Archiv: Mainstream / Zombie-Linke / Contras / Simulanten / mainstream / centrists / zombie left / contras / simulants

17.10.2024 - 00:55 [ ]

Germany Sees ‘No Signs of Genocide’ in Gaza – Foreign Ministry Reiterates Support to Israel

“We see no signs that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza,” Fischer stressed to reporters at the press briefing as he was quoted by Anadolu news agency.

He went on to say in reference to a report published by the German Bild newspaper on the topic: “In this light, you may also be able to assess the reporting, and the accuracy of this reporting.”

17.10.2024 - 00:44 [ ]

‚Israel can always rely on German arms deliveries‘: Scholz

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on 16 October promised that Germany would “always” continue delivering arms to Israel for its war against Lebanon and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

“There are deliveries and there will always be further deliveries. Israel can rely on that,” Scholz said in remarks to parliament, adding that Germany must keep Israel “in a position to defend its country”.

17.10.2024 - 00:05 [ CNN ]

Who supplies Israel with weapons?

The United States is overwhelmingly the biggest supplier of arms to Israel. In 2023 69% of Israel’s arm imports came from the US, according to a report into international arms transfers by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Germany was the second largest, providing 30%, followed by Italy with 0.9%. The UK, France and Spain were among other minor contributors.

16.10.2024 - 06:30 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Aktuelles Scholz-Interview: Auch in Frage um Krieg und Frieden „keine roten Linien“ – hat der Kanzler das Grundgesetz vergessen?

Der Nordkurier stellt folgende Frage:

„Ebenfalls oft kritisiert wird ihre Aussage aus der Corona-Zeit, als sie sagten: ‚Für meine Regierung gibt es keine roten Linien mehr.‘ Wie stehen Sie heute zu diesem Satz?“

Scholz antwortet daraufhin mit den Worten:

„Es darf keine roten Linien geben, das hat uns diese Pandemie nun wirklich gezeigt. Dazu stehe ich auch heute noch. Politik muss handlungsfähig bleiben. Wir müssen immer bereit sein umzudenken, wenn die Umstände es erfordern. Ich habe mich in keinem Politikfeld je auf rote Linien festlegen lassen, weil das nur zu einer hypernervösen Öffentlichkeit führt, wann eine solche Linie möglicherweise doch überschritten wird – weder in der Corona-Pandemie, noch in der Frage von Krieg und Frieden.“

15.10.2024 - 05:16 [ ]

Abandon Harris – Ceasefire Now

Harris pursues a policy of death in Gaza, and she expects we will vote for her.

We need to work hard to make sure that she will not be elected to the presidency. Not only will this punish Harris, but it will also send a signal to all politicians that you won’t be rewarded with our votes when you engage in genocide. This movement will transform American politics and bring civil rights into US foreign policy.

15.10.2024 - 04:27 [ New York Times ]

In a Tight Presidential Race, Third-Party Candidates Present a Wild Card

With a month to go before what is widely expected to be an extraordinarily close election, an extra element of unpredictability looms: In every battleground state, there is at least one third-party or independent presidential candidate on the ballot.

None of these candidates will come anywhere close to winning the presidency. Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, is polling at about 1 percent nationally, according to New York Times polling released last week. Same with Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate.

15.10.2024 - 04:16 [ Democracy Now ]

Harris Vows to Create Bipartisan Advisory Council as DNC Runs Ad Attacking Jill Stein

In other campaign news, the Democratic National Committee has released an ad attacking Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein, claiming a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. Democrats are planning to run the ad in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. In August, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, published a survey that showed Stein is leading Harris among Muslim voters in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. Stein has criticized Harris for refusing to cut off arms sales to Israel.

15.10.2024 - 03:59 [ ]

Kamala Harris Proposes Presidential „Bipartisan Council Of Advisors“ To Preserve „Healthy Two-Party System“

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: I am gonna actually announce — we have press in the room — that I have decided, not only will I have a Republican in my cabinet — I was talking to my team about it — I want to create some structure around the following, which is: I love good ideas, wherever they come from. I love good ideas! Right?

So part of what I intend to do and put some structure around is creating a bipartisan council of advisors, who can then give feedback on policy as we go forward.

Because here‘s the thing I also understand, and feel strongly about. In order for us as America to maintain our status as the strongest democracy in the world, we need a healthy two-party system. We have to have a healthy two-party. We have to! It‘s in the best interest of all of us.

14.10.2024 - 18:08 [ Middle East Eye ]

Germany‘s Holocaust guilt does not justify support for Israeli fascism

The heavy historical burden has compelled Germany to support Israel unconditionally in all international forums. While such support might be understandable in the context of historical relations, using it as a pretext to overlook Israel’s ongoing human rights violations in Gaza is both ethically and politically unjustifiable.

14.10.2024 - 18:04 [ ]

Nearly two percent of Gaza’s population killed by US-Israel war machine

(August 12, 2024)

The bureau said in a statement that Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 39,000 Palestinians. “This constitutes around 1.8 percent of the total population in the territory,” PCBS said.

According to the data, approximately 24 percent of those killed by Israel in Gaza are youths.

14.10.2024 - 17:44 [ Japan Times ]

Israeli envoy criticizes Japanese atomic survivor‘s Gaza comparison

Nagasaki decided not to invite Cohen to mark this year‘s 79th anniversary of the bombing, citing security reasons to avoid possible protests.

That decision prompted the ambassadors of the United States, Britain and the European Union, among others, to skip the ceremony and send lower-level officials instead.

14.10.2024 - 10:19 [ Newsweek ]

Jill Stein: How and Why I Will Stop Kamala Harris Winning the White House

(September 30, 2024)

„The Democrats cannot win without the support of the Muslim American community. And that community has left the station and is not coming back unless the Democrats decide that it‘s more important to them to win the election than it is to conduct the genocide,“ Stein said in an interview with Newsweek.

„So they have to do a 180 on the genocide and they don‘t appear willing to do that. They could win those votes back, but it doesn‘t look like that‘s on the cards. So it looks like they are sacrificing several swing states.“ Israel denies it is conducting genocide.

13.10.2024 - 02:04 [ Washington Post ]

Democrats attack Green Party’s Jill Stein amid spoiler fears

(October 11, 2024)

“The Kamala Harris campaign is looking for a scapegoat,” Stein said Thursday in an interview, about the Harris campaign’s concern about her candidacy. “They could change their policy right now. The problem is they would rather lose the election than end the genocide.”

Stein is one of three independent candidates who have been registering at least 1 percent in recent public polls, along with the left-leaning scholar Cornel West, who is running on a “truth, justice and love” platform, and libertarian candidate Chase Oliver.

13.10.2024 - 02:00 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Green Pres. & VP Candidates Jill Stein, Butch Ware on Gaza & Fighting „Two Zombie Political Parties“

(September 25, 2024)

Democracy Now! speaks with the Green Party‘s presidential ticket, Jill Stein and her running mate Butch Ware, after the Green Party suffered a setback Friday when the U.S. Supreme Court declined a request to put Stein on the ballot in Nevada. The Democratic Party had sued to keep Stein off the ballot for failing to submit the proper forms. In this campaign cycle,

10.10.2024 - 22:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Iran: “Revolutionsgarden” kommen wieder mal ihren rechtsradikalen Kumpanen in Washington und Jerusalem zu Hilfe

(9. März, 2016)

Jeder Idiot, wenn auch kein “Linker” heutztage, begreift, dass ein Angriff von außen nur die herrschenden, autoritären und auf Krieg angewiesenen Kräfte stärkt.

Jeder “Politiker”, jeder Militär, jeder Funktionär ist zum Erbrechen, wo man nur hinschaut.


Im Westen nichts Neues.

10.10.2024 - 06:08 [ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ]

The coming US-Saudi nuclear deal: Keep it honest

(January 5, 2024)

In 1988, the Central Intelligence Agency did discover that Riyadh bought SS-2 medium-range missiles from China but only after the deal was sealed. In 2003, when China exported DF-21 ballistic missiles to the Kingdom, the CIA again found out and was even allowed to verify the missiles were not nuclear-capable, but only after the missiles were delivered.

Several years later, when intelligence finally leaked out that China secretly built missile factories for the Saudis, the Trump administration was mum on whether there was an intelligence failure and allowed speculation that it had blessed the transaction. Then, in 2020, when US intelligence confirmed China was helping the Kingdom mill uranium domestically, it did so, again only after the mining and milling were well underway.

This track record of studied inadvertence, then, brings us to the next worry: MBS wants Washington to green-light the Kingdom enriching uranium…

10.10.2024 - 05:12 [ Institute for National Security Studies - ]

Normalization for Proliferation? The Saudi Nuclear Strategy and the Price of Peace with Israel

(March 19, 2023)

In general, the Saudis wish to present themselves as Iran’s equals, and if Iran can enrich uranium, say the Saudis, then so can we. In addition, the Saudis want to keep all their nuclear options open, even if they are not intending to work on the development of nuclear weapons immediately.

10.10.2024 - 04:33 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Saudi nuclear program can be secretly managed – top Israeli sources

(September 14, 2023)

Top Israeli sources have told the Jerusalem Post that there are secret technological ways to ensure that the Saudis do not misuse civilian nuclear items, which the US may give them as part of a three-way normalization deal, for military purposes.

Although there are no guarantees, because the issue is highly technical and there are issues to address regarding the Palestinians and highly complex politics, these technological fixes could be key to locking in a normalization deal between Riyadh and Jerusalem, under Washington’s auspices.

10.10.2024 - 03:10 [ Reuters ]

U.S. approved secret nuclear power work for Saudi Arabia

(March 27, 2019)

Many U.S. lawmakers are concerned that sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia could eventually lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. (…)

Last month, Democratic House members alleged in a report that top White House aides ignored warnings they could be breaking the law as they worked with former U.S. officials in a group called IP3 International to advance a multibillion-dollar plan to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia.

10.10.2024 - 02:51 [ ]

Senators Express Concerns Over Reports That Saudis Want US Support for Nuclear Program

(Oct 04, 2023)

Amid reports that Saudi Arabia is seeking United States support for its nuclear energy program—whose capacities critics fear could be utilized to develop nuclear weapons—a group of 20 U.S. senators on Wednesday urged President Joe Biden to „seriously consider“ whether such a move is in the national interest as the administration brokers a possible normalization deal between the kingdom and Israel.

10.10.2024 - 02:24 [ ]

Peace With Israel Means War With Iran

(August 30, 2023)

Policymakers in Washington and the Middle East have been busy talking about the possibility of Saudi Arabia normalizing its ties with Israel in return, in part, for a formal defense pact with the United States. Receiving far less attention is a critical question, at least for Riyadh: Would such a move jeopardize Saudi Arabia’s recent diplomatic accord with Iran?

10.10.2024 - 01:30 [ ]

US senators press Saudi Arabia for peace deal with Israel by end of year

“We are here at a historic time … and now it is an historic moment of opportunity,” Blumenthal stated. “It really is a magnificent potential achievement with enduring effect to match the successes of the battlefield with diplomatic successes.

10.10.2024 - 01:20 [ Reuters ]

In Jerusalem, US Senator Graham urges Israel-Saudi normalisation before year end

(October 8, 2024)

„We can get you a treaty through the Senate between the United States and Saudi Arabia, a defense agreement like you have in Japan and Australia, if you do it on President Biden‘s watch,“ Graham, who is seen as close to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, told reporters in Jerusalem.

„The next president will have a very difficult time getting 67 votes,“ he said in reference to the two-thirds majority needed in the U.S. Senate for approving a defense treaty.

10.10.2024 - 00:12 [ ]

US ‘highly vigilant’ of future Iranian attacks on Israel, Sullivan says at Oct. 7 memorial

“The challenge going forward is to turn tactical wins in battle into a strategy that secures Israel’s people and its future,” Sullivan said. “That takes real discipline. It takes courage. It takes foresight to match the conduct of war to a clear and sustainable set of objectives and to turn tactical advantage into enduring strategic gains.”

10.10.2024 - 00:08 [ Axios ]

Scoop: White House loses trust in Israeli government as Middle East spirals

Two U.S. officials told Axios that during a call on Friday White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told Israel‘s minister for strategic affairs Ron Dermer that the U.S. expects „clarity and transparency“ from Israel about its plans to retaliate against Iran because it will have implications for U.S. forces and interests in the region.

10.10.2024 - 00:00 [ Reuters ]

Biden, Netanyahu speak, Israel vows lethal retaliation against Iran

– Call was ‚direct and very productive,‘ White House says
– Defence chief Gallant says retaliation to be ‚surprising‘
– Israel‘s UN envoy: ‚It will be painful for the Iranian regime‘

08.10.2024 - 22:34 [ Abandon Harris ]

To Stop Genocide, We need Volunteers!

There are many areas to volunteer, and we encourage you to join. But we want to make sure that you are volunteering in an area for which you may be able to devote time. Please indicate what are the areas that you could volunteer.

08.10.2024 - 22:04 [ Abandon Harris ]

Abandon Harris – Ceasefire Now

Harris pursues a policy of death in Gaza, and she expects we will vote for her.

We need to work hard to make sure that she will not be elected to the presidency. Not only will this punish Harris, but it will also send a signal to all politicians that you won’t be rewarded with our votes when you engage in genocide. This movement will transform American politics and bring civil rights into US foreign policy.

08.10.2024 - 22:00 [ Al Jazeera ]

Kamala Harris says Iran is ‘greatest adversary’ of US

In an interview with the CBS television network aired on Monday night, the Democratic presidential candidate said Iran is the “obvious” answer when asked about the country she considers to be the US’s “greatest adversary”.

“Iran has American blood on their hands – this attack on Israel, 200 ballistic missiles,” she said. “What we need to do [is] to ensure that Iran never achieves the ability to be a nuclear power. That is one of my highest priorities.”

07.10.2024 - 19:04 [ Axios ]

One year after Oct. 7 attacks, Netanyahu is on a winning streak

He now has the political capital for negotiations that could set the country‘s next budget and allow him to continue to call the shots for at least another year in the multi-front regional war Israel is fighting.

„He feels he is winning,“ one of Netanyahu‘s aides told Axios.

The six-time prime minister will outlast President Biden, who has largely failed in his attempts to contain the conflict in the Middle East and rein in Netanyahu.

07.10.2024 - 18:56 [ Middle East Eye ]

Netanyahu seeks continuous war as Israeli centre left favours state power

Even more surprising is the Israeli public’s near-total embrace over the last three weeks of Netanyahu’s declared desire to prosecute a war for “total victory”. Prior to this, hundreds of thousands of people were out on the streets, demanding a “deal now” and accusing the prime minister of prolonging the war for his own ends.

Now, it seems the majority of Israel’s Jewish public, from Ben Gvir supporters to fans of the centre-left Zionist Yair Golan, wants a never-ending war. Even the first casualties from the ground invasion of Lebanon are not shifting this support – at least so far.

04.10.2024 - 18:52 [ The Free Press Journal / Youtube ]

LIVE: US, UK & Israel Conduct 14 Airstrikes on Sanaa and Hodeidah Airport in Yemen | Houthi

Started streaming 78 minutes ago #israel #houthi #middleeast
LIVE: US, UK & Israel Conduct 14 Airstrikes on Sanaa and Hodeidah Airport in Yemen | Houthi Middle East | Free Press Journal | International News

04.10.2024 - 18:33 [ Corriere Della Sera ]

Attacco aereo in Yemen: colpito un aeroporto e la capitale

Le forze armate di Stati Uniti e Regno Unito avrebbero attaccato le aree delle città di Sana‘a, Hodeidah e Dhamar, controllate dal movimento filo-iraniano Houthi in Yemen. Lo ha riferito l’emittente yemenita di proprietà degli Houthi «Al Masirah», con sede a Beirut, spiegando che gli attacchi aerei statunitensi e britannici hanno preso di mira l‘aeroporto di Hodeidah, una zona di Sana‘a e il sud della città di Dhamar.

04.10.2024 - 18:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

US and UK strike Houthis in Yemen: Report

The US and UK have launched strikes across Yemen, including in the capital city of Sanaa, Dhamar city and Hodeidah airport, according to Houthi-controlled, Al Masirah TV.

01.10.2024 - 17:32 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash MKs: The Bloodshed in Gaza and Lebanon Must Stop Now

According to Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman: “32 years ago, when Israel killed Abbas Musawi, the co-founder of Hezbollah, the Israeli media announced that the ‘era of Hezbollah was over.’ The desire for revenge leads to blindness, and the intoxication of power makes one forget the lessons of history – as well as the captives and abductees in Gaza, and the war that has been going on for a year.” “The policy of assassinations not only violates international law, but also does not bring us closer to a real security or a stable solution and drags the entire region to the brink of an all-out war. Politicians, both in the coalition and in the opposition, continue to offer only one option: life on the sword and more revenge. The only solution is political and not a military one, the bloodshed must stop now,” she added.

01.10.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

Bundesverfassungsgericht: BKA-Gesetz erneut in Teilen verfassungswidrig


Das Gesetz zur Neustrukturierung des Bundeskriminalamtgesetzes stammt noch von der schwarz-schwarz-roten Vorgängerregierung. Der vorher existierende Informationsverbund aller Polizeibehörden änderte sich dadurch von Grund auf: Die gesamte Informationsordnung des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) wurde neu strukturiert, mit sehr weitreichenden neuen Speicherungen in der Verbunddatenbank INPOL, auf die neben der Bundespolizei und der Zollverwaltung alle Polizeibehörden für alle erdenklichen Auswertungszwecke zugreifen können. Eine massive und anwachsende Bevorratung der personenbezogenen Daten zum Zweck der Terrorismusabwehr war die Folge.

01.10.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

BKA soll heimlich Wohnungen durchsuchen dürfen

(August 14, 2024)

Der Entwurf zur Reform des BKA-Gesetzes, der dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio vorliegt, umfasst „die Befugnis zum verdeckten Betreten von Wohnungen als Begleitmaßnahme für die Online-Durchsuchung und Quellen-Telekommunikationsüberwachung“, also das Anbringen von Spähsoftware auf Desktops oder Smartphones, sowie die Befugnis „zur verdeckten Durchsuchung von Wohnungen“.

Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, Konstantin von Notz, sprach gegenüber den RND-Zeitungen von „ernsten Zeiten“. Das BKA brauche „moderne Ermittlungsbefugnisse und -mittel“.

29.09.2024 - 19:46 [ Akademie der Künste ]

Zur geplanten Resolution zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland – Ein Appell

Die öffentlich gewordene Fassung der geplanten Resolution „Nie wieder ist jetzt: Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland schützen, bewahren und stärken“ erfüllt uns jedoch mit großer Sorge. Nach ersten juristischen Einschätzungen kollidiert sie mit dem Grundgesetz, bringt eine mannigfaltige Rechtsunsicherheit, zweifelhafte Praktikabilität und die Gefahr der Diskriminierung mit sich. Durch die autoritative Verwendung der sehr weitreichenden und gleichzeitig unscharfen IHRA-Arbeitsdefinition als Regulierungsinstrument, sowie durch die unklare Frage faktischer Bindung einer Bundestags-Resolution, droht sie enorme Verunsicherung mit sich zu bringen und zum Verstummen jener Stimmen zu führen, die durch entsprechende Ansätze geschützt werden sollen. Ein immenser Schaden für unsere Demokratie wäre die Folge. Doch der Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus gebührt eine Resolution, die mit der demokratisch freiheitlichen Grundordnung in Einklang steht.

29.09.2024 - 19:30 [ Dorthe Engelcke / Middle East Eye ]

Germany‘s weaponised fight against antisemitism is eroding democracy

Civil society groups, artists and academics, myself included, have criticised the draft resolution in an open letter. We are particularly worried about the threat it presents to freedom of speech, alongside academic and artistic freedoms, while failing to achieve the goal it rightly sets itself.

The draft resolution recommends adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s definition of antisemitism as the standard for evaluating state funding requests and determining whether a project is antisemitic.

27.09.2024 - 04:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel has secured $8.7 billion US aid package to support ongoing military campaigns — Defense Ministry

Israel has secured an $8.7 billion aid package from the United States to support its ongoing military efforts and to maintain a qualitative military edge in the region, the Defense Ministry announces in a statement.

The package includes $3.5 billion for essential wartime procurement, which has already been received and earmarked for critical military purchases, and $5.2 billion designated for air defense systems including the Iron Dome anti-missile system, David’s Sling, and an advanced laser system.

26.09.2024 - 18:22 [ Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator for Vermont ]

NEWS: Sanders and Colleagues Move to Block Arms Sales to Israel

The Senate will vote on these resolutions when it reconvenes in November. Let me explain why these arms sales must not proceed.

Israel clearly had the right to respond to Hamas’ horrific terrorist attack on October 7th, which killed 1,200 innocent Israelis and took hundreds of hostages. But Prime Minister Netanyahu’s extremist government has not simply waged war against Hamas. It has waged all-out war against the Palestinian people, killing more than 41,000 Palestinians and injuring more than 95,000 – 60 percent of whom are women, children, or elderly people. Netanyahu has bombed hospitals and schools, starved children, destroyed infrastructure and housing stock, and made life unlivable in Gaza. The United States must end its complicity in this atrocity.

Sending more weapons is not only immoral, it is also illegal. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act lay out clear requirements for the use of American weaponry – Israel has egregiously violated those rules.

26.09.2024 - 18:10 [ Common Dreams ]

Sanders Unveils Resolutions to Block US Arms Sales as Israel Rejects Cease-Fire Call

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and a pair of his Senate colleagues on Wednesday formally introduced resolutions aimed at blocking a series of proposed arms sales to the Israeli government as it bombards Gaza and Lebanon, deepening humanitarian crises there and pushing the region to the brink of all-out war.

The six Joint Resolutions of Disapproval, five of which were backed by Sens. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), would together prevent the sale of $20 billion of U.S. weaponry to Israel. The Biden administration approved the massive sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions, tank ammunition, F-15 fighter jets, and other military equipment last month.

23.09.2024 - 21:55 [ New York Times ]

Pentagon to Send More U.S. Troops to Middle East as Tensions Rise

The troops will number in the dozens, one official said, and will head to the region to help protect the thousands of Americans who are stationed there.


About 40,000 American troops are stationed in the region on bases in Iraq, in Syria and in the Persian Gulf countries. The U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln is in the Gulf of Oman, and a second aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman, left Norfolk, Va., on Monday for the Mediterranean as part of a regularly scheduled deployment.

22.09.2024 - 20:10 [ ]

Jill Stein on Supreme Court decision keeping Greens off Nevada ballot: “another win for Democrats’ war on democracy”

(September 20, 2024)

“The Nevada Green Party submitted more than 29,000 signatures for ballot access, almost three times the required number, yet the Nevada Secretary of State, the Democratic Party, and the supreme courts of both Nevada and the United States believe they should be disenfranchised because the Democratic Secretary of State provided us with incorrect petition forms. This is a slap in the face to democracy, to the rule of law, and to the millions of voters in Nevada who are being denied a real choice in the presidential election.

“To quote our legal brief to the Supreme Court, ‘there is only one Due Process Clause. [The Nevada Green Party] contends that it violates that Clause for the government to tell someone to stand on a carpet and then pull that carpet out from under them.’

22.09.2024 - 18:45 [ Washington Free Bacon ]

WATCH: Biden-Harris Worked ‚Around the Clock‘ for Months on Gaza Ceasefire Deal That‘s Never Going to Happen

(September 20, 2024)

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have claimed for months to be working „around the clock“ on a Gaza ceasefire deal that is „close“ to happening. Spoiler alert: It‘s not going to happen because Hamas, the terrorist organization that massacred Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, doesn‘t want to release their hostages.

Despite their reportedly tireless efforts to negotiate with the terrorists, the Biden-Harris administration has privately conceded that a ceasefire deal won‘t happen before the end of Biden‘s term in January 2025. „No deal is imminent,“ a Biden-Harris official told the Wall Street Journal. „I‘m not sure it ever gets done.“

21.09.2024 - 22:00 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

18.09.2024 - 16:16 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

08.09.2024 - 18:00 [ ]

Harold Pinter – Nobelvorlesung: Kunst, Wahrheit & Politik

(7. Dezember 2005)

Blicken wir in einen Spiegel, dann halten wir das Bild, das uns daraus entgegensieht, für akkurat. Aber bewegt man sich nur einen Millimeter, verändert sich das Bild. Wir sehen im Grunde eine endlose Reihe von Spiegelungen. Aber manchmal muss ein Schriftsteller den Spiegel zerschlagen – denn von der anderen Seite dieses Spiegels blickt uns die Wahrheit ins Auge.

Ich glaube, dass den existierenden, kolossalen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz die unerschrockene, unbeirrbare, heftige intellektuelle Entschlossenheit, als Bürger die wirkliche Wahrheit unseres Lebens und unserer Gesellschaften zu bestimmen, eine ausschlaggebende Verpflichtung darstellt, die uns allen zufällt. Sie ist in der Tat zwingend notwendig.

Wenn sich diese Entschlossenheit nicht in unserer politischen Vision verkörpert, bleiben wir bar jeder Hoffnung, das wiederherzustellen, was wir schon fast verloren haben – die Würde des Menschen.

07.09.2024 - 17:51 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

02.09.2024 - 22:26 [ ]

Why are American Jewish institutions ignoring the hostage families?

(July 7, 2024)

There are exceptions of course. The Reform Movement issued a statement supporting President Joe Biden’s announcement of a potential ceasefire and hostage release plan, and calling on Netanyahu to accept it. T’ruah, the organization I lead, has been clear in our calls for a bilateral ceasefire that brings home the hostages and ends the war. Ditto our partners in the Progressive Israel Network, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now, New York Jewish Agenda and New Israel Fund.

But many of the largest Jewish organizations, including legacy groups such as Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have decoupled calls to “Bring them Home” from any talk of ending the war, and have refrained from placing any blame on the Israeli government.

02.09.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

31.08.2024 - 21:03 [ CodePink ]

Tell the Women of the Senate: Arms Embargo NOW!

During the DNC in Chicago, we made our demand for an arms embargo on Israel clear. Time and time again, we heard politicians — including Sen. Tammy Duckworth who told us back in October that she would continue sending weapons to Israel — posing as advocates for women and reproductive rights while arming Israel. They can’t hide from one undeniable fact: Genocide is not feminist.

Send a letter to the women of the Senate below and tell them: We Need an Arms Embargo on Israel NOW!

31.08.2024 - 14:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Why Israel‘s genocide in Gaza is a western war on the Palestinian people

Western countries and Israel share the same values of settler-colonialism, racism, white supremacy and genocide – all of which are imperial tools to protect their interests

31.08.2024 - 00:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

West Bank attacks: To western leaders, there are no red lines for Israel‘s slaughter

War in the West Bank was planned before Hamas‘s attack on 7 October last year, a senior Fatah member with close links to security circles told me.

It was postponed by the Gaza war, but also refined and honed by it.

When Israel saw just how much Palestinian blood the US and Europe were prepared to tolerate in Gaza – how much destruction, how many millions would be continually displaced, and for how long – Israel felt emboldened to visit the same hell on its real target: the occupied West Bank.

30.08.2024 - 10:17 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Hat Libanon das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung gegen israelische Luftangriffe?

Frage Warweg

Sie haben jetzt noch einmal mit dem Selbstverteidigungsrecht Israels argumentiert. Israel bricht eigentlich tagtäglich in das Hoheitsgebiet des Libanons ein, gerade mit seinen Luftstreitkräften. Das wissen Sie sicherlich auch durch Ihre Vertretung in Beirut. Wäre aus Sicht der Bundesregierung ein Abschuss israelischer Flieger durch die reguläre libanesische Armee vom Völkerrecht gedeckt?

Wagner (AA)

Herr Warweg, es steht, denke ich, außer Frage, dass Hisbollah seit dem 8. Oktober zahllose Angriffe auf den Norden Israels fährt und dass es dort fast täglich zu Beschuss kommt. Hisbollah hat in den letzten Wochen auch immer wieder öffentlich angekündigt, dass sie weitere Angriffe vornehmen werde. Ich kann hier nicht über die konkrete militärische Situation und Ihre Bewertung spekulieren. Aber weil Sie es in Ihrer Frage noch einmal aufgeworfen haben: Es ist es vollkommen anerkannt, dass es ein völkerrechtliches Selbstverteidigungsrecht gibt. Dieses gilt auch für einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden Angriff, wenn er nicht anders als durch sofortige Verteidigungsmaßnahmen abgewendet werden kann.

28.08.2024 - 19:33 [ ]

BKA-Gesetz: Wenn Polizisten zu Einbrechern mutieren

Obwohl die Polizei eine ganze Reihe an Trojaner-Produkten besitzt, kann sie nicht alle Geräte erfolgreich aus der Ferne infizieren.

Deshalb will die Bundesinnenministerin jetzt nachschärfen. Damit die Smartphones und Tablets von Verdächtigen mit der staatlichen Spähsoftware infiziert werden können, sollen Polizisten künftig in die Wohnungen der Verdächtigen einbrechen dürfen. Das zumindest sieht die Änderung des BKA-Gesetzes vor, die Mitte August veröffentlicht hat. Die Klempner lassen grüßen.

Mit Verve schoss Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann (FDP) dagegen. Mit dieser Maßnahme werde es das BKA-Gesetz nicht bis ins Bundeskabinett schaffen, kündigte er an.

Der Liberale hatte seine Rechnung ohne den Messerangriff von Solingen und ohne den Bundespräsidenten gemacht. Denn Frank-Walter Steinmeier mischte sich unmittelbar nach der grausamen Bluttat ins politische Tagesgeschäft ein und brachte die Änderung des BKA-Gesetzes erneut ins Spiel.

28.08.2024 - 12:40 [ Anadolu ]

UK’s Online Safety Bill to be fully enforced next year


The UK‘s new Online Safety Bill, which is set to take effect next year and aims to curb speculative news and online hate speech, has gained renewed attention after far-right groups used social media to incite violence.

28.08.2024 - 12:17 [ Yahoo Singapore News ]

Starmer in Germany for first bilateral trip as UK PM

Starmer‘s Labour party had said it would seek a security and defence treaty with Germany if it won the July 4 general election, which it did by a landslide — propelling him to the premiership.

27.08.2024 - 20:11 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Medien und Cyber-Angriff gegen Wagenknecht: „Auf sie mit Gebrüll!“

Ganz aktuell berichtet die Pressestelle des BSW, dass die Partei „wahrscheinlich das Ziel eines Cyberangriffs geworden ist“. Darauf sei man am Montag durch eine Anfrage des „unabhängigen“ Recherchezentrums „Correctiv“ aufmerksam gemacht worden. Correctiv behaupte, über einen Datensatz zu zahlreichen Personen zu verfügen, so das BSW – und weiter:

„Correctiv nutzt die illegal gewonnenen Daten aktuell, um Betroffene direkt zu kontaktieren und mit Fragen zu konfrontieren.“

05.05.2024 - 12:00 [ Spencer Ackerman / New York Times ]

Where Is America’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Now?


U.N. resolutions that are written without enforcement measures obviously cannot force Israel to stop what its leadership insists is a justified war necessary to remove Hamas and prevent another Oct. 7 massacre. But it’s just as obvious what entity can make Israel stop and isn’t doing so: the United States.

Whatever the Biden administration might have thought it was doing by permitting the resolution to pass and then undermining it, the maneuver exposed the continuing damage Israel’s war in Gaza is doing to the United States’ longstanding justification for being a superpower: guaranteeing what U.S. administrations like to call the international rules-based order.