The envoy also discussed the broader implications of peacebuilding efforts in the region, particularly the potential expansion of the Abraham Accords. These agreements, initiated during Trump’s first term, have already seen Israel normalise relations with several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates.
Archiv: somehow not that bad news
Netanyahu said to ask AG to probe him and Gallant in bid to avert ICC arrest warrant
Channel 12 news said Netanyahu wanted a probe into the ongoing war and how the military campaign against Hamas has been handled to be opened and then closed, with an update filed to the ICC that the charges had been investigated by Israel and therefore do not require the court’s intervention.
According to the report, Baharav-Miara rejected the request on the grounds that it was a blatant ploy and would not satisfy the ICC.
Wie das russische Establishment das Ende des Krieges wirklich sieht
In einem wichtigen Punkt war man sich einig: Dass es keinerlei Chance auf eine internationale formale und rechtliche Anerkennung der russischen Annexionen ukrainischen Territoriums gibt und dass Russland nicht darauf drängen wird. Es wurde eingräumt, dass dies nicht nur von der Ukraine und dem Westen abgelehnt würde, sondern auch von China, Indien und Südafrika, die die russische Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 nicht anerkannt haben.
Es besteht daher die Hoffnung, dass im Rahmen einer Friedensregelung die Frage des Status dieser Gebiete auf endlose zukünftige Verhandlungen verschoben wird (wie die ukrainische Regierung im März 2022 in Bezug auf die Krim vorschlug), bis sie schließlich von allen vergessen wird. Das Beispiel der (nicht anerkannten, aber praktisch unangefochtenen) Türkischen Republik Nordzypern wurde erwähnt. Das bedeutet, dass die Ukraine nicht öffentlich aufgefordert würde, diese Gebiete „aufzugeben“, sondern lediglich anzuerkennen, dass es unmöglich ist, sie mit Gewalt zurückzuerobern.
Negotiations on Ukraine make no sense without Russia — Kremlin spokesman
Peskov emphasized that Russia is open to talks on Ukraine, but seeing as how Kiev has banned itself from negotiating, Moscow does not see any prospects for this. „President [Vladimir] Putin has repeatedly emphasized that we remain open to the negotiating process, as we prefer solving problems this way, but in an environment where these negotiations have been banned by Ukraine itself, we don’t see the horizon ahead at this point,“ he added.
On Wednesday, Swiss President Viola Amherd said that Switzerland will hold a conference on the so-called Ukrainian peace formula in the Burgenstock region in June 2024.
64 trucks loaded with various humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip through Rafah board crossing.
Rafah board crossing also witnessed the entry of 40 wounded Palestinians, 26 companions arrived at the crossing along with 78 foreign nationals and 112 holding Egyptian passports.
A Palestinian Exile Champions an Arab Vision for Gaza
Mohammed Dahlan, an adviser to the president of the United Arab Emirates, outlined one under which Israel and Hamas would hand power to a new and independent Palestinian leader who could rebuild Gaza under the protection of an Arab peacekeeping force.
While such plans face steep challenges, the leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are open to supporting processes that are part of efforts leading to a Palestinian state, said Mr. Dahlan, who also has close ties to Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
„Be careful“: Biden says he warned Iran regarding Gaza war, as Blinken heads to Israel
“We haven’t seen anything that tells they have specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks, or that they were involved in the training. And obviously, this required quite a bit of training by these terrorists,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters earlier Wednesday, though he added that the US will continue to look at the intelligence “and see if that leads us to a different conclusion.”
Staatsmedien: Chinas Außenminister aus Amt entfernt
Der seit einem Monat nicht mehr öffentlich aufgetretene chinesische Außenminister Qin Gang ist aus dem Amt entfernt worden. Wie der Staatssender CCTV berichtete, stimmte der Ständige Ausschuss des Volkskongresses bei einer Sitzung heute dafür. Sein Vorgänger Wang Yi soll erneut das Amt übernehmen.
Yoon und Biden veröffentlichen Washingtoner Erklärung
In der Washingtoner Erklärung wurde die vollständige Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel als gemeinsames Ziel genannt und auch die Verpflichtung zur Einhaltung des Atomwaffensperrvertrags bekräftigt.
US and South Korea agree key nuclear weapons deal
Washington has agreed to periodically deploy US nuclear-armed submarines to South Korea and involve Seoul in its nuclear planning operations.
In return, South Korea has agreed to not develop its own nuclear weapons.
Turkey to uphold Chinese Ukraine initiative if it promotes peace talks
(26 Mar 00:17)
The top Turkish official confirmed that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning to discuss the settlement of the Ukraine conflict with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky after similar talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Earlier in the day, Putin and Erdogan held phone talks and discussed, among other things, the settlement of the Ukraine conflict.
Sondage du 22/03/23 (tendance de voix) Participants : 3565 Résultats : ?#NUPES : 243 (+94) sièges I (149 en 2022) ?E! : 54 (-196) sièges I (250 en 2022) ?#LR : 27 (-34) sièges I (61 en 2022) ⚫️#RN : 253 (+165) sièges I (88 en 2022)
Blinken and Lavrov meet at G20
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi on Thursday. Blinken said he urged Russia to return to the New START arms control treaty, but Moscow has already insisted that Washington’s “hybrid war” on Russia makes serious discussions impossible.
The two diplomats met for around ten minutes
The Parliament passed the declaration on the Russian Federation‘s aggression against Ukraine
„Meanwhile, the Moldovan authorities support the efforts of the community of democratic states to establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, establishing accountability for war crimes and for all violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Russian Federation and its henchmen in Ukraine,“ reads the statement.
It also confirms the readiness of the Moldovan authorities to continue to provide humanitarian assistance and aid to the people of Ukraine who are seeking refuge from the war.
The BCS, on the other hand, proposed another statement declaring „unacceptable the direct or indirect involvement of the country in this conflict. Provocations, instigation of panic and other subversive actions endanger the sovereignty and security of the Republic of Moldova and its citizens,“ reads the proposed BCS document.
US to send precision bomb kits and Patriot missiles in next Ukraine aid package, officials say
The kits, first reported by The Washington Post, give the bombs a range of approximately 15 miles, according to Boeing.
The next aid package to Ukraine is also expected to include Patriot air defense systems, as CNN first reported last week.
Zelenskyy open to talks with Russia — on Ukraine’s terms
Zelenskyy reiterated that his conditions for dialogue were the return of all of Ukraine’s occupied lands, compensation for war damage and the prosecution of war crimes. He didn’t specify how world leaders should coerce Russia into talks.
Zelensky discusses situation on battlefield with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
“Had a phone call with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Informed about the course of hostilities, new RF‘s strikes on civilians. Thanked for Germany’s great contribution to the defense of our sky & borders. Supported the continuation of the grain initiative and agreed positions on the eve of G2,” the head of state said.
Biden adviser: US in private talks with Russia over nuclear weapons to avoid public ‘tit for tat’
Sullivan on Sunday said the U.S. has been in contact with senior Russian officials “frequently” over the last few months, and as recently as in the last few days — despite worries since the start of the war that the U.S. was struggling to get in touch with Moscow.
China, US’ initial deal on audit cooperation a significant step, but not a ‘once-for-all’ antidote: analysts
China and the US have reached a long-stalled agreement on the year-long audit dispute for listed companies, based on the principles of equality and reciprocity and abiding by each other‘s laws, the Chinese securities regulator announced on Friday, marking a significant breakthrough in bilateral auditing cooperation that partially helps to clear delisting clouds hanging over 280 Chinese companies listed in the US.
Kiew erhielt drei Gepard-Luftabwehrpanzer aus Berlin
„Heute sind offiziell die ersten drei Geparde eingetroffen“, sagte Verteidigungsminister Olexij Resnikow heute im ukrainischen Fernsehen.
Historische Wende: EZB erhöht Leitzins auf 0,5 Prozent
Flankierend zur Zinswende haben sich die Währungshüter auf ein neues Krisenprogramm namens „Transmission Protection Instrument“ (TPI) geeinigt, mit dem die EZB hoch verschuldeten Staaten wie Italien bei Turbulenzen auf dem Anleihemarkt helfen kann. Das neue Instrument soll dabei helfen, dass die Geldpolitik gleichmäßig im Euro-Raum wirken kann und es nicht zu einem Auseinanderdriften der Finanzierungskosten der einzelnen Euro-Staaten kommt. Die EZB spricht daher von einem Werkzeug gegen die Fragmentierung der Euro-Zone.
Right before meeting with Putin in Iran, Turkey‘s Erdogan threatens to ‚freeze‘ Sweden and Finland‘s NATO membership
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday once again threatened to stand in the way of Finland and Sweden joining NATO — a day before he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Iran.
Indonesian President hands over invitation to Zelensky to personally attend G20 summit
He noted the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Widodo said he would soon meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and express his desire for peace.
„I will have a meeting very soon with President Putin, and I will also express our desire for peace to him,“ the Indonesian president said.
In wink to Ukraine and Britain, Macron suggests new European entity
He said this „European political community“ would be open to democratic European nations adhering to its core values in areas such as political cooperation, security, cooperation in energy, transport, investment of infrastructure or circulation of people.
„Joining it would not necessarily prejudge future EU membership,“ he said. „Nor would it be closed to those who left it.“
Ukraine bid to join EU will take decades says Macron
In a speech to the EU‘s parliament in Strasbourg, he instead suggested Ukraine could join a „parallel European community“ while it awaited a decision.
This would allow non-EU members to join Europe‘s security architecture in other ways, said President Macron.
Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine: Union schließt sich Ampel-Antrag an
Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht hatte am Dienstag die Lieferung von Flugabwehrpanzern „Gepard“ aus Industriebeständen und die Ausbildung ukrainischer Soldaten auf deutschem Boden angekündigt.
EU werde einmütig russischen Gasstopp beantworten
Der Premierminister gab bekannt, dass er mit seinem griechischen Amtskollegen Kyriakos Mitsotakis gesprochen habe. Dieser habe bestätigte, dass die Gasverbindung zu Griechenland planmäßig hergestellt werde und im Juni dieses Jahres genutzt werden könne.
„Ich habe auch mit der Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, gesprochen. Sie bestätigte, dass ein einseitiger Vertragsbruch seitens Gazprom nicht nur ein Problem für Bulgarien sei. Es sei ein Problem der gesamten EU und die Antwort werde einmütig ausfallen“, fügte Petkow hinzu.
Russland stellt Gaslieferungen nach Bulgarien ein
Die bulgarische Seite habe ihre Verpflichtungen vollständig erfüllt und alle im Rahmen des bestehenden Abkommens erforderlichen Zahlungen geleistet, hieß es seinerseits aus dem bulgarischen Erdgasversorgungsunternehmen Bulgargaz. Die Unternehmensleitung äußerte die Ansicht, das vorgeschlagene Zahlungssystem berge das Risiko, dass trotz erfolgter Zahlungen die Lieferungen von russischer Seite ausbleiben könnten.
Gazprom stoppt Gaslieferungen an Polen
Die Versorgung Polens mit russischem Gas über die Jamal-Pipeline wird ab Mittwoch eingestellt, informierte das Unternehmen. Zuvor hatte Russland Polen aufgefordert, die Gaslieferungen künftig in Rubel zu bezahlen. Die polnische Regierung hatte dies mit Verweis auf die gegen Russland wegen des Ukraine-Kriegs verhängten Sanktionen abgelehnt.
Gazprom halts gas supply to Poland, Bulgaria over failure to conduct settlements in rubles
„As of the end of the business day on April 26, Gazprom Export did not receive payment for the gas supplied in April from these two companies, Bulgargaz (Bulgaria) and PGNiG (Poland) in rubles, as required by Russian presidential order No. 172 dated 31.03.2022. Gas supplied since April 1 must be paid for in rubles by means of new bank details, which counterparties were timely informed about,“ the company said.
Russia Says U.S. Guaranteed Sanctions Won’t Impede Iran Business
The U.S. has given Russia “written guarantees” that sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine won’t affect its nuclear supply agreements with Iran, clearing the way for a resumption of talks to revive the 2015 atomic accord. Oil prices fell.
Earlier today I spoke with EU Council President @CharlesMichel about the Ukraine situation. Shared concern over continued military conflict, highlighted its adverse economic impact on developing countries, stressed urgent need for ceasefire & de-escalation.
Khan duels with EU on Russia-Ukraine ‘neutrality’
Many analysts attribute Pakistan’s “neutrality” in the Ukrainian crisis to the country’s growing military and economic dependence on China, which is an ally of Russia. Beijing has refused to refer to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine as an “invasion” and blamed the US and West for precipitating the crisis.
SWIFT-Ausschluss einiger russischer Banken
Als Reaktion auf die russische Großoffensive in der Ukraine haben Deutschland, die USA, Frankreich, Kanada, Italien, Großbritannien und die EU-Kommission gemeinsam weitere Finanzsanktionen gegen Russland beschlossen. So werden all die russischen Banken, die bereits von der internationalen Gemeinschaft sanktioniert sind, vom internationalen Zahlungssystem SWIFT ausgeschlossen, teilte Regierungssprecher Steffen Hebestreit mit.
Soweit erforderlich, sollen weitere russische Banken dazukommen.
Joint Statement on Further Restrictive Economic Measures: 26 February 2022
Specifically, we commit to undertake the following measures:
First, we commit to ensuring that selected Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally.
Second, we commit to imposing restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions.
Third, we commit to acting against the people and entities who facilitate the war in Ukraine and the harmful activities of the Russian government. Specifically, we commit to taking measures to limit the sale of citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians connected to the Russian government become citizens of our countries and gain access to our financial systems.
Fourth, we commit to launching this coming week a transatlantic task force that will ensure the effective implementation of our financial sanctions by identifying and freezing the assets of sanctioned individuals and companies that exist within our jurisdictions. As a part of this effort we are committed to employing sanctions and other financial and enforcement measures on additional Russian officials and elites close to the Russian government, as well as their families, and their enablers to identify and freeze the assets they hold in our jurisdictions. We will also engage other governments and work to detect and disrupt the movement of ill-gotten gains, and to deny these individuals the ability to hide their assets in jurisdictions across the world.
Finally, we will step up or coordination against disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare.
EU-Pläne zur Chat-Überwachung eingebremst
Diese bedenkliche Entwicklung hin zu einem ebenso idiotischen wie gefährlichen Trend unter Jugendlichen muss der EU-Kommission, die über ausgezeichnete Statistiken verfügt, schon seit Jahren bekannt sein. Bekannt gemacht wurde das nicht, vielmehr wurden die großen Zuwächse an „Kinderpornographie“ im Netz von Kommissarin Ylva Johansson zum Versuch benutzt, Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung aus dem Netz zu drängen und ein Regime totaler Internetüberwachung wie in China und im Iran einzuführen.
Erstmals israelischer Außenminister in Bahrain
Israels Außenminister Jair Lapid ist ein Jahr nach der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen beider Länder erstmals nach Bahrain gereist. Dabei eröffneten er und sein Amtskollege Abdullatif al-Sajani die israelische Botschaft im Land,
Blue Origin launch live updates: Jeff Bezos soars to the edge of space in historic flight
Newly minted astronaut Jeff Bezos says spaceflight left him ‘speechless’
Shortly after landing back on Earth, the elated Amazon founder opened up about his experience in a brief interview with ABC News’ Michael Strahan.
“I’m speechless in a way … I don’t have the talent to put into words what we just experienced, maybe we need to send a poet up at some point or something,”
Flying to space onboard Virgin Galactic
I have dreamt about this moment since I was a child, but nothing could have prepared me for the view of Earth from space. It was magical.
Freedom Day ‚will see virtually ALL Covid curbs axed‘: Ministers prepare full unlocking on July 19 with masks, social distancing and work from home advice dropped to save shattered businesses – but date will NOT be brought forward
Boris Johnson is getting ready to give the green light for the sweeping unlocking after internal government assessments warned that keeping even limited restrictions for longer would spell disaster for the hospitality industry and hundreds of thousands of jobs.
However, it is understood there is almost no chance the date will be brought forward to July 5 despite immense pressure from Tory MPs.
UK, Australia and Germany issue statement on merger control
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Germany’s Bundeskartellamt have signed up to the statement, which comes as countries build back following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
With it, all 3 authorities are being clear that competition between businesses will remain important for consumers as well as other businesses who want to best serve their customers and grow.
Yair Lapid: I offered Bennett first term as PM in Israeli unity government
“The test for a leader is to take tough decisions in complex situations,” the centrist lawmaker said at the close of a long day of prime minister nominations by the Knesset’s (Israel Parliament) parties.
“We are committed to bringing about the change we promised to the people of Israel. To prevent a government led by a criminal suspect and dependent on racists and extremists,” Lapid stressed.
Sa‘ar could back government led by Lapid and Bennett in rotation: report
The report cited sources close to Sa‘ar as saying that the former rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Likud ranks is unlikely to team up with Lapid without Bennett.
Without Yamina chief onboard, Israel would be in for nothing but a „left-wing government,“ the sources told the outlet.
NSA warns against using DoH inside enterprise networks
The NSA urges companies to host their own DoH resolvers and avoid sending DNS traffic to third-parties.
Adopting Encrypted DNS in Enterprise Environments
Use of the Internet relies on translating domain names (like “”) to Internet Protocoladdresses. This is the job of the Domain Name System (DNS). In the past, DNS lookups were generally unencrypted, since they have to be handled by the network to direct traffic to the right locations. DNSover Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Transport Layer Security (HTTPS), often referred to as DNS over HTTPS (DoH), encrypts DNS requests by using HTTPS to provide privacy, integrity, and “last mile” source authenticationwith a client’s DNS resolver. Itis useful to prevent eavesdropping and manipulationof DNStraffic.While DoH can help protectthe privacy of DNS requests and the integrity of responses, enterprises that use DoH will lose some of the control needed to govern DNS usage within their networksunless they allow only their chosen DoH resolver to be used.Enterprise DNS controlscan prevent numerous threat techniques used by cyber threat actors for initial access, command and control, and exfiltration.
Mehr Kontrolle über Mutationen – Spahn verordnet „Coronavirus-Surveillance“
Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn verpflichtet Labore, gezielt nach hochansteckenden Coronavirus-Mutationen zu suchen. Das sieht eine von Spahn am Montag vorgestellte Verordnung zur Gen-Sequenzierung vor, die er noch am Tag unterschreiben will. Ziel ist es demnach, künftig mindestens fünf Prozent der Positivproben auf Gen-Mutationen zu untersuchen.
India starts world‘s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive
India on Jan. 4 approved emergency use of two vaccines, one developed by Oxford University and U.K.-based drugmaker AstraZeneca, and another by Indian company Bharat Biotech. Cargo planes flew 16.5 million shots to different Indian cities last week.
Stella Morris & WikiLeaks Chief Editor Speak After Assange Blocked Extradition To The U S
Stella Morris and Chief Editor of Wiki Leaks Kristinn Hrafnsson speak, after Julian Assange extradition to the United States is blocked, by U.K District Judge. The Old Bailey.
British court rejects U.S. extradition request for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, saying he is at risk of suicide
The U.S. government will appeal to the High Court to reverse the judge’s ruling, a process that could take several months — perhaps even longer because of Assange’s poor health and the soaring outbreak of coronavirus in Britain, which has the capital city on near-lockdown.
Netanyahu said planning to campaign hard for Arab vote in new election
In recent months, however, he appears to have formed a quiet alliance with the Joint List’s MK Mansour Abbas, to the chagrin of Abbas’s colleagues.
On Thursday during an unprecedented visit to the Arab town of Tirah to encourage vaccination, Netanyahu said he did not rule out placing an Arab lawmaker on his right-wing list.
Lone poll I‘ve see has the conservative United Arab List at 1.1%, well below threshold. So Joint List very possibly will patch things up. But might not UAL‘s departure actually pave way for an eventual left Arab-Jewish party?
Most amusing development: The Joint List, a coalition of 4 Arab parties, is likely to split up. One of the parties, an Islamist Bedouin party called „United Arab List“ is likely going to run separately as pro-Netanyahu
Ex-Foreign Minister Livni Mulls Joining Forces With Lapid Ahead of Israel‘s March Election
As for Ya’alon, Lapid is convinced that he has very little electoral value and is disappointed in Ya’alon’s level of support. The Yesh Atid chairman has also concluded that the center-right, with which Ya’alon is identified, is too crowded and he plans to move leftward before the election.
The Master Plan: Clone Likud Without Bibi and His Sycophants
For several months the prime minister‘s rival has been secretly spinning his web. Each week more advisers, lawmakers, mayors, key activists joined the secret circle
Trump announces that Israel and Sudan have agreed to normalize relations
Trump made the announcement from the Oval Office while joined on the phone by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sudanese Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.
Trump Leaves Hospital, Minimizing Virus and Urging Americans ‘Not to Let It Dominate Your Life’
President Trump returned to the White House on Monday night, staging a defiant, made-for-television moment in which he ripped off his face mask and then urged the nation to put aside the risks of the deadly coronavirus that has swept through his own staff and sent him to the hospital for three days.
Hamas Announces Qatar-brokered Deal to Avoid Escalation With Israel
„After a round of talks, mediated by the Qatari representative, Mohammed al-Emadi, an understanding has been reached to avoid an escalation and stabilize the situation. Several projects were announced that will serve and alleviate the situation for our people in Gaza, given the coronavirus crisis that has struck us,“ a statement from Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar‘s office said.
After Netanyahu Commits to Future Annexation, Trump Says It‘s ‚Off the Table for Now‘
„Israel agreed not to annex parts of the West Bank. It is more than taking it off the table – they agreed not to do it. This is a very smart concession by Israel. It is off the table now,“ Trump said during a White House briefing.