Archiv: the Human Left

09.09.2024 - 17:12 [ ]

Download Book Earth Letters Pdf

Author: رشاد أبو سخيلة
Category: Literature [Edit]
Language: Arabic
Pages: 88
File Size: 6.01 MB
Extension: PDF
Creation Date: 04 Aug 2020

09.09.2024 - 16:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

My cousin‘s poems were the heartbeat of Palestine. Israel killed him but his words live on

Rashad was killed for his talent and inspiration – for daring to be a voice of hope in a world that so desperately needs it. Israel is not just targeting individuals; it is trying to break us as a people, to erase Palestinian culture, identity and existence.

These efforts at erasure have been ongoing for 76 years, since the Nakba. They have targeted our leaders, intellectuals and artists. Indeed, Rashad’s story is not unique: Israel has killed thousands of Palestinians like him, people who dared to dream of a better world, and to use their talents to inspire others.

I don’t know what to say or do in the face of such grief. Rashad shone so brightly. I will not let his memory fade.

07.09.2024 - 16:26 [ U.S. Senator Patty Murray ]

Senator Murray Statement on the Death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

“I am heartbroken and angry about the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American citizen, in the West Bank today, who was reportedly peacefully protesting against illegal settlement activity. The government of Israel must deliver answers immediately and hold the perpetrators of this killing accountable. I will be in close touch with the Biden administration to press the Israeli government for full transparency and accountability. My heart is with Aysenur’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.

“Moreover, Israel must take swift action to put an end to the illegal settler-driven violence that has escalated to a dangerous level in the West Bank. Extremist settler violence in the West Bank, and the associated, ongoing expansion of illegal settlements and outposts, must come to an end—it is important for Israel’s own security and the stability of the entire region.”

07.09.2024 - 16:12 [ ]

Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?

Earlier this year, two 17-year-old Palestinian Americans were killed in the West Bank: Tawfic Abdel Jabbar, a Louisiana native who was shot in January by an off-duty Israeli officer and a settler, and Mohammad Khdour, a high school senior from Florida who was shot in the head by an Israeli gunman several weeks later. In both cases, the U.S. government decried the killings but have yet to launch investigations.

07.09.2024 - 15:55 [ Anadolu English / Youtube ]

Saif Sharabati, friend of activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi killed by Israel, recalls their last phone call


02.09.2024 - 21:51 [ I Am Chasidish / Youtube ]

Israeli superstar Chanan Ben Ari singing at the Levaya for hostage Ori Danino HY’D with Ori’s bro.


02.09.2024 - 21:44 [ shiezolin / Youtube ]

Hundreds Attend Funeral for Slain Hostage Eden Yerushalmi in Petah Tikva

Footage shows relatives crying over Yerushalmi‘s body while her father is seen reading prayers. Later, a procession is shown carrying the body wrapped in an Israeli flag for burial.

02.09.2024 - 21:33 [ CNBC-TV18 / Youtube ]

Israel-Hamas War Live Updates: Funeral Service Held for Israeli Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polino | N18G

A funeral is held for Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli American taken hostage in the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks and whose body was recovered from a tunnel in Gaza.

02.09.2024 - 21:27 [ Associated Press / Youtube ]

Funeral held for Israeli hostage Almog Sarusi after his body was recovered from Gaza

The funeral was held on Sunday for one of the six hostages whose bodies were recovered by the Israeli military from Gaza

10.03.2024 - 20:15 [ New York Times ]

South Africa Asks U.N. Court to Intervene to Avert ‘Genocidal Starvation’ in Gaza


Israel has strenuously denied the genocide allegation, and on Thursday its foreign ministry called on the court to reject South Africa’s latest request.

“South Africa continues to act as the legal arm of Hamas in an attempt to undermine Israel’s inherent right to defend itself and its citizens, and to release all of the hostages,” Lior Haiat, a spokesman for Israel’s Foreign Ministry, said on social media.

It was not immediately clear when the court would respond to the request.

08.02.2024 - 20:50 [ Humanity First USA ]

Every Gift Makes a Difference

Humanity First USA empowers you to effect change. Fund a program that speaks to your passions, or help us strengthen our essential operations with your invaluable gift.

08.02.2024 - 20:42 [ Humanity First USA / Twitter ]

The conditions in #Gaza have escalated to an extreme extent. The death toll is reaching almost 28,000 and almost everyone in Gaza is severely impacted by the continuous bombing and lack of resources.

Donate NOW to help us as we partner with @AneraOrg and @HumanityFirstUK to serve the people on the ground!

01.02.2024 - 07:00 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Marcel Reif bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

hochverehrte Frau Szepesi,

auch ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken dafür, dass Sie hierhergekommen sind und gesprochen haben zu uns – nicht um Sühne oder gar Rache einzuklagen, sondern: um zu erinnern, um zu wecken, wo nötig. Damit geben Sie diesem neuen, anderen Deutschland mit unfassbar großem Herzen eine zweite Chance – eine zweite Chance, es anders zu machen, besser zu machen und es richtig zu machen! Dafür kann Ihnen dieses Deutschland und können Ihnen diese Deutschen nicht genug danken.


Aber diese zweite Chance darf nicht – darf niemals und nirgends – vertan werden! Und deshalb: Ich mag das Wort „Mahnung“ in diesem Zusammenhang nicht, es lässt mir zu viel vermeintlichen Spielraum. „Nie wieder!“ ist mitnichten ein Appell. „Nie wieder!“ kann nur sein, darf nur sein, „Nie wieder!“ muss sein: gelebte, unverrückbare Wirklichkeit!

01.02.2024 - 06:55 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Eva Szepesi bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus


Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich nur noch die Nummer A-26877

Zu den stundenlangen Appellen draußen im eiskalten Schnee, wo mir die Finger und Zehen erfroren, kamen noch die Misshandlungen dazu….
Ich wurde immer schwächer, lag auf der Pritsche und nahm kaum noch wahr, was um mich herum geschah.

Eines Tages bekam ich mit, dass die Deutschen alle Häftlinge zusammentrieben.


Ich blieb liegen, hatte keine Kraft mehr zu reagieren.
Dann war es auf einmal still in der Baracke.
Neben mir lagen noch einige Frauen regungslos. Sie waren tot.

Ich weiß nicht wie lange ich so da lag, doch irgendwann spürten meine vom Fieber brennenden Lippen, eine Hand die mich mit kaltem Schnee fütterte.

Der Schnee tat gut, er stillte meine Schmerzen.
Dann versank alles wieder im Dunkeln.

Als ich das nächste Mal das Bewusstsein wieder erlangte, leuchtete ein feuerroter Stern über mir.

Als mein Blick langsam klarer wurde, erkannte ich einen russischen Soldaten der sich lächelnd über mich beugte.
Die menschliche Wärme in seinem Blick tat mir gut.

Es war der 27. Januar 1945 und ich lebte.


Und dann kam der 7. Oktober.

Der Tag an dem der tödlichste Angriff gegen Juden seit der Shoah stattfand.

Der Tag an dem die Terrororganisation Hamas Babys, Kinder, Eltern und Großeltern, in Israel bestialisch ermordete – nur weil sie Juden waren.

Der Tag an dem die Hamas glücklich tanzende Jugendliche auf dem Nova Friedensfestival vergewaltigten ermordeten und verschleppten……
Meine Enkelin die in Israel lebt, hätte auch dort sein können…
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren es hätten auch IHRE Kinder sein können….

Immer noch sind über 100 Geiseln in den Händen der Hamas,.
Ich hatte so gehofft, dass ich das heute nicht mehr sagen müsste.

Der 7. Oktober, der Tag, der für uns Juden auf der Welt ALLES veränderte….

Mein Alltag hier in Deutschland, ist seitdem geprägt von erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
Von vermehrten antisemitischen Vorfällen.
Von Ängsten.
Von Gesprächen die mit „Ja Aber..“ beginnen….
Oder dem so lauten Schweigen aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft….

Mir selbst wurden Lesungen kurz nach dem 7. Oktober in Schulen abgesagt… da nicht für meine Sicherheit gesorgt werden könnte.
Die letzten Male sprach ich in Schulen unter Polizeischutz.

Ich weiß, dass ich das Trauma der Shoah an meine Kinder, Enkel und Urenkel weitergegeben habe.
Aber, dass sie jetzt diese Existenzängste auch REAL erleben müssen,
schmerzt mich sehr.

Die Shoah begann nicht mit Auschwitz. Sie begann mit Worten…
Sie begann mit dem Schweigen und dem Wegschauen der Gesellschaft.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn Schüler jetzt wieder Angst haben in die Schule zu gehen – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn meine Urenkelkinder immer noch von Polizisten mit Maschinengewehren beschützt werden müssen, – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass nicht nur an den Gedenktagen an die toten Juden erinnert wird,
sondern auch im Alltag an die Lebenden.
S i e brauchen jetzt Schutz.

Es erschreckt mich,
das rechtsextreme Parteien wieder gewählt werden.
Sie dürfen nicht so stark werden, dass unsere Demokratie gefährdet wird.
Wir sind kurz davor.

Ich wünsche mir das die Gesellschaft nicht schweigt, wenn am Nebentisch antisemitische Äußerungen fallen.

Wer schweigt macht sich mitschuldig.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass Studenten ihre jüdischen Kommilitonen unterstützen, wenn sie angefeindet werden.

Ich bin dankbar, dass unsere Regierung sich gleich nach dem 7. Oktober, mit Israel solidarisiert und sich hinter die Jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland gestellt hat.

Ich fühle mich durch unsere Demokratie beschützt…Noch…
Aber es macht mir große Sorgen und ich bin traurig zu Sehen, was sich auf den Straßen abspielt,
die Bereitschaft zur Gewalt…
der Judenhass…der Menschenhass..

Warum verteidigen nicht alle Menschen dieses wunderbare Grundgesetz und unsere Demokratie in der wir leben ?

29.01.2024 - 07:12 [ Regierung von Norwegen / Government of Norway ]

Statement on UNRWA

Norway is a major donor to UNRWA. Currently, some countries have paused their aid to the Palestinian people through UNRWA in this situation. Norway has decided to continue its funding. While I share the concern over the very serious allegations against some UNRWA staff, I urge other donors to reflect on the wider consequences of cutting funding to UNRWA in this time of extreme humanitarian distress. We should not collectively punish millions of people.

We must distinguish between what individuals may have done and what UNRWA stands for. UNRWA has 30,000 staff across Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and Gaza. 13,000 of these work in Gaza to distribute aid, save lives and ensure the population’s essential needs and rights. The people of Gaza urgently need humanitarian assistance and must not pay the price for the actions of others.

23.12.2023 - 21:42 [ George Canawati-جورج قنواتي / Twitter ]

Frankfurt – Germany, reciting the poem of poet, academic, and storyteller, the Palestinian martyr Professor Refaat Al-Areer @itranslate123 in several languages during a protest that called for #StopGazaGenocide #NotATarget #NotANumber

If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze —
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself —
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love
If I must die
let it bring hope
let it be a tale.

23.12.2023 - 02:46 [ IfNotNow / Twitter ]

Two months ago today, Rushdi al-Surraj was killed by an Israeli airstrike. He was a journalist, a husband, and a father. He left behind heartbreaking glimpses of what it means to be a family, amidst the horrors in Gaza. Every life lost is a world ended, an unfathomable tragedy.

10.12.2023 - 00:20 [ Refaat in Gaza (Refaat Alareer) / Twitter ]

If I must die, let it be a tale.


11.11.2023 - 00:43 [ Screen Mix / Twitter ]

هذه طفلة فلسطنية تبلغ من العمر 13 عام تقول .. ليس هناك المزيد من المستقبل. لقد انتهى مستقبلي الآن. ليس لدي مستقبل على الإطلاق.“ وذلك بعد أن فجرت قنبلة إسرائلية ساقيها

04.11.2023 - 23:50 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Yossi (missed surname) on @ReshetBet. Sister killed by Hamas. Niece & nephew– 3 years & 10 months– kidnapped to Gaza. He hasn‘t heard from Netanyahu hostage czar. „The state collapsed.“ –But you‘re interviewed by world media, right? „They ask how I feel about Gazan children.“

30.10.2023 - 17:52 [ @yamarhaba_ / Twitter ]

A hero from the civil defence team breaks down into tears after rescuing a child from under the rubble


26.10.2023 - 07:18 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

„Help us to stay alive“ was their outcry to the world from Gaza. Mahmoud, Al Jazeera Arabic’s Wael Dahdouh son, joined by his sister Kholoud, sent a message to the world, days before Mahmoud, his mother, and younger sister Sham were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza

23.10.2023 - 17:05 [ B’Tselem ]

Voices from Gaza

Residents of the Gaza Strip live in a humanitarian disaster zone. This entirely man-made disaster is a direct result of a policy employed by Israel, which, to this day, continues to dictate what daily life in Gaza looks like. This callous, unjustifiable policy sentences the nearly two million residents of the Gaza Strip to a life of abject poverty in near inhuman conditions no longer seen in the Western world. In testimonies collected by B‘Tselem‘s field researchers, residents of the Gaza Strip describe their lives, the dreams they will not get to realize, the medical conditions they have no way of treating, the ongoing separation from family members and friends outside the Strip, and the unbearable suffering caused by their confinement to the Strip, with no hope for change.

21.10.2023 - 12:12 [ CNN بالعربية / Twitter ]

متظاهرة مصرية تواجه مراسلة CNN على حدود #مصر و #غزة.. شاهد ما حدث

16.10.2023 - 14:15 [ Israel Frey @freyisrael1 / Twitter ]

מוציא את השבת כדי לגלות שרק ב-24 שעות שהייתי מנותק, נהרגו ברצועת עזה 126 ילדים. בשבוע האחרון נהרגו שם 2215 אנשים, מתוכם 724 ילדים ו-458 נשים. תקשיבו לי טוב: לא צריך להיות שמאלן דגול כדי לבקש סטופ. תעצרו רגע. כמו שרצח עידו בבארי הוא פשע, כך רצח אחמד בעזה הוא פשע. חלאס, תעצרו.

16.10.2023 - 10:15 [ Rashida Tlaib - unbossed Congresswoman. Detroiter, Palestinian American, Muslima / Twitter ]

I cannot believe I have to beg my country and colleagues to value every human life, no matter their faith or ethnicity.


15.10.2023 - 20:28 [ ]

Protesters call for Netanyahu ouster, families of hostages desperate for answers

Avichai Brodetz said he would not leave until his wife and three children, Ofri, Yuval and Uriah were freed. He came and set himself up on the sidewalk outside the ministry and military HQ at 3 a.m. to stage his sit-in, accompanied by a number of supporters.

„I served in the military in compulsory and reserve duty and love my country. I am not angry at anyone, but I want a change in policy and that first of all the women and children be released. I think both sides in the war can agree on that. There cannot be any organization in the world that would want to harm a mother and her children.“

11.10.2023 - 15:30 [ Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Stephanie Hallett, U.S. Mission to Israel / Twitter ]

Today I came to bear witness to the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists. The United States stands with Israel.

06.10.2023 - 09:06 [ Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW / Twitter ]

If you aren’t fighting for the things you care about you are losing. #FreeAssangeNOW

02.10.2023 - 13:55 [ Siranush Sargsyan / Twitter ]

If you want to really learn why 120K people would leave their land, their prosperous lives, their graves, their 1000s of years old cultural heritage, go read my timeline for the last year, and also this personal essay of mine.

02.10.2023 - 13:45 [ Siranush Sargsyan / ]

Living Through War and Waiting for Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh

On Jan. 26, on the eve of my 39th birthday, my friend Armine brought me a few spoonfuls of coffee — she had kept it as a precious gift for me, knowing the outsized role the drink plays in my life. I miss its aroma the most. Another friend, Sarine, had called from Yerevan the day before and asked if I at least had a small cake. I reassured her that having coffee was enough. The next morning, the doorbell woke me up: There stood Sarine’s sister, with a small homemade gata, a traditional Armenian sweet bread, baked by their mother. I allowed myself one candle for my besieged birthday, and placed it on top of the gata. A birthday candle is a luxury, since they are now our only evening light.

17.07.2023 - 18:56 [ ]

Dostojewski Zitate – 27 inspirierende Sprüche des russischen Schriftstellers

„Das Schreckliche daran ist, dass die Schönheit sowohl geheimnisvoll als auch schrecklich ist. Gott und der Teufel kämpfen dort, und das Schlachtfeld ist das Herz des Menschen.“


„Es gibt ja nichts Schlaueres, als sich ohne jede Verstellung so zu geben wie man ist, denn das glaubt einem ja doch kein Mensch.“

„Schönheit wird die Welt retten.“


„Die beste Definition des Menschen lautet wohl: undankbarer Zweibeiner.“

05.07.2023 - 17:07 [ ]

Patrick Lawrence: Ellsberg and ‘The Process of My Awakening’

Imagine reading Kerouac, training to a place he writes of, and there meeting one of the novelist’s close friends. In the accounts I have read, the Vietnam War was a major topic of conversation. Ellsberg was still a dedicated supporter; Snyder, who by this time had the sturdy composure of the monks under whom he studied, talked of it from the other side. They liked one another, a little improbably from our perspective. They had lunch together the next day, continuing the conversation begun the previous evening.

A decade later Ellsberg identified the encounter with Snyder with his “awakening.” And so the defense technocrat drove a long way, we have to assume, to thank the poet. There is something in this to love.

22.05.2023 - 14:26 [ abc730 / Nitter ]

Stella Assange, Julian Assange‘s wife, believes they are closer than ever to a resolution in Assange‘s long-running case. She also says securing his release from prison is a matter of life and death. Watch her full interview with @FergusonNews. #abc730

25.04.2023 - 13:39 [ ]

Tucker Carlson Was One of the People Who Talked Trump Out of Attacking Iran

(June 22, 2019)

When President Donald Trump was considering military options against Iran he suddenly grew “frustrated” with John Bolton, his national security adviser, and the way he seemed to constantly advocate for a strike, reports the AP. So he started broadening his scope and seeking out advice from others, including Tucker Carlson. The Fox News host had a different take than most of his hawkish advisers, insisting that a military strike would not be in the country’s best interests and that it would severely hurt his re-election chances, according to the New York Times.

19.02.2023 - 09:36 [ courtney / Nitter ]

From an economic standpoint the United States is making a shit ton of money off of this war. In a capitalist economy profit will always mean more in value than human life; American or not. They follow where the money flows and where American corporations benefit in the long run.

19.02.2023 - 09:28 [ Pavel Pashkov / Nitter ]

States and transnational corporations, in the race for profit, play off entire nations, provoke conflicts, try to force us to fight each other, to hate each other. Don‘t give in! Be strong.

07.02.2023 - 07:32 [ Richard Medhurst, Syrian-British / ]

Iran— itself under sanctions— one of the first to send aid to Syria. Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Russia, all developing countries or under sanctions, yet still sending help. That really says it all.

28.01.2023 - 11:37 [ Rebecca Aguilar / Nitter ]

“This was a traffic stop,” says Memphis Councilman Martavius Jones who broke down in tears @CNN with Don Lemon. The councilman added, “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”

#TyreNicholsVideo #TyreNichols

18.01.2023 - 16:04 [ Daily Mirror ]

Tearful nurse due to leave job today for £8,000 pay rise U-turned to join strike

Jade McCauley was due to start a completely new job tomorrow which would have bumped her yearly salary up by £8,000.

However, the community nurse at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield had a change of due to her passion for helping patients.

The 34-year-old spoke to the Mirror on the picket line outside the hospital today.

She also raised concerns about patient safety and called on Rishi Sunak to „spend a day in our shoes“.

03.10.2022 - 15:17 [ ]

Brazil Deserves the Right to Be Happy: Lula Da Silva

„In 2018, I couldn’t vote because I was in jail for being a victim of a lie. Four years later, I’m voting with full recognition of my freedom and the possibility of being president again so that this country can return to normal,“Lula said, recalling that he remained in prison for 580 days as a result of a political persecution orchestrated by conservative elites.

04.04.2022 - 10:00 [ Satyen K. Bordoloi / Youtube ]

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy‘s impassioned plea at 64th Annual Grammy Awards 2022

#PutinsWar #нетвойне

04.04.2022 - 09:37 [ ]

Selenskyj bei Grammys: „Füllt die Stille mit eurer Musik“

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat bei der Verleihung der US-Musikpreise Grammys per Videobotschaft um Unterstützung für sein Land gebeten.

„Was könnte gegenteiliger zu Musik sein als Krieg?“, sagte Selenskyj in der Nacht auf heute (MESZ) bei der live im US-Fernsehen übertragenen Veranstaltung in Las Vegas per Videobotschaft.

22.03.2022 - 16:27 [ Jens Fischer Rodrian / Buchkomplizen ]

Die Armada der Irren

Unter vollen Segeln ist eine panische Armada gegen uns unterwegs. Eine Armada der Irren, die uns zu Narren machen will. Auf ihren bunten Flaggen steht „Nur noch zwei Wochen“, „Ewige Gesundheit“ und „Pieks, Pieks, Pieks“. Doch der Wind ihrer geblähten Segel weht aus der Hölle her und ihr Kurs geht zu den Inseln der Unterwerfung. Das Kommando auf diesen Schlachtschiffen haben die Herren der digitalen Seewege. Und die Reihen ihrer Offiziere bestehen aus Umstürzlern, Pharmagewinnlern und Transhumanisten. Doch, welch Glück: Auch Freimeuterer sind unterwegs. Bewaffnet mit den Säbeln der Poesie, den Kanonen der Musik und den Enterhaken des freien Geistes. Es ist die Kunst, sind die Künstler, die der Armada den Weg versperren.

20.03.2022 - 09:17 [ Yaroslava Antipina / Twitter ]

11:33 pm in #Ukraine ‘This’ life is full of surprises. We cannot read books. We cannot watch movies. For sure, there’re exceptions. But I ask my colleagues, friends. They haven’t read or watch anything except war news. 24 days. Good night, world. Today I sleep with sirens

15.03.2022 - 19:59 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

„I want to thank everyone for their support“ Marina Ovsyannikova after leaving the courtroom. The court decided to fine Marina 30,000 rubles ($280)

28.02.2022 - 11:35 [ Yaroslava Antipina, From Ukraine. In Ukraine. Kyiv. / Twitter ]

10:57 am in #Kyiv. I paid for the food, went to the street & began crying. Standing here on the street where I used to walk with coffee, listen to podcasts. These long queues to the food shops & pharmacies. These terrible nights with sirens. These deaths. Let’s stop the war!

23.02.2022 - 10:20 [ Naomi Wolf ]

Thinking Like a Tyrant

Something that is slowing down many people from fully grasping what is upon us, is that they are making mistakes in their reasoning about events, because they are engaged, naturally enough, in what intelligence analysts call “mirror imaging.” That is, because most of us are decent people with basic compassion at our cores, and are not sociopaths or psychopaths, we tend to “mirror image” in assuming that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness — or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination and dignity. How can such brutality be imposed on us? How could others be at the helm of such vicious policies?

But this assumption, that those currently influencing events and making certain key decisions, are “like us” — is a fatal error.

14.02.2022 - 05:31 [ Naomi Wolf / Substack ]

Is it Time for Intellectuals to Talk about God?

I have seen bad politics all of my life and this drama unfolding around us goes beyond bad politics, which is silly and manageable and not that scary. This — this is scary, metaphysically scary. In contrast to hapless human mismanagement, this darkness has the tinge of the pure, elemental evil that underlay and gave such hideous beauty to the theatrics of Nazism; it is the same nasty glamour that surrounds Leni Riefenstahl films.

In short, I don’t think humans are smart or powerful enough to have come up with this horror all alone.

03.12.2021 - 14:21 [ ]

Anästhesie-Schwester: „Eine ekelhafte Gesellschaft, zu der ich nicht mehr gehören möchte!“

Nach knapp fünf Minuten Video bleibt man betroffen zurück. Und solche emotionalen Selbstbekundungen sagen zunächst wenig über die Faktenlage, hier werden ja keine Diagramme und Grafiken präsentiert. Hier erzählt eine offensichtlich Betroffene und trifft damit den Nerv von so vielen, die sich in den Aussagen wiederfinden, die in den Krankenhäusern tätig sind, die Betroffene sind und die sich verstanden und ermutigt fühlen.