Archiv: Thomson Reuters (news agency / corporation)

14.09.2024 - 22:38 [ Reuters ]

New Israeli poll shows Netanyahu‘s party advancing

Netanyahu‘s right-wing coalition with a clutch of nationalist-religious and ultra-Orthodox parties would lose any election held now, with 53 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 58 for the main opposition bloc, according to the poll.

08.05.2024 - 19:22 [ Reuters ]

Palestinians seek UN General Assembly backing for full membership


The United Nations General Assembly could vote on Friday on a draft resolution that would recognize the Palestinians as qualified to become a full U.N. member and recommend that the U.N. Security Council „reconsider the matter favorably.“
It would effectively act as a global survey of how much support the Palestinians have for their bid, which was vetoed in the U.N. Security Council last month by the United States.

08.03.2024 - 22:08 [ Reuters ]

Israeli tank in ‚likely scenario‘ fired machine gun at reporters after deadly shelling, report finds

An Israeli tank crew killed a Reuters reporter in Lebanon in October by firing two shells at a clearly identified group of journalists and then „likely“ opened fire on them with a heavy machine gun in an attack that lasted 1 minute and 45 seconds, according to a report into the incident published on Thursday.

08.01.2024 - 07:59 [ Barry Malone, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Thomson Reuters Foundation / Twitter ]

This is unbearable. Al Jazeera‘s Wael al-Dahdouh mourns his son Hamza, also a journalist, who was killed in an Israeli strike on a car he was in. Wael‘s wife and two other children were killed in a previous Israeli strike. He has been through so much.

22.10.2023 - 09:22 [ Reuters ]

Friends, relatives hold vigil for fallen Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah

Lebanon‘s army and government blamed Israel for Abdallah‘s death. Israel‘s military says it is reviewing the case. Reuters has called on Israel to conduct a „thorough, swift and transparent investigation“.

11.08.2023 - 19:50 [ Reuters ]

Germany in talks with MBDA over delivery of cruise missiles to Ukraine -source

The German government is in talks with arms maker MBDA (AIR.PA), (LDOF.MI), (BAES.L) about the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, a security source told Reuters on Friday, echoing a report by Spiegel magazine.

Kyiv has been pushing Berlin to supply it with the Taurus, a missile with a range of more than 500 km (311 miles) that is launched by fighter jets such as the Tornado, the F-15 or the F-18

03.03.2023 - 18:18 [ Reuters ]

Oil prices down after report on UAE debating OPEC exit

Oil prices slumped on Friday after the Wall Street Journal reported that the United Arab Emirates had an internal debate about leaving OPEC and pumping more oil, but retraced some losses after a source told Reuters this was not true.

03.03.2023 - 11:10 [ Reuters ]

Biden, Scholz to ‚get into the weeds‘ on Ukraine war, China concerns in Washington

The German leader arrives as United States is sounding out close allies about the possibility of imposing sanctions on China if Beijing provides military support to Russia for its war in Ukraine, according to four U.S. officials and other sources.

01.12.2022 - 21:35 [ Alec Karakatsanis / Nitter ]

THREAD. A New York Times article on Eric Adams‘ fascist and illegal plan to arrest „homeless people“ who cops „deem“ to be „mentally ill“ is astonishing for what is missing


Nor does the article contain a single mention of universal access to preventative health care, of the massive divestment in our society from mental health care, or of the root causes of mental illness.

01.12.2022 - 21:27 [ Reuters ]

Amid homeless crisis, New York to step up forced hospitalization of mentally ill


Adams, speaking from City Hall, said the city had a „moral obligation“ to help New Yorkers struggling to meet their own basic needs because of mental illness, even if those people resisted intervention.

The Democratic mayor has made addressing the city‘s homelessness crisis a top goal of his administration since taking office in January.

18.10.2022 - 19:25 [ Reuters ]

Iran says it has not provided Russia with drones for use in Ukraine


„The published news about Iran providing Russia with drones has political ambitions and it‘s circulated by western sources. We have not provided weaponry to any side of the countries at war,“ said Iran‘s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani during a weekly press conference.

08.10.2022 - 16:24 [ Reuters ]

Explainer: Why Russia stands to gain most from OPEC+ oil production cuts


OPEC+ includes 13 members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and 11 allies led by Russia.

On Thursday, oil market watchers said that based on pure maths and OPEC+‘s latest production data Russia was indeed set to benefit most from the decision.

12.09.2022 - 14:44 [ ]

Exclusive: IAEA found uranium traces at two sites Iran barred it from, sources say


U.S. intelligence agencies and the IAEA believe Iran had a secret, coordinated nuclear weapons programme that it halted in 2003, which Iran denies. The 2015 nuclear deal effectively drew a line under that past, but Iran is still required to explain evidence of undeclared past activities or material to the IAEA.

12.09.2022 - 14:39 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: IAEA found uranium traces at two sites Iran barred it from, sources say


The U.N. nuclear watchdog found uranium particles at two Iranian sites it inspected after months of stonewalling, diplomats say, (…)

Although the sites where the material was found are believed to have been inactive for nearly two decades, opponents of the nuclear deal, such as Israel, say evidence of undeclared nuclear activities shows that Iran has not been acting in good faith.


A senior Iranian official said: “We have nothing to hide. That is why we allowed the inspectors to visit those sites.”

Iran has set a deadline of next week for Biden to lift sanctions reimposed by Trump, or it will halt snap IAEA inspections under the deal, which lifted sanctions in return for curbs on Iran’s nuclear programme.

10.04.2022 - 10:40 [ Reuters ]

Macron faces a tough fight as France votes on Sunday

Opinion polls still see Macron leading the first round and winning a runoff against Le Pen on April 24, but several surveys now say this is within the margin of error.

01.04.2022 - 06:41 [ Reuters ]

U.S. bars ex-spies from becoming ‚mercenaries,‘ following Reuters series

(March 16, 2022)

“We don‘t want our best trained intel officers going straight into the hands of foreign governments for the sake of money,“ Castro said. „This discourages intelligence mercenaries and protects our national interest.“

The UAE spying operation, called Project Raven, hacked into Facebook and Google accounts and thousands of Apple iPhones, targeting activists that human rights groups say were later arrested and tortured

26.12.2021 - 09:15 [ New England Journal of Medicine ]

Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

(April 21, 2021)

Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) were pregnancy losses and 712 (86.1%) were live births (mostly among participants vaccinated in the third trimester).

26.12.2021 - 09:02 [ Reuters ]

Fact Check-Data from a study does not conclude that over 80% of pregnancies end in miscarriage after COVID-19 vaccinations; figures taken out of context


Of the 3,958 participants, 827 had what the study defines as a ‘completed pregnancy’. This term includes those who either had a baby (what the authors call a ‘live birth’), or those who suffered from a miscarriage or still birth (termed ‘pregnancy loss’ in the study). The rest were either still pregnant or a follow-up had not yet been made by the time the preliminary analysis had been released.

Of the 827 women who had a completed pregnancy, 104 had a miscarriage.

17.08.2021 - 13:44 [ CNN ]

Audit reveals Army‘s trillion-dollar accounting gaffes

(August 23, 2016)

The audit, conducted by the Defense Department‘s Office of Inspector General, found that the Army erroneously made $2.8 trillion in adjustments in the third quarter of 2015 to its Army general fund – one of the main accounts used to fund the service. The error amount skyrocketed to $6.5 trillion for all of last year, the report said.

The June report, first disclosed by Reuters on Friday, found „unreliable“ data was used to prepare the financial statements, leading to the possibility that the Army‘s finances were „materially misstated.“

20.04.2021 - 22:27 [ ]

Cautious centrist Laschet is German conservatives‘ candidate to succeed Merkel

„I want to start a new chapter after Merkel, not just more of the same, but we will preserve the part that has done Germans good,“ Laschet told ZDF television.

Although widely seen as the candidate likely to continue Merkel‘s legacy, analysts said he would not be able to match her commanding position, built up over 16 years, on the international stage.

02.01.2021 - 06:28 [ Reuters / Twitter ]

Iran has told IAEA it plans to enrich uranium to 20%, Russian envoy says

09.12.2020 - 19:34 [ ]

How Nanotechnology Helped Create mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines


Vaccines that employ mRNA were in early development before COVID-19 brought the world to its knees, and nanotech has been central to these efforts — unsurprisingly, as viruses are just naturally occurring nanoparticles themselves.

The key to making effective nanoparticle vaccines, and medicines in general, lies in mimicking the natural behaviors and tricks that make viruses so successful, and dangerous, in the first place.

09.12.2020 - 19:32 [ ]

Fact check: Lipid nanoparticles in a COVID-19 vaccine are there to transport RNA molecules

False. The lipid nanoparticles in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine protect and transport the vaccine component. They do not contain little computers or robots.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here .

28.11.2020 - 13:07 [ Reuters / ]

ANALYSIS-Covert Israeli-Saudi meeting sends Biden a strong message on Iran

„It‘s Iran, Iran, Iran,“ Israeli cabinet minister Tzachi Hanegbi told Israel‘s Army Radio when asked about the visit. „It is very, very important to create the axis which isolates Iran.“

07.11.2020 - 14:21 [ Reuters ]

COVID vaccine deliveries on ice as AstraZeneca awaits trial data


A summer dip in UK coronavirus infections has pushed back test results for AstraZenca’s potential COVID-19 vaccine, leading the drugmaker to delay deliveries of shots to the UK government.

13.05.2020 - 17:45 [ Reuters / New York Times ]

Exclusive: Biden to Hammer Trump‘s ‚Tough Talk, Weak Action‘ on China, Top Adviser Says


President Donald Trump has seized on Americans‘ growing animosity toward China over the coronavirus outbreak to underpin his re-election pitch, arguing he will hit Beijing harder than anyone.

That is just tough talk hardly substantiated by action, says Jake Sullivan, a senior adviser to presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

10.04.2020 - 09:36 [ ]

U.N. Security Council meets over coronavirus as it struggles to act

The United Nations Security Council met for the first time on Thursday to discuss the coronavirus pandemic as the 15-member body – charged with maintaining international peace and security – struggles to agree on whether it should take any action.

11.03.2020 - 23:56 [ ]

Two Americans, Briton killed in attack on base housing US troops near Baghdad: Report


Citing two unnamed US officials, Reuters reported that based on preliminary information, about a dozen coalition members had also been injured in the Wednesday attack against Iraq‘s Taji military camp, located some 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) north of Baghdad.

Earlier, the Iraqi Interior Ministry‘s Security Media Cell announced in a statement that the incident took place in the evening when 10 rockets landed on Camp Taji, located some 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) north of Baghdad.

31.08.2019 - 18:19 [ ]

Reuters fake report on Hong Kong is a stain on global journalism

According to a so-called „exclusive“ Reuters report released Friday, Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), submitted a proposal to Beijing earlier this summer that asked for „5 key demands“ from the Hong Kong protesters to be taken seriously but was rejected.

The Global Times has since learned the Reuters story is fake. In fact, it intends to create an illusion by interweaving rumors with public events in an attempt to misguide public opinion.

20.08.2019 - 16:32 [ ]

New figures show UK economy a little larger than thought

The Office for National Statistics added around 26 billion pounds to the size of the world‘s fifth-biggest economy in 2016, a rise equivalent to around 1.3% of gross domestic product and bringing total output to just under 2 trillion pounds.

27.04.2019 - 10:58 [ Greg Barton ‏/ Twitter ]

“Pres Sirisena said on Fri that top defense & police chiefs had not shared information with him about the impending attacks. He blamed PM Wickremesinghe‘s gov for weakening the intelligence system by focusing on prosecution of military officers over alleged war crimes during…”

27.04.2019 - 10:55 [ Reuters ]

Fifteen dead in Sri Lanka after overnight gun battle with suspected Islamist militants

He blamed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s government for weakening the intelligence system by focusing on prosecution of military officers over alleged war crimes during a decades-long civil war with Tamil separatists that ended in 2009.

25.12.2018 - 18:16 [ ]

Vom Nutzen eines Terroranschlages

(15.12.2018) Die Tat auf dem Breitscheidplatz in Berlin geschah, obwohl der mutmaßliche Täter unter Kontrolle der Sicherheitsbehörden war – Konflikte im Amri-Ausschuss eskalieren. Zweiter Jahrestag

25.12.2018 - 18:10 [ Jürgen Pechstein ‏/ Twitter ]

Oberleitungsschaden bei Berlin: Ermittler finden Flagge von Terrororganisation IS

via @TOnline_News

25.05.2018 - 11:08 [ Reuters ]

Iran staying within nuclear deal‘s restrictions -IAEA report

“The Agency … has conducted complementary accesses under the Additional Protocol to all the sites and locations in Iran which it needed to visit,” the IAEA said in a confidential report that was sent to member states and seen by Reuters.

04.04.2018 - 01:52 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Facebook CEO says no plans to extend all of European privacy law globally

Zuckerberg told Reuters in a phone interview that Facebook already complies with many parts of the law ahead of its implementation in May. He said the company wanted to extend privacy guarantees worldwide in spirit, but would make exceptions, which he declined to describe.