unterzeichnete dann schließlich Finnlands Außenminister Pekka Haavisto den Antrag.
Finland and Sweden to walk „hand-in-hand“ into NATO
At a joint press conference in Stockholm, prime minister Magdalena Andersson and Finland‘s President Sauili Niinistö spoke about the long historic relations and co-operation between the two countries, and the importance of taking this step together.
PM: Seeking NATO membership is historic shift for Sweden
With general elections just a few months away, the government could change between now and when the process is complete. Ulf Kristersson, leader of the conservative Moderates, said, „NATO is above party politics.“
As Sweden confronts NATO decision, Left Party holds out hope for non-alignment
A majority of parliament‘s eight parties backed a national security analysis and its findings on Friday, but the Greens and the Left Party refrained from signing off on its conclusions.
The report didn‘t take a stance on whether Sweden should join NATO but highlighted the benefits of being a member of the alliance, something the two parties oppose.
NATO Military Committee to meet on May 19; chiefs of general staffs of Ukraine, Finland, Sweden invited
The Chiefs of General Staffs of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden will take part in the meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels, Belgium on May 19, according to the alliance‘s website
It‘s like Putin is going out of his way to encourage Sweden and Finland to join NATO as rapidly as possible.
Sweden says Russian plane violated airspace as NATO application looms
A statement from the Swedish Armed Forces said the aircraft, an Antonov An-30, was first located when it was east of Bornholm and flying towards Swedish territory. It briefly violated Swedish airspace before leaving the area.
“Swedish fighter jets followed the incident and photographed the plane,” the defense ministry said.
Linde: No decision yet on Nato membership
Foreign minister Ann Linde says Sweden has not come to a conclusion yet on Nato membership.
She was speaking at a press conference in Helsinki following a bilateral meeting with her Finnish counterpart Pekka Haavisto.
Sweden‘s former UN ambassador on Nato membership: „don‘t rush decision“
Sweden is moving too fast on discussions whether to join Nato or not, says the former UN ambassador and veteran Social Democrat, Pierre Schori.
Schori believes that Sweden would lose some of its credibility on several serious issues, including when it comes to nuclear disarmament.
Left party demands referendum on NATO membership
Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar told Swedish Radio News on Thursday morning that most voters voted for parties who promised not to join the military alliance, and if politicians are going to change their stances, that needs to be put to the voters.
Covid lockdowns weren’t needed, finds inquiry in the country that stayed open
Some countries that did impose lockdowns had ‚significantly worse outcomes‘ than Sweden, whose citizens also retained more persoal freedom
Vorgestern gab es in Schweden große Demos gegen den Impfpass (denn Masken oder Lockdowns existierten dort nie). Sie haben die absurde Sorge, daraus könne ein digitaler Identitätsnachweis à la China werden. Obwohl, was redet die Kommissionpräsidentin da?
#Schweden, Stockholm: seht euch diese MASSEN an! In einem Land, das bisher wenig von Spaltung, Lockdowns etc. betroffen ist und was: „Nej till vaccinpass“
World Wide Rally for Freedom – Sweden
On the 22nd of January 2022 we gather in Stockholm and Gothenburg to rally for Freedom.
Papa hier gibt es keine Bankräuber
Schweden im Januar 2022. Maskierte Menschen sind für meine Kinder Bankräuber und ein großer Spaß für sie ist es Bankräuber zu zählen. Wer die meisten gesehen hat, hat gewonnen. Leider erwies sich dieses Spiel in Schweden als ziemlich langweilig.
Sweden – Malmö [Dec 18, 2021] Huge protest today in #Malmö against vax passports!
Sweden – Göteborg [Dec 11, 2021] Huge protest against the Wax passport! Even in Sweden!
#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #CovidGesetzNein #NoAlPaseSanitario #NoVaccineMandates #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #Widerstand #NonAuPassSanitaire #GeenQR #nejtillvaccinpass
Schweden: Keine Maßnahmen – und keine Herbst-Corona-Welle
Aussagekraft des “Fälle”-Voodoo tendiert gegen null
Partying in Norway: Covid-19 cases plunge after the country gets rid of all restrictions
(OctoberNorway is one of three Nordic nations that has scrapped all Covid-19 rules in the past few weeks – along with Sweden and Denmark. 20, 2021)
NATO’s Annual Nuclear Strike Exercise Underway In Southern Europe
The DCA aircraft committed by the nuclear capable European air forces are always the same, since they are the only ones configured to carry the B61: German and Italian Air Force Tornado IDS; Belgian, Dutch and Turkish F-16s. The American participation involves the tactical assets based in Europe: F-16s and F-15Es.
NATO will retain a nuclear deterrent: Stoltenberg claims
„Also on the agenda are talks on how to preserve the gains made in the fight against terrorism after the end of the Alliance’s military operation in Afghanistan.
And tomorrow, the ministers will meet with our closest partners, Sweden, Finland, and the European Union.
And we all look forward to discuss how we can further strengthen the partnership.“
Schwedischer Regierungschef kündigt Rücktritt an
Ende Juni war Löfven nach einem Misstrauensvotum schon einmal als Ministerpräsident zurückgetreten. Nach wenigen Tagen erhielt er im schwedischen Parlament aber wieder die nötige Unterstützung.
Demos gegen Maßnahmen in mehreren EU-Staaten
Tausende Gegnerinnen und Gegner der CoV-Maßnahmen sind heute in mehreren europäischen Ländern auf die Straßen gegangen. In Schweden wurden kleinere Kundgebungen von der Polizei aufgelöst, im niederländischen Amsterdam und dem deutschen Kassel mussten Wasserwerfer eingesetzt werden.
Remember life before March, 2020?
AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine will not be recommended for over-65s in France or Sweden as countries follow Germany’s lead
The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine will not be recommended for over-65s in France or Sweden, the countries‘ health ministries announced today.
It comes after Germany advised against administering the jab to those over 65 and Emmanuel Macron claimed it was ‚almost ineffective‘ for the age bracket.
Continental objections to the jab last week came amid a furious row between the Bloc and AstraZeneca over lagging supply, which has seen newly-unshackled Brexit Britain storm ahead in its immunisation roll-out.
Oh. My. God. Huge new restrictions in Sweden. It‘s looking a lot like a global coup based on/predicated upon medical fascism.
Politisch Verfolgter aus Honduras klagt vor dem EU-Gerichtshof gegen Schweden
Aus einem Bericht über interne Vertriebene in Honduras geht hervor, dass im Zeitraum von 2004 bis 2018 mindestens 247.000 Menschen innerhalb des Landes durch Gewalt vertrieben wurden.
U.S spied on allies, including Netherlands, through Denmark
According to the Danish broadcaster, the NSA and Danish military service FE signed an agreement in 2008, which stated that the Americans would help Denmark tap internet cables in the European country. In return, the NSA gained access to internet cables to Eastern Europe. Together they processed the data in a data center near Copenhagen Airport, which was built for that purpose.
But the United States also used that internet access to spy on Denmark itself, and surrounding countries including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, the whistleblower, a former employee of the FE, said to DR.
Schwedens beneidenswerte Lage im Anti-Corona-Kampf
Auch ist zu berücksichtigen, dass die Sterbefälle in Schweden dem langjährigen Durchschnitt entsprechen. Während der ersten 35 Wochen dieses Jahres gab es 620 Tote auf 100.000 Einwohner, womit die Zahlen der vorhergehenden Dekade fünfmal über- und fünfmal unterschritten wurden. Der höchste Wert wurde für 2012 mit 650 ermittelt, was ca. 3000 Todesfälle mehr als in diesem Jahr bedeutet. Damals grassierte eine schwere Influenza-Epidemie, die augenscheinlich mehr Opfer forderte als gegenwärtig das Sars-CoV-2-Virus.
Coronavirus in Marseille: Das Virus der Rebellion
Dass ausgerechnet eine Politikerin der Grünen, die in Deutschland bislang fast alle Corona-Regeln der Regierung mittragen, der Bar- und Restaurantschließung widerspricht, hat mehr mit Emmanuel Macrons bisheriger Corona-Bilanz zu tun als mit dem neuen Erlass. Der Präsident hatte im Frühjahr einen besonders strengen und langen Lockdown verhängt, dennoch hatte Frankreich ähnlich viele Opfer zu beklagen wie das lockerere Schweden.
Tausende falsche Testergebnisse in Schweden
Der Fehler sei in zwei Labors festgestellt worden, die die kommerziellen Schnelltests aus China analysierten.
Rückblickend wurde festgestellt, dass sie nicht zwischen niedrigen Viruskonzentrationen und negativen Proben unterscheiden konnten. Die Leistungen des Tests seien einfach zu schlecht, hieß es.
Kein Nobelbankett in Stockholm in diesem Jahr
Normalerweise nehmen mehr als 1.000 geladene Gäste an dem Fest teil. Zuvor erhalten alle Geehrten mit Ausnahme des in Oslo ausgezeichneten Friedensnobelpreisträgers ihre Medaillen im Konzerthaus der schwedischen Hauptstadt.
Iran zu Entschädigung wegen Flugzeugabschusses bereit
Nach tagelangem Leugnen räumte der Iran seine Verantwortung für das Unglück ein. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden gaben an, die Maschine kurz nach ihrem Abflug von Teheran versehentlich abgeschossen zu haben.
Der Iran hatte kurz vor dem Unglück mit Raketenangriffen auf US-Stützpunkte im Irak auf die Tötung des Generals Kassem Solaimani durch die USA geantwortet.
Finale im Fall Palme enttäuscht Schweden
Die Staatsanwaltschaft habe im Vorfeld davon gesprochen, nun ein klares Bild vom Tatgeschehen zu haben, neue Erkenntnisse seien aber nicht präsentiert worden. Er glaube nicht, dass die schwedische Öffentlichkeit diese Geschichte akzeptieren werde.
Ermittler geben Pressekonferenz zu Mordfall Olof Palme
Die Tat im Herzen von Stockholm ist bis heute unaufgeklärt und zählt zu den größten ungelösten Mordfällen Europas.
Norwegian and Swedish fighter jets in joint training with US B-1 bombers
This is the first time that American strategic long-range bombers are exercising in Swedish airspace, Dagens Nyheter reports.
Norway’s Defense command says Wednesday’s exercise is “one of the largest of its kind, and several allied and partners trained along with the US B-1.”
Swedish PM addresses the nation
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will speak to the nation tonight 9.15 p.m. local time (4.15 p.m. EST) The 5-minute speech can be watched at SVT PLAY, www.svtplay.se
Exiled Pakistani journalist found dead in Sweden
Hussain fled Pakistan in 2012 after his reporting on forced disappearances and human rights violations in the Balochistan region had resulted in the police raiding his house and interrogating his family. He also received death threats…He had arrived in Sweden in 2018, after previously moving from the United Arab Emirates to Oman and Uganda