Archiv: Lehrende / teachers / professors

23.12.2024 - 12:31 [ ]

If I Must Die – Poetry and Prose: REFAAT ALAREER

The renowned poet and literature professor Refaat Alareer was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City alongside his brother, sister, and nephews in December 2023. He was just forty-four years old, but had already established a worldwide reputation that was further enhanced when, in the wake of his death, the poem that gives this book its title became a global sensation.

23.12.2024 - 12:25 [ ]

If I must die

Refaat Alareer
(1979 – 2023)

Dr. Refaat Alareer was a Palestinian writer, poet, translator, university professor and activist from the occupied Gaza Strip. On December 6, 2023, he was murdered by an Israeli airstrike along with his brother, sister and their children in Israel‘s ongoing genocidal siege of Gaza of 2023.

Just five weeks prior to his killing, he shared his poem titled „If I must die“, and pinned it to his Twitter profile. Amidst the outpouring of grief, as news of his death spread online, many people from around the world paid tribute to Refaat by offering their own translations of his prophetic poem in to their local languages.

This website is a collection of some of these dozens of heartfelt translations in memory and honor of Refaat Alareer, @itranslate123, and in support of the the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

20.12.2024 - 22:04 [ Adalah ]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Arab Leadership in Israel Appeals to Supreme Court Against Law Allowing Education Ministry to Dismiss Teachers and Cut Funding to Palestinian Schools Over Alleged “Support of Terrorism”

(December 17, 2024)

In the petition, Adalah Attorney Salam Irsheid argued that the law is clearly racist in intent, especially given the widespread persecution and criminalization of hundreds of Palestinian citizens by Israeli authorities and other entities since the outbreak of the war 7 October 2023, for merely expressing entirely lawful opinions. The law’s deliberate vagueness, and the fact that it only addresses “incitement to terrorism”—which is used almost exclusively to target Palestinians—while excluding incitement to violence or racism, highlights its discriminatory purpose. By granting broad, unchecked powers to political and administrative authorities, the law enables punitive actions to be taken against Palestinian educators for expressing views that fall outside the mainstream consensus, thereby severely undermining their basic right to freedom of expression. Adalah further argued that the law breaches the principle of the separation of powers, as it grants the Education Ministry the authority to infringe on teachers’ rights to freedom of expression and occupation, effectively requiring a determination of whether they have committed a criminal offense, even if no charges have been filed against them.

20.12.2024 - 21:48 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Petition to Supreme Court; Far-Right Govt Consider Bill Banning Left and Arab Campus Groups

Hadash MKs opposed the proposed legislation, calling it “dime-store fascist populism and McCarthyism.” According to Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman, “The Knesset is advancing two bills targeting critical students and professors, aimed primarily at Palestinian and leftist voices in academia. These bills seek to silence any remaining voices resisting the government’s policies of occupation and war. This marks another step in the fascist agenda to suppress any real opposition to the extreme right. Heads of universities, professors, and students recognize the danger of such legislation and are voicing their opposition.

On past week, the Knesset plenum, in a preliminary reading, passed a proposed law that would amend the Students Rights Law, allowing most Israeli higher education institutions to implement gender separation. MK Son Har-Melech proposed the law, which 55 members of the Knesset (MKs) supported and 45 MKs opposed.

08.11.2024 - 20:12 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Passes McCarthyistic Law Allowing Far-Right Government to Fire Teachers

The bill was attacked during the debate in the plenum by Hadash-Ta’al MK Ahmad Tibi, who retweeted a statement by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) arguing that its purpose was “to regulate the discourse in schools and to harm teachers whose statements and worldview do not coincide with those of the education minister and the political parties controlling the Education Ministry.”

“The purpose of the law is to threaten teachers and principals of Arab schools, to mark them and make them a target for surveillance and persecution,” the rights group stated, arguing that the tools already at its disposal before the current law were “adequate and sufficient.” “The law severely violates the rights to expression, employment and pedagogical autonomy of teachers and administrators,” it added. The teachers’ unions also opposed the bill.

30.04.2024 - 00:05 [ Rutgers AAUP-AFT ]

Union Statement on the Student Protest in New Brunswick

The executive bodies of Rutgers AAUP-AFT and the Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union have issued the following statement about the protest encampment set up on Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus in New Brunswick:

Our unions support and defend our students’ and our members’ rights to free speech, free assembly, and free expression. If our students set up an encampment and exercise their right to peacefully protest, Rutgers AAUP-AFT and PTLFC will establish a faculty committee to monitor the situation and—if the administration makes it necessary—protect them from arrest and repression.

20.01.2024 - 04:10 [ Muhammad Shehada / Twitter ]

Israeli students chase their history teacher & yell at him „cancer“ & „son of a whore“ b/c he dared to humanize Gazan & Palestinian civilians Meir Baruchin was fired from his job & jailed in solitary confinement last November for this, but was just reinstated by a labour court

20.01.2024 - 03:22 [ @ireallyhateyou / Twitter ]

Israeli teacher posted on social media, expressing sympathy with Gazans. School fired him and made a police complaint. He was jailed for a few days & media depicted him as Hamas supporter. After charges were dropped, court ordered to take him back to work. This was his welcome:

02.11.2023 - 17:14 [ Ariel Bernstein / Twitter ]

Tonight Khalil was killed by Israeli bombings in the south of the Gaza Strip. He was an English teacher. peace activist. We spoke together in front of audiences about the situation in Gaza. about the need to find a solution. In reality I will no longer meet him. Maybe in the sky


18.03.2023 - 09:55 [ ]

Bid to end teacher strikes as government and education unions agree to hold ‚intensive talks‘ on pay and workload

(Friday 17 March 2023)

The news follows the breakthrough in the NHS dispute on Thursday, with union leaders representing thousands of nurses, ambulance crews and other health workers agreeing to suspend further strikes while ballots are held on a new pay offer.

07.02.2023 - 04:56 [ ]

Upcoming strikes in Edinburgh as firefighters and teaching staff take industrial action

Here are the main public service strikes planned for the coming months, and the dates that these unions will be staging industrial action across Edinburgh.

01.02.2023 - 09:59 [ ]

UK strikes: No 10 admits ‚very difficult‘ day ahead as hundreds of thousands of workers walk out

Downing Street has conceded that today‘s mass strike action will be „very difficult“ for the public.

The prime minister‘s official spokesman said it is „disappointing“ that headteachers do not know fully how many teachers will be available for work until later today.

01.02.2023 - 09:52 [ ]

Strikes UK – live: Train drivers and teachers join biggest walkout in decade today

Downing Street said 600 military personnel as well as civil servants and volunteers across government have been trained to fill the gaps in public services.

Paul Nowak, general secretary of the TUC, said a petition of more than 250,000 signatures opposing new so-called “anti-strike” laws will be delivered to Downing Street.

30.10.2021 - 07:38 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Organized Labor in New York Opposes COVID Vaccine Mandates


Organized labor in NYC is 100% against vaccine mandates to keep our jobs. Now the lame-duck mayor Bill De Blasio is implementing a policy designed to coerce all city employees to get the COVID vaccine without going through collective bargaining. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is planning legal action.

Here is a list of labor unions that oppose forced vaccination to maintain employment:

30.10.2021 - 07:02 [ ]

NYC Firefighters And Police Officers Join Thousands In Brooklyn Bridge March Against City Vaccine Mandate

(October 25, 2021)

The policy covering some 50,000 workers comes after similar measures for health-care and education employees and takes effect on Friday afternoon. Anyone who does not comply with the mandate will be placed on unpaid leave starting next Monday, November 1. As an additional incentive, the city has offered $500 to workers who decide to get vaccinated.

Police and fire personnel joined sanitation workers, paramedics, teachers and a range of supporters in what was dubbed the “Anti-Mandate March For Choice.”

28.09.2021 - 19:41 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Why fully vaccinated educators must leave the AFT and UFT

The UFT teachers union in NYC and its national umbrella AFT have already decided the following:

– Vaccination every 6 months is now a “way of life” for their members
– Anyone who is ‘unvaccianted’ doesn’t deserve employment in America
– Biometric systems in schools should be implemented
– Universal masking in schools should be permanent
– Unions are not obligated to protect individual civil liberties
– Unions don’t serve their members, they serve the DNC and the Biosecurity State

To all of my fully vaccinated brothers and sisters in education I implore you to look at this list and ask yourself if this is the country, the community and the school system you want to be a part of. IF it is not, then you must LEAVE THE UFT & AFT RIGHT NOW!

28.09.2021 - 19:02 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Multi-Cultural Plaintiffs Sue de Blasio over Vaccine Mandate

Black, Brown, Hispanic, White, Asian, female, male and immigrant plaintiffs are suing Mayor de Blasio in federal court over his forced vaccination mandate for NYC DOE employees in the case KANE vs DE BLASIO. The 10 plaintiffs include Michael Kane, William Castro, Margaret Chu, Heather Clark, Stephanie Di Capua, Robert Gladding, Nwakaego Nwaifejokwu, Ingrid Romero, Trinidad Smith, and Amaryllis Ruiz-Toro.

This is the third lawsuit filed against de Blasio’s vaccine mandate for NYC educators with a major focus on the city’s fraudulent exemption process.

28.09.2021 - 18:57 [ Left Against Lockdown NY / Twitter ]

TODAY is the day we save our #schools from the illegal #CovidVaccine mandate! #HumanRights

28.09.2021 - 18:44 [ Leisa / Twitter ]

New York Protest Against Tyrannical Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccinations.

28.09.2021 - 18:39 [ Teachers4OpenSchools / Twitter ]

New York teachers are still taking to the front lines to challenge @NYCSchools @NYCMayor @DOEChancellor on their discriminatory and unscientific policy of mandatory vaccination.

22.07.2021 - 08:36 [ Portal ]

Mexiko: Proteste für bessere Studienbedingungen an den ländlichen Hochschulen

Dabei geht es vor allem um anständige Studienbedingungen, mehr öffentliche Fördermittel und die Möglichkeit zur Eröffnung weiterer solcher Universitäten im Land, denn sie seien die einzige Option, die viele von ihnen hätten.

Mitglieder der Vereinigung von Studierenden der sozialistischen Bauernschaft (FECSM) warnten, sie würden es nicht zulassen, dass weitere Studierende der Normales Rurales verschwinden.

22.02.2021 - 08:09 [ ]

Demo mit rund 1.000 Teilnehmern in Bregenz

Die Demonstranten machten sich gegen 14.00 Uhr auf den Weg durch die Bregenzer Innenstadt – unter den Protestierenden waren auch viele Lehrer und Schüler. Die Teilnehmer demonstrierten unter anderen gegen eine Maskenpflicht für Kinder und Jugendliche sowie für ein Öffnen weiterer Wirtschaftsbereiche wie der Gastronomie und der Freigabe von Sportmöglichkeiten.

23.10.2020 - 04:59 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Schongau: Soldaten prüfen Maskentragen?

Weil die momentane Situation an den Bushaltestellen nicht zufriedenstellend sei – Schüler, Eltern und auch einige Lehrer keine Masken tragen –, beabsichtige die Stadt, ‚die Bundeswehr um Amtshilfe zu bitten und für die Beaufsichtigung Unterstützung anzufordern‘.

04.09.2020 - 02:56 [ Yonhap ]

Supreme Court annuls former govt‘s decision to outlaw progressive teachers‘ union

Overturning an appellate court‘s ruling, the Supreme Court on Thursday annulled a decision by the former Park Geun-hye government to outlaw a progressive teachers‘ union for accepting a handful of fired teachers as its members, opening the way for the union to regain its legal status.

01.09.2020 - 14:30 [ Reuters ]

Some Russian teachers fear back-to-school shots of ‚Sputnik V‘ COVID vaccine

“I am afraid of taking the risk of an untested vaccine,” said Dmitry Kazakov, a history teacher who signed the Uchitel petition and is wary even though his bosses have not asked him to have the jab. “Sometimes you get an offer you cannot reject.”

15.08.2020 - 14:04 [ Radio Utopie ]

Zwangsmaskierung für die „Volksgesundheit“: Die Corona-Monarchisten zeigen Suchtverhalten

(21.April 2020)

Und auch das wird ihnen nicht genug sein. Sie sind krank. Macht macht krank. Und was wir hier erleben, bestätigt das zum Tausendsten Male in der Geschichte. Genau deswegen wurde einmal die Gewaltenteilung entwickelt, die jetzt, zum wiederholten Mal gerade in der deutschen Geschichte,vollständig außer Kraft gesetzt wurde und einfach ignoriert wird, wie die Verfassung insgesamt.

Und das wird weitergehen, UntertanInnen, weil und solange ihr euch das gefallen lasst.

15.08.2020 - 14:00 [ ]

Baerbock will Tests für alle Lehrer

Bisher seien die Testangebote freiwillig und stichprobenartig, sagte die Politikerin den Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe. „Die ersten Ausfälle von Schulen und Kitas nach den Sommerferien zeigen aus meiner Sicht, dass jede Lehrerin und jeder Erzieher, die aus dem Urlaub kommen, erstmal getestet werden sollten.“

30.07.2020 - 14:41 [ The Hill ]

Fear first, education last?

Then prioritize the children, step up and open schools, in-person, so that America’s children can be educated.

25.07.2020 - 23:46 [ Middle East Eye ]

Jordan arrests leaders of teachers union in crackdown on dissent

The 100,000-strong union went on strike last year, shutting down schools across Jordan for a month in one of the longest and most disruptive public-sector strikes in the country‘s history. In recent weeks, its leadership had accused the government of failing to honour a deal signed last October that had ended the strike.

25.07.2020 - 23:34 [ The Jordan Times ]

Jordan Teachers Association ordered closed for two years

Abdallat also issued a gag order banning the publication, circulation or commenting on the cases on social media except those issued by authorised official agencies, according to Petra.

14.05.2020 - 20:09 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Teachers, students, parents protest cameras in classroom, live streaming

One of the banners protesters held was reading “school life i not a reality show.”

Protesters carried a poster reading ” We want cameras in ministers’ offices and meetings.”

29.03.2020 - 15:00 [ Portal ]

Kolumbien: Lehren aus einem Mord

Die Beziehung zwischen den Geheimdiensten der Regierungen von Ex-Präsident Uribe und den Paramilitärs ist im Mordfall Freytter Romero erwiesen

22.02.2020 - 02:35 [ teleSUR ]

Colombia: Teachers, Students, Truck Drivers on Demonstrations

Colombia‘s largest cities Friday are the scene of protests against President Ivan Duque performed by students, teachers, and truck drivers.

12.02.2020 - 16:31 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil: Bolsonaro Is Pushing Teachers Towards a National Strike

Besides being harmed by a government that keeps their salaries low, Brazilian teachers are being affected by budget cuts that deteriorate educational infrastructure and materials.

26.11.2019 - 14:41 [ Universität Münster ]

Niederländische Lehrer kündigen einen zweitägigen Streik an

Um die Regierung weiterhin unter Druck zu setzen, kündigte die größte niederländische Lehrergewerkschaft, der Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb) am Montag an, aufgrund eines weiteren Lehrerstreiks niederländische Grund- und weiterführende Schulen im Januar für zwei Tage zu schließen.