Archiv: künstliche Intelligenz (KI) / Maschinenlernen / artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning

08.02.2025 - 15:42 [ ]

Drohnenprogramm-Whistleblowerin: „Wie ein Internet der höllischen Dinge“

Die Entscheidung wurde wahrscheinlich mit Hilfe von Daten getroffen, von denen einige aus sozialen Netzwerken und dem Internet stammen oder die von Datenmaklern verkauft wurden. Offensichtlich spiegeln viele der gesammelten Daten Vorurteile wieder.

Max Freitag: OpenAI, das Unternehmen hinter ChatGPT, arbeitet jetzt mit dem Militärdienstleister Anduril zusammen, um „defensive“ Drohnentechnologie zu entwickeln. Könnte es sein, dass ich eines Tages einen Chat-Bot nutze und meine Daten dazu verwendet werden, Algorithmen zu trainieren, die dann zum Töten von Menschen eingesetzt werden?

Lisa Ling: Sicherlich ist es möglich, sogar wahrscheinlich, dass alles, was von einem vernetzten Gerät an die Cloud gesendet wird, sei es eine Kredittransaktion oder eine Uber-Fahrt, letztendlich als Waffe eingesetzt werden könnte.

23.01.2025 - 22:31 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli army forcibly expels Palestinians from Jenin and ‚executes‘ residents

According to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa, Israeli forces have imposed a complete siege on the Jenin refugee camp, deploying special units, drones and biometric and facial recognition systems to monitor and control the area.

Palestinians have been forcibly expelled from their homes as Israeli troops order them out via loudspeakers and air-dropped leaflets.

Salah, a Jenin camp resident, spoke to Middle East Eye about the terrifying scene as drones circled above their homes while Israeli troops, using loudspeakers, demanded that people leave.

23.01.2025 - 22:18 [ +972 Magazine ]

Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft

The documents reveal that dozens of units in the Israeli army have purchased services from Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, Azure, in recent months — including units in the air, ground, and naval forces, as well as the elite intelligence squad, Unit 8200. Microsoft has also provided the military with extensive access to OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, the engine behind ChatGPT, thanks to the close partnership between the two companies.

These revelations are the product of an investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call in collaboration with The Guardian.

29.03.2024 - 21:00 [ micchiato / ]

“#Israel’s apartheid army detained, interrogated and beat Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha, a graduate of Syracuse University, with the assistance of Corsight’s facial recognition technology ….

Giora Eiland, a retired Israeli major general, serves on the board of directors of Corsight …. He wrote: ‘The entire population of #Gaza will either move to #Egypt or move to the Gulf.’

The retired general also recommended targeting civilian vehicles in Gaza.” #writingcommunity

29.03.2024 - 20:29 [ New York Times ]

Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza

(March 27, 2024)

The expansive and experimental effort is being used to conduct mass surveillance there, collecting and cataloging the faces of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, according to Israeli intelligence officers, military officials and soldiers.

The technology was initially used in Gaza to search for Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas during the Oct. 7 cross-border raids, the intelligence officials said.

29.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Firm helping Israel spy on Gaza includes genocide advocate


There is little complaint from western politicians. Corsight’s complicity isn’t seen as an urgent matter.

Nor, for that matter, do most of these politicians give sufficient attention to Israel’s genocidal policies in Gaza.

Unmentioned by the Times is that Giora Eiland, a retired Israeli major general, serves on the board of directors of Corsight.

When Eiland joined the board in January 2021, Igal Raichelgauz, chairman and founder of the Cortica Group, stated, “We are excited to add Giora to the company board, we believe that due to his extensive experience in the national security field, Corsight will continue growing into new markets and territories and lead the face recognition market in Israel and in the world.” Corsight is a subsidiary of Cortica, a firm focused on artificial intelligence.

Eiland is a proponent of the ethnic cleansing of the occupied territory of Gaza.

11.02.2024 - 19:20 [ ]

Internet-Kontrolle: Belgien setzt Überwachungs-KI der deutschen Medienaufsicht ein

KIVI wurde zunächst für deutschsprachige Inhalte entwickelt. Dafür sucht KIVI etwa nach verdächtigen Wörtern. Die genaue Liste möchte die Medienaufsicht jedoch nicht offenlegen. Bislang bekannte Wörter sind etwa „Terror“, „Mord“, „Islam“, „Juden“, „Christen“ – sie können KIVI etwa auf extremistische Inhalte hinweisen.

Beim Einsatz in Belgien geht es um Inhalte auf Französisch.

30.01.2024 - 11:30 [ Reuters ]

Elon Musk‘s Neuralink implants brain chip in first human

The study uses a robot to surgically place a brain-computer interface (BCI) implant in a region of the brain that controls the intention to move, Neuralink said previously, adding that its initial goal is to enable people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts alone.

30.01.2024 - 11:25 [ ]

Neuralink Is Now Recruiting Human Subjects


It‘s only a tiny incremental step towards Musk‘s sweeping vision for his company‘s brain chip. In 2020, Musk promised Neuralink devices could solve numerous neurological conditions, including addiction or memory loss, or restore movement for people with spinal cord injuries. He‘s even promised that one day, a Neuralink brain chip could allow for human-to-human telepathy.

In short, despite Musk‘s grand ambitions, Neuralink still has a lot of work to do to catch up with its competitors — and isn‘t about to completely revolutionize the field just yet.

18.01.2024 - 03:45 [ ]

The fight in Gaza will be hell, military experts in urban combat say


Yahalom Unit: a specialized Israeli Defense Forces combat engineering corps commando unit trained to find, clear and destroy tunnels. The unit is one of the largest in the world focused on underground warfare.

The Yahalom carries a toolkit of specialized gear for such operations, including ground and aerial sensors, ground-penetrating radar, drilling equipment, radios and navigation equipment designed for use underground, thermal equipment and a suite of flying and ground robots for mapping tunnels. Once discovered, the unit has ground-penetrating munitions such as the GBU-28, which can penetrate 100 feet of soil or 20 feet of concrete.

18.01.2024 - 00:13 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

22.12.2023 - 21:19 [ New York Times ]

A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza

The Times programmed an artificial intelligence tool to scan satellite imagery of south Gaza for bomb craters. Times reporters manually reviewed the search results, looking for craters measuring roughly 40 feet across or larger. Munitions experts say typically only 2,000-pound bombs form craters of that size in Gaza’s light, sandy soil.

Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage.

10.12.2023 - 02:10 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

“Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

10.12.2023 - 02:02 [ Arnaud Bertrand / Twitter ]

WOW, this might be THE most important piece of journalism on the war on Gaza since it began, by Israeli newspaper @972mag Essentially they confirm, with unimpeachable sourcing, that the killing of civilians was all calculated and intentional.


Their investigation is „based on conversations with seven current and former members of Israel’s intelligence community — including military intelligence and air force personnel who were involved in Israeli operations in the besieged Strip — in addition to Palestinian testimonies, data, and documentation from the Gaza Strip, and official statements by the IDF Spokesperson and other Israeli state institutions.“

03.10.2023 - 11:55 [ ]

Europol will Chatkontrolle-Daten unbegrenzt sammeln


Europol wünscht sich ungefilterten Zugang zu Daten der Chatkontrolle, um KI-Algorithmen zu trainieren. Das geht aus internen Dokumenten hervor, die wir veröffentlichen. Zwei ehemalige Beamte der EU-Polizei wechselten zur US-Organisation Thorn, die massiv für das geplante Gesetz lobbyiert.

20.09.2023 - 05:00 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden Before the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly | New York, NY

But upgrading and strengthening our institutions, that’s only half of the picture. We must also forge new partnerships, confront new challenges.

Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, hold both enormous potential and enormous peril. We need to be sure they are used as tools of opportunity, not as weapons of oppression.

Together with leaders around the world, the United States is working to strengthen rules and policies so AI technologies are safe before they are released to the public; to make sure we govern this technology — not the other way around, having it govern us.

And I’m committed to working through this institution and other international bodies and directly with leaders around the world, including our competitors, to ensure we harness the power of A- — artificial intelligence for good, while protecting our citizens from its most profound risk.

It’s going to take all of us. I’ve been working at this for a while, as many of you have. It’s going to take all of us to get this right.

20.09.2023 - 04:53 [ Fox News ]

President Biden warns UN to ‚make sure‘ AI does not ‘govern us’

President Biden warned the U.N. General Assembly Tuesday that the world needs to make sure it governs artificial intelligence and „not the other way around, having it govern us.“

Biden, speaking in New York City, said „emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence hold both enormous potential and enormous peril.“

20.09.2023 - 04:33 [ ]

KI bestimmt Risiko für genetische Erkrankungen


Die Suche nach den Ursachen für genetische Erkrankungen ist ein großes Unterfangen, bei dem vermehrt auch künstliche Intelligenz (KI) zum Einsatz kommt. Ein neues KI-Werkzeug von Google DeepMind kann das Krankheitsrisiko abschätzen, das von bestimmten Genmutationen ausgeht. Die entstandene Datenbank soll künftige Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der Krankheiten deutlich erleichtern.

20.09.2023 - 04:25 [ European Bioinformatics Institute / European Molecular Biology Laboratory ]

New predictions of genetic variant pathogenicity using AlphaFold protein structures


Google DeepMind has developed a new tool called AlphaMissense, which uses the AlphaFold human protein structure models to predict whether a sequence variant which changes one amino acid in a protein is likely to be tolerated or to impact protein function.

The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor now integrates Google DeepMind’s new AlphaMissense Catalogue.

20.09.2023 - 04:19 [ ]

Al­phaFold, meet Al­phaMis­sense: Google Deep­Mind‘s AI suc­ces­sor pre­dicts how 71M mu­ta­tions cause dis­ease

Google Deep­Mind has de­vel­oped an AI sys­tem that pre­dicts the chances that tens of mil­lions of ge­net­ic vari­ants will cause dis­ease.

20.09.2023 - 01:45 [ European Molecular Biology Laboratory ]

DeepMind and EMBL release the most complete database of predicted 3D structures of human proteins

(22 July 2021)

For those scientists who rely on experimental protein structure determination, AlphaFold’s predictions have helped accelerate their research. For example, a team at the University of Colorado Boulder is finding promise in using AlphaFold predictions to study antibiotic resistance, while a group at the University of California San Francisco has used them to increase their understanding of SARS-CoV-2 biology.

The AlphaFold Protein Structure Database builds on many contributions from the international scientific community, as well as AlphaFold’s sophisticated algorithmic innovations and EMBL-EBI’s decades of experience in sharing the world’s biological data. DeepMind and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) are providing access to AlphaFold’s predictions so that others can use the system as a tool to enable and accelerate research and open up completely new avenues of scientific discovery.

08.08.2023 - 13:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu meets US Democrats; calls for military option against Iran, cooperation on AI

“The most important thing is to produce a credible military threat to Iran. The other thing is use it. We don’t want a world in which Iran can threaten New York or Washington or Los Angeles or anything in between with nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu tells the visiting delegation, which was organized by the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC.

03.08.2023 - 06:50 [ Fox News ]

AI will fuel disturbing ‚build-a-child‘ industry

First, the app lets people envision themselves as parents — potentially encouraging people to pursue, rather than delay, parenthood. As one woman said, „I can actually see myself being [pregnant] at some point.“

On the other hand, new technologies introduce a host of temptations and abuses. As reproductive technology advances, doctors could turn AI-generated images of children into reality. This raises the critical question: What is the purpose of having a child?

16.07.2023 - 17:18 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Seine Exzellenz der Android

Der Eindruck, den Lars machte, war durchaus der eines Mannes von Geltung. Er saß bequem im Lehnstuhl, hielt Zeitung und Zigarre in den Händen, lächelte mit dem zuvorkommenden Lächeln, das ihm Andersen beigebracht hatte, und erwiderte auf alle Fragen je nach den Stichworten. Frithjof gewann die Überzeugung: Sein Android war gelungen, ganz Mensch! Er unterschied sich durch nichts von den anderen als durch den Mangel von Herz und Gemüt. Und vielleicht nicht einmal dadurch.

08.07.2023 - 19:31 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

J’accuse – Ihr seid mitschuldig!

Sachkundige (wie Anshel Pfeffer von der Zeitung Haaretz) nennen die „Operation Haus und Garten“ – so der zynische Name für diesen Angriff – eine „Textbuch-Demonstration“ für „urban warfare“ oder Stadtkrieg. Israel übt also, wie immer wieder in Gaza, an den Menschen in Palästina, um die Überlegenheit seiner Waffen und seiner Militärstrategie und -taktik vor der Welt zu demonstrieren.


Amira Hass (ebenfalls Haaretz) spricht von einem regelrechten Science-Fiction-Angriff. Das HQ, das die Armee ganz in der Nähe von Jenin errichtet hatte, war in direkter und ununterbrochener Verbindung mit allen am Angriff beteiligten Gruppen und konnte in Echtzeit verfolgen, was vor Ort passierte.

01.07.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

Ich fühle mich begafft

Jetzt lässt sich im Detail nachlesen, was im Prinzip schon lange bekannt ist. Die Meta-Töchter Instagram und Facebook erfassen und verarbeiten so ziemlich alles, was Menschen auf ihren Plattformen machen. Daraus berechnen sie Prognosen über unser Verhalten.

Meta erklärt das auf einer neuen Infoseite, geordnet nach 22 Bereichen wie Facebook-Benachrichtigungen, Facebook-Feed, Instagram-Stories, Instagram-Reels. Für jeden Bereich berechnen Algorithmen ein Bündel aus Prognosen und werten teils dutzende Datenpunkte aus. Passend zum aktuellen KI-Hype spricht Meta von „KI-Systemen“.

30.06.2023 - 20:25 [ ]

Sprachmodelle: KI schreibt überzeugende Falschmeldungen

Im Mittelpunkt der Debatte über künstliche Intelligenz (KI) steht auch die Sorge vor automatisch generierter Falschinformation. Wie berechtigt diese ist, untermauert eine aktuelle Studie, wonach KI-generierte Texte in sozialen Netzwerken oft glaubwürdiger erscheinen als jene von Menschen.

30.06.2023 - 07:44 [ ]

Umstrittenes Analyse-Tool: Bund rückt von Software Palantir ab

Auch die innenpolitische Sprecherin der Linksfraktion, Martina Renner, begrüßt die Entscheidung des Bundes, von Palantir abzurücken. Sie fordert im BR-Interview eigenständige Entwicklungen der Behörden, bei denen man über den Quellcode verfügt: „Das hat den großen Vorteil, dass man dann genau weiß, was das Programm macht.“

Das Bayerische Innenministerium betont, die anderen Bundesländer könnten weiterhin den bayerischen Rahmenvertrag nutzen, um Leistungen von Palantir abzurufen.

01.06.2023 - 15:33 [ ]

What is AI risk?


We want to understand what powerful AI systems are doing and why they are doing what they are doing. One way to accomplish this is to have the systems themselves accurately report this information. This may be non-trivial however since being deceptive is useful for accomplishing a variety of goals.

Future AI systems could conceivably be deceptive not out of malice, but because deception can help agents achieve their goals. It may be more efficient to gain human approval through deception than to earn human approval legitimately. Deception also provides optionality: systems that have the capacity to be deceptive have strategic advantages over restricted, honest models. Strong AIs that can deceive humans could undermine human control. AI systems could also have incentives to bypass monitors. Historically, individuals and organizations have had incentives to bypass monitors. For example, Volkswagen programmed their engines to reduce emissions only when being monitored. This allowed them to achieve performance gains while retaining purportedly low emissions. Future AI agents could similarly switch strategies when being monitored and take steps to obscure their deception from monitors. Once deceptive AI systems are cleared by their monitors or once such systems can overpower them, these systems could take a “treacherous turn” and irreversibly bypass human control.

8.Power-Seeking Behavior

Companies and governments have strong economic incentives to create agents that can accomplish a broad set of goals. Such agents have instrumental incentives to acquire power, potentially making them harder to control (Turner et al., 2021, Carlsmith 2021).

01.06.2023 - 14:36 [ Human Rights Watch ]

China’s Techno-Authoritarianism Has Gone Global

(April 8, 2021)

To much of the rest of the world, however, this competition is little more than evil versus evil. The U.S. government has also practiced mass surveillance; big U.S. technology companies have adopted a surveillance-based business model, exploiting people’s data in the name of free service; and the Five Eyes, an intelligence coalition comprised of the United States and Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, has sought to undermine encryption by pressuring companies to give governments backdoor access to all digital communications. In this dismal global race to the digital bottom, the biggest losers are ordinary technology users all over the world.

01.06.2023 - 06:00 [ ]

Direkter Draht zum BKA: Medienaufsicht baut Internet-Überwachung aus

KIVI nimmt neben Websites auch YouTube, Twitter, TikTok und Telegram ins Visier. Viele solcher Online-Plattformen moderieren zwar auch selbst Inhalte, sie sind dazu aber nicht verpflichtet. Mit KIVI kommt nun eine neue systematische Überwachung von Online-Inhalten hinzu. Das legt den Grundstein für eine neuartige Infrastruktur von staatlicher Inhaltskontrolle im Netz.

Das zugrunde liegende Ziel ist Abschreckung, wie der Direktor der Landesmedienanstalt NRW, Tobias Schmid, in einem Interview erklärte. Täter*innen sollten demnach wissen, „dass sie erwischt werden können“. Eine breite Debatte über die Risiken einer solchen Kontrolle gibt es nicht. Im Februar wurden Details über ein zumindest technologisch ähnliches System aus Russland bekannt.

28.05.2023 - 11:07 [ Tablet Magazine ]

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century

The first phase of the information war was marked by distinctively human displays of incompetence and brute-force intimidation. But the next stage, already underway, is being carried out through both scalable processes of artificial intelligence and algorithmic pre-censorship that are invisibly encoded into the infrastructure of the internet, where they can alter the perceptions of billions of people.

Something monstrous is taking shape in America. Formally, it exhibits the synergy of state and corporate power in service of a tribal zeal that is the hallmark of fascism. Yet anyone who spends time in America and is not a brainwashed zealot can tell that it is not a fascist country. What is coming into being is a new form of government and social organization that is as different from mid-twentieth century liberal democracy as the early American republic was from the British monarchism that it grew out of and eventually supplanted. A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals, is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms.

23.05.2023 - 13:31 [ Unlimited Hangout ]

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

(June 28, 2022)

Davos-man Yuval Harari has echoed these sentiments, arguing that the levers of evolution will now be moved from the randomness of nature into the new gods running Google, Facebook and the WEF.

In a 2018 WEF sermon, Harari acted as a neo-Darwinian prophet of a new transhumanist age, saying:

“We are probably among the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.”

22.05.2023 - 00:34 [ IBM ]

IBM Launches $100 Million Partnership with Global Universities to Develop Novel Technologies Towards a 100,000-Qubit Quantum-Centric Supercomputer

Over the next decade, IBM plans to work with university partners and its worldwide quantum ecosystem to evolve how its quantum processors can be connected via quantum interconnects. This work will aim to enable high-efficiency, high-fidelity inter-processor quantum operations and a reliable, flexible, and affordable system component infrastructure to allow scaling to 100,000 qubits.

IBM‘s collaboration with the University of Chicago will build upon the Chicago area‘s strengths in quantum research. The University of Chicago seeded the region‘s quantum ecosystem more than a decade ago with the decision to make quantum technology a focus of what is now the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering.

22.05.2023 - 00:10 [ ]

IBM hat seinen ersten 1.000-Qubit-Computer für den On-Premises-Einsatz verkauft


Der Schutz der Qubits vor Störeinflüssen aus der Umgebung stand bei der Entwicklung von Anfang an an erster Stelle. Die empfindliche Instrumentierung wird in einem neun Fuß mal neun Fuß großen, luftdichten Gehäuse untergebracht, das aus einem halben Zoll dicken Borosilikatglas besteht, wobei der Kryostat, die Steuerelektronik und der Rahmen strukturell von den Kernkomponenten isoliert sind.

22.05.2023 - 00:05 [ ]

IBM begins installing on-premise quantum computer at Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic

(October 24, 2022)

Cleveland Clinic will also be home to the world’s first on-premise Q System Two – IBM’s ‘next generation 1,000+ qubit‘ system – in the future. The company‘s most powerful quantum chip is currently the 127-qubit Eagle, announced last year; the 433-qubit Osprey is due to launch sometime this year.

21.05.2023 - 22:59 [ American Mathematical Society ]

The Mathematics Behind Quantum Computing: Part I

(May 2007)

For a 1024-bit number, Shor‘s Algorithm requires on the order of 1024(3), about one billion, operations. I do not have any information on how quickly quantum operations can be executed, but if each one took one second our factorization would last 34 years. If a quantum computer could run at the speed of today‘s electronic computers (100 million instructions per second and up) then factorization of the 1024-bit number would be a matter of seconds.

19.05.2023 - 23:40 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Nitter ]

Remember the days when the idea of ubiquitous surveillance cameras was repugnant? An Orwellian nightmare fit for the old Soviet Union perhaps, but never for America. #Kennedy24

19.05.2023 - 23:35 [ Washington Post ]

Eyes on the poor: Cameras, facial recognition watch over public housing

No data is available on how often the cameras are used for this purpose. But the previously unreported practice highlights how efforts to make public housing safer are subjecting many of the 1.6 million Americans who live there — overwhelmingly people of color — to round-the-clock surveillance. If evicted, former tenants can face difficulties finding housing and employment for the rest of their lives.

15.05.2023 - 15:23 [ ]

Momentaufnahme der Machtverschiebung

Werfen wir den Blick dazu noch ein paar Jahr weiter zurück. Denn nüchtern betrachtet fand der erste „iPhone-Moment“ im digitalen Sinne nicht 2007 statt, als Steve Jobs die Bühne betrat. Sondern es war ein Moment am 12. März 1989 – und dieser vollzog sich still und leise und ohne große Werbekampagne.

Es war der Tag, an dem der Entwurf zum World Wide Web erstmals veröffentlicht wurde. Der Einfluss des WWW auf unser aller Handeln bis heute ist wohl nur schwer in Zahlen zu fassen, geschweige denn in finanzielle Werte. Wie auch? Patentiert oder lizenziert wurde das WWW nie.

04.05.2023 - 18:44 [ Unlimited Hangout ]

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

Chomsky, who has previously discussed the Epstein case in interviews and who has maintained that Epstein’s ties to intelligence agencies should be considered a “conspiracy theory,” had not previously disclosed these meetings. Chomsky, when confronted by Journal reporters, was evasive, but ultimately admitted to meeting and knowing Jeffrey Epstein.

Many, largely on the left, have expressed dismay and confusion as to why someone with the political views of Chomsky would willingly meet, not once but several times, with someone like Jeffrey Epstein, particularly well after Epstein’s notoriety as a sex trafficker and pedophile. As this report will show, Epstein appeared to view Chomsky as another intellectual who could help guide his decisions when it came to his scientific obsessions – namely, transhumanism and eugenics. What Chomsky gained in return from meeting with Epstein isn’t as clear.

22.04.2023 - 09:10 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Stefan Lorenz Sorgner contra Philipp von Becker: „Transhumanismus“

Auf Grundlage einer solchen Akzentverschiebung von dem, was gegeben ist, auf das, was machbar ist, unternimmt Stefan Lorenz Sorgner eine Neuausrichtung bioethischen Denkens. In seiner Betonung „reproduktiver Freiheit“ vollzieht er dabei einen Perspektivwechsel weg von einem diskriminierungsträchtigen Fokus auf eine bloße Verhinderung unerwünschter Eigenschaften. Stattdessen vertritt er ein Paradigma, das die kreative Schaffung von Menschen mit von den Erzeugern erwünschten Eigenschaften ins Zentrum stellt. Gleichzeitig wird die technische Verbesserung der menschlichen Lebensverhältnisse als zentrales Verfahren zur Aufhebung globaler Ungleichheit wie auch, über eine sich durch Wohlstand und Bildung ergebende Senkung der Reproduktionsrate, der Steuerung des Klimawandels angesehen.

16.04.2023 - 12:03 [ Meredith Whittaker / ]

Signal-Chefin Whittaker: „Die Maßnahmen ebnen den Weg in eine dunkle Zukunft“

Das clientseitige Scannen ist ein faustischer Pakt, der die Prämisse der Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung zunichtemacht. Denn dieser Pakt schreibt eine zutiefst unsichere Technologie vor, die es einer Regierung ermöglicht, buchstäblich jede Äußerung zu überprüfen, bevor sie ausgesprochen wird.

02.04.2023 - 15:46 [ ]

[Report] Deep Packet Inspection and Encrypted Traffic Visibility for IP Networks

By concealing more layers of critical traffic information, new encryption protocols such as TLS 1.3, TLS 1.3 0-RTT and ESNI have led to a significant loss in traffic visibility, resulting in poor network performance, heightened susceptibility to security risks, and inefficiencies in resource utilization. At the same time, the existing use of decryption methods such as SSL/TLS inspection are continuously challenged by various security, regulatory and practicality issues.

This report, which is based on a survey of 34 leading networking vendors, assesses the evolution of deep packet inspection (DPI) techniques in response to newer and tougher encryption protocols.

20.03.2023 - 12:48 [ ]

To: député es de l’Assemblée Nationale (French Parliament): Vote to stop a future of biometric mass surveillance in Europe!

Dear Members of the Assemblée Nationale,
We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, are writing to you to express our grave concern about Article 7 of the draft law on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We warn that if the law is passed in its current form, France would set a surveillance precedent of the kind never before seen in Europe, using the pretext of the Olympic games. Article 7 of the text will provide a legal basis for the use of cameras equipped with algorithms to detect specific suspicious events in the public space.

20.03.2023 - 12:32 [ ]

Gegen KI-Massenüberwachung in Paris 2024: 41 Europaabgeordnete wenden sich an französisches Parlament

Das Gesetzesvorhaben würde Polizeibehörden während Sportveranstaltungen ermächtigen, mithilfe von Überwachungskameras und fehleranfälliger künstlicher Intelligenz vermeintlich „anormales“ oder „verdächtiges“ Verhalten automatisiert melden zu lassen. Die Europaabgeordneten warnen vor der lähmenden Wirkung derartiger in Europa bisher ungekannter Massenüberwachung öffentlicher Räume, die einen Präzedenzfall schaffen würde. Zu den Unterzeichnern des offenen Briefs zählen mehrere Verhandlungsführer des geplanten EU-Gesetzes zu künstlicher Intelligenz („Artificial Intelligence Act“), das biometrische Massenüberwachung verbieten soll, darunter Co-Berichterstatter Brando Benifei (sozialdemokratische Fraktion). Zu den deutschen Unterzeichnern gehören Birgit Sippel (SPD), Cornelia Ernst (Linke) und Dr. Patrick Breyer (Piratenpartei).

20.03.2023 - 12:28 [ Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon / Nitter ]

40 EU-Abgeordnete fordern das französische Parlament auf, die für morgen geplante europaweit einzigartige Einführung #KI-gestützter #Massenüberwachung unseres Verhaltens in öffentlichen Räumen unter dem Vorwand #Olympia2024 zu stoppen.

16.12.2022 - 22:37 [ ]

Ampel-Streit: Die Chatkontrolle ist noch lange nicht vom Tisch

Es wirkt wie ein kleiner Etappensieg, was gestern passiert ist: Glaubt man dem Tweet von Justizminister Marco Buschmann, konnte Nancy Faeser nach monatelangen Auseinandersetzungen in der Koalition und zahlreichen Ausweichmanövern ihre Stellung nicht länger halten.

15.12.2022 - 08:17 [ Anne Roth / Nitter ]

Die Bundesregierung sollte sich gegen #Chatkontrolle und #ClientSideScanning in den EU-Verhandlungen einsetzen und für sinnvollen Kinderschutz. Wollte die Ampel heute nicht. Im #Digitalausschuss abgelehnt:

15.12.2022 - 08:15 [ Anne Roth / Nitter ]

Der Innenausschuss hat keine Zeit für die #Chatkontrolle. War nicht so wichtig.

14.12.2022 - 18:00 [ ]

Nachrichten- und Chatkontrolle: Die Abschaffung des Digitalen Briefgeheimnisses – Der aktuelle Entwurf

Was konkret im Entwurf vorgesehen ist:

14.12.2022 - 17:47 [ ]

Streit um Chatkontrolle: FDP und Grüne stellen sich gegen Faeser

Im Bundestag regt sich Widerstand gegen den Kurs von Innenministerin Faeser bei der Chatkontrolle. FDP und Grüne wollen den Bruch des Koalitionsvertrages keinesfalls hinnehmen. Sie streben eine Positionierung des Bundestages an. Wir veröffentlichen den Entwurf im Volltext.

14.12.2022 - 13:26 [ ]

WhatsApp is close to disappearing in the UK

WhatsApp is the most popular mobile messenger app in the world, with more than 2 billion users, including around 40 million in the UK.

14.12.2022 - 13:05 [ ]

WhatsApp raises threat of UK shutdown in encryption row


WhatsApp is threatened with a shut down in Britain as ministers press ahead with plans to require easier access to messages for police and MI5, the messaging app has warned.

Will Cathcart, head of WhatsApp at Meta, which also owns Facebook and Instagram, told The Telegraph he was prepared to see the app blocked for British smartphone users rather than weaken its security.

13.12.2022 - 19:36 [ ]

Online Safety Bill: WhatsApp bringt wegen Überwachungsgesetz Rückzug aus Großbritannien ins Spiel

Großbritannien plant unabhängig von der EU ein ähnliches Gesetz wie die Chatkontrolle. Sollte der jetzige Entwurf mit seinen Bestimmungen durchkommen, erwägt der weltweit größte Messenger einen Rückzug von der Insel.

13.12.2022 - 19:31 [ ]

Positionspapier zu Chatkontrolle: Innenministerin Faeser will Koalitionsvertrag brechen

Die Bundesinnenministerin will alle Chatnachrichten ohne Anlass durchsuchen. Das geht aus einem Positionspapier des Ministeriums hervor, das wir veröffentlichen. Im Koalitionsvertrag steht das Gegenteil. Koalitionspartner und sogar die eigene Fraktion kritisieren den Vorschlag heftig.

13.12.2022 - 06:08 [ Fight for the Future ]

Letter: 90+ LGBTQ and human rights organizations oppose KOSA

November 28, 2022

Re: Opposition to S. 3663’s Threats to Minors’ Privacy and Safety Online

Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Chairwoman Cantwell, and Ranking Member Wicker:

We, the undersigned organizations, believe that the privacy, online safety, and digital well-being of children should be protected. However, S. 3663, the “Kids Online Safety Act” (KOSA), would undermine those goals for all people, but especially children, by effectively forcing providers to use invasive filtering and monitoring tools; jeopardizing private, secure communications; incentivizing increased data collection on children and adults; and undermining the delivery of critical services to minors by public agencies like schools. We oppose this bill.

13.12.2022 - 05:11 [ ]

Ampel trägt Chatkontrolle im EU-Minister-Rat grundsätzlich mit

Im Ministerrat der EU gibt es Vorbehalte gegen den Chatkontrolle-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission – aber Deutschland hält sich mit Kritik zurück. Das geht aus einem Protokoll (PDF) eines EU-Innenministertreffens sowie aus den Drahtberichten der deutschen Ständigen Vertretung in Brüssel hervor. Die eingestuften Drahtberichte der Verhandlungen vom 03.11. und 24.11. veröffentlichen wir im Volltext.

Die Dokumente zeigen deutlich, dass es keinen maßgeblichen Widerstand gegen die Einführung dieser neuen anlasslosen Massenüberwachung bei den Innenminister:innen gibt – auch nicht aus Deutschland, wo sich die Koalitionspartner von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) überaus deutlich von dem Vorhaben distanziert haben.

12.12.2022 - 17:54 [ ]

Britain is sleepwalking into censorship and we’re running out of time to stop it

A robot, for example, will already have read this column and sought to ascertain if my argument justifies the headline. If not, the article will be punished, pushed far down the search rankings. This is a standard Google procedure, intended to improve search results.

But how, I asked a tech chief recently, does an algorithm judge the quality of an argument?

12.12.2022 - 17:16 [ ]

90+ groups warn US Senate of ‚damaging consequences‘ from Kids Online Safety Act

(29 Nov 2022)

Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), introduced the legislation in February in response to media reports and subcommittee hearings on social media companies‘ practices that the lawmakers say put kids at risk.

„Big Tech has brazenly failed children and betrayed its trust, putting profits above safety,“ Blumenthal said at the time. „The Kids Online Safety Act would finally give kids and their parents the tools and safeguards they need to protect against toxic content — and hold Big Tech accountable for deeply dangerous algorithms.“

12.12.2022 - 17:12 [ ]

Bad news for the internet: Congress is trying to sneak in dangerous “Save The Kids!” Internet Bill in Omnibus at the end of the year

(November 17, 2022)

Over the past week, I’ve been hearing about a major push by activists and lawmakers to include the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) in the year-end “must pass” omnibus law. Earlier this week, one of the primary parents pushing the bill walked on Jake Tapper’s show on CNN and stumbled for it. And Axios’ recent report confirms that lawmakers are trying to put it on the Lameduck omnibus, or possibly the NDAA (although it has absolutely nothing to do with defense spending).

12.12.2022 - 16:36 [ ]

Turbulenzen um neue EU-Überwachungsverordnung

Zum Vorhaben, eine Zentralstelle gegen Kindesmissbrauch im Netz bei Europol in Den Haag einzurichten, meldeten gleich mehrere Mitgliedsstaaten generelle Vorbehalte an, andere wiederum erhoben Einwände gegen eine ganze Reihe von damit verbundenen, zentralen Maßnahmen. Die Einsprüche richten sich gegen praktisch jedes einzelne Vorhaben in diesem Kapitel. Die Delegationen hätten „schwere Bedenken gegen die Vorschriften zur Datensammlung und die damit verbundenen Berichtspflichten“, teilte die tschechische Ratspräsidentschaft mit. Diese von der Kommission im Text verankerten Sorgfaltspflichten seien zu „mühsam für die Exekutive“.

10.12.2022 - 19:29 [ ]

Legislative Proposals in the UK, US, and EU Would Restrict End-to-End Encryption Online—Making Internet Users Less Safe

(November 14, 2022)

The report analyzes the U.S. EARN IT Act, which is likely to be reintroduced in the new Congress next year; the UK Online Safety Bill; and an EU scanning proposal to prevent child abuse online. All three would impose monitoring obligations for online services that would amount to de facto prohibitions on end-to-end encryption, according to the Center.

10.12.2022 - 18:35 [ ]

Online Safety Bill returns to Parliament


MPs and online safety experts have expressed concern about encryption-breaking measures contained in the Online Safety Bill as it returns to Parliament for the first time since its passage was paused in July

10.12.2022 - 18:30 [ ]

Online Safety Bill’s ‘spy clause’ will pave way for ‘state-mandated mass surveillance’ of WhatsApp messages

(December 1, 2022)

The Government has tabled amendments to strengthen powers to ‘scan and intercept’ end-to-end encrypted messages

10.12.2022 - 06:48 [ ORF,at ]

US-„Chatkontrolle“ nun mit Ausnahme für E2E-Verschlüsselung

Da es sich bei fast alle Internetkonzernen, die unter die geplanten EU-Regulierungen fallen, um Unternehmen aus den USA handelt, stehen die US-Gesetze natürlich in Wechselwirkung mit dem Unionsrecht. Beim derzeitigen Stand der Verfahren könnten etwa WhatsApp, SnapChat oder Signal ihre Messaging-Dienste in den USA unverändert weiter anbieten. Für den EU-Raum und Großbritannien aber müssten diese und eine Reihe weiterer US-Anbieter ihre gesamte E2E-Sicherheitsarchitekturen um- und Hintertüren einbauen, um der europäischen Durchsuchungspflicht zu entsprechen.